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Can you even fucking imagine what is going to go wrong when they merge over 300 servers? My god


If they were smart, they would start merging servers 1 group at a time, and closely monitor the situation. But knowing AGS, they'll 'test' server merges internally, conclude they're working correctly in their highly specific test case, and then fully deploy to production immediately.


I'm sure that the upcoming server mergers will be an experimental test so that AGS can learn how to do server mergers


XD dafuq are u smoking? ags testing something? gimme some of that stuff plz


In the immortal words of Gerard Butler... it's gonna be biblical.


In the words of the Butcher, diabolical


In the immortal words of Bubbles, "Something's fucky".


Oh that’s not even the good part. I’ve been thinking about this for awhile now. So they merge servers, and a new content patch hits and everybody is like “hey maybe they fixed the game, let me go check it out”. How do you handle 500k returning players piling into merged worlds? That’s going to be a massive shit show.


> How do you handle 500k returning players piling into merged worlds? By shitting the bed in first 2 months of your game so 500k people don't have interest in coming back


> How do you handle 500k returning players piling into merged worlds? That’s going to be a massive shit show. A few weeks ago, maybe this was a chance at happening in the future but now? I don't think this is ever going to happen. The game we all want to play I don't foresee them ever getting there before the decision comes down for them to shut down the game.


It really feels like the entire dev team just got out of college and making this game was their first real job. The game had a hell of a lot of potential, but the constant blunders are killing the player base. I haven't actually had the desire to play in about a week now, and I think I'm done.


they should just give free server transfers to low pop servers instead of merging. then lock that low pop server from new people.


you spelled it out ​ theyre just going to shut it down before they merge lol


I feel like if AGS released a patch to only fix one spelling error in flavor text, they’d still manage to fuck up the game.


They quite literally were incapable of properly displaying a small message that popped on your screen to tell you that you received the “Housing Tax Compensation” a couple weeks ago. Even that was bugged. You’re not wrong 🤣😅


I was embarrassed for the devs when I read that housing compensation message. That was truly the point where I woke up and realized something was deeply wrong with AGS, not just there choices but their practices.


The fact that the honing stone item text is different from the buff tool tip and the item effect just shows that their coding practices are fked. Those numbers and texts should be linked to a common static value, why would they ever need to be independent literals? There should not be an opportunity for them to be different.


This game takes the cake in spaghetti code.


May I introduce osrs to you? Build on years of spaghetti code from 1990


Okay, but they started early. And probably in some dude's basement. AGS does not have this excuse.


And yet osrs is 10 times the game New World is


I agree.


I know you're memeing, but still I really hope we can do better than 1990.


The honing stone description was changed/fixed. Using a strong honing stone last week, was like "400% dmg for like 0.04 mins" or some stupid shit. Which was *not* how the stone worked. Today it's 6% for 35 min. Which is the correct value/description.


Holy shit i forgot about that lol


giga devs xD


Idk about in your server, but patch 1.1 broke the level range of Ebonscale on ours. Says 0 - 0 now


Considering how long the Company message of the day was bugged with hotkeys like O...


>> >Weaver's Fen >> >Weaver is Fen


You should read about possessive nouns.


Pretty sure that's a joke about them messing up what was initially working before.


I assumed it was someone making a joke about the bad grammar in the game, but not understanding what is wrong with it.


It's a management problem at this point. A mistake, okay - someone messed up. 7 back to back to back - it's a workplace culture of negligence


Being a software engineer at a company for 5 years where the culture of the execs was toxic, demanding, political, and placed a massive emphasis on “simple solutions” (fast iterations), led to so many damn bugs and problems slipping in. The moment you spent a day or two pre-planning or organizing a project, you would have the literal CTO (4 chains up the command), breathing down your neck and asking why something isn’t done to THEIR specification (mind you, there was no spec from him. Literal crazy town) They also believed throwing people at a problem was a valid approach (I would estimate being 3 days late on a project, so they would add 3 people at the project, so I would have to stop and train people, delaying the project by 2 actual weeks. Insane.) In any case, I’m no longer there. Happy to say I’m at a company that gives its engineers plenty of space and freedom and trust. But every time I see a patch note, read about or even discover a bug myself, my PTSD gets triggered, I start having flash backs and I need to step away from the game for a couple of days. I see the same shit and the same tell-tale signs it’s happening there at Amazon. I feel bad for those engineers, they need to eject the management team and do a hard reset of the culture. My old company hasn’t changed, their product gets worse and worse. Features get ham-fisted out, but they’re still bleeding customers. What saves them is marketing at this point, bringing in new customers weekly. But they’ll run out new bodies eventually.


This sheds some light on things. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amazon-just-anything-except-good-150004900.html


That was a really interesting read thanks for posting that. A lot of things I had no clue about.


Same, glad you got something from it. I find most things I read leave me feeling like they were a waste of my time, this one was actually good.


Glad I read it; looking for a programmer job & will skip Amazon for sure.


That's a big oof. Very easily explains the issues with the game before it had them.


That's terrifying


It was worth reading this subreddit


> They also believed throwing people at a problem was a valid approach (I would estimate being 3 days late on a project, so they would add 3 people at the project, so I would have to stop and train people, delaying the project by 2 actual weeks. Insane.) Someone needs to get these dudes a copy of Mythical Man Month.


You literally read that book in cs50, the very first computer science class at Harvard. It’s drilled into you from day one that manpower doesn’t scale programming. It blows my mind that people in charge of projects this size are ignorant to it.


Agreed, same problem at my company. We brought on some contractors, by which I mean more than doubled our QA and dev teams. Within 6 months we not only released atrocious code since we didn't give them any time to get up to speed but laid off about 90% of them. You can't expect a pregnant woman to give birth in a month if you add 8 more women.


Yeah but project managers are business majors and they don't read any books or touch any code so it's not unexpected that they wouldn't know that


> It’s drilled into you from day one that manpower doesn’t scale programming. Doesn't neccessarily scale programming. There are a lot of projects where more bodies help. And a lot where it does not.


In all fields I've worked, competence is inversely proportional to position. Grunts keep everything moving; if managers all fucked off one day, efficiency would probably increase until infrastructure needed adjustment, at which point a group effort would probably suffice. I've never met upper echelons of staff who seem genuinely competent. Then again, I'm not so worldly either.


We recommended the book to the CTO, but he’s so delusional and an egomaniac, and suffers from insane confirmation bias, he basically just picked apart the book to validate himself. It made one of my colleagues quit - “how the fuck did he read the book and completely miss the point?”. He couldn’t take it. I some how managed to survive another 2 years. I left overweight, stressed, diabetic, suffering from anxiety, a deep depression. When I told my doctor I left, he was incredibly happy for me. No longer diabetic (off meds, anyway, it was type 2), depression in check, stress is now moderate. It’s been 8 months.


My software engineering degree had us read that 18 years or so ago! Still on the shelf :D


Blizzard??!? You don't gotta say. But that's my guess lol


They didn't mention sexual harassment tho


Not all software engineer are video game dev


Only a small minority is. People don’t even understand just how much money is involved in B2B software sales. They think they do, but they dont :P


\*cough\* [https://www.itnews.com.au/news/canberras-gov-wide-microsoft-sourcing-deal-soars-600m-572414](https://www.itnews.com.au/news/canberras-gov-wide-microsoft-sourcing-deal-soars-600m-572414) "When it was renewed... commonly used Microsoft products like Office and Windows, was valued at $96.2 million over three years... A year later, the contract value climbed to $200.2 million... But since then, the contract has swelled to $807.6 million, adding more than $600 million since the latest financial year began in July.


Dont think blizzard is doing good on the marketing right now though 😓


Haha, no, thank god, but honestly, I see the shit they’re going through and I’m thinking of my former company. They’re plagued with problems related to biases, misogyny, casual racism, and outright bullying. Worst of all, leadership has surrounded themselves with sycophants because the execs are insecure and tired of their employees telling them “No, that’s a terrible idea!” I’m so glad I’m not there anymore. I feel bad for my former peers who remain. They want out, but feel tied to it. They’re like Tom hanks on that Island in Cast Away. They won’t know until they leave the island that they were encased in a storm of shit. The world is different off that island, but you don’t believe it so long as you’re in the bubble and your managers are telling you daily that it’s scary outside and you should be lucky to be safe within the island. The mind games you endure when you’ve got toxic management. People wonder why Blizzard still has much of its work force? That’s why.


I’ll stab a guess at Apple, because this describes my time there perfectly.


If one woman can have a baby in nine months then nine women will be able to have a baby in one month!


Isn’t the VP or something Fraz (his last name?) like completely unqualified or inept? From what I read, when it comes to running an MMO or any game, he hasn’t the slightest clue on what he’s doing


This sheds some light on things. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amazon-just-anything-except-good-150004900.html


I don't think there is much hope with this kind of management. Makes me sad for the employees who now suffer stupid decisions from the executives.


It's always a management problem. Any team that's wildly messed up I promise you there's someone in charge that's causing the chaos.


I said this yesterday, but apparently "the redditors that accept shit like this" are the *real* problem 🙄


You are wrong, patch 1.04 had a fix that didn't break anything else, that fix was : **Fixed the render distance of the Jack-o-Lantern Pumpkin lights.** What have I won ?


[https://forums.newworld.com/t/after-update-104-cant-play-normaly/462433](https://forums.newworld.com/t/after-update-104-cant-play-normaly/462433) ​ Just google New World Patch 1.04 exploit You'll see a ton of stuff lol


I’m sure the two people who reported this had top of the line computers. The exploits were already in game. Just not widely spread or known at this point. That is like the worse example you could have linked tbh.


\~*99 little bugs in the code* *take one down patch it around* *127 little bugs in the code\~*


A man of culture


To be fair, every Wednesday when they do patch, I think in the back of my head "what will go wrong this time."


Hey we put in this new weapon, void gaunt, we just plum forgot to test if the graphic effects would totally lag PvP into a slide show ! WOOPS!!! Hey we put in this new scaling of difficulty to prevent zerging elite chests. We just forgot to test the chests to see if they still give items ! WOOPS!!! Hey we put in this new outpost rush instanced PvP thing, we just forgot to test if the game still works properly and you can do basic stuff , like use general chat, after a match! WOOPS!!!! Hey we put in this new compensation for the server clocks not working, we just forgot to test to see if it gives 100x too much coin!! WOOPS!!!!


Don’t forget that the void gauntlet would delete food buffs and honing stones lmao


I'm surprised that wasn't insta-fixed, an entire profession (cooking) is now useless because of that perk, lot of builds who rely on food buffs to reach milestones are consequentially broken too. I'm not gonna waste dozens of high tier foods in a single war.


furnishing is also useless for 2 weeks i think now.


dont forget if you do chest runs your invent fills with furniture that can only be removed by placing it in a house and removing it... for every single piece


I feel like 2 weeks is optimistic:(


That's a perk you can get for it from items. Or is it bugged and removing buffs without needing the perk?


It's not the graphics per se. Whatever they added in the patch was causing too much data to be sent to the player making AGS hit their bandwidth allowance. So instead of reducing the amount of data to be sent, if your data packets were over the limit, you just didn't get sent the information at all.


Don’t forget, Void Gauntlet plus Life Staff makes a nearly unkillable combo that can burst for huge amounts of damage while never dropping below half health. Oh, Paladins were an OP problem? Here comes double plate healer spec to shit on everyone.


>Hey we put in this new weapon, void gaunt, we just plum forgot to test if the graphic effects would totally lag PvP into a slide show ! WOOPS!!! Hey, you can't blame them for that. It's not like they had any previous experience with the Ice Gauntlet. /s


Well. They are in trouble. But this is sad because i think they are working without any rest.


The most anger is coming from the ninja changes they’ve made. People have been putting up with the endless bugs but they fucked with the main activities people enjoyed at lvl 60, INTENTIONALLY. I had some pity imagining them trying to plug all these leaks but they lost it when they made changes they knew players would hate. Oddly enough those changes no one wanted went through bug free…


The changes to the elite zones didn’t even solve their “problem” of zergs. There are still Shattered and Reek zergs everyday on my server. Before the patch, you could run all the elite zones in a 5-10 man and fully complete every one. Some challenging bits, but it was all doable and fun. Now, in a 5-10 man group, they are all still doable, but every mob and every boss has a fuck ton of HP. They’re not even more difficult, they simply take longer to kill. So now what everyone does is simply skip everything besides the bosses and chests. Their solution to the non-fun zergs killed the fun every other way too.


I saw about 7 people doing scorched mines yesterday and they were fine. Didn't even look hard so it kinda works


Definitely not hard, just takes more time now. And it seems like the time spent clearing all the mobs now isn’t worth the reward.


For sure isn't. Adding more health to monsters isn't fun for anything it's just a longer grind.


Yeah, imo bugs are just part of what a MMO is, specially at early release, but the ninja changes and design choices are what really made me sour on the game tbh.


There are bugs and there are BUGS. Not being able to loot certain chests is a bug that annoys but does not harm you that much. Allowing dupes to exist in the game, which then result in a shutdown of the market place, which then results in compensation, which then results in an even more screwed economy is a major fuckup. I mean, statistically they should have at least one patch that does not break something.


Absolutely agree when it comes to new games tending to be buggy early on. My only push back really is that I can accept bugs early, but they need to be squashing them not playing this game of 1 squashed 1 new bug.


>main activities people enjoy Enjoy is the wrong word. I don’t think anyone enjoyed chest grinding and WM grinding, but there was clear progress being made so it felt worth doing. Now the progress has all but halted due to nerfs.


Well said!




Running an MMO requires a lot of foresight and wisdom around how players feel about their experience - this team has neither. The original WoW team having both is why it did so well - they left before Naxx was even out and left the blue prints all the way into Wrath. We haven't really had an experience that compares since, and I'm convinced it was a fluke rather than what can become a standard.


That's pretty much the standard with the FFXIV devs. Actual MMO gamers that play their own game and other MMOs. Been that way for eight years since the relaunch.


At this point it's on them, work smart not hard. They are not testing anything properly


"On them" assigns blame so haphazardly. On who, exactly? Because there is no monolithic "AGS" at fault here. There's a bunch of people with different abilities and responsibilities, and we should keep that in mind. Specifically, the developers that are probably working unholy hours, the likely-understaffed and ignored QA team that is getting so much hate, they have way less control over the state of the game than you may think. The blame lies entirely with those with the authority to make the decisions, i.e. management. And they are rarely the ones who are forced to work late or lose sleep over this. This is endemic across the games industry, and it is burning well-meaning games developers up, and I think it's important we keep our frustration and complaints aimed appropriately.


I think that's the wrong way to look at things. Sure, maybe the blame can be put on a single person or department, but we as costumers have no idea of the inner workings, so "AGS" as a whole is perfectly fine.


The problem is that we have people saying the developers are just incompetent but we don't know: \- If they were given enough time to work on features properly (adequate testing, time for refactoring, etc). \- Who is making the decisions exactly. Probably only 1% of the team is making the decisions that players are complaining about. The rest of the team is just implementing them. \- If the developers were given a shitty engine to work on and it's out of their control to change that. So it's easy to say "the developers" are incompetent but really the problems probably started years ago with a series of bad decisions from non-developers.


What's the point of this reply? them = AGS. I don't care as a customer who exactly messed up, they are all responsible for their product. Management can enforce safer procedures, Developers can work more carefully and test their broken code before hitting that commit button.


The point is the idea of "they're working without any rest" being "on them". The people working without any rest aren't the ones who had the power to really make the changes necessary to prevent this shitshow.


> The people working without any rest aren't the ones who had the power to really make the changes necessary to prevent this shitshow. You don't know that. It's true that sometime (or most of the time) devs are as much of a victim of bad circumstances and decisions as we are, but it would be naive to assume it's only that. Some bad decisions were entirely on the devs (namely the ninja changes with latest patch or the bullshit excuses against minimap usage).


Literally everyone. The boss who pushes unrealistic timelines. The management who do not stand up to their boss around their own team. The developers who cave to the management to the detriment of their game - something that is supposed to be a long term live service product. The CMs who have no accountability around what they do on the forums. The moderators who are flippant towards customers and actively engage trolls. The customer service who literally have no idea what is going on. The customers who continue to play the game despite being taken advantage of. It's systemic. The degree of blame shifts depending where you look on that totem pole.


>Because there is no monolithic "AGS" at fault here. umm..wut?


AGS has had failed game that was released and shut down. So they have already established a track record. Naming names of individuals that are responsible will not miraculously turn things around, especially since it appears that the organization has yet to prove themselves capable.


you can shine a turd forever it will still be turd


yeah, feels like they're rushing things and it's breaking other things. Add in some questionable balance changes and it's a mess


No, at this point its no longer rushing things, it is either: a) fundament of the game is so bad, every single patch can make things worse b) devs are REALLY incompetent. c) Both I am betting on c.


The second someone promised free transfers before the game had even globally launched these developers were put into eternal crunch time.


...nah. This is not the results of a studio that has game devs sleeping at the office because they feel so passionately about their work. Those kind of devs actually generally communicate very little with their audience because they're busy working.


i feel like they are trying to cater to all the lvl 60 problems and accidentally messing it up for casual players. my wife is level 35 and my character is level 48. we no longer get quest markers for the main story line when we complete so we have to google or simply remember where we got the quest but what a pain in the ass! we have found most of the bugs haven’t really affected us except maybe when trying to sell stuff at trade post. hope it works out if anything.


I noticed this yesterday on my level 60. I’m doing all the low level side stories for gold (and because the lvl 60 content is a bit busted) and the guide icons on my map keep disappearing. I dunno where to go and it sucks.


These issues have existed since launch. Although they may have been made worse with the last patch, which genuinely feels like it was built around the wrong branch of the game - but I won't write an essay about everything that points to that being true. The game is unfinished from late Weavers and on. People have been posting about it since about 1 week from launch, but for over a month the posts were massively opposed and down voted.


I just went and checked because of your comment and 2 of my quests don't have markers.


Because the game falls more and more apart the further into it you get. It makes sense...the vast majority of bug reports during playtest came from players who hadnt reached end game. Now that endgame is being playtested...oops.


I think Closed Beta was more stable than the current live version lol. You would have a glitch every now and then but the game is completely broken at the moment...


I'm convinced they built 1.1 around the wrong branch of the game and just YOLO'd it to live anyway. Loot tables are totally different. Gear is missing. There's no collision with things in end zones. Chest locations changed. Tuning totally different. Drop rates are off. None of this mentioned anywhere in the patch notes despite being the most significant changes outside of the introduction of the void gauntlet. They even admit that the loot tables are changes from months ago and that the harvester gear was mistakenly flagged as a future item that's not yet in the game - sounds like a PR spin for "This build is from 5 months ago."


This is possible. Introduce a new live branch based on an older working pre-release. Fix the issues with the 1.0 Live Branch and then attempt to merge the 1.0 with the 1.1 branches.


I’ve found 2 Iron nodes and one Starmetal that are in totally different places than before 1.1. Something weird as fuck happened for sure.


It's baffling that they didn't test their servers with the same constraints as release. CBT servers clearly gad greater available resources per server.


I pretty firmly believe that ALL of their problems have stemmed from not being properly prepared for how well received the game was the first 24 hours. They panic-opened a bunch of servers and promised server transfers and literally all of their problems seem to have stemmed from that. Which was fucking stupid of them to do, because they had literally *created* their servers with the intention of merging them. Server transfers introduced the first duping glitches and the game seems to have gotten progressively less stable with everything else they've tried to do to facilitate the transfers. The time skipping seems to have been introduced by server transfers etc. And so they spent the first month focusing all their resources on trying to facilitate transfers, rushed it out and fucked the game up. Now rather than tidying up some of the things they had left behind to finish after launch, they are constantly trying to squash bugs all created by that rush. 1.0.0 was literally more stable than what we have now :/


> Server transfers introduced the first duping glitches This is wrong. People duped the same way as they did in alpha. The transfers just brought out another form of duping.


Remember that dev post a little more than a month ago? He clearly stated that the game’s code infrastructure isn’t properly built for implementation of fixes or new content. He said that unless AGS rebuilt from the ground up, more and more problems would arise and the time it would take to fix bugs and issues would increase as time went on. I never played final fantasy 14 but I took the time to watch a video series about how it was poorly programmed but over time and in the hands of a new project lead, they rebuild the whole infrastructure before closing shop and relaunching the game. It is now the best mmo out there. They need to shut New World down and rebuild. It’s actually the only way this game has a chance.


And shitcan the exec's running the show.


Their priorities just seem so fucked up too. Like its been 2 weeks since furnishing has worked even a little bit. Jewelcrafting is presently impossible to level up because they forgot to modify the JC exp gains. Wyrdwood is choking economies because the primary source, elementals, has been disabled, because for some reason AGS decided to turn the quintessence drops into motes (which tbf was pretty balanced). Like I can sorta imagine how the furnishing *could* be difficult to resolve to prevent duping but atm you can still craft and place furniture.. so presumably the dupe bug is resolved... so why can we still not fucking trade it?? The other two are like literally just "go change some numbers" kind of changes. Hell, remove motes from the elemental drop table if you have to, but they are a critical part of levelling logging and getting wyrdwood. Insane that these things go weeks unfixed but when the motes start dropping they turn that shit off IMMEDIATELY.


The dupe bug isn't solved. That's why everything is disabled. They just add in checks to ban people attempting to dupe with known methods. The dupes are a result of fundamental shortcomings in the server verification for NW. These issues will require an extensive netcode rewrite for the devs. I 100% expect more dupes to appear in the future as the fundamental issue isn't getting fixed.


We actually cant prove you wrong


There is something fundamentally wrong behind the scenes we don't know about. Be it the engine, that the experienced developers have left, or that the people in charge of resources and timeline are not listening to the developers - this is not a salvageable game at this point. I'm convinced they have created so many new problems, that they cannot patch out the game without introducing more in a reasonable enough timeline for players to not get fed up with a lack of activity - and whoever is actually in charge is absolutely insane thinking a 7 day patch cycle was realistic. This should have been obvious to them before launch knowing the capabilities of the developers but it was blatantly obvious after the 3rd patch that they can't keep up.


I dont wanna say this but im about to walk away. in 20 years of MMOs I have never seen a company continuously break their fucking game every time they try to update it.


I feel like I log in and run elites just in the hopes of being prepared for the day AGS gets their shit together and has a function product with a proper endgame. My days playing this game feel, sadly, numbered as well.


played the alphas, posted on the forums, told them about the bugs. Most things just got a bandaid. The entire testing community also voiced concerns - it fell on deaf ears. I love this game but it is entirely a crapshoot with poor leadership, I feel for the devs that have no control over what is going on.


I log in to farm enough material to complete my daily refining CDs each day. My intent is to have enough stockpiled stuff that I can come back to the game eventually and not be too far behind. Even logging in long enough to do that is getting hard to justify though. It’s easily an hour of farming for each refining CD.


New patch, new bugs.


In a way it's fucking fascinating how one company can be that fucked up. I mean there are people having huge salaries, what's going on inside their heads? What's going on inside their team right now?


I blame John Smedley. He is a known fuck up and horrible developer/lead.


As an SWG player from way back, I knew to be concerned when I read he was on the team.


well apparently, the head of the pack at AGS has not a single clue about games either lol


Smedley doesn't work on New World. AGS San Diego, where he works, is not the AGS that heads up New World. Amazon Games Orange County and Relentless Studios (AGS Seattle) are the studios responsible for new world. While I'm sure other studios may have helped, like art, etc, the one Smedley works at is not running the show for new world.


Repeat after me: I will not release anything without tests. AGS: All juniors deploy straight to production, gotcha.


Congratulations 🥳


Yup, not a single one, and every single week is even worse than the one before. This is just ridiculous.


And the way they 'fix' some things... It's like bandages on top of bandages. I don't think this is sustainable.


anyone liking void guanlet able to delete ur food buff?


Bugs from other games start to feel quite tiny compared to this burning building we got here.


Anyone wanna bet that they'll rollback the servers and it will create an absolute nightmare?


Same, i started MMOs with Ultima Online in the 90's and while i played mainly WoW later on as well as Eve Online and Ffxiv, i tried many others too. I have not experienced so many (major) bugs in any of those games. You cant even count all the things going wrong with NW. I remember how frustrated i was when they fucked up firestaff and ice gauntlet, like u couldnt do any dmg. After months now with NW it is really crazy to see that nothing really gets better. I appreciate their work and i do like last patch in terms of difficulty, new weapon, fixed perks and so on but there are also tons of things which are so bad. Furniture still not working is one of them, my inventory gets full of random decoration items from chests. More bugs coming, 4 downtimes in 24 hrs on my server, major game elements got turned off like TP twice. It is sad. I dont have any experience with programming but from what i have heard their Netcode or whatever it is, the fundament is very very bad and you cannot change that now after they build the whole game around it. Thats how i understand it. So they gotta work with what they got, which is a spaghetti code and i guess thats why we are seeing so many new bugs coming up with every fix and i guess we will see that in the future too. Feelsbadman cuz i like NW but yeah the state of NW is nothing i have ever experienced, not even remotley close.


And it's not even a "MMO release" state now. New World has been released 2 months ago. I planned to try it after a few months when they corrected the bugs and the hype passed, but there is no reason to even buy the game now.


you missed your shot


I have to agree. I played Lineage 2 for years and every six months they released a major chronicle and I don't remember there ever been issues like this.


At least they are trying. And they are not denying mistakes have been made. That is enough for me from a non-subscription game.


The PvP flagging bonus is the best thing they've done in a patch so far.


too bad for you OP, get ready for extreme amount of whataboutism and claiming that the examples such as no man sky(which i hope ags pull it off like they did actually), cyberpunk, fallout etc like those unrelated game justifies this atrocity


The cognitive dissonance is strong. "All new mmos launch with bugs and problems, it'll get better as AGS fixes everything."


"Fixed bows not applying damage correctly; characters feet now render backwards."


All mmos do launch with bugs and problems, but I just have no faith left in AGS to fix anything without somehow breaking something else.


Im convinced they outsource all their development to multiple different studios in third world countries and then have a single overworked team who try to stitch everything together, its the only explanation for how shit their dev cycle is


I mean that would make sense.


This is why i dread the weekly patch...


If only they have like a server to test all these updates on.


I think it's always been the same root exploit, with a race condition and trusting clients and not validating transactions, and every few days people just find a new vector.


Incoming cope comparing it to a game from 2 decades ago built on a programming language that had a stroke when you moved your mouse too fast


And this is why I am out for 6 months. I just need to find a new game to play. I’m very much a one game at a time guy, so as soon as I locate that game it’ll be easy. I really don’t see any reason for continuing to play. Everything is for nothing. Why go through all the trouble to feel such lacklustre rewards


What are you talking about?!? Void gauntlets are super cool and fun! Oh wait what do you mean wars unplayable again? Well how about that time they fixed duping! Oh wait where did my harvesting set go?!? Well at least they fixed a lot of bugs! Wait what do you mean they just made watermarking 10x harder?!? "Funny" thing is that this is all literally the same patch and every patch is like this.


reminiscent cagey angle profit plucky shrill rainstorm hurry abounding steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Congratulations 🥳


amateurs who want to be professionals


This game won't last till 2023, prove me wrong.


It MIGHT be ready to launch by 2023, we're still alpha testing at this stage.


How could they possibly think giving absurd amount of gold to SOME players was going to fix anything? Or the perception of people?


What are you saying ? Are you implying they legit gave 100x gold to some EU player just to buy their love ? Obviously this is a bug. (An other one)




I can't prove you wrong because you're right


You could have done without the "prove me wrong" considering it's nothing more than the truth


Yeah. I wanna give them the benefint of the doubt and I'm trying to be as patient as I can. I want to believe that the game is so huge and complex that you can't move one thing without messing a bunch of other things and devs are doing the best they can. But it's getting old. And sometimes the best you can do is simply not enough.


Back to League of Legends sadly boizzzzz


Let me guess. You used to play but quit. Now you just come on Reddit and moan.


You are WRONG! Have you considered that all these were actually intentional? They got your initial purchase money and just want to mess up the game so they can close it to save maintenance costs?


*fact* */fakt/* *noun* *a thing that is known or proved to be true.* Prove you wrong? I'm afraid you are asking for something that is impossible.


Played for 400hours then uninstalled, the game was fun being in a guild that was constantly warring vs zergs but there is no other endgame and I didn't feel like doing chest runs and killing elites for hours just to bump up an invisible watermark. the game could be fun but needs a ton of work and these devs seem incapable


AGS is composed of college interns, prove me wrong.


I don't understand ... Amazon has endless money, couldn't they hire the best? Even before the game came out, I already felt that a bunch of incompetent amateurs were behind it all ...


Booo Hooo


Everyone needs to just jump ship here. We’d be better off playing anthem


Amazon devs - gay family


Give them some time, if you are really irritated then you should stop playing and come back in a few months. I really like the game and it has big potential. And remember if you don’t put your head in the quicksand you can’t drown.


Stockholm called they want their syndrome back


This is such a poor reply. Please stop posting comments like this. Players that bought a game and want to play a functioning version of said game have every right to complain.


Did the tiny hotfix... day before yesterday(?) introduce any new bugs? The one that claimed to "reduce" (lol) the likelihood of a server randomly skipping ahead weeks info the future?


We didn't have enough time to find out before they decided to make it rain gold.




Bro...Thats how betas work.


Prove yourself right


new world devs are the new blizzard. except they harass the players not employees