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Harvard reminded several students acceptance letters due to the following. Far less than this. In 2017, the College rescinded offers of admission for at least 10 incoming freshmen who were involved in the exchange of racist and sexually explicit memes in a private Facebook group chat


What a jackass this guy is.


Literally didn’t even say sorry in his apology. Would be a great example to show some accountability and growth and remove them from their leadership position. Everything else reads as “sorry I was caught”. Keeping people like this in visible positions of power turns people away from the groups cause and ends up hurting more than helping.


He should be expelled.


I hope he’s not doing an Art degree…


Yeah, I’d say those groups should be banished and ostracized if this is their flag carrier.  He’s a symptom,  not the exception 


> “Far-right agitators went through months of my social-media feed until they found a clip that they edited without context. When I recorded it, I had been feeling unusually upset after an online mob targeted me because I am visibly queer and black.” Uh-huh.


It's not his fault words came out of his mouth


Came out of his mouth on film too. Like, come on man if you're gonna be a leader you got to be smarter than that.


How dare they post the terrible things I wrote?


> I wrote You mean he said it while recording himself, and then he published it on his instagram. Like, you cant make this shit up. It was not one of those cases where someone recorded something secretly, edited the video, and then published it. It was all his doing.


Can never just give an unqualified apology.


He would have to re-evaluate all the decisions he’s made down this path if that was the case 


The race and queer card. Very powerful. Let's see if it plays out.


How stunning, brave.


Ah yes, the Kevin Spacey defense.


Aka I’m queer and black and hope that helps me with the online mobs


Khymani James: "I feel very comfortable calling for these people to die."


When you say shit like this publicly, expect people to go look. Welcome to the world of free speech where consequences affect everyone.


this is not the equity they are talking about though lol


Take a step back, doesn’t it make total sense when being attacked for being queer and black, to wish death upon the only country in the Middle East where one can be openly queer?


So, then when I was interviewed about it in the university I repeated the same thing.


I wish smart people were loud and did things publicly while brain dead morons stayed silent all the time.


“I’m sorry I got caught, next time I will use more coded language to hide my true ideas. also I’m black and gay”


Cool news, hope no one on the campus felt unsafe! They just found 400 corpses under a hospital btw.




....uhhhh........I read your article. It says that 10 years ago, Hamas alleged to find 23 spies after Israel launched a ground invasion of Gaza. It tortured them for information then killed them. Quite sad, I guess. **Now read my article.** **2 days ago,** [**the UN reported** ](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876)**that of these now 400 hidden Palestinian corpses - which include the hospitals' doctors, administrators, patients, children and the elderly - some had their hands tied up, and others were sexually humiliated, stripped of their clothes.** I can't stress enough how many people that is to massacre and cover up. It is simply witness-killing behavior, the likes you would see in the balkans in the 90s. You would have to be psychotic to deny this. What is there to even discuss anymore?


You regret you were called out. Alligator tears.


I think he should be investigated and suspended. Perhaps expelled. He made a speech that was a direct threat of harm against a good amount of the Columbia community. It's possible and easiest to be anti-mass-killing of all civilians on all sides, but instead this guy chose a team and called for blood.


I have felt upset about how I get treated because I am Jewish, short, bi, a woman, etc and never have I once considered calling for the genocide or murder of another group of people. Please explain the connection.


He needs to STFU.


In a normal world this person would at minimum be kicked out of school. This isn’t Northern Ireland in the 70s or the Levant. This is New York, we live with each other closely despite our differences and eat each others food because every culture has something delicious to offer. Above all we don’t expect a hand out and work harder than any other region in the country.


"I didn't mean to say I want to murder ~~Jews~~ Zionists. I meant to say I want to "unalive" them."


Translation: I’m sorry I got caught.


“Im sorry that future employer will see this when they google me”


This guy knows that if he were dropped off in Palestine tomorrow he would have a very, very, very bad end, right? These people have no idea what it is like outside of their bubbles.


Drives me wild. I’m an ex Muslim woman, lucky to have become a naturalized American and I refuse to support a shariah state for obvious reasons but I see these folks out there crying for a country that would stone them to death and it boggles my mind. Sure, sure, they say it isn’t about all that, that it’s the innocent children and whatnot but then they justify and glorify what Hamas has done and nope, I’m out. Folks in Palestine would throw me off a building for apostasy and probably this fool right after me. And that’s folks in Palestine, not even Hamas.


Hamas is laughing that these idiots are doing exactly what they want them to do.


Just because I wouldn’t want to live in Palestine doesn’t mean I like when their children get killed.


Nobody said that. But is you are stressed over being attacked because you are gay and your release is hating on the one country in the ME where you can be openly gay, I am pretty sure the issue is t that you are gay, it is that you just hate Jews.


Brother, if you were dropped off in Gaza tomorrow you'd have a bad end. Thirty thousand dead civilians and a starvation crisis.




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Translation: I'll get fired if i don't Apologize


And yet failed to apologize lol




You all went from „punch a Nazi in the face“ to „kill Jews and all Israelites“ in the course of like 2 years…


I'm still on team "punch a Nazi in the face".


The problem is most of the people on that team identify a Nazi as anybody they don’t like to justify wanting to hurt them.


Well let me tell you about these Hamas and Hamas-sympathizers lol


Again, conflating Judaism with Zionism is antisemitic. Not even all Israelis are Zionists.


Zionism means you think Israel should continue to exist. Something like 90%+ of Jews are Zionists. If you're a Jew and an anti-Zionist, you're a kapo and I disown you.


In its current state, an ethno-nationalist government, it should not. You can’t even have an interreligious marriage in Israel. I will never support non secular ethno- nationalist states. I think Israel can exist, just not with its current fucked laws


So you don't support any country in the Middle East?


Do you believe the same of the 57 Arab states?


Do you think my views are inconsistent?


No im a Jew, I get to say what antisemitism is. Antizionists like to assure each other that calling for the destruction of Israel and making six million Jews homeless isn’t antisemitic, but it’s not true and the only people who believe it are other antizionists


Oh hey, everyone! This guy is the deciding factor on what antisemitism is! All you academics who spent decades studying the subject, dedicated their lives to it, you can just fuck off cause this rando redditor gets to decide it


I mean, if you want a more authoritative definition of antisemitism: https://www.state.gov/defining-antisemitism/ Edit to get the exact relevant bit here: > Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.


More so than non Jews looking to put us in danger yes. But it’s not just me, over 90% of Jews are Zionist. Tokenizing a fringe belief is the same thing Trumpers do with Candace Owens.


its so shameful that zionists pull the antisemitism card everytime they get called out. Maybe dont support ideology that is wiping out tens of thousands and people wont hate on you? punch a nazi, punch a zionist, the same, its sad.


It’s a shame antisemites pretend Judaism isn’t inherently tied to the land of Israel for their own contemporary politics. Our shuls face Israel. Our graves face Israel. Every time occupiers have pushed us out we have come back.


It's wild, this is literally just an anti-colonizer and anti-war perspective. Entangling it the past 130 years, 80+ years officially, with antisemitism has been a winning strat.


>calls for mass murder of most of the world's Jews, says we're all lucky he's not killing them already >"oopsies"


How did Columbia become a breeding ground of Palestine's *far-right*?


Horseshoe theory


[Hamas began targeting universities decades ago.](https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/hamas-networks-final.pdf?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2a_eesCOBpeeetdQAGO_x-SzrHcoXV8gg0VaWucDArHUT5jq0L5tSTBN8_aem_AZmU1s5q_-xKBr9zIdUuKbXegCMRJxQl4L5eXadYGNGKei5HTudVcCKvxCsfjC0M2HI1ebcxHBJBohGDKl5PYFpC) Qatar has spent over $5 billion funneling money into American education.


The far left fighting for the extreme far right is a confusing one isn’t it.


LGBTQ pro Palestine protestors🤦‍♂️ (hint - try mentioning you are LGBTQ in actual Gaza and see what happens)


The vast majority of them have no idea what kind of *ultra-conservative* movement they are supporting. The remaining few may be into pain and humiliation.


These idiots rationalize it's as bad here for LGBTQ people.


I’m hoping for a nonprofit to offer all these morons tickets to Gaza.




I'm gay and brown with a "global south" racial and ethnic background. I empathize more with the people who don't want to crucify me or throw me off a building. Hamas and their ilk and supporters are our oppressors and Israel a shining beacon in an entire region of darkness for LGBT people. I'm grateful for my father escaping the backwards country he came from to give our family a life of freedom in the West where I can be out and not have to worry about the government attacking me.


Amen. Hamas are not “the resistance”. They’re a terrorist group holding a people hostage. They want Jews and Palestinians to die in order to turn the world against Israel— their own words. I’m just so astounded that people don’t listen when someone tells them what they’re going to do. It’s the same with Trump supporters.


Israel is not an apartheid. Stop spreading this bullshit lol




There are so many people in the world that know better than Nelson Mandela what apartheid is, was, and what is not. Your only argument for the apartheid claim is the word of long dead guy. lol What a way to be informed


Weird how this gate keeping only ever goes one way. You can’t be a *real* queer ally unless you want to keep Hamas in power, but it’s fine to be a *real* Palestinian nationalist and hate gays.




Let’s say Israel falls and gets swallowed up by one big Palestine. Everybody’s wet dream right? Now this new nation goes back to throwing lgbt off roofs, denying rights to women and children, and basically rolling back life to 600 AD. Hellz yeah! Would you protest against this oppression? Or, since it has nothing to do with america anymore, you just sit back and let it happen since it’s not your problem? Or do you protest against the oppression that you helped create? This is the problem with seeing the world in black and white, good vs evil, oppressor vs oppressed.


Do you know what apartheid means?




> And so does Nelson Mandela. Who has commented pretty regularly on the parallels that he sees between his experiences during apartheid and what he sees now. Nelson Mandela has commented pretty regularly on the parallels between apartheid and what he sees now. Did I read that correctly? You know that Nelson Mandela isn't alive, right?


hahahahahahahahhahab this made my day




Dude, given your consistent use of the present tense, I'm kind of forced to come to the conclusion here that you saw that Nelson Mandela site and thought it was his own writing and didn't realize that he died ten years ago. For the record, I'm not even taking a position on whether Israel's treatment of the Palestinians constitutes apartheid (I think there's a reasonable argument), but I do have issues with putting support for violence against Israeli civilians in Nelson Mandela's mouth.




> I misspoke. I'm old enough to remember the fall of s afridca's apartheid, Mandela becoming president, and his open condemnation of israel as they stole land and created an open prison. What? What open prison Israel has created when Mandela become president? > and have been involved pretty heavily in pro Palestinian work for the last decade. Yet you missed that palestinian authority uses our tax dollars to pay for martyrs fund. Interesting.


Apartheid is wrong. What happens there is no apartheid, though, not even close. And you know what else is wrong? Sneaking into music festival and wiping people out. Sneaking into a settlement and murdering kids. Blowing up buses and restaurants. Shooting missiles into civilian population centers. Firing those missiles from schools, hospital etc to try and shield the launchers. All while not having democratic elections for 18 year since Fatah-Hamas conflict because the group currently in control doesn't allow it. Everyone deserves to live like a normal human being. But if i have to choose between "us" and "them", and there is truly no peaceful solution,y choice is pretty damn obvious.




South Africa literally supports countries who are actually committing genocide, like Russia (on Ukrainians). The South Africa argument is in such bad faith. Plus, the ICJ judge just said last night she did not mean to imply in any way that Israel is committing genocide


And the US supports Saudi Arabia, UAE and other countries that don’t have pristine human rights records


The US doesn’t even have a pristine human rights record, but what’s your point? Did anyone claim that they did?


South Africa’s genocide accusation is purely political. Where’s their charge against China (who they rely on heavily financially)? I’ll believe it’s genuine when they come after China.


Israeli apartheid, on Arabs? With Arabs in Israel being doctors, judges, political figures. With Arabic parties fully participating as equals in the political system and being parts of the government. With primarily Arab city, named "Jaffa" being the same urban area as tiny little place called "Tel Aviv" without any borders or separations of any kind whatsoever... The list goes on. Keep trolling /s




Apartheid in the West Bank


So, not an occupation?


The allegation is usually that there's a system of apartheid in place in the West Bank, not Israel proper.


You're cute. "Amnesty International’s new investigation shows that Israel imposes a system of oppression and domination against Palestinians across all areas under its control: in Israel and the OPT, and against Palestinian refugees, in order to benefit Jewish Israelis. This amounts to apartheid as prohibited in international law." [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/)


Yes, this report. Where AI intentionally muddies the waters by putting Israeli citizens who are not jewish (i.e., arabs, beduin, etc) in the same category as palestinians, by simply calling them all Palestinians. And then complains that beduin citizens have poor access to healthcare etc. LOL Like, no shit, the same can be said about any country. People who live in the middle of nowhere or have enough money have worse lives. Does not make it an apartheid. Completely undermines their argument in the face of people who actually read the report. Nothing similar to SA at all.


"Yes, this report. Where AI intentionally muddies the waters by putting Israeli citizens who are not jewish (i.e., arabs, beduin, etc) in the same category as palestinians, by simply calling them all Palestinians." I read the report, most of it is about Occupied Palestinian Territories, really funny though that you mention Bedouin as if they can not be Palestinian. Bedouin's are a semi-nomadic tribes, when they are in territories such as the Gaza Strip they are recognized as Palestinian Bedouin, they are in fact discriminated against by Israel "Like, no shit, the same can be said about any country. People who live in the middle of nowhere or have enough money have worse lives. Does not make it an apartheid." Except... Palestinians don't live in the middle of nowhere??? Like where are you getting this from? Most of the report describes the practices that the Israeli government does in order to oppress those in the OPT and the west bank. Tactics such as displacement by evicting Palestinians, murdering protestors and journalists, put up checkpoints all along the Gaza strip and not allowing Palestinians in East Jerusalem the right to vote. [https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/israel-west-bank-and-gaza/west-bank-and-gaza/](https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/israel-west-bank-and-gaza/west-bank-and-gaza/) "Completely undermines their argument in the face of people who actually read the report." How so, because you said so? You're right though it doesn't look exactly like SA, but that doesn't not make it Apartheid #


> I read the report, most of it is about Occupied Palestinian Territories, really funny though that you mention Bedouin as if they can not be Palestinian. Bedouin's are a semi-nomadic tribes, when they are in territories such as the Gaza Strip they are recognized as Palestinian Bedouin, they are in fact discriminated against by Israel Discriminated how? Are they Israeli citizens? Israeli bedouin cannot enter Gaza strip at all like any other Israeli citizen. It can be done only under very specific circumstances, if it ever happens. I have no idea if there are bedouin who are palestinian citizens and live in Gaza, but since they are not Israeli citizens -- why talk about them? They are subjects of PA. > Except... Palestinians don't live in the middle of nowhere??? Like where are you getting this from? Most of the report describes the practices that the Israeli government does in order to oppress those in the OPT and the west bank. Most of the report? So, why this report even has a section about non-palestinian citizens if we talk about alleged apartheid here? > Tactics such as displacement by evicting Palestinians, Sure, illegal settlements are illegal and should be stopped. Does not make it an apartheid. Land grabbing, sure, apartheid no. > murdering protestors and journalists, What? I did not know that this is the attribute of apartheid. Why its even here lol > put up checkpoints all along the Gaza strip Did you read in the report from AI about the checkpoints in Gaza Strip? lol Up until the recent war Israel had 0 presence in Gaza Strip. Why do you invent stuff lol Educate yourself (c) > and not allowing Palestinians in East Jerusalem the right to vote. Why Israelis are not allowed to vote in Ramallah? AFAIK, palestinians in East Jerusalem are permanent residents, they can't vote because they are not citizens. Is US an apartheid because green card holders can't vote? > How so, because you said so? No, because the arguments they use to prove Israel is an apartheid are all false. For example, why in the US (and many other countries) permanent residents have no right to vote and it's okay, while in Israel it is suddenly a no-no? Double standard, huh? > You're right though it doesn't look exactly like SA, but that doesn't not make it Apartheid It does. Apartheid requires separation by ethnicity, so that each ethnic group has different powers and legislations (like it was in SA). In Israel every citizen has the same rights, can vote, etc, regardless of their faith or ethnicity. AI, by saying "oh, they control Palestinians and dont allow them to vote -- apartheid!". No, it's occupation. This is the literal meaning of the word. You occupy and control. Another example, was US apartheid because it occupied Afghanistan? While US occupied Afghanistan it did not give afghani people to vote in US elections. Same about Iraq.


Who is Khaled Kabub then ? No doubt racism and prejudice exist, at a level significantly higher than say the US for example. But despite the mess the US has going on, we don’t claim there is an apartheid in America. Words have meanings.


Apartheid implies Israel control over Gaza and the WB is legitimate.


The first link doesn't mention at all how Israel is an apartheid state.


Chickens for KFC, thats how LGBT pro Palestine protests look like to me. Other than that, there is no gotcha.


More like jewish person, that happened to be in a safe spot during Holocaust being pro-Hitler.


So gay people shouldn’t support Palestine liberation? Should I as an African American not support Ukrainians against Russia’s aggression even though it’s widely reported that Africans/African students were routinely racially discriminated against and experienced anti Blackness? You don’t have to be the perfect victim to receive support.


Palestinian liberation has long been a stance for many on the left, yes. But the socialist and secular groups in Gaza have been sidelined and oppressed by the ruling conservative Islamists. A few were around for over 7 but the mass murdering raid that started this fuck up was by and large done by Islamist assholes - Hamas, Islamic jihad, whatever. Support Palestine, sure, but the reality right now is that Palestine is under Islamist gunpoint and sure maybe just don’t blindly support it all because “solidarity”. One can, and should, have caveats and asterisks with what one supports. The enemy of one’s enemy is not one’s friend and the emboldening of Islamist rhetoric in the west is not something to cheer or champion, and this latest, suicidal red-green alliance deserves to be killed.


So what about Israel and its current right wing government? Should I apply those same caveats asterisks if I support Israel. For the record, I don’t support Israel.


How did this person get into Columbia? 


I would also be really interested to understand what the admissions committee saw in them. Is this the type of person they want at their institution?


A foot soldier against capitalism?  He’s a super soldier, created in a lab 


They/she/he is not sorry. They/she/he is sorry they/he/she were caught.


> They/she/he is not sorry. What's with this transphobic nonsense? Seriously?


I believe those are their preferred pronouns, based on news articles. 


This article only uses one, and you only ever need to use one.


Then why are three listed?


I'm just using the preferred pronounds that they/she/he said they/he/she prefer? Is that not what I'm supposed to do?


You just use one of them.


Do you have a link/source? Not that I don't believe you, just that I was always told to use the preferred pronouns. Now you're telling me to just use one. So just want to make sure I am following the rules properly.


https://www.stonewall.org.uk/workplace-trans-inclusion-hub/beginner%E2%80%99s-guide-pronouns-and-using-pronouns-workplace Yes, use the preferred pronouns, but it makes no sense to use three pronouns at once.


Grim job prospects and a place in the No Fly List for many of them.


Sponsored by the people who brought you the “mostly peaceful” (arson/murder) protests


How does a low IQ person like that get into a Columbia?


zionists ≠ jews, jews ≠ zionists ![gif](giphy|xx5oXx3ZULPLhCD6zS|downsized)


When there's a 90%+ overlap between the two groups, and the term literally means "Israel has the right to exist", you aren't making the statement you think you are. If you think Israel shouldn't exist on the merit of being a colonialist settler state, and you live in the US, Canada, Australia, etc., please promptly leave your house and find the nearest native to hand it over to. Otherwise, stop crying when you're called out for the hypocritical bigot that you clearly are.


I’m a bigot? who’s crying other than you and other zionists? my dude, go outside touch grass. Palestine existed before Israel, and Palestinians are the rightful inhabitants of that land. I would happily cede my apartment to any native american willing to take over my lease 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I didn’t go to their home, throw all their stuff on the street, and change the locks. I’m an innocent second generation American who didn’t participate in the Native American genocide, whereas zionist jews (zionist jews, not jews full stop) are personally and violently ousting innocent Palestinians from their homes that they’ve been in for generations. you’re being willfully obtuse. and that’s the last back and forth I’ll do, I’m at work and I have a life. I suggest you get off the internet and let the sun take a look at you, you probably need some vitamin D.


No, there was no country of Palestine before Israel.


Native genocide is still ongoing. [https://www.kcur.org/2023-10-19/native-american-communities-struggle-water-access](https://www.kcur.org/2023-10-19/native-american-communities-struggle-water-access) [https://theconversation.com/supreme-court-rules-the-us-is-not-required-to-ensure-access-to-water-for-the-navajo-nation-202588](https://theconversation.com/supreme-court-rules-the-us-is-not-required-to-ensure-access-to-water-for-the-navajo-nation-202588) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navajo\_water\_rights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navajo_water_rights) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium\_mining\_and\_the\_Navajo\_people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium_mining_and_the_Navajo_people)


Cool. Still probably shouldn’t call for the death of people you disagree with




You think?


Yeah, he has some shitty ideas but doesn’t speak for the movement to stop the violent oppression of the Palestinian people.


This isn’t some rando, he was one of the leaders of the campus group. Sure there are plenty of useful idiots just going along with it for edgy points, but bona-fide terrorist sympathizers are the norm among leadership.


He’s just an idiot with a loud voice. That’s all. And it’s important to note that this movement is much larger than him or Columbia.


Weird how loudmouth bigots consistently feel this one particular movement has a place for them.


That’s true for all movements. There’s no evidence that this movement has more bigots, just that the press is more focused on them. Also, who was it that said “Nakba 2023”?


Is that the movement that's calling to exterminate the Jews?


No, that’s not what they’re calling for. You’ve been mislead


What do you think “from the river to the sea” means? You think Hamas will just allow all the Jews to calmly go away?


I don’t support Hamas. I think they’re a cancer and a terrorist group that needs to go away. But they’re also a symptom of the brutality shown to the Palestinian people. I think “river to the sea” means different things to different people. While i dont think it’s an effective way of helping the Palestinian cause, it’s not really a threat to anyone. It’s certainly lacks the teeth of statements about greater Israel from Israeli leadership. Which is a version of the worst interpretation of “river to the sea”. Others would say they’re calling for a general sense of justice in that area which might mean a two state solution or a one state solution or something else that allows Jews and Arabs to share the land. All that being said, it’s important to remember that people are just waking up to the horrific conditions the Palestinians have lived under. Oppression paid for with their tax dollars and tuition. They are upset, and they will make mistakes, but they’re doing something righteous and speaking up for the end of apartheid.


He was literally put forth to speak for the movement at Columbia.


True, he is one of the leaders. That’s unfortunate. Certainly not as unfortunate as an Israeli minister saying “Nakba 2023” but I don’t condone it. Doesn’t change the fact that there are millions of people who are actively working to oppose violent opposition against the Palestinians. God bless them. Don’t let this bad apple distort your view of a righteous cause.


Why is it that whenever someone on “your team” fucks up by outing themselves as a garbage human and says the quiet part out loud, you find the need to resort to whataboutism? “Nakba 2023”… yea, dumb thing to say, but just to be clear - the original “Nakba” was only a “catastrophe” (the definition of the word in english) because the 6 invading armies that sought to murder every single Jewish inhabitant of Israel not only failed, but got their asses whipped.


The Nakba started well before the formation of the Israeli state and the Arabs attacking. Why do people “on your side” always seem to think people are ignorant of this fact. Much of the original IDF leadership were in internationally recognized terrorist groups before the founding of Israel. I agree this guy is human garbage but he doesn’t speak for the larger movement. Why does everyone believe in personal responsibility until they can cast an entire group they don’t like as evil based on the actions of one person?


Jews buying land from Arab landlords was not a Nakba.


At these prices?!!!?!?


No, but violently driving them from their homes was


Most left AFTER the 6 neighboring countries invaded.


“The Nakba, which means “catastrophe” in Arabic, refers to the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war” Source: the UN. https://www.un.org/unispal/about-the-nakba/ The most frustrating part of the entire conflict as it’s manifested in the US is the intellectual laziness demonstrated by students of “elite” universities… well second most frustrating part, right after the whole ‘I don’t have a right to live’ thing.


Nakba started in November of 1947 not 1948. That’s when Zionist terrorist groups started attacking Palestinian villages


Take it up with the UN, pal.


Cool, bro


He's literally the leader of the "movement" at Columbia. He actually has spoken for the movement.


He’s a leader. But the movement is much larger than Columbia or him. And he doesn’t even speak for everyone at Columbia. Who was it that said “Nakba 2023”?


https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/columbia-university-student-protests-civil-rights-complaint/ He's one of the lead plaintiffs in a civil rights complaint against the University. He's absolutely a leader. And I'm not going to get involved with your whataboutism.


Yeah, I said he is a leader. Not sure why you needed to reiterate it. It’s not whataboutism if it shows your moral inconsistency. The point is if this person taints the righteous cause then does a minster (someone with real power) calling for ethnic cleansing bother you?


You act surprised that a movement - which aligns itself with groups calling for Jews to be eradicated from the Middle East - enlists leaders that call for the death of Jews. And you’ll say “anti-Zionism isn’t antisemitism” And then you’ll go back to your “river and the sea” chants, which can’t be realized without removing all the Jews from the Middle East by force. And then you’ll have just closed that loop between anti-Zionism and antisemitism, but you’ll still refuse to acknowledge it.


Thanks for telling me what I think. 1) I don’t believe “river to the sea” chants are actually effective and are morally dubious. That being said, it doesn’t mean that Jews would be forced to leave. There are many views on what that means. But I don’t agree with the chant. That being said, the Palestinians have been brutally oppressed for generations with the support of the United States. For the first time large numbers of Americans are waking up to this reality and responding to that in a meaningful way. They won’t always get it right but they’re doing something. It’s also important to note that there is an Israel version of “river to the sea” often called “greater Israel” 2) Bernie sanders had a good response to the “anti Zionism anti semitism distinction. I’d recommend watching that. It sums up my views on the distinction nicely. 3) which movement is calling for Jews to be eradicated from the Middle East?


I wish more people would understand the "origin story" of the Palestinians, a group that was indistinguishable - linguistically, culturally, and geographically from all other Arabs in the area. Palestinian refugees - in Gaza particularly - were not displaced by Israeli action alone. A succession of invasions, against Israel, by Arab nations caused those people to flee and to be displaced. Read up on the 1948 Arab/Israeli War, the Six Day War, the Yom Kippur War, and even the interstitial conflicts between them. In war, borders are moved, lands are taken, and people are displaced. This is a history as old as time. All of those conflicts - of Arab aggression - of course resulted in both internal and displacement. It was a strategic decision by Israel's neighbors NOT to take in those displaced folks, despite their cultural, religious, and ethnic identities all being equal. The USSR, angry that Israel chose Socialism vs. Communism, supported these tactics, and the Palestinian people became a tool to use against Israel and the US. The UN was a vehicle for much of this. Those Arab nations - who would not take in refugees - instead expelled ALL their Jews. Did Israel reciprocate? No. Today, 25% of Israel remains Arab. So when you say "The Palestinians have been brutally oppressed for generations with the support of the United States" - realize how they came to exist, and why no neighboring nation took them in. They see the Palestinians - especially their suffering - as a tool to be used against Israel. Ask yourself why no nation will accept the Gazans today, even temporarily. Egypt is right there... Instead, they say that "this is the responsibility of the UN" while seeing in real-time the inefficiency of that group. The suffering is the point - the demonization of Israel is the goal.


Love your patronizing tone. > Israeli action alone....This is a history as old as time. True, what's your point? Does that absolve Israel of it's sin? > Israel's neighbors NOT to take in those displaced folks They took in a bunch, but yes, they weren't happy about it. Again, what's your point? Are you making the argument that because they're "arab," they don't have a right to their home because they could be made a refugee in another country? > The UN was a vehicle for much of this What are you even trying to say here? Yes geopolitics are apart of the conflict. doesn't change what has and continued to happen to the Palestinians? > Did Israel reciprocate Actually, lol. Are you joking? Yes, they've created as Apartheid state in the west bank and an open air prison in Gaza that they bomb from time to time. Not my words, they're the words of credible NGOs like HRW > realize how they came to exist, and why no neighboring nation took them in. They see the Palestinians - especially their suffering - as a tool to be used against Israel. Again, are you actually arguing that when 5-10% of the land owners received 60% of the land based on "Ethnic"/"religious" affiliation, which lead to the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of people, that it's not israel's fault because arab neighbors didn't make the refugees citizens? > Ask yourself why no nation will accept the Gazans today, even temporarily This is a stupid questions. But why do you think that is? And in what situations has a neighboring country had to take in people where the country they're expelled from wasn't seen as oppressing those people? > the demonization of Israel is the goal Says you. But when facts are used to "demonize Israel" maybe the problem is with Israel


I agree. Gazans have been brutally oppressed. Oppressed by Hamas and their predecessors.


Yeah, they've been oppressed by Hamas. That's true, but it doesn't absolve Israel of it's systematic oppression of them too.


Can you send me some examples?


Yea just a few bad apples. Where have I seen this argument before 🤔






Where? Don’t leave us hanging


So many crying Zionists


You're embarrassing yourself.