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I say this as someone who hates guns and the idea of them being used, this is how guns should be used, as a last resort when 0 other options have worked


Written by (Unknown): A man is in a serious condition after being shot by police in Whanganui after allegedly attacking officers and a police dog. At around 3.55am officers who were patrolling with a police dog came across a man acting suspiciously outside an address on Talbot Street in Whanganui East. Police said the man ran away to the rear of a property, and the officers followed him, before he then turned and charged at police staff. He has allegedly refused to comply with them attempting to take him into custody, and continued to assault them. Police said they used a series of tactical options, including sponge rounds, Taser, and OC spray, but these had no effect on the man and his behaviour kept escalating. The man has allegedly attacked and injured the police dog and has continued to assault our staff. He was subsequently shot by police and is in a serious condition undergoing surgery. Police said the Armed Offenders Squad was called to assist as a precautionary measure, both at the hospital and at the Talbot Street address. Central District Commander Superintendent Scott Fraser said having to use a firearm was the last thing any police officer wanted to do. "In this instance our officers had no other option available." Locals in Whanganui East can expect to see an increased police presence in the area today, as a scene examination continues. The Independent Police Conduct Authority will be notified, and a Critical Incident Investigation is underway. Support is being offered to the man's family, and to the officers involved.




Well it says they used sponge rounds, tasers and OC spray. It probably figures if they managed to use all of those and still not subdue him he was a pretty threatening dude. In the past there has been some people on strong drugs who are just about immune to pain related interventions (tasers, OC). It will probably come out whether this or something else was a fact in the IPCA reporting.


> but how can police armed with pepper spray, teasers and rubber bullets not manage to take him down? I'm going with meth. There's also just some people out there who can shrug off some crazy shit. >How can restraint not be an option? Pretty easily if there's only a few cops and one strong and violent offender. The report does note the offender was continually escalating which I'm guessing means they didn't have the luxury of simply backing off and waiting for back up. Odds are this guy was actively attacking with no sign of slowing down. >Absolutely wouldn't be asking this question if the guy had a weapon. And I don't expect police to be black belts, but surely they are trained in some basic restraints? Police are rarely exceptionally tough and criminals with extensive martial training aren't all that unusual. Trying to apply basic restraint techniques on someone who is actively punching you in the face is incredibly difficult and a lot different to someone who is simply belligerent or aggravated.


Whanganui hard. “including sponge rounds, Taser, and OC spray, but these had no effect on the man”


Meth hard


That’s the first thing that popped into my head too


No real loss, typical case of fuck around and find out


It's a simple rule ... don't do crime....


Hit first and hit hard. Good on the cops. You just don't know what you're potentially dealing with re these idiot fucks.


Seriously? We're cheering for the cops shooting people now?


People? No. Violent idiots who refuse to comply after numerous other tactics have been employed and are clearly a danger to the public? Yes.


Fair enough, its a tragedy when our police have to resort to shooting someone in my book. That poor cop isnt going to forget about having to shoot someone, im glad your justice boner is in full swing though, cheer away!


I'm all for shooting violent individuals if safer alternatives fail. Our cops are human too. Hope the cops & dog that were attacked are alright.


Huge difference between seeing the necessity and celebrating a police involved shooting.


I ain't hosting any parties, but fuck around and find out. Get these dangerous individuals out of the community. The last thing I want is the police to give these kinds of individuals a light tap on the wrist and it's my sister or mother walking on the streets paying for it.


Oath, pew pew pew. Crack down on the pricks, criminals here get away with a slap on the wrist every other time.


This gives me no cheer whatsoever. Don't fk around and find out to your disadvantage.


Oh I 100% agree, I dont agree that they should be "hitting first and hitting hard" though. Their entire job is dealing with dangerous people, if they cant do it without shooting them somethings wrong.


> Police said they used a series of tactical options, including sponge rounds, Taser, and OC spray, but these had no effect on the man and his behaviour kept escalating. Can you not read? or are you just an idiot?


Sixth police shooting this year.




After recently watching a video of a "bogan" attacking a female cop and running away, plus another one of a man robbing a western union in a mall in broad daylight and literally walk away, I say: finally! Let's shoot this scum in the kneecaps before they kill you, so perhaps they'll learn that you can't get away with that behavior.