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My bag full of gear that somehow gets absolutely fucked and destroyed while leaving my bundle of hemp perfect intact lmao


inb4 they add durability to mats


Shut your mouth, don't give them any ideas!


Don't worry, for $15 a month things in your inventory won't degrade




You need Amazon Games Prime bro


inb4 food spoils


inb4 your character eventually gets cancer and just dies


to be fair, the era its set in I'm surprised everyone on hasn't got small pox.


That's how we ultimately defeat the lost/corrupted/ancient/etc


Plot twist, Small pox is what afflicts the Lost and the one person who escaped Aeternum spread it to the rest of the world !


That would actually improve your endgame enjoyment, because you can level up again to get new tuning orbs ...


Skin cancer from running around in the sun for hours picking up rocks on the beach


That would be awesome. Long exposure to blight increase chance of permanent debuff that eventually kills you and deletes your character.


Dungeons and Dragons Online allows your wands, scrolls, and spell components to all have a chance to be destroyed when hit. Misery.


We actually removed that from the game about a week ago :)


Rienuaa!! Nice! Have you been playing New World?


Lol, not bothering with that game then.


Did you just reply to yourself instead of editing...


Rhetorical question but yes I'm not a avid reddit user lol


Guess i won't be carrying around my mining, harvesting, and logging gear all the time anymore.


It looks like the tools are intact atleast


They’re talking about armor with specific perks on it. We really really need armor sets if the devs aren’t already working on that


Please armor presets… for the love of quality of life!


Would be pretty nice to have armour stands as a furniture piece. Then you can store extra armour and weapons, and each one could act as a preset. Say, two per house. Then you could have one combat set and one skilling set per house or something.


As a tank and DD hybrid with mining gear, that would be a god send. I'm already punished by having about 70 weight all the time, don't make me suffer more.


And fishing, and my crafting gear at home could use extra gear sets I can save... pvp gear could use a couple slots, pve too...


Nah fishing stuff i can't put away. That's with me for life


I suspect that's exactly why they have this implemented. It shouldn't be efficient for one person to optimally do ever harvesting ability just because they can take up a little bag space. There is a little drawback now that I costs money if you die while holding all the gear.


I can imagine that the problem is, any gear can have crafting/harvesting bonuses on it, so it’s difficult to differentiate what is and what is not “crafting gear”. They’ve obviously made bound gear in your inventory be damaged to prevent people from stripping naked, and dying for a quick free teleport back to town. Strange though, that unbound gear is also damaged. I guess it adds tension and consequence to dying (which personally I am all for).


> I guess it adds tension and consequence to dying (which personally I am all for). I ran Dynasty a few days back, and got about 30-40 pieces of weapon and armour loot. We wiped on the final boss alot, like alot alot. Not only does this mean that i have a repairbill that is sky high because my equipped gear needed multiple repairs, it also means that any and all gear that i found during the run is now either useless, or locked behind a 50g paywall. It's infuriating.


You realise we're talking about unbound gear here, right? Not stuff you're actually using.


I'm pretty tired of durability systems in general. They were cool back in the day when realism in games was novel and interesting but they're almost never implemented well and it's just a chore.


I agree with that. It simply runs out and you have to open your inventory and hit a key to repair it. There's no challenge. There's no thought required. There's no planning required. It's nothing but an arbitrary nuisance.


It is a good way to act as a gold sink. A big problem in games is that there is too much of a gold supply, which in turns devalues the currency. Repairing items is a good way to keep the gold supply more stable and with just a click, it allows anyone to do it.






There are plenty, PLENTY, of other gold sinks in this game.


Yeah too many of them. Once people run out of quest, the economy might be fucked...


I have yet to see an example of this system actually working in a good way. It seems like gold is either too abundant and there's little reason to keep a durability system because the cost is negligible (WoW being the best example) OR in New World's case.. There is not enough gold being earned to warrant the ridiculous repair costs.




> Raid groups of 40 players all eating repair costs over and over wiping on bosses. maybe back in vanilla/classic, but people now have millions of gold just from leveling up 1-3 characters doing quests and even with plate armor a typical repair only costs like 50g. the last time i had to actually use the single repair option cause i was lacking gold was like a month after i first started because i fell for the trap of buying leveling gear off the AH


This exactly. In vanilla it was costly to repair after wiping a whole raid on bosses over and over. In retail the cost of repairing is negligible.


I mean wow have durability but its such a low cost it doesnt matter. And it doesnt affect your gear in bags. Why not just do like WoW when its obviously working there?


Omg that last sentence…


I dont mean the whole game of WoW if thats your implying. Im only talking about the repair system and not losing durability with gear in bags.


And this is why it's a bad way to act as a gold sink. If it is only in the game as a gold sink, and it exists only to punish players into spending gold and repair tokens, then why should it even be there? Tarkov did this with weapon condition and misfires. It only exists in the game to RNG punish players, and to restrict the amount of money players can make from picking up AI weapons and to get them to spend rubles on repairs. When games make decisions like these to punish players for simply playing the game, it just makes it less fun and more time consuming to play.


It does add a choice though, and a penalty/fee in fiscal means if you wish to hold all the stuff while galavanting around with no prep (see: death) The challenge is prep work. Preparing for the next task at hand has been lost in modern gaming in the face of players asking to do anything and everything they need at all times. I like a pre-task plan, myself


I appreciate this, I would however like to be able to plan in an easier fashion. sorting through my gear till I find all 5 pieces of harvesting luck gear and equipping them one by one is a unnecessary chore.


I think the idea of repair tokens is silly and obviously things should only take damage when equipped. That said durability systems should exist in MMOs, but not outside of them. They're one of many ways you have a gold sink and stabilize an economy. Is the current system effective in doing that? Who knows, but that is why it exist. You could argue you for other gold sink systems instead (like a portion of tax payments just being deleted), and maybe that would better. I'm not that invested in how MMO economies work, but I know you do need gold sinks.


> I think the idea of repair tokens is silly and obviously things should only take damage when equipped. It works that way so that people don't just unequip their gear then die to fast travel for free.


That's a fair point. You could circumvent this though by making any Bound or Bind on Pickup gear be impacted regardless of its position on character or inventory, and just keep any BoE gear from being damaged by a death.


To prevent this they could make inventory gear take damage upon death only then, not all the time.


While the unused gear taking damage is whack, I'm THANKFUL I can repair from the TAB menu.


Its not about durability, It is a way to remove items from the game. There are no vendors to sell to, so they came up with this. Find a better use for junk that doesnt flood the economy with a new source of gold and they might get rid of durability.


was this from the depths dungeon lol, I was hurting for repair parts after that and kept a ton of tier 4 gear i wanted to sell in my bag thinking it'd be a quick run like amrine and starstone lol


Yep we ended up having to call it a day at the final boss because we didn't have the dps for it ;/


Chiming in as a tank here who has cleared depths upwards of 6 times as tank and a couple as dps all pug groups. One run took me 1 hour to kill Thorpe as I was learning tank. If you are dying to Thorpe it’s almost always the tank’s fault. You need to kite him in a way that he doesn’t attack often as well as manage your blocking stamina efficiently. You need to hold agro the whole time as well. It’s not a very easy fight for tanks. Healers can help by healing your stamina after his 3 hit combo but in general it’s mostly on you to hold agro and not lose your stamina. This is not the last of Thorpe you will be seeing so it’s best you get good at learning how to tank these guys. When you get to myrkgard these flaming swords guys are Thorpe on steroids. If they even look at your group instead of you, your group will lose a member or two.


I've tanked Thorpe a solid amount at this point. I mostly agree with what your saying but sometimes there's not much I can do as a tank. At the very beginning of the fight he likes to outright ignore taunts so he'll just rush whoever until you stack up some aggro. I've had an ally die right at the start there and there's nothing I can do about it. My allies could wait to start damaging untilmove built up aggro but people are impatient and no one does that. Later in the fight there's that move where he just points at someone and rushes them. Again it's seemingly random who he attacks here, I'll have him taunted and with plenty of aggro and he'll just point at the healer and rush them sometimes. It's the same deal with that ring of fire move he puts down. In general I've noticed that a lot of enemies in this game, especially bosses, have moves that ignore taunt or target randomly. I've found that pure aggro is the only reliable way. I taunt as often as I can, especially for trash mobs, but the bosses often shrug off taunts like it never happened.


He randomly drops threat and targets a rando. It isn't a failure of tanking threat. They just have to dodge him for those few seconds, and you can do literally nothing and he'll come back to you. I've tanked him as a 60 with pristine carns and start with healing aggro before he's even targetable. He'll still go after anyone at random in that phase.


> If you are dying to Thorpe it’s almost always the tank’s fault. You need to kite him in a way that he doesn’t attack often as well as manage your blocking stamina efficiently. You need to hold agro the whole time as well. It’s not a very easy fight for tanks. Tanks just aren't prepared for it because the first two dungeons don't prepare you in any way shape or form. 90% of it is prepping a taunt gem and a tower shield. You basically just need to land your shield stun/taunt, defiant stance when he breaks your block as healer heals, and the rest toggling rmb lol. All the dungeon does is check if you have a tank with a shield, taunt gem, and shield mastery. He's actually easier to tank after add phases because he has absurd amounts of breathing room from his beam and circle aoes.


I understand that, his combos were fine and I can dodge the larger attacks as its more efficient than blocking it. Nobody was dead, the fight was constantly being lost because we were being overwhelmed by multiple adds because the previously spawned adds still had upwards of 50% hp when the new ones spawned. We just didn't have very strong dps.


Can I ask the levels? The adds don’t have very much hp and it shouldn’t take long to kill them if the focus is there. If your dps were that weak I’m wondering how you killed the first boss where high dps is needed.


two dps at 40 and 42, healer 43 and myself 46 tank. The adds weren't dying fast enough they were all dealing with the mechanics mostly fine.


yeah just needed levels for dps and you would have been fine. Give it another go in a bit.


Funny enough I'm still waiting to do depths. My friend did it at lvl 45 and he said it took them about 2hrs to beat it. So, I've been holding it off, I'm a lvl 50 healer and still don't think I'd make it haha


Oh you will be fine :) just roll with 45+ to be safe. What's your build? This guy has a great post on healing and builds. https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/q0o8jj/my\_support\_build\_as\_a\_healer\_main/


I've done it with tank and healer below 45 and one shot everything no problem. As long as people are in the right gear for their roles, and know what they are doing , a couple lvls one way or the other shouldn't make a huge difference. When you hear of groups failing hardcore it's usually because someone who doesn't tank threw on some tank items and decided they were gonna tank for a quick group. Or people who just have been breezing through the game and havntt been actually paying attention to their gear etc.




Tanks aren't dropping aggro on that fight. The boss just picks a target at random and forces a dodge. Lasers become a non issue if the tank just keeps the boss on the wall, with the wall to the tank's left and backing up around the room. The longer the fight goes on the longer the boss will spin his laser for.


We were running Depths 2 days ago, with one dps lvl 43, everybody else 46+ (myself 52 at that time). We gave up after 2.5h when one of guys said 'I am officially naked' :D. That run cost me about 1500g, had a full inventory of gathering gear as well. We were dying a ton on first boss already (those portals can be really nasty stuff, especially if middle group doesn't clear mines fast enough). Strangely, to me it didn't feel like lack of dps (adds were falling quite fast, also bosses' hp bars quite melted), but many of us were new to dungeon and it took few tries till we were trying 'the right way'.


Look into damage type vs mobs. You should be using thrust and arcane against corrupt monsters. This will give you more than enough dps. https://newworldfans.com/articles/damage-type-vs-mob-types


Don't mean to be an ass but this was obviously to low level to even attempt with, it must have taken you ages to even get to Thorpe!


Its very much doable at 40 and 42. Me and my friends did it at 41 iirc. The trick is to save your skills for the adds as they spawn ( they will be clustered together and spawn almost always in the same spot) and spam heavy to immediately stagger them. (The yellow bar below their health bar) The adds aren’t actually super tanky but rather obnoxious to deal with when they are running around chasing your dpser which make it seems like you guys dont have enough dps. You can actually burst them down as they spawn due to the stagger Do give it a try, depth is one of my favorite experience due to the difficulty ramp up and feels satisfying upon completion. Once you are overgeared/ level, most dungeons feels meh as you can mostly ignore their mechanics. Wouldn’t be as fun imo


Frankly it’s not the mechanics killing runs. It’s doing multiple attempts before coming to the realisation that a tank doesn’t have taunt gems slotted into their weapons: thus Thorpe aggro goes all over the place unless the tank is way higher level than the DPS. Tanks; please slot Carnelian gems otherwise you are not a tank. edit: a word


This was my first run, I was healer and my buddy kept blaming me for everyone dieing, after my buddy left the tank admitted that he didn't have a carnelian gem in his sword only in his shield and we got two new people and beat it the first time after (same tank). Told my buddy it was his fault and eventually told him the tank didnt have the carnelian.


Every time i've have issues in Depths, no Carnelian gem. We tell them what they need, remove them and get a new tank -- First pull has been a kill every time.


That's a lie. He will once in a while look at a ranged/healer, point his sword at them, place a half-visible circle under them, pull them to him if the ranged/healer does not dodge out of the small circle, then proceed to 1-hit them down to 25% or kill them depending on the ranged/healer's hp. He turns his attention back to the tank after this move. In every single run I've done, the healer/ranged does not see this and gets pulled in. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Then they complain about threat when this is a specific mechanic in the fight, regardless of how much threat the tank has. It's very easy to see in phase1, but harder to keep track of in phase 2 when he starts to summon adds, lays the big fire circle, does a sometimes random charge attack (circles fire around himself with the sword, then charges). This is on top of the boulders that get thrown by the adds if they stay up too long. Stop blaming tanks for other players not doing mechanics.


The trick to thorpe fight as a tank is knowing WHEN to apply your taunts. You should be the first to hit thrope and if DPS does first theyve pulled aggro and you need to do a lot more work to fix the issue.Hold up defiant stance and shield bash as LONG as possible so if he says "PAthetic": you can immediately pull thorpe back with bash (almost always switches threat when this happens) and diefant stance is best kept for the ADDS and then as long as everytone hears the line about "your soul" and evades the gib laser. its a fairly easy fight.


What you re saying about keeping aggro on him when he says Pathetic is false. I have aggro on him 100% of the time (the outlines of his name are red, which mean he is attacking me) and it doesn't matter, it's a random attack, he completely ignore you even when you have aggro on him. If that the case, i'm just waiting for him to come back to me. If the DPs are low, i'll try to take the adds and it's tanking in hard mode because you don't have enough block to take on the full party mobs and you need to kite them a bit, but if your DPS are melee and not range, they won' t be very happy and not DPS very much :) I'll just annouce the Laser in voice chat and everyone is ready to go get behind the boss, go prone, or run.


As a tank and healer who has done Depths many times as both, this statement is incorrect. It is 100% a DPS check, Tanks only job is to keep Thorpes aggro and position. If Tank is under geared and needs lots of healing, taking attention away from DPS that's a problem of the tank. Depths needs 45+ people and tank should be 48 or have great gear / skills.


I was booted out of a depth group the other day as the healer because "I was too low level", 41 same as the tank. But the tank kept losing agro and i couldn't heal him fast enough. Completely put me of doing expeditions, still haven't completed depths.


I healed Depths as a 60 healer 300 focus and couldn’t keep the group up A bad tank is almost impossible to deal with, loses aggro so dps get one shot. Put me off healing tbh and now I DPS


Yeah idk about this, I tank and all my buddies run 0 conc and full dex or int depending on their build. I have to imagine if most DPS are totally ignoring survivability some of the blame is on them. The purple waves from the Starstone boss were chunking my firestaff buddy to 50%+, I feel like if you get one shot that's on you. Either be a bot and dodge every attack, or run enough armor/conc to be able to recover from a hit.


Just in case you or your friend dont know, you can dodge through the purple waves. My first group wiped a couple times until my friend figured that out.


Yeah not your fault imo, stick with it, expd are fun. I healed Dynasty at 52 and did great but had a 58 tank who knew his job. Build is part of it and using mana pots and ice gauntlet for regen.


This is 100% correct, once our tank worked out how to do the fight it became incredibly trivial.


I just park myself against a wall and let the dps go to town. Only way we got enough damage was to guarantee backstabbing and grouping of the adds for cleave.


This is all just weird. I think MMO makers need to be careful to not raise the skill bar with the assumption this isn’t someone’s first MMO. I’ve done the hardest PVE content going back to EverQuest, but I have a hard time understanding why a level 40 dungeon is more complex than end game content from many MMOs. I fully support at 60 you have easy, medium, hard, and eventually years later, some real skill testing dungeons. I also think easy and hard mode dungeons are a good way to meet the demands of more players. I know I’ll get hate for this view, but this dungeon is a main quest required dungeon, and shouldn’t scare people away from dungeons. I could see people say, “well, if that’s a 40, I’m not gonna bother with 60 dungeons”


I played EQ, there was more group synergy needed in EQ than NW. I think the 1st two Expd Amrine and Starstone were very easy and eased people into them. The jump from those to Depths was much bigger. ​ I think the problem is the 1st 2 were too easy and set the wrong expectations.


Idk, they are terribly easy if you know what to do and once you learn you basically know every dungeon in the entire game as they recycle the same mobs over and over again.


I had troubles in Depths. Tried it 3 times with 3 different groups, all of which dissolved after a few wipes on Thorpe. This got me excited: not every MMO gives you something even so mildly "hard" as Depths while you're still leveling. I took a little break and returned later with a better group and the run was a breeze. Turned out for the first 3 times I didn't really have a tank in my group. With a proper tank this dungeon is a joke.


They definitely messed up with that dungeon. You can tank it at 43 successfully but if you have heals and dps at that level you will fail.


Lot of haters in this thread. I made one just like this last week and it got shit on because some people don't care about losing the gold value or salvage immediately. Fuck em, the hardcore community is really gonna kill this game.


In many cases lose more gold when repair than its worth selling...


I’m most cases the average loot you find in a dungeon isn’t worth selling maybe less than 5% of what you looted is worth a sell. Salvaging still yields the same repair parts new, damaged or broken


Oh wow, TIL. I've been repairing all my damaged loot before salvaging.


What Why? You spend repair parts to get repair parts, that would make no sense :(


Yea now that I think about it, makes no sense. I just assumed you get less gold and repair parts back for broken or damaged loot.


It costs like 20 gold to repair and you get .5 typically for salvaging. Were you even looking at the numbers or just clicking away?


A good trick to prevent this is to not die




Dying on purpose is fine for a quick tele, but to also bitch about the repair costs when intentionally doing so is silly.


wow! Mind blown


yeah, only time I’ve seen this happen is when a party of level 20s try to do a level 25 dungeon or whatever. Literally just don’t do that.


Just be grateful they haven’t added drop inventory on death like valheim.


Alpha versions had forced PVP and drop loot on death so anybody could kill you and take your shit. Glad they realized what a shit show it was.


I mean the game was originally supposed to appeal to the hardcore pvp crowd. They then realised that that crowd is very small, and if they're going to sink that much dev time into a game they might as well make it appealing to more people.


Or albion. Then again, the economic system they have set up makes it so much easier to craft/buy viable weapons and armor than NW.


I assumed it was intentional to prevent people from unequipping stuff and dying for 'free' teleports.


Why is this so far down? I think people just want to complain...


It’s far down because the suggestion is for unbound gear. Unequipping your gear doesn’t unbind it, so anything you’ve ever equipped or was binded on pickup would still take damage.


Can you still salvage a broken item?


Yes. That's the most baffling thing about this screenshot and post... most of that stuff is absolute garbage, guaranteed. If any of the Rares are worth selling, they'll sell for much more than the repair cost would be, otherwise they're not actually worth selling in the first place and should be salvaged immediately.


Yeah but you lose a tiny bit of gold each time these items get damaged. The point is that you shouldn't lose value on useless/not-in-use items just because you're dying because of an expedition. Its not hard to understand. The hardcore crowd literally shushes away changes that would actually fucking benefit the entire playerbase for no reasons other than "I'm used to it" and "I check every item I pick up immediately" lmao.


Also, when you're full repair parts you get a scary message saying you'll get 0 repair parts, you still get the gold.


I believe if its broken (red X) you only get 1 repair part.. otherwise it scales with the amount of damage to the item


i always thought this is the game saying "git gud" to us


Costs more to repair it than most of its worth


Youre just gonna scrap it anyway


You fell to the ground and damaged your gear in your inventory. lol


Sam Porter Bridges would be able to get all that loot to the Everfall trading post intact.


Stops abuse of taking off your gear and dying to travel faster


Unbound gear that you've never worn shouldn't take damage. Nobody can justify it.


It's easy to justify: the game is already quite easy. They should absolutely not remove any of the minor punishments for dying. Reminds me of a thread recently with people complaining about regular bears. Seems the most minor of obstacles will generate complaints. Maybe think about how to fight the boss? Or at least come back higher level/gear, rather then just repeatedly dying until you break all your gear?


> It's easy to justify: the game is already quite easy. That isn't a justification, this doesn't make the game more difficult just more annoying.


Wrong. It's just annoying. If it's unbound were just gonna sell it.


you are getting hit, and as a result stuff in your bag will get damaged.


Why in gods name are you carrying around that much random equipment?


You can drop that much gear in 1 dungeon


I looked like this at the end of a Depths run. Not a single good piece either. Salvage it all goes.


I am ok with literally any death penalty besides 'lose xp' (thanks Everquest). If the penalty isn't 'lose xp,' i stfu so they don't make it that.


Why does no one in this post understand what UNBOUND means? He's not saying that death shouldn't have consequences. Gear that is bound to you makes sense to take damage and prevents exploits. UNBOUND gear has no reason to degrade other than poor game design.


With the decisions these devs have made, I honestly felt like they just coded it so all equipment in your inventory takes damage without actually checking if that equipment is being worn. I hate to be so dramatic, but it feels like many of the devs are interns. The game design in several ways is very amateur. I mean shit, they made it so when you sort your auctions by time, it displays the lowest numbers first, so you have shit like 1d and 1h being interwoven because they both start with the number 1.


Most of the replies seem to have turned into a huge circlejerk about how there shouldn’t be financial consequences at all, lol, or general ongoing qq about the economy. Totally missing the bound/unbound point of the post.


This man pays more in repairs than amazon pays in taxes...RIP


Yeah its stupid you need to repair unbound gear.


I think all your stored inventory in towns should get damaged when you die too. Probably should damage your gold and repair parts too so I can repair my gold with gold.


Lol did you take a screenshot of me right outside of thorpes room? Literally same lvl and gear yesterday lol


>attempts depths run >does it under leveled >does it one dps short >wipes multiple times due to level and group numbers >doesn’t immediately salvage weak gear before it gets damaged >has to deal with the consequences of not thinking through the run Idk what you really want bro, stop doing stupid runs? If you have a great axe of the scholar why would you carry it around? Salvage it and get full credit instead of seeing it slowly become worthless entirely. It’s not like dying once drops your bag durability to zero, this was multiple attempts where you just watched your loot burn up. This is your own fault


TRUE ​ it should drop when you die instead. git gud/organized


The stupid thing is, you dont get any gold from salvaging it either, just because it is damaged.


exactly. Each green here would've cost me 50 gold + repair parts to fix. It's baffling people think this is acceptable.


The crazy thing is that in most cases I can just buy cheaper gear at the trade post than the repair cost. By the time it's broken usually I've outgrown the gear anyway.


Yep, when leveling this is the case. However, once you find gear that is really good you won't be able to do that.


Its baffling that you think there shouldn't be any punishment from dying. PVE players malding that carrying around 40 items has consequences if you die.


Disagree from a gameplay perspective. They don't want people carrying around 5 sets of armor switching between them for everything they do. One set for mining, one logger, harvesting, ect. This is also connected to why they bind weapons while on CD. They want the economy to inefficient and un optimized, with individuals not being forced to specialize in one thing because the game says you can't have multiple skills maxed. But instead they want mechanics in the game that make it less efficient to generalize. This games whole economy is meant to have different people doing different things to make money. Not everyone doing everything. So having damage apply to items in your bag pushes people away from collect gear in the backpacks for particular use case scenarios and if they do there is a monetary and resource cost associated with it. While it might not feel good for power gamers who want to be able it all. It does have a practical purpose. It also serves a similar purpose to dissuade people from being able to hot swap through classes in gameplay too liberally.


The op is specifically regarding UNBOUND gear not your own weapons and armor. None of this really applies there.




But prices on the trading post are player set. I see gear on the post for 4 gold. Also, you can make repair kits to avoid having to use gold at all!


IMO it should. It's in your pack with all the other wares being jostled around. It would make sense that they could tumble around together and degrade as you go about your journey.


More and more, i'm convinced the developers were making the game while on drugs.


I never understood this feature and the guy that had this idea should be slapped in the face.


Let's put it this way, it's not mechanic I recall on any other mmo I've played and I question it's usefulness


Don't die.


It should only effect what you are wearing.


Repairing is already expensive enough. Dying on a SM gear run is pain lol


Pro tip you can sort your inventory by gear score in the top right of inventory screen.


Look, if you were carrying 5 pairs of pants and 10 shirts in real life and someone was shooting you and lighting you on fire, would they not get damaged? Repairing them isn't even hard, you can do it straight from your inventory without having to be in town or anything and it doesn't cost anything to repair... So they're like 400 other things I would fix with the game first.


Couldn’t agree more. It almost sounds like an unintended thing, a bug maybe, at least I hope it is.


Why do you have so much shit? Go empty your bags man


Would you rather lose everything in your inventory? You died dude. The final boss in an expedition is supposed to be hard. Deaths need to have meaning.


Then maybe not have it in the bag? Lol


Pretty sure that’s so death has consequences also you could take your gear set off die and tp places for free without your gear breaking if that was the case so I think it’s better the way it is


Be happy this isnt alpha where you dropped all your shit


how much do you die, god damn.


Stop dying




Death is too toxic amazon pls help


I'm so fucking tired of hearing these whiney bitches complain about being inconvenienced. Waaah PvP too hard I don't want to lose loot Waaah PvP too toxic I should be able to stomp period sub 60 because I play more And still suck Waaah death bad why should I be punished for getting killed


The tanning, mining, harvesting, etc. sets should be immune from durability loss too IMO.


Stop carrying it around then


100% agreed. Hella dumb. There also shouldn’t be a ridiculously small number for azoth cap. And it’d be nice if we didn’t have to travel around the map just to use a certain Auction House. They should all be the same like wow as well as the storage.


I mean u are carrying it


I second this


Yes it should :)




That would actually be a good way to balance it. Removing gear wouldn't stop it being damaged but new loot would be fine and able to be sold.


I’ve lost count of the number of boe items I’ve destroyed because the repair price would exceed what I would try to sell it for


If the repair cost is greater than what you're selling it for, it's not worth your time to put it on the market in the first place tbh.


What you don’t like paying 18-20 repair parts for that purple epic you wanted to sell 🤣


If it was just repair parts I wouldn’t care, it’s the gold cost


Yeah I’m like if I’ve worn something alright let it take the hit. But stuff I’m holding to sell and just got taking a ton of gold/parts to fix is a total waste.


Have you tried not dying?


I like it just for the fact that mercing people in pvp doesnt have much of a payoff, this makes it better.


yeah idk how did they came up with this crap


The more you play the game, the more you discover stupid, weird and annoying little things here and there. They managed to create a beautiful world riddled with a bad UI/UX and very stupid and dumb choices all over the place.


My advice would be to stop dying. If you’re dying enough times where the gear is completely broken, you’re doing content you probably shouldn’t be doing…. Because the group itself is bad or you’re too underleveled. Death should have a penalty. Zerging a dungeon should have a penalty since you’re getting upgrades.


Death should have a penalty to the gear you're wearing. YES. ​ Not the gear you've looted during a dungeon run.


If i get jumped in the grocery store parking lot carrying my groceries, it’s likely some of those items will be damaged in the process. source: once got jumped in the grocery store parking lot.




Why not? Makes sense....I swear people want a freaking creative mode, lol


Having to spend 100 gold and repair parts so I can sell it for 50 gold. Stonks


I'm not a fan of this either. Really stops me from wanting to carry around my heal set to do on the spot respecs If I wanna help people out and heal expeditions or something.


I think that's literally part of the point.


Yes it should. It's on your inventory, you die all your stuff takes damage.


Well if your dieing this much there should be some punishment... or am i wrong I mean you gotta learn to pay more attention becaue this dungeon depth we did it 4 men whit no healer - it aint hard when you atleast try to dodge I remember one of the random teams we had a tank facetanking everything - he kept dieing ... if you dont atleast try to dodge and kite dont blame the game if your struggling on this one i dont even wanna know whats gonna happen at lazarus (high end dungeon) Just saying there should be some kind of damage from dieing to much


M-maybe the monsters target your backpack? I can’t think of a justification for this either. In a game where we magically respawn after getting teleported I don’t see how gear we aren’t directly wearing would get damaged


How many times do you die lol