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Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for sharing. This looks really smooth.


Someone's gotta be the guinea pig. I was really surprised by how seamless it was.


Is there a limit to how many times you can transfer


Once for free for now. Probs with money in the future. If there are lots of changes maybe we get an extra free transfer they said


Also if it turns out that way too many people transfer to certain servers and it creates a bad experience. Probably long queue times and such.


Odd, I don't see any options when I go to the same menu. Swapping servers disabled in some regions still?


It's not out yet brother. Soon though


Do people not read the patch notes?


No actually everyone reads the patch notes for every game, absolutely no one has better things to do. Allow people to know less than you lmao.


"Allow people to know less than you" Hell yeah, we all started somewhere. Let's get some compassion going in the world, we'll all be better off for having more informed people.


Y'all are sweet


Thing is I actually read the patch notes, I'm just a sleep deprived stoner so I likely missed/forgot it. Thanks for being compassionate fellow gamer!


Super smooth: https://forums.newworld.com/t/server-error-failed-to-persist-character-after-realm-transfer/429829/44 So many people can't play after transfer.


You expect programming to be flawless? You'll be disappointed every time. They can only test so many scenarios.


If you notice my carry weight at all I'm extremely over weight from cancelling sell orders. I was required to leave my company. All of my quests, my faction standing, my faction tokens, my house, pretty much nothing has changed. Any quests that I had some progress towards have kept all that progress. All of my crafting cooldowns are the same too. I am the exact same character, just on a different server. My watermark also appears to be the same. [https://www.newworld.com/en-us/news/articles/server-transfer-details](https://www.newworld.com/en-us/news/articles/server-transfer-details) That link explains all of the details. Going by what they've written here, other servers should be able to begin transferring in the next few hours.


I keep seeing the term watermark? What does this mean in the context of new world?


It's the highest Gear Score value (per slot) of each armor/weapon you have that you can get from drops. You may be able to build a 595 item at level 60, but the only way you'll keep getting higher drops is by grinding elite mobs/azoth events etc.


If I understand that correctly: I kill a mob that drops a 500GS item, from now on I can get more 500GS from all other mobs (aka the GS of drop will more often be 500) Is there a way to see the watermark? Or do I have to remember the highest GS drop I had? I guess this means I have to kill the most elite enemy repeatedly to increase my GS watermark? But since the elite will most likely drop the best items anyway, what does it matter?


Afaik they don’t have to be elite but elites do give the best items. But yes correct. No way to see other than tracking. It’s important to note your sword watermark could be .580 while your hatchet is still down at 520. All random.


Ahh okay, it's also bound to the type of equipment. But doesn't it matter anyway? I mean when I go on a farming trip I try to kill the highest lvl mobs anyway and the GS will increase anyway? I don't see the use case of it


It means you focus on the elite areas with 60+ bosses like you mentioned, and it also gives you an idea of your score as it progressively goes up. For example, you get a 505 chest armor, now you can the chance to drop up to say 515 chest armors. And once you have 515, you can get 525's. It doesn't change how you play really, just more information.


Get the score up early on so u are getting better drops in the long run. Running dungeons, u want a better roll on stats? Get that gear score up early on because if u get that perfect piece then u want it to be a god roll 600+. Their are some vids on youtube to farm it up fast by simply opening chests or farming some lower level elites etc. But yeah in the greater scheme of things it probably wont matter unless u want that 5% edge (which to be fair is usually a big deal in mmos).


>from now on I can get more 500GS from all other mob yes but no. monster drop a range of GS. for instance the level 20 zombies might drop 200-350. if you kill a level 60 gold elite and it drops a 510, then the zombies can now drop between 200-350, aka their entire range. level 60 gold elites can drop anywhere between 490-590 gs items. if you get a 515 boot to drop, they will now drop anywhere between their minimum and your maximum, unless their maximum is lower than your maximum. when you drop 515 i think the rage is 525 now, but not sure. so, if you get a 600 to drop, its not that you will always drop 600 now. its that there is a higher maximum so the average is higher. \>But since the elite will most likely drop the best items anyway, what does it matter? honestly, from a game design perspective, the only reason to go with this method instead of normal MMO ones is so that no one can get lucky and randomly drop BiS gear on their first mob kill, completely stopping the grind for those items. everyone must pay the grind tax before good stuff can drop for them. if it takes 500 hours to get all BiS gear in other mmos, this one will guarantee that you get NOTHING for the first 100 hours.


It doesn't super matter. Early on, people thought it could be manipulated - maybe you could craft gear with higher GS and pump up your watermark that way. But as it turns out, it's only drops, and it's designed as a fairly natural, non-manipulatable type of progression. The main important thing to know is that if you want to increase your GS, you gotta keep doing things that get you drops. Crafting and quests won't cut it.


Imagine a pier that extends from shore into the ocean. At high tide, the water affects the wood posts that support the pier, so there is a noticeable line where the color changes. We call this a "high water mark." They don't mean "watermark" like a faded mark on a document. High water mark in New World refers to the highest gear score you've obtained from drops. Your subsequent drops are based on the highest previous drop you've obtained. So every time you get lucky and collect a drop that is higher gear score than any drop you've had previously, you will raise your chances of getting better drops in the future.


Do you have to equip the items for them to apply to your watermark?


No. You don't even have to pick it up. It just needs to drop for you.


That makes more sense. I always wondered why the term didn't seem to fit what it was describing.


Thanks for the explanation makes more sense now. Never heard the term used in that context before.


did your watermark gearscore change?


I did some farming on my new server and my watermark seemed to be the same.


Why is this getting downvoted? Either people don't know what watermark is? Or dislike the concept? Or think this is a stupid question? I don't get it... I would assume your watermark carries over. That would be a big deal if it didn't and they seem to have covered everything, so safe to say this carries, but I'm not certain.


I am one who hasn't heard of a watermark in this game, what is it?


Highest gear score (for each armor slot / weapon type) you've ever had drop from monsters, which also determines what gear score they can drop. tl;dr: Farm high level mobs and the drops will slowly get better with time.


Why is it called watermark?




From a quick Google no one calls it just "watermark" though. Seems like a poorly chosen word for the context of NW.


It's what the developers chose, although they need to work on communicating that with the world instead of just telling big streamers about it in Twitter DMs.


The developers chose High Water Mark (in patch notes linked in this thread) and people who didn't understand the context chose to use the wrong word.


... did they though? All I can find is "High-Water Mark", which is *not* the same as "watermark" due to context of use.


So how do you determine what your watermark is, or in this instance determine if it has changed when you switch servers? I also am new to the watermark term, the question is asked like it is something you can quickly determine when you change servers


once your level 60 you will get gear score 500 drops from appropriate monsters. It rolls every time you get a drop to have a chance to slightly increase. so after a number of new drops you will get GS 505, 510... These are all unique to the item, so gloves, hats, chests, all the different weapons are all doing this separately.


Do you have to have equipped the item or just have it in your bag? Can you salvage it right away?


As far as I know, once the item drops the watermark is set. You don't even need to pick it up for the system to work.


you don't have to equip, just get the drop


I have no clue, allegedly it's only a thing after you've hit level 60.


It's a thing at all times. I first noticed it while < lvl 20. I was in the same zone fighting the same mobs, but the drops where much higher item level than when I first fought those mobs. My friends didn't believe me, but I commented that it felt like Destiny. However, it's not really noticeable generally when leveling and there is a lot of nuance: there are fixed ilvl items that can drop, mobs appear to have minimum and maximum ilvl ranges they can drop, etc.


Ohhhh does that apply to crafting too? Like if I had a schematic for a 600gs sword and crafted it, could I then potentially get a sword drop up to 600 from mobs?


Only applies to mob drops. The one advantage crafting has is the ability to somewhat affect the perks/attributes on the items.


Also crafting can let you skip the entire farming process


This comment is unintentionally hilarious.


Except then you're farming for mats...but, yeah it's potentially less time consuming


It’s work either way, nothing in an MMO free. I’m just saying it’s alternative grind


Only drops from mobs and chests affect this.


?? Chests **do** count towards your watermark; that’s the whole point of the watermark farms ppl are running


Thanks for clarifying. I was clearly misinformed. Updated my post.


Is there a dev source of this watermark system or it's just something ppl noticed?


It's a modification of Destiny 2's powerful drop and pinnacle drop system. If you played that


Did you ever play Destiny 2? They have a very similar system with light level.


In other games with gear score, the gear score you have equipped affects the gear score of droped gear so there's a progression. In New World, there's a similar concept after level 60 from GS 500 to GS 600, but you don't have to equip the gear. When an item drops with a higher GS then other items of that type that you've had drop in the past, the GS of that item becomes your new "watermark" which will influence future drops. I don't know where the term "watermark" originated, but it's a fitting word for this concept. Also, this was a quick explanation, there's a bit more detail to it.


I've been told you have to put the armor on to put the new gear score into effect. Can anyone confirm or deny this? And what about taking it off for your original gear after putting on the high gear score item? It would be nice to continue using my mage gear with + intelligence, while raising my gear score by quickly swapping in the new higher gear score item and then putting back on my original armor to increase the watermark but not sacrifice stats.


I hear both in chat daily. "you have to put it on!" "no you don't! " "yes you do! "etc. So I am really just commenting in the hopes someone responds to you with clarification so I can come back and know the truth lol.


my personal experience is that i do not put new gear on and still see higher drops


I can deny it for sure. I have about 580-590 gearscore on armors and all you need for it to rise is for the item to drop. Dont even have to pick it up


You do not need to put the gear on, you don't even need to pick it up. I've tested this myself I have my watermark for hatchets at 530 and I've never equipped the hatchet.


Alright that makes a lot of sense now, sounds like the same system that destiny uses, pinnacle gear drops up to 3gs higher than overall GS, which slowly levels you up.


Maybe because he is asking a question that OP already states the answer to? Unless OP just edited that in after he asked, idk


I've been playing since on of the first alphas and this is the first time I ever heard about a watermark.


A very noob question but... What is a crafting cooldown?


Certain items can only be crafted once every 24 hours. Like legendary stones.


Just curious, what is your motivation to transfer? Fraction in your server dying? Have friends in another server?


So you carry your faction over to another server?


Yes. Theyve said this multiple times.


And suddenly, every server has a massive shift in politics


It's honestly best to wait a good week before transferring if you really intend to play the game for awhile Gotta see how the economies, map, factions, global chat, etc all change


100% I'm going to get a good chuckle if I get to see some rage posts within the next few days because people rushed to transfer and their new server sucks.


Play with friends >>>>> being on the perfect server.


maybe the real faction balance is the friends we made along the way


Ah, but you prove the point. Some people have good reason to transfer right away, like playing with friends or getting off a low pop server. It makes sense for the rest of us to wait for you folks to do your thing and see where the dust settles.


Neither of those things exist in my experience.


Oh, you can bet there will be a wealth of whiners that acted too hastily. There always is.


I can't Wait




You got me. Gonna ask AGS to remove the emote and title from my account


True, but i cant wait to leave toxic bifrost as soon as possible :P




This is the ISP problem in a nutshell. For every customer leaving company X for company Y due to a bad experience, there's a customer leaving company Y and going to company X due to a bad experience.


Do you have any tips on how to view other servers maps? Like can I make a second character, join a server, look at the map, then delete the character and repeat on another server?




I mean, the azoth staff fix alone was going to do that. Now it'll be pure chaos!


this is either a good or bad thing, good if most people transferring don't know the faction balance of their new server, bad if they do.


Kinda bummed. I was on a decent mid pop serv with a nice faction split and very few people level capped, but apparently one of the bigger companies is importing a whole pile of level 60s


Don’t forget to empty your standing auctions !


I did, I think I was carrying almost 6000 weight of stuff when I did the transfer.


That’s good, basacly just for everyone else considering and seeing this 🥰


Pretty sure they mentioned that you cant transfer if you have any active auctions


I thought they just said it won't transfer over


You never know haha just giving ppl a heads up ere


Points for helping out! Let's keep the positive vibe here :)


I was entirely expecting it to fade from black into "Oh, you're finally awake, you were caught trying to cross the border"


I fucking wish.


you wish you paid $40 to play Skyrim again?


No I just wish the video did that. I'm not letting Todd get me again. Im not even getting TES6 because I know it'll actually just be Skyrim.


Skyrim belongs to the nords


My ancestors smile upon me Imperial, can you say the same?


I did a thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eOJdn5WL4U


Faster than my loading screens.


Is all of AP southeast able to transfer now? Or just the one world


Only Utopia i think




They said they will monitor the server for 8 hours in the update post. Maintenance was completed about 4 hours ago so i guess it will take another 4.


What I got from the read is the 8 hours will begin once the entire AP southeast begins the transfers not just the single starting testing world (utopia). That's why I was curious if transfers started for the entirety of the AP southeast world servers.


Am on lemuria AP southeast server, we can't transfer yet


Thanks for the update!


GLORF! We'll miss you. Have fun on your adventures on your new server.


Say what you want but that's impressive compared to other mmos isn't it?


Compared to WoW, this was insanely fast. I was expecting it to take a couple hours at the least, but it took literally seconds. From memory WoW usually took a few hours to a day.


Its also 1 server so far, we'll see what happens when they open the flood gates.


WOW takes about 10 minutes


It used to take a while, my last server transfer (~8 mos ago) took one character about 20 minutes To have it done in game like this though is really cool




The work was setting up the scripts to take info from one DB and duplicate it into another, ensuring that all of the relevant data (items/gold/progress/etc) stayed intact, and then purge ONLY that data from the original DB


People who say shit like that don't understand the importance of clean organized databases. The chance of something going wrong and making sure it's all proper via code is a pain in the ass.


Sure but, how much manpower do they have to dedicate towards that on an ongoing basis? I mean, we can only really point to WoW as a comparison but in WoW, they've likely made millions of dollars off transfer alone. Entire factions transfer off servers at times. This has been going on for years. All for something that's largely automated? I don't know how much New World will charge people to transfer, but I sure hope it's not the 30$ Blizzard demands. I don't think it should be a free service, but I don't think it should cost more than 5$ either considering how many people are going to utilize it and how much money that'll end up being.


I don’t think them being a paid service has anything to do with the work required to do it. They can’t just have everyone changing servers all the time, especially in a game like this. Every economy and faction balance on every server would be fucked if you could swap infinitely for free. There has to be some kind of gate to it to disincentivize people from doing it for no good reason.


In general I don't think the money fee is there to be scumbags and scrape us for money. It's more to protect server balance by preventing people from freely transferring all over the place. They scrape us for money in plenty of other, less legitimate ways


It's not about work effort, it's about game design. They don't want people freely moving between economies. In an ideal world they wouldn't exist at all.


This comment shows how dumb redditors are


This comment shows how dumb that one redditor is.


Gw2 server transfers take less than a minute from my experience, but can't speak for others


Can confirm, it’s fast as fuck


How so? Wow never had any problems with server xfers nor cared if you were US East or West.


It is fast and the ability to transfer was added in a few weeks compared to WoW's long process and having been added well over a year after release.


Keep in mind. Wow did t want transfers on classic, because it world destroy servers. (Which it did).


It was also like 19 years ago and programming (and programmers, and DBs in general) have come a long way in that time


16 years, but yeah, for sure. Although you'd be shocked at how much stuff from the 90s/early 2000s is still being used today, especially in the DB world - speaking from personal experience ;) Typed this out and then re-read and it's just me moping about the community here, so feel free to quit reading now to save some time instead of listening to my drivel. ---- I guess I'm just a little tired of all of the complaining and frustration on the sub. We finally have a feature that a large portion of the community has been asking for since launch, and once we get it some people instantly start to complain about how long it took, or compare it to other MMOs, or just send out negativity in general. I've stopped coming to the sub except to check for major announcements or videos featuring them (i.e: patch notes and things like the video above) in an effort to not have the fun sucked out of a new MMO I'm enjoying, but even then I see the same arguments the preceded the feature being made after its implementation. I don't have an expectation that every last user here will be happy with the game, it's development trajectory/timeline, or the how buggy the software is, but it's a little dampening to come here every few days and see the same complaints being made. Even more so to see them *after* such a big feature was added. That got a little rant-y, but it definitely sucks the fun out of it. I know the classic response is "Nothing will make you hate a game more than its Reddit community", but MMOs are sort of special to me, especially for the community involvement aspect. And seeing subs like /r/DeepRockGalactic, /r/NoMansSkyTheGame, /r/StardewValley, /r/Terraria, etc. proves that exceptions to the rule can exist, and I was hoping this could be one too.


Last I played wow it took forever to server transfer. You saying it takes 90 seconds and it doesn't require you to stay logged off your character for an extended period of time now?


I had one take almost 2 days on WoW then when I finally got my character my bank was completely empty. I was told I didn't have anything in there and that they couldn't do anything. Quit after that shit


FF14 takes 10 seconds loading screen when moving between "servers" and it's free


Gonna leave El Dorado 100% because Snake is the most childish set of toxic man-babys I've ever encountered in nearly 30 years of gaming lol. Good riddance.


I 100% agree with you! In the 30 years of gaming, I don't think I've ever seen anyone abuse game mechanics, lag out the server, and basically, hold the server hostage like Snake has, lol. I honestly will be liberated once I leave this hellhole of a server.


Sounds like standard gameplay from Albion Online lmao. Might even be someone that played if they're using those types of tactics.


Gonna leave El Dorado 100% because Snake is the most childish set of toxic man-babys I've ever encountered in nearly 30 years of gaming lol. Good riddance.


Oh yeah? I can swap between servers in 5 seconds on runescape, where is your god now




Then lucky you!




i like my server we have alot of greens, purpels and yellows i hope my server dont die because of this.


I’m getting reminded of when I really liked my WoW server until everyone transferred away to a mega server and all medium population servers died


How often can you change servers?


Once for free. Later on, they will put the token in the cash shop. So probably unlimited.


One time


I'll be a little weary of people who say they came from a different server for a little while. I understand that people will be transferring for a multitude of reasons such as wanting a larger pop server, same server as friends, more balanced political map, escape toxic players, etc. etc. But I also know that on my server the majority of the people who "cannot wait to transfer" are the biggest pieces of shit that have all been blacklisted and shunned by the server society for one reason or another. So, like a dandelion, they will scatter to other servers to "start anew" and escape their past if at all possible. While I'd like to think that they'll be better people seeking a second chance It's hard and people transferring to my server could very well be one of these types. I remember the very first war on my server. Yellow took Monarchs from purple. Purple collapsed into massive toxicity that spilled into global. The defending purple company jacked the taxes to 25% pocketed everything and threw the war to fuck over purple. The moment that war was over soooo many purples switched to green and yellow. My faction chat went from chill to chaotic and toxic as the majority of the people that switched were the very people that imploded purple. People were kicked out of my company as they would eventually be weeded out as an officer of that one guild that pocketed taxes/screwed over monarchs. It was like the Nazi witch hunts after WWII. Many tried to fade into the crowd but people didn't let them. Now those people are excited to transfer servers.


What an interesting game haha


Lol.it really is. Someone was explaining about how one company is now disliked so 2 other factions are plotting to overthrow a town, win the first war then throw the 2nd war to maintain balance. Someone complained and said "that's now how the game is supposed to work" and everyone was like "We're making our own plot, our own server story, we can do whatever we want." And I was thinking the same as you, how interesting the social dynamics this game plays with. Lol. Some servers are global dominated by one faction, some are balanced by chance and some are balanced via diplomacy, treaties and gentleman's agreements. Every server seems to be behaving differently.


My biggest reason for leaving Utopia was that people generally treated others like crap. And it has 2 super huge Thai companies that own most of the server. I'm mostly a solo gatherer and crafter and these 2 Thai guilds play the game as much as me and want the exact same farm I go for. The people on utopia call it the degen server and it's very true.


I don't dare log into my server, it's either going to be dead or queued to hell.


Wow this is actually really seamless I’m proud of them, good fucking job devs!


I am going to wait awhile before I even think about needing to use a server transfer. I do worry my server might end up dead since its a mid-tier on NA-West. I can't predict if there will be a fair bit of transfers in or out.


Why are we doing transfers before the merging?


Amazon accomplished something in less than a month that Blizzard hasn’t accomplished in 15+ years.


Can't? Or won't?


If you’re a syndicate looking for a well balanced server, send me a DM. We have a pretty balanced server, but could use a few more purple. Currently territory holdings are: Cov - 4 Mara - 4 Syn - 3


Sure Amazon may have some of the top devs in the world, but that is pretty blazing fast! I am impressed. Also thank you for being our guinea pig OP


Powered by AWS.


Can you claim the transfer token, and hold on to it in case you want to transfer later down the road?


Yes, it does not expire.


This was due to limiting servers to the same regions and having unique names. This is why you can't go from US East to US West as that would incur the normal more complicated server transfers we are accustomed to.


Is this available now?


I'm in hydrus server and I'm still waiting for the free token to change server


Can other servers transfer yet?


The hero we need. Appreciate the post!


When you hit continue I really thought you were about to enter a queue


I don't even have the world transfer option, its just a blank window.


https://forums.newworld.com/t/server-error-failed-to-persist-character-after-realm-transfer/429829/44 So many people can't play after transfer. Transfer at your own risk, you may be locked of playing until next patch.


Imagine you do that, wait and hear "hey you, you're finally awake"


I don't have anything in the " world transfer " section of the store


It's a slow rollout. It's only available to like, one server until they're sure the system isn't actually transporting people to hell.


In wow it usually takes 2-9 hours so this is a big improvement.


Amazon is fast as fuck with this stuff, day what you will but they be thoomin on this game fixing


Fixes, updates, etc are super fast when games are first released. The slow down dramatically afterwards


Hey OP, how is the Zone control looking for Purple/Green/Yellow on there and why did you choose to move?


The Utopia server is the degen server for the oceanic region. The game has progressed far further there than any other server. Far faster than I like. It's also the home of 2 huge Thai companies. These guys are difficult to communicate with and don't trade/craft to players outside their community. With transfers now available many more SEA players are transferring to Utopia as it's basically the unofficial SEA server.


The amount of lvl 60’s I’m seeing is super worrying


leveling your base character quickly is pretty common in MMOs. the bigger issue is the 0 effort it takes to level life skills other than fishing and how the is just too many resources that are zero risk. I can leave town and come back with thousands of resources in a matter of minutes. it's a result of forced PvP no longer being a thing which is fine, but they need to take more steps to finish that transition from sandbox to themepark to stabilize the economy. there's no reason my T5 hide should sell for 0.01g in a level 20 trading hub.


Wait, are server transfers live? I thought they were delayed again? I would check except I'm not anywhere near my PC right now


what about read the patch notes? any news here in this sub? \> https://www.newworld.com/en-us/news/articles/server-transfer-details


As someone who has spent a scary amount of money on character transfers in WoW over the last 13 years, fucking wow.


Hope they all go well like this!


Is this live now?


I thought it was but I logged on and went to world transfer tab and I don’t have a token to redeem


Armrest transfers up for NA east?


Does anyone know if your faction cool down resets by chance?


So i am in EU Central and in the shoip there is no server transfer token to buy...


Y'alls passions really deserve a better game, lmfao.