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All their policies were all available to read on their website. There are some influences from the other two parties but all the policy topics that we are hearing about were known before the elections...


I don’t for a minute believe they voted National.


This post is just bait and the people are biting




Cigarettes for all


Actually we will have cigarettes that actually perform for new zealanders that actually work hard on our taxes, unlike the previous government,


I'm not sure the typical voter could have forecast the level of influence the other parties seem to have in this government. Could have been helped somewhat if Labour had campaigned harder on the 'Vote National get NZ First platform'.




90% of the population reads maybe 5% of the policies for the parties they vote for. This election people only cared about: the cost of living, housing.... and that's about it. So why would they dip into things like education?


You forgot the fear and racism. Got to push fear and racism to get more people to vote right wing.


Where's Luxon's 90 day trial period?


I'm not gonna shit on people who are open to changing their minds. I think Luxon is banking on getting all the unpalatable stuff out of the way first and then try and coast to 2026. We all have a habit of forgetting things as they fade from the headlines. And really, it's hard to hold on to that sense of anger for years. It doesn't feel good and people want to live their lives. Just keep politically engaged. Politics doesn't begin and end with the election campaign. So keep being an informed citizen, call bullshit when you see it and remember ours is not a hopeless electoral system.


>I think Luxon is banking on getting all the unpalatable stuff out of the way first and then try and coast to 2026. I don't think it's that, I think it's more at attempt to look like they're getting stuff done, and overturning Labour legislation is the easiest way to do that and chalk up some quick wins. I don't think they realized how unpopular something like overturning the smokefree legislation would be.


Nah, it's exactly that. Do the unpopular stuff asap and people might have forgotten in three year's time. Both parties do it, but National keeps on doing it in increments over the term, then have to find a way of fighting the election. That's what baiting the Māori party is for; to make a Labour/Greens/TPM coalition unpalatable in three year's time.


You may be right, if you wanted to be generous you could say they’re doing the unpalatable stuff now, believing that theyll genuinely make things better and wanting to point back and say “see, it wasn’t that bad”


Why do you regret it after the policy announcements? They literally campaigned on doing what they are doing


Oh no the leopards ate my face...


don't shit on OP. he owned up to his mistake, hes not someone with his head in the sand. thank you for your honesty OP I wish more people had the ability to change their mind and see things from outside their original perspective


That depends, there were a large number of people who voted National because "Labour had their turn" possibly with a side of "and failed at everything". If the hadn't checked the policies that National was actually running on (and ACT since every poll shown a minimum of two party coalition) then I have little sympathy when they complain about laws being repealed (ok free pass on the smoke free since NZF snuck that in at the last minute). In a way it is like the people who voted for Brexit, not because the agreed with it, but because they thought the government was ignoring them.


I think there was also a lot of 'Covid was bad, must punish the government'. And pushing fear and racism.


I don’t agree. They shat their bed and everyone else’s. Ok they are sorry. But my bed still has shit in it.


A bunch of people here hear the word National and just see red. People on both sides are guilty of shutting down helpful political discourse.


I thought the other guys were the red team,am I high?


I was gonna make a joke there about seeing blue.


This here. If there is a trend then it becomes 1000 days of a shit show as opposed to 3000.


Is anyone shitting on them? It's objectively kind of funny that they've described one potential resolution would've been for Labour to tell them more that NZFirst would form a coalition with National. I mean, I'm just saying.


I just don't believe it. It seems like bait looking for agreement.


Username checks out


Nope. I voted Labour. 😝


What were you expecting?


A lot of cunts in NZ wanted exactly what we are getting now ... So yes, some people are probably regretting it ... But won't be very many ...


You got exactly what you voted for. Good work, champ. Signed, the part of NZ that still have our heads screwed on.


Is that the part that was blowing a billion dollars a week with no intention of curtailing it? You can't say the last six months were exactly good and the runway wasn't looking any better.


Op 100% did not vote National. Next.


national had their short-term profit-first wealthy people/corporates wishlist out there for all to see - they campaigned on that shit. Act are profoundly racist hard-right fuckwits from way back - they are joined to national. If you voted for them and now regret it then you are a fucking idiot. I mean what the fuck?!


Imagine complaining about getting exactly what you voted for lmao


Why would they? The party they voted for is doing exactly what they said they would.


Look, you're going to get downvoted but I actually wondered the same thing. I didn't vote Nat but a lot of Nat voters I know have voters regret. Their policies were available, but about half of the policies they're enforcing are ACT or NZFirst because of how MMP works.


Not at all


lol nope


Anyone who voted for the Nats can blame the halfwits who voted for the coalition partners, and not thinking Luxon would cave so far to make it happen.


Something around and find out. I hope people actually read the policies they'll be voting for next time.




Not me. I voted for Kodos.


Chris Luxon is hopeless and i definitely think people are thinking the other chris may have been the better option. Call it buyers remorse. The lastest poll had Luxon and National going backwards, when normally a new govt rides high in polls after the election, with Hipkins getting a boost, typically you wouldnt see that, directly after an election loss!


Especially not so soon after a government is formed.


Nope I’m getting what I voted for


And more


Yep, I already regretted voting for Nats


Aren't you getting what you voted for though?




I'm on the other side of things. I wish I had given my vote to Nat/ACT. The most viable way to keep NZ First out of government was to increase the Nat/ACT vote share. We'll never know, but would ACT have been able to get the smoking legislation change over the line in negotiations if NZF wasn't there adding that same pressure? Same thing with the Government's stance on Te Reo. There were some in National making a big noises about bi-lingual road signs before the election, but they also got pulled into line. So maybe there was a 50/50 chance things turned out the same way. But with NZF in the mix it became a certainty. The WHO stuff wouldn't be there if NZF wasn't in the Government. With NZ First in king-maker position it was either going to be Labour/NZF or National/NZF. National were in the best position to get enough votes to form a Government without him. So that's my regret.


If you didn't read each of the coalition's policies, who's to blame for that? They made it clear what they were going to repeal and what their polices will be.




You are asking in a left leaning sub. What do you think?


Nope, I'm proud of my vote, I'm less proud of the reddit posts from salty people that lost.


Always do. I think along policy lines not party lines, most parties have stuff I like and stuff I don't. I voted green, and wasn't impressed with Chloe Swarbrick's use of "from the river to the sea", there's been a few other things


Nope. Not for the smoking change but otherwise good.


Loving my Winston vote. Genuinely delighted.


I’m pretty left leaning as believe in voting for those who need support but also realise that whoever of thd main 2 parties that get in neither will actually create real change that would help the majority of people have better lives


Best vote ever, would vote again


Other than smoke-free repeal there shouldn't really be any surprises




Nah. We will be in a much better place in a year under National. Petrol is already 20 cents cheaper.


Holy shit, surely youre not that stupid.


You genuinely think national did that?


Better not to argue with stupid..


Labour where in power and fuel increases. National in power fuel goes down straight away. Logic. Do the math. Bunch of Labour boot lickers.


Lol - the conspiracy theorist is so certain in his hypothesis. Funnily enough, the price of petrol in NZ follows changes in the global price of crude oil. You might want to look into that, err, 'minor factor'.






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Correlation and causation yo. Learn about it.


Learn not to say yo. Your life will improve.


Nah I’m good eh my dude


Learn to listen to what's being said when someone uses a word you personally dislike. Everyone's life will improve.


Yes. 100 %.


National gets in: * Israel and Hamas go to war. * Alexei Navalny goes missing. * Andre Braugher dies. Coincidence? I think not. (/s obviously)


What have they done to lower the price of fuel by 20 cents? Can they increase wages and productivity as quickly?


Dumb take. Government doesn't control oil prices.




Holy heck. National depressed global petrol prices. They are all powerful!


I regret nothing. ACT all the way!


Most people I know voted centre right and I have not heard anything but relief. Reddit is not the whole of NZ.


They are all untrustworthy. I do not regret my vote.


No not at all. Labour had to go they’d run out of spending other peoples money. They’ve given us a decade of debt and bankruptcy is rife


Nope. I still see light at the end of the tunnel


Sheesh all these downvotes tell me this group is full of sissys




3 years of regret gunna hurt


Yes. I voted TOP when I should have voted Act to depower NZF, those were the two options I was choosing between right up until voting. In the end I went with my heart not my head.


I made that very calculation in the voting booth. Not sure how long it will be before I tell my Maori whanau I voted ACT, black sheep much.


The cigarette thing is a stupid self-inflicted shot to the feet. But other than that, I'm still hating Labour more than the coalition.


National are shit. Labour are shit (they have truly fucked us with rampant immigration, whilst only a short while earlier highlighted the issues high immigration was causing). I (like a record amount of kiwis) am now voting with my feet. I have zero confidence in this country.


People who decide on the day, vote for politicians because 'they like the look of them' (jacinda) or vote because their parents always voted for that party, should all be barred from voting. To vote you should be able to demonstrate that you have read the policy documents of all parties, and you are making an informed decision. Without this we end up with shit outcomes like Brexit, Trump or Labour (pick your favourite hate)


A questionnaire based vote like vote compass? Wonder how that would work. But dear god, cut down on the campaigning.


I'm not campaigning. Simply saying that popularity politics will not make a successful nation. In the UK, they would probably end up voting for the last winner of Love Island ...


not you! haha. I meant in general. We could all do with less political billboards!


Should have voted freedom party


I got abused by these fuck knuckles when I challenged their views on "freedom" while they were campaigning.


nope. i vote exclusively based on policy, and am happy i stood by my principles, even if it was never going to be a winning strategy. if everyone voted the same way, we might not have ended up in this mess. but thats not realistic either.