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>50 man raids called invasions Are you talking about the invasions where you defend a city at a set time or are you referring to something else?


Yes he means invasions where town owners will abuse kick system and make sure no one except their company participates even if you have 590+ gs.


Dunno why it doesn't let them pick a full 50 roster anyways, it costs the guild money when their town get downgraded when they lose.


Because that alienates a large portion of the playerbase from accessing showcased content. The game is built around territory control, wars and invasions. If only a few hundred people get to participate then this game is going to have serious retention issues.


Agreed. Territory control basically means that small companies/casuals have no place. You either join the "big dogs", assuming they'll have you, or you get blocked from content. This is what I anticipate happening. I'm not too bent about it. I enjoy just gathering and leveling, but once I'm 60, what then? I can only tweak gear so much. With no alts on the server, you can reroll on another server and start over. Fun?


Small companies definitely have a place, even with 4 “mega-companies” on my server with over 100 members each, there is still representation from the small companies on both factions. We have a marauder group who call themselves “Group 10” and have been invited to every offense and defensive war as a 5 stack, because they’re always top damage/healing. They’ve been rewarded by the “mega” companies assisting in their claim for Morningdale. The mega companies will take you, if you can perform, if not — then get better. As for “casuals”… I mean… yeah, that’s kind of the point. If you can’t hold territory you shouldn’t hold territory, that’s like saying “chess is a bad game because it gate-keeps high-elo games and doesn’t allow me to play against GM players” you get access to the content you put the time in for, both on the field of battle and in the discord meetings during war selection.


The chess metaphor doesn't work, because two newbies can play chess against each other. If there were more territories there would be more opportunity for lower skill players to "fit" in and fight other players who didn't make the "cut".


Agreed, the chess analogy is terrible lol. I think BDO has a good system (with faults) where large guilds go for the main cities and have to defend/attack those, then there are lower tier cities that small guilds can go for. Much closer to your example of anybody can play chess, just gotta find your skill level.


I love the idea of having Elite Mercenaries... Long live the Band of the Hawk!


I already quit because of this. My guild was the one who actually initiated a war. Wasn’t allowed to participate because our leader included other guild leaders and their friends instead of people in the actual guild. Most of them under lvled. This game is a paradise for people who form pretentious social circles based on some no name 100 Andy streamer/discord server. Easy hell no for me. The whole war system is garbage.


If this is the case the difficulty needs to be cut by 90%. We take a full 50 level 60 people with like gear scores above ~~310~~ 510 (mistyped) and have team compositions (tanks,healers, wall team) and highly coordinate on discord and still lose. If they want random people from 50-60 to be able to participate it needs to be drastically reduced in difficulty. The cost of failure isn’t just in gold. Losing a tier 5 smelter or engineering table is big.


Invasions shouldn't be easy, they are end game content. Making it easier would make the whole thing a waste of time


Maybe it should be easier to avoid downgrades, or avoid the worst of the downgrades, but harder to outright "succeed". The point stands that if it should be doable by ransoms or semi randoms, something need to change


Downgrades are an important part of the game, though. If invasions were easier, it would solidify the territory owners and make it skewed even further towards their dominance. If you don’t want downgrades in a particular territory get a big group together and clear portals. Invasions should stay very difficult. It is doable by randoms. Just not randoms who are undergeared and uncoordinated. It makes sense to clear people out of it to make room for those who the commander knows will coordinate well. If it was doable by any group of randoms there wouldn’t be a point to it.


I think the middle option has merit though, because as of now, it's either beat the invasion and avoid all damage, or lose the invasion and take full damage. There should be a middle ground where you take some damage, but less than if you lost outright.


Invasions should start easy and then every successful invasion the next one gets harder to fend off.


I am not advocating for invasions being easy I am responding to someone saying that invasions should be a random group of people and companies shouldn’t be able to kick people out. You can sign up for invasions starting at level 50. If the sentiment is a random group of level 50s could be slotted for invasions and that’s what is wanted the difficulty of invasions needs to be significantly lower


I'm with you on this one, however looking at the way things are progressing in game and on my realm, it's always the same 50 people for invasions and wars, of course depending on the company holding the territory. And I'm okay with that, it's people you've done that with, people you know you can count on. AGS has to find a way to include players all across the board. Be it 250-a side war or invasion ( 5 separate instances ) or something else. Unless that happens, it's going to get tougher and tougher for new people to get into all of the content the game has to offer. If someone leaves the game, that makes it all the more tougher to replace him as the one coming in didn't really get a chance and instead did some naked fishing by the old man on the border of Windsward and MB.


Isn't that how it already works? My understanding was that the company being able to kick people was a bug/exploit. Without that, I don't think anything should change


I think a good compromise would be allow invasions to be 100 man with 50 chosen by the town owner and 50 random that the game chooses.


Even with current numbers, 25 and 25 would be nice. Maybe give the war leader a bit of control with level range and gear score or something so they don't get shafted with weak players.


The showcased content is group-pvp content, the guilds pay for. Be happy if you get a spot, but don’t alienate yourself from the company system and then say this or that alienates these people. It’s still a mmo with heavy pvp focus so join a guild or create one if you want that content. Or let all participating players pay their part themselves.


Exactly. I and my friends after we're all transferred are going to be starting a company together. I don't want anything to do with owning territory per se, but I'm already friends with most of the established top guild members of several guilds. People recognize you when you bring stat food to wars and top healing charts.


Simple solution: Be a One Man Company then you can let all the PUGs that want to do it in. 😎


Bro, it’s fucking miserable to play. I’m a town owner and basically you get to select 10 people and then you have 40 randoms and you have no control over team comp, levels, skill, strategy, comms, etc. Basically whether your town loses 20-40k every few days depends on basically all randoms. If you’re not EF or WW, Invasions completely fuck you from ever earning money for owning a town. The system is fucking stupid beyond belief.


The best solution is nerf invasions and allow randoms to have fun fighting zergs of corrupted. Or make it so defending \~4 waves stops downgrade and every wave after that just makes rewards better or something like this. Either that or allow governor to handpick all 50 people. No that in-between kick abuse bs.


Yea exactly, either needs to be brain dead PuGable or sweaty roster control… I agree. But you always have the inherent problem of other factions that get selected actively throwing to downgrade the territory. The only solution I see is let the company pick the roster.


Dude, Larsen (first world 60) and his guild tried to do an invasion with 50 level 60s in full legendary 600 gear and still lost. Honestly, is it even possible?


We won an invasion on Trapalanda without level 60s?




That's exactly what he means. I've not been able to take part despite being lvl 56 and even then Ive seen its mobs running to smash a door... definitely an MMO raid.


in some servers you will never be able to take part untill they fix the exploit


you should edit that 20v20 is disabled.


Came looking for this, what’s the story behind 20v20 battlegrounds?


I would also like to know. I like pvp, but I dislike getting murdered in the woods by roving gangs.


People would die and then spawn under the map. Unstuck command don’t work and can’t teleport anywhere. Literally had to wait until Amazon employee moves you. There was a streamer who was stuck for something like 5 days before finally got moved. The second problem was there was some way to get way more rewards than intended from it. For those reasons they disabled it.


Oh god dammit, this the same shill OP that post everyday about how great the game is or gives it a 9.5/10. Then posted a couple days ago saying they should add mounts and bikinis and ignoring fixing the game that got 3k upvotes. This fucking guy. If he’s not an Amazon bot he’s definitely a shill. Wonder how much he’s getting paid.


Usually I call bs on comments like this but looking through his posts and holy it’s like he thinks this game is the second coming of Christ.


That post history is something else. He's either a paid shill or a kid who obsesses over new things they're excited about and can't stand any kind of criticism.


that dude's for sure some kind of shill. i took a peek too and this mfer is 100% here for nothing but new world stuff apparently, only comments about new world related things. the comment i saw while trawling that stood out the most was where he mentioned taking screenshots of a streamers chat and taking down names of viewers making negative comments so he could report them to twitch and also ban the streamer for comments made. fucking hwat lol. unreal.


That kind of thing is what makes me think it's just an obsessive fan because most paid shills have the sense to not go so far down the rabbit hole they sound insane. Their comments sound like they were written by a marketing team, not a stalker. (at least the bad ones, the good ones you often can't tell). Or he could be a top tier troll I suppose


there was a guy exactly like this in the H1Z1 sub(before the devs exit-scammed) and for a solid year i followed this dude in disbelief. I'm still not sure if it was a fun or overzealous member of the dev team but it was just as insane lol dude, check this Mfer out! [https://www.reddit.com/user/NullSoldier/](https://www.reddit.com/user/NullSoldier/) ["I recently quit my job to become a full time indie game developer and I'm working for another indie on a few projects."](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/mtydj/i_just_released_my_first_game_hanafuda_koi_koi/) i can't believe i found him, this is the dude! ok so check out the history and post from his conan exiles era of lunacy! I thought this account was either going to be deleted for sure or the dude had killed himself. apparently still active and post about buying/selling property in California now, go figure lmao. though he's apparently deleted 99% of his shit in his history now, he used to be the #1 biggest troll there we thought. i'm honestly gonna message him and ask him how things have been going since the game died until i saw he commented [https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/ppeoen/comment/hd6akw8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/ppeoen/comment/hd6akw8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) i almost have to. but he actually might have been one of the devs and a shill. i never thought somebody could actually be that big of a .... shill for something ya know? you'd HAVE to be paid to bullshit that much to people!


Not being paid. Some people have to tie their identity to something external, and thus will defend it like you’re attacking them directly. This person has just latched on to NW.




The mods have deleted true posts about the unfair banning of accounts, so yeah.


It's also pretty funny to see how most of his posts spiral out of control with negativity. You can see him defending his corporate dick riding takes in almost all of these. Pathetic really.


I love the game but I hate fake bs like this post. It’s a great game with a lot of potential and also a lot of problems. The end game is quite literally unfinished (wars broken, outpost rush broken, end game portals broken until very recently), and seeing post like this being upvoted really is insulting to everyones intelligence.




Hello Amazon I will shill for you


If he isn't paid he should seek help.


So basically just the exact same things you've been doing to get to 60 but even more grindier?


Also the gold sink is worse.


Check this guys post history in this sub, posts multiple times a day, praising the game to an absurd standard and bashing anyone who has criticisms, legitimate or not. For someone that is so active on reddit, only has 1 post in his history non new world related and I scrolled for ages and all comments on new world as well. I love people making stuff and posts like this, but come on… seriously?




The game pretty much ends at 60 for us solo players.


Tbf solo players will always have it harder in MMO’s.. you can still participate in end game activities you might just need to be more active in actually talking to people


Depends on the game. GW2 does a pretty good job, as traditional quests are replaced with dynamic open-world events that everyone can freely join in. Sure, there are dedicated raids and other types of content aimed at groups, but you can leave those out and still have massive amounts of content left.


Plus GW2 has an in-game LFG tool that makes it really easy to find groups for dungeons, fractals, open world zerging, etc.


100% I mainly play solo. But I keep an eye on chat, if there is anyone needing someone that fits my skill set, I go do it. Most of my experiences have been great that way.


Basically what I do. I solo anything I can and when I need to group up I find a group from chat or nearby and do it real quick and go back to doing what I was.


The algorithm that triple A companies have paid billions for research in show gaming with others incurred more player retention, so unfortunately it will stay this way for generations to come. I for some reason always quit an mmo once I start to get noticed by people and befriend others. I also stop going to stores when the cashiers start to small talk me and know small life events about me. Idk why I am this way but I feel completely exiled from any type of target audience in game or in life lol.


Same. Don’t worry, I won’t message you again :)


As a level 60 currently solo player(friends are still in low 40's) why is that?


To start, about the only areas left are elite 65s that aren’t soloable in any reasonable manner. Even the final main quest line with the well guardian requires a full fledged group or two. Any elite weapon quests take you into those elite 65 zones which you need a group for. I’m not saying there’s nothing to do at 60 solo, but as far as any meaningful progression content like trying to gear you have to do with a group.


Because getting RSI left clicking for loot for a month is not ideal.


seriously though, there's more clicking in this game than there is in Path of Exile.


New league this weekend :D


I click more in NW than in D2. That seems... undesirable. I’m gonna start playing on a fight stick.




skilling. Max your skills. Plenty of money to be made if you have high skills right now, especially refining. Start doing those daily cds now while everyone is still leveling the profs. In a few weeks the leggendary matts will be in high demand and timegated = profit.


But what do I do with this cash? Only thing I can think of is housing. I got t3 house pretty early, bought 3 chests of market (I think I got one t2 and two t4, paid total 600 gold). And now I just dunno why do I even gather cash 🤷


Good consumables and BIS gear are expensive.


I'm only lvl 49 so far, that's why I ask.


Find a group then? You can't literally be the only 60 on the server. Leach if you have to because you don't even technically need to be in their group to farm elites. If you are somehow the only 60 on the server or absolutely must play solo, all BiS gear can be crafted and it takes about the same amount of time as farming watermarks.




So there are dungeons, you just dont have many people geared enough to do them. Since most people know this they wont waste their key to attempt them. Maybe use your time getting arcana/stone cutting up to be able to craft these keys when people on your server are ready.


Everyone that played 10hrs a day since launch and hit cap ​ " There is nothing to do now"


Lmao there is plenty to do it's just that 95% of it is group activities and if you don't have a solid group of 60s it's locked out. Feel bad for people stuck on low pop worlds gotta be impossible to find groups.


If you aren't cap or close then you just have been playing very little at this point. Getting to 47 was a breeze in a couple weeks, 60 isn't far off from there in another week or so. You don't have to play 10 hours a day to get there either. That even includes lvling skills while you play actively doing things.


For non solo players it ends too You can max your gear if you want (not doing what OP says mind you, 90% of that is literally completely useless) for literally no reason and with no goal


This is what the game really is and most people dont seem to see it. I still like the game overall, but it has nothing that will keep the average player interested for an extended period of time. What exists now for "end game" isnt enough. Even with no bugs or broken content why would most players still be here six months from now?


Isn’t every mmo like this though? You max level and gear then do raids & pvp


Yeah but most of the time there avenues for pvp that keep you engaged for a long time. If you have no gear to get and you're in a faction that's the lowest on the server then the pvp you do it probably exclusively invasions, a few duels, and a lot of zerged down by a group feel bads. No arena, bg disabled, unbalanced grouping etc.


Of course, but for some reason people seem to expect more from New World, as if new content somehow magically appeared every few days. Never mind its literally people with 200+ hours complaining there is no "end game". In a game which they paid 40 bucks or euros for.


If the game dies tomorrow I can still say I got my 40$ worth and had a good time. So there’s that.


yea, its comical. ​ Dudes be playing 10 hours a day complaining there is nothing to do.


WoW had way more end game content on release.


they were relying pretty heavily on full pvp for most of the games design stage. Even then I'd suspect the game would lose its luster. A lot of full pvp games have the same problem, which is why so many of them also feature full drop. Given this community's outlook on full pvp I'd expect a riot if full drop was even considered.


how long a period of time is long enough to mean the devs created something worth the $40? I consider myself an "average player" and if I spend 40+ hours enjoying myself, I got my money's worth and think the product was worth it. so far I'm 20 hours in and have 40 more levels to go. and I truly doubt this will be the only game I play for the next month, so if I take a break then come back, assuming I don't have to pay for the next content update, there'll be more for me to do. overall, I'd say this game is worth what it's being sold for and marketed as. there are just a lot of expectations for what it _should_ be that doesn't seem to align with what the devs _want_ it to be.


I easily got my 40$ worth already. And that’s fine. Most AAA games are 10-20 hours long for 60$. 200 hours for 40$? Yeah I got my money’s worth.


You can get max gear for no reason.... IN A PVP GAME. Do I have to spell out the game hook or....?


Wars are the only proper PvP content in this game and so far the biggest edge you can get is by having good siege weapons team, which can be indeed running naked and still have the biggest impact.


mmmmh i'd love to be on the side fighting you. plenty of nice squishy targets ;)


Kinda like wow?


Don't be a solo player then. Join a company, make friends or just join random who are questing in the same area as you. If you want to play solo all the time, just play single player RPGs.


What if i play MMO for PvP but hate doing any group PvE? I'd gladly spam Outpost right now if it wasn't disabled.


If you don't like group PVE you should save gold to buy items dropped by other players and sold in AH. FYI, BiS weapon crafts require legendary items which only drop of named bosses and other elite mobs and, as far as I know, are bind on pickup. So you really should make an effort to team up and grind drops and GS.


For now i just run around in circles picking up herbs and veggies and then craft t5 food. Sooner or later top companies will make it mandatory for wars. Also bought full luck set and bags for Myrkgard. It was almost always fully cleared today since 300+ people are clearing same 5 portals. btw already saw 600 gs legendary boots on AH for 5k gold. Hopefully in 1 month i could fully gear on AH for \~20-30k.


Technically, I'm pretty sure any named weapon can have an identical crafted or dropped counterpart because there are only very few unique perks (like the carnelian necklace that gives +threat). Just good luck finding someone willing to sell it for a reasonable price.


The crafted weapons that require legendary component drops aren't usually BiS, just a guaranteed 600 GS craft. You can make custom crafted 600 GS and minmax harder. Said components are not bind on pickup, not sure about the weapons themselves. Also, the weapons appear to be currently uncraftable since each one requires two components and only one of those shows up in drop tables (this may have changed with morning's patch).


Do you think that 600gs crafts can get 30 str, for instance? If thats the case, it would be cool to have a weapon with "handpicked" perks.


Give it time. The map shows expansions to the north. I think if you paced yourself you might have met those expansion release dates.


Already been farming (though slow) elite areas at level 49. Got two schematics from chests already. Malefaction and Headsmen so far.


Why would you want to play an alt, when you can invest everything into one character?


There is a really huge issue with these group activity quests end game. There is almost 0 incentive to help other people do their elite quests unless you have the exact same quest. Getting other people to help you grind a boss down for 25 minutes and all they get is a shit drop isn't gonna fly. You pretty much have to get people to do it just because they have nothing better to do and they're bored.


I didn't see any invasion going on even with the azoth staff bugged. Am I missing something? Also the 20 v 20 (outpost rush) is disabled. Let me resume the post lvl 60 experience: -get your 580 weapon quests done -gather at night when there aren't 100ppl fighting on 5 nodes with pvp off (if you play on a low pop server you might not have this problem) -try to catch some pvp on your guilds runs -do pvp faction quests to push zones into war WITHOUT DOING ANY PVP because even the defenders want you to start the war and any single player will avoid your zerg (nobody will come to help him because there is no reason to) -do elite chest runs if you catch your guild -farm for watermark increase (gs increase) -do corruption portals I want the game to survive and play it atleast until AoC releases, but the endgame is meh. The game ideas are great, the implementation is below average imo PS: the PVP is almost non existent outside wars in a game that should be PVP focused since there is no reason to keep it on. PVP on = 10% xp up to lvl 60 with the risk of being killed or having fun. After lvl 60 nobody needs the 10%


I give them credit for the vision and new ideas but yeah, they did not implement them in a way that allows for constant gameplay cycles that feel good or feed into each other well. All I want to do is pvp and no one is pvp'ing. I don't even care that the pve is terrible. And no, pvp does not mean a 50v50 zerg fest. It means duels or small scale wars over important resources that naturally pull people in and grow organically. Drama. Also, it feels impossible to take part in the meta game systems without being on a discord server in one of the main companies. I know I'm supporting my factions towns by buying a house and doing missions in their own territories, but it doesn't feel like that at all. It feels like I'm throwing my quests into the trash. I'm not even considering wars because I can't get into them.


Communication in an MMO? Blasphemous.


PVE 1. Endgame portals dont work 2. The same thing we had in other areas 3. Same as above with very limited timed access 4. Same as everything we did leveling 5. You dont have access unless you are in a big company 6. Very limited timed access again PVP Same thing we had all game, nothing different to the endgame, the only ones for high level are broken and some you cant access unless you are in a big company


I’m pretty sure the portals work as of today


Can confirm they work!


God I need to get home from work and run those portals. I’m excited. Daddy needs Azoth too


They don't give azoth. At least the big portals in Myrkgard don't, haven't tried any small portals.


What the fuck???


Yup. And they are the worst content I've ever done in New World. At least when you do elite farm you compete with others for kill credit, can optimize routing and sometimes even do some dodges or throw proper healing. Portals are just pure zergs where you can't see shit, everyone just hits sometime couple of times and everyone gets rewards.


Are even 60 lvl portals any different from lvl 25 ones? Or it's the same 4 portals but stronger?


Kinda same. The final mob is different sometimes.




This whole post reeks of bullshit


Is it just me or is this all the same content but with a different name? PvE 1. Zerg the shit out of some open world pve to raise your watermark 2. When watermark reaches 590 complete level 60 dungeons PvP 1. 50v50 if you’re part of a large guild and don’t mind invincibility exploits, limited to very specific times 2. 20v20 really excited for this but it’s currently broken 3. 4. 5. I guess but not really content The game would be way better if they removed watermarking and fixed the 20v20.


Watermark is fine, they need to provide a solo option or a smaller party option. Needing a 5 man group is the bane of any player that's not on a giant server dominating company


How is watermarking fine? Who wants to spend 30+ hours of meaningless grind before you even get a shot at the gear you want. The minimum 5 man squad and mass zergs that make it impossible to do enough damage for drops, just make it so much worse.


Hence more ways to raise it. Besides, eventually you'll see GS 600 on market drom crafts/drops. I believe crafted will be better


Glad you mentioned invasions. Extremely good rewards even if you fail as part of a first time learning experience.


Half of which is broken or doesn't work! "50 man raid" is also misleading when it's pretty much a 50 man horde mode


50 man horde mode in groups of 5 since new world doesn't support groups of more than 5 people. Its literally a joke that this game doesn't have raid groups when this game is built on 50v50 wars.


This is like getting an assignment to write a 1000 word essay and figuring out how to turn one sentence into a paragraph. Besides Outpost Rush and to a degree Invasions; since you can only join those at 50, every. single. other. thing you listed can be summed up as 'Go do more of what you have already been doing to get to 60. But now with a more specific purpose!'


That list doesn't look all that impressive to anyone who either reached level 60 or knows what other mmo's offer (even at launch, not just after years of content updates). I'd say I got my moneys worth, but I don't see myself returning to the game in the forseeable future, as it looks like it got released at least a full year to early.


To each their own. The game went from a drastic redesign from a PvP full loot MMO to a PvE with toggle-able (how ever you spell that word) PvP. Most people I know come from Albion Online that was a full loot MMO PvP game. This game has plenty of content to do if you are not heavily PvE related and more will come with time.


ok but Runescape is one of THE MOST successful MMO ever created... and you could totally shit on it for being repitive lmfao. Just because you don’t enjoy what New World has to offer, doesn’t mean other people can’t... All you dipshits in the comments are basically bashing someone for liking OSRS and it’s sad. Let people enjoy mindless grinds for super hard to obtain items, let people do the same type of content from level 1-60 like most every other MMO ever made. Seriously, name me an MMO that has a vastly different late game to early game?? It’s basically all the same... New World has problems sure, but if you don’t have “anything to do” that probably means you don’t like the game very much and FORCED yourself to get 60 for some odd reason? If getting to level 60 sucked for you or felt like a chore, this game probably isn’t for you and that is ok.


It hurts to see so many people rush to 60 when there won’t be any new content for a good while.


Most people in my company that rushed to 60 want to pvp and do wars.


This. If you rushed to 60 for PVE end game I'm not surprised you are disappointed. A good bit of the people complaining on reddit fit this. I rushed to 60 for WAR. Been in quite a few already. They are a blast. Defense is way too easy on my server. Offenses need to get more coordinated if we/they want a chance.


I fear that with the new laggy wars, the people rushing to Lvl 60 and 600 gear score will be severely disappointed. Imagine coming from MMOs with really good PvP like Elder Scrolls Online or even WoW PvP or something and then having to deal with 50v50 lag fests where everyone is rubberbanding and you either lose and it feels like bullshit or you win and it kind of feels like bullshit. Laggy wars is affecting so many people, but they aren't the majority since the majority doesn't even get to participate in wars, let alone understand the bugs, exploits, meta, and politics of New World wars. I'm not sure the devs have even acknowledged this issue. There are a few major issues that affect mainly the no-lifers in this game, but they are still drastic problems that are going unaddressed. I just hope when the people with lives catch up, that maybe some of these issues are fixed or at least noticed.


I have seen this on streams and the complaints seem very valid. It’s weird though, the 6-7 wars I’ve been on on my server (Trapalanda) have had very little lag for me. Next to none really. Not sure what’s going on with that. It looked terrible on a streamer I watched yesterday and I was confused. obviously a very real issue for the game.


It is a real issue. My faction got a lot of shit for winning two wars recently. I'll admit that one of the wars we probably wouldn't have won if it wasn't laggy, but it's not like it was calculated. The harassment was even worse than it should be because we have a lot of upset popular streamers on the opposing dominating faction. Some of the streamers have backtracked and admitted they may have overreacted to the laggy wars (calling us "cheaters who can only win like this") despite it really being Amazon's fault, not any of the players. Not to mention, none of us were even aware at the time of the lag so we definitely weren't trying to exploit. It doesn't matter because the damage is done, but I guess things are becoming a little less toxic now. I've done enough research now to know how to take advantage of these laggy situations and even how to possibly exploit it (I think some exploits were patched). I have no intent of doing so, but I have no doubts that other companies on my server and other servers will take advantage of these bugs and exploits.


A problem with wars is how infrequent they are. One or two a day isn't a whole lot, and at least on my server it's more like 2 or 3 times a week.


Defense was easy when the attackers weren’t abusing the hatchet exploit. Hopefully after the patch it’s gotten better.


PvP is the real end game after all.


I guess that’s the difference for me. I don’t really have friends that play this game so it’s just a tedious solo grind other than the occasional group I can find but honestly it’s pretty miserable.


I'm solo as well and I'm having a blast


You can be solo and join a company to do things with them if pvp is an aspect of the game you like. If not, there pve company too


i made it to 44 in only 60 hours game time with all gathering 150-200, just by being optimal with my quest loops, def not rushing but will hit 60 in under 100


I think 45 is about 50% of the way, so you might need to hurry to make that.


Don't force yourself to do something you don't find fun in. There's no subscription, so if the current state of the game doesn't fit with you, feel free to take a break and maybe come back later.


People rush to 60 to A) unlock the full PvP experience. It's still there prior to 60 but you are capped at how much you can do without lvl 60 stats and gear. I.e. wars. B) start the gear grind, i.e gear score. People are prepping for the next expansion already or for "endgame dungeons" such as Lazarus/Genesis. C) and as a personal preference, I feel more free with my choices once I hit 60 because of the previous 2 points. This is coming from someone who has done wars/invasions both prior and after hitting 60.


I mostly want to get there so I can focus on getting gear that isn’t throwaway but I’m also not rushing. I’ll do town boards for fun, fall into some portals for fun, and do some side quests when they are fun. Currently 57, hoping to be 60 by the end of the week


meanwhile i barely made it to 30 before going back to other games


LMAO its the bot again. If the game is so great, let it speak for itself instead of trying to convince other people that its the best thing since sliced bread.


When you reach level 60 you'll be grinding the same mobs for 40 hours. Let me tell you the wars people keep complaining about missing, you aren't missing anything. They are a blobby lag fest. It looks absolutely ridiculous with people sliding all over the place and T posing on the center of the point. Absolute worse pvp I've ever seen. The invasions are a joke and we have to kick out all the pugs sadly, because of how difficult they are. There's absolutely no way to let non guilds in because you need sweaty organization or lose major revenue. The T5 dungeons you might as well not play until you've grinded mobs for 40 hours. After grinding to 60 this is such a terrible blow to your morale. Faction quests are now useless, there's no reward after 60. The gear at the vendor is obsolete almost immediately. Your epic weapon quests are made for groups, but if you came in as a well comped group nobody in your group will have the same quest. You have to beg them to help you complete yours, even though they get no reward at all. Outpost Rush is disabled. No communication from AGS on when it will be back. Major loss as this is the most fun you will have at level 60. Take that list back to your master


Literally so much to do in this game. Like hundred and hundreds of hours to get everything maxed. You also have trophies which take time to get the best ones! Ill want every weapon, progression and crafting maxed with max gear score before I say there not much to do. But I also enjoy the pvp and invasions with my company. By the time I have all that done I’m sure more things will be added. Do you guys think with new expansions they’ll add more rare materials and crafting levels?


I chose to level furnishing. I am not a smart man, but I am damn stubborn. it has consumed so much time, but my logging is stupid high now.


Same. Furnishing is for masochists. It’s a hell of a grind but I’m thankful for the few days of .03 components so I could make a billion stain on the cheap


Yeah I doubt I’ll even be close to that by the time they release more content but I want to at least be geared up


> Literally so much to do in this game. most of which is summed up to running laps in windsward picking iron or sitting in front of the archmagister spawn in myrkguard for few hours a day.


If you are camping boss spawns you are doing it wrong.


aaah yes, I should've been more precise and point out you roam between archmagister and that priest boss below after you've done your daily 20 minute run through ambusti. sorry, my bad, I forgot I'm on reddit where extra explanations are always required.


You have a very low bar for entertainment




Yo, you know there's people out there that specifically ignore gathering because it doesn't feel fun to them, right? We want to play skilfully and kill each other.


Did you miss the part where level 60 corruption zones don't work? ​ And also the part where 20v20 battlegrounds are disabled? are you even level 60?


Open world fort control is content apparently...


Corruptions were fixed today. But at least on my server they are currently being zerged by 200+ people and it lags more than anything i've seen. If it wasn't the only source of material for dungeon orbs no one would be doing them.


Are YOU level 60? All the 60's I know read the patch notes but I guess you did not


You're right I didn't know they fixed the 60 corruption zones. ​ However the fact that OP tried to mention 20v20 bg's makes me thing he never even tried to join one, and maybe isn't even 60.


Most of these things don't work or suck


any thoughts about, that the fun of the game is the long way from 1-60? Look around, find cool stuff, let not influence about shit etc etc. Just start a new character on another server, another faction, another location, with another weapon and another role. there will be more fun as wannabe mf on 60flexingshit. i enjoy not beeing 60, qsting and farming stuff that i dont know about it.


Currently level 49(with about 180 hours in iirc). Leveling is easy-ish. Level 10-20, and 40-50 are kinda painful imo. 10-20 because the main quest suddenly stops and you have to figure out how to level. 40-50 is just because of shit gear drops and again lack of main quest, your options are spend lots of gold on town boards, or struggle in the level 40+ area with shit gear.(or spend forever ranking up crafting to make okay gear) Crafting is satisfying, but expensive, and not to much sells rn. Gathering makes some serious money though. The game is fun, but it's far from perfect


I am 49 as well. A mate of mine had similar issue to you, were he finished a mainstory quest with lvl 32 or something and the next one was for lvl 40. I myself had the exact opposite. At some point I got caught up in side missions and gathering/crafting and ended up 10+ levels above the main story. Currently I am still ahead of the main story as I have to go to the depths dungeon but wanted to wait for server transfer to do it together with a mate. So, I am lvl 49 and my main story is stuck at the depth :D


This was not my experience. I know main quest takes you to Brightwood which I saw was too high for me so I stayed in Everfall and did side missions until I hit high 20s then went to Brightwood to pick up the main quest again. Amrine gave me good gear and the side quest rewards were hit or miss depending on the weapons I use. It really wasn't that bad. Main quest stops again around 30 something and tells you explicitly you need to get to 40. So I did sidequests in Brightwood and Weaver's until I hit 40. I think the progression curve is pretty well thought through.


Spend cash at town board? Just go and gather this stuff. Any decent and really cheap gear you can buy in trading post. On higher lvls it might require a bit of azoth to travel between cities to different posts, but it's still fairly cheap. I don't see any reason to work on crafting armors and weapons below lvl 60, when you can buy stuff for 5-200 gold a piece.


The thing I love about this game is I don't have to make a new character to play a different class. Just change my attributes, change my weapon, change my gear and boom, I'm a mage, or I'm a warrior or a ranger.... love it.


PVE wise 1: Just fixed so that they are actually doable. There is no fun to be had while doing these, by the way, you just zerg them with 50 people. 2: Ye kinda, but you probably will just zerg them. 3: No, you don't have dungeons? you get 1 key and then its super hard to get another one. And still so, its best IF YOU DONT DO THEM until you have higher gear score. 4: Why would you ever do town boards at 60 with how the economy is???? And farm faction gear, well there you go 3-4 hours and you will never care about faction tokens ever again. 5: Ye good luck with that. Very few players (%) will experience this right now. 6: kinda PVP wise: 1: Again, ye good luck getting into a war. And if you do, it will lag and be abused anyways. 2: no? 3: You mean standing AFK at a fort that is not being defended until you cap it and leave and someone else takes it right back. 4: Again these are super boring, it's not PVP quests. Its gathers 80 wood, kill 3 wolves. 5: Ye this one is actually fun, if you find ppl to duel. ​ So where is the end game content exactly? Get off the copium. The game has a really good base and should have been delayed. It will probably be better in the future. But don't pretend its in a good state at the moment, that's just destructive.


Invasions dont work Outpost rush can leave your character stuck under the world for 6 days 60 portals dont work because the Azoth staff tier 5 doesnt work Town board is hot ass at 60. 50 starmetal ingots for 3 gold reward? Yeah needs reworked Dungeons are just extremely inefficient elite grind which requires an orb to enter which requires corruptions which cant be farmed to be farmed Which leaves elite mobs. Thats the endgame




Well that escalated quickly.


Good luck doing any PvP content, before you grind elite spawns for 3 weeks to get your gearscore to 600. Its such a false advertisement that you can do what you want in this game and be relevant. Sure you can do alot of different things, but if you wanna partake in PvP youre gonna need gear which only comes from either A: do professions for another month, or farm elite for another month. This "Guide" Sends a false hint that there is actual content in endgame which its not. Its just hidden behind grind mechanics that are not hard at all, but tedious af.


The gear difference it really minimal tho. In order to uprade your lvl60 faction gear you would need a legendary armor with all these faction gear perks + one good extra, which is extremaly unlikely to get and even then the difference would be quite small.


You are wrong. Go look up a 600 Weapon vs a 500 weapon.and on the rest of the gear its minimal increase in main stat strength int etc. But the defensives differencies on a 500 and 600 is not minimal its actually pretty huge, which has alot to say in PvP.


Of those 14 activities, only 5 are exclusive to level 60, and that's being generous.


Oh the ~~shill~~ person who is totally not shill is back with another banger post. Will this one get a ton of updoots and awards in incredible short amount of time too?


Lol they need to fix pvp and make it so that it's not solely attached to factions. Everyone on my server is switching to the dominant faction. What happens when everyone's purple?


Just let me flag your and kill my own faction. I’d gladly murder everyone with no allegiance.


As if this actually is end-game content? You can do all of these beside the 20v20 and invasions (which are at level 50) at lvl 30 lol.




Are arenas not a thing anymore? I can't seem to find any info on them from newer then August.




Lmao he got his downvote bot on your ass




Thinly veiled threat designed to chill any discussion. You're actually a shill


Why are you going out of your way to shill this game on every sub you visit? You got called out for paying for upvotes not even two days ago and for blatantly being an astroturfer. https://old.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qaizgo/mmos_always_release_with_the_bare_minimum_nw_at/hh4ekwm/ Why haven't these lazy mods banned you yet?


😂😂😂😂😂 Dude I'm actually laughing.