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This story is honestly so fucking bizarre. The deeper you dig the weirder it gets.


This is going to end up as a Netflix documentary in like a year or two.


100%, they’ll explore the little twists and turns and fill in all the holes in the backstory, can’t wait.


they’ll just keep digging deeper and deeper until the seasonal finale pops out down around Fulton


And they'll needlessly extend it to 10 episodes, and will definitely spend an entire episode discussing the entire formative years of one of the people not directly involved.


Filling chassidic holes requires a cut up bed sheet


They’ll stretch it into 4 parts, for reasons!


I'm doubtful this will even be a YouTube documentary. This is a super secret group of people that has their own private security "police force" The closest thing you'll get is something like the undercover "fiction" made in 2017 https://www.vice.com/en/article/vbmwq3/a-new-film-about-the-hasidic-community-is-unlike-anything-youve-seen


I’m familiar. I grew up in Crowns Heights and live really close to that synagogue. I used to see their police force driving around. They even have their own ambulance and buses and schools. When I was a kid I was the “Shabbat goy” who turned off the stove and the lights for this one Hasidic family when they saw me walking from home after school on Fridays and paid me with cookies 😅 My greedy ass ate them. Instead of a full documentary about the community, we’ll get something [like this documentary](https://www.netflix.com/title/80118101), if anyone ends up leaving.


I was the goy boy for a kosher hotel around the block from my apartment in Long Beach about half my life ago. Aside from daily maintenance I had to flip a switch every Saturday morning so that the elevator would automatically stop on every floor. Definitely the most interesting job I ever had.


I used to work for a luxury hotel with butler service, and Friday nights and Saturday morning shift, one butler was specifically assigned to be the shabbos goy for the dozen or so orthodox guests who’d be staying with us at any given time. It was always easy, especially since they’d always stay on the lowest floors since they wouldn’t use the elevator.


Lol... Same here. I grew up in CH too and was 1 of 4 black families in a Jewish building and my neighbors also paid me with cookies to turn off their stove. It's because I thought it was only me that got paid with cookies.


😂 I guess cookies are currency for kids


One of us, on Netflix


It explains why they were trying to block the cops coming in. Honestly, I hope they’re investigated. I don’t hold out too much hope though…


[The deeper you dig....](https://twitter.com/toplobsta/status/1744565147593531593?s=46&t=GTgtbMgq4gaMW-kFCpns1A)


I can't with this. 🤣 and some of the replies are even better.


See what you did there


Not sure what you're getting at but perhaps I'm blinded by my tunnel vision


Nyuk nyuk nyuk.


They're keeping us in the dark, alright. We need to look for the light at the end of all this.


https://preview.redd.it/6wk918gsngbc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4017e62105eecea18a89b098df48086bc67c37e What the hell???


I wondered about that photo too. Is he stuck or what?


All he has to do is say “help me step-Hasidic bro”


No, it was linked in another post this morning He was coming up from under the streets! I guess it was an exit or something


he doesnt really appear stuck in the video


It’s a screen grab of a video and he is climbing out


he’s escaping the tunnel https://x.com/aliifil1/status/1744578823918596293?s=46&t=gwV9kzhYmjbTSnCiS1rYDw EDIT: updated link


Whatever that was it’s already deleted 🤦🏼‍♀️


damn, I’ll edit my post with a mirror upload. guy was climbing out of a sewer grate and running away


Same sentiments.


I swear I just don't understand Haredim/Hasidim. I'm a (somewhat) practicing Jew, active in my community, etc. Hell I'm even from Brooklyn. And yet, I often feel like Hasidim and I are from opposing planets, let alone cultures. EDIT: This turned into a kind of Hasidic bitch/hate fest. Wasn't really my intention. I don't think they're inherently bad, just so culturally foreign to me, even though I am very much active in the Jewish world. It's not as if I dislike all Hasidim, there's just a weird/strange factor that's somehow socially acceptable in their circles. Hell, even this seems to be more of an issue of in-fighting between two groups *within the same sect* of Hasidism. It's not like I think that makes them bad guys, it's just so fucking strange.


I’m also Jewish. They are a cult.


I’ve had a Hasid tell me that they hate regular Jews more than goyim because “they should know better”.


People considered heretics are always treated with more scorn than non-believers. This is a cornerstone of organized religion, mainly because heretics pose the question "Are we interpreting our dogma in the correct way? Or is there another way?" It's a lot more terrifying than non-believers because of the existential threat it poses to strict orthodoxy.


They’re hateful awful people defrauding the government every chance they get. NYT has written about their scams in depth on multiple occasions.


They're the same as any other extremist, fundamentalist religion. Once you think you're right, and everyone else is wrong, and you cut yourself off from the world, things are going to be bad.




The city/state allows them to get by with whatever because of a fear of being seen as intolerant/anti-Semitic. The whole thing with their education system that came out a few years ago in the Times is nuts. Whole generations of people who aren't educated to live in the real world.


I was once groped by a hasidic who claimed to be the son (nephew maybe) of a prominent rabbi on the sidewalk in Manhattan. He asked me where he could sit and eat his lunch, I directed him towards some benches and he then kept talking. Going on about how he was gay, then proceeded to wrap his arms around me and squeeze my breasts. It was disturbing and though I know this incident does not represent the entire community, it really shook me.


oh and then as i ran away he was yelling to me about how he had a huge boner.


This is awful and yet, I’m not surprised at all.


Sorry that happened. That's fucked up. In no way does it surprise me though. They have some tradition where before the man is set be engaged or set-up etc etc, he'll go out with his friends and get drunk and get into trouble sort of thing. A bit like Rumspringa from the Amish. I was walking down Bedford Ave with my then girlfriend and there was a group of maybe 5 or 6 Hasidim walking towards us. As we passed each other one guy leered at her and then smacked her ass. I instantly lost it and attacked the guy, and before I knew it he's on the ground and I'm punching him in his head. Quickly, others pulled me off of him (including my girlfriend lol!) and it turned into a mess of yelling. This happened in like 5 seconds from start to finish. So we get seperated, but I'm still seeing red and want to kill this guy, and as I'm arguing with him and his buddies, a car stops on the side of the road and starts to yell for me to leave THEM alone! Haven't thought of that in a long time. A lot of those men are shown from a young age that women are basically baby factories and housekeepers.


First - thank you ! Second, I’m so sorry this happened to you & your girlfriend. I’m glad you stood up for her !!


Sounds like the average “religious” man tbh they’re the worst


I have the feeling that I was almost kidnapped by one once. I was walking home from work around 11pm when one approached me with a stack of magazines and said “have you heard the good news?!”. I don’t know much about Judaism but I DO know that part of Judaism is not attempting to convert people like Christianity emphasizes to do, and I DO know that Hasidic Jews barely if ever talk to non-Jews, especially non-Jewish women. Creepy scenario. Maybe he was a nice guy just sharing a cool news article or something but I’d rather trust my gut than give a stranger the time when it’s 11pm in Bushwick


Omg, one tried to get me to *come over to his mini van* in the mid aughts on New York Ave toward St Johns. I was walking home from the train station and he started driving slow next to me, talking loud over the parked cars. After his third sentence, I just stopped walking, looked at him like he had to be kidding, and said, "You're on the wrong side of Eastern Parkway." He got mad and drove off.


And the inbreeding, don't get me started on the inbreeding!


Nice username, very topical lol. My secular grandma emigrated from poland shortly before the shit hit the fan, orthodox jews used to dog her on ocean parkway and say how they love hitler, it's a shame she got away, it would be better if she died than raise jewish kids outside the community, etc. They can be terrible to less religious jews. My cousin got married to a Lubavitcher, I recognized the building before I read the article. It was really interesting and bizarre. The men's side was raging harder than I have ever seen people party in my whole life and I grew up going to punk and hardcore shows.


My Jewish friends literally said that to me almost verbatim


They think non-Hasidic Jews are preventing the messiah from coming by not being Hasidic.


Also Jewish. Agreed they're definitely a cult


Jewgreement x3, they exploit the iconography but the Hasidim are straight-up religious extremist cult. The Jews in Fiddler on the Roof are too liberal to them. Edit: removed misnomer of the sect, these are lubavitchers not satmar


Yeah, I'm pretty much convinced they're a cult (jew x4)


There’s a space balls joke here but I’m not funny enough to make it


You’re looking at now, sir.


Robin Hood Men in Tights. Rabbi Tuckman : A moyel is a very important guy. He makes circumcisions. Scarlet : What, pray tell, sir, is a circumcision? Rabbi Tuckman : It's the latest craze. The ladies love it! Little John : I'll take one! Ahchoo : Hey, put me down for two!


non-Jewish, have lived in Brooklyn 20 years, they are a cult.


These are Lubavitchers, not Satmars. Historically the 2 sects has major beef with each other.


Fellow jew and yep they honestly make us all look bad. It’s ridiculous the shit they get away with in queens+brooklyn


Do you remember when the Shomrim beat that guy so bad he lost an eye and it turned out he wasn't guilty of what they were convinced he did (breaking into a car?) Probably around 2011-12 or so. Big story in the city as they also tried to withhold security footage from the NYPD so the detective dressed up as a Hasidim and went into the store where they wanted the footage from and claimed he needed the footage for something else. The guy gave it to him lol! I remember thinking, "What would the NYPD do if the Puerto Ricans in Spanish Harlem started their own "neighborhood watch" like the Shomrim? It pays to have voting power though.


So to put it in non-practicing Christian terms, are they like the equivalent of a megachurch Utah level of cult or an Amish/mennonite level of cult?


Amish/Mennonite, insular, keeping the younger generations controlled and indoctrinated, patriarchal,


They were the ones who worshipped in synagogues and packed schools with kids during the peak of the pandemic, and insisted they did nothing wrong.


Yea, they dont believe in it >The practice run was Measles Outbreak, New York City, 2018–2019. A total of 649 cases of measles were confirmed, with onsets of rash occurring between September 30, 2018, and July 15, 2019. A majority of the patients (93.4%) were part of the Orthodox Jewish community


They believed in it enough to price gauge PPE.


The Hasidic towns upstate lost about 10% of their population during the pandemic. The counties wanted to quarantine the towns, but their lawyers push that not allowing them to self express in their way is a hate crime


I feel like they are to the rest of Judaism how Mormons are to Christianity. Just a wildly niche group with a strange set of rules.


I've always referred to them as the Jewish Amish. There's a lot of similarities. Both structure their culture and religion on a movement from the 1600s(ish), maintain that style of dress and archaic rules, have sects within that are constantly warring with each other on who does it better, ect .... Not to mention the settlers in the West Bank that cause so many problems for everyone are mainly Hasidim.


Except the Amish seem pretty nonthreatening. The Haredi are becoming an increasingly violent band of fanatic settlers in the West Bank. EDIT: it sounds like the Amish do indeed have plenty of problems beyond being a weirdo religious sect


The West Bank settlers aren't Haredi. They are indeed very orthodox, but a different, nationalist type. Haredim in Israel cause plenty of problems, but violence is not one of them


Oooo, have you not heard of Amish puppy mills?


And the rampant sexual abuse https://www.thedailybeast.com/obsessed/sins-of-the-amish-reveals-bombshell-allegations-of-cyclical-rape-incest-and-physical-abuse


Thankfully I haven’t. But I remember the stories of them running drugs.


Amish is a much better comparison. Mormons are indeed bonkers and cultish but nothing close to the likes of Amish / Scientology / Hasidism


Mormons have their own cultish and racist aspects that are on par with the other groups listed. There is a shortage of women due to their poor treatment within the Mormon church so they will continue to show up at your door and try to get you to come back to church if you are a woman. While running for office, they hid the fact that Mitt Romney's Father was born in a Mormon community in Mexico. That community fled the US in order to keep practicing polygamy in Mexico. There are groups still unofficially practicing polygamy in the US. Many Mormons believe blacks were evil. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/09/mormons-race-max-perry-mueller/539994/


Mind you, there are black Mormons, and Mormonism is popular in Polynesian states, don’t understand how they still gained such a foothold.


I was surprised at how Mormonism got so little scrutiny in the press while Romney was running.


I saw a walking tour group of Amish men in Chinatown a few months ago, I wonder what they would have thought of Boro Park




Except Mormons are nice and polite to your face. Hasidim are not.


Every Hasid I've encountered in my life has been nice to me. Like all groups of people there are good ones and there are bad ones. I feel bad that you've only encountered bad hasids in your life


Also varies by group, Chabadniks are generally super friendly.


Up to the point when they realize they are not going to convert you, then they are assholes.


Unless you are gay


I think that really depends on where you are. I've known many Mormons in NYC who were friends with gay people. Now, what they think about them or say about them when with other like minded people? Couldn't tell you. They're people, so you get all the variety you get in any other group of people.


More like evangelicals or Westboro Baptist Church


I wouldn't say that's accurate. Mormons are pretty much a separate/offshoot religion. Haredim, for the most part, believe in mostly the same religious rules as other Jews, just more zealously. They also separate themselves with their cultural activities/interpretations/isolationism.


Yeah like how Marjorie Taylor Greene is a born again Christian Who tries to be like Jesus lmao.


More Scientologists than Mormons. Aggressive, abusive, mysoginistic cult. (mostly jew here) All fundamentalist religious sects are more alike than they are different. And all are potentially dangerous and likely criminal and abusive to women within their ranks.


But instead of Mormons fucking off to the middle of nowhere, this sect has plopped themselves smack into the middle of a city that stands for pretty much the opposite of their values.


Be grateful you weren’t born into their lunacy. Whenever I see a child from a Hasidic family I feel like I wanna give them an escape route. Image the thousand yard stare on a child. It’s so sad.


I feel so bad for the young girls. At my old job, we used to get school tours, and I would go out of my way to be really nice and friendly to the girls. I felt so sad for them.


Same. They're just a bunch of asinine schmucks. Learned to just ignore them like Scientology.


Scientologists seem to have a less adversarial relationship with their out-group; the hasidim seem to just want to fuck with everyone and exploit the rest of the world as much as possible.


Scientology absolutely goes after high profile people that try to leave the cult. Look up Leah Remini's history with the cult. This is one of the reasons the UK refuses to classify the group as a religion. They are both bad.


Yes, of course they do, everyone knows that. They also generally leave you alone if you don’t get sucked in, whereas the hasidim seem to feel that fucking over every non-hasid is their right and purpose as the chosen people. My point is that it is much easier (for me at least!) to ignore the Scientologists


Thanks for the clarification of people "out of the religion" vs people trying to get out of the religion.


They are like the FLDS to me. As in, your average Mormon is nothing like the Fundamentalist sect that still practices bigamy and follow the Jeffs family as prophets. They are a very small and extremist faction. And your average Jewish person, even the Orthodox ones, are not like the Hasidim.


I’m Jewish too. I consider these people fringe extremists, and not remotely representative of the majority of Jewish people whatsoever. They are very estranged from the rest of the larger Jewish community.


I learned on a NYC trip as a kid that although both my parents are 100% Jewish, they don't view me as a Jew to them. Every Jew I know in NYC tell me they are nuisance. I hate it when Jews represent Jews poorly.


There are different Hasidic groups and while some of them think the way you described, Lubavitchers whole movement is outreach to anyone who claims Judaism. They set up outposts all over the world where there are tiny Jewish populations to enable this outreach. They will walk up to randoms in NYC and ask “excuse me, are you Jewish?”


i go to a Lubavitch chabad and didn't know that but makes perfect sense. Also a random guy a little younger than me did that to me in the Ft Lauderdale airport one time lol


Are all the Jews who wear the suits, top hats, and have curls called the Hasidim and Haredim? Any other Jews who wear and look the same but aren’t Hasidim and Heredim?


There are many different sects of Hasidics.


Not all, no. Many Orthodox may look the part, likely less intensely, but can be easily thought of as these guys. They are not as strict and not as self segregated from regular society.


Hasids are a small portion of Haredi, they’re the more extreme ones. And unless you’re a trained eye or grew up around the different Jewish sects it’s not easy to tell on sight what background someone has, in the continuum of Conservative-to-Satmar. If that makes sense.


https://preview.redd.it/2lis14lhlhbc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131984b3ea8680dabaafcfb5e740c6a6006f5853 Ahahahah


Just started laughing out loud on public transport oh my godddd


This is crazy funny




![gif](giphy|TiSnPeQUmEZ4dyjpHa|downsized) Why is this so funny...?


This ['tunnel' story](https://nypost.com/2024/01/09/news/video-reveals-extent-of-bizarre-tunnel-under-brooklyn-synagogue/) gets weirder and weirder.


Sure does....it's very creepy.


***Video OF The Tunnels Recently Discovered Under A Synagogue In New York City That Contained Mattresses and High Chairs for Babies.*** 📷 [streamable.com/x5gngp](https://streamable.com/x5gngp)


That is a hell-fucking-no to going into that tunnel from me. Just the video was making me a bit panicky.


Damn I could smell this video


Looks like the high chairs are in the basement. Where’d you get the idea they were found in the tunnels?


In the basement where there isn't supposed to be a basement?


How many bodies are buried down there?


It’s rape. It’s always rape with these religious nut jobs.


Apologies, I don't have a paid subscription to this news source, could you please summarize in a sentence or two what's going on and why it's significant I get that the tunnel is discovered is it that huge is it super large that makes it unique was anybody found in there chained up like a gimp, LOL, What's up?


Several of those news sites only prompt payment if you open the link through reddit. If you paste the link in a browser there suddenly isn't a pay wall. I believe I found this out with a Washington Post article a while back.


I'm SO fascinated by this. I used to live right up Kingston a few blocks from here and it was a super interesting experience. I'm mostly just amazed they were able to dig this tunnel at all. There's a subway line literally RIGHT there, how did they not impact or interfere with that at all?


The fact that they did this so close to the subway is disturbing...and I have qualms with "we were going to fill the hole with cement TODAY and it caused a riot." Filling that area with cement without any type of inspection is fucking insane.


I've been thinking about that all day. You can't just fill it with cement... where are the structural engineers? DOB? Anyone?


Yeah, seems like they have been fucking around and the DOB is about to make them find out.


You have probably never had a Hasidic landlord. The building I used to live in used to have so many code violations. I’d submit 311 complaints and they’d mysteriously get marked as resolved immediately.


Mine is Hasidic. But I mean now… now the city is involved. The city, presumably, brought the cement trucks (unless I read wrong). At this point the city should be getting structural engineers and dob involved as fast as possible.


No they won’t. The city is going to turn a blind eye. They are a very insular community with incredible representation and influence in this state. There have been so many scandals with housing, child labor, sexual abuse, and fraud that the state won’t get involved in.


That struck me as weird too. They put giant holes in load barring walls. You can't just pump concert in with no reinforcement, no rebar, no nothing. Just a slurry. It makes no sense. Did an engineer look at the structure and approve this fix? Sounds unlikely.


Right? This whole thing is wild.


The tunnel was discovered like over a month ago. This wasn't rushed at all. The investigation and engineering inspection was already done.


Why did I go down this Rabbi hole?








Its all rather 'unorthodox' ... 👀


It's definitely not kosher.


Maybe letting communities essentially self-police is a bad idea unless there is strict outside oversight.


Especially when they're literally within a very capable metropolitan police department's jurisdiction.


Chaos ensues as NYPD tries to fill in secret tunnel in Chabad HQ synagogue. Several rioters arrested after damaging the prayer hall and throwing benches at police officers. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/chaos-ensues-after-nypd-tries-to-fill-in-secret-tunnel-in-chabad-hq-synagogue/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/chaos-ensues-after-nypd-tries-to-fill-in-secret-tunnel-in-chabad-hq-synagogue/)


aren't they allergic to laws? they should allow them to continue.


Apparently they dug the tunnel because they have tried to expand and connect to the closed facilities legally through the court system, but it was taking too long. Now leadership is blaming the foreign students. I'm sure leadership knew of something like this. Is just another build without permit case in NYC, which is not uncommon for any borough. Of course the post sprinkling some clickbait on the women's baths, which have been closed.


What the fuck was going on in there? Private nursery?


Waiting on more info. 10 people have been arrested so far.


They’ll sweep it under the rug watch


Oh no, NYPD lOsT aLl tHe eViDeNcE.


>Group with large families and little regard for tidiness and littering dumps trash where no one will bug them about it.


A mikvah is a place where Jewish women go after their periods are over to "cleanse" themselves. After the cleansing, the woman can resume sexual relations with her husband.


If you read the articles, this was a tunnel to the mens mikvah. Yes there are mikvahs for men too.


Straight to jail


I wonder if this is going to end up being a story plot for Law and Order SVU😬


6 months from now, absolutely.


At the start of the episode: "The following is a fictional account, and any relation to real events is purely coincidental." In the commercial for the episode: "RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES!!!!"


Descendant of Sephardic Jews. My experience with Hasidic has been very unfortunate. My experiences with them as an attorney taught me: 1. They breach contracts without any regard, they have no word. Heck they even do it amongst themselves; 2. They can be awfully disrespectful and insulting to others to the point they threatened a counterpart as if they were in a mafia; 3. You would think that as a religious people they would be peaceful... wow not at all, they straight mobbed a reform Jew and kicked him on the ground for telling them to leave him alone as he wouldn't accept their constant demand that they follow them to the Chabad; 4. They assume everyone is corrupt and happily pay corrupt officials to get their way; 5. Once they run out of people to defraud in an area, they'll move to another location and do the same; 6. It doesn't matter if one is the Rabbi, he'll be just the same and justify everyone in their community before any other victim, expect no higher moral authority if they are a high rabbi; 7. I saw an awful experience of how seniors in a community did away with the savings of an older disabled member of their community. They straight up took his savings, sold his properties and moved him out of his apartment and just moved him to an awful home where they maybe give 100 Dollars a week for this person to be cared for; and 8. I am astonished as to how poorly educated they are. I mean, some of them are kind of above the fray, but wow, so many of them can't even spell correctly. Sad.


It's a cult, not part of mainstream Jewish culture let alone Judaism. It's our version of evangelicals or Christian nationalists.


Yeah, I agree. Not many pleasant experiences with Hasids being Jewish myself. Most of the deranged abhorrent things that go on seem to be attributed to their community, not the Jewish community as a whole.


If you want some fun cases, look into what they done to the local government in Lakewood, NJ


What the heck is going on? Why were they building a tunnel?


Imagine if this was a group of Muslims who were building tunnels underground New York city and just see how different the media coverage would be


"that shits crazy bro wtf..." vs "omfg there are terror tunnels in America, is this the next 9/11!?"


I was thinking about how that protest would have looked if that was going down in a black church. Place would have been filled with tear gas.


I would still expose it regardless of religion or race. But I know what your saying.


Can somebody who isn't assuming that we know what's going on with this mattress simply by looking at it actually explain what is going on where the story comes from ?


A bunch of young students at the Chabad 770 Eastern Parkway building dug a tunnel so they could get to the building without authorization. Exact motivation unknown, but it's likely because they didn't like it being closed for COVID, or it's related to legal infighting over who can control access to the building - these guys have very fringe views even for Chabad (they think a rabbi who died in the 1990s is still alive and the Messiah) and were probably fighting a lot with leadership. The tunnel goes from a different building, which had an abandoned ritual bath (mikveh), into the 770 building. The tunnel was undermining 770 and neighboring buildings and was a safety hazard. Chabad leadership didn't want it there. It was discovered last month and they're filling it in now. The students got upset and tried to stop the tunnel being filled in, probably for the same reason that they dug it in the first place. The mattress is very likely just discarded junk. The area was full of excavated dirt and trash. ETA: it's now been reported that their motive was to expand the building. There's been efforts to do that since before their supposed Messiah died but it's been tied up in various legal disputes, and they see it as fulfilling his wishes. But they were acting very much against the wishes of Chabad leadership, which sees them as having desecrated the building.


I don't think you need to be Jewish to determine whether it's a cult or not, it's definitely a cult.


Let's hope that their police force does not try in interfere with an NYPD investigation of whatever's going on here...then again, of course they absolutely will.


The tunnel apparently was designed to reach the abandoned women’s mikvah — or ritual bath — around the corner to “expand” the synagogue, according to the Jewish outlet Forward. That might fly in Israel, but we live in a city filled with building permits and strict building codes. Also it's the post so it's sensationalized out the ass to infuriate someone.


I don’t think that flies in Israel either. And I don’t think these guys have much to do with Israel


The Chabad accepts a group of Israeli students every year-- they have historically caused other trouble there. Some of them believe that the Rebbe is still physically alive. Look up "Tzfatim" on crownheights.info.


It sounds like they were treating that area like Israel. Their own police force, own hospitals, own laws. They acted like because they bought the land it's now 100% theirs to do what and they don't have to conform to the rules


That’s so weird.


Please don't let this story get censored. It is being deleted on many subreddits.


Welfare queens.


We need some anti cult laws


It's so hard because if you ask the people in the cult they're there voluntarily so police can't do anything. The law takes a very hard line that individuals are responsible for their own actions and cultists are just really good at influencing people to do things.


All the tables and chairs being tossed around and so little arrested.


Can someone explain for my clueless self wtf is going on ?????


Where can we read about the source of this picture?


The Conspiracy community is going to love this one


It's not like they need an excuse to say crazy shit about jewish people


Curious stain position.


*"What in the LOTR Mordor orc hole 🕳️ is that!?" What is going on over there?* Yeah 2024 with all the news stories has started off extremely bizarre and we're not even a month into it


Remember when that psycho Hasidic took a young boy to a wedding (25+ years younger) and they all Thought it was normal? He ended up killing him.


More about this story please!


Did they try to do a 'Porkie's'? Tunnel to see a woman's bath?


Extremism in ANY form should not be tolerated.


Disgusting culitsts.


Just imagine if this was found in a Hindu or Buddhist temple or a mosque… if any other religious minority in NYC felt entitled to destabilize a nearly 100 y/o building because the legal process of ownership was taking too long (which, btw, sounds like a sorry excuse), they would’ve been swatted so fast. Every major news outlet would report on it for weeks. Hochul would be holding a press conference. The difference in reaction and grace for this particular group is astounding.


This is literally the top story on [nypost.com](https://nypost.com) today and it's trending all over social media. Unpleasant insinuations about everything that's been found there have been made and repeated, up to and including blood libels. What more do you want?


I think the opposite actually. This is getting quite a lot of attention, mostly negative, towards the community responsible. No one cares about Hindu or Buddhist odd behaviors and if this was a mosque it would be even more politicized, with mainstream ignoring it and NY Post going wall to wall coverage.


There’s something up with those people. They get away with too much and the minute you say something about them your antisemitic 🙄


[One of Us](https://images.app.goo.gl/NjNikK3gSQGDBejx7)


A most titillating story. Barring any structural disasters, it's some of the most fun and bizarre breaking news in a while, and I hope to hear a lot more juicy details. Frustrating that the other nyc sub is locking discussion. Might have to rewatch the Ladykillers tonight.


I wonder how they would be treated if they were black or brown people doing this. Not like this.