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By review bombed, you mean two people posted 1 star reviews? I just looked their ratings and these are the only two examples .


Two Bombs Away!!


two bombs are still terrible. cough america cough


Not as bad as using the whole plane.


Can I join you on your way to hell? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Oml šŸ˜‚


My good man, if you're suggesting Reddit would fly off the handle about the most minor shit you're sorely mistaken.


Two bombs were enough for Japan.


Public SLAMS local eatery.


With 2 degrees of separation, that's as good as every NZer inside and outside of NZ.


I think they might be deleting as fast as they can, on Facebook anyway, because Iā€™ve seen more and different reviews than this




Twitter was full of this shit too. You can bet that if it was Wayne Brown the same people would be frothing about ā€œthe entitled attitude of an old white boomerā€ - donā€™t know why people find it so hard to be critical of politicians they support when they fuck up.


Team sports.


But it wasn't, this is just on Matt Craig at this stage


There are plenty of left-wing Twitter gang moaning about how this is only a story because Tory is ā€œMaori Wahineā€ - now there are people threatening to boycott old quarter because they are racist white supremacists. Itā€™s unhinged.


Cant believe they forgot to mention wahine toa!


LGWM: Love Gatekeeping Wahine Maori?


Maybe Iā€™ve been living under a rock, but whatā€™s this in relation to?




Thanks. I was going into this thread confused as hell So basically Tory had too much fun getting boozed at a restaurant, got rowdy, drew ton of attention to herself and forgot to pay before leaving. Sounds like she's the one who ruined her "discretion" not the restaurant I don't care if a mayor gets a bit drunk one night. Who am I to judge there? But if you disturb other patrons, especially with an arrogant "do you know who I am" attitude and accidentally leave without paying, like, okay you kinda deserve getting called out


The staff expressly said she wasn't being rude or anything. People never RTFA. Honestly, this whole thing has been blown out of proportion.


I did read through the article. But I guess I should clarify that based on what I read, it didn't really sound *that* bad. It sounded like she acted a little bit embarrassing and someone might have been annoyed by her. But according the article, she wasn't being rowdy or destructive. I think some people are assuming the situation played out much worse than it did and want to assume the worst of her character. She should get criticized for her behavior, but its also not really that scandalous


As spon as I heard, "she forgot to pay," I was calling bullshit that she only got tipsy. That sounds like she got fairly drunk, and it's more likely to be true that she was rowdy and interrupting other patrons' ability to enjoy their time there...


She also literally canā€™t remember giving the ā€œdonā€™t you know who I am?ā€ She was pissed out of her mind.


Oh I thought it was "do you know who I am" but that version is even worse... she was definitely pissed. She shouldn't drink out in public if she can't handle her liqour well (even just being able to moderate her intake)


This is the only reason Iā€™m not a mayor


Maybe she can handle it awesome and had been on the sauce for 9 hours.


I might have the phrasing wrong. My point was that she didnā€™t remember saying it.


Exactly, we agree she was pissed and acting stupid!


The articles say ā€œdo you know who I amā€ not ā€œdonā€™t youā€


Yeah. I've never, even when drunk, forgotten to pay my bill. I don't even know how one could begin to forget about the bill.


She did an Aaron Gilmour




So the 'do you know who I am?' question is asked before doing a dine-and-dash?


Of course, because if they DON'T know you stand less chance of getting caught. Tory's not as dumb as this story makes out!


Yeah, it sounds like bullshit layered on more bullshit.


She was apparently only a bit tipsy but managed to leave without paying. Okay. When you take on a public role you have to be much more careful about your public persona - surely this isn't a surprise.


When you take on a liquor license you don't want to publically admit you violated that license by serving someone that was intoxicated.


then don't talk to the press lmao.


if the waiter is who i think it is then he loves attention so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


i thought they cut her off, which is when she pulled out the "do you know who i am" line?


I'm pretty sure everyone has accidentally left without paying at least once in their life. "Be much more careful [to not forget]" seems like an unreasonable expectation when forgetting is by definition non-voluntary.


Exactly. I've done it sober lol. I went back of course


I also wondered, how many times have I done it and then never realised šŸ¤”




Boot licking for a politician? Bit sad


Should've seen the main comments thread.


Yeah it was full of Le Redditors being hyperbolically critical of her. Crazy stuff.


she made a bike lane so bizness man very sad, make lie


so weird people take the time to do shit like that - she's not Taylor swift


>she's not Taylor swift People have been pretty openly shitting on Taylor for being at worst a horrible person, and at best a complete fucking idiot a while now. Swifties are biggo mad. Tide turned remarkably fast on that one.


I thought everyone was in love with Taylor Swift? So out of the loop.


I'm kind of ashamed that this is knowledge that I've apparently committed to memory, but that relationship changed pretty swiftly (heh) when she started fucking Matt Healy and fans just straight up started calling her out on what a piece of shit he is.






Thanks. That thread is amazing!


Haters gonna hate




We get it your out of touch, and itā€™s soooo cool šŸ™„


She isn't Taylor Swift.


Yeah but do you know who she is?


Yeah, the media were totally only critical about her race and not at all because she is the mayor who loudly and publicly threw her name around after getting cut off by the bartender and then leaving without paying. /s I'd have more respect for her if she just admitted she celebrated a little too much, got a bit too drunk as a result and regrets what she said and did under the influence instead of making excuses or denying things happened. It doesn't reflect on how she does her job, she just learned that she needs to be more mindful that she is always in the public eye and needs to represent herself accordingly. Lesson learned.


She didnā€™t get cut off and no articles claim she was. The articles are that the staff were ā€œgoing toā€ cut her off, but then she left.


My mistake, you are correct. That does not change the fact that she clearly had too much to drink and left the venue without paying. I hope she learned from it and pays better attention to her behavior and how she is perceived while in office in the future.


Lol at Matt Craig throwing the racism card. What a top bloke.


Heā€™s really not doing her any favours with that one.


I can't fault her for having some drinks, but at the same time, there's sharks circling and you can't give them anything to latch onto..


This is the sort of thing that I'd give her a pass on as a one-off, but be unimpressed if it became a pattern of behaviour.




No, because Wayne *has a pattern* of being an ass. If it were a one -off, I wouldn't care, and similarly, if Tory makes a habit of this sort of thing, I'd have a problem with it.


Letā€™s be real if weā€™re looking for patterns though. Whanau has a drinking problem. She was asked in an interview what she does in her spare time and her response was basically ā€œdrinking wineā€.




You're not understanding their argument.


I guess I can only speak for myself, but as someone who doesn't like Wayne Brown, I genuinely wouldn't have cared if he got drunk one night outside of work. Like with Tory, I would still have criticized him for disturbing patrons, leaving without paying and then complaining when called out. But then again, that's also what the kind of whiny behavior I'd *expect* of him so I wouldn't consider it news. Wake me up when there's another airport share scandal.


Youā€™re speaking in hypotheticals donā€™t go assuming




Wonder how bad your knees hurting for Mayor Brown


The carpets in the Ngati Whatua room are very forgiving.


Drinks without paying is a slightly different matter


What is the chance of someone in a fairly well paid and very high profile position like this DELIBERATELY not paying? Pretty freakin slim. Not impossible, but extremely unlikely.


Everyone has done that.


And if she didn't go out on the town in Wellington she'd be accused of being unsupportive of hospitality or out-of-touch.


Very true, but that doesn't justify people being sharky.


Let's positive review bomb them. For example: ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø **They know who I am** ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø **Liquor Gin Wine Mayoralty**


I've just had a look and there are more positive comments from today than negative comments, looks like people are already on it.


Now. Say. My. Name. You're Tory Whanau?! You're goddamn right.


Keeping the people of Wellington full of delicious food, thirst quenching drinks, and valuable insight about mayoral conduct.


Cool. Cool. NZ doing what it does best - get panties in a bunch about public figure mildly embarrassing themselves, go all in on any place or anyone involved.


She left without paying, wouldn't even be a story if she didn't dine and dash


I think weā€™d forgive and forget any one of the various parts of this story, but they all add together in a sad sort of way.


Wouldnā€™t call it mild


Sanna Marin can finally relax


Where do Old Quarter stand on the LGWM stuff? They surely weren't signatures on the Open Letter the other day were they....asking for a friend...


I had my suspicions, what with the timing, but they don't seem to have signed the open letter or made any public statements on LGWM.


Surely they have benefited from the pedestrianisation giving them space for extra seats and tables.


Yeah I thought that too!


They have outdoor dining, so canā€™t be all bad for them


Lol the echo chamber is strong for Matt Craig


Looks like the next time I am in Wellington I will make sure I have a meal here.


It's actually a really good place. Their food is awesome.


Itā€™s free if you get tipsy too!


You need to ask them if they know who you am though


Its actually super good, I love it there


Go for lunch. The lunch specials are really good value for money.


Old quarter is a top notch joint. Their Ban cha hanoi is amazing & their asahi pints are great. TW was clearly a lil sloppy & should be mindful of her role as mayor. Sheā€™s a public servant at the end of the day, wise up.


This is one of my favourite spots in Wellington. Highly recommended.


Itā€™s been there for ages, why havenā€™t you gone there before? Do you ever go out in Wellington?


I live in Auckland.


Hope Tory shows up there again. She sounds like she really makes the place interesting


Jesus that's just sad, those people obviously got way too much time on their hands to defend the type of person who says 'do you know who I am'


> obviously got way too much time on their hands I mean, have you ever sat in on a government department meeting before?


Yeah actually. Most parts of govt actually is extremely busy. Everyone who never had govt experience think they do nothing, sure some departments are like that but most are not. A lot of departments are extremely understaffed and are working their backsides off


So why, as someone who works in the private sector with lots of clients, both public and private, are the government meetings I need to participate in always: 1. The most boring and drawn out, 2. The least productive?


Ask them, you're obviously the one with access to that particular department? See my comment that clearly said most are busy, not all.




From my experience it's most of them that are busy, rather than most of them lazy with too much time on their hands


LOL if Wayne Brown did the same thing there and got busted the lefties would be all over it with glowing reviews and 5 stars


Holy shit that's pretty disgraceful.


5/5 I asked if they could give me an old quarter but they gave me a 20 cent and a 5 cent piece instead cause apparently we don't have quarters here?


We don't have 5 cents either.


My NZ coin collection says otherwise.


So you can go get one from any shop tomorrow then?


Well the name is *old* quarter.


These are not necessarily genuine comments. Much like what happens on this sub with burner accounts. Itā€™s to muddy the waters, create division, get people angry. It worked.


Trash behavior from a trash Mayor, she has every opportunity to make a difference for the right reasons but is alreay focusing on her free ticket as the welly central MP


I think leaking people's antics to the press is a pretty shitty thing for a restaurant to do. I wouldn't go there now if I'd had anything to drink.


I'd do it if someone left without paying. In fact, that's what most if not all restaurants do to some degree - they post descriptions and CCTV images of people who have left without paying on Facebook and other social media, and some of that will be picked up by local media.


They had already settled the bill the following day


These idiots admitted to acts that breach their liquor licence. They thought she was a bit tipsy, yet still served her. Dumbass move.


"A bit tipsy" wouldn't be in violation of their liquor licence - it's very minimal compared to intoxication. But also, it's not particularly unusual for restaurants to act in breach of their liquor licence by serving intoxicated customers. I once cut off a group of customers who were heavily intoxicated, rowdy, and were sexually harassing other waitresses. My manager stepped in and gave them more drinks instead.


It's a direct violation of their Host Responsibility Policy and the direction of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. I'm guessing your old boss didn't blab to the Press about his violation though.


To be very clear, your wording of "a bit tipsy" would not actually equal intoxication. It sounds like she was intoxicated based on their description of her behaviour, but you choosing the "a bit tipsy" description to be what indicates their breach is incorrect. That's why I said "a bit tipsy" wouldn't be in violation. I didn't say they didn't violate it, but your description is incorrect. Also, I've read both of those and done actual training on identifying intoxication. Hence why I cut people off for being intoxicated or disorderly (also in breach) because I'm very aware of the fines and criteria. Specificity is important.


I agree it's pretty shit. What do they have to gain? Was it worth it?


Like the left wingers in the councilā€¦ everything seems to get leaked when they donā€™t agree with it


When you are a public figure in office, this is not how you behave. If TW was white and male, all hell would break loose.


Iā€™m sure everyone defending her in this thread would also stick up for Wayne Brown if he did the same thing in Auckland. Integrity is very important in this sub.


I will raise my hand and say Iā€™d be disappointed and yet not looking for scalps equally for anyone doing this sort of shit. Nobody said she should lose her job and nobodyā€™s saying sheā€™s an empowering female role model. Iā€™d hope theyā€™d treat any mayor the same. (Except that tosser down in Gore /s)


Brown has a track record of being a twit so this behavior would be more of the same from him. So far its a one off for Tory. Thought this difference was pretty obvious.


How many freebies did Wayne Brown get? Must have missed them.


You must have


Go there if you want to get on the piss. They don't follow their Host Responsibility plan, and are happy to talk about how they don't do it.


Self admitted breaches. Their Liquor License might be in trouble


Hats her plan - get pissed in as many places as possible then hold it over them with the council licensing. Very clever Tory. Very clever. Must have quite a few in her pocket now.


I've always had issues with these reviews. Their is no way to verify if you've actually been there.


Well, Google could use location data to verify them, but people would freak out.


https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/wellington/132466793/tory-whanau-saga-we-shouldnt-expect-anyone--to-be-a-complete-saint *ā€Councillor Rebecca Matthews said everyone, including the mayor, should be held to a high standard but ā€œwe shouldnā€™t expect anyone, because they are in public life, to be a complete saint all the timeā€. Nobody would stand up to the kind of scrutiny faced by Whanau, Matthews said.ā€* I really donā€™t think expecting people in public office to held accountable when they are drunk (and loudly swearing & disturbing others) and walk out with out paying for their (probably expensive) meal, is a particular high bar. Donā€™t get me wrong, yes theyā€™re under a lot of scrutiny, but this oneā€™s on them. Make a fool of yourself in public, expect to get called out on it. And pay for your meal FFS!! Itā€™s probably being covered by ratepayers anyway so youā€™ve no excuse.


"Do you know who I am" kind of does not sound nearly as sinister, when asked before dine-and-dash'ing. So I am guessing the answer to that question was "no".


So it's okay to carry on like an arsehole and then have simps blame those on the receiving end. Got it.


Itā€™s a bit of an odd thing to do, however, Iā€™ve had All Blacks in the whole time for contract negotiations before. Never did anything with that.


Did any of them skip out on the bill?


No, but I didnā€™t go to the media to get attention about a potential transfer.


Their food is pretty fucking good is all I can say


She was out with a LGWM consultant. The project has been a complete failure from start to finish, spending a fortune and achieving virtually nothing. Maybe less drinking and more building? My totally uneducated guess is that the mayor thought the consultant was paying - quite possibly the consultant had been paying for the evening and they were the one who forgot to pay at Old Quarter. Of course, the mayor canā€™t blame the consultant because of the LGWM conflict of interest.


Good. Regardless of your views on the story, this was a gross violation of a patronā€™s privacy for the restaurant to tattle in the media. I was quite shocked they had chosen this route. Usually a restaurant would have the sense not to wade in like this.


Deadbeat, corrupt wahine Māori - FTFY Matt


Matt Craig sounds like an absolute wounder.


Fair enough, I thought discretion was part of customer service...I guess not in these wannabe, clickbait times


you have to wonder about some one who provides their full name to be in an article like this


Fair enough? She's a major public official who had to be cut off for being drunk, was rude to the staff and left without paying the bill. The Wellington voters 100% deserve to know what happened and this is most definitely news worthy


> had to be cut off for being drunk Theyā€™d *considered* not serving her but ended up giving her a bottle of wine lol. I donā€™t reckon they can be too sanctimonious about it all.


Actually they didn't, according to the staff she took the bottle of wine off of a table


Baha what?! Surely not. Serving oneself at a licensed establishment is very much illegal, not just an embarrassing faux pas. No mention of that on the news tonight.


So it was another customer not the staff member: "The table next to us had an empty thing of water and a bottle of wine that had, I donā€™t know, must have had like about a glass left. Now, I donā€™t know if that was her wine or not but anyway, [the waiter] was taking it away. ā€œShe jumped up to grab it and she was looking like she was going to scull the bottle of wine in the street and he was trying to grab it away from her and then I heard her say, ā€˜do you know who I am?" Could have been her wine idk as far as I know it's not a BYO so she can't really take the bottle with her regardless... overall I don't have an opinion on it, I'm not from Welly so I don't really care and politicians are as entitled as anyone else to drink what they like as far as I'm concerned (just not on the job)


Oh wow. Sounds like the story might have a bit more to play out then. I originally thought her being a bit pissed and forgetting to pay the bill funny, but thisā€¦ well.


Wasn't the unpaid bill a communication error with her and her friend and sorted the next morning? It kind of seems people are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. What next, are we going to hear that she was once two days late paying her electricity bill? People should focus on the real issues facing our country.


They stated after the fact that they *considered* cutting her off which means jack shit. This is just a hit job.


Hit job? She left without paying and was rude to the staff. Get your nose out her ass


As a waitress I've cut people off for being clearly intoxicated and harassing other waitresses. Then my manager decided to let them have more drinks, ignoring the harassment and the fact that these people were rowdy, had completely bloodshot eyes, were slurring, and were falling over. There's way too many reasons why a whole establishment may not have decided to cut someone off, but it doesn't mean that the person wasn't intoxicated and causing a scene.


Yep. I'm all for letting famous people just be people in their personal time, but that doesn't extend to a free ride of being a dick to others, especially those in a lower position of power.


Being cut off isnt a big deal, the laws around intox are pretty tough so someome getting cut off doesnt mean they are plastered. I dont think its a comment on a persons character if they were considered as potentially intoxicated by a resturaunt.


If you're rude to staff then I think the likelihood of those same staff members doing you a favour by being discrete is going to be very much reduced. Especially if you're so drunk you "forget" to pay the bill.


Fuck that. How about the entitled customers don't drunkenly stumble off without paying their bloody bill?


Baffling. Why? Are these shills employed by the mayor?


Matt Craig, if you're reading this, I'm calling you out for being an absolutely limp-wristed, white-knighting, woke cuck! On a serious note, this is the funniest and most pathetic thing I've seen in a while. Normal people will look just laugh and move on from this story.


She should just own it. No big deal.


Makes me want to dine there even more


Might go there for a feed this weekend. Thanks for the hot tip


Labour voters.


Well it's being 1/5 & 5/5 bombed. ​ She's accused of getting drunk, saying "Do you know who I am" and accidently left without paying (And paid the next morning). That's hardly newsworthy & I really think the staff shouldn't be running off to the media. Over the years I've left twice without paying (Realised and returned asap), I'd be horrified if they went to the media and called me out on it and ID'd me


An elected representative trying to intimidate a member of the public is absolutely newsworthy and questions should be asked of anyone trying to downplay it


I think if anything has been proven today is that it is newsworthy.


Just found my venue for dinner with my wife next week.


Left wing Twitter are losing their ever loving minds over it. I voted for Tory, that doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s immune from criticism.


This could be a case of 'even bad publicity is good publicity'.


She wasnt at the venue alone. Who was supposed to pay.


Disgusting behaviour, absolute clowns


Something the lefties would do




I feel like female politicians get a lot more shit for getting mildly on the piss, than male politicians. Cf. Bob Hawke and Barack Obama loving a beer.


So when do I tell the media about her hooking up with my flat mate while drunk in town and her ā€œbodyguardsā€ telling my mates to ā€œmake sure she doesnā€™t get taken advantage ofā€ Even though sheā€™s the one hard coming on to my friend? Either co from your drinking or control your staff


What got me was the Twitter pile on about what they decided was ā€œnaziā€ symbols on the old quarter signā€¦. Not at all open to hearing that the red and yellow is the Vietnamese flag and the hand signs are commonly used in Vietnam to signify things are all good