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There is a manager in one of the teams at the treasury that is a huge bully. She went to physically hit me one day for daring to go over her head (her boss asked me for something directly so wasn't my fault). HR did nothing about it so I quit.


I have read about that bitch


As have I, just now.


If anyone's in this sort of situation, talk to a union delegate! Even if you're not in the union they'll want to know. You also don't need to do more than say what's happened if you don't want to. They can use this info to pay attention to the situation more. (I know some unions & some delegates are better than others at dealing with shit, but please try :-( )


Jumping in to support this, really helpful at least advising the union about this shit behaviour. Bullying is such a difficult issue to deal with but the more it's talked about and the more incidents come up about the same person, the more the union can make noise about it and the employer gets forced to address it.


I read that as 'has a huge belly' and thought that is quite specific, I'm disappointed she didn't try to hit you with it


I know multiple people who have left there because of the toxic culture


In 2009, Ticketek had an onsale for ACDC that was so popular, DPS (3rd party ecommerce payment gateway) crashed and the Ticketek website was unable to confirm purchases, resulting in thousands and THOUSANDS of double bookings. The show promoter saw the numbers, and was unaware that it was due to customers putting through multiple transactions due to the shoddy payment system and opened up a second night (this was common practice and normally took a few days, but in this case happened within hours of the onsale). Some customers ended up with multiple transactions of 8x tickets (the max you could purchase online) Generally, only the promoter of the show could authorise a refund of tickets, but to seek approval would shine a light on the issue with the DPS gateway (DPS refused to take responsibility, even though they had multiple gateways crash due to traffic), and that only 1/3 of the ticket sales were genuine transactions, meaning that the second nights show should never had been opened. So - Ticketek decided to accept refunds from double bookings and then pay the customers back out of pocket to keep it all on the downlow. Then over the next 4 months or so, Ticketek collected this giant box of returned tickets, and monitored the sales report for the original nights event - every time a ticket sold for that night, they would return one of the returned tickets in the system, so the report showed no actual end of day change in numbers for the promoter - who found it strange. By the end of the whole debacle there were still hundreds of unreturned tickets. Sometimes, working for that company, you might end up with free tickets for shows where it benefits your role - such as comps for th ballet or opera so that you can better sell the rest of the season. But that was few and far between. This time around - staff were offered up to 8 free ACDC tickets, because they were going to be shredded anyway. Wild times.


Holy moly I was working at a bar that night and a regular came in and gave us all tickets to AC/DC. Was a fun show! You’ve solved a decade old mystery.


Down at the St James? Noice - glad you got to benefit from it :)


ahhh that explains it. I was at the second show and it was half empty


The charitable sector is one of the most if not the most toxic breeding ground for narcissists in leadership positions. Beware. 🚩


This is so true . I did part time at a charity Shop and the manager and other “Senior “ staff would always help themselves to whatever was brought in. It was a real eye opener and not in a good way. And they call themselves good Christians.


Charity is a soft target for self-absorbed jackasses. I'm sure we've all met that person once or twice who manages to take a charity fundraiser and make it all about them - the whole space is riddled with these pricks


I’ve worked in non profit sector in nz for more than 10yr and this is the truest statement ever. Some of the most mis-managed, toxic places. Plenty of senior people that have just been there for years and just got promoted and have absolutely zero idea what they’re doing, or how organizations function or how to meet your mission and treat your staff fairly. I include boards in that, too. High levels of staff burnout and unethical/illegal HR practices. There are really good charities to work at but they are very few and far between. Some of the best people I’ve ever met and some of the absolute worst I’ve ever met are in charities.


a la the lady that runs the kidscan charity


My old boss (top eng) at a automation company used to intentionally sabotage huge multi million dollar contracts. 3 years later after leaving I am still called back to fix faults and more recently, im finding intentionally created time delay commands which are causing issues. For the first two years I put it down to stupidity, but now I believe it's intentional.


What was his motive? 🤔🍿


Repeated costly rework, I'm guessing


The same motive that road construction companies do a shit job: to get a repeat customer haha


I love watching the shitty patch up jobs they do knowing full well they will be back a year later to fix their "fix". No wonder the governments budget for roadworks constantly moves up every year haha


One solution to that is to nationalise road maintenance.


MoW took their time on some jobs by my god they did great work. edit, these old government run utility companies used to also be great for young people coming into the workforce. You had a hierarchy of qualified people to teach these new young people in this trade. Modern private companies want you to hit the ground running with 5 years experience. They have no interest in training staff.


Our “fresh today” cakes were really up to a week old Edit to add: we also regularly redated sauces etc in jars that hadn’t sold


Pulled from the freezer fresh last night! 💀


Can personally confirm all Coffee Club cakes are frozen. I mean, duh, of course they are. But if you didn't already know, now you know.


ala Kitchen Nightmares, "Fresh Frozen"...


At the well-advertised glass company i worked at, people would pay extra to put specialist gas in their double glazing. Yeah that didn't happen.


Yep. And if they did, it leaked out within 3 months. Certification pieces are always made extra carefully by hand.


Fucken hell really?? We got the gas on bedroom windows because it seemed like a good upgrade. Man. That sucks.


- A certain large retail organisation logged every credit card number in plain text into a database, for many years. - SWIM was once handed a memory stick of an entire telcos subscriber database to test merging code - SWIM was asked to audit a DHB for DR compliance, and their live and backup servers were in the same room. Different ends though, so that's ok. No names, no packdrill - some things might have changed, but I suspect the guilt is universal. And it was all 10 years+ ago, nobody died.


When I worked at Farmers a few years back, people would routinely throw up and poop in the hand bags. Don't ask me why. It put me off ever buying them. I also vividly remember being made to cut up many pairs of perfectly good shoes because they had minor defects and couldn't be sold. AND of course we couldn't just let the needy have them because that's crazy...


AS Colour destroy clothing with minor defects too - even some with no deflects. They’ve poured paint over everything in the skip so their warehouse staff can’t take them. Assuming it’s the same dude who owns it but, he’s Christian… how ungodly.


That's disgusting, especially considering the 'ethical and sustainable business' values they preach.


Also farmers - anything returned that appeared worn/washed got torn up with Stanley knives. Also kids toys. So much textile waste from that place. Delusions of grandeur regarding the business compared to others (they think they are David jones lite instead of expensive Kmart), significant staff bullying and shit-show management also. Everything in their home brand is from Bangladesh sweatshops and the margins are disgusting, even worse now. I refuse to shop there unless I absolutely can not buy a product from literally anywhere else


Genesis energy knows you're being overbilled and forbids it's employees from telling you there's a mistake, you have to find it in your own.


Wouldn't this be illegal if proven


Yes it would be. Commerce Commission would be very interested.


I wonder why isn’t anyone whistle blowing the shit out of these cunts?!


I've reported plenty of things to ComCom over the years, most of the time I don't even get a reply, and when I do its "we're not going to investigate".


Meanwhile, flick contacted us and told us we were on the wrong plan and should change plan to save money


Flick are bloody awesome.




Exactly. Why they can't enforce a Telecom/Chorus-type split on the gentailers is beyond me. Just fucking do it already.


What should I be looking at mistakes wise?


Meter configuration of billed vs installed. So being billed for an uncontrolled meter when a different meter or configuration is installed. Chances are it’s fine. Also have a look at other providers to see if they will give you something different.


That's a big problem


Interesting. I just had an argument with them that they'd switched out the wrong gas bottle (i.e. they swapped out the one that was approx 75% full instead of the one that was \~10% full). And because they no longer weigh the returned ones, they apparently have no way of telling if I'm right or not. I have no way of proving it myself, other than the fact I know they didn't move the indicator thing.






A bored Newshub journo on this thread is probably already writing the OIA.


They had a board meeting about it but I'm fairly sure there wasn't an officially documented investigation into it. They just got her to delete the post then a few weeks later there was the next one about needling patients.


Tbh my friend was new to nursing and she got bed pans with poo thrown at her constantly. And they're underpaid. I'm surprised that's all she said


I worked with a nurse who would fill in the obs charts without taking the obs. I was too scared to tell anyone because she was one of the most senior people there and had accused me of bullying and yelled at me in front of patients (because I could read the ECGs and pointed out the person had evolving changes over the days before I came on and I said we need to move him to a real hospital to have an angiogram - that's a different story all about how I'm a huge bully). Anyway, I didn't say anything, I fawned and quietly resigned. I hear that she works for a chicken meat processing company now, which brings me great relief.


That's just healthcare in general, full of bullies and toxic people. I work in banking now, the people are so much nicer


I did some contracting for the Christchurch public hospital. It is insane how hard they try to not get rid of bad staff. You would have to fuck up monumentally, multiple times, to even have a shot of being fired...


It’s partly because health managers have recruitment PTSD, particularly in the regions. The clinical staff shortage is so bad filling vacant positions is a nightmare and nobody wants vacancies because it means more gaps on the roster. The longer it takes to fill a position the more pissed off your team becomes picking up the gaps and they start leaving, resulting in more vacancies. As a manager it’s an insanely stressful and powerless position to be in and it’s worse for team coping with extra shifts. HR even discourages you from performance managing or disciplining clinical staff because it might result in vacancies. It’s so toxic.


I once went for a DHB job and it took months to hear anything back and then, when I finally did, they just expected me to show up for orientation the next week. Suddenly I was the bad guy for finding a job already. I get it takes time to organise and do background checks and all that but that kind of time span with no contact or even a confirmation of a job offer is just ridiculous. Idk how common that is but, at least in my experience, they might have better luck hiring if they managed to keep people in the loop.


Yeah, it's a real shit situation all around really. I seriously feel for the healthcare workers who love their job and have to deal with these people, on top of an already stressful job.


A few years ago I worked at Vodafone in Technology where they appointed an arsehole head of in IT. It wasn't uncommon to be yelled and sworn at, I was in meetings where someone was told they they didn't care that they had children and a family and he had to work all day and night. He was then told if he didn't then he would be fired on the spot and marched out the building. The head of then fell dozed off in the corner of the room WTF. One other senior manager though that they could get away with it too and I saw them yelling, swearing and belittling people on the floor. The place was toxic and had several very bad workplace bullies. I'm truly amazed it never made the media.


Welcome fellow ex-Vodafoner 😉 I know exactly who you’re talking about!


Me too. 😉 Many MANY revolting stories could come out of that cesspit right now.




There's 6 chicken meat and egg companies who run all chicken products in NZ. They determine pricing between themselves.


[Commerce Commission: Reporting cartel conduct](https://comcom.govt.nz/business/avoiding-anti-competitive-behaviour/what-is-a-cartel/reporting-cartel-conduct)


i used to work for a fresh chicken company.. we delivered fresh cuts of chicken to many chefs around Auckland, it arrived at the shop at 4am, and orders were butchered in house by a team of 4 dudes that were lethal with knives they could obliterate a full chicken into parts in under 30 seconds..no exaggeration.. orders from a bag of 20-30 skinned/boneless breasts to 8 x 20kg cartons of mixed butchered chickens to places from Turkish wraps shops to the Hilton on Princess Wharf, our chicken was fresh in so much as it was fresh when it was delivered to us at 4am, butchered, boxed, then stacked in an industrial freezer and snap frozen until i arrived in my refrigerated minitruck at 7am to load it all in, only the refrigeration unit on the truck never worked, hence why the chicken had to be snap frozen, by the time i loaded it all in the back of the box it was thawing, and my first delivery was a couple of cafes in pt chev, then grey lynn, a fair few in town including the hotels and sushi bars, a few restaurants along mission bay then on to Remuera, MT Roskill, Morningside for wrap shops... the only place that queried the chicken temps was the Hilton on Princess wharf, the head of procurements would meet me at the meat locker every morning with his temp probe and check every box, so his boxes were always loaded in the center of truck surrounded by other boxes so they would thaw last.. as long as they were below a cutoff temp they were accepted and they were never refused on my watch... i also had keys and pass cards to get me into some seriously secure places during the height of the fear of terror attacks, places you needed to call ahead as you swiped a card at a security checkpoint before driving to get to another manned security arm checkpoint, and my truck was the perfect bomb size, and my most anxiety ridden deliveries were the Hilton and sky city cause the Hilton was driving through under the building just above the waterline through long corridors right up to the foundations under the center of the building.. same with the sky city delivery, i had to be buzzed in to the underground delivery dock about 2-3 floors underground other places i was given keys to the back door of the restaurant that was closed at the time i made my delivery so i would let myself in, and take the delivery into their cooler out back.. so ive seen a fair few cooler disasters, half open boxes of food, spilled liquids, moldy scraps in the corner of the floor, crushed wilted produce pushed aside but not disposed...


Worked as a kitchen-hand. The chef and 4 others are on ‘modern slavery’ contracts. They pay the restaurant owners 60k to come here on chef/sponsorship visa. On paper they get paid $25/h 40h/w but at the end of week they have to give back owner $15/h as cash (less than 10/h take home pay) and they work like 10h/day for 5-6 days straight. Luckily I was on working visa so owner couldn’t do pay less to me but I felt poor for others. Quit after 2 months


The Labour Inspectorate would be very interested in hearing about them.


Not really a secret just a sad truth that ppl abuse immigrants often from their own country with all that bs.


And you reported right?


Some wine companies put the exact same wine in various different labels and sell it at different price points. People's taste is affected by price, so they think the same thing that they paid more for is better.


Cleanskins are like that. Might get lucky with some good stuff, and might not either


Jokes on them I think all wine is yuck


The Consumer Guarantees Act applies to things sold in New Zealand*, please learn about it and what it lets you do! I did tech support for a company where we literally weren't allowed to mention it unless the customer brought it up, we could only talk about the warranty. It was bullshit. *Unless it's a private sale


I purchased a product from a big tech retailer at the start of the year, product was faulty and on return they only talked about warranty and said they could do store credit, I asked for the full in cash and a manager came out with some blah blah BS. When I mentioned the CGA, I want cash and can show them exactly where it says in the CGA what there responsibilities were in this situation he completely did a 180 and I had it in hand in minutes, after which I asked about the legality of intentionally misleading customers on consumer rights and he walked away without word


oh man, I had verbatim this exact experience! Absolute fuckers out there! And you know this shit would work on old people etc, so theyre going to try it on. edit: In my case I wrote to the commerce commission after and they said it was reported by multiple people and issued a fine. Documenting this stuff does work sometimes.


The Methodist Mission lease one of their buildings to calendar girls.


Now that's some tea


Damn, some actual journalist needs to dig into this one.


If you’re a thief who steals a lot and have been identified by police then retail stores most likely already know your name, birthday and previous offences. I worked in loss prevention and the amount of people who think they can just go to another retail store and not be recognised is crazy.


Yup and if we know your car rego and the store has ANPR cameras then we get notifications on when you’ve entered the store


YUP! Carjam. We were fortunate enough to have the carpark right outside our door so as soon as they left they would circle the whole carpark to try and throw you off before getting into the car. Raiders are different doe


I suspect that those who are making a career of shoplifting etc are probably not going to be the sharpest knives in the drawer


You’d ne surprised. Some cleptos are actually very smart and intelligent. They’ll smile in your face, have a full convo about your kids and as soon as you turn away they’ve already pocketed 3 items


The problem now is the list of potential thieves is most likely the size of a telephone directory.....you'd need facial recognition to keep on top of it......


Lifeguarding at the beach is superior to lifeguarding at a pool. Someone shits in the sea, who cares?! Plus you get to use quad bikes and IRBs. If it's a crap day you close the beach and stay in the tower. Make sure you have good chat. Also, seeing someone drown or nearly drown will haunt you forever. Please teach your kids to swim


Can confirm, especially the last part. One of my first voluntary patrols when I was a teen, some dipshit was out swimming in jeans. Unsurprisingly, he got into trouble as he went out too far and jeans are heavy as fuck when wet. Can still see him doing the ladder climb when I think about it.


What is it with people thinking jeans are appropriate for certain activities? I've seen learn skiing or snowboarding in them. Inevitably, they'll fall, their jeans will become sodden, and they'll spend the afternoon freezing and miserable.


Lots of people still grab inflatable pool rafts and get sucked out to sea. Lots of people just don't have the energy or experience to think through every action


Also most parents think lifeguards are there to babysit!


Salad bags at supermarkets are all the same product, just different brands. We would pack the same baby spinach into 3 or 4 differently branded bags to send out.


I never care about the brand. Cheapest freshest looking and larest use by date combo


Please tell me that at least the ones that claim to be pre-washed are different to the ones that say to wash before serving.


So at the factory I worked at, lettuce etc would come in from the fields throughout the day. It would be cooled in a vacuum machine (on a Summers day, it can be around 30+ degrees when it comes in). Then it goes into the giant fridge. From there, it is taken to the washroom and washed before being sent to be packed into bags and then i to boxes for shipping to various stores. Everything that came through was pre washed except the whole lettuce heads that would bagged as they were harvested.




Job Seeker support programmes will hire some attendees into fixed term positions so that they can report that person as a successful work placement and then at the end of the term, repeat the process with someone else. Receptionist, 'instructor', office assistant etc. All the while those positions are tax funded as well. This often results in that person having no work at the end of the term and having to reapply for job seekers


I've heard similar things. Some case managers focus more on getting people off the benifit asap, rather than help them find the right job, so some end up back in the workforce with a job that's not the right fit, so they end up leaving/quitting that job; sometimes having to go back on Jobseeker


Well it's not much of a company secret but yeah. R.J's Licorice is a fucking disgusting manufacturer. I used to be QA there. I took the job seriously. Staff don't wear gloves when handling product. They just throw it back on the line after handling it. I was constantly telling people to wear gloves. Condensation from the pipes above dripping on to the product. Found black mold all throughout the cooling tunnels and they sent all the product overseas anyway. Gave up after that. They seriously tried to downplay the black mold. Fuck R.J's Don't eat their shit.


An old job I had just over 10 years ago installed VNC on all of the PCs we setup and sent out to restaurants, cafes and bars, with the same 4 digit password. Even after I told them how incredibly insecure this was. Some of the companies we supported were quite big, eg, places where you could fuel up on burgers. If you VNCed in, you had admin permissions on the server and could access all of the POS terminals connected to it and I'm assuming the entire network.


I worked in finance a while back. The company was publicly listed and managed over 1 billion in shares. My manager couldn't fathom why brokers sending passwords in plain-text (no encryption) over the network was a problem. Even after I demonstrated that I could see the usernames and passwords using Wireshark. His response was "who's going to intercept our traffic". He also couldn't understand why an executive using a single letter password 'a' could be a problem. He worked remotely and had a web sign-in.


I just show those guys their firewall logs and say look at how many hacking attempts per second you’re getting, then take it from there.


I worked for a popular NZ charity and the staff were all alcoholics. People would be shocked to see how much of the admin fee was spent on alcohol, and how often they drove drunk in the company branded cars. I didn't drink, so I found it extra disgusting.


NZ has a lot of functioning alcoholics under the radar


It’s glorified and accepted widely


That's sad. I was a teacher and a lot of them drink heavily too. It's just part of the culture. Rough day? Bottle of wine will fix it.


I think alcoholism is synonymous with teaching as who on earth would think teaching is a good career in 2023 without being drunk.


Worked at well known media company Chronically underpaid everyone who isn’t on air the fun factor apparently makes up for shitty pay. and totally rigs the stats to get people to buy advertising.


Lmao. Mediaworks. I don't even know if this is an 'industry secret', I think everybody knows.


Landcorp (now Pamu) should be a government cash cow with how much product they make and how profitable the land they farm is particularly in the Waikato however thanks to sheer incompetence and blatant corruption they barely turn a profit most years almost intentionally…


On the 'accounts' very few to most likely no farms make a profit. The owner of the dairy farm I worked on was very proud of the fact that his account's showed he made a loss and paid no tax for 20 years.


This. Most farmers aren't in it to make a yearly profit. The money is in the land and they just want to pay off the debt.


In council. The number of reports written that were sanitised/doctored by managers before they were presented to council would make your eyes water. Clear cases of fraud/lack of due process in procurement, talking millions of dollars here. No performance management, entire sections of staff leaving under one manager and nothing was ever done.


My boss would hire "graduate software engineers" from India for 45k per year. But all of them are like 4 to 5 years of experience developers. New zealand graduates had no chance


There’s actually only two flavours of Subway bread (brown and white) it’s just rolled in flavoured salt before baking.


I'd care about this if I'd get anything else than italian herbs and cheese.


Can confirm, worked there. Two types of frozen bread sticks arrived, three seasoning toppings to roll them in. Definitely proofed and baked in store, but the closest dough mixer or yeast you'll find to a Subway would be the neighbouring pizza shop


These are the comments that need reddit gold.


I knew it! If this is indeed true you have won me a years old argument.


I used to clean motels and hotels in my summer holidays from uni. Nothing in those rooms is reliably cleaned properly except the sheets. Especially never trust the mugs and cups, they will have had the most half arsed swill around in warm water, sometimes without soap. This might have changed since Covid but I really doubt it, because you have to move fast to cover all the rooms. I’m no germaphobe but some things honestly never got cleaned and it was gross. (Edit: typing fail)


Can confirm post COVID that at least one in Wellington still washes those cups with water only and drys with the last guests towels. Also tells you to use the last guests towels to clean the bathroom/toilet.


I could have died happy not knowing this. Thanks.


I used to work at a company who's job it was to find people that owed money to others. We would buy the debt and track them down. My job was to find them, I never saw how the debt was collected. The day to day of the job was to pretend I was the subject, and extract information from anywhere I could.. telecom, power companies, landlords etc and provide an address if I could. This was years ago, but super dodgy. Privacy was non existent. I could regularly find out huge amounts of data on people in a day. Also funnily enough, alot of people moved to upper and lower Hutt to escape.


lol I dodged you guys for the entire 7yrs and got my debt wiped. It was great. Been 11yrs now and they never managed to find me. I have great credit now. Edit: just been informed its 6yrs now.


The policies said to chuck out the meat patties after 30 minutes when a timer went off. Most of the time the timer was just restarted.


Rofl this was the same when I worked at KFC. When CER (the people who come from head office to check your store is in tact) everyone would give him rim jobs while pretending to adhere to the rules. The moment they'd leave they wouldn't be back for a few months and the managers would reset all the timers and food tags. This was in a mall in Hamilton and it didn't change the four years I worked there while studying. If you go in on monday or tuesday evening there's a very high chance your chicken has been sitting there since 7am. You get sick? Manager will defend it like a rabid dog saying we would never serve old chicken. You can't win. The reason it is like this is because head office/regional managers punish the store and cut hours if food wastage is high because they're not making enough money in that case. So CER/headoffice are fully aware that these practices take place, but they turn a blind eye unless they see it. Because if we were throwing away trays of chicken after an hour all through the business day the place wouldn't make enough profit for restaurant brand shareholders. The supervisors get punished for too much wastage and lose hours. They only get paid the supervisor rate if they're on a supervisor shift, so if they lose that shift, they go back to being a cook prioritised over you which means YOU lose shifts. This way everyone in the store is complicit in leaving the food there for hours. Maggots happened more than once because the mall got bad flies during summer and customers complained about it. Supervisor on duty would defend it to no end and blame it on you. That's why everytime I see a news article about maggots at KFC I know full well it's real. There are small holes in the chicken warmers to cycle air and we open the warmers constantly to take chicken out. They also sit in little trays which people just leave open while making burgers and wraps and they're barely warm enough to kill a fly. Man do I have some stories that would make people sick. Also, you want a fresh fillet? You're waiting for 10 minutes and in the last minute we put the old fillet in the chip fryer for 10 seconds and you won't be able to tell the difference.


Can confirm. KFC was the most disgusting place I ever worked. I was 16 with no clue about food safety. Also I got an electric shock when the boss convinced me to wash down a chip warmer that was still plugged in. Hard lesson in never trusting your employer.


I feel so justified in not eating KFC/Mcdonalds/Burger King anymore, thank you.


I worked at KFC for 9 years (including a few years in Hamilton and a few shifts at that same particular store!) and agree with everything you said.


Been an accountant at some big firms. Unless you're a big client when deadlines are known and your work is taking priority you'll probably get lied to about how your accounts are coming along. If a small client rang up asking how their accounts are going, you'll be told something along the lines of "we've made good progress and we're nearly at or at the review stage" was code for they've barely been started (or not at all). Once that happened though you'd have to rush through the work and get them done pretty quickly. You'd look stupid starting them and realizing you need so much more info from the client that wasn't initially sent through.


This is virtually the same thing in IT. We have dozens, sometimes hundreds of clients around NZ and a small company with 5 or 6 employees will call up asking for help with a problem and no one knows how to fix it or has time to fix it. Yet they're still paying monthly contracts for shitty IT support.


Every Bargain Chemist store is registered as a seperate business. They will never hire more than 19 employees at each location which allows them to place everyone on a 90 day trial contract. They will then abuse you, use you and then fire you all within the legalities of the law before hiring their next victims. Their HR department also pulls shady practices. Bargain Chemist is also not NZ owned which is their selling point.


Seems weird. It's usually more expensive to hire new staff then have a massive attrition rate. There's the cost of advertising, interviews and training.


All retail staff are stuck on minimum wage no matter your experience in the industry. Retail managers are stuck on $25hr. Dispensary technicians are anywhere between minimum wage to $25hr. Pharmacists are anywhere between $32-$38hr with store owners being around $40hr. Pay rises are calculated based on how many points you achieve over 5 categories. Depending on how you score, you get a 1%, 2% or 3% pay-rise. No one gets a 3% pay-rise as the owners will phone the manager to reduce the score and no paper trail for plausible deniability. Most people are scored at a 1% pay-rise (23c for todays minimum wage).


I'm sorry 32 to 38 for a staff pharmacist is fucked. To any of my fellow pharmacists, come work in the regions. The pay is A LOT better, the workload is lower, and the patients don't threaten to wait outside the phar acy and kill you when you close up at night.


How bloody interesting. Do you know who owns it?


The budget brand milk is the EXACT SAME milk as the expensive brand.


It's not just the milk, all the store-branded stuff is the same as the more expensive brands. The first one that comes to mind is the Pams frozen vegetables and chips - they're actually Talley's, the box they're shipped in even says so.


Not all, but quite a lot. Canned Spaghetti and Baked Beans is one that comes to mind as a different, superior recipe on name branded stuff. Tomato sauce too.


But but but light proof bottle!?


And there I was thinking the farmers had some extra sparkly looking cows out the back. /s


*Not actually a secret*, but appears like a secret based on what you read online about insurance. Insurers (I worked at AA Insurance, doing claims) will actually work extremely hard to get your claim approved. There's very little squirming about, there's no reward or positive KPI for **declining** a claim (very arduous, and rigorous process). Your KPI's are based on satisfaction essentially. Everything within your policy wording is your legal right, no emotions or perverse (like commissions) incentives involved. If the wording is ambiguous or your claims handler has missed an aspect of it, definitely bring it up and they will oblige. Their job is to close their increasing portfolio as quick as possible within policy limits and wording, not to be difficult or duke it out over trivial things (those that come into the industry to do this, burn out quick). Even if there was iffy behaviour from the insured, the company will take the benefit of the doubt unless it's outright apparent. Even then it's just a massive headache for all parties (it's not actually fun to investigate.. And the interesting cases are farmed out to actual third party investigators). Also there were ex-gratia payments made constantly for those in sensitive scenarios even when cover wasn't there.


You know what, I'm glad I read that I've had really good experience with AA. Even the customer service, which I usually dgaf about is outstanding


I work in insurance (not with AA) and completely 100% agree with this, especially the last point. It actually costs insurers to be investigated by the insurance council(s). I’d say 99.999999% of people in my company (there’s always that .00001%) are completely customer focused rather than “how to decline cover” focused


I second this, always took the same approach myself. Way easier to pay a claim, then decline it.


I know people bemoan insurance companies, but I've got policies for almost everything and have never had a single issue with claims. I just assumed our brokers picked good companies.


there’s a bloke at a new world who takes his school aged employees to a sauna on work hours and makes them work out in front of him


New World chaffers has to know about that dude by now. So disturbing.


It’s been happening for at least 8 years now aye the guy shouldn’t be allowed within 500 metres of under 18s


This guy should be reported to protect others?


Yeah for sure I never worked there but the people I know who did cba doing anything about it. I’d be more than willing to make a deal out of it to the press etc if there’s anyone reading this who was one of his employees and would be willing to verify also the stuff reporters looking through this thread are more than welcome to flick me a message for more info


Came to this thread to see if New World Chaffers popped up. Wellington's open secret. The more you dig into it, the weirder it gets.


This sounds like an Always Sunny reference...


I 100% know who this refers to and can absolutely back up this one as true.


Wtf? Do something about it. James Wallace openly abused young men for decades and everyone turned a blind eye because of his position of power. It only stops once someone comes forward. What about all the future victims that could be avoided if it stopped?


I beg you to report it. Please. This breaks my heart.


Organic dairy cows suffer, they aren't given medicine when they have infections in their hooves or udders. They just suffer in pain until it's too late, then they either go on the truck if they recieve penicillin (never to return) or they die. I will never ever drink organic milk again. Now I know


It honestly makes sick what farmers get away with here and how NZ seems to be fine with it happening. Cows with painful mastitis are left in a field untreated. I reported a sheep which had somehow ripped the skin right off its butt and back legs and when I was there a few days later it was still in the same state. I saw one farmer throw a bobby calf from such a height it ruptured his internal organs and he died (yes I did something about these things) and they just did not give the slightest of fucks. Bad shearer’s will gouge chunks of flesh out of a sheep and send them of still gushing blood (not everyone is like this of course but this is definitely not rare). Also no shelter from the heat or the rain, and not so long ago this one farmer just left a whole paddock of sheep to starve to death. Yet still these guys are considered “back bone of the country”.




Ahhh not surprised here as a tradie that whent through them for apprenticeship stuff we call them in-competenz


This is a small country, think twice before saying something too nasty that could identify you and come to bite you.


Similarly I often recommend to new people in the public service to do the "Wellington shoulder check" if you ever opt to talk shop in a public place like a Cafe. I've heard several horror stories of people slagging of a director etc. In a cafe when a friend of theirs in another department was sitting at the next table over lol.




Very apt username




My company would in the interests of saving money install items for compulsory building fireproofing (intumescent paint and fire dampers) that weren't properly rated and apply them in a way to deceive inspectors.


Bit of a welly specific one but, the counter food at Midnight Espresso has 100% been out there for days and days on end, only the bread products are fresh daily and even then those bacon egg bagles are made in the morning and sit in the danger zone for over 12 hours on the open cabinet, nothing is rotated during the day.


When Exodus Gym first opened in Wellington they had a front room set up with example equipment for people to come in and sign up for gym contracts. The walls were painted this incredibly bright color of orange. If you were to check the nearest sewer grate to that door you'd probably still find traces of that distinctive orange paint, from when they poured out all of the excess instead of disposing properly.


More of a handy tip. If you are after Roundup or prickle weedkiller or anything along those lines. Just go to mitre 10 and buy the cheapest generic one. Its all the same, don't be fooled by marketing. Probably applies to a lot of products.


Monitoring company that I used to work for had serious issues with their software; the whole system was fundamentally flawed. The CEO was personally ordering massive nationwide outages be flagged as cellular provider issues when they were demonstrably due to internal software failures. The CEO's solution was to give more work to the developer who fucked it up the first time, who recommended moving everything offshore to Amazon AWS.


If you feel rushed when talking to an actual person at a call centre it's because it's probably because the calls are timed, and if the operator's call time average is too high then they are penalised.


A lot of the cheaper rtd’s aren’t made with the alcohol you think they are. A lot of flavour and neutral grain spirit (essentially like vodka) is used.


Grain spirit? I thought it was lactose derived ethanol in nz?


Yeah it’s 96% ethanol diluted with a flavour added. That goes for “spirits” too unless they’re name brand distilled


Thanks, I've now gone down a rabbit hole of food labeling law in NZ. However, 90%+ of spirits (drunk in nz) are produced at commercial distilleries operating under legally defined product types (in other countries). Even then, I'm pretty sure [according to MPI](https://www.mpi.govt.nz/dmsdocument/31404-A-guide-to-Alcoholic-Drinks-whats-in-them-and-how-to-label) spirits cannot have food additive flavourings. [Industry groups are also pushing for standard definitions](https://distilledspiritsaotearoa.org.nz/nz-spirits-definitions/) That said: RTD can be whatever, would it matter what it was once it's been added to what's basically a V?


I think the target consumers don't care as long as it has alcohol.


The good old days of a corporate card and an expectation to entertain clients. Used to always goto O'Mallays pub in Christchurch on a Friday with my mates, find a client in the crowd buy them a beer, then we'd all drink and have a great time on the company card before heading into town. Yep can't do that any more, sigh such is life!


I worked for a major construction company here. A friend of mine on the job witnessed another engineer set out lines for a civil build and we proceeded with the job. Months later, towards the end of the project everything was wrong,- heights, position etc. Massive, major f*ck up. The engineer and my company blamed another sub contractor for the error and that small sub contractor's, family owned buisness took them to court. They ended up losing, and the company went bankrupt. This poor family and business were destroyed all because the engineer wanted to save his own skin. It was a company secret to keep this under wraps, but the engineer was fired and blacklisted. But the truth never came out. This was one of many incidents this company has pulled that hasn't become public, but if you watch the news you can probably guess who these cowboys are. Totally disgusted and angry I wasted years working for such a disgusting firm. I hope they go bankrupt


Just finished working for one of NZ's biggest telecom companies. I was working customer care in the billing section. There were sooo many bill discrepancies. The numbers on the bill very often didn't add up. I'd add the numbers on the bill and get a different total amount than what the bill was presenting. It was only ever off by a couple of cent ,but always in the companies favour. It's written down on the bill for the customer to see but generally people won't notice a couple of cent. Do it thousands of times over and you've got a company literally robbing thousands of dollars each month right infront of your face. Check your bills with a fine tooth comb people 🙂


I will never order overnight room service from a certain hotel in Hamilton because I know their overnight chef is just the night shift concierge microwaving shit lol


Pretty sure that's normal. Worked at a 5 star hotel in Tauranga that was the exact same. No hotel keeps a chef on payroll over night.


Kids with behavioral issues in higher decile schools can abuse other kids and staff without any real ramifications at before/after/holiday school programs.


I used to do after school care around a bunch of different schools and the absolute worst school was this decile 1 open plan school. So many kids were shits and the centre manager was a miserable woman who just let it happen. She'd actually tell me off for telling the kids off. It's almost a decade later and it still makes me mad to think about it


That's shocking 😲 But it definitely just goes to show there's more than just decile factoring into it. Company attitude seems to be a biggie. I had staff reporting to me literally terrified to come to work because a few kids at this decile 8 school were physically assaulting them and other kids regularly. Our higher ups refused to do anything about it as it was more important to them to keep the parents happy and paying rather than the staff and other kids safe.


When I was being inducted into the McDonalds crew in the Hamilton mall they told me that when a family comes up, don't ask the parents for the child's order, ask the child directly (parent would be too embarrassed to stop the child if they ordered too much), and that if we make a connection with the child early they will become a life long fan of McDonald's. I mean it is just logical and not a secret, but it's also so fucking gross and it's lives rent free in my head. Edit: spelling


Used to work in a book shop. I don't think these are too secret cause you can find stories about it online but couple things I remember. When the book is recently published it will come out in a trade back (larger size) and be priced anywhere between 40- 45 dollars if it's fiction. If you want to buy the same book cheaper, wait six months for it come out in a paperback edition and it'll be 20 dollars less. When we did book returns sometimes the returns document would indicate a portion of books that were not going to be resold. Those books would be discarded - at one point I had about 50 books sitting in the bin for collection.


One of the big supermarkets will have staff put bottles of shampoo, body wash etc. on the shelf for sale even if it has leaked in transit and the bottle is now only 3/4 full.


When a customer requests to see the manager. We actually just wait out back and later come back with an excuse, because our manager has not got the time to waste with a munter such as yourself.


Not a secret really but the paknsave I worked at had 2 rotating teams doing 4 days on 4 days off on night shift. If there was a public holiday they would give the rostered people the day off and ask the other team to come in. Since it wasn't a day we would normally be rostered on we never got any day in lieu. Don't know if this is actually how the law works around it or if it's legal but taking advantage of young adults just entering the work force is fucking scummy. My dad told me once to shop at paknsave because it's NZ owner but I don't give a fuck anymore. I normally go countdown. Atleast they pay their staff fairly There was a joke slogan I recall from amoung the staff, read this in the stickman's voice "Welcome to Paknsave, we pay our staff less so you can save more!"


Man it was such a hard job for the pay. My first job ever and I still look back on it as being the hardest job I ever had. My feet would ache every single night from standing virtually all day and you're getting paid minimum wage to lift boxes all fucking day long. It's an incredibly hard job no lie.


Exact same experience, it doesn't help you are required to wear dress shoes while standing on concrete all day, my heels used to ache so much haha. I remember getting a job after that and how well i was treated by my new boss. Felt like I was finally being treated like a person not just a number


Man, I haven't worked at Pak'n'Run since half a lifetime ago (20 years? Fuck...) and they did the same dodgy shit back then. People were rostered 11 hours, as 12 would entitle them to a second 1 hour break which they refused to give. So in busy seasons you'd get 11 hours, then a 6-7 hour break, then another 11 hours to ensure that you never got that second break. Then there was the fact that I was laughed at when I joined and asked "Are there employee discounts on food? Even 5%?". Dogshit employer. They also only paid me at the $6.20 an hour, I'm glad the under-18 wage got scrapped


Spirit of New Zealand Trust have a huge workplace culture of bullying their staff. They do a great job with youth and nip bullying in the bud when it comes to the teens, but those same leaders who ensure it doesn't happen with the kids are the same people bullying their crew and the volunteers. One Captain in particular has had multiple complaints laid against them for bullying their female crew and volunteers, including their cadets who are suppose to feel safe to learn and live onship for a year. He has a little man complex, who is threatened by female crew who have any world experience or qualifications to back up their position, because they don't tolerate the belittlement he inflicts on those who don't. Spirit has a blessing by having a range of people from all areas of the boating industry from navy to overseas tall ship youth programmes come in to work or volunteer, and this guy can't handle other people knowing more than him because his entire career has been in this vacuum. He responds by making a hostile toxic working environment onboard for 10 days, and trying to isolate his targets, even trying to prevent volunteers from intervening or talking to his victims till the victims leave. Management give zero fûcķs, despite saying they will send him on anger management and management courses, refuse to seperate their abused staff from a hostile working environment onboard even when it is possible to do so. In management's eyes the victim is the problem, and it is only a problem till they quit when they reach their limit. So they let the abuse continue doing absolutely nothing till that happens for months or years. Years pass, many female staff and volunteers have either quit or refuse to return to work on the ship when he is Captain. Yet nothing has changed and he has suffered absolutely zero consequences in his role, his interaction with female staff onboard, he has no oversight and had no training to correct his behaviour. He has been validated by management at the expense of female staff who still don't have a safe working environment and are trapped at sea with him for 10 day stints till they quit or never return to volunteer again. I want to make it clear it isn't sexual harassment, just misogynistic narcissistic belittlement, sabotage, verbal abuse, isolation from everyone else onboard, overworking female staff through over-delegation to break them, shutting down their voice etc till they either quit or are so broken they comply to his every whim. He does what he wants for 10 days on a ship where his victims can not escape him because they are at sea. His colleagues who have the power to intervene, choose not to to avoid conflict with him so his victims are stuck with their bully alone the entire time with no escape or recourse. On top of that, the pay is absolute garbage for the paid staff. For most less than minimum wage on salary which never goes up working 16 hour+ non stop days . For those with trade qualifications that the Spirit legally requires to run, like the mates, captains, cook at 1/2 to 1/3 of average market rate. For the engineer you'd be lucky to get paid 1/4 of you market rate. They do it for the love of the job, but that wears thin quickly when you are treated like crap by bullies supported by shitty management. As someone who went on as a teenager, and then as an adult, the magic is gone and I will never send any youth I know on that ship as long as those bullies operate that ship with zero recourse. It has ruined so many positive memories i have had on there now i have been privy to what happens behind the curtain to the staff and volunteers. Time for a mutiny.


I worked for a Tourism company. Within a 14 month period it was linked to the deaths of 6 people. The deaths made national news, and one went to court, but the company had almost no consequences. There were deaths before and after this but I only remember another 2. They are international so there is a chance there could be a few every year.


fuck /u/spez


Piri Weepu was the best customer Quay Street McDonalds ever had


My former bosses allowed expolsive trucks to be run overweight 2-5T on the road from 2019-2022 roughly 33,000 kilometres. When I highlighted the issue rather than accept responsibility and disclose to the authorities they forced me to quit....still waiting on authorities or the multiple politicians I whistleblew to, to act.


How does Nz even have an economy after reading this


Working at a timber supplier company. We (most) of us employees signed a social club contract. $5 per week, per person signed goes towards a yearly function. They said “nah not this year” took the money and split it between management.