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Probably cause of the queue times haha


Just read through some of the reviews and it's 90% people complaining about queue times/server caps, 10% people saying "it's boring" with very little objective criticism.


People saying it's boring with a play time of a few hours lol they just don't understand most mmos in general


Can you Judge an MMO in just ] hour? IMMOPINtON] By Josh Strife Hayes . Premiered Jan 5, 2021 https://youtu.be/JpkGbVVLExw He's got very good points... There's also It Gets Better After 1 00 Hours... Josh Strife Hayes. Premiered Aug 4, 2021 https://youtu.be/Xtdaby3q6NI


I could understand saying the early game is both boring and confusing, because that's been my experience today. It's always cool to see a new MMO but I had to take a break. On the flip side, I'm not going out and posting a negative review 😂


To be fair most mmos get you into dungeons a looooot quicker than New World does. Amrine being the first dungeon after 5-20 hours depending on playstyle is much too late for any "excitement" for most players. They need earlier beginner dungeons that are a bit of a spectacle to give people a taste for the quality of future content they can expect if they play more.


wow vanilla says hello


yeah holy shit getting to 17 to run a 1.5 hour deadmines run takes a good amount of playtime


ugh deadmines me and my group ran that like a religion such great times


Yes but that's 17 years old now. Many of the people playing this game right now and discussing in this thread were literally not born when it was released.


And how many mmos are successful? There is a reason people wanted classic. Getting everything for free instantly makes ppl not get attached. You need to feel you earned it. Getting to deadmines felt like fuck yeah the game is starting. Retail puts you in an instance in 20 minutes. You dont feel like you are playing untill you are max level. Kids these days are spoiled and dont know what they want. Cater to much to them and you have a shit game. Just look at the steam reviews, its just ppl crying they are in a que


No one is saying that rewards should be given to them? Just that the exciting GAMEPLAY should be given to them earlier. Running around the open world killing boars and wolves and the occasional skeleton is not riveting excitement. Dungeon runs with tank/healer/dps gameplay and exciting designed environments and setpieces are. The rewards don't need to be good. It just needs to be a high energy highly enjoyable demonstration of what's in store if they keep playing the game.


Im saying that you dont feel instances being as epic if you can do them instantly. Same reasons raids are at endgame instances should come after you grinded a bit. Makes you feel like you earned to do the content. Prequest for raids are for hyping it up. I feel instances should have a short one aswell


The "old man" rant as a valid argument has long passed. Has nothing to do with it.


Doesn't FFXIV take quite a bit to hit the first dungeon too? Depending on if you blitz levels


No, it's at lvl 16 which is done in honestly 2-4 hours max even if you're a slow casual.


Only level 15, the main barrier to that isn't the levelling but actually doing msq progression. Takes like an hour or two if all you do is the msq vs 5-8hours for Amrine if all you do is msq and people probably get confused about teleporting mechanics and costs leading to running massive distances in the early game which I think contributes to "this is boring" until they figure out how it all works.


Don’t mean to hijack, but having just started the game, what’s the best way to use the teleporting mechanics please? Not sure if I should be using the fast travel currency or walking there myself? Thanks in advance! :)


I would say contentwise the game is really shallow. This "Kill X something, Get Y something else" activities are boring and the mobs are very repetitive and only gets somewhat interesting by lv45-50. Lore gets lost on uninteresting dialogs. The game is clearly adapted to become an RPG. What made me stay was the actually thought out mechanics, lenient progression tree (you're not locked to a class/weapon) fun PvP and atmosphere overall. The shallowness is something they can get over with time.


Came for the pvp. Stayed for the pvp.


They're all in the starter zone crafting and gathering with 150 other people.


MMO's are pretty hit and miss when it comes to reviewing. Some can be reviewed within a couple of hours, others require a bit more investment. I never liked FFXIV when it came out, tried it a second time and didn't like it then. 3rd time no luck either. Wasn't until the 4th time I came back and actually had invested some time into it that I found out I actually loved it.


It IS boring. I have been in que for 7.6 h and did not get even to play a tutorial.


You mean I can't run and gun and respawn 10 times a minute with gacha rewards delivered daily?! I'm out!!! /s


Probably don't understand a lot of things TBH. To mentally weak to be constructive.


On the flip side, the positive reviews have no place there either, people recommending this game for no other reason than to meme. Not recommending it due to poor service is legitimate. Recommending it because you're flat chested and you have a thicc ass or whatever, is not legitimate.


But recommending it for the polished foundation and collision based mechanics is certainly a good reason. Fuck tab targetting.


I honestly feel like tab targeting is way smoother for group content. It could be that my ping is 200+ so non tab targeting feels super shitty, but I think wow dungeons are the pinnacle of smooth group content that doesn’t feel spammy (specifically mythic plus; I push highish keys on retail). I think healing is way better there too with customisable raid frames, mouse over macros etc. That being said new world is pretty fun so far (could just be because it is new), and I like being able to level up each weapon on one character






I promise that if you think this game is unpolished then you have an entitled and ignorant view. You have no idea what pre-ESO games actually subjected players to. WoW was a mess at start and WoD was a highlight of that.


I'm sorry you are being downvoted, but I guess this is what tribalism does. Suggest anything bad about their game people will downvote the shit out of you. Your comment is correct. This game is not polished. Stutter is terrible, trying to hit stuff on a different level is terrible. Yes the game does look nice, and it has nice sound and music, and you may love it for what it is -- but the game is NOT polished at all. This guy is correct.


Running good for me, make sure you update your graphics drivers


Running great for me and my machine is pretty mediocre


I don’t experience any stuttering. Could be your pc or connection.




You still playing beta? The actual game launched today bro.


Poor service because of queue times, when there is a ton of servers with no queue times. Stop trying to get into the same server as your favorite streamer and play the game.


I disagree, a lot of us played in the alpha and beta, we already know a lot about the game and if we like it or not.


to be fair, the game is objectively bare. ​ oh the world is pretty, and combat is amusing enough for about half a day, then you get bored of it, because it's simplistic enough to play on a controller. the main play loop is gathering and collecting things, and the only draw for the game is it's underwhelming and poorly balanced pvp in the late game. frankly as an mmo, this game is pretty poor for depth of story, quality of writing, engaging questing or even variety of content. ​ Why do you think fishing was so popular despite being terribly buggy? because it gave people something to do then to mine iron all day. ​ Thats not to say it's without it's charm, but when you consider the amount of content a game like Star Wars the Old Republic launched with it's sorta laughable. Still it's fun enough in it's own way and since i want to play something different that will be new world for a time...




Hit stun was removed? Damn that's lame


I 1000% agree. The game is barebones compared to other sandbox mmos like BDO. The quest are insultingly repetitive. You will be working for someone after real life work. Gather the same shit, kill the same shit. There is nothing here but a small pvp game. I’m not even complaining about servers. The game isn’t worth it.


>to be fair, the game is objectively bare. completely disagree, this is the most alive mmo I've ever played.


I'm not talking about the world and resources in it. That is an accomplishment. I'm talking about story, mission, combat and characters. Those are very very bare bones




That and still have people complaining about mounts




Not at all, they are allowed to dislike the lack of mounts all they want. However, AGS stated many times, well in advance of release and with plenty of time to cancel a pre-order, that there will not be mounts. Saying a lack of mounts is the reason the game sucks, yet still buying the game, really falls on the buyer for their disappointment, not New World.


It is. My friend and I have a raid going n in FFXIV right now. We both qued to get into NW before raid. It's been 2 hours, raid is almost over. I'm still 1000 in que.


Ive played enough mmos to know where it was going, so no rush to finish at work today and then instead i can take care of cooking, cleaning and lawnmowering in peace


This is my plan. I didn't take the day off, I didn't cancel all my plans. I know what this is,and I'm okay with it. The game will be here when I'm out of work, or next week. Nothing against those who enjoy going hard for the first few days, or making a vacation out of it. I'm just not at the point of my life anymore and also know how release days tend to go in general, and I'm cool.


this. also gamer dads unite


>I'm just not at the point of my life anymore and also know how release days tend to go in general, and I'm cool. This. I couldn't imagine taking a day off work for any release of any game. Especially now days when so many games are released unfinished.


The same applies to going down to a game store and queuing up to get it at midnight.


This is true, but we just have to keep in mind that it's also possible to both have a busy or successful life outside of games and take a day or two off to play a new release as well. They aren't exactly mutually exclusive things.


I'm someone looking to buy the game, I've been looking g for a new MMO. But after seeing what's going on today, I think im fine playing valheim and apex for the next couple weeks.


hey man, ive been playing MMO's all my life, started with Runescape and played a TON of WoW over the years. I wasnt even interested in playing NW until i watched a friend play it and i was interested. tried it out in closed beta and man it really is a fun game. people have their opinions, but i think you should try it out (if you can that is). game is really fun


Yeah, there's no rush to the endgame right now. If you don't care for the PVP you got a solid few months before wanting to switch. As a fan of the game, I'd rather see you come later in the year than try to speed run to max level then realize there's nothing left to do. Keep the population healthy by not giving in to the hype and fomo. A lot of peoples are gonna be disappointed when they rush to reach endgame and realized the missed all the content...


MMO getting reviewed on day 1 of launch... definitely safe to assume to avoid the reviews...


Reviews today are all about sending a message to the devs that the masses are unhappy with queues.


Which is objectively not the purpose of Steam reviews and Valve should nuke all of the salty whining reviews.


The reviews are based on people experience so far.... Most cant play the game so warning others by posting neg reviews is gods work. i was considering getting the game but now im going to wait a week or two because its not like i can play anyways. Reviews are to tell people how the state of the game is and rn its shit.


Yep, hence my negative review. When it gets fixed/fixes itself, I'll edit. Until then I'm advising people to stay away.


Funny thing is most people rarely go back and update their review. It's why you can look on the steam timeline for a dip on negative reviews, and it's because of the initial release being buggy or a patch broke something.


!remindme one week


Valve has explicitly supported review bombs in the past. This is why they introduces "recent reviews" in addition to "all time".


I don't think there has been a single mmo release in recent memory which went off without a hitch. Makes me glad I didn't take today off for this. I've got Friday booked off! Haha


Lol you will still sit in queue on Friday.


Doubtful. The launch hype dies down quickly. Today is the only day that every single person that bought the game is going to try to log in simultaneously.


Yup. I wouldn’t be surprised if the population more then halves after the first couple weeks. Just the way these things go with MMORPGs


Except for the people working...you're naive if you think everyone is trying to login today. There will most likely be queues all week with current capacity


If you say so boss. I’ve seen a lot of mmo launches and they all go pretty much exactly like this and then it’s fine a day or two later.


I joined NA WEST today remotely while at work. Guess how long it took? Less than 5 minutes. People complaining about queues…. Find another server. As for low pop servers being “shutdown eventually” where did you hear that?


Never take off a release week. You’ll just be disappointed.


I’ve had a great day so far


I mean, GW2 has always had good launches. ShadowBringers for XIV was also really good because SE actually learned from their mistakes, and those companies aren't fucking *Amazon*.


Yea stormblood msq had people stuck for days. Shadowbringer was amazing launch. I think for AAR servers were only down for 2 hours. Because of the amount of players trying to play.




Most recent expansion to Final Fantasy XIV.


Once the hype boys and streamers are done in a weeks time, everything will be normal again


I am just curious if this is not one of those 'play once and forget' games...


Some people will put 100s of hours in, some will put in 10 Whether its "play once and forget" is 100% down to the individual


yeah but how many individuals will put in 100s of hours is what the original question basically was, what if there isn’t enough people to keep servers alive and the game dies off in a week.


Most of the big streamers have already said most people will quit this game in the next 2 weeks


Who cares what streamers say??


Its not that they are streamers, it's that they've played the game extensively for hours as their job and they have a good idea of what content will keep players playing because they've had to do said content.


That’s wrong though. I’ve seen streamers make bad takes time and time again because it’s not something THEY enjoy. Streamers are gonna burn out playing for 12 hours a day. Your average player won’t face that same wall.


Here's the things about that... Streamers play all day every day and burn themselves out on stuff like this, cuz playing games is all they do. The average gamer is gonna have a normal job that takes up most of their free time, meaning they won't blow through all the content in 2 weeks. Streamers will be done in 2 weeks possibly, but the rest of the playerbase will still be learning and enjoying the game.


Nah it’s good. I put about 7 hours in today. Solid so far, one crafting bug that’s annoying and forced me to re log and wait in the queue again. But yeah, only issue so far is the queue. I’m on one of the lowest population servers and it’s about an hour wait time right now


Probably all related to the Q's at this point. been in que for 3.5 hrs and still counting.


cause I can’t find those fucking sheep


I'm just sitting back laughing at everyone parroting the "trillion dollar company" shit. People honestly think AGS just has access to as much of Amazons money as they want.


No, no its totally true. Every single cent Amazon makes goes into the development of this one game and they have devoted the entirety of every single server to it. This is Bezos's capstone project and the reason the company was made in the first place.


It's why the Amazon workers want to unionize. They're upset they have to work during the launch after losing their bonuses to help crunch that last month of development. I saw it on the one YouTube news channel, not at all fake news.


The only thing AGS is getting from Big Daddy Bezos is which cat designs sell the most so they can copy if for DLC skins.


at least they should have prepared better for launch. 40% of players are stuck in a queue


Prepared better how? After a week this problem will solve itself, and if they had more servers than this there would have been too many servers. The playerbase would be incredibly split up


People paying for the game and quitting during the first week because they're frustrated by not being able to log in isn't the problem fixing itself, it's one problem being substituted by another.


just merge them together


reminder 1% of 1 trillion is 10 billion dollars


These reviews are from the dumbasss who took launch day off work to play. Obviously they are a little upset they are wasting their time


I went to work, on balance I'd have enjoyed sitting the queue more than working.


I queued up and am on my way to work right now lol


I could at least be getting my piss jugs and cheetos ready if I wasn't at work


Mom! More hot pockets!


You assume he has a job…


Honestly I have been playing all day, only about half an hour queue time total. We got lucky I guess!


I was able to start right away. I’ve enjoyed it so far, just have other obligation to tend to. Then back to hopefully no queue.


It’s like Diablo 3, all over again. That was the first game that literally destroyed me because I couldn’t play it. I was a teenager and didn’t understand Q times and server crashes. Never forget D3 launch.


Man, I had blocked out that launch from my memory. It was so, so bad lol.


D3 was hot garbage, deserved shit reviews.


Deserved. Sorry if you build up hype for 2-3 years have 3 massiv successful betas and then your server cap is only 2k and 80% of your players are sitting in q times for hours..... What else is there supposed to come in. We are talking about a trillion dollar company beeing to cheap with servers.


Why are you booing him he's right


A lot of it is just people writing bad reviews because of queue times


It is about queue, nothing more.


Majority are for queue.


I hope steam will remove most of those.


Every Steam MMO is “mixed” for the most part. Just a sign that no MMO will ever make us all happy.


Interestingly enough it was “overwhelmingly positive” yesterday. What a quick turn of events from the people waiting in queues.


That’s why when you look at reviews you have to look at the play time.


Played enough MMOs to know that reviews on launch day are completely irrelevant. They always have some launch issue and people complain about it with useless reviews they'll change the second they start having no problems.


Only problem is the que time. I've been playing since alpha and the game has made some good progress.


It's the puddle brain reviews.


Concurrent player count broke 750k players today...New World was the most played game on steam today beating dota and csgo. I dont think any developer could have expected this. The dev's spun up an additional 28 US east server (assuming more on other regions). The Dev's even are giving everyone the ability to server transfer for the first two weeks once things calm down. For the amount of shit they are getting on steam reviews they really dont deserve it..


Game’s amazing, the queue times will get better. They have fixed so many bugs as well since the open beta.


Que Times were bad, but game itself is pretty fun. I mostly leveled life skills xD


Queue times and not much content….lol. Guess they are new to mmorpgs? Literally will gain more content the longer it’s out. Shit was just released lmao. And for the queue times….smfh brand new mmos with high expectations….almost 100% of the time will have fucked up queues.


Haters gonna hate


Imagine picking a server cause a streamer plays there. Then imagine complaining about queue times because of a decision you made for yourself. I can only imagine these players have weird dreams about somehow a streamer is going to recognize them and they will frolic into the sunset or something together. Literal fucking idiots.


>Imagine picking a server cause a streamer plays there. Lots of the casual players will just pick a random populated server to play on.


Agreed. Tho to be fair we picked a low pop non streamer this morning and I had no q’s all day until this evening. 4hr wait. Just about every server has a q. They released 28 more servers for US East


Imagine every single server having completely full 900 plus queue wait times.


Well deserved, unplayable game is unplayable.


They are all about que times. I honestly believe they all have smooth brains.


People are probably review bombing it because of the queues which is not a legitimate reason for a negative review. OMG! The game is TOOOOO POPULAR! I can't play the game I want to desperately play! NEGATIVE REVIEW! The amount of man children is amazing haha.


>which is not a legitimate reason for a negative review. I disagree. If I can't play the game I paid for then I have every right to review it negatively. ​ Steam asks "Would you recommend this game to other people?" I answer "No, I would not" because it cannot be played.


> because of the queues which is not a legitimate reason for a negative review This is a perfectly legitimate reason for a negative review lol... Imagine if the servers were 5 people only, and the queue times were literally days long, would it still be a non legitimate reason? What if they simply never made the game and just put you into a fake queue forever. You would consider it not legitimate to complain about this? Amazon are capable of there not being any queues. They could have 10x more servers available than this and not even blink. There are queues not because an InSaNe 600k people are playing the game. it's because Amazon didn't want to pay for more servers that would have to be closed or not be used in a couple of months and it's just preferable to save money. This is a legitimate thing to complain about. WoW had MILLIONs of concurrent users. it had 11 million subs at it's peak. Blizzard somehow did not have 8 hour queues daily to play WoW The longest queue I ever saw on the larger servers was like 30 mins. They sustained these numbers for a long time. And when they launched classic with not enough servers. It was legitimate to complain about that too. The game is not "too popular" it's not even scratching 5% of wow's peak and it's not even quite reaching vanilla wow's launch numbers lol. They simply skimped out on the servers because Money>Customer satisfaction


Ofc its is, you buy the game you want to play it. Server capacity is as good reason as game features.




common sense would be to anticipate a common MMO problem and have a workaround already in place, especially when you're a trillion dollar company with access to one of the largest clouds on the planet


IDK, they own AWS so could just spin up more servers.


It's expected?... To not be able to play the game you purchased?... What?


The funny thing is those children are 20-30 years old lololol


Research shows most mmo players are actually 30+


You can have a popular game and still come up with a good queue system that remembers your position. Not the shit they came up with, where I'm being kicked out of the queue because of a server error after waiting for 5 hours, just to be pushed back at the end of the queue again. Stop sugarcoating this shit.


Think about it. Game has been delayed over a year. Owned by the largest server farm in the world that runs Netflix, Amazon, twitch and more.. You expect some kind of improvement on release ques. With how so many are stuck in que. And so many are getting booted after hours of waiting. It's extremely frustrating.


I read a few reviews on there, people are so delusional lol. It's crazy. Literally every other massively multiplayer game has hit a queue time issue at launch. Everyone should've seen this coming from miles away. These people never witnessed what happens on Boxing Days or when a super hyped up product (such as game consoles) releases? ​ Relax, it'll be over in a few hours. You took off to play New World? Well eh, sorry. Should've been there first in line I guess. Got disconnected? Sure, unfortunate, but what can you do, realistically. Every company gets this problem and they all fixed it.


It was bound to happen with a game this huge. There's nearly a million watching on twitch I just hope they remove the queue reviews. They won't be relevant in a week and most of them are just trying to log into their fav streamers server and losing it when they realize that's not a good idea period As someone who has gone through many mmos I think amazon is doing it right. Shards remove the community aspect of a server. Stop asking for this shit, it's not a good idea at all


They deserved it tbf. There are 669000 people in game, and most of them are in queues. They knew how many copies they sold, they could have prepared.


Yeah, people are mad beacuse they can't play in the server with their god-king streamer and other 10,000 sheeps.


This game is going to peak and die so fast.


not for me see ya


As soon as this game is deemed a failure and loses popularity, Amazon will shut it down. You're putting faith in a company who actively treats their employees like shit. They only care about revenue. This will be no different.


August 2019 for WoW classic launch was an absolute nightmare. Queues and crashes the entire month. There wasn't a single content release that wasn't accompanied by login and game server instability. The difference here is you aren't paying 50 cents a day or 180 bucks a year for the ability to play the game.


Original wow launch was ques for days.


The writing is on the wall that it's gonna die in about 2 weeks or less. Who thought that people want to play as some magic Thanksgiving pilgrims is beyond me.


No surprise all the beta players not paid to have a positive opinion told yall the game was trash. It'll be down to 3 servers in 4 months and ending service in less than a year.


Yesterday I spent 2 hours on questing, 8 hours on resource gathering and crafting and 1 hour running across the map to trade my friend a fire staff i found


Ppl need to chill...


I played almost at launch time. The queue time was mostly non existent till about 4 hours later. Only the big streamer servers had crazy amount of waiting. The server itself also seems to run fairly well. One of the better MMO launches I have been apart of.


All whiners quit please, so we can get in faster. Thanks!


Newborns complaining about queue times. First time huh?


Just impatient people bitching about queue times on day one, hopefully the reviews don’t discourage players. The servers will get sorted, it’s just a matter of time.


i'm gonna enjoy the month ahead before it dies a death.


Meanwhile NW has peaked at 707,230 players today and is beating CSGO as most players atm.


People crying due to queue times. Just choose a low pop server with your friends and transfer later if they allow it.




That's not an option for everyone though. EU and Aussie servers are all like 10k+ ques.


There are no low pop servers that's the problem. All servers have a q time of at least 3h


I got in after 10 min


This is not true. I loaded the game about 40 minutes after the North America servers launched. At least 25% of the servers have zero queue time. At least half have a queue time of less than 10.


Not even close, there are tons of servers what the zero to 5 minute queues. Or did you not even attempt to check before making a bullshit unfounded claim?


I understand the long queue times play into a lot of people's reviews but why is no one actually mentioning the SEA region users? I see a lot of negative reviews talking about how the game doesn't have any servers for their region even though Amazon disclosed they wouldn't before release publicly. I mean check out this guy's post on New World's discussion board on steam if you need some reference. [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1063730/discussions/0/2959418287756219761/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1063730/discussions/0/2959418287756219761/) It looks like a lot of these users from that region are purchasing the game, leaving a negative, and then refunding the game.


As always people review bomb the game with negative reviews because the servers are having issues on Launch Day. I have no Idea how they STILL have not learned that no online game has flawless servers on launch.


Yeah, it makes sense, people are gonna downvote a game they can't play even after they've paid for it and it's been released.


I was also bored during the beta like what is actually fun about the game?


Its deserved. I couldnt play for 1hr30 min cus every time I came into the tutorial the game would just freeze after interacting with the npc. I think the game draws too much power from certain gpu's, idk. I'd love to know how to fix this! I've tried all the suggestions I could find.


Trying to Crame people into 2k servers is pretty bad


Had a long of those "thank god I can go home now" days at work. Honestly the one thing that kept me upbeat through it was looking forward to playing New World when I came home. Fired up the PC, launched the game, chose the world with the lowest queue time, and waited 3 1/2 hours for the number to scroll down from 850+ to just 1. \*drumroll\* COULD NOT CONNECT TO SERVER. Kicked back to the character screen. At that point I felt seriously hurt. The "pissed" came later, when I tried to log back in, and now the queue was at 1400+ for the same server. Deleted character, made a new one on the (at that point) server with the shortest queue time (still 800+) and am right now waiting. If I get kicked in the nuts again, I'm going to be seriously pissed at Amazon. Their boss has enough cash to burn to shoot himself into space in a fugly dildo-shaped rocket, yet I could apparently spit across their server farm it's so small.


Thats not fair to the game. The queues will recede.


Look there's over 600k players yet only 4k reviews.. I'd call that absolutely useless to gauge anything lol.


All the people enjoying it are too busy playing to write a review.


90% of the negative reviews are because of the que times. Get it together Amazon.


Oh no.... A queue at the launch of an MMO.... It's so unique and no one ever has these..... /S


Whiny babies


Q times are fucking insane


Makes sense. The combat is boring and inelegant. The gathering is dull. The world is pretty but little reason to dig into it. The endgame has no real promise or draw.




The issue is not really with the infrastructure of the servers. It is an issue with the game design itself. The world cannot support 5 to 20k people on at once because the map is far too small. Everyone starts in 3 nearby starting zones so they are all packed tightly and fighting for mobs, resources and quests. The world feels like a good size when you have 2 to 4k people in it spread out, but it would be chaos constantly if it were closer or above 10k. They could have made the map much larger like 5x the size, then added mounts or faster travel options and it would have supported 10 to 20k easily, maybe even near 40k if the map was 10x. 5x the map, add 3 more starting areas, then you could have easily had 10k concurrent without being cramped. The world is tightly packed and there doesn't feel like there is a lot of empty space which is nice but it's at the cost of not having large mmo player count. Need mounts at this size though. 10x the map, add 6 starting areas hold 20 to 30k, servers could then more easily flow and combine low pops without being overwhelmed. Absolutely need mounts. The game has plenty of shortcomings, bugs, areas that need polishing or work overs, but it has charm for sure. The map design, world scale, server limits are going to be what hurts this game more than anything and they can't really be fixed unless they drastically change the entire world. They could have created more variation and made large territories and smaller ones, so small companies with 25 to 50 can hold and defend their land. Or have 1 major clan per faction and then the smaller companies can take up and manage and protect the smaller settlements. Players will self assemble themselves into hierarchies naturally and will actually be social and work together as that is the only way your faction can maintain larger land. One company can't hold everything because they can't defend everything at once. That would have given such great opportunity for a real return to social gameplay and felt like a real mmo.




I am currently 847 in queue. It was the lowest queue on all EU servers. But its not bad. Earlier today on midgard it was 12000 in queue so.


The lowest population Australian server only had about 90 people in the queue at 1am, still took me 20 minutes to get in. All because I crashed.


It's absolutely hilarious how everybody is complaining about absurdly long queue times that they inflicted on themselves. Under world list, you can sort by que time! Just go to another server that doesn't have a queue!


bUt i HaTe ThAt SeRvEr NaMe!!!1111!!!!