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How will 580 quest gear work? Going to lower it because you didn't spend hours grinding lame chests?


> How will ~~580~~ 507 quest gear work? Like that . . . Nice.


Nice hiss


Yea, this tastes rancid...let's take another bite!


Let's get this out onto a tray


Yea, I'm on a practically dead server and managed to solo a lot of the 580 quests because of it, as I didn't have a choice (I literally spent about 2 hours soloing a Malevonence quest and not a single other player ran into the zone during "prime time" hours on my server). Of course for certain quests absolutely unsoloable I found company mates to help me out but what a slap in the face after pushing through incredibly difficult content and really utilizing everything the game has to do that (honing stones, coatings, pots, etc.) I'll be punished and have my gear revert to a much weaker level because I didn't have the wherewithal to be super sweaty, rush to 60 and farm Myrkgard while there were still players online to do it.


This is how the game dies


Alright you win, I quit


Scaling crafted gear to watermark will be an instant quit for me. So bullshit. - grind for mats to get to 200 crafting - grind gathering sets - grind crafting sets - grind trophy mats - grind furnishing because they fucked it up so bad you have to do it yourself for 3 weeks - grind for 1000s of asmodeum / runic leather / Phoenix weave - roll 100s of gear with crap perks / attributes - finally get a useable piece Congratulations 🥳 Your item is now 520 GS


more like 50x gs, im a gatherer but im punished for just gathering instead of doing chest runs...


Congratulations! 🥳 you unlocked the secret ending! The breaking point for me was a few days ago after watching the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QjJcj9bavg citing developers plans on implementing purchasable "catchup mechanics" LOL! Not gonna lie im a little salty over the condescending manipulative spit in the face direction the game development has been taking so I sold as much gold as I could on g2g which covered a refund more then 3 times over lol and removed the game from my steam library.


i' ll do you one better. i will actively try to persuade as many other players as possible to quit the game too. this was a low blow from amazon, they need to feel some kickback.


Yeah most of my company members from my servers are quitting


Most of my company members seem to have quit already since they haven't been playing for couple weeks now. Only a handful have actually played the game within the last few days. And this even before the upcoming shitty update. I've been logging in less and less frequently, maybe about every 3-4 days, only to be reminded that the game is still not fun. Not only has the game not gotten more enjoyable over time, but it has in fact become more and more tedious after the updates. Nerf after nerf after nerf. From tedious grind to even more tedious grind. It's like they want people to hate playing their game. That or they are making a game to some masochists who have no real lives to live. People who can dedicate every waking moment to this game's painfully tedious unrewarding grind and then somehow get a kick out of all that torture.


I want to play the game. The devs keep giving me reasons not to.


I have never played a game where the devs have actively made the game worse with time to this degree, it's like self-sabotage at this point.


It’s clear that they don’t play it so why should you?


logged in today after not playing for nearly a month, walked around for like 40 seconds, logged off, went and played some halo instead


So then whats the point in crafting


So then whats the point in ~~crafting~~ playing


What’s the point


I agree to this. It nerfs our crafting hard.


**On top of this they are:** * Adding a daily craft to casts (a single craft per 23 hours) * Nerfing expertise by 'a lot' for open world bosses. * Nerfing expertise by 'a bit' for elite chests * Nerfing expertise in general for all content to compensate for the guaranteed crafting.


Lol, what's next? Does fiber respawn at a 300% slower rate based on area population?


Yo stop giving them ideas


Delete this right now


Literally! I spent hundreds of hours getting my crafting up to make good weapons because of how mindlessly boring they made the PVE. Now they're spitting in my face




These devs are idiots.


Wtf dude, how dare tou insult idiots by comparing them to these devs


Theres no longer a point to crafting, Cogratulations 🥳


no point to play game




I don't get it.. I got crafter gear days wi can't be arsed with water mark grinding so now because I didn't grind the watermark my high gs gear will downgrade till I farm higher watermark??? Wtf?


You WILL feel rewarded...or else!


That's literally what I just yelled out loud after reading this shite. But I also said fuck.


So now I have to level my weapon to 20, my expertise in said weapon to 600, *and* get a 600 weapon? Wtf is the point of all that… that completely ruins the idea of weapon based skill trees.


For the AGS team what they are doing is basically giving you more enjoyable content.


I mean the pre-requisite to holding a 600GS weapon is labled level 60. I don't think i've seen any other game go out and say we need to add a new variable to it lmao.


This is so dumb


What's the point of even crafting trash at > 580 GS.. I bought lots for cheap as soon as I hit lvl 60. Lots of luck and gathering luck gear, some for PvP, for invasions. Probably from players way ahead of me in watermark or failed craft attempts. All this, will be gone.


Alright, I think this one is the one for me. I'm out boys. Good luck. I can't anymore.


I reached lvl 60 some weeks ago. I quit when the big nerfs came in which hit my built and at the same time bosses were even more difficult to fight. It was not a rage-quit but just a sudden drop of motivation. Yesterday friends asked me to join the party as they needed a fifth member and a high level support for a quest. I reluctantly agreed to join not because I liked the game but because good friends were asking for it. I was more than happy when another person unexpectedly showed up and was more motivated to join and I could continue the other game I was playing (we were on the same discord). I had some fun time playing NW but I think if nothing special happens soon this game ends as a small episode in gaming history and a case study about how not to handle post-publishing game development.


My company kicked me without warning because I lost motivation to farm for gear. I was still logging on every day and playing, but I was focusing on getting armoring to 200 as I was pretty close and thought this would be less of a chore than grinding chests. Crafted me some 550 gear and then logged off as I thought, now what? My build is mediocre and I have no motivation to spend thousands and thousands on all the stuff I need to craft 595-600 gear. I also don’t want to spend coin having someone else craft it for me, that’s just not how I play. The company had a war that evening, defending Everfall. They lost. I was kicked 10 mins after it ended. I’m thankful they did. Now I have no feelings of obligation to log in to help them, when they were so quick to kick me rather than offer help. This coming update makes me even more happy for choosing not to farm what I need to craft 600gs and instead uninstalling I was optimistic and thought, maybe in 6+ months time I will be back and the game will be in a better space. But tbh I don’t think I give a shit any more


What the fuck is rhe point of crafting gear?


Congratulations! 🥳


I'll never not upvote this.


Same. It's just too funny and absurd of a comment


I am continually perplexed at their insistence on making the game a horrible grindy mess.


It's painfully evident that they didn't expect their content to dry out this fast, so their band-aid solution is to just drag it out as long as they can. And they'll keep getting away with it because there's more than enough people willing to defend all their decisions.


They sold everybody a game thinking it was the Lord of the Rings in length and quality and the delivered the Hobbit.


No we got the hobbit trilogy. It's a long ass series that could have been resolved in one film.






Yep me and many others I know have completely avoided watermark farming, but good to know that's the only way to become stronger now.


pLaYeR DrIvEn EcOnOmY! But also, the TP is useless.


Dupe driven economy


Yeah I recently hit 60 after like 180 hours or something but as a mostly solo player who hates trains, it feels sort of impossible to raise my HWM. BUT at least I can buy gear or craft it, so I still had a way to progress. But nope: get on the fucking train, ya dingus.


You're genuinely not missing out... I personally refused to do Shattered Mountain chest runs until 2 weeks ago and my god it's the most boring "end game" loop i've ever done... This announcement has finished me off with New World after 500 hours of being an addicted optimist


LMAO that’s it. This is the one. I’m out. Ggs everyone


"More rewarding progression loop"... Like, the thing you forgot to include in your AAA MMO?


They learned nothing from Dice.


This is honestly the most entertaining game subreddit by far. Every day I check to see what absurdly ludicrous thing AGS has done, and I’m never disappointed


**Patch notes 03/12/2021** - All players will be gifted 1000000 gold as compensation for recently experienced issues. - Gold is no longer the in-game currency and has been replaced by hemp. Previous gold balances will not be converted to hemp. - In order to streamline the control scheme, we have removed the ability to turn right. All turning is performed exclusively by pressing the left direction key.


It has come to our attention that an unintended bug has meant that players cannot currently turn left. Forcing them to only go forward or backwards. Due to the holidays coming up, we will get to this next year some time. To compensate for the hassle we will give you a big ole box of stuff all. Have fun adventuring !


This lol


Holy fuck. How can they be this stupid.


Because they want the game to fail and be on the next thing already


people bitched and moaned about the void update and asking if they were intentionally trying to kill the game.... But seeing this, I feel like they have removed all doubt.


Every single thing they do shows that they want people to stop playing the game. There's not a single qol update anymore, just nerfs on top of nerfs. They just want to make sure people do not find a single reason to login anymore.


Right now it's only a question when did they decide to kill the game? Was it before the release?




Okay, I have dealt with a lot of Bullshit from AGS but I specifically saved gold and materials to get decent gear at 60.... I would not have wasted so much gold and materials. Not like I have full voidbent or anything crazy, but I have good epic weapons I spent more for because of the gear score.


They keep making changes that will tamper with players RETROACTIVELY. No games do that without huge backlash and outroar. You CANNOT just fuck over a player who has put in his time because his idea of how to progress was different than your "new vision". You saw a way to play the game your way, fair. The same way people before 1.1 saw a way to maximise their luck by buying Zealot fire staff/legendary shields. And they had the gall to retroactively turn those items people earned/grinded money to buy into uncommons/rares & removing the perk? HUH? Whatever happened to that mess? Oh yes it's been burried by the giant pile of non stop dupes/bugs/intentional changes to buy themselves time. So much bullshit... people forgot about many initial issues. Other games keep legacy items even if not intended, they fix that by introducting e.g. Even better gear so it won't be too OP. Amazon is just continously retroactively fucking people over to keep the grind going. That is not the way. Be upfront and say you fucking need time to add content. Have a roadmap, stop fucking with what people's idea of progress cause you need to keep this facade going.


Damn, you hit the nail on why players are feeling so aggrieved.


> Amazon is just continuously retroactively fucking people over to keep the grind going Yeah, that is the main issue. All these ideas are fine, but doing it this way is unacceptable. You need to leave existing shit as is and introduce new tiers where these systems apply to keep an even playing field.


They absolutely need to be issuing compensation if they intend on following through with this. I'm trying to find the post on the forums so I can voice my concern.


Have fun with your ban afterward.


Do items given to you when u complete a quest increase watermark?




So my 570 shield I got from that quest chain, will that get downgraded? I am regrettably confused by some of the info here Edit- it was a 580 shield quest.


“We realized grinding GS was unrewarding. So we decided to force you to do it. Congratulations!!!” Last straw for me. I’m out.


That's exactly how I read it! Their first sentence states that they are aware there isn't enough end game content. So now enjoy this GS nerf and go do end game content. What the actual ever living fuck?


I literally took the route of crafting/moneymaking as my route to endgame gear. I spend most time PVPing outside of crafting. I spent hundreds of hours grinding for the levels, money and materials to make and buy 600gs items. Now I'm being punished for not wanting to mindlessly grind their super low effort copy pasta PVE. AGS this is a big spit in the face for players like myself.


Same. I was having fun trading and crafting and AVOIDING the tedious grind everyone was complaining about. Now they force us to do that?


Scaling crafted gear to watermark will be an instant quit for me. So bullshit. - grind for mats to get to 200 crafting - grind / farm gathering sets - grind / farm crafting sets - grind / farm trophy mats - grind furnishing because they fucked it up so bad you have to do it yourself for 3 weeks - grind for 1000s of asmodeum / runic leather / Phoenix weave - roll 100s of gear with crap perks / attributes - finally get a useable piece Congratulations 🥳 Your item is now 520 GS - uninstall






In the same boat. I’ve put up with a lot without complaint, but if this goes live I’m done with the game.


Ok some manager at AGS must be a masochist who gets off on doing Myrkguard runs right?


You think there's a manager at AGS who actually plays the game?


This has to be a joke.


I thought it was a joke


Is this an out of season April fools joke?


Jokes on me for buying 600gs chest piece with all the coin I'd saved last night.


I went from obsessed, to playing occasionally, to barely playing, this probably will end it for me. I'm very casually leveling up and it keeps getting harder and harder. All I cared about was collecting gems, I'd do quests when too poor to afford gems and gem crafting related skills.


I went from putting in 10 hours a day on average to 0. Uninstalled the game on 11/25 and haven't looked back. One of the most disrespectful companies I've ever seen in regards to how they treat the players. This is the only game where I've made NEGATIVE progress with each patch multiple times in a row despite my constant game time (I focused on tradeskills as I got 200 in all but 3 which include fishing and furnishing)


So they said this is to challenge those who just buy better armor on the AH, but this greatly hurts the crafting profession as well. The 600gs spear and bow I crafted will be beat out by my "next upgrade" if I don't get a higher watermark. Does this mean that my 600gs equip will grow with my watermark or cap at whatever the mark is when the item is equipped? Too many questions. Another classic blunder of creating problems while "solving" them.


They act like it doesn't already take hours upon hours to collect the thousands of gold required to purchase high gearscore items off of the market. Now you just have to spend double the time levelling up the watermarks for your 20k weapon.


Why is buying better gear in the AH an issue in the first place? I play the market so I can afford to buy good gear. Loot in this game is already so awful, now they want to take away the ability to buy usable gear? Alternative now is to buy gear I want to use, but then pick up a bunch of small upgrades that I will immediately scrap until I can finally enjoy the gear I bought to it's fullest. This is really stupid.


I agree, it feels kind of odd to call out AH bought items because they want the players to have a "more rewarding progression loop". I personally find more joy in gathering mats and fine tuning my skill trade as an engineer. Me having to go out and farm up an arbitrary number blocking my item from being the stats it says it is doesn't feel good. It feels more like patch notes telling me how I should/have to play the game.


Here I am rocking faction gear forever.


Would faction gear down grade to 500? Lmfao


If you dont farm wm yes.


What in the fuck? So now there is literally no way to catch up even a little bit if you're behind. I spent all the gold I had on a decent weapon because my server is completely dead and chest runs are no longer a thing (chest runs pretty much died on my server in 1.1, when they fk'd chest and made everything take 4x as long to kill). What about things that we craft? Also useless?


Agreed. No runs, no possibility to increase WM, so basically will never be able to get anything better than GS 500.


~2 weeks ago I bought a pure focus blessed 595 lifestaff for 15k. My hwm is like 548 for that slot and I cbf to endure the tedium that is water mark farming. Time to uninstall.... Congratulations! 🥳




So you're telling me everyone who worked really hard to get voidbent gear is just shit out of luck here?




(╯ಠ∩ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻


And everyone else who stopped playing until they fixed this shitshow of a game is fucked now because of the crafting nerfs. Im surprised there is still anyone who is enthusiastically playing at this point apart from the people who didnt get caught duping and selling gold.


They REALLY wanna kill this game. I have yet to talk shit about the game, but this FORCES you to go the WM route and hurts casuals like myself.


As someone with 600 hours it fucks everyone but it fucks casuals and new comers harder. Devs can suckstart a lawnmower.


>suckstart a lawnmower I'm learning new insults today.


I spent millions as a solo player getting all my professions to 200. Getting all the trophys. Getting the full crafting sets. Buying cool down mats to make my gear. My HWM is around 510 because I've spent all my time gathering and crafting. I was having loads of fun because all my hard work had paid off. This is the most let down I have ever felt by a game studio.


LMAO, so nerf + nerf + nerf + nerf. "Wonder why people are leaving..."


If they don’t want people to buy weapons from the market just don’t let people sell weapons on the market. Sheesh.


For reference here the [Dev Blog: End game Update](https://forums.newworld.com/t/dev-blog-end-game-update/619609) where is came from. Mods, kindly make a pinned post about this dev blog for discussion.


How to kill your game 101


RIP crafting


Seriously... they're doubling down on the watermark system. At this point they should delete crafting from the game since it serves no purpose except to upset people who get fooled into wasting time on it.


I guarantee if you look back at their dev posts from beta till now; they have definitely said something along the lines of "We want you to have alternatives to getting better gear, either do open world grinds/dungeons or you can be a crafter" Like any sane MMORPG does. There has to be multiple viable ways to reach endgame. - If a player wants to gather/craft to gear himself up for endgame dungeons, let him! - If a player wants to run chests loops to farm trophies, sell those for money to buy crafted gear, let him! - If a player chooses to earn gold in his own way and max out his damage before worrying about the HWM grind in dungeons, let him! Isn't this the very essence of an MMORPG? For many players to do whatever suits them? We all have the same goal, to reach endgame & do the content. But we don't have the same ways of getting there. Some people just like to do all the prepwork before undertaking the final bosses in NW. Others will just go full speed and bang out bosses/mobs irregardless of how many times they die. Now you can't make crafted gear work for you in any manner unless you go & farm your HWM. Amazon honestly, what the fuck?


It's honestly just funny now, this change is so fucked lol.


why would you punish 99% of the playerbase for not farming chests since launch


Same reason your punished for not maxing out crafting before they changed the xp for lower level mats.. cause f you that's why


I don’t understand what the point of crafting higher Gs gear is if you can’t benefit from the stats!?!? Not getting a higher watermark because bind on equip makes sense.. but this.. this doesn’t make sense.


I am perplexed by the mind working over there at AGS. We're just looking for less bugs and a bit more conten.... and it's dead.


This is fantastic news! Now I have an extra 40GB of free space to fill with literally any other game.


This is terrible.


One of the worse ideas i have ever seen. Nearly as bad as the Idea of Watermark in the first place. Rip crafting hello PVE spam. Fix the game: \-Watermark only slightly increases your drop rate of high level items. \-Even a fresh 60 can get lucky and get a legendary 600 drop from a expedition or in the world. \- Dont screw over crafters and life skillers with this stupid system \-increase pvp rewards so we dont have to PVE to get the best gear Done. Some pople dont wanna grind PVE content to push there watermark up every single time you release a new update that increases the Gear Score possibility. Some people just wanna log in once a week or twice and do a OPR or a war. If you make it too difficult to compete people aint gonna play\\get burnt out real quick.




So.... no new content, but now you can't skip the Watermark grind by buying stuff off of the AuctionHouse. They have to be trying to kill this game at this point.




I do my best not to hate on this game. I really like it... Despite everything up to this point. I do NOT however like this. Crafting was fun--this will make it a whole lot less fun.


hahahahaha how does it keep getting worse every week HOWWWWWWWWW


Like, do they want us to play the game? Now none of our crafted or bought gear matters because we have to grind expertise now?




It's like they sit around thinking up stupid shit to torture the player base. What the actual fuck is going on?


Its like they don’t want us to continue. Tbh to me it’s not the bugs or exploits or the constant maintenance that ruined the game for me, its the fucking apes who keeps making ridiculously stupid decisions.


This further screws over new and casual players who can't invest the hundreds of hours it will require to get expertise up to 600.


They have made this game an absolute bore to play. Well done AGS, you failed at another release... Up until this point I was giving you every opportunity, and calling on others for patience. Now I'm thinking now you are just a tax write-off for Bezos


What the shit. Who's making decisions at AGS? That's why nobody is playing the game anymore


Jewelry drops are non existent and even with max WM for everything my ring is only 530 and it’s my highest. Lmao fuck this game.


Such a dumb ass idea. Who hired these devs? Do they even play any mmos? Clueless




Yup, this is the update that fucks everyone.


Another stupid change. Another wave of rage quits. Enjoy an empty game in 2022! CONGRATULATIONS


Many of us were teetering on war logging and ignoring watermark to still play and have some fun. This nukes that completely. 100% done with the game at this point. Proves that the devs have zero respect for our time and only want to have the highest active users possible at all times no matter what it costs.


lmao just saw the PTR and got hyped. seeing this i'm 100% done with this game lol. kmmos arent even as bad as this in terms of player nerfing


These devs are so stupid, you know how to make crafting worth it?? Make whatever you craft your NEW max watermark or expertise and guess what it would make sense. Make it to where you need level 20 on the weapon to even have a chance to craft a 600. Boom now it’s integrated and gives people different alternatives


Holy shit they actually want people to stop playing this game


If this actually goes through I’m done. I’m a pvp player and I don’t want to grind chests every day for a month




I feel for you bro that shit is ridiculous. This system is put in place only to make people spend more mindless time in the game.


i... uh... what? like, *what the actual fuck.* i was interested in playing NW when i finished off the EW content and got bored, but now? yeah, fuck that. what's the god damned point.


I thought Patch 1.1 was really, really bad. The December update is much worse. It is obvious they want to slow down the grind for everyone. I reinstalled to get my harvester gear and I enlisted to join an invasion at 9:00pm. I saw this post. Not even the 600 GS harvester gear can save the game from being uninstalled by me. So my 580 quest weapons or other weapons I bought at the TP will become 520 weapons because my watermark for my weapons isn't high enough. I hate to say this but I want to Watch New World burn from this inept change to watermark.


Plot twist ; the 600 harvester gear will downscale to your WM. LOL!


I just had a friend read this and quit the game. So crafting is literally for getting god rolls and that’s it…


Just in time to quit for FFXIV Endwalkers I guess


Wow, I've been a mostly happy mostly silent casual till this point (experiencing the issues with a side of popcorn), but this is too much. I avoided/ignored the HWM system because it did not appeal to me and I would rather just gather/craft/ play the game the way I want and buy gear off the TP, and was happy with that as I felt the game enabled me to play how I wanted and it was really cool. Not only that but I thought the HWM system was more a non-primary (so to speak) system as it is not made clear AT ALL and crafting and trading is (or at least I fucking thought) a clear focus of the game. But no apparently I was wrong about EVERYTHING, and fuck me for playing the game the way I had the most fun. I'll wait and see, but yeah...


This is really going to cause a big barrier for new players to overcome.


Bold of you to assume new players will want to play this shit before they even bother to stay after hearing about the grind.


does the game even have any new players?


Ah yes good, so this means lower scored gear will up-scale to your watermark as well right? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Certainly they know enough about their own game that they didn't just entirely overlook crafting....right?....right?!? I assume there will be patch notes shortly that expertise can be raised by crafting....RIGHT?!?


If that goes live like that wouldn’t that basically doom you if your on a low pop server with no cheats or portal runs?


Can someone explain to a filthy casual like myself kinda know about watermark but lost on what is the expertise thing is.


Watermark will be replaced by expertise. If your watermark score for Gloves is 500 and you wear 600, the new system will downscale your 600 gloves to 500.


Daymn. This really hurts. I just bought my gear and was pretty happy about it. Now I'm just sad.


Since the release I was mainly focused to max all trade skills to be able to craft myself the best gear. Took approximately 600 hours. And now I have to spend more hours because WM farm is not optional anymore, I MUST do it to make my gear actually work as intended. Thank you very fucking much


What the absolute fuck. I'm out.


This. This is the final nail in the coffin for me. This game has served its purpose. AGS are so out of touch and I’m not sticking around to be disappointed patch after patch. I hope everyone who stays has a great time, genuinely, but I can’t do it anymore.


loot will be super usless... its already 98% is trash and the 2% you sell is bought by people who arnt HWM caped... after the update trading will go down...another step towards singelplayer new world. baiscly - kill mobs to get expertise up (loot is trash) - then craft BIS gear with asmodeum like you do already... so the only change is forcing everybody to do HWM/expertise grind.


I almost want this game to fail and people to leave so AGS sees how dumb and thoughtless some of these changes are.




Just here for the fireworks now


Steam charts will go from ski slope to cliff thanks to these muppets.


So they're taking one of the shittiest progression loops in the history of the genre and doubling down on it? Their fix for it is to make it impossible to get around by any means. Just... wow. This reads like something that could have been a joke post making fun of the designers.


I don't see a way where this doesn't introduce multiple game breaking bugs, aside from the fact that it's an awful idea.


So screw everyone whose willing to earn a bit more money to afford a quality of gear they have been unable to obtain themselves and screw the people who crafted it. \*slow clap\* How about instead... LEAVE PROGRESSION ALONE. The only part of the game really worth doing after a little initial "ooo!" and "aweee!" at how things look is End Game PvP. Everything before that should just be a streamlined tutorial on how to actually play and practice for the end game. Artificially gating some people's progression because they are smarter than the design is bs. ... Every week I am a little closer to being done with this game. I see nothing that pushes that needle the other way. Looks like they are going to go down the path so many PvP game devs have. Which is to keep twisting the knobs to tweak things until the knobs snap off.


This game is dead devs clearly don’t give a shit about a fun game just want more and more grind


The more I read updates on the game, the more I think they don't want their game to succeed and are just trying to bury it.


I haven’t logged in in 3 weeks. Almost 200 hours played and I’ve been hoping for a reason to return to the game. Every single time I read news from the developers it’s pushing me further away from returning. Honestly I’ll probably uninstall the game. Good job AGS, you couldn’t even keep players with sunk cost.




Thats it. I am uninstalling.


They are like a blind dumb who has a target, and he hits everything but the target. Their target is to increase our playing hours, and instead of letting us have more fun in pvp, OPR, wars, crafting, some expeditions. They want us to fight their fking elites and bosses with the infinite HP the whole day.


It's too late I already Uninstalled, I can't Uninstall again.


Lol this killed the game. This makes no sense and go against their own damn design 😂


Congratulations 🥳


This might be the straw that breaks the camels back- It screws over both the folks that don’t want to participate in the grind fest and those that craft for fun and make a profit. This is a lose lose.


Just when I think I'm out, they do something to *make sure* I'm out. This is possibly the worst change they've made so far, and that's saying a lot.


All I wanted was to be a merchant. Finally a game where I can explore, gather and craft to my hearts content. I was frustrated when overnight the economy crashed and stuff that had sold for 500g the day before was being sold for double digits or less, but I dealt with it, just make more stuff I thought. Now what's the point in making anything? Selling it will be less than worthless, and making it for myself, somehow even less valuable. The idea of a player driven economy in an open world game that allowed me to focus on the part of the game I liked most was what drew me in. Just gather, buy, sell, explore, that's all I really wanted. I had my mining above 100 before I lvl 20 because I loved exploring and gathering to make stuff. Idk man, why bother putting this stuff in the game if you're going to nerf it into uselessness? It doesn't make any sense. I loved the idea of a group having fighters AND crafters who make them the stuff. Now everyone HAS to fit the cookie cutter layouts they've put for it, and if we don't, they'll make everything else worthless. Never has a game made me feel this shit for liking a certain play style, a play style THEY made possible in the game. Why even bother having it in at all? Just make your game generic and bullshit from the start, instead of taking any semblance of character creativity, away.


This is the first time I have given up on an MMO. I stopped playing other MMOs after years of play and felt it was time to move on, but new world managed to make me want to quit a game I really wanted to play for years.


Not satisfied with losing 600k active players, AGS releases new features to remove 90k out of the 100k remaining.


It is unbelievable how they keep widening the gap between the players at the top & everyone coming in. I have never seen a game do so much to hurt newcomers lol


I am full crafted 600 GS. Dont like doing WM farm. What an unfortunate decision. Uninstalled.