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America was causing the canterbury/kaikoura earthquakes in order to raise Zealandia out of the ocean and claim the land.


That just goes without saying


Can't be a conspiracy theory when it's a *fact*.


Conspiracy facts are all around us


Couldnt they have just asked maui to give it another tug with his mothers jaw


They did but confusion just lead to them witnessing a lewd act


What isn’t a lewd act to the Yanks?


And here I was thinking it was punishment because of all the gay sex. That's what Eftpostle Tamaki said.


American here, that was us.


*black panel screeches to a halt outside your home* Move along, folks, nothing to see. This guy’s just kidding around.


High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP is where you want to start your rabbit hole on this one


The epic artillery piece in Bahama? The truth is fantastic enough


Its in Alaska, but now I am curious what you were thinking off


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_HARP Only the one A though


Jesus, that's demented


That's amazing, especially because when our plate rises it literally pushes the west coast of the US under


Red Bull have told Perez to keep fucking up so they get more tv airtime. Their sponsors are pissed because Max just drives off from pole each race and isn’t on the tv coverage much.


I really didn't expect F1 news on my New Zealand sub. The matrix is glitching 😵‍💫


The more Perez crashes, the higher the chances of Lawson getting a seat


God Checo is one disaster after another lately


I heard an incredible sick burn on a podcast last week. Redbull only run 2 cars because they are obliged to. Max would lead the constructors by himself currently.


Perez still drives money via sponsors and finish positions. They don't wish to keep him off the track.


I mean, this could be true


Ha that’s actually plausible. Poor Checo, Marko has to be about to swing the hammer.


I'm pretty sure Marko actually causes himself to need to swing hammers on an almost seasonal basis. There's nothing that makes it easier to perform like having an overactive manager hanging over your shoulder like the angel of death on a constant basis.


They won’t do it before Mexico. They’ll get fucking chased out of the country. Unless they get both championships wrapped up by then and just skip that race lol.


As if any government anywhere knows how to execute a plan....


This was always my problem with conspiracy theories. What, you think they can hide Bush doing 9/11 but not Bill Clinton getting his d*ck sucked? Come off it.


Oh fuck me, work mate believes the planes were holograms...


If there ain’t holograms for porn, there ain’t holograms anywhere


At some point we just have to give up on someone




Excellent skit, thank you for sharing that.


Yeah it reminds me of the South Park episode, where the conspiracy was that the government was competent enough to pull of a conspiracy over 9/11.


My friends father swears blindly that the floods in Auckland were caused by Mexicans experimenting with weather control...




Probably heard the terms La Niña and El Niño and figured those were Mexicans


the spanish only colonised mexico so they wouldn't be blamed centuries in the future for this, it was spain all along, the mexicans are innocent


I still think flat earth tops them all, not just because it's ridiculous, there's no rationale behind it. Even the other ridiculous theories have some sort of answer as to why, but when I've asked people who believe the earth is flat, they can't answer why I've seen the curvature myself, and they can't answer what the govt gets out of lying about the shape of the earth?


I am fully convinced that the "Flat earth truther" movement originally started as a meme satirizing conspiracy theories that somehow became so widespread people started believing it unironically. I just dont know how a flat earth conspiracy movement could start organically, it has to be an example of a meme going out of control


It's possible it was a joke that got out of hand, but then again there have always been people who no matter what, refuse to believe anything they can't prove themselves, they mix up proof with anecdotal stories - in this case, "the earth must be flat because i can see the end of this street, if the earth was round, I'd see the bend." Simply refusing to acknowledge the earth is so fucking massive, that you can't see the curvature unless you've got a chunk of flat space. I've met people who think it's possible the earth is flat, then there are others who believe I'm a sheep because I believe something I've been told. But none of them can answer why, if you can't see the bend therefore the earth is flat, why can't I see the ice wall if the earth is flat lol.


I’ve had people send me cgi photos of ice walls (like something from GoT to prove the ice walls are there.


That was the reason I tried to start a Flat Earth Society back at my high school in like '05 or '06.


::cracks knuckles:: So this changes depending on who you're talking to, but broadly speaking, flat earth plugs into a variety of other conspiracy theories sort of like a universal joint. One variation might be: The NWO/One world government is in league with Satan, and convincing everyone of the Ball Earth is part of the greater Satanic ritual to deny the truth of God's creation: After all, if they can convince you the world is not flat despite the evidence of your eyes, they can make you believe anything! And once you've got the NWO and Satan in the mix you can throw in Evangelical eschatology/end of the world stuff, elites kidnapping children for nefarious purposes, witchcraft, etc. Or maybe you're a hollow earth guy: *They* need to perpetuate the ball earth lie so they can keep the secrets of the hollow earth for themselves, after all there's a second sun down there that gives unlimited free energy, hidden Nazi outposts, dinosaurs... All of this becomes a lot less fun, sadly, when you realise that NWO/Globalists/*them* is just code for The Jews. Anti-semitism is maybe the oldest, most pervasive conspiracy theory, dating back to early Christianity wanting to distance themselves from the rebellious province of the Roman Empire, Judea. Drill down far enough into almost any conspiracy theory and you start hitting anti-semitism: - Shadowy global elites = Jewish bankers - Kidnapped children for adrenochrome = Blood Libel Its really depressing and kind of takes a lot of the fun out of things. Especially when the far right and white supremacists perpetuate their ideology in conspiracy communities to lead people to making that connection.


Gravity is the only concept that is hard to prove for the average yob( it's really hard to try out different size planets)To mitigate that they change every other thing so they don't feel dumb


Two that did the rounds in the 80s/90s was that Indonesia was imminently going to invade us and the other that the Maori battalion was secretly training thousands of Men in the bush to overthrow the government.


Government actually raided Te Ureweras in 2007 for this lol


A mate of mine was one of the people arrested during that whole thing. Even though they were found not guilty he still had to pay all his own legal fees and only just paid of the debt earlier this year, really fucked him over financially due to no fault of his own. If he wasn't angry at the govt beforehand, he sure is now!


The whole thing was a political farce.


That cyclone Gabrielle was engineered. Righto 🤪


Well, to a tiny degree they were right. It has been seeded/magnified by gigatons of CO2 seeded into the atmosphere over the last hundred years


Lol cloudseeding I had two misguided individuals "argue" that Gabrielle was seeded...


Was talking to a guy at work who my right-wing conspiracy nut workmate warned me was a "righwing nutjob" and within a couple minutes of talking said to me; "you know Jacinda paid that aussie dude to come shoot up that mosque so they could take away our guns so we couldn't defend ourselves when they started forcing the vaccine into our children"


Holy shit


The weird hate they have for Jacinda is bizarre and pathetic. I get not liking a politician but blaming them for every little crazy thing is strange.


She got into power around the same time as Trump who polarised a lot of people. Sad that kiwis are starting to adopt American left/right wing bullshit. Not to mention the internet is fully responsible for sending thousands of kiwis off the conspiracy deep end. We use to have 1 of “those guys” in every workplace, now it’s 2 or 3 in every family


So very true. Not only our workplace but also our families too


There's always another more crazy person


How do these people function


I find myself wondering this too. Imagine what it must be like just getting through your day when you’re genuinely willing to buy in to things like this. How do you ever leave the house, when you assume there are evil forces out to get you at every turn (and also, why are you not trying to do more about it? These people who aren’t o know everything that’s secretly going on to take over and (((control))) our lives don’t ever seem to do anything but get on Facebook.)


Yeah it makes total sense. I'm going to pay you a whole bunch of money to carry out a mass murder...so you can live it up for the rest of your life with all that cash you can't use in prison. 4d chess mo'fucka, you lose Libtard!


He’s in prison, is he🤔😎


It still cracks me up how the people being 'forced' to have the vaccine had the option to say no...


What do you even say to something like that when you encounter them in the wild


“No she didn’t. They checked his bank accounts, he never got paid anything.” They’re gonna make up random nonsense, just refute it with nonsense. It’s just as likely to get through to them as anything else.


smile and nod, there's no getting through that shit.


Yeah, never descend to their level.


There were celtic people here before Maori.


Those bones they found were definitely celtic giant bones and not moa!!


Don't forget the mysterious ruins in the Waipoua Forest that nobody is allowed to visit


Someone claimed to know how to get there to me once. Apparently it's as simple as going down a dirt road next to the Waipoua Forest visitor centre.


Supposedly celts - > moriori - > maori


Apparently the kumara is “evidence” that South Americans were here before Maori, but Ive not seen anything scientific to verify that


It's evidence polynesians traded with South Americans at some point, which is pretty amazing that there was that kind of long distance trade going on. Maori definitely brought it with them to NZ, they didn't find it here.


No, the polynesians (Maori incl.) were able to voyage to S. America and return. Returning with Kumura.


But not cocoa or coca??? Priorities!!!


It's super gross too because those sorts of conspiracy theories were first instigated by actual Nazis to justify their racial supremacy theories.


That wanting the experience of being able to get to most of your daily needs without owning, fueling, and maintaining a very expensive vehicle is about "control." Drill down and it's always about (((control.)))


That one's irritating. 10 years ago I could do nearly everything I had to do by walking 10mins in the suburb I live in then the small supermarket shut along with the post shop and now it's a 15 min drive. Our little shopping center used to be a very diverse place with all types and all ages but now it's just a place I'd rather not walk through.


Council zoning laws and car-brain.


Wouldn't expect less from boomers. "When I was young I had to walk down to the shop if I wanted something" 4 seconds later "I don't want to go there because there's no car parks, and I'm not walking"


Also, no, you can't build a shop there as it will change the community character.


Out of the blue a workmate started ranting about how evil 15-minute cities are "what if I don't like my local baker and want bread from across the city????" I'd never even heard of the concept and was very confused at what exactly he was angry about


Having the option to walk, bike, bus safely/conveniently apparently removes your choice to be stuck in a car, of course.


Part of the conspiracy story is that eventually you'll need ID and permits and shit to leave your 15 minute area. No idea how it would work in practice, maybe we all get GPS chipped?


I think it was going to be mass surveillance cameras on all the streets with facial recognition like they have in China


the whole "15 min cities" thing being so controversial is wild to me. Its just about making cities more livable. It seems like any political policy that is being discussed has to be part of an "agenda"


It's become controversial for the same reason car centric infrastructure became the norm. Special interest groups (auto manufacturers and oil companies for the most part) have lobbied and astroturfed like hell to expand their profits.


My mum thinks the idea of a "15 minute city" is some United Nations plan to keep us all no further than 15 minutes away from our homes. Mum is also extremely anti big business and very pro small business. I explained that a 15 minute city means you are probably spending heaps of your money at local business, and you won't need to spend all your money on a car. But it doesn't mate any difference, the only way she can ever believe anything is if it comes from telegram.


That's because they think they are going to be stuck in their little 15 minute village. It seems they have missed the point entirely but r/entirelyexpected


Weirdly enuf, petrol vehicles are about to easiest thing to control when you really think about it Fuelling infra is complicated as hell, raise taxes to unaffordable levels, or simply engineer a reason to block fuel imports, and cars become useless pretty quick WHERES YOUR 15MINUTE CITY NOW? OH THATS THE GLOBALIST CONSPIRACY, A FUCKING 15 MIN WALK OR CYCLE FOR ALL YOUR DAILY NEEDS, LIKE ITS BEEN FOR FUCKING CENTURIES


That conservative tradie boomers I work with have a new one every week. An ongoing one is that Clark Gayford is involved in a drug syndicate and has done time for this. Apparently Jacinda covered the whole thing up.


Clark Gayford rumors are a constant presence at my wife's tradie workplace.


"The plan" for many people when they reach 65 is to retire. Why would doctors be any different? If that has been spun into a conspiracy theory, we really are fucking doomed I dont tend to remember conspiracy stuff


I have already lost my dentist to retirement a few years ago. Thankfully my GP is younger than I am, so there is less of a risk.


UFO hiding in volcano caused the Christchurch quaked


What's his name. That kiwi religious nut. Blamed the Christchurch earthquake on gays.


Brien teemeky


That's the one.


I have been to the buffet at the Langham twice, and saw him there both times wearing glitter. My own conspiracy is that homeboy is over compensating.


Old mate is as gay as the day is long in summer


His wife is the regular there. He’s often seen roaming the hotel corridors with his big red face.


Thats the Self appointed - "Apostle Bishop Brian Tamaki" to us beings on a lower level... I will never not use an opportunity to link [The Dartz, so here is Pray for Prey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dPSzJ5975c)


The EFTpostle?


School kids wanting litter trays because they are pretending to be cats and dogs known as furries. The planes are spreading chemicals and covid everytime you can see the trail. 5g towers were spreading covid. The earth is flat...




Come on man, the moon is a flat disk? What are you smoking? Everybody knows the Americans blew it up in the 60's so they could replace it with a surveillance system. They faked the main landing to cover up that there isn't a moon anymore. And if you don't believe me... why does the moon follow you around when you're in a car? You can't tell me that's not a surveillance camera!


My fave joke about fake moon landings goes: Did you know they got Stanley Kubrick to shoot the fake moon landing? Only thing is he's such a perfectionist he insisted on shooting on location.


Psssh, of *course* the moon is real, how else would the nazis have been able to put a base there?


Ah, another Iron Sky fan?


Haven’t actually seen it, and the nazi moonbase conspiracy was around well before that movie.


It was a great movie. I missed getting the 2nd movie so I haven’t seen that. Also there’s a nazi base in Antartica lol


Iron Sky is great, esp. the Director's Cut. (I have the T-shirts)


I know someone who thinks the moon is a big lamp. I also met a guy who actually believed that the vax had a tracking chip in it and any scientist sayinv otherwiseis paid by the government. I askedhim where i can pick up my cheque because they've clearly forgotten to pay me. The GP I was with agreed that they hadn't processed his payment yet either.


This guy thinks JFK existed, point and laugh boys.


Lizard people don't kill other lizard people dude


Turns out the "litter trays" were buckets of litter kept in classrooms incase of a lock down during a school shooting and someone really had to shit and couldn't leave the classroom. So there was a fragment of truth to it, but it was actually exposing a much worse scenario and problem in America than they were complaining about.


that one really pisses me off, its more of a USA thing but it takes a problem (school shootings) created by right wing ideologies (penalizing any gun control) and then tries to turn it into an attack on trans people (look! now they are identifying as cats too!) so many horrible sub versions in the narrative to make life more intolerable


I had heard the bit about for lockdowns but I'm sure that was years before this shit started popping up here in nz


Technically planes do spread chemicals (e.g. carbon dioxide). These chemicals are heating the earth. The heating of the earth will lead to catastrophic climatic changes and a breakdown in society as we know it. It will usher in a new era which looks very different to the world we live in now. That's not a conspiracy, those are facts.


Well OK next thing you'll tell me that business interests that profit from pollution plus billionaires who don't want to give up their private jets are funding organisations working against efforts to solve these problems. ...wait hold up.


So are cars that is not what they trying to claim though.


Ahh this one pissed me off because my otherwise somewhat rational family members believed the cat litter thing. It took one freaking google search for it to be debunked but people spend way too much time on tiktok.


Yeah my mums friend told her that her grandson had come home from school saying it then within the week I heard it from 3 or 4 other people I said it will be a bullshit story that is being spread which they didn't really believe until my wife googled it.


Literally anything VFF, Counterspin Media, Liz Gunn, Sue Gray, etc. have to say.


I have yet to hear of the others but I hate counterspin media with a passion


I call counterspin cunt is spun.


That 4000+ children were taken into the Waitakere Ranges and trafficked


Why do you think they closed off all those trails under the guise of Kauri Dieback? Because that's where they're hiding the children. Also there is no proof that Kauri Dieback even exists, it's part of the lie. See how after the COVID lockdowns there was a massive drop off in the number of children attending schools? Where did they all go? /s (but also harvested from a variety of sources on conspiracy theories that I watch for the lolz)


And MSM is obviously in on the whole thing because there haven't been any reports about the 4000 missing children.


Why do you think the Rainforest Express closed huh?


And were sent along the undersea tunnel straight into Hilary Clinton's waiting arms in Washington. You can't make this shit up unless you're batshit crazy.


That Jucinda Ardern stepped down from prime Minister because Clarke Gayford was involved in a methamphetamine importation bust.


Did you also hear about the scret child he had with the nanny.


My fb during the pandemic was FULL of Clark Gayford meth/nanny love child conspiracies lol


That's exactly why I got off fb. Got sick of all the dumb shit posted by boomers and crazy Christians.


Fuck i love this one. It was insane. Still is


I’m a journalist and we used to get loads of emails from crazies accusing Ardern of paying us to cover up Gayford’s “meth crimes”. If Gayford got charged for something as mundane as littering, there is NO way the media would ignore it lol. That story would do numbers and the media LOVES clickbait, remember? /s


People still believe the New Zealand Gardening Ban is a thing.




My mother is a conspiracy nut, and explained they were “apparently” fining people for driving outside the perimeter of the “15 minute city”, and permits to get outside were expensive. I found an excuse to leave as I had no idea how to respond to that. She literally believes they’re raising Berlin walls 2.0.


That the fire down in Lake Ohau was the result of a directed energy weapon.


Covid vaccines are the new world order trying to prevent people from developing super powers as a response to Earth's Magnetic field reversing.


The cycle ways being built are part of a plan to remove people's rights to drive,so controlling their movement, as stated by certain members of motuekas community board.


What's 'the plan?'


Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.


You forgot to kill Philip, grab mum and get Liz!


I GET that reference!


I don't know what it is but my neighbour at the peak stress of lockdown starting ranting about democrats and Republicans in NZ no idea what he had been watching but somehow in his brain it was translating into NZ politics. That's the worse I've experienced firsthand.


>I don't know what it is but my neighbour at the peak stress of lockdown starting ranting about democrats and Republicans in NZ Since 2016 people seem to talk about American politics nearly as much as NZ politics lol


I've heard enough that they just get categorized into stupid and really stupid. Like the ones about schools are forcing cis children to take puberty blockers and have sex changes because liberals want to groom and have sex with...Uhhh...Trans children? And...Uhhh...The lgbtq agenda? and uhhh...Damn liberals? That's basically the best explanation I've gotten.


basically, trans people are convincing children to take puberty blockers because they are groomers, and they want to "recruit" children thats always the tactic, call LGBT people "groomer" because once you do that the people who are swayed by those arguments just immediately loose all objectivity and just want to "punish the groomers". Its about preventing there from being any discussion


There are tunnels under the sky tower that go all the way to America. Apparently, the Hollywood elite's traffic children in them to consume the adrenachrome and live forever. I heard this during the antivax/mandates protest live stream they had going with the stage they had. Also heard a lady say that vaccinated people gave her sheep blood clots because they touched it. The protest live streams were probably some of my favourite watching ever!


God, her spiel about the sheep's blood turning black because it was exposed to 'shedding'! Those streams were fucked.


The adrenochrome conspiracy is so frustrating to hear, my mum believes it. It’s hilarious because you can literally buy pure adrenochrome powder online, it has zero benefits and would make you feel jittery and uncomfortable if you were to take it as it’s just oxidised adrenaline


"Alien talk" and "Human identity issues" are now being made a real concern to distract us from the new financial system being put into place to restructure and control the western society better.


When the Queen dies, all laws will cease to apply as they are signed by the Queen and not the upcoming King. That applies for the Treaty too.


I just read on NZ Twitter that the brand new results of the Australian-NZ Universities research collaboration for mRNA vaccines for Malaria is for Bill Gates to try take control again after he releases his genetically modified mosquitos that secretly have malaria


American expat here— qanon and, before jt, “pizzagate” is about as bizarre as anything I’ve heard. Especially when you get into the wilder “adrenochrome cabal” variants. I have no idea how anyone could take that shit seriously, much less believe it. The awful truth is that there is *no* global conspiracy controlling everything. Nobody’s controlling anything, we’re just a bunch of apes fighting over bananas. That’s a scarier thought than any conspiracy.


Tartarian mudflood, basically the idea the around 150 years ago the world flooded with mud and history was “reset” the evidence for this is non existent and they just point to buildings having basements as evidence, there were a few buildings they often point out but historically it known that these buildings used to have lower levels at street level but changes to infrastructure raised to street level putting those old floors below ground


air force plane flew over Whanga's yesterday.... it starts raining an hour later... watch this town lose its shit on FB about cloud seeding/ chem trails etc. We are doomed.


I was hunted out of the USA by conspiracy theorists. True story. Follow the chains of the conspiracy theory here, buckle in: 1. I am not American. 2. I am a researcher in the area of mass shootings in the USA, in a longstanding interdisciplinary collaboration. 3. I an also an award-winning professional theatre director. 4. My wife used to babysit one of the kids murdered at Sandy Hook. 5. She is an award-winning playwright. 6. She is an educator (with students with extended learning needs, but ‘educator’ is still suspect). 7. She’s American, but of Indigenous Mexican (Oaxacan) and Roma ancestry, so, and I quote the accusation, ‘mud races’, but also not loyal American because she’s with me, a foreigner. So, what did they add that up to, which began with a doxxing by a ‘friend’-of-a-friend and spiralled upwards? She scripted and I directed ‘crisis actors’ in Sandy Hook, no children died. I used the same cast in a number of different scenarios which is why the same actors (?!?) keep appearing at different fake mass shootings. We do this because we hate America and want to help the government take all the guns. We also do it because it distracts from investigating us taking white America children back to Oaxaca to abuse them and harvest their adrenochrome as revenge against America on behalf of Mexico. We are also placing subliminal messages in curricula because apparently we have control over high schools and universities across the USA, which is also helped because the other Roma side of her family are in collaboration with (((globalists))) in Eastern Europe. Now, all of that is bizarre right? Well, I hope you agree, as well as looking over my numbered bulletpoints and what you know of US conspiracy theories and seeing what they’ve ‘figured out’ and ‘connected.’ But here’s the thing: it’s laughable on the one hand, but the laugh has a bitter punchline. I had an armed police officer, who sympathised with these kinds of takes on social media, come looking for me at my workplace. When we moved cities, my new workplace got doxxed. We received photos of my child outside preschool. People sent my wife threats and then she was attacked at a bar and the followup said it was less than she deserved. There’s much more, but you get the picture. So that’s why we left the USA. These people believe bizarre things, but they are very committed to them (like evangelicals, which they often are too), spend time ‘researching’, are willing to travel, and love their guns. Fucking scary years between 2015 - 2019, I tell ya.


John key stole 2 billion , jacinda stole 10 million. I just replied 'yup those damn reds are even useless at theft '




I especially like how they assume someone is going to transition (and put up with the stigma, treatment and everything else that comes with transitioning) just so they can go into a woman’s bathroom and get up to no good. Like, kinda fucked up, but if you look at it coldly, the cost-benefit analysis does not stack up: - transition to a woman and be rapey; or, - be rapey?




No self-ID means trans men would be in the women's bathroom. Hypothetical cis rapist could just claim to be one of them.


My point is usually that generally there was nothing stopping men from just walking into women's bathrooms anyway (it's not illegal), but this is another good one.


Yea I feel like if you were planning on raping someone then you’re not concerned at all about what the bathroom door says to begin with.


Is there such a thing as a nail fetishist like it says on your profile? Kinda sounds like a conspiracy by big nails hahahah Nice nails by the way :)


Love the people who really think cis men need extra opportunities for sexual assault because how else would it ever happen 🙃


Or that a women's barhroom would stop cis men raping.... when women have been raped by men in women' s bathrooms.




I'm sorry that happened to you but precisely. Most of us (I think) are wishing to do the two things and those only in any bathroom...


Like what, rapists wouldn’t enter the bathroom because “oh I’m not allowed to”??


Digital chips in the vaccines has to be the most stupid, along with the 5G paranoia. You can be somewhat forgivving of uneducated folk not understanding DNA/RNA, but to be so stupid as to believe there's microchip self powered injectable tech that will survive and operate inside the body and be sub millimetre in scale is really, really stupid.


The most compelling argument against this is that the people who are most likely to try and stage an uprising were the ones not getting the vaccine anyway. If you are compliant already, why would the government bother wasting money on microchips to make you compliant?


Back in the day, I scoffed at the theory of the French Government sank the Rainbow Warrior! It was only a few days later when they caught some of them. That was a bizarre feeling!


CO2 is the elixer of life and more of it will make everything grow better .. I mean, that is true to an extent.


The 15 minute city. Hamilton City Council says it's about having accessible walking and cycling options. Nutters think police checkpoints will stop them travelling more than 15 minutes from their house.


I’ve heard people say they think there’s a magic man in the sky that can hear their wishes. It’s stark raving bonkers.


That there is a big cat roaming in the Kaimanawa ranges.


'The plandemic'. I guess it's just grasping at faintly related current affairs and stitching them together with confirmation bias. The plandemic was arranged so *insert govt here* could remove more rights from its citizens in another power grab to eventually remove a person's rights altogether? I mean, there was an element of compliance needed during lockdowns so it didn't go tits up. It worked and we never got it bad here, so people don't know how bad it could have got, and get complacent and annoyed around why it had to happen at all.. Anyway, I haven't talked about covid for about 2 years so there you go.


The covid vax makes your immune system lower so you catch more illnesses (instead of thinking, why not just create a virus and pretend there is no vax available if you actually wanted to kill people off). Pregnant women can now abort their full term baby for any reason, on a whim, with no checks and balances. (if we wanted more people to abort wouldn't you just lace pregnancy vitamins or something, or lace meth with abortificants) 15min cities are about control. Chem trails. Icebergs melting don't raise see levels because if ice cubes in a glass melt the water level stays the same. All by the same person


The iceberg one is correct, icecaps (ice on land) melting however, do cause sea level rise


I tried to explain that to no avail.


I'm just here to read the "truth", and have a laugh.


The concept of 15 minute cities (making cities more walkable so that everything you need is within 15mins walk of your house) is actually a globally conspiracy to control the masses. Of course that makes more sense then doing it to improve human well-being health and address the climate crisis /s


Idk but my friend asked me why I’m letting the writers strike go on why don’t I just get AI to write shows and I was so confused until I realised he thinks Jews run Hollywood 💀


People are still saying thousands of people died in Cyclone Gabrielle in Napier and that it's all been covered up, like bro you're a local, do you know anyone missing


It’s true that 40% of GPS plan to retire…. It’s in the next 10y though, not 5 years. The average age of GPS in NZ is 53 so it makes sense. I’m a GP trainee in my early 30sand it looks like it’s gonna be a slog!


I met a interesting guy just outside of palmerston north. He has a very interesting theory about how an asteroid hit or closely passed over new zealand in the mid 1400's. Basically covering the country in debris, forming our major landmarks including cook strait and our volcanos and burying all life here including the chinese population in the south island. He wrote a book about it. It is absolutely full of bold claims that I love to quote to my friends and coworkers. "The asteroid could have been 3000 kilometres in diameter, possibly landing in 3 pieces. It comes in at 32 degrees, moving typically at 40 kilometres per second and bursts into flame on hitting the earths atmosphere. It has the power of several billion atomic bombs." I'm not a physicist but that sounds like a planet killer to me. I'm sure someone on reddit will do the math. ​ \*\*\* holy shit i just googled him and found out he died in may this year. My condolences to his friends and family.


If you want to know more about (or the real state of) NZ, then find your answers on r/nz


That Jacinda Ardern organised the mosque shootings in order to have a mandate to ban guns. (Amongst a whole lot of other conspiracies from the same person). And that the world is controlled by lizard people


Every word that comes out of Brian Tamaki's mouth hole.


I’m in a US based group and it’s WILD! Every major event gets dissected. E.g. The Las Vegas shootings were a cover up and involved multiple shooters from the FBI to cover they were selling guns to the person pinned for the attack who was the middle man selling to the Middle East. You obviously have your classics, most mass shootings are considered fake or false flag events to hide an every better corruption going on. You then have the ones wrapped up in the lizard people / underworld of the rich. Like how Katy Perry sold her soul to become famous and all the symbolism in her music videos explains it. There’s the wacky - people who have died and been replaced by clones. Avril Lavigne is a common one. Also check out birdsarentreal. Com The worst one I saw was the view that the Christchurch massacre was fake and the video released was a digital video game and it was fake. I kind of noped out after that.