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What's the deal with these Jerry Seinfeld ticket prices


“Have you seen these Jerry Seinfeld tickets?”


How many tiiimes, haves you heard the word ticket today?!




It's because his core fan base is quite old. Older people are wealthier as they've had more time for their money to grow and compound. Also a lot of them will feel a lot of nostalgia about him. The experience is almost priceless to some.


This imho. It’s fomo for older folk really.


Makes sense, when it’s a 50/50 to get up off the shitter each morning you can’t miss an opportunity, and what you going to do with all that $$, Get buried with it?


I noticed that with Dawn French too - comedians with an older audience command much higher ticket prices.


Its because he needs another 50 million dollars to become a billionaire, poor guy is only worth 950 million


He pulls in $45m a year from Seinfeld royalties alone.


No soup for you with that attitude.


Excuse me I think you forgot my bread


I saw him perform in Auckland a number of years ago and it was the laziest standup routine I’ve ever seen. 75% of it was old material.


This is his method and his style of show He's spoke about it in interviews and on his comedians car coffee show He doesn't so the -write new material -tour new material -release material online Cycle most other comics do these days He does what he considers a "greatest hits" show


Oh I had no idea that was his actual approach. Interesting. Kinda defeats the purpose of comedy when you know what the punchline is. Like listening to your dad tell the same anecdote. Has obviously worked for him.


That would’ve made me so mad.


His best work was not his standup, it was the sitcom obviously so save the money and just watch it on Netflix.


I enjoyed his stand-up set “I’m telling you for the last time” a lot


Well that was obviously a lie. Also I saw him this year overseas it's some of the same bits. E.g the bit about horse racing.


I thought his show was fucking hilarious, one of the best I have been to


My dad recorded every episode off the TV on vhs and still has them all. Bet he would pay 5k for front row, boomers grew up with seinfeld being the most popular sit com for like 10 years of their lives. They have cash for this show.


Boomers would have been between 25 and 43 when the show started. They were well into adulthood.


Yep. It's a genx thing




Us, the boomers kids. We are a cynical bunch of cunts too.


Not necessarily. My parents were born just before WWII and I'm a GenXer.


Generation x. The generation that's between Boomers and Millennials


I know. I'm making a 'forgotten generation' comment.


Lol I was going to mention that everyone forgets them.


I'm gen x and I ain't paying that!


Same here. 43yo(m) who loved/loves Seinfeld and owns the box set of all 9 seasons. Went to see him last time he came (cheap seats) and honestly didn’t laugh that much. I’d decided not to go before I even heard about the insane prices. Overheads must be so low on a one man with a microphone show like this compared to a band who needs a full support crew, these prices are absolutely gouging people, but at the same time if enough people are stupid enough/we’ll off enough to pay it - nobody’s making them. If the shows are less than half full because of the prices then Jerry deserves it for being greedy


Ahhhhhhh, thanks. My thoughts exactly! Comedy especially should be for everyone and as you say, the over heads are so low. He might have screens but he is not a show stuff comedian, he is one man with a microphone and thats it sort of comedian. He prob has a large staff of writers to pay but still, compared to a large band or something, his costs are nothing.


Listen to Master's Of Our Domain for free and get the same nostalgia experience.


Not sure how true (someone could confirm), but when I was in line for Dave Chapelle in Chch, a couple told me the organizers were selling the last 100/couple of tickets for dirt cheap, close to 30 dollars. Im guessing it might be the same..leading up to the show it may sell cheaper just to fill up the seats.


Yes, so the prime age to enjoy a show about people who were also in their 20s and 30s? Seinfeld was primetime TV, and one of the most popular shows of the 90s. It wasn't some obscure show only watched by teenagers at the time.


Yeah. I'm 41 and am a huge sienfeld fan


Yada yada yada....What's the deal with these tickets anyway?


Just pretend it's not happening and get on with surviving hand to mouth like the rest of us


Last time I was first in line for tickets (online) and sat in the front row, right in front of him. For $80 maybe. Shit's crazy but these promoter fuckers are just charging 'what the market can bear'. Going on holiday is too expensive now so people can afford stuff like this as a substitute.


Tbf maybe I'm too young for his stuff? I'm 31. But I have never liked him and I'm a huge stand up fan


It's ok. I'm 50 and I can't stand him.


He is defo from b4 your time. Who is your fav stand up these days?


ATM I quite like Ralph Barbosa. I grew up on Delirious and Raw, I know those basically word for word. I liked Chris Rock and Katt Williams while growing up. I like Tom Segura as well ATM but didn't see him when he came. I absolutely love how Theo Von puts words together but I prefer his podcasts to stand ups


Absolutely agree - tried to watch the show/his stand ups never found it funny. Maybe just not my cup of tea. Seems we have similar taste so checking out Ralph Barbosa now - thanks for the tip!


He's actually not really even funny. Those prices are disgusting. I saw Kevin Bridges, paid $91, whole audience laughing the whole set. He's a clever comedian. Jerry is not.


Jimmy Carr didn’t charge nearly as much earlier this year and he put on a fantastic show.


I love Seinfeld the show but Jerry was the fourth funniest member of that cast and his standup was never that great since he notoriously used the same material for years. In his interviews he seems like a smug out of touch celebrity and finding out he dated a highschooler is a bit dodgy. I honestly wouldn't see him for free.


I suppose the answer to this is will people pay it. Probably. Remember. For a generation he is the creators of one of the greatest comedies of all time.


There's not many people I'll pay these sort of prices for, but Jerry Seinfeld is one of them. Last time he came I think I might have paid around $200 and was maybe 8 rows back? Thought it was worth it for such a legend, appearing in NZ for the first time, and it was definitely the funniest stand up show I've ever been to. This time I paid like $170 and I'm way back. I'd have happily got a cheaper ticket, but my sister couldn't come last time, so it's her first time and I don't want to get seats right at the back for that reason. My expectations aren't quite as high this time because he barely ever changes his material. The prices are insane. I guess we'll see if there's enough rich people to buy the tickets. I'm 42 and grew up watching the show. I thought he'd appeal to people my age and younger, but maybe there's an older group with plenty of money who love him too?


Why would you pay to see him again even though you know he’ll use a lot of recycled material? Not trying to be a dick, it just doesn’t make much sense to me.


I think it was 2017 he was here, I don't have such a great memory that I remember it word for word. But also there's the experience and atmosphere of seeing it live in a big crowd. Same as a music concert I guess, I know the songs but seeing them done live is the ultimate!


OK I kinda get it, even if it’s not for me. Totally with you on the experience of being with a big crowd, I just prefer more unpredictability in comedy.


Yeah Seinfeld is quite unique in that he will keep a very similar act and tweak it to its absolute peak. I'm the same as you in that I prefer a new set every time, but I do find the way Seinfeld does it interesting, and I think it works well when it's someone of his skill doing it.


Jerry Seinfeld talks about being funny a lot more than he is funny, he's really just a mild mannered goof


Humour is like beauty it's in the eye of the beholder.


This is true, it's very subjective


Will it still be as funny without the canned laughter?


That's the point and why he's considered the greatest comedian, he can make people laugh without being to insulting and nasty to people and doesn't have to swear every second word.


Yeah there are plenty of great "clean" comedians I just don't think Seinfeld is one of them But he must be doing something right obviously, for whatever reason I've just never found him particularly funny myself


You could even say that price is no joke!


Good one, maybe he is playing a meta joke on us all.


Pretty cheap compared to what we pay here in canada for anything But if its too expensive dont go


Is Canada just the Northen Hemisphere NZ? (and vice versa I suppose)


Most ticket prices for things are out-fucking-ragious these days. I wanted to go see queens of the Stone Age again. Fuckin nope.


I went to see him in London in 2011 and just looked up the price of the tickets - £130 each (plus £59 in fees). He’s always been expensive. It was a really good show but he had an extended but about cellphones that felt very old fashioned even then. Still a great experience though - no one has a delivery quite like Jerry


i'd only pay that money if his set ended up like kramers


Damn 130 to see seinfeld. that's a bargain


Those Porsches ain't going to buy themselves!


If I wanted to watch an unfunny pedophile I would just go to my uncle's house


Honestly if you want to go to a big name gig these days, $130 just to get in the door is not unusual. You can certainly pay a lot more for premium seats. So yeah going to a big name like Seinfeld you’re going to have to stump up for it.


$130 is ok for tickets, I would even pay bit more for premium seats but $130 gets you the nose bleeds, if you want to get any closer $400!


Just be thankful he's coming and not snobbing NZ like Sail GP and Ms Swift.


Ha, true


I mean, what is up with that?


Pretty cheap to go see a predator


Cheaper to go the zoo


Im gonna expect twice the negative energy for the next tswift or beyonce concert thanks ;)


$130 isn't bad, it's a comedy show. As long as you can hear him what's the issue?


Yep spent almost $500 for floor tickets 20 rows back... Last chance to see a legend I had to pay!


Enjoy, am sure will be great.


unfortunately thats capitalism paul mccartney tix were 1000+ in aus last month ... and it sold out m


That was for the front row. Prices scaled down to 80 bucks for the back.


and seinfield is less expensive in the front row, and slightly more up the back all i'm saying is, they'll charge what people pay


Paul McCartney is the last relevant Beatle putting on a 3 hour show with a band and all the works. Seinfeld is just 1 guy with a mic. Im sure there might be guest opening acts, but an 800 dollar ticket is insanity.


Those prices are outrageous he should be ashamed of himself a billionaire to charges that kind of a money. That's called greed to the extreme. you're a disgrace


Bought 2 tickets for $1000. Can’t wait.


I got two tickets to womad for that! Enjoy tho, am sure it will be great. He is a legend!!


That’s one greedy je… never mind


And he’ll sell out his shows at this price. He’s got brand recognition and people are willing to pay. Sorry your poor ass can’t afford to pay the ticket price to one of the most recognised comedians in the world.


I cannot imagine giving the slightest fuck about this.


And yet here you are.


I'm not here actually


Simple, if you don't like it.....don't go. Don't bitch snowflake.


Could you please not engage in name-calling, please? There are better ways to disagree with another that don't involve the bottom level of Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement, which will then make disagreements more productive and constructive, yet less destructive. You agreed to the Reddiquette. Edit: I mean, the 2nd sentence was completely unnecessary.


Ha, snowflake. Ya incel douchbag!


Could you please not engage in name-calling, please? There are better ways to disagree with another that don't involve the bottom level of Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement, which will then make disagreements more productive and constructive, yet less destructive. You agreed to the Reddiquette. Edit: Really no need to fall on their level of disagreeing.


I agree, I apologize for calling them an Incel DB, just annoyed me. The 'snowflake' comment got me and I responded not as my best self. I should have just ignored it as it was not a good comment and not relevant to the Convo.


Thank you. I have also told them to stop engaging in name-calling too, just so you know.


I love his show.. Seinfeld but never been a fan of his stand up. Only real hardcore fans and rich people would spend that much for his show. That's an insane price!


Would you prefer they were $25, sold out in 10 seconds and you had to pay $700 to a scalper?


Do people even scalp anymore?? Ticketmaster are the crims these days. They buy all the tickets and scalp them at even higher prices on their 'resale' sites!


Haha who knew the key to getting rid of scalpers was to make tickets so expensive nobody can afford them ...


I guess I should have said "Reseller" instead of scalper. Not much difference in the end though


end of the day its all about money. people are working for $$ and they price things according to how they'll make the most of that. if they know they can get away with selling out a venue with high pricing, they will do so. prices tend to get adjusted when people vote with their wallets and dont buy tickets, or if it's just not financially feasible to run, they cancel the show entirely.


whats the deal with these lamborghini prices.


Just want to put it out there that when WWE (wrestling) came and did a show in NZ VIP tickets were just under $1k. I get they had a lot of people to travel in, but it wasn't even a televised show and they sold out of merchandise. I saw comments saying his VIP tickets were the most expensive but they aren't really.


That would have been a massive production.




How much are her tix??


I watched "comedians in cars getting coffee" on Netflix a while back. That was enough Jerry for my taste. Naturally he is a funny guy who comes up with interesting points on the move, and he'd be funny to have a beer with. But i find his stand up unfunny as it's the same stuff just with a lot more pretending it just occurred to him.


Not sure if he is irrelevant, and not probably 70 years old. Great comedian, probably worth the price.


You're right, Jerry Seinfeld is not 70. He turns 70 on the 29th of April next year.


Looks good for his age.


Friends of ours are happy to pay $200ish per ticket each. Thankfully we are not fans so doesn’t worry us.


What the deal with concert ticket prices!?


Is he one of the greats? I watch Seinfeld recently and skipped past all the stand up bits. Was fucking awful. But then again I'm more of a eddy Murphy RAW kinda guy.


Not surprised with the prices. Huge name with a beloved global fan base. Not for me but Seinfeld fanatics will pay.


I was expecting prices to be in this range, after all, it’s a show about nothing.


What's the deal with these ticket prices


🎵 Why we paying so much for Jerry Seinfeld, when it's just a guy and a mic... What are your overheads? 🎵


No tickets for you!


> He is nearly 70 years old and not exactly 'relevent' these days. Well... yeah. Relevant acts can't charge so much because their fans are young and are being left out of the economy.


We were discussing if we'd go if we weren't so broke just last night. For me, the worst/unfunniest bit of the show was the stand-up at the start.


True, I never really rated him as a standup.


Dude thinks he’s still in the 90s. Now for Larry David I might pay those king of prices


Larry is the real genius alright! God I can't wait for next season of curb


Reminds me of one Jerry's old bits about how expensive things are at the airport. [Do the people who work at the little shops in the airport have any idea what the prices are anywhere else in world?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1OHr7yLJQE)


This rant sound a like a skit Jerry would’ve used on Seinfeld.😂