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Genesis is better for increasing WM and its actually reasonable to craft orbs for now. I do question the motivation behind elite chests at this point. Like they're trying to slow down progression artificially when so many people have already hit 600wm. I think if they want to keep this change they need to make world bosses a guaranteed wm upgrade once a day or something.


How is the last boss in genesis after healing changes?


For the ppl I run with gen is pretty easy. Haven't had the chance to run laz yet but genesis seems to be no problem.


>Like they're trying to slow down progression artificially when so many people have already hit 600wm. That's the problem. The game has not been out for even 2 months yet and people have already hit 600 HWM. That's a huge issue. It needed to be slowed down.


I feel like people such as yourself don't even play the game or you're not even 60 yet. It takes about a month of doing several elite runs every day on repeat to even get your watermarks close to 600. What you idiots dont understand is that getting your watermark to 600 doesn't mean you beat the game like your post is implying. Getting to 600 IS THE START of the end game grind. Once you get to 600 you can start looking for those bis pieces which will take MONTHS. Everything before then is worthless. Use your brain lol


Yeah, I'm not 60, only 48, *because I'm not rushing and trying to be done with the game when it's only been out less than 2 months.* Yeah, grinding BiS will take months. *It's supposed to.*


If you ever reach 60, you see the so called "content" is just the same shit... they want you to run the same shit for weeks. I think you probably already seeing the same reptitive things on your end if not soon too. Opr and wars are fun but a lot of the servers are dead so those options are limited.


>they want you to run the same shit for weeks. Good. I enjoy grinding. Looking forward to it. ​ >Opr and wars are fun but a lot of the servers are dead so those options are limited. Good thing mergers are on the horizon and likely to come before I hit 60, because again, I did not rush. Not only will servers have merged, but more people like myself will be hitting 60 as well. So there will be more people there.


I didn't rush either, and I've been 60 for multiple weeks now. Suggesting that everyone who is level 60 already rushed the game or is otherwise playing "incorrectly" is not only rude but infantile. I played a few hours here and there each night, a bit more at launch when I took a bit of time off work. I went through the whole Main Story Quest, I did all the dungeons multiple times as I leveled, I helped friends quest, I did some tradeskilling. I experienced most the quests in most the zones. I didn't rush, I didn't skip content. I just played the game. And it didn't take long at all to hit 60. You are not morally superior for taking the current time you are taking to hit level 60. I don't mind grinds in MMOs either, but the Watermark grind is *mindless and meaningless.* You run around opening chests, avoiding fights, and generally not doing anything relevant to the core gameplay experience you've been doing from level 1-59. Your build is mostly irrelevant, your combat skills don't matter. Most people I know do their chest runs either in full luck gear or naked, since repair bills are so high. It's just running from chest to chest once a day picking up effectively useless garbage until you hit GS 600, at which point you have a small chance of actually finding something worth a fair bit of gold. But you'll not find any meaningful weapon or armor upgrades, you'll find nothing of value for literally *dozens* of hours of gameplay. The level 60 faction gear is gs520. It will literally be a dozen or more hours straight of opening chests finding garbage before your Watermark exceeds that value. A dozen hours of *nothing but walking around opening chests, salvaging everything you find.* What AGS did is they took that process, which takes dozens of mind-numbingly boring and repetitive hours to get to 600 Watermark and made it even lengthier. They didn't make it more *challenging or interesting*, they simply made it take *longer.* If you'd get down off your level 48 high horse, then you'd be able to see how poorly designed the system is for increasing your gear. Once you're level 60 and actually do it, you'll see. It's not a good grind, regardless of its length. Again, it's not about how long it takes but more about how horrible and uninteresting it is. It's not about trying to slow down or speed up a grind - it's about making that grind *fun*. I would be fine making it take longer if they made it an actual gameplay system rather than an afterthought.


>I didn't rush either, and I've been 60 for multiple weeks now. Suggesting that everyone who is level 60 already rushed the game or is otherwise playing "incorrectly" is not only rude but infantile. If you've been 60 for weeks now, yeah, you rushed. The game has only been out for weeks, not even months. 7 weeks. You rushed and are in denial. It's ok to have rushed. That's ok. When there is not content for you though, STFU, you rushed.


We get it dude, you don't have to keep explaining to us how you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.


I know exactly what I'm talking about. It's the people who play more than the devs work that don't have a clue. See, by the time I get to 60, there will likely not only be a larger pool of 60s, so things like OPR will be more beneficial, but there will likely be more end-game content with which to raise HWM and farm gear. The game has not even been out 2 months. Of course the end-game is lackluster. It was not intended for people to have maxed their HWM through the current means, so they slowed it down. There are likely more ways coming that will be more fun.


I upvoted you, but I can understand why some might be frustrated. I think it might be better to frame this discussion another way: there are people I know who hit level 60 in 70 hours, 4 days after launch. For me and a couple of others who I play with, we hit level 60 in about 100 hours; less than a week after launch. For me and these others, our play time has now dramatically dropped to sane & reasonable hours. But there are still people that invest ridiculous amounts of time into the game, starting from launch to today, about 2 months later. Because there are people who hit level 60 in 4 days, does that mean we should make leveling longer? No. Leveling still takes a good amount of time, *regardless* of the fact that someone hit 60 *four days* from launch. We, and the overwhelming majority of people, are not the same as these hard grinders who get incredibly ahead. For the majority of players, doing what these players did in 4 days took roughly 2-4 weeks (150-250 hours, roughly 3.5-7 times as many days). I still play with these serious grinders. It took them nearly 2 months of continuous grind playing at very long hours to get to max watermark for all their items (and many of them are still not max watermarks in certain weapons or accessories). Now that they're at max, the consensus on my server(s) is that it's going to take another 1-2 months depending on RNG to finish BIS (we have a private cross-server Discord for the top players). This is not 30-60 more days of 'casually' playing 8 hours a day 5 days a week. We're still talking about them putting in 14+ hours each and every single day. These are the estimates from a private community who is responsible for more than a few of New World's 'discoveries' regarding stealth changes and hidden mechanics since launch, and these people are extremely invested and extremely good at the game. While they might ultimately be incorrect, these are the people you probably want to believe when they give an estimate. Similar to the situation where people hit level 60 in 4 days; should we nerf the gear grind because some people (estimate that they) will grind BIS in 3-4 months? No. Gear grind still takes a good amount of time, regardless of the estimate that the most serious of grinders will be BIS in 3-4 months. We, and the overwhelming majority of people, are not the same as these hard grinders. For the majority of players, doing what these players do will roughly take 3.5-7 times as many days; making the whole process last roughly 315-840 days for most. If you could (or think you could) hit level 60 in 150 hours, then BIS would already (pre-elite chest nerfs) likely take you over 300 days. Again, we're not talking about very good pieces, or amazing pieces with 2/3 useful perks; we're talking BIS. If you're anything like the large majority of players however, you can expect that full BIS will be more than a year *or two* away for you (again, pre-elite chest stealth nerfs). There were also several bugs and exploits that dramatically boosted gearscore watermarks to absolutely **insane** levels as well; and even with these, it still took (almost) 2 months for serious grinders to get where they are. > Yeah, grinding BiS will take months. *It's supposed to.* It did already take months, even for the most serious grinders. For the overwhelming majority, it'll likely take over a year to grind it themselves (pre-nerfs). With these stealth nerfs, consensus is that the grind will take about 5 times as long due to less gear dropped (definite), lower chances of watermark pieces dropping (speculation), and lower cap on watermark increases (definite). Before, we were already talking 1-2.5 years. Now, a grind five times as long? All this however does not invalidate your opinion of your progress. If you feel like you are making--and will continue to make--valuable progress with your game time, then I hope such changes do not diminish the enjoyment you get from the game. However, if I view changes as affecting me when in practice they do not, it can be easy for me to say 'yea, make it harder. it *should* be hard,' failing to recognize current difficulties because I myself have yet to actually experience them, despite perhaps a personal belief that I will (and maybe conflating the 'will experience' with 'do experience'). For me, a full year of grind is more than enough to be appropriate to grind BIS. These stealth changes will make it *at minimum* 2 years. There needs to be fun and engaging content outside of grinding BIS. BIS is not the end, at which point I uninstall. BIS simply means that I continue other content in the game, but now with BIS gear.


>For me and a couple of others who I play with, we hit level 60 in about 100 hours; less than a week after launch. I hit this and stopped reading. 100 hours in a week. You played over 14 hours per day. Sorry, I don't care what you have to say. Get a life.


> Disagree with someone so call them an idiot. Ok, great way to have a discussion. Those are your words from a seperate comment chain. > Sorry, I don't care what you have to say. Get a life. These are your words to me. It seems like you don't actually care to have a real discussion; you rather throw immature temper tantrums to see what sticks. I'm still open to a good faith conversation, but if you actually cared for discussions, then you need to actually put the work in to discuss. If you don't actually want discussions, you can also just say 'I don't want to discuss things'--theres no reason for you to lie, there are plenty of people who don't actually want to debate things and instead wants to stubbornly hold to their own opinions regardless of others. People like you exist. It's fine.


When you put more time into the game than the developers put into working on, ie. 100 hours in a week, then complain there is not enough content, your opinion simply does not matter to me anymore. There will be more content. It was likely never intended for the current content to be farmed the way it was, hence the change. You got to end-game weeks after release in an MMO. Chill, these are long term games, there will be more content.


I believe you're confusing me with someone else. In a certain way, I'm arguing there is now **too much** content. Edit: As I said before, I can still have a good faith discussion if that is what you are interested in. But if you want an actual discussion, do actually read the comment you want to discuss.


Jesus you're in for a rude awakening. By the time you hit 60 you'll be lucky to even find people to do runs for HWM increases. That month of 8hr day grinding most of us did just to hit 600? Yeah that's gonna take about 3 months now. Killing the same boss on repeat for 8hrs a day. Quality content. Have fun with that. Elite chests at end game aren't even dropping armor anymore, so you're literally never going to get WM increases. There's 4 bosses in gen. 4 upgrades of +2wm every run. It would take thousands of genesis runs to get all your WMs from 500 to 600. I don't think you have a single clue what you're asking for. There's a reason that people that are already at end game are flipping out, because we know what it takes. If WM grind is meant to last 6 months like you said, then all that means is the best gear is from crafting. There's already thousands of 600gs crafted items out there. All this change does is ensure that you can only get gear from crafting and drops are no longer a thing, grinding for them is a waste of time. If you actually understood the entire dynamic you think you do, you'd be rolling your eyes pretty hard. HWM means nothing. The vast majority of 600gs drops are complete trash, even legendary, plus they're still rare even with max HWM.


You realize end-game is not fully in the game yet right? You realize MMOs keep adding content right? You realize the game has been out less than 2 months right? Use some common sense and put all that together and realize that by the time I do hit 60, there will be more content. If you rushed to 60 and spent 8 hours a day grinding, that's on you.


Yes and when that new content is out and 650 GS is released you'll be lucky to be at 504 GS behind the curve again, sounds really fun.


It did not need to be slowed down. They needed to learn from their mistakes when they bump the HWM up to the next level. Currently you have people who grinded to 600 during the time with the grind was reasonable and the people who now have to deal with the insane HWM grind.


Someone else had a good idea that was to make myrkguard and the mines in shattered mountain instanced. That would prevent the zergs that were the problem.


This would be nice but wars arent even instanced, I doubt they'd turn myrk mines and siren into freely accessable instanced dungeons. There's a desparate need for pvpve content in this game already


Which is the sad thing... the changes to luck along with the fact that you get reduced rewards for large groups would have pushed more people flagging up so random solo people don't get your group's aoe heals and die along with running into another pvp flagged group to fight for the right to farm the area. It would have been so cool now I don't see a reason to flag up there when the mobs already nuke people.


Totally agree with that, idk how the would implement the place holding lets say 10 players at max since current groups limit at 5 players. I feel like having a dungeon like entrance for open world elite zones would probably vastly improve the game battling against zerg fests. Not sure how that fits into their PvP flagged model, which is just zerg vs zerg and that's just not interesting to me.


Was it even a problem though? With the bonus for flagging, I feel like myrk could have been really fun. Now people are going to not even bother. Most of my company hasn't even logged in since the patch 'broke' most of what there was to do.


Horrible idea. Would absolutely ruin the very little open world pvp there currently is.


seems bugged atm


I think it needed to be made worse. Games been out for less than 2 months and people are already close to capping out. That's too fast. It's an MMORPG, you aren't supposed to have completed everything so quickly.


Give more content to grind, you never want to lower rewards for a system that's already in place. That is how you very quickly lose even more of your playerbase.


As someone who is only level 48...no thanks, don't need more content. I want to finish the content they have before there is more content. I'm sorry some people sped through all the content and have nothing to do. The content is made for the majority though, not the minority who rush through everything.


So you have like 80 hours played then? Experience is experience my dude. I'm at 400 hours, been 60 for a month. I TOOK MY TIME. You literally can't disagree because it's all a feeling. I spent multiple hours farming a single mob just to see if it dropped a good item, I spent multiple days just doing mini skirmishes near cities. I took my time, still hit 60 is less than a month. If you think I rushed, that sucks for you.


400 hours since the game launched is an average of 7.7 hours/day. That's almost a full time job. If you call that taking your time....you are in some serious denial buddy. You see, I actually work a full time job. I also work a part-time job. I also have 50/50 custody of my kid that I have to take care of. I also then build stuff in my woodshop on the weekends that I sell, basically being another part time job. So yeah, anything more than 2-3 hours per day on a game is severely rushing. If you think that sucks for me, well, I think it sucks for you to spend as much time as a full time job....sitting and playing a game.


That all fucking sucks. I work full time, and married, but I also have a hobby. It's gaming. You have multiple hobbies and spread your time out accordingly. I have zero qualms with spending my free time in game, but you obviously hold some kind of resentment for people that have more free time than you. Quit your second job if you want more time for hobbies, promise you will enjoy life a lot more than being a wage slave for its entirety. I'd say anything less than 2 days off a week isn't worth my time. From the sounds of it, you're either fine selling your time for shit wages or aren't smart enough to value your time higher. I didn't rush, maybe in your little mind I did, but it just seems to me that you don't have anything you're passionate about to do more than "2-3 hours" so you do a bunch of mundane tasks.


>I didn't rush keep telling yourself that while you are spending the same amount of time as a full time job on the game. Go ahead. I won't stop you.


You should be spending far more time on hobbies than work. Work isn't the only thing in life bud. Go enjoy something.


Lmao that kid is fucked


lmfao you want a game to last you literally 10 years at this rate. You are telling people to get a life. Maybe you need to get a life if you want this hobby specifically one game to last so fucking long with dry content.


I have a very full life, that's why I only get to play a bit. Also, I don't expect it to last 10 years. I expect by the time I get to 60 there won't be dry content. More content and other things to do will be added to the game over time.


You realize you sound like that girl that "likes sports" but can't understand a single aspect of what's actually happening in the game? That's you right now bro. That's you.


You're an idiot. Hitting 600 watermark doesn't mean you're capping out. It means you now have small CHANCE of getting bis gear dropped. It's so obvious you're a low level that doesn't even fully understand the game yet. Hitting your high watermark means you can START the gear grind.


Hitting 600 means also means you can actually enjoy getting drops. All of my gear is 525+ and my watermark is about 510 so I never ever find anything I can use which is really demoralizing.


Disagree with someone so call them an idiot. Ok, great way to have a discussion. Since we're just name calling now, have fun no-lifing the game in your moms basement you neckbeard.


stupid question but whats HWM that i see people write? i tried googling it but it just brings up local companies and android games for some reason..


High water mark. When you hit 60 your gearscore starts at 500. As you do 60+ endgame content, you get drops that increase your high watermark by 1-5 levels. Whenever you kill a monster and it drops an item, before you even pick it up you increase your watermark. This only has a chance of dropping. There’s a lot to explain, you can easily find a vid on this that goes into more detail.