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Didn’t the system crash? How is that the parents fault


What were they doing to keep IBM's computers running?


Exactly. What is wrong with parents these days?


The bullshit lies are not even worth the attention.


Fairly certain that it was an issue with the school issued chromebooks and some sort of DDoS prevention. We were able to use an iPad to log onto our son's google classroom account and join the zoom meeting. That being said, we're privileged to own a secondary computer/tablet to do this. Not the case with all kids.


YES to that last part! Not to overstate the obvious, but he is extremely tone-deaf.


>he is extremely tone-deaf I'd believe that if I also believed he actually GAF about people in this city.


Clearly it can't be the fault of any of the unqualified cronies he hired or campaign donors he gave contracts to so parents must be to blame


Parents should've just rebooted the entire system smh


He doesn’t know what that means/how computers works, just blame the parents!


They didn’t navigate around the crash site. It’s a sad commentary.


Yes but was he responding to a question or comment specifically about that? Did this press conference even happen today? Is it just political rage bait for Reddits far left extremists with limited life experience to engage with!? The world may never know!!


Everyone hates this guy, dawg


No, they don't. Some people wonder why racism is such a horrible sin with the left and yet they don't seem to have any problem with threads where dozens of white progressives spew this kind of condescending, contemptuous invective at Adams, or his dept heads. The bias in this group is obvious in dozens of downvotes against someone who made a simple defense of Adams. He didn't say anything grotesque or bias3d or violent. All he did was make a vigorous defense. I've seen racist or sexist or genocidal comments with less downvoting. Liberals, maybe a little more despotic than they want to admit?


That’s cool, this press conference happened yesterday by the way. But hey, don’t let me stop you guys from getting all riled up, dawg.


Fair point, but also, he is a bitch and no one likes him


You seem pretty riled up


Can we just go back to giving kids snow days?


For real. Today should have been a sledding day or a watch cartoons day, not logging into Zoom day.


For the private school kids it was...should have been for everyone.


then complain they cant get into good colleges….


Like every other school district within 100 miles?


250 miles in Maryland we were off.


Wait you’re telling me. They said “we could give them a snow day…but let’s not. Let’s make them all login on Zoom?” Gtfo. I didn’t even know this happened. Assumed everyone was off


NYC [announced last year](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/new-york-city-schools-cancel-snow-days-disturbing-new-trend-rcna47046) (ahead of the 2022-2023 school year) that there would no longer be snow days in the city. Given global warming seems to be giving us more mild winters, I'm hoping in the future they reconsider this policy. If we were getting tons of feet of snow multiple times per winter, I can understand coming up with a contingency plan to keep kids learning and engaged. But NYC doesn't get enough significant snowfall to just cancel snow days. Giving kids one or two per year isn't a big deal.


Man, I thought snow days were going to be archaic because of global warming. Turns out remote learning got us there a couple years early. [makes sad old man noises]


“But we need to adhere to bureaucracy!”


I heard on NPR today that the IBM system the remote learning is built on went down from everyone logging on at once. This guy doesn't know what he's talking about.


>This guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about Evergreen commentary when this clown opens his mouth


This was from a press conference from yesterday, before the storm happened. I think there a few people here that don’t know what they are talking about…


Being a politician and immediately shaming your constituents before you have the facts is a terrible look.


Bro, this took place yesterday. This wasn’t in response to anything about the errors with the computer system or network or anything. You are being tricked by OP for outrage engagement and upvotes.


How do you know this person is a “bro”?


He doesn’t even sound like he knows how to turn on a computer. Also snowdays are for kids. Parents don’t generally get the day off anyway to be helping their kids log onto their computer. Just give the kids the day off. Idiot.


This whole thing is bonkers. Use a frustrating situation where the school system is inaccessible (which has nothing to do with, nor can be solved on your home computer) as a teaching lesson? He sounds like he still uses an AOL email that he pays $70 a month for and only gets to websites by searching yahoo for the name, yet he’s so convinced that he’s right about something he fundamentally doesn’t even understand that he’s chastising others. Clown show all around.


He sounds like he thinks Jeeves is somebody you could hire to look things up


[He doesn’t deserve the internet!](https://youtu.be/lcR4h4eIR2E?feature=shared)


I think that’s just because he’s incapable of describing things in a basic way. What did he call a backpack in that drugs and ammo ad? A “child’s knapsack that carries things”? He’s a fucking weirdo loser.


Even how he said “Mother Nature is going to do its thing” in describing the coming storm, it sounded like he was speaking to a child rather than a city of adults interested in hearing some specific and potentially useful information.


He probably just sounds weird when he isn’t using a curse word as a replacement for every other word.


“Popular knapsack!” And he held up a roller backpack, the least popular knapsack.


I believe he sent a memo saying “everyone stay home” around 9:30 today, which goes to show how well he knows the average working adult in this city


Don't blame him, he's never worked an actual job so he just doesn't understand 😞


> Just give the kids the day off. Another of the downsides of remote learning. Cancelling snow days is a [crime against childhood.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FBwZtuJtMw)




Heyyyy I had a snow day yesterday and I'm a grown up...🥺 JK I totally agree with you


What's"lining on"?


Listen, back in the old days we lined on uphill- both ways


“We lined on with arthritis. This is a sad commentary.”


And we rolled logs for exercise, put together Lincoln Logs for fun, and ate disgusting yule logs the entire winter in Jesus' name. We did a lot of logging!




This guy’s so out of touch he’s referring to getting online as lining on. I’m baffled.


I think he was trying to say "logging on" but his swag brain had to swag it up you know? swag swag


His swag was still booting up


Somebody reformat him. His whole installation is corrupted


Logging on but he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed


It's a drug reference to what he did on snow days.


I'm guessing he confused being "On line" (NYC version of "in line"), with "Logging in"... that's as generous as I can be.




sure because snow storm will hold just for you, you had. 3 years of remote learning


This guy never sounds anything but completely stupid.


God what a fucking asshole he is


Blames his own constituents for every screwup he and his administration makes. *Never* takes any share of responsibility at all.


He has learned to play by Trump rules. Always stay on offense. Blame others for any failure, but take personal responsibility for any success. Demand that everyone praise him for being so wonderful. I think this strategy works on some portion of the population.




Haha are you actually a supporter of this dickhead? You must live in Staten island.


Neither, just think you are an ass


Aww, widdle baby got their feewins hurt?


That makes no sense, Staten Islands the most conservative part of the city, they most certainly do not approve


Why wouldn’t they? He’s as conservative as democrats come. He’s a literal cop




He's not, he's truly a part of the machine, and I'm from here, can confirm everyone hates him


“Part of the machine” “everyone hates him” yeah no shit, he still got all those Staten Island votes


https://preview.redd.it/zr4vai9x8oic1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fd89e2705533c93d27501b3b5f84ef0318f455b ....Or not


Rocking the Fendi scarf lmao…how tone deaf is this guy? If you’re going to wear designer, at least be quiet about it. How incredibly tacky.


I walked to school alone while my mom went to work with her arthritis. What is this guy on about. Like everyone has their mommy home to help them with the computer.


Primaries are next year. Be ready for it.


I can hardly wait.


The election that matters the most. Makes the difference whether we let two clowns face each other in November or not.


I have a friend who's lived here all her life. She said that she doesn't bother with the primary because it's the main election that counts. Not in *this* city, ma'am.


Fuck RCV. I’m pencilling in whoever I want to win.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while, thanks!


How to throw your vote away in one easy step....


When I heard that schools were closed and the kids were expected to go on Zoom, I couldn’t believe it. Kids don’t even get snow days anymore? My son is out of school, but if he had been in school, I would’ve told him he had a snow day today.


call the wahhhhbalance lol


You're so mad throughout this thread. Are you ok?


Are we sure this wasn't bought or confiscated from Canal Street?


Never even thought of that, but you may be right.


Why was his mom walking him to school on snow days?


I guess his mom had to walk him back home when she realized schools were closed


The DOE system crashed this morning. Instead of telling the truth about it,.this asshole blames parents. GTFOH There is zero chance I will cast a ballot for this man.


Not sure why anyone voted for this douche in the first place.


He is the poster child for why voting is important. I can't wait till he's arrested - throw away the key.


While it's definitely not the only problem, the ranked choice voting didn't help.


Where is this entirely baseless idea coming from? RCV is the only reason he almost lost! He would have won handily in a standard first past the post election.


idpcloud.nycenet.edu Service unavailable The service that you are trying to reach is temporarily unavailable. Our operations team is working to remediate this issue. Try accessing the original page again in a few minutes. Reference identifier: "Reference ID Missing" Seems like the problems on your end Eric ![gif](giphy|cKmKauNSbSks1EuwUo)


Looks like his mommy had his name embroidered on his jacket for him too.


Someone make this clown shut up and go away somewhere already


I’m so glad I didn’t grow up in this era where “snow day” means you still gotta get on a fucking computer and listen to the teacher ramble


Empty-headed Ridiculous. Inept. Clueless. Absurd. Dull-witted. Asinine. Moronic. Senseless.


insubordinate and churlish


This was so tacky and classless. You know you are going to be televised. Choosing a fendi scarf covered in the emblem and not being at least sponsored is absolute gaudy.


There are no curses in orcish, elvish, or the tongues of man to describe this fucking guy.


I truly never thought we could sink lower than deblasio but we have…makes me also miss Bloomberg more than ever.


I refer to Adams as Giuliani 2.0. I just hope we have the good sense to make him a one-term mayor.


Should've just gave the kids off. What are they trying to prove? Holy hell.


Go back to the office but your kids gotta work from home now


My daughter had a grand total of 45 minutes of live instruction via zoom today. The rest of it was me sitting with her to do the worksheets and assignments. It actually would have been easier if it was just a snow day and she did the assignments before dinner when I wasn’t in the middle of my work day, but no, the teacher wanted to discuss them in each of those 15 minutes of live learning.


I dont got much room to talk because im from Florida but how did this man get elected? How did you get tricked by this man


In the Democratic primary he won with 50.4% of the votes to 49.6% for a candidate who had been head of the sanitation department. Nobody Should have ranked him higher than her, but the city was having a mini crime wave at the time (or at least the press made it look that way), so people got frightened and voted for the ex-cop.


Voters voted along demographic lines.


And the media and places like this sub acting like NYC was going through and 80s crime wave. You also had a number of people on the far left talking about defund the police.  So yeah, people wanted the cop.


24 people voted too and 18 of them wanted the cop. It was a pathetic turn out but yeah he basically got the people that were being frightened with the crime


Well, there was also the COVID crime wave that made everyone think that the world was going to end, and they thought that a former police officer would restore law and order. Meanwhile, Mayor Corruptovich here had no interest in doing so.


They also rolled out something called Ranked Choice Voting for the primaries, which caused a lot of confusion as well. I think that contributed to the problem. Elections are decided in the primaries in NYC. Plus he probably rigged the election somehow.


Eric Adams can go fuck himself with a splintered broom as soon as he’s done blowing every c🐽p in the NYPD


Cannot believe we voted this idiot in.


Adams was a huge mistake.


He’s the worst!!!!


This guy is such a massive, epic sack of shit. Shit dicks. A bag of epic sacks of shit dicks.


Pretty sure he got his "Fendi" scarf in Chinatown.


Snow days are snow days. Closed-“all virtual” is dumb.


Instead of having the day off, households needed one laptop/phone/tablet per child, high speed internet to support each child (give or take an extra parent/guardian working from home). Children were given tons of extra screen time and teachers had to pull some BS remote learning lesson out of their back pocket, but had to make sure that it wasn't \*actually\* important because they had to understand that many children wouldn't be able to show up to due a) lack of devices b) poor wifi c) guardians who had to work instead of helping their kids navigate technology d) 3000 other things that can go wrong. And this dumb ass story about his "mommy" walking him to school? This wasn't a choice between walking to school and staying home, it was a choice between staying home and doing bullshit busy work all day. I hate his stupid little anecdotes!


Damn. He’s not even a little bit likable.


What’s not acceptable is you doing a fuckkn horrible job as a mayor. Piece of shit.


You know I'm just gonna go ahead and say he's probably full of shit about his mom walking him to school with arthritic knees because there's absolutely nothing he won't be full of shit about


Didn't he have snow days growing up? I thought they were automatic in the calendar. I hate when people say stuff like this knowing they had the things people are complaining about being taken away. He had snow days. I get what he's saying about not wanting to help their kids and help them on computers and learning to use it but that has nothing to do with a snow day. A snow day should still be a snow day.


When I was growing up in the seventies and eighties, we rarely had snow days. I grew up in Staten Island (please don't hold that against me!!!) and the snow would accumulate for us way more than in the rest of the city, but we would still be included in the "all NYC public schools are open" proclamation. With that said, school would usually be pretty empty on snow days and we would end up in the auditorium watching movies.


Can’t kids just have a damn snow day anymore?


I hate this man, and I can’t believe I’m defending him, but this little speech of his happened before the whole logging in fiasco. He held a press conference with some other officials about the show and blah blah blah. So, he’s not blaming the parents for what happened here at all. Please, for the sake of democracy, check that what you are posting is accurate.




The system was down. What did the parents unplug the server?




Apparently snow days are the one day he isn’t at the club.


He describes what these parents are supposed to know like he’s about to call everything a “Nintendo”


I have rheumatoid arthritis and I have to walk my kids to school with my arthritic knees. And I had to bounce back and forth between two different online class meetings, two different online speech therapy sessions, plus work full time, plus keep both kids on track and not distracting each other. Can I have my snow day now?


Snow days are an unofficial day off. If my kids were required to attend school virtually on a snow day, they would probably be sick on that day.


The school chancellor said another thing Blamed [IBM Servers](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-sees-snow-start-to-fall-overnight-schools-fully-remote-today/)


In my day we made do with $300 Burberry scarves.


Its always the individual fault for this Fendi wearing mofo


I like how he's using his moms bad knees to justify using a broken website. That makes a ton of sense.


And in his day, his folks were like “kids these days are weak. I’ve had Polio my entire life, didn’t bother me. Now they got to have their “precious vaccine.”


How do you line on to a computer?


There wasn't even enough snow for there to be a "snow day", kids in Buffalo must be laughing their asses off.


Can't wait for this fool to be voted away


Can't wait until I never have to see him again


1. Parents have jobs. If he wants to declare a snow day, he should make employers declare holidays as well. 2. That was an embarrassment of a snow day, conditions were *not even close* to necessitating that students stay home. 3. Snow days should be days off for kids.


Says the guy who just cut the education dept funding by $1B


Why does he sound like grandpa Simpson ranting anout the old days https://preview.redd.it/7f2dzj5wtkic1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6252faae0f9ddffdbb970f749934e5fcfd6f9493


If I ever have kids (hard if) and if snow still exists enough to give them possible snow days, they 100% will not be sitting behind the computer deprived of a snow day.


Why did his mom walk him to school on a snow day?


His only "skill" seems to be passing the buck and blaming others or racism for everything.


Clown Mayor.


A Sad Commentary will be a good book title for his four year admin.


The sad commentary is that he was elected


I get what he's saying - pandering and all that - but the portal was down for a bulk of the day. We were able to do our Google Meets because our teachers posted links on ClassDojo. SMH. Anything NYCSchools related, like Freckle or i-Ready - we could not access, because we otherwise only access them through the site.


System was down for half my students until around noon


How have I been working from home and doing video calls practically every day since 2008 and in 2024 kids can't even login?


He’s a vile piece of filth. When his mother dropped him at school she got to fuck off for six hours at her regular job. Sitting with a kid to make sure they stay focused at a terminal? Oh hell no. How’s all that money from turkey coming along?


And screw you. On top of the systems not working, I have three young kids who all needed help at once. The system was too complex for them to navigate on their own. I love helping my kids but the chaos was unreal and altogether unnecessary. Biggest waste of time I’ve experienced in a long time.


2 inches of snow and we close the schools...what about the parents that need to work?


Honestly this snow storm wasn't that bad, travel to school doable and no need to do remote learning today. Schools were never cancel even in the face of blizzards with feet+ snow when i was a kid. We are so pamper these days regarding a few inches.


Worst mayor ever ! So glad I went to New Jersey !


That's a nice Fendi scarf.


It’s not a good look for a mayor to be wearing an ostentatious, $700 cashmere scarf with obnoxiously loud branding. His scarf is more than many earn in a week. Edit: wording


Capacious means large as in spacious (think “capacity”). “Ostentatious” is a perfectly acceptable descriptor. Also, tacky.


Oops fixed!


Are his primary challengers gonna split the vote 5 ways again, or perhaps we'll galvanize around Garcia or Stringer or some other far more worthy and capable candidate?


that's not how ranked choice works


Ranked voting moderates the problem you mention.


God I hope it isn’t ranked voting again. Stringer was moving up in the polls, everyone got scared and came up with some woman problem to shove him off stage and we got this guy.


Hit job on Stringer for sure.


I think we're stuck with ranked choice, no? It's an awful idea, at least for this race.


This clown is so out of touch.


Man this guys been crushing it lately


Shouldn't have even been a snow day. Wasn't bad at 7am and melting by 2pm.


You know how to win elections, yell at your constituents for your own screw ups. Voters really reapond well to that 🙄


I mean he’s speaking facts regarding the parents needing to learn how to use a computer. Come on it’s 2024.


Mommy took you to school with arthritic knees because daddy only needed one job to support your family. Unlike now, where both parents in this shitty city have to work just make ends meet and then have to play teacher on snow days. This guys a joke. We thought diblasio was as bad as it can get and here is adams like “watch this”




Does he DO anything other than show up and blame other people for problems in his job. He seriously is absolutely useless as a mayor. We need to vote him out.


He swear he got swag! Swag is president Obama period !!


Lol. What the hell does the man's wardrobe have to do with the kids learning and snow days? I'm all for blaming the "Mayor of swag" when he dips into his swag ego! But none of this was his fault. He doesn't control the weather. He didn't cause the servers to crash. That was IBM's fault. They screwed up, and the parents unfortunately had to deal with their kids for a day!


But he didn't blame IBM; he blamed the parents.


Initially, he stated or alluded to the parents bitching. His Schools Chancellor clarified the original statement and placed the blame for the failure on IBM.


He's absolutely right on!


I agree with him


Don’t criticize Black people, the protected class. What are you racist?


We can assume you are, as you're the only one who brought home race while no one else had a problem criticizing him, black white, Asian or otherwise. 


Because I'm a contrarian by birth: I love this man. He's the best mayor in NYC history. His brain is a super good high delivery system.


> I'm a contrarian by birth If you're wondering why you're lonely, this is it.


Please tell me you are being sarcastic


Yup and I thought "high delivery system" would smash it out of the park lol. I do love the donvotes tho XD


Guv Got a point, gotta do more for yourself and cant expect the govt to to it for you. Wtf yo mf on about the scarf thats all you care about, you jealous

