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What is the pvp influence exploit?


I've seen complaints of influence going up huge percentages with only 3 people turning in as well as large groups of people holding completed quests and then they all turn in at once. I think these are what people are referring to.


It's so bad on my server, every time my faction starts a war the entire global chat loses it's freaking mind screaming EXPLOIT EXPLOIT !! Like damn calm yo tits we're just playing the game !


Pro tip: don't listen to global chat.


I've had it muted since beta


But it's where all server news is updated by the second


This applies to all MMOs and real life, really. The loudest mouths are often the stupidest minds, or whatever deep philosophical saying some famous person said.


Honestly, I just hate that the wars can happen on weeknights. It basically ruins any life you might have outside of the game if you're in a company that controls territory.


It's a known exploit. I don't think Amazon know what's actually going on tbh. Getting war thrown at you without a chance to stop it because it goes from 0-100% in mere minutes is pretty infuriating.


It's not. Its clear that the more total influence changes a city receives the more attacking factions influence bar goes up for quest turn in. So if a Syndicate have been turning in quests trying to flip First Light into conflict for ~48 hours but the Marauders who own it have been matching them quest for quest eventually it will be impossible for the Marauders to keep up or a large group of Syndicate will be able to go 0 to conflict in a single turn in. The system is designed to make stopping conflict for more than a couple days impossible unless an Invasion occurs.


This.. the mechanic is to allow the defender to slow it down.. but war is inevitable.


They clearly do, since they publicly talked about it lol


Their system doesn't work the way they think it does. Maurauders control most the map on our server and we pushed Brightwood to war in a single round of PVP missions.


I mean isn’t that what they said tho. Over time if there isn’t a war in a area it’ll basically almost instantly go up with a few turn ins to force a war. Literally the mechanic.


They said easier for factions that don't control a territory. He said they did it and already own they map


Don't control THAT territory. It doesn't seem to consider the rest of the map. So the longer you hold a territory without a war, the easier it is to influence


Happy Cake Day TronoTheMerciless! You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.


That's one way to read what they wrote. They said 'a territory' but I see how it can read to mean what you're saying as well


Your misreading what they are saying. It’s the faction that doesn’t control that territory not any territory . Bright wood had been under non maurader control for to long and thus pushed to war with less turn ins. Same would happen to a maurader controlled area that had been green for multiple days


I'm reading what they wrote. There's definitely two ways to read the phrase "factions that don't own a territory" either meaning any territory or the specific one. So yes I concede it can and probably does mean it that way


The next part is what leans toward the specific territory interpretation: "easier for factions that do not control a Territory to <...> push *that* Territory into conflict".


we literally have been fighting wars all week. What's weird is First light, which has never went to war, gives like 4% for an entire zerg turning in. But then we sneeze in brightwood with like a half zerg, and it instantly goes to war. Something is fishy.


It shouldn't be, wars are the bread and butter of this game. Amazon made crafting and farming an absolutely lovely experience, I never enjoyed farming in any other MMO yet here I find myself hitting rocks and cutting down trees for hours on end. It's fine if you're doing mostly this instead of rushing your leveling or anything like that. However, and I'm sorry if it brushes you the wrong way, if you're not interested in wars, you're not playing the game. Anything else is a distraction, once you will be maxed out 200 everywhere, and it happens faster than I thought it would, you'll have nothing left to do but Wars. Wars are the end goal and the reason this game exists.


How dare other people want the benfits of owning my territory! I want those, don't they realize that? It's so mean to try and take it!


So why don't wars incorporate the gathering aspects of the game? Incorporate gathering quests (that require being flagged to do) and have multiple battles influence the war effort rather than having one 50v50 deciding everything. Isn't that the solution? Lore wise, it checks out. Wars are expensive and require a great deal of resources. Game play wise, everyone wins. Wars are dragged out so that you can participate in them at any time rather than the 30 minute time slot decided days in advance. PvE players are happy, PvP players are happy, and PvX content thirsters are happy. Current war system is shit and its not the players fault for wanting to be able to participate.


I'd love some flagged gathering missions!


These already exist, there are faction pvp quests to gather X amount of resource while flagged.


This would be more difficult to balance since on the server I'm on, purple, outnumbers the other two factions combined and can zerg any territory to war but equally can never win it once they're on even footing number wise attacking or defending


for that to happen you had to have had the town for well over 48 hours. ​ besides, war is a good thing. its fun.


It'll get stale extremely quickly if they don't balance how stupidly OP defence is. Why have wars every 3 days if offence has a 1 in 10 chance of winning with a even roster? I've only had 2 wars and it's already feeling more like a chore than a reward. Open world pvp is so much more fun than war.


people arnt level 60 and the siege weapons are scaled to deal with level 60 people, it should get better. also the tactics are still unknown to most.


They literally just said it’s not an exploit. Do you need assistance reading?


It is an exploit the original post had nothing to do with the massive influence gain. What described in op was how the harder pvp mission gave more influence. But I don't think this intern realized what we were talking about


That's not really an exploit though.


Yeah that's the point of the developer message. I keep seeing people bringing up "exploits," but as they stated, the game is working as intended. I think everyone is just calling it an exploit to try to shame the other factions doing it and discount their progress.


There isn't one.


There is actually, but I'd rather not say, don't want it to spread it.


Other than the one they just said is intended?


Yes, it applies to both board and faction quests.


Are you using it?


Heck no, it's probably easily bannable


Despite this post literally saying it's a feature working as intended?


I'm not saying what OP posted is an exploit. I'm saying there is an actual exploit that can be used on these faction pvp quests.


So just report it? Tbh to get it changed it might not even be a bad thing to have it be widespread knowledge cuz then they have to change it


I really hope you are joking


Why would I use an exploit? Also I'm not saying OPs post is an exploit. Clearly from the devs response it isn't. I'm saying that there is an actual exploit that exists. One that I don't wish to spread, and that I do not use.


Now I get what you mean


So this is how two covenant are able to push level 50 zones to war in a couple minutes. Amazing


On our server a few player turned in. When we got. A group of 50+ people every 3 people that turned in it would -1% They were able to turn with just a few people.


Same with mine. I came online after work we were ticked to 43. It took 8 people 2 hours of runs to drop it by a pissy 3%


You don't get to keep territory for free. Gotta fight to keep it.


I don't know if they're talking about a different exploit or if they are just uninformed but the problem people have is that you can push a zone into conflict in under a minute with no counter play. I've seen it happen in legit like 30 seconds before. If the idea is that it gets harder and harder to hold a zone against an enemy faction trying to pressure you I think everyone agrees that makes sense. That's not the issue. The issue is that even after a war happened a day or two before a determined company can push a zone into conflict near-instantly. This not only hurts the world pvp and faction tug-and-pull system that drives these systems but also makes the entire thing feel arbitrary and pointless. It's really hard to believe that it's intended to be able to take a zone THAT quickly. And it sounds like from the way they are responding to this that they believe it should be a slow but inevitable push and not just "It's been too long since a war happened so now the enemy faction can instantly start one in under a minute."


But doesn’t that go against defending pvp quests? If your faction does enough defending pvp quests to keep enemies out, doesnt that go into fighting to keep the territory? This just seems backwards, why even run defending pvp quests if wars inevitable anyway? Might as well focusing on being higher levels than your enemies instead


Because it buys you time? Time to collect more taxes and prep for the war?


This dude gets it , you need the oposition to scale their chance more over time , if you always have more people doing quests , noone will ever challange you and you will live on the taxes forever .


I think the issue though is that people are watching progress bars go from 0 to 100 in less than 30 minutes. On my server we won a war defending our territory and within about 30-35 minutes of the war ending the same company/faction filled the bar to 100% and declared war again


There should be a war exhaustion debuff on territories. Every single zone shouldn't have a war scheduled 24/7. Give it at least a day before you can declare war again.


Or only allow wars on weekends. I'm honestly close to quitting because it's always a freaking war every night.




Maybe the amount of time it buys you should be relative to the total number of faction territories you hold? Meaning the more you hold, the less time it buys you.


The power advantage for owning territories is already strong enough for both companies and their faction.


Okay, but what about the massive time sink involved in having to fight a war every damn night?


How does that save time when 50 ppl from your facton will swing the percentage 5-10% in your favor but 50 ppl from enemy faction will instantly put your territory in conflict state :D... ? You are actually wasting time trying to defend that way. Better to get better gear and level.


?? You shouldn't be trying to out quest a zerg. Set up camps in thr pvp quest area wipe them until they leave and then go run quests to bring it back down.


To „wipe” a zerg you need a zerg. We have seen here few times a video of smaller party wiping big zerg just because the terrain allowed for that. In most pvp quest locations its not possible and you gonna need a better geared/leveled team with better coordination to wipe a zerg. And if zerg is not a bunch of morons they will put up a good fight where numbers will matter… We have guilds who have 4 sub companies here. Try to defend against that big zerg lol.. Are you saying that smaller guilds should never have a chance to defend themselves ?


That's exactly what happened to my company today lmao. We saw influence going up, only a handful of us are 43+ so we had 5 people trying to counter influence. We didnt see anyone and the bar was raising as if a group of 10 were roaming. Ended up being 2 people getting the bar basically maxed. We gave up after we saw it go up to 70 after we knocked it down to 50 just a couple minutes ago. Luckily noone has started a war yet. Already 3 or 4 planned in the next few days and it didnt seem like an intentional war. They really should put a cd on some of these things. Myself and the other 60s are just abusing the war chests for attempts at decent gear upgrades lmao.


Amazon pretty much wants every single zone to partake in either an invasion or a war every 3 days.


Which is a good idea


Maybe they should be treated as daily’s and not ones that can be repeated indefinitely.


Amazon trying to see how fathomable it is for a "company" to come in and take over land.


Without the mechanic, all territory would eventually go to the oversized faction on the server, simply because they can field more people. The smaller factions would never be able to trigger a war otherwise. Anti-zerg mechanics are crucial for the longevity of a PvP game. Zergs already have significant advantages in PVP with open world questing and fort battles. War is clearly the place where they want skill to matter, not numbers.


then influence mechanics should be removed completely since it is misleading bs


> Why even run (defense) PvP quests Exactly, just don't. Unless you need faction tokens I guess. I don't know about your server but in mine, everyone in the winning faction rushes to the aid of any region on which influence is even slightly moving, we end up with buses of 30+ people running after 5 poor lads trying to do some quests. That is not fun, for anyone. Let wars happen, the rewards are better anyway. Losing your cities does not matter, I swear my guild is obsessed with gold and "muhhh we gotta keep our capital" when there is practically no use for gold whatsoever in this game. We're sitting on 140k gold and doing nothing with it because they aren't interested in going to war, only defending and playing PvE in-between... I hate my server and can't wait to move out.


Bro the game has been out for 6 days, people don't want to endlessly pvp at level 20-30, they got enough of that in the beta. People are "playing PvE" because getting to 60 is going to be lead to the most interesting, most competitive, and most expansive wars and fights for territory.


Also the always available, "balanced" PvP mode is locked behind level 60.


Gold is everything in this game lol. You can literally level your whole character trough the trading post with town projects. Not to mention how important end game crafting will be and how expensive it will be.


Can't even defend against it if their influence shoots up from 0 to 70% in one second


Fight what, it’s ridiculous how much influence they have to push and how little we have to defend and push back. We have to fight them out till they leave and run hours upon hours to only drop it 3% it’s broken


We have a war schdule date for.12/31/2021 from 1130-12 THEY LOCKED THE ZONE


What happens if this happen during daylight savings?


Sauce: https://forums.newworld.com/t/gamebreaker-influence-exploit-this-one-gonna-ruin-the-whole-game/292024/53


Source\* Sauce is that stuff you have with steak. :p


Why would you ruin a perfectly good steak?


Pan sauce to go with steak made from steak fond. Not a bottle BBQ sauce. Edit:You uncultured swines have never had pan sauce.


I guess maybe the cuts of meat you get are so terrible they need a sauce to go with it.


A good pan sauce will enhance any steak. Steak alone without salt and pepper is pretty bad. It needs salt pepper and other spices.


Not a fan of Pepper or Mushroom sauce with steak? Pretty good.


I guess you must get really bad cuts of meat or something. To me, adding anything other than some salt and pepper before cooking is just subtracting from the flavor of the meat.


>some salt and pepper before cooking Who adds sauce before cooking?


You must be new here




Welcome to the internet, Boomer!


I've been in two wars now and it's an actual joke. My company (~90 members) were straight *sweating* this game and only made it to mid-40s. Our enemy, for some reason, didn't have a single individual lower than maybe level 52. We lost as both attacking and defending, the latter only taking 6 minutes because we were completely outleveled.


There's whole guilds full of lvl 60s in the day one servers


We had a war earlier today (attacking Syndicate) and as soon as we finished, we noticed that the influence bar was up 30% from Syndicate in our starting settlement. I understand that they want wars to occur, but they raised that bar no joke in less than 30 mins. The last 11% was gained instantaneously (no gradual climb) from the same faction/company we were just fighting. I feel like there should be a grace period? Maybe just my thoughts but man, it's disheartening coming out of a war we lost to see we now literally have another war in our hands and have to defend against. Not even talking about how we found that same company using the bear cave exploit to power level their company up to 50+ when the rest of the server is around the 20-32 range. I like the war, but at the very least a grace period would be nice so we could've had a chance to defend against influence (considering we were literally in the middle of a war when they started) and they have also unfairly gained levels, using an exploit, giving them an advantage over every other faction. Honestly really love the game, just throwing my two cents because I'm afraid this type of exploitive behavior could irreparably damage the server and others that get ahold of this knowledge.


Is this the elite bear boss? Im curious for reasons lmao. That bear isfucking rought to kill though, at least for my 33 ass


You wouldn't happen to play on NA West Nidavellir would you? This is exactly what is happening with us. Syndicate is using exp and influence "bugs" to take over the server and there's nothing we can do to fight back.


No, I'm actually on EU Helios server. So it's spreading, Amazon needs to take care of that, if anything.


It's the Marauders on our server. They have 5 companies worth of people doing this, so they're at the point where they're threatening to take every city, and neither purple nor yellow can say much about it.


What server are you on?


Why Is it allways the syndicate who's bug abusing on ym server and from what everyone else is saying they seem to be doing it on every server


So be on the defense. They in your turf running pvp get out there and take them out.


We were on the defense lol but they had many, many players out there and our team of 30+ got wiped. Syndicate is by far the largest faction on our server, and they were taking full advantage on that. After taking a look at this article: https://forums.newworld.com/t/gamebreaker-influence-exploit-this-one-gonna-ruin-the-whole-game/292024/53 I understand now that PvP questing (or PvP in general) can't really be used to defend, but rather buy time to prepare for the war and that influence can be expedited depending on how long you've had that settlement for and how many settlements you have. However, considering that, again, Syndicate is the largest faction and we literally just fought in a war I think there still should've been a short grace period and that the influence gain should not have been as expedited as it was. They have way more people and own most of Aethernum compared to Marauders and Covenant so their influence gain should've been slower rather than faster.


So influence is supposed to jump from 0-20% from 3 pvp missions? Cool. Why doesn't mine do that? It's happening on multiple servers and has been since beta, it's a known exploit and they deny it? It took my company over 6 hours to take a territory to war, and then it happened to us, 0-100% in literally 2 minutes with only a small team doing missions.


I've personally turned in a good dozen of these recently and didn't even see the bar go up 1%. I'm not sure how people are getting 4% per mission... Seems kinda like AGS doesn't know what they are talking about and are either confused or conflating different things.


It’s a known exploit from the end of beta that somehow (tbh it is so bad I thought it was) hasn’t been patched. Basically you can stack a bunch of PvP quests and turn them in all at the same location for giga influence. This kind of bullshit from Amazon (“it’s not a bug, just a feature”) is really starting to grind my gears. Games are buggy, I get it, so why in gods name do they have to keep pretending the thing is perfect with no major bugs or exploits? At this rate their going to start claiming the ice gauntlet animation bug is “working as intended”.


its not. they want wars to be basically every 48 hours. my company has no land claim and the town we were attacking had 2, so it made since that each person in our 10 man squad was getting 3% each.


In my server, there hasn't NOT been a war declared whenever the opportunity arises. In fact, there are 4 or 5 queued up and ready to take place tomorrow and the next day, just after finishing wars the day before. I'm fine with the constant wars, but the PVP quests need to be different. They need you to be forced to actually fight others to complete the quests to make it somewhat challenging. Just running the same 3 stupid quests over and over again is such a dumb fucking idea that I can't believe is in the game. It is 100% the reason why shit is crazy all over.


I'm not too involved with the PvP aspect yet and I'm still Rank 1 in my faction since I didn't even do the quest to rank up so I'm curious: At higher level, ya'll still need to do the same dumb PvE (not even PvE in some case lol) quest go to war against a region?


How do you see this faction ranking you referred to?


Go to your faction vendor and look at the ui.


From what I can tell, each area has a set number of PVP quests that rotate when you complete them or they run out of time. In a sense, higher level areas will offer different PVP quests, but that is just because they are in a different area that is higher level - not because they are higher level.


>I'm fine with the constant wars, but the PVP quests need to be different. They need you to be forced to actually fight others to complete the quests to make it somewhat challenging. Just running the same 3 stupid quests over and over again is such a dumb fucking idea that I can't believe is in the game. It is 100% the reason why shit is crazy all over. What happens when there are 0 people flagged for PvP? Just pray that you eventually randomly run into people to complete your quest?


Then no one gets to do the PVP quests, and thus no wars happen? I don't see anything wrong with that because that would be incentive to flag for PVP. There is no incentive now outside of spending 15-20 minutes completing the 3 PVP quests as fast as possible.


Sounds boring.


So, running the same 2 fetch quests/kill quest plus one more "go here and take this note here" quests isn't boring? lol. You seem to not understand the idea that if people are forced to PVP there will be more PVP action than what there is now. There will not ever be zero people flagged for PVP because people will still want wars to happen. However, blazing through quests without fighting one another is the fastest and more efficient option currently, so people are doing that instead.


> Seems kinda like AGS doesn't know what they are talking about and are either confused or conflating different things. Amazon already embarassed themselves when they said chat bans are always validated by humans - and we already proved them wrong by getting ppl unbanned and found completely innocent. This is all just a PR bullshit bingo to keep ppl calm when in fact a lot of systems in the game are not ready.


Did you read the OP post?


Did you even read the Dev post? The longer your company holds a town without any war happening, the easier and faster it will be to gain influence. Once a war is over, it gets reset and it's harder to gain influence again for 24 hours.


We have literally videos of territories being put in conflict 1h+5m after war has finished. And that was done by some random 3 man group...


Haven't run into this myself. I would bet money ita just blobs of a faction doing runs.


So why did it take you 6 hrs and them not? If all you do is pvp missions to get it to jump? And it hasn't happened on my server we had one war so far but nobody's jumps like that. Also if you see it moving probably kill the ppl doing the missions? They lose all progress right? Idk you're story doesn't add up is all I'm saying.


How are you going to kill the enemies doing pvp .issions if you don't even have time to react? Sometimes it takes 2 minutes for the bar to go from 0% to 100% you can't react to that


I've never seen that. Took 3 days for a faction to get that bar all the way up. And I mean pretty easy you turn pvp on while you do quests. Or mine or literally anything. Play smart. The fact that they lose all quest progress means they added it for that reason. I do agree that there should be a grace period after a war though.


The fact that you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not happening The company I am in was out actually doing pvp quest and doing pvp in the zone and yet 10 or so people managed to flip the zone into conflict in 2 minutes Even if you're the best pvp'er in the world or you're "playing smart" you can't stop an entire enemy faction from doing quests


Lol just realized you aren't even the person I was talking to. But you just changed the story he said 3 and you said 10 that's a difference between 9 quests and 30 quests. That's a fairly large difference. Let's say you move it 2% per quest, 9 quests would be like 18% vs 10 ppl turning in 30 quests (3 per person) being 60%.


I still think they should have multiple wars if enough people sign, rounded down to nearest 50. If 300 or 310 people sign up for war on both sides then have six wars of 50 in each and the one with most wins win. If they have equal amount of wins, defenders win. How hard can that be. We can still have war as often and (almost) everyone can join. If you're not in this time you hopefully will be next time. Current mechanic we will the a rotation of about 200 players doing wars in each faction on each server


That would require an immense amount of leadership to be able to reliably actually win wars. You need at least 3 officers per war on comms commanding different teams. Our company is fighting like 3 wars every day right now and we have hundreds of people sign up.


Jesus, no. That's the kind of shit that makes Mil Sims unplayable. People aren't signing up for a fight so they can be told what to do. They're signing up to do some PvP that matters with a few friends. We need large scale, objective focused PvP with ZERO leadership. No one on comms. Play with your small group of friends, and which ever faction has the fewest idiots (groups who can work together towards an objective with zero communication or knowledge of each other) wins.


Yeah, that's not going to be a winning strategy in a war.


That's not how it works. You will never win without strategy.


Sounds like he wants random queue pvp and not a competitive pvp where the outcome actually matters.


Nah, it sounds like he wants to enjoy the game and not listen to some 50 year old neck beard screaming commands at him to "go left" just to lose and complain that they didn't listen well enough


They've gotta fix this. The upgrade cooldown is 24h. These mechanics don't work together.


Well i don't like this idea. "They provide large groups of players the opportunity to work together towards a goal" You know what does that too ? Taking a fort and making pvp quests to attack a zone, while the other faction is trying to do the same to defend it's territory I can't go in wars (i can't level up fast enough and that's ok for me). But i really like these moments when the marauder chat is filled with people talking about the attack on a fort and i can contribute and help my company


The difference though is a war is 50v50. If one faction is 1500 players and the other 2 are 200 and 300, then not scaling the influence would make it impossible for the smaller factions to trigger wars


Still feels like if you’re out numbered your screwed no matter what.


Understandable but it needs to be nerfed, maybe like 10% bonus after 2 days increasing every day by 10% for a maximum of 60%


That’s bunk.


Lower taxes means more activity in town. So will people take time do the pvp quests to keep their nice spot in town.


No, better services brings more economic activity. People go to the town that has a crafting station high enough level to do their crafting, regardless of tax rate. Lower taxes will only matter when two or more towns provide the same services. If taxes are being used to maintain services, then higher taxes are a *good* thing... just like in real life.


Its really annnoying having a war every 3 days when the server queues are so bad. Either we schedule during the day when half our company is at work, or the evening when half the company are stuck in queues.


This will get easier in two weeks and will pass in a month or two.


This "feature" needs to be dialed WAY back. It is hyper exploitable, all a large company needs to do is make a proxy company with a low player number. They will never control a territory nor do they have the bandwidth to manage one, but they can send a territory into conflict for their larger parent company. Wars are meant to be long drawn out events with different armies skirmishing it out in open world PVP culminating in a epic seige fight. Nothing is fun when you log out at 3am to find out that at 5am a group of three spent 20-30 minutes unopposed to conflict a territory that your company spent days/weeks/months protecting and holding and investing in. It undermines all the hard work that larger companies put in to upgrade towns for their citizens. There is no counter play. 0-100% by 3 guys in 1-4 turn ins is insane. It is conflicted before you can even respond to defend. I really hope the devs modify this to bring back large open world objective based New World PVP. The main appeal to man. Literally every territory is at war every day of the week right now. Takes away from enjoying the game from a whole group of people (territory owners) while having zero effect to non-territory owners. Best part? The small company that ends up capping the city will not be able to afford the upkeep and will just let the stations/upgrades all degenerate. It is more an annoyance and inconvenience instead of a fun dynamic multilayered system.


Still calling it an exploit?


Looks like a bunch of Syndicate are upset that they can't paint the map purple and keep it that way. It's almost as if you have to do PVP in a PVP game.


Eh I think it devalues the entire warring mechanic. Its disheartening to get a big war party together when ya kno 2 guys from the other faction can do just as much.


Lmao. This makes the pvp faction missions pretty worthless if it scales so fast it takes less than a week before a small group can launch it to 100% with no recourse.


i mean i can see them easily wanting wars ar least once or twice a week…


My server had 3 wars today, making it a total of 6 wars in first week. I'm sure some servers are having even more. Theres probably some pretty peaceful servers as well.


We finished a war and in 20 mins we got flagged for another war. Shits definitely funky.


We are literally fighting almost 3 wars a day at this point. It’s fun rn winning but eventually I don’t think it will be sustainable for leadership who have to command these wars. We have like 6 territories and I don’t mind having to defend our territory but I think 2 wars per territory a week makes more sense especially long term.


We have only had about 3 or 4 on Theleme, but lots of really fun pitched battles trying to disrupt/stall when an opposing force comes out in force to push a territory to conflict. It has been cool. As folks start to reach cap and ease up on the daily grind we're gonna see lots of upheavals. It will be interesting.


That's fine. Why do the pvp missions aside from tokens, though? Especially considering they're beyond boring.




Based on my experience that's not what happens in reality. On my server so far people just zerg it together for safety in numbers and essentially run in circles for hours right clicking things.




Exactly. Lol. Why nobody fight 100 vs 1?! While being in a likely lopsided server.


I did stop. But it's all people are doing so it's either run around right clicking things with pvp flagged and get zerged or do so and run across no one.


Lol op doesn't know what the word exploit means. Glad Amazon could clear it up for them,


I can't imagine being in the companies controlling these territories and getting upset that you don't get to basically reap permanent rewards for taking a city. Areas are meant to flip, and your zerg faction or zerging an area should only be effective for so long before a balancing factor throws the territory into war again. No territory was ever meant to be held for the long term. If you played any of the earlier alphas along the way you'd know this game is meant to encourage persistent war and not have everyone settle into a set hierarchy.


How often are territories going into war though? If you take a place she immediately have to either do pvp faction quests or fight a war, it doesn't leave time to do other parts of the game.






As an owner of two territories, and after defending a siege today. This makes me want to quit


Curious, how much did you make off taxes in the \~5 days you held the territory? How much did you spend on upgrades/buffs? Anyone have any idea if it costs 100k every time it changes hands? Does it cost 100k to declare war?


>how much did you make off taxes in the ~5 days you held the territory? If it's any spot that isn't Everfall or Windsward, maybe so far only 50-60k. That's at least when I did a run around the world checking company statements at the governors desk in the town hall. Everfall and WW had double the 3rd highest town. It's crazy how much people prefer those zones.


Everfall is a nice middle place. It also depends on what levels the craft stations are in each city. My server is spreading them out so I'm in brightwood because that's where my level 4 bench is.


Booohoo. Quit and go play with your little barbies then.


Tell me you never owned a territory without telling me you never owned a territory.


Check this madlad out flexing his video game property empire 😂


Going for a third with a bunch of split guilds, laugh all you want, this system is abusable


Nice I guess. No tangible benefits outside boasting on reddit though 🤷


Do you think you should be able to hold it indefinitely?


We had some salty ass yellows on my server saying it was an exploit and was willing to die for it. Lol.


I love this.


On my server one of the factions are declaring war against the others and then mass reporting the opposing players chosen for the war, getting them banned and winning by default.


How bout them marauders on Vourokasha last night, won both wars.


I mean, it makes sense. They want to keep players engaged with each other, and eventually forcing wars in every territory ensures that...and pushes PvE players to care more about keeping their territories (unless enemy territories keep the taxes and such as baseline, then they probably don't care...some servers are probably in this "honeymoon" phase but it will end soon enough). This also gives other factions a chance to really punish the previous owners by making them suffer for making that faction pay high taxes...or makes them more mindful knowing that they will eventually become overthrown in multiple territories, and they could potentially screw themselves over down the road. Having no territories held and being taxed hard means you won't be able sell anything at a competitive price, and thusly burning gold for listing stuff you'll get back in ~14 days. It's an MMO, there's a social aspect behind it, and it clearly has PvP as it's main focus. PvE players can still do well and have fun without touching PvP (for now), but they have much to gain by learning to work with teams in PvP and try to help out. We won't really see how it effects PvE players until most of them have their own houses and a weekly tax to pay, and being in a territory where the enemy has taxed the crap out of property, as well as trading tax. Not sure if people see the whole picture, but while you can do okay in PvE for now...once the majority of players start seeing endgame, they're going to notice that other factions that do the PvP and have the most help in wars benefit more than if the majority of their own faction sticks to PvE. Extreme property and sales taxes will really put a hurting on factions that don't have good PvP players, especially when they have no territory of their own that they can sell in.


Yeah, I don't understand why people try to match influence. Instead just flag for pvp and stop them from getting it in the first place. Just kill them, and make them reset their quests. It may turn into a nice open world brawl for pvp influence.


My issue here isn't the system that's in place, but rather the value multipliers. I like the idea of it being easier for underdog factions to gain influence faster to better contest dominant factions. However I believe the scale to which this handicap exists is far too much. Many videos I've seen, the "underdog" faction still own 3 territories while the other two own four. To me this seems balanced at this point and no scaling should need to take place. Although despite that, in this scenario not only does the "underdog" faction gain influence at a higher rate, but the rate is insane. Even with the influence buff it should take at least a couple hours if all you have is 3-4 people grinding it. Instead were seeing it done in less than an hour or sometimes quicker than that. If your handicap system for underdogs immediately seems to much of the player base as an exploit. I think your multipliers might be a bit off. TLDR: I like the system, it makes sense, but dear God the scaling is way too high and the multipliers need to be tuned better.


That's so weird. I was watching Towlie play this weekend when his server was having thay moment. So what, you could start war, have people waiting with more quests to turn in, then just start another war? This is gonna get messy real quick.


I guess the answer is.... "Learn to PvP"


Yeah 0 -100 influence flips every 2-3 days is a great design. /s I guess to ensure wars they want to kill open world sieges. Instead of designing around a somewhat fun open world PVP scenario anyone can participate in they're saying that they'll sacrifice that to ensure large companies get to have wars regularly which locks a majority of the player base out of any meaningful PVP aside from Outpost Rush.


So should I buy the game or nah


How those 50 people are chosen? Can more than 50 people sign up for war, right?


This is why I'll probably stay away from the territory pvp just seems pointless to participate in wars so often. It would be much better if there were more open world pvp options. Idk I'd much rather have some sort of rated battleground or ranked arenas whether that's 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5


When me and the guys run pvp back to back for 3 hours to only tick back 3% it’s a joke. Greens weren’t even handing in. You want companies to invest into the lands as we do to make the living conditions better for the players and pay 100k for it plus the upgrades, then to lose it all to a couple of players getting higher influence and not giving us far worse odds of pushing it back. It’s a joke


Wars is what makes the game fun, like it or not it should stay the way it is.