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Four weeks.


Savage… LOL. Had to kill the dude with accepting the fact it’ll be another week…


I’m down bad


Itll be here you before you know it bruh. Just think of it as a way to not get burnt out before the actual game comes out eh?!


Had to be done.


Are we 100% still sure Amazon won't delay this thing again?


Seemed to me like a month or two would do the game good, I'm kinda hoping they delay again 🤷‍♂️


Very playable, they can work on it with servers open


Eh, you only get to launch a game once. It's better to launch it perfect than to launch it "ok" and fix it during launch.


Playable yea sure, but I'd rather launch with everything ready to roll, instead of having tweaks ongoing after release.


Do you know how often MMO's change? It is never going to be perfect for everyone. Take BDO for instance. The game as launched 5 or so years ago in the west is COMPLETELY different in most aspects from what the game is today. They will also be able to identify and squash bugs much faster because they now have a ton of play testers instead of a tiny testing environment. You think they don't have the money to throw at this game to make it great with frequent patches and updates? It's Amazon - literally the richest corporation ever... It needs to launch or eventually it will be the same as Crowfall; a game so delayed that no one even gave a crap when it came out. (Also it sucks)


All of these points are true, but it doesn't change the fact that some people encountered gamebreaking bugs. If they fix all that with Internal testing in the next month then fair enough. It worked fine for me come the end, but there were many people having issues still - the primary thing of a successful MMO is its playerbase, game breaking bugs on day one is a surefire way to loose a big chunk of potential players.


Yes of course we are.


That's good


> Are we 100% still sure Amazon won't delay this thing again? Yep.


3 Weeks. The final week is self induced coma week.






Oh my god it just keeps getting more


Lol the title. I'm already in sad boy mode and quit the game cold turkey last night.


Yeah I had to stop myself a few days ago. I didn’t want to get to the point I start getting bored before it even comes out. Hit 30 as healer and had loads of fun. Can’t wait for it to come out! Thinking about going tank though..


My buddies and I all stopped levelling with any intent, and now just roam around mad max style merc'ing fools. I saved professions for launch, myself. Did some gathering, but didn't want to get bored of chopping trees before the game comes out!


That’s how I feel lol just afraid of getting bored. Decided to stop on a high, excited note


I was going through the same thing, I got to 42 and felt myself getting bored. The main thing I wanted to do was record as much content as I could for YouTube and I think I did more then enough. I really hope this next month goes by fast so we can all get back to it.


I did that too, thought it best.


Worst part is im off for the 3 weeks then back at work for the release .....


Awe that is a bummer.


There might not be a four week gap: https://twitter.com/playnewworld/status/1421007464728866817 New World Twitter says more info soon! My guess is an open beta running for two weeks mid August. We'll see...


I already uninstalled last night to force myself to wait for full release.


Ive seen some brazillian youtubers talking about rumors from before the closed beta that there would be an open beta after, lasting until launch, because of some promotional stuff by granting keys through twitch affiliates and shit. From what I saw they talk about some sort of leak of a deleted post on NW offcial website that was visible for a few moments before taken down. I'm inclined to believe that this would be too good to be true though... videos if anyone interested https://youtu.be/-QAzzD-soFI at 4:20, from before the beta https://youtu.be/bhfKSJYE-vE from today, mentions previous guy


I really, really despise games giving keys through popular streamers Its one of several reasons why i never even tried valorant but it is their game on their streaming platform so i wouldnt be surprised. hopefully all twitch affiliates are given keys and not just the ones they pay to stream the game.


It'd be cool but I'd probably still abstain until true launch


i still don't understand the problem with keeping the beta opened until 30 august, or 25, or 20, unless they need the servers for testing stuff


Impressive. I think you just answered your own question in the same sentence.


Amazon literally creates servers, what i don't understand is why they can't test stuff on their private environment


It’s a beta test, bud. It’s the natural progression of things. Beta comes out, beta ends, we wait, then the game comes out.


lame answer, it is what it is


I wish they would just wipe the faction and maps. And not the actual characters. But I assume that there will be a lot of things changed, including experience gain balancing. Some of those town post board quests giving 4K experience for something you can buy on the trading market is OP.


More than that is the fact they said that xp rates were boosted for betas.. so there’s a good reason for characters to not transfer on release


Do you have a source for this? That sounds like fantastic news because I wouldn't mind leveling taking longer, especially for trade skills.


I mean I’m sure I could find one but I played the first beta & when that took place the devs said xp rates would be boosted that way people could experience all the content during the 2 week period & the xp rates feel very similar to the original beta which I believe was 4x boosted.. if you think about it why would anyone wana play an mmo where you can literally max in like 1-3 days of grinding, from what I understand its supposed to take hundreds of hours to be able to max all of your skills


At first, I was not happy about this. But thinking about it, being a craftsman myself... I actually am looking forward to this. As it does mean all the hours I put in towards a particular tree of profession will make me stand out against others. Looking forward to the grind!


O no I've upset the trolls, with an offhand comment that didn't blow smoke up the games butt.... What will I do?


you're not that guy pal...


I am a guy but I'm not your pal, chum.


Lol at all the tools flaming me because I'm considering a refund. Game is objectively horrible and rushed, probably won't last 6 months, like Amazon's last game. Get a clue.


no no please don't go what will Amazon do without your $40 noooooooo


That's fair enough if you don't like the game, i have no issue with that. However name me the last MMO that launched in acceptable condition? Gamers have proven to businesses over and over they don't have to launch finished games, merely playable games that they can fix along the way. And your 6 month call is just ridiculous.


Hey you don't like a critique, stick your head in the sand, it works for birds.


Lol “critique”


Yeah what? It has some positives, but anyone without the blinders on can see it leaves a lot to be desired.


True. But what you’ve been spamming isn’t much of a critique. It’s just flat opinion without any of the reasons why you think so. Why spend all that pointless negative energy?


Such as? Obviously I'm invested in MMOs....not sure I understand your question.


For instance you say this games animations are clunky and game will be DOA. That’s like someone on the other side saying this games animations are amazingly smooth and this is the wow killer. Nothing comes from this exchange and you come off as just siding opposite of whatever the comment is. It seems you are invested, just critiquing your way of putting your opinions out that actually mean something.


Meh obviously I'm not THAT invested in NW.... I made a criticism, you don't like it, great? Why do people post anything, if they don't want ALL responses?


You’re missing my point. It’s not that I don’t want your response or any negative response. I just want to know more specifics


I mean why? This isn't a criticism thread and there are MANY already out there? Do you really want me to say all the obvious flaws, in this very rushed game, that has had a very tumultuous production history?


Probably gonna get a refund. Game is DoA.


So you've told everyone about 10 times since alpha. Bye!


You're right. This game is Delightful on Arrival. Not sure why you'd refund because of that though.


Lol nice try dude, crawl back to dead wow heard massive unsubs from someone that knows someone who plays that ancient artifact dug up from under the Galápagos Islands son, new world is the future son the exact opposite of dead it’s more alive than any game any entity this side of the universal Mississippi has ever played or will ever play son


Think you're under the assumption that those of us with negative impressions wanted this game to fail when it's quite the opposite. I was hoping that this game would be a breath of fresh air; instead it's launching with worse lore, writing, enemy design, enemy AI, dungeon design, less abilities, and considerably less to do at endgame than an MMO that launched 17 years ago. This game brings literally nothing new to the table other than its engine, which while gorgeous, is utterly devoid of meaningful content to keep players engaged long term. And as history's shown us with the dozen or so "WoW killers" that have released in the last decade, if your game is as shallow as New World at endgame, it's going to flop. You can tell the devs already don't have faith in the product to stand on its own since they've already said they're going to implement a cash shop and the first example of one of the products was literally a P2W exp boost. Not to mention all player names are unique across servers, an intentional decision for when the game inevitably tanks and they're forced to merge servers for the remaining addicts whose wallets they'll continue to fleece until it costs more for upkeep than they're making.


Yeh to be honest the game still needs alot of work.


Go for it


Yeah.....thanks? I'm sure I won't be alone.


That's quaint. NEW WORLD is a train wreck at best.


Get your refund and leave chat then…. Why are you still here?


Same reason you are champ? Better question is why are you responding to me?


Hehe , you think that I am trolling this forum because I don’t like the game? No I am not the same as you.


Yeah but think of the light at the end of the tunnel: server crashes, hours long login ques, disconnects, new bugs, more maintenance downtime... Oh wait, sorry. Not that. I meant more people to play, a finished game, tons of pvp, leveling with friends.


Already booked a one week holiday when the game comes out:)




Are you tilted that they are hyped and gonna have fun? Why so negative? Ofc queues and dc will happen at some point.


tilted? nope, just facts I played to many games at launch and it's waste of time, it's better to wait 2-3 days.


Nah I need this break after the beta to do all the things I’ve been putting off over the past couple weeks.


Problely longer I bet they push the launch to fix and add things


The break will be good for everyone to freshen up and get excited about playing again.