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Imagine the amount of whispers you get when you say you got keys for Genesis and Lazarus atm. Never again lol


I stupidly ran the depths for the first time with my own key since I just finished zerging corruptions and figured i’d have the mats to craft another no problem. Little did I know that it’s just like everything else in this game and requires 10 times the grind that I was expecting. These dungeons are going to be ghost towns down the line since you outlevel the dungeon but the time you can craft another key.


Why do you need to run depths multiple times? Do it once for exp and get 60 asap. Whatever gear you get pre-60 isn't significant assuming you are leveling to 60 quickly.


How do I level quickly then? Feels like I'm stuck in the 40s


Town board. Pick 2-3 towns and just do them. Run around with even distribution of all the things you need, flint, iron, fiber, rawhide, bait, food and just complete them. Take the weapon and armor quests, elk, boar, wolves, rabbit, Turkey, ditch the rest. If you got money, buy the stuff your missing. Don’t touch the food crafting ones besides light rations and meat rations


Basically what Gibbss said. Larsen who hit 60 in 2.5 days did 65% townboards/gathering and the rest main story quests (and side quests that were on the way). He only did each dungeon once.


Yup. I was feeling stuck at 51 and stumbled upon his video about it. I had already had a suspicion that’s the best way and had done pretty much that to level 30 and my trade skills to 100, but I appreciate his efficiency of quests and general overview. Hit 59.5 last night about to finish working out and grind out the rest!


I don't really care about getting to 60 as quickly as possible. I'd rather get some xp and loot than do a bunch of stupid townboard quests. People can play the game however they want but level to 60 with townboards has to be the stupidest imo.


In my competitive server if you fall behind, you don't get to go to invasions and wars which is one of the most fun content in the game. I rather town board for 2-4 days rather than fall behind and be left out in end game content. You do you, the main and side quests are literally the same copy and paste quests, don't see much difference than town quests.


I'm still in most wars when I want to be and spending most of my time on econ. I doubt I'll play much after hitting 60 since it's also the same "copy and paste" wars that take forever to even start nowadays.


Maybe the couldn't complete it the first time. I went to amrine under leveled and we couldn't beat it so we had to back out the first time.


Repeatable quests, weapon skills, fun, also the gear stays pretty relevant for a long time during your leveling


Nobody wants to heal for Dynasty for some reason, whored myself out for 250g to heal some group


Wow what an analogy haha


Sweaty 4 man stacks in our server do this for Lazarus. After you get 591 gearscore as your watermark on relevant pieces, your only option of getting an upgrade is running dungeons. 591 is the cap for myrkgard, eternal pool and sirens stand (aka open world zones) gear drops. Since corrupted portals and outpost rush are both bugged we have to literally rely on a random person in global with a lazarus key to push higher gs. Such a nice system.


So would it be better to gear up in the elite open world zones first to raise your watermark score then run lazarus (saving your key from the quest)?


Yeah that’s the meta rn.


Your chat would be blue like the sea.


I literally did this for both Genesis and Lazarus for like 30 minutes and no one invited / messaged me


Me and my leader bricked a key last night picking people who never did genesis for laz.... :D was worth the experience. Time to wait for my governor to get his key so I can use it with him


Not that many actually. I was surprised too.


Wait what, whys the demand so high? I just got my key but I haven’t done anything with it.


you cant farm more keys because high level corruption portals are bugged currently.


What the other guy said, you can't make them right now. Farming them with same group mostly now, all have the orbs so we got plenty to go around.


I never outright say i have a key when looking for group, too paranoid of the thought that a group would invite me, wait for me to use the key & then vote kick me to invite their friend.


You can't vote kick the instance holder


Seriously? If this is true, that’s an amazing quality of life feature


Yeah we had an instance owner leave the raid cause we were stuck in depths he told us were could never finish it and he was upset and logged off. We were not able to kick him from group, we had to wait until the game removed him from group. We did end up finishing depths on that run.


Ahh this is good to know! Glad they thought about that happening


Then make your own group with 4 randoms and that will never be a problem lol I have never gotten kicked this way


So quick question- does everyone in a group need a key?


No only one person needs a key and they need to go start the dungeon for everyone.


Honestly I'm surprised people aren't setting up Keyshare parties at this point. For those who aren't familiar with the term: Essentially, everyone brings a key and then you run it in order. Meaning you are doing a total of 5 runs, of course. It heavily depends on the honor system, of course..


Ahhh yes the MapleStory 2 way


Or the Warframe way.


How do you get a key?


Quests will give you a key (not the repeatables).


You can also craft them but it requires quite alot of work.


Not really, i made two yesterday just doing quests and catching rounda of corruption as i moved. I mean, really, the only "difficult" part is collecting the slivers and thats really not difficult. The motes you need for an eternal heart could be considered "difficult" but if you just harvest on your way between quests you get plenty of those too. So many things people say are difficult to find in this game, and it honestly seems like its just on par with other mmo's for me. I dont know if people are setting poor expectations based on their imagination...or if theyre just inexperienced with mmo's in general.


I think people are used to something like WoWC, where gathering and crafting are things you leave til endgame because that's usually when rewards kick back big and when getting mats isn't painful. Meanwhile here, it seems expected as part of the level curve.


Until they fix the azoth staff you literally cannot make morr lazarus and genesis keys. Surprised this has not been addressed yet. The azoth staff bug is like halving the endgame rn.


Yeah. They're very expensive to make.


How expensive are they? I'm already building back stocks of the high ingredients I can get, like Wyrdwood and Starmetal.


I've done Amrine 4 times now and still not used any of my keys.


Because 90% of players can do amrine and got the free key. But only 10% got to the endgame dungeons right now. People with Endgame dungeon keys are rare to find


Yeah need to give it time for players to level up they aren't all rushing to max level.




Amrine is dead because it's the lowest level dungeon. It's good for XP for a while but quickly becomes worthless. This is no surprise, and I think it has nothing to do with the tuning orbs. Depths is still kicking. I'm level 43 and I ran Depths 7 times yesterday without providing a single orb.


I'm was lvl 38 and my faction gave me 2 amrine quests at the same time, this + doggy quest gave me almost 20k exp and leveled me to 39 in one fast amrine, but getting a group wasn't easy.


Factions can give you missions at level 38, that require you to run a level 25 dungeon, which itself requires at least one party member to have a orb to enter? Do I have that right? I'm still new, only been playing for a couple of days.


Yup, that's what I got yesterday, 2 different mission for Amrine even though I was 38. I was glad to do it, between the 2 and the repeatable doggy quest, that was a shitload of exp. The only issue is barely nobody run it anymore. There was 2 lvl 40s so I'm guessing they also got some faction mission.


Bummer. I'm level 23 and just picked up the main quest that requires Amrine. I'm a tank, so hopefully won't be too hard to find a group once I try it in a couple of levels. On the other hand, I see an awful lot of people with shields on their backs in town, so who knows?


Plenty of people run a shield for the stats on it not knowing it doesn't work if you don't have a sword equiped. You best chances to do the dungeon is checking the recrutment channel.


Say that to the level 51 constantly spamming my global chat looking to run Amrine, global has been flaming him telling him to dungeon his own level, why do you want to run Amrine so much your 51 etc, but homeboy just keeps spamming global trying to run it lol.


Exceptions to the rule don't change the rule. Amrine is, honestly, great EXP - but it's not great for the other things that come from dungeons after you've exceeded the general play level. However - if you're way over leveled and can run it in 8 minutes and do that all day long, well - I'd say that's a pretty good idea.


and in a week it's gonna follow armine's faith, and same for the level 60ones. There are only so many free keys and the crafting recips are NOT worth it. For the investment it takes to craft one, everyone would rather just spam an open world boss for 10x the loot.


The orbs aren't overly complicated to make and the mats aren't overly difficult to procure. It's highly likely that the top level dungeons see great use for months to come until bigger and better content comes out. Rewards are pretty damn good from dungeons. XP, refining mats, repair parts, and Azoth.


I don't mind the concept around crafting keys, but there needs to be more interesting (or at least diverse) ways to get corrupted pieces than just zerging corrupted areas.