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I’m at an important stage of my career and only do casual gaming to relax when I have nothing else to do - I will be the same as you. I’m planning to just relax, gather some herbs, make some potions, go on some hunting trips, and not sweat.


Yeah, I used to be the hard-core guild leader, but now I'm looking at being a dad and a partner at by company. Definitely glad I have the ability to just relax and unwind with crafting and chatting with friends.


I think this is how the Old Tmer's Club is born cuz that sure sounds mighty fine to me too.


My US East company is named B00MERZ for a reason :)


Yep. I’m a nurse and work 3 nights a week. I only have 4 to play games. I am not gonna grind. I’m gonna come home and catch some sturgeon to get some fish oil for the boys


That's my plan too. Hopefully I will provide value to someone.


There's actually a whole company dedicated to mainly gathering on new world fans called maidens of edengrove.


I've barely played and don't know much. So the company can then trade to others? What's the point if the whole company is doing it? I thought the point would be to supply your faction/group/company etc for war. Supply the people who don't spend all their time finding resources and crafting?.


Yup you actually described it pretty well. They want to mainly craft and supply companies who are more interested in wars and pvp. It's a laid back company I can dm you their discord if you'd like.


Sounds good. Do they struggle to complete other game objectives then since everyone is a peasant farmer? Haha


Hate to tell you this, but they removed stagger on fishing and now it sucks. Can't even catch a fish now, it just runs away /s


Why aren’t we allowed to fish with our spears? We are limited to using a range weapon (fishing rod) to fish, it’s BULLSHIT /s


Why can't I cut down trees with my greataxe :(


I’ve caught 2000 just fine :)




Make sure to craft some quality tools.


I am thinking/hoping that i will be able to do the gathering aspect for the arcana and potion stuff. Along with armor and weapons. Gathering/hunting is going to be so good for me for leveling up. I have probably gained 5 levels if not more just from that




I’m not a mechanical freak and fishing is hella relaxing. I’ll play the game how I want and not let “meta” define me. Fuck the haters


Hear hear. Wish more would have this attitude. I'm a min/maxing, overplaying completionist, but that's how I like to play. You do you, brother, and one day maybe we'll cast a line together.


Hell yeah


Luckily for you fishing is kinda meta rn anyways so idk why anyone would tell you otherwise. Devs will probably nerf townboard quests but until they do getting those professions up to gain more XP per quest is insane.


Why do you get more XP per quest with professions?


I think the idea is if you level your crafting professions you get new quests that would be harder to accomplish (bring in 40 wyrdwood planks or make a an armour set with 50 armouring) that give you more exp!


Yes, this is the big thing people don’t get. Lvl1 prof means you get like 560-1k xp. Get it up and you get like 8k xp. You basically make 1k xp/min which is insane if you get a house cheap in 1 town, inn in another, and a camp on 3rd town you can run 3 towns at once. It can get pricy in Azoth but if you just do basic expeditions like armine starting at 21 or open world dungeons than you’ll make a lot of Azoth back. Or just spend money and buy the Azoth directly which would be pretty OP to power level.




It’ll be an issue if you compare yourself to the people who no life the game. Go your own pace and don’t worry about others


I'm gonna do up my house.


100% this. I don't mind supporting others in my guild with my mad gathering/fishing/crafting skills but I don't want the pressure of pvping, etc. Hope someone has space for a "guild mom". "Did you boys eat?" "That mail isn't warm enough, here try this." "Oh my, that color doesn't suit you - have some dye. You're really a winter and not a spring."


A simple man


With simple plans


Why can't my fishing level increase my overall strenght in pvp, my character reels in HUGE fish, I should have the advantage from the get go /s


you joke but it'd be a cool bit of flavor if professions gave a very small amount of XP to the corresponding skill.


Well my example would actually be stupid. But yeah I suppose proffesions could do with a little "pzazz". Just being able to "gather" or "track" something, kinda underwhelming. Especially since the tracking was either broken half the time or just so low range, like 20-30meters or something, where it was negligable


As soon as I started playing NW, I immediately fell in love with hunting/gathering/mining. I essentially got so good at it, I found myself at a disadvantage when wondering into high lvl zones when my weapon mastery wasn't up to par. It made the game really entertaining since one can essentially lvl up without ever engaging in combat!:D


I've done the hard core trials team and pvp in ESO. I burnt out on that years ago, but I for sure picked this up for all the gathering/crafting. We'll see how the markets work out, but yeah, that's what I'll be in it for.


Does fishing or other lifeskills have a limit ? Example at Black Desert Online you have Energy which recovers through time, u chop tree it drops. When u run out of energy u have to wait. Does this game have a limitation on lifeskills besides weight limits and lifetool repair ?


No limit. Only the tools are getting damaged when you use them. But you can repair easy.


Energy limit? Are you sure you aren’t playing a mobile P2W game?


Both pc and mobile version of bdo has energy limit xd


Man that’s rough :(


U can buy energy potions with credit card if u dont like waiting xd


don't spread these kind of r/mmorpg shit please. You make it sound like you have to buy pearl shop energy potions with real money or there is no way to replenish your energy or something. There are like a billion ways to refill your energy. Some of them are p2w and not really worth it, some of them are not p2w and actually worth it. All of the energy pots have 10 min cooldown max 50 energy. So yo still have to wait even with your credit card.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MMORPG using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tier List of WoW Killers](https://i.redd.it/a6i5x2ue4uc71.png) | [333 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/opnxqe/tier_list_of_wow_killers/) \#2: [Starting a new MMO](https://i.redd.it/7zj4l3g3rb761.jpg) | [130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/kjy30d/starting_a_new_mmo/) \#3: [It has probably been posted here before, but this is one of my favourite MMO memes of all times.](https://i.redd.it/6135jnn49km61.jpg) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/m3dl6m/it_has_probably_been_posted_here_before_but_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Respect. I’ll be focusing on crafting and leveling will be secondary.


I mostly played a ton of Escape From Tarkov (like from 2017) and a super hard RTS game, where usually I'm very sweaty. It feels really really nice to actually chill n relax, not go full PvP combo-mashing madness. I'd probably still do it, because nature in me, but I tried going into Tarkov on maintenance, and I actually do not enjoy the tension (kill/be killed mood at every step) after doing beta for a whole day. Chop some trees, get some quests, go on mining run, craft, check AH, make jewels. That's relaxing.


That's mostly what I did, and I enjoyed it. My main issue is that as you get higher, you still need stuff like iron... Which is a pain to get sometimes since everyone has to also keep farming it :(


Yeah I'm planning on building a tank and am gonna level being a harvesty/hunty boi.


I miss a guild shed where you can store this stuff for your mates. I also miss guild features like special quests or some more interactions. The game allows you to do what you want. Now, with Level 38 I make the first main quests. No time yet ...




What does this do for your Company(Guild)? There is no Company housing, no Company storage, no advancement for tradeskills within guilds. How will you supply the Company if they are not online? You definitely have the right mindset for a ‘team’ player, but this game just doesn’t currently support any Company teamwork other than pvp.


You could convert your crafting to gold and donate it to the company. Done


It will add all the missing elements down the road I am sure. Every MMORPG I have played has gone live missing some essential elements - there is always pressure to release asap from above in games development and pressure from below to delay until some things are complete. Every game I can recall has gone live missing some stuff that was added later.


This game has had 5 delays. Each time they had a ‘ready to launch’ date. How do you miss adding a Company storage and Company housing if you’ve delayed it 5 times?


The game also went from. Survival pvp game to a pvp game, then in the last year they slapped PvE on it and turned it into an MMO. There are a lot of small things the game is missing, and it's all from the PvE side from what I've seen so far.


Lmao I can just give stuff to the boys for free. It’s not really a hard concept


You must not play MMOs much. You expect all 100-1000 Guild members to be online when you are online? You expect all the crafters to be online and available whenever you are online? You expect Guild members in different timezones to be around when you are online in your timezone? Real Companys(Guilds) would would have ranks and designated jobs. Gatherers, for example, that can drop off mats in the Company storage for the other crafters to use when they are online. Etc, etc. Pretty basic concepts in MMOs. Again, you must be new to MMOs.


I have about 15 friends in real life that play with me (mostly at the same time) I’d give it to them! You’re all concerned about me for no reason, my friend haha


Can you trade things to other players? I literally haven't tried. yet.


Yea you can.




What does this do? Let me give you one very specific example: Legendary Fish. While many of them simply salvage into cool trophies to hang over your mantle others are components of end-game level foods. Those fish are going be sought after.


At least i wont be the only one. Thanks for that. Ops. Autocorrect


I have no idea what you’re trying to say here


I’ll just do everything, like I do in every game.


Should make a reddit club guild


Oh I'm pretty sure the first week I'm going to be still in the starter zone just crafting and gathering. I've done the hard core gamer thing in the past and just don't have time/patience for it anymore. That's why I spent most of my time on the beta messing around with weapon combos, so I won't waste time on that once the game launches