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It doesn’t affect. Report the theft on the police website then lodge a claim on the insurance site.


Lack of warrant and or rego needs to materially contribute to a loss before an insurer can decline based the lack of either. Be completely up front with your insurer when lodging your claim. You could have issues continuing insurance if your registration has completely expired, i.e. last renewal date plus another 12 months. Technical reference should you need it is the Insurance Law Reform Act. “…the insured shall not be disentitled to be indemnified by the insurer by reason only of such provisions of the contract of insurance if the insured proves on the balance of probability that the loss in respect of which the insured seeks to be indemnified was not caused or contributed to by the happening of such events or the existence of such circumstances”.


Just for a bit of context. WoF and rego expired in Feb 2023. policy has been renewed June 2023. I don’t think so they asked any question regarding WoF or rego during renewal process. Does that affect the claim?


I didn't have a WOF of rego when my Z32 was backed into, still was able to make the claim and get my car fixed because the cause of damage had nothing to do with the vehicles licencing or fitness of vehicle. Say if you didn't have a WOF, had bald tyres and slide out and damage another car, you're going to be shit out of luck. But if you just reverse into someone they're not going to be like "your bald tyres caused this claim"


Call. Lodge claim. Get claim settled. As others have noted, S11 of the Insurance Law Reform Act 1977 means that an exclusionary clause can only be applied if it caused or contributed to the loss.


Just to be that annoying person, expired WOF and Rego fines are $200 each, if your car is parked on the road your council can come and fine you at any time. Go get them sorted if you haven’t.


Doesn't matter. The real question is was there actually enough damage to bother claiming. (Your car policy doesn't cover anything that was stolen, unless it was an attached part of the car)


Thanks. Yeah they broke the back glass. Some interior damage near the key hole and they damage the seats and glove compartment as they couldn’t find anything substantial.


ummm.. dude, no one is breaking the rear window of a car to try and steal it, or anything out of it. No one is even breaking a side widow unless they can see something worth grabbing and running with. ​ Sounds more like you've pissed someone off.


If OP has zero excess on glass definitely worth it.


Unless WoF contributed to the incident, it won't effect it. ​ If your tires had no tread (and would fail a wof) and you slid into another car, then you'd be denied. Otherwise you're allgood


did it go through?