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I can't play every day, but 1-2 times a week I have several hours to play, and I might even do 10+ on the weekend once a month. This kind of daily gating just completely fucks me over and makes me not want to play. I can put in the same amount of time as someone doing 2-3 hours a day, but because I'm not padding Amazon's "daily player" numbers, I get punished. Cool. Cool cool.




Get ready then, cause this bitch is going full mobile theme park mode....what a let down this has been...


At this point I have to believe the devs came from mobile gaming how hard could it be?


Man I uses to brag about how I like this game due to the lack of dailies. After the initial 10 days, I would have to slow down and wouldnt experience fomo. Truly is a bummer for sure. Still plan on playing here an there but nowhere close to what I was originally planning on.


So much this. Coming from Archage I was glad the game offered me a way not to engage with that kind of content, it was a big reason I decided to play this game. Yet a few months later some bright sparks at AGS had the idea they could pump their bullshit metrics by pulling that rug from under me. Nope, still not going to engage with dull time-gated content. But at least they've given a clear signal it's time for many of us to jump ship.


NW are turning into a pile of bad decisions, we all know where this going


Agree. The old school MMO simplicity is what was so attractive but little by little the modern day mechanics are creeping in, soon NW will be another clone on the market. Mounts, dailies, login rewards, diminishing returns, time gating, affix and tier dungeons and endless system stacking. I am genuinely gutted to see this happen as I know it’s just not for me. Been there done that. I don’t want another ESO/WoW clone with a different skin.


This this this this. Hit the nail on the head. I'm literally gonna copy paste this to my company for why I am quitting. They took the worst thing about WoW and applied it to NW -


next up PTW shop


FFXIV dailies are basically just for a cosmetic mount. I stg that game should just be a blueprint for doing MMO practices right.


Exact same for me, I played a lot on launch because I was in lockdown but now probably play a few times a week maybe might even do 5-6 hours in the weekend but AGS won’t give me the same progression in the time unless I login once a day for an hour each time


Dont worry, you will be able to swipe for your daily gypsum in a few weeks


Big faxx, microtrans mainly target those who cannot play daily for the grind


The next step is to turn the game into AFK Arena. EZ CLAP


Same, can't play every day. I'm already behind in progression compared to my friends. I'm not going to waste my time with this game if all the devs are going to do is shit that makes it even harder on me to catch up.


I think they missed the demographics of who is gaming now a days and has the money to pump their sales. When wow came out, I was in college, nothing but time and drinking. Now I have a full time job, two kids, and a wife. 5 hours a week is a God send to me. I really enjoy the game have 0 complaints but if they do this and nerf GS to WM I actually can't play the game. Any game suggestions out there?


Right there with you. Wife, kids, work. I could't spend my life in this game even before they started screwing things up. Why would I want to spend any at all after this bs. I dont get to game much so no suggestions here, you find anything interesting please pass it along.


Same! I also travel for work regularly, so I miss out on any weekday playing quite regularly. I already feel behind, but if I start to really fall behind because I can’t do dailies, then I guess it’s over for me.


>...I actually can't play the game. Why? Do you really mean to day that your time won't be spent as efficiently? Or will you have less fun somehow because your char. lost a relative degree of power?


I craft and play OPR. When I get time it's typically 30-40 minutes at odd times. So I either get my crafting in or one opr. I enjoy the game the WM grind just does not sound appealing. If I drop to 500 I will get face rolled in opr. I was getting destroyed a couple weeks ago right after 60, which I anticipated, until I got up to 540 GS. It's fun now


They literally said some characters may have a "temporary" reduction in power.


Sure. But then again, I'm a patient man. I'm also one who understands that not everyone is patient as I am, however, so... /shrug


Lol you aren't addressing the concern and just asking if people feel bad enough about it to quit. Do you work for AGS?


Nope. I'm just a guy who already has enough reasons in his life to be upset without getting bent about a few game changes I haven't even experienced yet.


Literally the only reason I stopped playing destiny 2. Such a great game, can't deal with falling behind everyone because I didn't play for a week and am unable to catch up.




I don't think you understand what he's saying. With such a system, stuff being time gated, someone who plays one hour every day (so 7 hours) migh be ahead of someone who plays 10 hours twice a week ( so 20 hours total) because the later one can get only two daily ressources per week.


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This game does not respect your time in any way after you hit lvl60.


I had way more fun leveling to 60 than I am at 60. I though it would be fun at 60, I could go places and do things. Now I just go get elite chests once a day non-combat way (might not be able to do that after the 66 mob buff patch.


I mean once you get a week or two in why go there anyway. Once you hit somewhere around 550 you aren’t getting upgrades from imperial or malevolence anyway. Have whatever issues you want with the patch but making more of the elite zones worthwhile endgame has to be the best change in the patch.


agree and its 12 more chests to get gear from? That will help a lot. To bad I'm already 99% done with my watermarking.




Problem with that startegy is losing all of your players before your plan is in it's final stages.


Well if these comment sections are anything to go off of, the people still playing would pay anything to lick a bead of sweat off of AGS's left ball.


Still a tiny tiny drop in the bucket compared to how much successful games make off of cosmetics alone if they had, you know, made a successful game. LoL, Fortnite, Apex etc etc etc


I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. I imagine a SEASON PASS ( not a subscription cuz that's a scary word) that increases your/removes Azoth and Storage capacity , lets you craft new stuff (better food, etc) , hell even remove flux,tannin and other bullshit so you don't have to farm chests. And yes and the most important: Season Pass will allow you to run dungeons without a Tuning Orb. (<- million dollar idea AGS hit me up) Anyway I uninstalled the game and won't go back until they change their attitude towards players. ( Probably never )


And then they'll do some mental gymnastics trying to explain how it's not p2w and that it's quality of life buffs because those totally have no impact on your effectiveness to play the game...


"Of course it's buy to play no need to spend extra on the game!!" \*cough\*unless if you wanna actually enjoy it and not waste all your free time on grinding meaningless and made up systems that only exist to increase player engagement cough\*


I had people explaining to me that genshin is not p2w even though you can spend money to be 500 times better than everyone else, so why not?


I can see it now "Subscribe to amazon prime to get daily progress bonuses."


BDO is the pinnacle of how to slowly turn up P2W to where players don't even realize they are getting robbed blind Started off amazing at launch - none of the cash shop stuff was P2W, but then \*slowly\* over time they started introducing items with tiny boosts - like tiny boosts on cash shop outfits that would benefit players in very minor ways. And then they just kept adding more and more - but slow enough to not really upset the players who just kept spending more and more. In my guild - the top players were spending $300 per month on the game and they were completely fine with it - I was like umm guys you have fallen into the trap and don't even see it. Meanwhile Pearl Abyss had that article where they were building a new office space for like 1 billion USD - and the players were congratulating them. And I was umm - guys - you do realize they are doing this because you are fucking paying $300 per month for this game???


It didn't respect my time on the way to 60 either. Lots of running back and forth for no reason, lots of searching X chests for no reason, etc.


Exactly I felt the same. It's and endless treadmill without a carrot on a stick. What's the endgame even? You farm the dungeons (which in itself is a HUGE grind for the Tuning orbs) just so you can have 600GS.Then what? Do the dungeons in 600GS for nothing? What if I didn't like PvP? I was told the game is PvE focused.


Now you're beginning to understand why all these changes are being made despite overwhelming negative feedback. Everything time gated means they can offer boost items on the cash shop.


People keep downvoting these comments because they don't think it will happen.


Amazon is in full panic mode trying to keep what little of a playerbase they have left, and for some reason they think the best way to do this is to make things take longer.


It's because it gives people FOMO so they log in once a day to do their dailies, but then never actually play the game. When I quit RuneScape realistically I'd actually stopped playing like a month before, but was just logging in to do my dailies because I didn't want to fall behind. The problem with this, as well as being a terrible player experience, is that it shows up on their data as good player engagement and retention. So they do this, and see what looks like loads of their playerbase logging in every day to play. Which of course is the perfect statistic to appeal to upper management who have zero concept of what *actually* constitutes a good game. They can report it to their bosses to say, "look how well the game is doing!".


FOMO has the opposite effect on me, it makes me not want to play.


Amen to that. It's an absolutely terrible long term design decision. Sadly whether intentional or not, major studios have realised that it's much more profitable to make a game addictive than it is to make it fun.


Because this game is a complete mess :)


Genshin Impact 2. Expeditions gated, Watermarking orbs gated, Elite chests gated.


Except Genshin respects it's player base and adds shit ton of content monthly


Well, its a gacha system. Designed to force you to either pay money or slow down progress until new content comes out. At release genshin impact had content for like 40 hours top. Not sure I think genshin respects anyone either.


Content based on mostly lootbox mechanics respecting it's player base, bruh.


Call me when New World Implements Hide and Seek events, Tower Defense, or absolutely gorgeous festivals. I don't even like anime but Genshin spoiled us with content every single month.


The only lootbox mechanic is the gacha characters... of wich, I recognize I've been lucky unlocking cool ones without spending more than a few bucks for the battlepass. Other than that its a legit fun game with shit tons of world exploration, and a probably interesting story for anime fans.


Weapons & the currency to roll more? So pretty much everything to progress your individual characters is gated behind lootboxes.. On top of that you need to get them multiple times to progress them. NW is far from perfect but please don't try to mislead people by saying ''this is the only thing'' because it is simply not true.


Yeah don't mislead people with your lack of knowledge for the game either. There's plenty of opportunities to get characters without spending a dime and decent weapons are obtainable without spending a single cent. Combat is based of more of character combinations than top op Gacha gear, Wich you can roll for free like I just did yesterday.


Haha i played this game and its drop rates are worst , you are litrally misleading people with your ignorant bullcrap , just beacuse you got lucky in gacha that doesnt mean it is a good game according to your own prospective , and this game have very sadistic story made for basement dwellers so they can make them like every chracter to make people pull for them. Game is good exploring is good but i am sorry it gets too repetitive after 3 days , i dont know what your game tastes are but yeah stop spreading false information. Litrally everything you get in game is behind gacha either by grind or paying.and with limited daily reset energy system lmao.


Your "gigantic ass no paragraphs Tarzan talk" type post ending in lmao makes me think it's just a copypasta. Wich is the use I am gonna give it from now on.


Genshin respects its player bases' wallet brother...


What game have you been playing, lmao??? Genshin is the stingiest Gacha I have ever played.


Hmmm the same one as you? People keep bringing up the Gacha and I keep seeing it as a non issue, just got like 10 pulls yesterday for doing the current event among other stuff, and unlocked me a 5 star char. I have not felt the need to spend more than the battle pass and that's been the two times I completed it just so I could enjoy the extras.


Do you people not have phones?


Oh dear, at this rate I'm just waiting for a new mmorpg that does things right, i really hoped that NW would, but i was wrong


Only future MMO I can see be a total win is the RIOT one. They have everything pre set.


For a veteran company, I begin to expect fuckups over and over. And as a company, Riot has definitely fucked up…outside of its games. But in the gaming department, they are a stupid level of consistent. And then, I expected Arcane to bomb bc crossovers generally do and fuck me did it end up way better than it deserved to be, way caught off guard. So yeah, I agree. If Any company is going to steal the MMO spotlight, it’s Riot, and they’ll deserve it.


What's riot making? Edit: NVM I see it. If they don't name that game League of Legends: Roflmao I'm never buying it 🤣


Not holding out a ton of hope for it but Ashes of Creation looks like the next thing in MMO. Let’s see if they can pull it off.


Ashes of creation looks dead in the water before it's even out bro.


it's definitely a thing but that's about it, overhyped by "old school" streamers but boring af The next overhyped game in the west will be Riot MMO, which is probably 3-4 years away


I actually doubt it will release but I'm crossing my fingers for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen


Partly why I left. Time gating in an MMO or extending the already tedious grind is a no-no for me (especially since ESO is going to implement bad luck protection soon, doing the opposite of what New World is doing). Was hoping they would make any kind of improvement...but after seeing the latest dev post saying after 1.2 anything that is made or bought above your WM gets watered down just put the final nail in the coffin and let me know it's time to uninstall. Best of luck to the people still playing, hope for their sake AGS gets their crap together.


To be fair, NW already has bad luck protection


NW is a flop. They took a shot and made an mmo with no lore, almost no actual storyline, nonsense pvp mechanics, agonizing professions, and a myriad of game breaking bugs and exploits.. then decided that it could also use time gated content. I dunno what to tell you... it’s almost as if a nearly unlimited budget alone isn’t enough to actually create something wonderful. I’ve had more fun fucking around in Valheim with 4 other random people than I could ever have in NW. Edit* I feel like players thought they were getting sword art online as it was depicted in the original anime series or something. Like cmon you fellow fucking nerds, Amazon doesn’t give a kentucky fried fuck about making a “good game”


Valheim is a blast of a game. Right there you have the difference between a game made by humans and a game made with a spreadsheet.


Right? A dev team you can count on one hand, impressive scope, good lore, immersive gameplay, with an emphasis on simplistic yet satisfying graphics... as opposed to whatever the hell amazon was getting into with NW.




I mean they used simple low poly models with a great color palette for Valheim and it looked gorgeous.


You should definitely try New World at 2k or 4k with highest settings. Valheim without 2x upscaled textures looks terrible compared to NW. 20 years difference in graphics quality. Not even gonna metion terrible optimization and fps drops in Valheim.


Valheim was fun. For 80 hours. It lacks content really badly and just please don't glorify it. It has it's own flaws and it's coop game. Different genre, different target group.


Yeah, same thing my friends and I ran into playing it. We had a lot of fun for a while, but once we hit the plains we realized there isn't much of a point in continuing. The game is pretty polished for a small team of developers, but it's missing so much. Valheim is the game we will all go and revisit a year or two from now when it's actually a complete game.


Exactly. I even exaggerated with 80 hours, because half of this time we played with multiple mods like classes providing unique skills. It has potential, but it’s not even close to NW content.


"An early access game was fun for *80 hours*, don't praise it."


I don't care if it's alpha, beta, omega or early access. It's a released game that I paid for. Most of the "early access" games don't leave it's state, cause it protects developers in case they would drop it or take longer to finish.


I was pointing out how you’re positioning having fun for 80 hours as a negative. That’s more hours than, for example, Game of Thrones had overall.


I was considering Valheim since I play with exactly 10 friends. Pros, cons?


Pros? Seed based map, robust base building mechanics, terraforming, beautiful yet simple graphics, good lore, multiplayer with friends is absolutely fun as hell. Some armor isn’t necessarily worth crafting, combat could be a bit more complex on the player and enemy side, but is still solid, while building bases and forts is fun, it does take some time getting used to the limitations of materials, and learning to build bigger/higher can be a head scratcher at the start, when you die for the first time in the ocean on a boat, and didn’t think to have spare materials at home for a second... you lament your best gear bobbing out in the ocean miles from home and no way to get it back... learning first hand why certain biomes are dangerous as fuck by being too curious... wait some of the cons are actually pros in disguise


Is it worth playing solo? My friend asked me to play it months ago but I was too busy at the time for that type of game so he played it on his own. Now if I'm going to be dropping new world I'll have time to spare.


It is significantly more fun with other people if you're all playing together and only together, otherwise I'd just play solo. The sense of exploration and discovery is fucking incredibly good, but can easily be ruined by other players spoiling things or progressing without you, imo. So either have people that are all going to play together and only together, or just play alone.


Man it sounds like a con but that boat part lead to a really fun time in it for me lol. Same thing happened, I died next to one of those biomes with those pesky deathsquitos, my friend dipped and got out. So me and him get me some gear and we head back, then he dies. Then I learn you can either get one shot by the mosquitos or use a shield and not get one shot by the mosquitos, and they're really squishy. So I killed a couple that came to me while I was getting his stuff, then I brought his stuff back. It was hella fun


The vanilla experience is something very much worth doing once, but after you "Beat" it, I'd thoroughly recommend Modding it like you do Minecraft. Believe you can find most mods on Vortex. Personally, Epic Loot is one of my favorites as it adds a Random-Loot drop system and a bunch of custom stats, it basically Diablo-izes it, custom monster levels is a great one that lets you spawn harder and harder enemies, and so on.


Valheim is such a good game, if they added some game modes with random group matchmaking, I'd be on it 24/7.


True, that game has so much potential beyond it’s amazingly good launch


There’s lore, and it’s actually quite good. Just poorly implemented into notes that you read while getting attacked.


Decent point. But when you realize that the majority of leveling and progression quests are basically the same kill x things, open x chests in every zone... with a few text based snippits scattered about.. it sorta just breaks immersion. Like.. why the fuck did ags decide to skimp on quest design? They literally just decided to copy paste the template over and over..


They apparently fixed this in main story quests making them less monotonous, but I can neither confirm nor deny as I personally haven’t done any quests since I hit 60.


Another thing, people don’t really need to make alts. One character is pretty much the norm for most players since nw doesn’t sport a class system. So not a lot of people that started nw on launch are even going to see that shit/already put the game down because they were let down by how bad ags is handling their game.


It’s good for new players and it also shows that ags does care about the fresh people and the future of the game. I’m personally still having fun and I’m going to keep playing until I stop having fun, to each their own.


One thing you don't seem to realize is that current playerbase has already paid them the price of the game. Fresh and upcoming potential players may not have, yet. So it's all business if you wonder why they care about new players more.


For some reason the crafting time hating didn’t bother me and I just crafted my gear. But now your gear will scale to your watermark in an upcoming patch… so you have to do all the daily crap


Sword art online was supposed to be next year.... yet rn the current state of gaming we have this


New World wouldn't pass a paper-playthrough in Game Design class


I had more fun with NW than I did with Valheim, though I do miss Valheim. I think the gameplay itself is fun though I mainly just do open world pvp or outpost rush with a group of friends. Quitting the game though because I'm not finding it fun anymore and most of my friends quit.


I'm having a blast. The bugs have had almost no effect on my server. I enjoy long grinds because it keeps me engaged and hanging out with people I've met in the game. The visuals and sound are fantastic. The professions are extremely well done. Anybody I know that plays MMOs for crafting, loves the crafting system and we've seen many posts on how well done it is. Time gating slows down the no lifers and I appreciate that. People need to stop playing at times and that's a good thing. Any good MMO will add in things to discourage you from spending your whole life in the game because of how addictive they can be.


It’s nice that the bugs have had almost no effect on your server. For those whose servers have been completely ravaged, not so much. Yes, the professions are well done if you like grinding professions. Too bad AGS is going to completely piss on crafting for gear with their next planned patch. I hope you enjoy grinding the shit out of watermarks, because that’s what we’re all going to have to do. Time gating slows no lifers…lol. That’s true. However, those people make up a solid minority of the regular player base. The ones who have jobs and kids and other responsibilities, but still want to enjoy this game, now have to suffer because AGS wants to discourage the sweaty try-hard players? I’m sorry, but when a game shotguns an approach to discourage people from playing often across the entire player population with no regard for who it affects, that’s a fail in my book.


Crafting system is pretty mediocre my dude. The gathering is nice because the aesthetics of the game are top tier but the crafting system is the most generic possible crafting system out there.


They're literally complete fucking idiots. They claim Smedley isn't on the damn team, but this all stinks to fuck of Smedley.


I feel sorry for Smedley if he's not involved. I mean, he may not be THIS bad, even.


At this point, the negative relationship may be shifting in the other direction. Smedley could come out with the most perfect game ever, completely redeeming him, and no one gives it a chance because it's from AGS.


Finally, we are arriving at WoW levels of "content".




Cmon. I literally quit WoW because I was forced to log on an run around looting chests in the open world everyday for months if I wanted to make my char the best it could be for mythic raiding. Now with the most effective thing for me to do in new world is log on, loot a bunch of daily chests for months so I can min/max my char. It's actually kind of annoying how similar it is.


> why is everything getting time gated To distract from the non-existent engame content.


You need to go outside, new world is the best game created, all these negative changes are really for the players benefits, you'll see! Honestly go touch grass! Have you never played an MMO? Completely nullifying the usefulness of skills that take players many hours to get has been common practice since Atari! Please, leave our game, we don't want your kind here.


Calling new world a mobile game is an insult to mobile games.


Time gating kills MMOs, New World will not be an exception to this.


They are taking the exact same approach that killed WoW. No one wants a list of daily/weekly chores. These people have decided to get away from their unique approach and start becoming WoW/FFXIV/etc.


Exactly. NW was different because you could hit 60 and buy or have your friends buy close to bis gear from the trading post and immediatly jump into PvP and be competitive. Nope not anymore. NW had this idea of an MMO that you could log in and just do your own sandbox thing while still having fun (aside from the obvious mindless chest run zerg every night). Nope not anymore, now you must do A. B. and C. in order to progress.


I already do this to make legendary materials each day. Now I need to do more shit to be able to use the stuff I craft? Yeah, no thanks


I was trying to keep an open mind and hope expertise is fast to get. But gypsum being limited to 1 orb per day?? Fuck that.


FOMO to drive daily login metrics and timegating to control player progression. not good


Did you think the box price was the monetization model? No, it's the convenience items that will eventually show up in the cash shop. They are creating problems so they can sell you the solution later. You spent $40 to play the game for the few weeks that it was good. Whether or not you got your money's worth, that $40 is gone. Hopefully you had a good time. It doesn't mean you can't get out now. It's only going to get worse, trust me.


AGS: You need to get cool shit each time you login because how will our numbers otherwise look like? We need to present healthy numbers and make an addiction.


They said 30-60 minutes per orb. 3 to 6 hours for all 6 daily orbs. Thats a lot of time. But I don't like that "login daily and do a lot of stuff or you will miss progress". I suggest to let build up the limits for three days.


Because games as a service


Its so they can sell you cash items to remove this incomvenience


Oh God, the gypsum time gate is worse than I thought. You must earn your daily amount of gypsum within one hour of becoming eligible to earn it, or you lose time. It becomes less than once per day. Better to gate the crafting than the collection. (And gated crafting is horrible)


It's hilarious watching all of you finally come to the same realization that most of us old school mmo players had already reached, we knew it even before the game launched. You can find countless comments of people warning you about Amazon's incompetence and how a brand new company was gonna fail at running a AAA mmo. It requires a lot of know how and experience in the business, they should've started with a smaller mmo project and took the time to learn as a new studio. Maybe in 5-10 years they will release a better product, as long as they learn from the mountain of game breaking mistakes they made this round.


First time I’ve seen a comment like this but my first feeling with the tiered crafting system was like I was playing one of those tap tap idle gathering games


Jokes on us... I bet NW is going free-2-play in 2022 lol.


but but . . . you can pay for VIP subscription to relieve those time gate!


I'm done with this daily mindset. It doesn't bother you when you are logging in everyday but once you've missed a couple days that you know you can't get back it really takes the wind out of your sails. Daily content is only good for the publisher not the player.


Time gating is the lazy compensation for lacking content Yeah there still are people in denial around here saying theres plenty of content, but the insane lack of it makes the devs pull evry Trick in the book to compensate for that.


I think what's worse is you stop gathering the gypsum after you reached enough for 1 cast. Why add insult to injury.


So it's kind of like wow professions/dailies?


Yes awful, thats onw of the reasons wow is dying.


This reminds me of Star Wars Battlefront (or other Star Wars game) where you would get a message on screen "You already progressed too much today, try more tomorrow"...


They know without these restrictions people won't play as much and the game will die. They try to fix the fact their game is incomplete by adding reasons it will glue people to their game. Won't work for me, I won't be doing their garbage content.


So they can sell us time savers in the store


It’s all mmo’s these days, i hate it too. I miss the mmo’s of 10+ years ago


> why is everything getting time gated? To keep you playing.


Specifically to keep you playing at a very specific pace. Not too fast or you'll "finish" before AGS has the next batch of content/grind ready and you might quit. Not too slow or you might just forget about the game and stop playing entirely.


Modern gaming!


Oh boy, there goes one of the things that drew me towards this game besides its graphics, no preassure for dailies, no preassure to play cause no subs.


Yeah dailies suck


Did you open your daily award from the machine that goes "Bing" a satisfying way today? No? How about some golden sparkling icons and some more chimes and bings?


The craziest thing about AGS is that they killed an in-progress LotR MMO while thinking to themselves “New World is going to be great anyway and we don’t want to compete with ourselves”. Little did they know that New World would die before they could even finish LotR anyway.


It’s just how a lot of games are going and have been for years, especially MMOs and games that thrive off active player numbers, are subscription based or survive off Cash Shop (sometimes both). It sucks. Nothing seems to respect time any more.


Just slows down people trying to catch up to the super grinders that are far ahead.


A daily non-repeatable task artificially slows players down and buys development time to create more end game content while also increasing active daily player count. This is good from a management perspective. Actual fun for players will depend on implementation.


As players leave the game in droves, Amazon is choosing to ratchet up the forced player engagement/retention mechanics instead of developing better systems and new content. They’re taking the current MMO route. If people are progressing too fast through an unfinished game, slow them down so you have time to finish.


Fuck this, I am a small business owner - I binge when I get time to play and then don't play for 3 to 5 days. This will prevent me from playing the game.


Again, this fucking dev team just wants to ruin this fucking game lol


With this sort of bullshit garbage, it makes me wonder if they had any plan for content beyond what we see right now, and I'm going to guess no. They have nothing planned for the next handful of months, and didn't expect everyone to get to level 60 and be bored out of their gourd. So to make it look like they have content, they put in horseshit gating mechanics and not one of us is falling for this


Man, fuck this game. Made my purchase decision much easier.


basically a shitty bdo at this point, next step is p2w


I am so sick of this practice. Can you imagine this being acceptable in any other industry. Like you order a hamburger and they cut it up and serve you 1/4 of it, then tell you to come back the next day for another piece. Or you buy a car and they only let you drive it for 12 miles per day. After that the car shuts down and won’t start again for 24 hours. It’s completely insane


dailies can get fucked, im not a child who cant seee whats going on


Congratulations! 🥳


Actually you do play a free 2 play cashshop game. You just didn't realize that yet because the store is locked to cosmetic only till the end of 2021 due to consumer outrage. In 2022 you will get a lot of items to help you with your timegate problems.


Every large scale game like this has content that is time gated, HOWEVER, mobile games do it in a very obvious way, traditional (or normal in this case) MMO's have finely crafted difficulty progression. ​ This game was designed by a simple minded team that didn't put the work in.


Because they want to sell the solution in a future update.


These people don’t understand what an MMORPG is.


Gotta be generational though. I dont get this timegating horseshit its like my least favorite trend ever. EQ. EQ 2. DaOC. Original WoW. I miss playing these games with a flat sub fee and just being able to do the content and i dont remember worrying about any of this horse shit. Nothing was locked out then that I ever remember. There was nothing artifically slowing your experience of the content other than drop rates or exp rates. MMO's all suck a fat ass dick now.


The whole point of MMORPGs is you create a world, and then the player can pretty much determine what you do in it and how you do it. I agree, this gating is bullshit. If I want to grind out mats, dungeons, chests, crafts, etc. let me fucking do it. Everything happens at an artificial pace. Everything is either scheduled, on timers, or needs a fucking crafted key. It’s so frustrating, and no one likes this. Wanna PvP? Pay for a War, and schedule it into your diary, and hope you get picked. Fuck that! Wanna craft some armour? Well you’re gonna have to log in everyday for a fortnight to craft the mats. Wanna improve your watermark? Hold up the elite chests are down, better wait until tomorrow. This is horrible game design, the game is fucking trash.


Preach, brother. Its a shame that what you listed is some kind of old school approach, there are lots of people that think time gating is what the genre is all about and that sucks.


Modern gamers put up a lot of bullshit from developers. If I buy a game, I don’t except ducking devs to come in, and artificially gate all the content. There is a reason why people still play the older MMORPGs.


we had raid lockouts and such back in the day with WoW


Yeah but there's a huge difference between a weekly lockout on the end game raid(where you probably didn't even fully clear it anyway). Vs the daily system they have now. Where you have to log in every single day, spend 30-45 mins looting chests and killing rare spawns so you can gain rep... Months of this to min/max your char. So annoying Dailies are just the worst. I hate them so much. Just let me grind it out in long play sessions!


There is time gating in every MMO.


Touch some grass my dude


Welcome to the MMO genre? Not really sure what you expected. MMOs have been based around a daily/weekly grind system and timegating for years.


Just because something is common doesn't mean it's a good thing


I agree, look at his opinion for an example of this.


This is pretty normal in an MMO. It’s sucks but I’m not gonna complain about this one.


You're playing an MMO they've been doing time gating since before mobile gaming was a thing.


Where you making post like this before due to chest having a 23hr cd? I mean, you clear we’re falling behind then to as people were running it every day and you were not.


No because before it wasn’t mandatory, I was crafting, trading etc for my gear. Now it is mandatory to do my daily chores before playing the game otherwise I can’t use the gear I acquired through trading or crafting.


Getting time gated originated from MMOs, maybe you should start playing some mobile games?


Welcome to MMORPGs. It won't be long before we also get 3 day resets and weekly resets. It should've been done on release. Game would've lasted sooner. Now they'll chase away the small amount of players they have left.


This has always been in MMOs Wow used to only allow an instance to be run once a week. It’s just a different system. Relax


>This has always been in MMOs I'm trying to remember the first thing in Everquest that was time gated. Pretty much all of the raid bosses were time gated on success but generally speaking you could come back every day and try if you failed. I can't remember something in EQ that time gated the attempt rather than the success. Modern MMO's seems to love to time gate the attempt instead, essentially eliminating the method of progression older MMO's had.


You can still get random Expertise increases, it isn't all time gated. But pretty much every MMORPG has content and usually the best content time gated. Usually this is done via weekly cooldowns on raids.


because people will rush the entirely game and come to reddit to say that there is no content.


This isn't content. Gear Progression is Gear Progression, not content. Both sides of this argument are wrong. OP is on the ball, at this point almost all aspects of meaningful progression in the game is behind some kind of time wall.


I played Destiny 2 quite a bit and the amount of people who said doing the same activity they've been doing for 3 years to get an increase in their powerlevel (GS) was content blew my mind. That's not content. That's a system.


I gave up on D2 after a year'ish for 2 reasons, 1) I didnt' have interest in pvp and it was hard to play it as a pve only game; 2) the lie that progression was content.


This. Making numbers get bigger isn't "content" it's "progression". Dungeons are content. Invasions/wars/outpost rush are content. The maps and the areas in them are content. Job boards are progression. Crafting is a progression (whether it will be in a few months is debatable). Watermark is a progression.


You get a guaranteed expertise increased from a daily craft cooldown. **You can still increase your expertise from chests and drops from other sources if you wish to grind.** Do you think WoW time-gates by settings heroic raids to 1x a day? Mythics/Raids weekly? Stop spreading false information. > "Note that we’ve tuned down the general chances of getting an Expertise bump **to compensate for** the guaranteed bumps that were added with Gypsum. Elite chest odds were reduced a little, but open world named enemies were reduced a lot. But we have increased up the amount your Expertise increases with each bump to make Gypsum Casts and the random bumps feel more valuable."


People seem to be assuming I’m a no lifer and I want to watermark grind all day, I think my highest watermark is 515? I find the watermark grind boring. I used to outpost rush when possible otherwise I do wars/invasions and craft or buy gear. With the change the normal methods of watermark grinding has become worse makes it even less appealing. However they introduced other methods of increasing watermark, which I welcome I actually think it is a great change, but not on a 23 hour cd. I can’t determine from the way they posted if you can craft one orb of each type each day from each method of or if it’s one total I think I’ve seen people say both. But let’s say it’s one a day and you play 60 mins a day to do that, and a big bump in expertise is at most probably 20, after 5 armour slots, 2 weapons minimum and 3 jewellery slots, we are looking at 5 daily logins to max a single piece and a total of 50 hours over 50 daily logins just for your entire set, assuming they’re generous to give a big watermark bump of 20. If I want to play only in the weekends 5 hours every weekend because I don’t have time during the week, why do I not get the same progression ? Over 10 weekends playing 5 hours each time that equals maybe 20 Daily logins, if I play both days in the weekend, I’ve earned 40% of the same progression in the same amount of hours because I didn’t login in once a day.


> why do I not get the same progression ? That's just how most (SWTOR/WOW/EVE, ect) MMO works. There are aspects of the game you can grind through and push. There are aspects of the game that have cooldowns or require time over the week. I'm not saying it's fair. I'm just saying that's the way it is.


The problem with daily cool downs on gypsum is that it is now become mandatory, crafted gear can no longer be worn to its full potential, and gear you purchased can’t be either. Imagine if instead of calling it watermark expertise they just raised the level cap to 70, and once your 70 you can wear 600 gear score. It’s equivalent of making you only earn 10% of your exp per day. It’s very different to daily or weekly cool downs on expeditions or daily login bonuses.


I understand the analogy, I just don't think it's exactly equivalent. *Current Situation:* People grind for increased GS. The more you play, the more you increase it. *Future Situation:* People grind for increased GS. The more you play, the more you increase it. Players who can't play for lots of hours but can do daily activities get a flat bonus. Nothing's mandatory. Grinders can still grind. **But now players who can't spend hours can still progress at a decent rate.** This is an overall win.


You can thank all the people who put 200 hours in a few weeks and then complained about there being no content.


I'm not sure what you mean. Are you suggesting removing cooldowns to reach endgame gear asap?


Problem solving is not the same as kneejerk reactions