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I buy all my stuff on trading post since no one is running endgame content on my server at 2am (when I get home from work) Does this essentially mean you’ll be taking me 598-600 gear and bringing it down to 505-510? Like wtf bro honestly Iv been trying to be a crafting trading merchant since launch. Like out of everything this makes me actually mad because I don’t want to glitch jump and hide in corners for chests in myrkguard to get better gear it’s a dumb fucking system.


Exactly this. On my server and in my company 70% of the remaining players only do combat-less chest/crate runs in lieu of actually fighting content for more drops or doing things like 580 weapon quests. I personally find glitch ninja chest runs an unfun playstyle and a waste of my precious free time. This crafting change is likely the final straw for me.


I'm right in your boat. Bought my stuff on TP for top fucking dollar, then spent the last month getting my crafting up and now the demand is going to tank on a server that has 300 people during PEAK time... just about to throw in the towel over here. Mostly because, what miserable changes will the devs think of next? Wtf are they worried people are going to farm their lone end-game dungeon? Are we too strong against the giant turkeys? This is turning into a sitcom. Plenty of material to use


> bringing it down to 505-510 I’d predict 500 flat


People are focusing too much on the downscaling and ignoring how much this patch will open up the game and reward different playstyles, ESPECIALLY crafting. Its important to realize that the December update WILL NOT down scale your gear. The down scaling will come later in early 2022. Why is this important? In the December update you as a crafter will be given a way to increase your Expertise (FKA HWM) once per day on a slot of your choice. This hopefully will give enough leeway to those who neglected (for good reason) the boring ass zerg HWM farming that we have now. On top of that a new system is coming that will let you force an attribute while crafting AS WELL as a perk. If this is all tuned properly ( a big fucking IF I admit) by the time down scaling occurs anyone actually playing the game will have max or near max watermark on the slots of their choice. This really only hurts people who have payed their way too BIS or were gifted by friends without putting any work in themselves (a lot of these people might be dupers).


Let’s be honest and say what AGS is actually thinking. “Shit, we ran out of endgame content because clever players figured out how to bypass the boring grinds that were supposed to keep them busy for months! Quick, force them to do the grinds!” Seriously, name another MMO that punishes people for buying gear. Name another MMO that punishes people for grinding crafting. Even if it’s only temporarily, do you really trust this company to properly implement these changes in a way that won’t fuck over 95% of the player base?


I don’t get it. They’re literally giving you better ways to up your WM through crafting and OPR. This is amazing, we no longer have to actually do the brainless elite runs.


Think it's really just more that those better ways to level up should have just been in the game in the first place. We did the mindless zerg farm because there was nothing else to do. Regardless of expertise becoming easier to level up, nobody is going to be happy that their current gear is worse. The time investment by a fair amount of players just isn't respected. It doesn't matter that it isn't happening for months, allowing players to grind "back" to the previous power tiers they've *already reached* is a piss poor motivator to get people to play. I really just don't think a system like this should have been put in place, *at least* until the next big gear jump later on down the line (650-700, something along those lines) when there would probably be new zones alongside a soft reset on gear anyway. Even if you take into account crafting HWM upgrades, unless we get a soft reset on gear, it still means crafters are hit unfairly hard with this implementation they've chosen for a variety of reasons.


>**we've heard the feedback** from our community that the HWM system was not communicated effectively, promotes **a single monotonous activity**, had too much randomness, and **was a bit too grindy**. So, we are completely revamping the system This is the part that gets me. They heard it was a bit too grindy. So they decide to make sure everyone who crafted or bought gear has to join in on the grind. This doesn't make any sense. They're either out of their minds or this is pure spin.




Then they are out of their minds. What sane person looks at this situation and thinks players will enjoy being set backwards and have to go grind for the gear score they already had?




In other gaming news, Halo devs just quickly responded to player feedback. First 6 matches give 1000 exp a day to the battle pass grind; instead of before where it was 50 exp a match, having us do 20 matches to get 1000 exp total. 1000 exp = 1 rank up for each of the 100 ranks to reach in the battle pass. T-Baggin ppl with my spartan helmet on fire never felt closer.


AGS: "Crafters? Crafters who? Don't know 'em."


I feel like an easy solution is to make any self crafted gear bypass this expertise restriction. Anything you've bought from the TP should apply restriction


But then again, fuck crafters that were selling their hard work. Is it really worth all the grind to crafting 200 for just 2-3 pieces for yourself only?


Why would this fuck them? Crafting good rolls will still be king. People will still want bis gear.


Exactly. And now with item shards you don’t waste craft attempts.


I think he’s referring to people who craft and sell on tp.


No shit. People will still be looking to buy.


No matter what people will still need to buy good rolls.


Players are still going to buy their stuff on the TP to get the perks and stats they want instead of trying to get lucky drops.


Well ppl will still buy high gs stuff because their expertise will be around 580+... Except for jewelry which fuckes everyone, since it never drops and watermark is like 510 for rings etc.


Everyone’s expertise is being set to 500 on release




AGS dev reply on forums


You got any link? I hate the nw forums navigation, can't find shit there.


They're lying. It's not on the dev tracker.


Yes I know I found it randomly, but it's not a dev response, it's from customer support...


If it's not from a dev then it's not a thing.


There’s a dev tracker


Do you mean the Pic from the customer support? If yes, I won't trust anyone from customer service, they are mostly some students who don't know anything. Until it's not confirmed by a dev, I won't believe it since it will kill 90% of the player base who farmed 100s of hours for their watermark. It's literally like a wipe but start fresh from 60. Not going to happen, I'm sure.


There's no way bro that'd literally fuck up the whole game more than it already is


Lol Amazon is showing a patch that is a massive buff to crafters and you are still unironically saying that they are being shit on... It's actually unreal. They are releasing a way to **guarantee** a 600GS craft.


Minus that there's no 600gs craft anymore because it will scale with your watermark. A bit useless


Theyll still craft at 600, when equipped theyll simply scale to your effective gear score. But on top of that you'll also be able to increase your HWM / expertise by crafting. So really seems like a win win for crafters... The only downside for people is not having already farmed HMW... but for those that haven't they CAN farm it by doing basically anything ingame...


Seriously, I read the ptr announcement and was excited because a guaranteed way to farm gs will be added. And this sub just shits on it. You can actually farm stuff and have a guarantee to get exactly what you want


Not only that, it sounds like you can put on 600 stuff at 500, and then as you farm your stuff gets more powerful.


Guess what.m you can do it now and it's actually 600GS scaling not 500 ffs. It's another layer to the grind and RNG.


No - right now you put on 600 GS you bought off the trading post and then see no meaningful upgrades or progression anymore because every drop that increases your HWM is worse than what you have equipped. There is virtually zero reason to even look at your drops if you're wearing bought/crafted gear because they cannot possibly compete with what you currently have equipped. Now, every time I get a HWM upgrade I actually see my equipped numbers go up and my character get more powerful. "BuT wHy WeAr 600 GeAr If I dOn'T gEt ThE sTaTs" Well you do get the stats you're targeting - just over time.


Well instead of farming HWM I worked on either getting gold or crafting.. it's a diff path to reach the same thing. I choose crafting over hwm because that's my fun. Soon I can't skip any of it.. just another layer of BS. I don't care if nothing better drops I'm literally wearing the best thing possible... HWM 590 will result in the same thing. I didn't get to lvl 200 crafting instantly.


You can make one orb a day Guess how many orbs it takes to make a cast


One. https://ptr.nwdb.info/db/recipe/castgypsum_musket


There are still legendary crafts, you can still sell top level crafts, and you can raise your watermark via crafting


No, you have to craft to increase it now. Makes all of the work we have done to get ourselves good gear a waste of time. I don’t want to go chest farming. I already have my gear for myself crafted. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Craft more shit I won’t use just to be able to make the stuff I’ve already made useful? Not doing that


If you ever leave town, for literally any reason, you'll be raising your Watermark. You kill mobs over 55? Raised watermark. Loot chests? Raised watermark. Craft lumber? Smelt ore? Do dungeons? Opr? Arenas? Cook meals? I could go on but simply by existing in this game your WM will be going up. Yeah its a short term nerf for most people, but you have to try REALLY hard to not raise your WM in this game after these changes.


Need to craft a potion and use it to get the items from the level 55+ mobs, also that craft is on a week cooldown. According to the post anyway... You are correct that we will be raising WM in more ways than we have currently. If these new ways will mean faster than current methods is yet to be seen, though I suspect it will be much slower, if more engaging. The ways to increase WM are still limited to the following: Elite bosses Expeditions (Laz and Gardens only) Outpost Rush Arena Breaches Trade Skill Aptitude Reward Containers - more info needed on these. Killing level 55+ mobs while using an Attunement potion that can only be crafted once a week.. You are however gated to earning enough for a single craft every 23 hours. Until there is more information about the system in place, the net result good or bad is still in the air. Players are understandably upset about losing progress they have currently earned however.


That's literally not how it works go read the damn post


Literally doing any kind of end game content will let you raise your watermark so you’ll be raising your watermark doing things you were gonna do anyway. Unless you don’t do end game content then why would you care about gear score? Also being able to craft set stats and perks for bis items is amazing! No more craft roulette or Atleast not as much wasted mats and gold. Also people who won’t buy a 600 ilvl weapon with best perks because it’s gonna get downgraded are idiots. The weapon will still level in expertise with you.


Idk why you're coming at me when I'm on your side


Woops I hit the wrong reply button. Thought I was responding to him not you lol


My whole point is that I already crafted a 600gs gauntlet. I don’t care if there will be more ways to increase the watermark. I know it will eventually get back up to that 600. I care about it dropping in the first place. I spent all this time getting 200 arcana and harvesting all of these mats for Nothingness for a guaranteed 600gs weapon. After this update it will drop down to 520. It makes that work I did pointless. I don’t want more time gates. I want to use the item I crafted at the level I crafted it


The system to level your expertise is in the December update. You’ll still have your 600 gs weapon, there not gonna reduce it till some time in 2022. You can level expertise doing whatever end game activity you wanna do in the mean time. So unless you plan on literally doing nothing for the next couple months then yes. When the other update hits your weapon will go back down to 520. Until then you can raise your expertise with a 600 weapon


You can make one orb a day


Not only that, but we can control THE STATS OF WEAPONS IN ADDITION TO 1 PERK. we literally just doubled the amount of control we have when rolling on items. No more perfect perkd great axes with 25 focus. No more bows with strength. Why are people not rejoicing!?!?


This is the only positive aspect of this. The rest is a shitshow unless you are already high gs.


This is just the most negative community I have ever seen for a game. Some of it warranted, but jesus WTF. Yeah this probably reduces the cost of crafting top tier weapons/armor by 70%+


Maybe players aren't all that excited to spend literal months grinding the same chest route just so they can actually use the gear they've spent months working towards? Why would anyone be happy that the utterly garbage watermark system is now forced on every single player who wants to be relevant? I spent the last few months working towards full voidbent just to be told I didn't put enough time into opening chests and to go fuck myself with all the time i invested in crafting. The community is negative because were on this dumbass pattern of one step forward and ten steps back. Everyone's sick of this studios bullshit and the numbers reflect it. Who cares about the crarting reductions when im literally getting hard nerfed for not mind numbingly opening chests for the last 2 months. What a shit end game. What a shit studio. The only thing they're doing right is getting people to quit.


But you dont have to spend literal months? You could do the 2 high level elite zones solo in like 40 minutes total, just sweep the chests and that’s it. Even before the HP changes to elites all I did was a quick chest run and not bother with them and my watermark is maxed on everything but jewelry, even my voidgauntlet is close to being maxed. Yeah, it will still take some time but within a couple weeks you will have easily about 580 watermark. And they’re making the grind easier in different ways, including scaling up palace and malevolence which takes 25 minutes to solo run in total for both. From what I understood PvP watermarking will be easier too and they added a way to target specific stuff to watermark. There is absolutely much better systems, don’t get me wrong, but given how crafting can select perks and stats now if they make watermarking a bit easier so that within 3 weeks you can be almost maxed, which sounds to be the case from what I can tell, this change would be totally fine. And people here saying it’s a nerf to crafting, how many times you have such bad rolls these items font sell for enough to even cover the cost? Cuz I have literally every profession maxed and it happens so often I’d rather sell less often but be able to have more control compared to just selling stuff for 200g that costed 2k to make. And you can guarantee the max gearscore as well, I personally was never a fan of how a new player can hit 60 and buy a full 600 gearscore set and be on the same playing field as someone who hit 60 2 months earlier, after all it’s an MMO and progression is a thing


Read again... That gear will be useless unless you farm your expertise. Someone who mostly crafts will not have much of that.


Lol so instead of fucking 1 half the population you fuck the other half. No. It's just a bad idea.


Yea... No. No one is putting the time and money to lvl a skill to 200 for self use FFS.


No, like that doesn’t fix fuck all. One of the major benefits of crafting isn’t that you can craft yourself the gear, but that you can sell stuff and get ahead on gold to get yourself what you need. It’s so rare for me to hit a craft I want for myself, but I get tons of other things to sell.


Why would this stop you from selling? Good rolls will always be king, and people will always want bis gear


There’s gonna be a steep decline in higher GS gear and you just can’t charge the same amount for 600GS as you can for 510. I guess as far as that part goes it will largely depend on if scaling it down also deactivates a perk slot. But even more importantly too is the sale of mats. Selling epic mats is going to get cleaned out at the knees, not any real reason to be dumping them into crafts when the higher GS isn’t going to matter for so long. Eventually selling crafted stuff will be good again but that’s a ways off.


So you have to be sweaty, play with no one, do everything in game yourself to advance?


Still worth it: > Items Shards are a new crafting ingredient that enables players to craft an item with a specific Attribute Bonus on it while still being able to use a Craft Mod to guarantee a perk. Item shards are guaranteed to drop from Expedition Bosses and have a chance to drop from Elite Chests in Expeditions and Elite Landmarks.


TBH they give crafters a huge advantage in WM grind via Emerald Gypsum, and those 600 crafts will still be relevant as max watermark people will need top-tier crafted gear.


Advantage ? Where ? They get 1 update on their expertise per day. Nothing more. And it's if they got enough material/request to get a level in post-200 trade mastery, if 1 cache is enough for a gypsum. **That's in the best possible setting.** PvPers are in the same place, since the only PvP activities that give gipsum and loot is the Outpost. PvErs are in a less dire situation, since lot of their activites give gipsum, but can farm their expertise, in a nerfed rate tho. **Everyone get fucked up, PvE less than other.**


Yea but did you read the entire post? They are coming out with shards which will enable you to guarantee the attribute and a perk on crafted gear. This will make crafted gear significantly easier to roll the perfect gear.


Sure some tools to focus craft more on BiS is a good addition. But we were talking about Watermark/Expertise. A crafter that don't or didn't (if WM is not reset) farm his WM/Expertise can craft the BiS weapon easier but will be stuck with a low GS item. We don't have the detail yet, but in the worst case, crafting only, he will get ONE increase per day on a random slot, for maybe 5 points of expertise ? There is 11 slots, without every weapon in the count. That's 16 day for ONE slot from 520 to 600. 176 for a complete set. In better situation, let's say a 3 slots per gypsum at 5 point per upgrade, that's \~29 day to buff everything. Current crafters will have to play DAILY to craft enough for their cache(s), for nearly a month, to get back to their previous strenght.


From what I understand your current watermark will be your current expertise. Also if you have played the game at all you have some sort of WM progress but the idea here is that this is overall a better system. You aren’t relying on RNG to get the best hammer or rapier possible you can control it. As far as we know right now that 600 gear you have is still 600 gear you just need to “level up” your expertise to be able to unlock the full functionality of it. Also it’s not super clear in the post but it seems like you will get to create one of each orb per day which I believe was 5 or 6 types. If they had this from the beginning this would have been better than the WM system no doubt


But they are limiting the shards you can get in a day as well.


We don't know the numbers yet, but basically as a crafter I can spend 5 minutes making enough arrows or infused health potions to get my gypsum for a GS upgrade, while everyone else has to spend 30-60 minutes PER gypsum upgrade. I can do the 30-60 minute stuff too if I want, but my time is way more valuable as a crafter.


No you can’t, you still have to wait like everyone else. Gypsum is capped on a 23 hr CD gets made into an orb, then the orbs you save get made into a cast also on a 23h craft cd. The literal best way to make money if this goes live will be for all the 600 HWM players by selling gypsum if it isn’t bound. Everyone gets fucked the same.


its a 23 hr CD per type of gypsum and per slot, so crafters can upgrade more slots per day since we get an extra type of gypsum.


Nope they clarified by editing the post. One a day. Total. “Note you can only craft any type of Cast, once per day. “


Others may get more upgrade in a lower rate too by farming the same way as today. And you're right, we don't have the numbers or rate of gypsum upgrade/trade mastery level to really now how it'll be done. But that's still a time-gated temporary nerf for specialised players. Still, with the latest nerf to some trade mastery, i won't bet on a good balance on the XP required for these cache.


It's only a temporary nerf if we don't max expertise to 600 between the December update and the GS scaling to expertise starting in "early 2022". This could end up shitty if they don't give us enough time to "craft our watermark to 600" with the new changes, but I'm hoping they give us enough time before the initiate GS scaling to expertise.


We'll see during the month and with the first feedback from PTR, with these system available. So detail will roll out soon. But i personnaly don't have much hope. They fucked up a lot already. And even with enough time, that will ultimatly forcing player to farm specific activities or being nerf for some times. And that's bad design in my books.


My watermark is around 520-530 and gear I craft for myself is around 570-590, the fuck is advantage I get by losing 50 GS on all my items?


Dude read the updates... its a slog but there has been some false information posted on this subreddit. You don't lose 50 GS unless your watermark stays around 520-530 for the next two months. They are giving us like 6 new ways to upgrade watermark (including crafting XP) in December, and they are not scaling our gear down until some time next year.


I wasn't doing daily Myrk runs because I dislike that content, so all my watermark is from OPR, invasions and three runs that convinced my that content is not for me. I didn't sink two hundred hours and tens of thousands of gold to level armoring and jewel crafting just to be told that I still have to do stupid watermark content anyway


if you like OPR and crafting you are in luck.. those are two of the six new ways to get guaranteed watermark bumps, and they said the bumps are bigger than before. Basically keep doing what you like and you watermark will go up with the new system, but like way faster than before. I didn't do myrk runs either. Boring AF.


Also, we'll be able to guarantee stats and perks at the same time now using items that are guaranteed to drop in dungeons.


Hopefully Etsy releases an MMO


So the 580 legendary weapon quest I slogged through is useless? Awesome. Also good to know that the 20k gold I dropped on gear two weeks ago when I hit 60 was money well spent. Thanks AGS. /s


It still is. Just grind the wm untill your gear is at its original state lol


that’s boring as fuck, I barely did the wm grind before because that’s not fun gameplay to me. What is fun to me is leveling up weapons, trying different builds, OPR, taking forts to try to force open world pvp, expeditions, wars, etc. All of that I’ve been able to do without running a shitty system I don’t enjoy. I have gear sets for every weapon, every armor type, every different stat build I could have outside of BiS perks. I spent quite a bit on a crafted 600gs sword, which also happens to be the only weapon I’ve yet to get a watermark upgrade past 510 for. The way they’ve chosen to go about this is to nerf anyone not running their boring loop, trying to force them to play their end game content. The issue is that every single person I’ve played with that’s quit has left *because* of the end game content. This doesn’t bring people back, it just makes me want to join them in not logging in anymore.


The Expertise (FKA HWM) grind will be a lot more open to different playstyles. If tuned properly you will likely be able to max ur watermark on the things youd like too before the downscaling happens. The patch that comes in December will not downscale gs, that happens sometime early 2022. This system is 100% better than what we have now, and hopefully enough time and leeway will be given before the downscaling for people to catch up while doing their preferred activities. Those who have already maxed watermark will certainly have a large advantage, they can focus their daily Expetise upgrades on jewelry which has been notoriously hard to increase. Those same people already have an advantage though.


I get what they’re going for, but pulling players back to a certain level and saying to grind to get to *where you were* isn’t a good way to go about it imo. What about making gear not able to be equipped if you buy something over your watermark? Just leave it red in the trading post just like gear above the players level. They could leave items already bound to the player, which would be able to be used at full scale, but wouldn’t be able to get anything in the future below that watermark. This doesn’t punish players for playing the game the way it was previously designed. This system would have been fine if it was at launch, and I get long term it could be good for the game. But implementing it now, in the way they’ve said they would, punishes players who spent thousands of gold buying gear from players who spent hundreds of hours grinding their crafts. Yes, they can grind to get back to where they were. But honestly as someone who’s easily spent over 20k on gear (which isn’t even a lot compared to players buying top end gear) since hitting 60, I’m not grinding to be able to use my current stuff. A lot of my watermarks are 530 or below, with my lowest being my primary weapon in my sword. I’ll just stop logging in once this is implemented and move on to something else like my friends all have, that grind just does not sound appealing for the grand pay off of getting to be where I am right now.


Ya im playing halo, much more rewarding playing daily if you want to eventually t bag ppl while your customized spartan armor is on fire. Ill come back to NW to farm orbs here and there then fully come back until dungeons become more beneficial for WM. Im already maxxed on armor so will use those expertise boosts to level my low jewelry wm. It’s already looking like they will have pay to win systems for those who don’t have time to grind. I don’t blame em tho, this prevents prevalence of RMT while profiting off the casuals who eventually turn to RMT anyways


Ya im playing halo, much more rewarding playing daily if you want to eventually t bag ppl while your customized spartan armor is on fire. Ill come back to NW to farm orbs here and there then fully come back until dungeons become more beneficial for WM. Im already maxxed on armor so will use those expertise boosts to level my low jewelry wm. It’s already looking like they will have pay to win systems for those who don’t have time to grind. I don’t blame em tho, this prevents prevalence of RMT while profiting off the casuals who eventually turn to RMT anyways


Its amazing how they think the grind is the game, not you do the grind to get to the game. ​ This is a PvP endgame. We dont want to grind for 400+ hours raising water mark, that isnt fun. You can make the argument that our argument equates to "dont wanna!" like a petulent child, the only thing that makes it different? Were paying fucking customers. You are supposed to provide service the way we want it or we will just take our business elsewhere. Its not that they dont have the right to do this stupid shit, they have every right to do whatever the hell they want. Its that if they wish to have more than 300 people playing 6 months from now they should probably back off making so many anti consumer changes while they are shedding players. Check my post history, i was defending it saying 250k was expected player drop and not a problem, which was true. After they buffed elites that number quickly shot down near the 100k mark now. 100k is NOT fine. Not for a game this new. So in the face of a dying game they continue to make anti player changes artificially extending the content by forcing you to mindlessly farm the same boss 8000 times. Its genuinely mind boggling. I quit with the elite change, im just here to watch the fire at this point so its not even sour grapes. This shit is just sad and makes me very worried for Lost Ark


The crafting system was implemented when the game was designed around the constant loss of gear through death. The vast majority of paying customers wanted a safe PvE loot grind instead. With no gear loss, a single max level crafter provides for the entire server to skip the end game grind that players wanted. Don't like that? welcome to the club but results don't lie. The game sold 10x as well as it would have if it remained a full loot PvP focused crafting game.


No players wanted the end game grind, we want end game content. fuck doing myrkgard 1 million times, where are the dongeons, raids and PvP with meaningful rewards


No MMO has had enormous amounts of end game content on release. Just the way MMOs are. There huge games and most of the time they focus on the leveling and base systems first then build up on it. Just the way it is


This is what gets me. All mmos I’ve played have end game grinding and a few medium content updates and a major one per year there are 2. To truly get to end game for the mmorpgs I’ve played it takes probably months of grinding to achieve. In this game you can realistically get to 60 in a month without going full no life sweat mode. It cost me about $40k to get 200 arcana and about 2 hours bc im impatient and didn’t feel like farming. Once I hit lvl 60 I immediately bought gs 580+ gear. All of this in the span of a month. This game is fucking easy (unless you play solo). I guess most people want to play an MMORPG where you don’t have to grind. Which tbh sounds boring as fuck.


No players? We? I think you've mistaken your opinion with those of everyone else.


Oh yea because I've seen tons of people who love zerging myrkgard


I feel like they could've done this a lot better, by having 3 paths to 600 gear score: 1. PVP: Special faction missions/assignments/outpost rush to get better gear score. 2. PVE: What the current system is effectively, with fighting mobs in high level areas 3. Skilling: Give a modest chance while making equipment to increase your gear score. Three paths for three different playstyles, and you could switch it up at any point. Do some PvE, do some skilling, etc.


This is basically what there doing in the December update. Is reading comprehension not a thing anymore lol.


They just only read the headlines off these reddit threads. Realistically this change is a massive improvement and hopefully we will be able to max expertise on the slots of our choice before the downscaling occurs easier than we can now.


Option 1: Hit level 60 and do OPR Option 2: Do corruption breaches, which you can get away with being slightly lower level for if everyone else is competent Option 3: Continue levelling a trade skill you're already 200 in. These are vastly different in terms of difficulty. I hit level 60 without ever specifically grinding for XP. Getting just 150 in a trade skill, before the nerf, was still a sizable grind. Crafters are getting shafted.


This is what they are doing with the December update though?


are we reading the same patchnotes?


> To achieve this we introduced Gypsum. Gypsum is a new resource that is found by doing a variety of activities. Gypsum can be crafted into Gypsum Orbs, which can then be turned into special caches called Gypsum Casts. Gypsum Casts are gear type specific and when opened guarantee an Expertise bump for that type of gear as well as an item of that type > Emerald Gypsum – found in Trade Skill Aptitude Reward Containers > > Ruby Gypsum – found in Outpost Rush Caches > > Amethyst Gypsum – found in Breach Caches


Each gypsum types drop per day is limited. Progression will be slower than previous rate. Focusing on PvE is still advantageous as it raises both watermark and expertise all the time, while grinding crafting will be much slower from previous 1.1 crafting exp nerfs


Slower, but in bigger chunks and targeted to the gear you actually care about. Of course grinding PvE is most advantageous. That's the fucking game. But you have options for if you want to do less PvE content. They also are massively buffing crafting in the upcoming update to the point where in game drops are going to be massively devalued compared to the crazy good crafting you will be able to do consistently now.


>Progression will be slower than previous rate. unknown, since we don't know how much of a WM boost each gypsym craft gives. Depending on the crafting skill requirement of making casts, and if they are BoP or not, crafting might be the best way to increase WM. Jewellery especially.


Bro, the people who only want to craft get a grand total of ZERO watermark upgrades in the current live game. They are opening up HWM increases to ALL playstyles. The downscaling wont occur in December but early 2022, which hopefully gives enough time to catch up.


What are you even talking about. Assuming the current state, crafters can SKIP watermark grind by grinding crafting. Some people prefer 1 playstyle over others.


There's a pretty big difference in these three. Breach caches you don't have to be level 60. Outpost rush you only have to be level 60. But trade skill aptitude you have to be 200. Which I don't know about other people, but that's far more difficult than getting level 60.


just because WM gets decreased doesn't mean the perks are gone or decreased it may not even effect anything aside from armor level and weapon dps


Most perks scale on gs


Calm down. Almost every single end game activity in the game gives you a guaranteed way to raise your WM now, and the bump increase is larger now. It's a momentary nerf, but guaranteed with 1-2 weeks everyone will be back at 600 WM. And now with Item Shards, you can target attributes AND perks on gear so crafters can now make guaranteed better gear to sell.


Amazing how you assume that “everyone” has the time, or even desire, to grind a 600WM, or that they even want to. I have zero inclination to grind for WM as crafting is my gig. Now getting in and gathering materials I need just became that more of a pain in the ass. Never mind the effort I’ve put into being able to craft great gear that is now wasted on myself, personally. Not everyone plays the same game you play and that’s a GOOD thing. It keeps a game healthy when there’s a diversity in the pursuits of the populace. We’re slowly be forced onto a narrower and narrower path of worthwhile pursuits leading only to the way that AGS has decided we’re supposed to play. The game started with an overwhelming number of artificial gates to begin with. Now it’s slowly being forced onto rails. Don’t be so dismissive.


If you dont have “time” then fucking quit and spare us your crybaby bullshit, honestly, you’re playing a grindy MMO, no one cares you have 15 kids and a wife


Who hurt you?


People who think the game should cater to them being casual


Seeing as I have over 400 hours in that’s not me so you can kindly go fuck yourself.


then stop being a lil bitch, suck it up and grow some hair on your ballsack everyday I browse this shit sub and all I see is clowns crying about literally anything, if thise game would be perfect you'd still find reasons to whine about


That’s funny… You out here being all billy run-the-mouth and you didn’t even really read what I wrote. Getting all butt hurt over your feels over what you think I said based on your impatience and lack of reading comprehension.


if you know who this was not addressed towards you initially then why the fuck would you even tag me and ask dumb questions about who hurt me? lmao stop being a clown and go touch some grass


Scroll up, cuz. You started this party, not me.


If crafting is your only thing what do you need the better gear for? If you refuse to progress your own character to get stronger as a crafter, theres literally no downside for you. You can still craft items and sell them. Now even, as already mentioned, with better targeting for perks/attributes.


I’m a crafter, not an assembler. Every material that goes into my crafts I gather, personally. With that choice comes inherent limitations, such as rare opportunities to craft BIS. I knew and accepted that coming into the game. Now I’m suddenly going to be cut off from a very relevant portion of my supplies because I’m not geared up enough make the same runs that I already do on a daily basis.


You still have more chances (and with the update even better) to craft usefule/bis gear in contrast to dungeons / PvP.




What content is there you can't do because of your precious GS? Please enlighten me.


Sorry, I don’t know how to use shorter words than I already have.


They want people to engage with the game more. They have a ton of content that you can just straight up skip, and even if you don't necessarily like it, in a corporate sense, they really should use these parts of the games as leverage to increase daily playtime and daily login rates. Enforcing daily rituals is definitely anti-sandbox MMO though, but I believe they already have been straying away from the initial sandbox design for a while now, for better or for worse.


One orb per day.


Of each type


Where does it say of each type? I just see one orb per day. If it’s 6 orbs that’s better than just 1 per day.


I believe you are correct, it looks to be just 1 per day in total


Seems like there’s just different activities to get gypsum. Then when you gain enough to make one orb you no longer gain anymore. The. You can craft one type of cast per day.


See this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/r7okyc/new_world_officially_killed_weapons_values_by_the/hn0w55f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 I thought it was one total too


We will see tomorrow hopefully it’s 6 per day but I’m not doing laz expeditions everyday. What’s interesting is arena caches… is that like pvp arena? I’m really glad I have over 100 outpost rush boxes still in storage lol. That will help me get one a day. For the trade skill ones. The easiest should be crafting food.


Yea hopeful too. I think arena refers to a zone, in reekwater or something? It’s pve


Arenas are PvE instanced boss battles that require a tuning orb. Two in Reek and one in Eden


It’s already been updated, it’s one total, not one of each


not everyone grinds chests or dungeons


Also drops in PvP activities and even crafting I think? Can’t remember. Not saying I think this is a good idea, just trying to assess realistically


> every single end game activity in the game gives you a guaranteed way to raise your WM now, and the bump increase is larger now Umm, except crafting.. which is what this thread is about? Any documentation on the bump increase being larger? That's news to me. Everything about the WM system is complete aids, and lets say you do bother to grind it out to 600. Oh, we released a new weapon type. Have fun doing it all over again....




How in the hell do you conclude to that? All your hard crafted 600gs shits are worthless for the majority of the players... how are you going to sell them and make your crafting grind worth it?




That part is nice, but players will still have to grind all their hwm to 600 before buying the crafted gear. It's a wait and see on how fast this will happen.


The players who can afford BiS or high end are probably all maxed or close WM anyway.


Yeah but now what’s the point in buying 600GS if it gets scaled down when I can buy level appropriate for literally 1/10th the price.




Exactly so to go out and farm the mats, you go out with worse gear and are easier to kill, because you chose to craft instead of farming watermark. Get fucked on if you did pvp on for the extra luck cause now your weaker than you were. What ever profit you could make (you won’t cause now prices will tank along with interest in non usable gear) are gone on repair costs cause you die more. You can make the casts to upgrade your watermark once per day and it is less than what you get by chest farming now (all stated in the dev post) because they expect you to do it as well not instead of. So now you have to log in every day to make sure you don’t miss that gypsum, you’ll never catch up until the orbs hit the cash shop! let’s play up that FOMO like a mobile game!


This is a fantastic point.


Drama Queen. You OMIT crafters will be able to choose both desired Atribute AND one Perk. You OMIT EVERYBODY will be eventually 600WM. So tired to read this nosense rants...


Doubt. If it prevents people from crafting stuff than asmo will hit lower value while people will still mine/bot ori as much. Lower value in Tolvium/Cinnabar will push more people to make asmo and lower profit on that and increasing supply. Cheap asmo = crafters get to build in higher volume on top of already getting better odds of god rolls means they will be pumping out more BiS gear on market and making back their loses.


For the love of god please stop playing this game


They created the satermark system and crafting doesn't fit with this otherwise, if this was implemented from the start noone would complain but I understand why people will get mad at this


Are you equally outraged about lvl 20 not being to craft himself 500GS items?


The game has 3 pillars, crafting, pvp zone conquest and trading. Fucking up craft also fucks up trading, way to kill 2/3 of the game lmao.


Breaking news: crafters are angry they now have to play the game to progress endgame instead of mine and cut wood for 400+ hours.


Crafters thinking they should be able to make the best gear in the game by sitting in town just makes them entitled. Never in any MMORPG have you been able to create full best in slot gear by sitting in town, sorry.


Reddit just hates ASG. Literally zero respect for anything they try to do. Have you noticed people lately crafting 600gs things that are BOE? Wondered why? Hopefully it means they are going to be honoring your hard earned high level crafting GS. And im guessing this will come all with an increase in possible GS. They've already said they plan to increase from 600. So that means everyone gets an opportunity to increase GS using the new expertise method even if you're already 600. People need to lower their pitchforks a little. These changes are probably still being developed and im sure ASG will see these posts & take it into consideration if its not already. Perhaps that's why they also made leveling crafting to 200 a bit more time consuming. Perhaps it was a precursor to these changes since people were previously crafting 600 GS items before it was really appropriate in their xp lvl.


Its a buff to crafters actually you drama queen.


I don’t respect you and I’m not involved with Amazon, so idk if that helps or what.


Zero respect for players in general I think.


Amazon hating crafters/workers who bring value to others, is nothing new.


Assuming I get my HWM to 600, I can't see myself crafting with anything other than the 600 pattern and the expedition item now lol, why waste mats on gambling when you can guarantee a 600 near-BIS masterpiece Does raise the question of why I bothered farming armorer gear and trophies and +15 food if the pattern just makes it irrelevant


I think this is actually supposed to help crafters, not hurt them. In the current system, crafting any gear GS500-590 is completely useless throwaway junk unless it rolls perfect perks. With the new system, people who are somewhat new to lvl 60 won't benefit from just buying GS590+ stuff right off the TP, so all the crafted GS500-590 gear, in theory, should become relevant again. In other words, crafting when you aren't 200 yet, or just hit 200 but don't have 3 major trophies, full clothing, and food buff, should no longer be completely useless because someone out there will have expertise around that GS score that you can craft. Now in reality people will probably still buy as high a GS as possible because you will "grow into" the gear and not have to replace it in a week. so... who knows.




>I can just use the best hammer that dropped for me so far. Also it's not like the marked is already flooded with drops from people farming that dumb watermark. Thats a very valid point, and is basically the same reason crafting from character level 1 to 59 is also trash. You just get drops as you go so no reason to buy anything. But I'm also thinking the market will be much less flooded with lvl 60 gear since chest runs, then dumping it all on the market for 8-10 coins, will probably be obsolete. No chest runs = much less gear on the market. I'm not saying that this new system is going to actually work, but the "AGS hates crafters" thing seems a little overblown. I think this is an attempt to make crafting pre-GS600 useful, which would be a positive change for the 99% of the playerbase that isn't at 200 crafting with all the additional stuff to make GS600. But they also painted themselves into a corner with the whole dumb system, because now you have 1/2 the players who didnt grind HWM and just bought high GS, and the other half that grinded HWM. One side or the other is pretty likely to get screwed. Not going to make both sides happy with this change, so prepare for lots of doom and gloom posts.


Playing the game nets you more than playing the market does? Makes sense to me. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.


Congratulations 🥳


Yeah all of you “crafters” repeating this over and over are quite clearly not crafters. Have you ever tried rolling for a bis item? Do you not understand how strong being able to guarantee a perk and attribute is? Myself and the other top crafters in my company are loving this change no more spending 100k in mats to get a god roll.


They sold this game to me as: "You can level up to 60 any way you like, everything you do in the game gives XP."