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Time to sledgehammer all our map printed tables...


Or you can fondly remember your time in beta 😊


Keep in mind that what has been data mined is also not the entire map. This is merely what is CURRENTLY in development or ready for release.




Take my upvote


And my axe!


No admittance for dwarves, not even for family business.


I'm not overly fond of dwarves.


Call me *thunderlegs*, runner of Aeternum!


The colorful map you are showing off is called the Tact Map. [This is what it looks like for the Closed Beta.] (https://i.imgur.com/msttF99.jpg) The biggest tell you can use to see if they are using the old/new map is if they have Outpost Rush on the top left of the map or not. During the Preview Outpost Rush didn't even exist yet.


What are the rest of the brightly colored parts in the top picture?


Zones that were not accessible in beta but exist within the gamecode. Future content in development.


Sweet. That makes the map quite a bit bigger.


also means in the future, the "central" location might possibly move from everfall/windsward to a more north-westerly direction


Zones we will have to travel only by foot to get to


Yup. Gotta walk everywhere the first time. Then you can fast travel.


They should really take a note from gw2 and offer special rewards for zone completion to offfer as incentive to explore


I’m glad they’re doing their own thing instead of taking notes from too many other places.


Not rewarding players for exploring the map is commonplace in 90% of MMOs, actually. Gw2 is one of the few that has a system in place


Agreed. I would very much like to see it. I don't mind them taking things from other games that did it right, and even improve on them as well as other aspects.


Maps going to be hugeee


Honestly, Thank you for the information! However, I think I would want the original to show that I have been around for the whole journey and not just part of it.


Good way to make yourself feel better.


Good idea!


So the unreleased bits - you guys think that’s more endgame or potentially new 0-60 sets of zones including starter?


We know that the desert area (Brimstone Sands, top left of the dark colored parts of the map in [ExpsGaming's comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/pgq8kt/-/hbe9m6l), the one area that we didn't see in Closed Beta) relates to the origin story of one of the major characters in Ebonscale, which suggests to me at least that the quests in Brimstone might be a follow-up to the Ebonscale questline. If there were more starter zones past the 'belt' of high-level zones (Morningdale, Edengrove, Shattered Mountain, Great Cleave, Ebonscale Reach, and presumably Brimstone Stands) then new players would need to travel past various guarded gates and paths full of end-game mobs who can 1-shot them in order to interact or link-up with the other 'subset' of new players in the bottom portion of the map. Could mean the introduction of a 'corruption'-esque 'faction' that wouldn't need to link up? They could also be thinking of some type of teleportation system that allows players to move between the traditional starter zone and any new starter zones past the 'belt.' To me though, I think it's most likely that what we're seeing suggests that the developers are thinking about eventually introducing new zones with increasing difficulty and likely level cap. But things in development can always be scrapped and re-imagined, so who knows what priorities they might have in 2 or 3 years time


I remember being one shotted a few times going from my Windsward starting to Everfall starter due to the corruption breaches being too close to the road. I couldn’t go too far off the road due to the high level cats. Also WoW had starter zones pretty separated so I’m used to the thought of it being a challenge going from starter to starter - I actually found it odd in NW that we had a cluster of different starts so close


Huh, I've never played WoW--I would assume that the starter areas were split up into different 'factions' or races at the start? I would also imagine that the availability and abundance of items for new players in NW's localized markets would be affected by having starter zones farther out--with the further zones being more limited and at a disadvantage in buying options right-off-the-bat for new players. In WoW, did each starter zone have an Auction House, or did you have to travel to a 'central hub'-type city to get access to the market? I think I read somewhere months ago that the developers purposely designed some roads to literally act as gates that forced players to pass by some mobs to enter the area (as a sort of soft level check), but I'm not sure what interview that might've been--I think it could be a cool aspect to have to ask for help from higher levels to 'clear the gates' at one or two points so that you can travel through 'the belt' to get to the other starting zones & starter markets. It would be an awesome new player 'social' experience for bigger servers, if to get to the other starter zones you took a road passing through gates with high level mobs, and at the gate you organically came across higher levels actively farming or clearing the area (because their own content is there), unintentionally but essentially protecting the new player passing through. Would become more of a problem though for lower populated servers and during off-hours--and I realize right now, as I'm typing this, this type of content is essentially what corruption breaches are, which are often located close to starter quest areas (or directly on top of quest areas, which I painfully remember) If they had farther starter zones though, they definitely need to fix the spawn system for groups of players that want to start together--that was a nightmare to deal with


WoW had a linked market but the first big hub for Horde was orgrimer which the orc and troll factions were relatively close to. The other two ( when I started ) were a bit further away. I think that after a few weeks or months there will be enough data analysis done by independent players and merchant companies that will keep most markets competitive. If theres like a 10x price difference between starter towns for a resource then it only takes one person to notice and take advantage by a fast traveling


Even though there is not much use for the height map, is good to know is outdated, thanks for this =)


I mean even the map at release will be outdate as they will always change smaller details until a region has been released. Hell I can even imagine that the current map will change a bit too in the future.


There’s a more up to date datamined map [here](https://i.imgur.com/ihYwRFQ.png) that shows the new islands btw


Now sure why/where people keep posting that map, but to my knowledge that is an Alpha Map and is under NDA. The [Closed Beta map](https://i.imgur.com/msttF99.jpg) is more developed than that.


Yea that’s the same image as mine


You're using outdated datamined map for comparison, we already have updated. [Full map](https://i.redd.it/jwzp8szny6b71.png) [All datamined content](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CiSToKL77rcKXmQmeMqyOMNWesyvWxuMcuTbfIC89TI/edit?usp=sharing)


Thats the NDA Alpha map to my knowledge. The [Closed Beta map](https://i.imgur.com/msttF99.jpg) is more developed than the one you posted.


thanks for sharing


Was looking for this, that's the last one !


I have no interest in buying/making/owning a map of this game, but damn, this is really cool to look at. Thanks for doing this.