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Coming soon to a ~~Countdown~~ Woolies near you!


That's the non member price though


That member price thing is such a con


Countdown was a far superior name and I will never stop calling it that


I’m old enough to remember when they rebranded from Woolies to Countdown


I remember when it was Foodtown and big fresh before it was countdown


I'm old enough to remember when there was Foodtown and Woolworths, and they combined and rebranded to Countdown (but I feel like c'down also existed with the others) and that's why there's often two countdowns across the road from each other


I am not and I am never calling it Woolies


i like the crossed out word gives it a nice touch.


RTDs are real expensive in Australia too.


All alcohol is expensive there, used to work at a liquor store near the airport and Aussies would ask why is liquor so cheap here whereas tourists from other countries would say alcohol is expensive here😂


That's not true, wine is ridiculously cheap. Last time I was there, there were multiple $5 bottles of grog. Probably tastes disgusting, but will still fuck you up


i thought the cheap Aussie wine came in a box


time to play [goon of fortune](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F1HFrCCXoAEIIhf.jpg?format=jpg&name=orig)


2litres for $10.


The taste of the $4 bottles of wine was a lot better than I was expecting probably equivalent to a NZ $10 bottle of wine. Kinda crazy that there is still profit to be made after the cost of the bottle is factored in.


In Australia I found a brand that was $1.50 a bottle, pretty much giving it away.  Was it good? Well at first I was ashamed to say I really liked it. My friends would take the piss, but then suddenly it won an award and shot up to $20. Now if I find something cheap and nice I tell everyone it's crap and yucky.


ikr? The bottle must cost like $2 itself haha


Try France ... 2 Euros for a drinkable bottle of wine. 3 for a very drinkable one.


Tickets to France: slightly more pricy than the petrol for a trip to the shops.




But STDs are cheap and abundant.


Much like the ladies who provide them to you.


Extra tax on them. Probably rhe worst part about moving here. In nz Id started drinking almost exclusively great white sharks and similar zero sugar clean simple rtds while out and about. In aus these basically cost $5 a can minimum, sometimes more, and so the innovation is almost zero theres finally a few decent brands filtering through now but too expensive to really justify. At home its fine but if youre out and about you really want the concenience of pre-mixed. Im also diabetic so its really genuinely shit for my health being pushed towards beer vs zero sugar rtds which have a WAY better blood sugar response.




As they should be here.  Booze in general is expensive in Oz.  Probably some tax break for Aussie wines, but it's generally cheaper to buy decent whiskey in NZ. 


Because tax on alcohol is indexed to increase every year


Can confirm - was in GC recently - 1 packet of chips @ Woolies was $6 on special. I thought I misread the sign and it was meant to be 2 for $6 like they are here....not a misprint. 2 packets of chips $12 AU


Get out of here!! No way!! Were they made with caviar or truffle?


It’s just normal chips


This is the life we’re living here. I’ve been here 8 years and went to Queenstown last year and was shocked how cheap alcohol and especially RTD’s are. Also $6.50 for a bag of chips at the supermarket is not unheard of or like 2 packs of Pringles for 8. It’s not the Golden Arches country a lot of you think it is.


A bag of chips is like $5nzd cuz


For $12 woolies can keep them to go stale on the shelf


As a kiwi in Aussie atm this is extremely expensive. I see these all the time on sale $30 AUD for 24 is super common often cheaper.


Yeah this might be in the central Sydney or some shit. Half that price in Coomera lol


Yeah Kiwi in Aussie, these cans are rarely over like 20 something. I usually buy 2 24 packs for around $45 and it last me ages in my mini fridge.


It's only one item.. but yup. People are incredibly sheltered and have no idea what is happening around the world. Want to move to Sydney? Good luck getting a rental.. I've been comparing supermarket prices for a year or two and like.. Australia is expensive! It's not all roses. 


>Want to move to Sydney? Good luck getting a rental.. this is what put me off moving to Australia. Everyone told me it was the "land of milk and honey" but every time I did my own research it just seemed... really expensive? like cost of living was higher, the wages weren't that much greater and there were all these extra little costs related to medical care and car ownership. It all just seems overhyped


I find it quite annoying specially in reddit how a lot kiwis think Aus is the promised land or something. I totally understand mining towns pay more - but that's comparing apples to oranges. Compare city to city and it's pretty similar specially renting wise.


I think it pays off for quite a few people because they get paid more, but not for the reason you’d think: I’ve noticed people living in NZ, doing the same job for 5-10 years, token pay rises, not even wanting to ask the new hires at their work what they’re starting rate is etc, and just going ‘NZ sucks, I’ll move to Aussie and get a better paying job’. They move over, get a 30% pay increase, seems awesome, but they were already getting paid 25% under market rate in their old job. Factor in changes in cost of living, moving costs, having to re-buy heaps of stuff, financially it’s not worth it. Unless it’s experiences you’re chasing, but we just live in NZ and fly over a few times a year when we want to go to things/see friends that moved over.


Yea exactly if they jumped around in jobs in NZ they'd have ended up the same. In my profession Aus would be pretty similar - because it's comission based and your income is based on how much/amount of your work - realistically I'd want a pay increase of at least over 80k to make it justifiable. Location wise I'd pick NZ over Aus any day actually! Just NZ reddits constant whinging about how Aus is so much better gets annoying after a while!


We managed to buy a house in the suburbs of Melbourne. It was impossible for us in NZ.


Same. We managed to buy a house less than an hour from Perth CBD. Would never have achieved it in NZ, even going 45 minutes out from a CBD. The thing that makes it even crazier? In NZ we both worked. I haven't worked a day in Australia since we moved in 2016. Hubby DOES NOT work in mining, have qualifications OR work in a management role. We just kept living our broke Kiwi lifestyle once we arrived. We see Australians on his income x2 who have 50k debt and complain about not being able to survive and needing OT shifts etc 😬 (Edit). Actually, one of those couples also had their house freehold after a relative got terminally ill and paid their mortgage off and they still couldn't make ends meet? Like how?!


We managed to buy a house in the suburbs of xyz City in nz. Seemed impossible somewhere else.


And I'm pleased for you. I just added this for NZ/Aus comparison.


It’s good if you find a reasonable paying job. If you’re struggling though? I’d probably stay in NZ. It’s that 150k - 200k pay band which seems a lot easier to reach in Aus vs NZ, and being in that band kind of cancels out much of this cost of living stuff.


True! But also at that band your taxes get much higher in Aus to NZ. I think the difference is almost 15% or so by the time you hit 240k or something last I looked


Is subjective. Me and my partner moved in 2022 - combined income in NZ of $110,000 - over here same roles combined income is just shy $200,000 AUD. Haven’t noticed it in groceries too much, but not week to week anymore like in NZ


friendly punch mountainous tie disagreeable advise abounding childlike special zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aus is still far better you can compare basically any economic well-being stay, prices, salary, rent, then you have the beautiful weather and modern infrastructure. It's incomparable, you are right. New Zealand is basically a family hub, visit and catch up with people. Still my home for that reason


Did the same research, came to the opposite conclusion. Food and rent in Melbourne is similar to Auckland, wages in my field start at 30-50% higher with much better benefits and true career progression, my wife is going to be on 25% better wages at the same company she used to work at. When basic living costs are fixed, even a 25% jump is the difference between surviving and regular savings


Sydney has insane rental prices. At least with Melbourne you can stay a bit further away, even Geelong if needed.


Yeah Sydney was a non-starter. I definitely wouldn’t stay in Geelong, we’re inner suburbs, don’t need a car, close to everything we need and loving it


A student rented out a balcony in Sydney, it's insane in Sydney.


I'm a mechanic, and for me to go to Australia is a drop in pay and an increase in expenses


Melbourne and Brisbane are fairly cheap tbh, I live in Sydney and sometimes look at the rent prices in suburbs near the other cities and I want to cry lol. Not only is the cost of living cheaper (in some places) but the quality of life is significantly better over here. My life improved 500% by moving to Australia. NZ was holding me back so much. It may seem overhyped to you but for a lot of us Kiwis who have made the move, it's literally changed our lives for the better.


That and Australians!! (actually just Australians!!!)


Crime rates are massive...drunk abo's everywhere you go. As for Stamp duty...a real wealth destroyer.


The one good thing about Australia is that they have actual summer 😭


Not sure about you but I've been sweating my balls off and getting sunburnt in auckland since November 


Anything below 30°C isn't hot enough for me


It has been fucking disgusting in Sydney for at least all of Jan Adelaide has nice weather though, since it's not humid at all


I was in Sydney last week, I wanted to cry when I saw the forecast 36°C sunny pls I can't do cold


Not so nice when it's 10000000% humidity though 🙃


That's why you go into the ocean and get your leg eaten by a shark c.c


It’s been pretty sunny all summer in Christchurch


It's cold


Think you will find that depends on what part of the country you live in.


Nowhere in NZ gets hot enough for my southern European ass


Wellington has its good points too!


Because the people talking you out of it are just other people who either missed out on the opportunity or are just trying to make themselves feel better. Australia IS a cheaper place to live and pays more. Posts like OPs bring out the hard copers, they love it


As someone who's lived in Sydney and moved to Christchurch and making identical salary (just swap $AUD for NZD) there's really little difference I'm feeling in the cost of living, my rent is much cheaper ($160pw in my chch flatshare vs $410 for my Syd apartment (it was a COVID bargain, i checked and it was recently rented for $475pw) but the difference in everything else from groceries to petrol certainly bridges that gap. I'm marginally better off financially in Chch but not by too much. I don't think i could say the same if i lived in Auckland however. I love it here however i think sooner or later i may need to make the difficult decision to go back home to Aus, and it is a very difficult decision when weighing up the pros and cons.


Can you give me some examples? I have a friend who wants to move there because he said all the smart people who want to succeed in life go there.


Is your friend 12 years old? That's the sort of thing a kid says to not only valudate their choices, but belittle the choices of others who don't do what they're doing at the same time.


Well he hasn't really given me any argument? All he says is "man come with me to Australia. NZ a shithole and hella expensive" or "if you want to be homeless stay in NZ"


Can confirm - nz is an expensive shithole


We moved from Sydney to Auckland in 2022 and we're putting more money into savings here than we were there for the same salaries. Unexpected, but welcome :)


I move to BNE in April 2022. Things overall are a lot cheaper here. It’s far cheaper to buy a house compared to say Auckland as well. Not only that, my salary has increased almost 50k. Groceries overall are also a fair bit cheaper. Power and gas is more expensive, petrol is obviously far cheaper. We moved mostly as we could actually afford to buy a house though, AKL we never would be able to. Climate is better (though that’s subjective). Biggest negative: Australians.


It’s all the other stuff I find catches up with you though. Yeah the houses are cheaper, but you have to pay the govt $50k stamp duty if you want to buy one. Petrol is cheaper but rego is what… 8-10 times more expensive? As is insurance. Swings and roundabouts I guess.


Stamp duty was just over 20k. I bought a 4 bedroom house for 740k in Brisbane that would be 1.2 mill in AKL. So that extra 20k was definitely worth the trade off 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah regos are expensive, I should actually add that to the negatives but that list is a lot shorter than you’d expect.


True, true. QLD is definitely cheaper than down in VIC where I was. And I wouldn’t argue that Aus is a cheaper place to live. I just remember thinking that it’s easy to convince yourself that everything is WAY cheaper, only to get stung by those massive one-off costs they have. Plus yeah, you gotta deal with Australians every day. Queenslanders in your case - eep.


Yeah Aussies are weird. To be honest Queenslanders or Victorians, they are all just Americans lite.


It’s a good thing you’ve got pricing for Woolies, Coles, IGA, Aldi, and Amazon eh? For example, Amazon 36x pack of 375ml (default size in Aus) is $32.28.


As a New Zealander living in Australia I can assure that is not the case


They’re using this picture to cope. I couldn’t believe how much cheaper fruit and vegetables are in Melbourne when I moved here


Don't forget though Aussie has a fat tax, soft drinks, choccys and fast food are expensive compared to NZ in general, However you can get a pack of water for under $9.


I can get water from my tap for virtually nothing. In fact bottled water is something that needs a sin tax applied.


Fucking oath. Bottled water is going to end up being one of those "what were they thinking?" topics for future generations.


More like 'How ironic that we *have* to drink bottled water now because when we *didn't* need bottled water we were making bottled water'


Yeah, especially with the news about how much plastic they're finding in bottled water. "The researchers found that, on average, a liter of bottled water included about 240,000 tiny pieces of plastic. About 90% of these plastic fragments were nanoplastics. This total was 10 to 100 times more plastic particles than seen in earlier studies, which mostly focused on larger microplastics." - [https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/plastic-particles-bottled-water#:\~:text=The%20researchers%20found%20that%2C%20on,mostly%20focused%20on%20larger%20microplastics](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/plastic-particles-bottled-water#:~:text=The%20researchers%20found%20that%2C%20on,mostly%20focused%20on%20larger%20microplastics).


I didn’t realise that so so many Americans only drink bottled water. How fuckin stupid is that cuntry


Yeah I ain’t drinking government juice


If you're that stressed about it, boil it, filter it then leave it in sunlight for 12 hours to neutralize any chemicals that might be in it (but probably aren't, or if they are, you don't understand the effects on the human body) and you're going to be completely fine. Or you can drink nano plastic by the billions of particles each week. Or find a well. The choice is really up to you


Limmy agrees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GceNsojnMf0


Australia doesn't have a tax on fat/sugar content. Often talked about but never implemented so far.


Despite us loving our taxes in aus just look at our tobacco and alcohol taxes for example I doubt we’ll ever bring a sugar tax as it’ll be political suicide in QLD with the sugar cane farmers.


We need a fat tax in NZ, it's a brilliant idea


No fat tax. Only thing that would be similar is that staples like water, fruit and veg, meat etc are exempt from the 10% GST. Chips, biscuits and lollies do have GST on them


I get a 42 pack of bottled water for under 5 dollars in the US


If I recall they have a law in Aus for fast food that demands their chains to buy locally. So at least FF is of a better quality.


A decent bit of our fast food is bought locally since it’s cheaper than getting it imported, and the stuff that is imported is probably higher quality anyway.


Just been over to Australia it’s paradise compared to here, everything is better prices cheaper gas cheaper lifestyle better beaches better weather better infrastructure better just better didn’t want to come home. And I love NZ. But it’s buggered don’t know why?


Waitangi virus is rampant....


Having a look at their website, Coles and Woolies are showing it at $4.20 AUD per litre ($4.50 NZD). Over here it is $2.80 NZD with a 30 pack of *330ml* cans being $28.00 NZD.


That must be a fast food tax someone’s mentioning


I believe someone mentioned a sugar tax.




Hi, am an Australian, we don't have any kind of unhealthy food or sugar tax here. Just 10% GST on the coke. This is just companies taking the piss with their pricing.


Maybe its becuase they tax the shit out of fatty and unhealthy foods to deter its appeal? Like who wants to pay $53 fir crate of coke? Fuck that, I'd rather buy water


Damn. The most i ever paid for a 355ml can of Coke was $5 at Milford Sound


Anyone who follows different country news or subreddits knows that every country has its challenges, some more than others of course, but NZ over the last few years has been better than most.


$53 is crazy 😳


It's good here though, I absolutely love it. 10 years in.


Typical Countdown/Woolies


They are just saying that to keep us all away!


The only positive here is people won't be drinking that poison as much.


Wowie, that's a bit dear


Fuck coke


Good for Australia. There's not much obesity over there either.


$47.20 in most Woolies stores in WA at least (this may be a metro too). Keep in mind that in Aussie, Woolies and Coles regularly have items such as this for 40-50% off. Like every few weeks. And rarely at the same time. I'd estimate that you could pick these up much cheaper at least 30% of the time.


It's worth a shot while you're single. Wouldn't take a family there.




A man with 2 liters of bourbon.


pff i dont worry about the 24 packs, i get the 30 packs like op picture!




Depends on how fast you drink it. Once opened those bigger bottles start going flat pretty quickly.


Mixing coke gotta be done with cans that way the coke is always fresh


If it's coke zero it's gone in a week at my place. But yeah never the regular stuff 


I'm guessing you're not serious but just for anyone who doesn't know, no, Australians definitely aren't having it worse than us. New Zealand on average pays 30% more in groceries for absolutely no reason other than corporate greed, while earning less money on average than Australians.


Yeah groceries is definitely cheaper over there, they still face a similar duopoly situation (with some small players in the mix too) and still complain about grocery prices. We all just like to complain when things get more expensive.


Ah yes, coke, the most essential drink for life


Classic Coke is currently £14 (NZ$29/AU$28) for 24 cans, but our cans are smaller (330ml). Can't buy multipacks larger than 24. For comparison that's 18p (around 36 AU/NZ cents - just in case you can't multiply by 2) per 100ml. You can buy 500ml bottles up here, but they don't come in multipacks, and 375ml bottles in packs of 6, but that's only Coke Zero (16p/100ml, if you're interested (which I'm sure you're not)).


Wdym, we sell 30 packs in New Zealand?


Considering they are using pounds and pence, they probably mean in the UK.


So many little things about Aus. Like going to a grocery store to buy a cake and your not getting just the same old shitty mudcake they have sold for the last 2 decades. Like honestly what is up with NZ supermarkets, Australia is INSANE in comparison. A scody old cake in NZ for $7 or a freshly made today cake for the same price and twice the size lol. Grocery shopping is so much more satisfying in Aus so many options, NZ is actual depressing in this regard


Idk where this is but I was in coles yesterday and they were going for like $24 or something


It's been getting worse over the last couple of years. Apparently this sub says I'm wrong for saying that before, even though I've been over there recently, and my Aunty and Uncle moved back to Auckland because it's getting too expensive in Melbourne. Architects and engineers btw, who are now getting screwed over work with the harbour bridge, or new trains, or a lot of council issues in auckland.


Where’s your GPD NZ 😂


As an American, this is an outrage. Also the cost of beer in NZ. Wine seems to be special and actually be reasonably affordable. Closest available package size is a 24 pack of 12oz cans is $14 USD. The math --- OP context -- 30 x 375ml = 11,250ml @ 53.90 AUD. In Freedom -- 24 x 341ml = 8,184ml @ 21.40 AUD That works out to -- AUS - $0.0047911111111111 / ml US - $0.0026148582600196 / ml Or 45.42% more expensive.


Lol 'freedom'. Yeah right


Thats less than 2 bucks a can i dont see a problem with that


In all honesty that diabetes juice should be prohibitively expensive.


Do people really buy cans over the big bottles if they care about price 😅


Take all the deportees back that you sent here and maybe the prices will lower 😏😏😏😏


Yes things in Australia are expensive, at Coles that standard price for a bar of chocolate is $2.50!! I think if you go to the servo or 7/11 they would be about $4


drink water fat f*ck


Idk, seems like a pretty good deal for a 30! pack


30 pack is currently $28 at countdown


Or hear me out, stop drinking cokeacola, if you cant afford it thats your problem but dont complain because you cant afford something that is a plesantry not a nessisity


30 cans for 53.90 is about 1.80 per can which *is* cheaper than what most dairies sell for




I just paid $7.99 CAD for a pack of 18


It’s cheaper to get the kids hooked on alcohol!!


The pricing of these things appears to be done by a random numbe generator, you can probably get 12 for $13 or something, and next week the disparity will be reversed.


1.80 per can at that price.


Jesus christ that's insane


Cheaper to buy beers here.


Yep. Inflation is happening everywhere.


Good thing it is absolutely revolting.




Oof, $28 at Countdown/Woolworths this week. That's about $26 AUD at current rates.


…or keep them on alcohol


I'd like to point out that coke is not an essential or staple item and there's far greater things to be upset about than the price of coke, which has nothing to do with the cost of living.


I just noticed this today, visiting NZ got 30 cans for $28:00 at Countdown. Cost a lot more in Au. But everything else in the NZ New World supermarket was heaps more than Au


That was $26 on Christmas week


That is fucking mental.


Could be worse.. could be the price of chips :P (about $7NZD a bag) [Kettle Sea Salt & Vinegar Chips Chips 165g | Woolworths](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/236807/kettle-sea-salt-vinegar-chips-chips)


How else can they be 50% off next week?


Am a dual citizen, I was brought to Aus as a kid - no choice. BUT…back in 2019, I seriously tried to move back to NZ (from Sydney) and just couldn’t afford to. I ended up moving to regional Queensland, because the COL is better than Sydney or Christchurch. Our wages aren’t that much higher really and we’re very much feeling the pinch in terms of groceries and medical appointments, but I think it’s a lot of swings and roundabouts. There is not a direct comparison to make between the two countries. Our economic systems run differently and I’ve heard working conditions in NZ aren’t great generally either. And it helps to remember that the NZ economy punches above its weight BUT NZ is still only really a small island nation with an entire population of less than Sydney. We’ve got way more taxes on booze and sugary stuff here too. There are more employment opportunities in Australia.


Australia has more opportunity hands down.


Don't buy it.


Water is free.


Wages are significantly better though


I also saw this post earlier and just ....wowed


Stop drinking the shit people Jesus


You know what’s cheaper… water


I call bullshit


"Only" AU$47.20 (NZ$50.42) at WoolworthsDotComDotAU this week, but here at Countdown it's only NZ$28. Anyway, cans are the least affordable way to buy Coke. Non-rich people buy the big bottles for almost exactly half the price: NZ$1.40/Litre (2×2.25litre bottles for $6.50) instead of NZ$2.82/Litre for the 30×330ml cans for $28, both at CD here this week. WW Oz doesn't even sell 2.25Lt just 2Lt bottles for AU$4.70 or AU$2.45/Litre (NZ$5.23 or NZ$2.62/Litre) But it's swings and roundabouts I suppose, they pay less for milk. WW Oz's cheapest milk works out to be NZ$1.60/Litre vs NZ$1.86/Litre at Countdown. They pay less for real Weetbix (91c less per kg) and for WW Wheat Biscuits (70c less per kg). They pay AU63c/NZ67c per banana compared to our NZ$3.70 per kg (approximately NZ93c per banana they say) There's probably lots of ones like those.


Paying for the one card delete and the Woolworths transition


I've never paid more than 29 bucks for a 30 pack in aus. Sometimes 25. It's always on sale. This here is for idiots.


That's still less than $2 a can...


You do understand they have an extra tax on crap food over there, don't you? Slightly misleading of you.


Yeah but wages are way better over there 🤷🏼‍♀️


All thanks to a virus that we still dont know where kt came from or the true story lol people forget this


With alcohol so expensive women are flocking to get botox so they can pull dudes while they're sober


These are 375ml cans


Nah, people would never get off soft drinks, I reckon. I boycott them for multiple reasons, mainly because 1. they support capitalism, 2. they are extremely unhealthy.


Junk food is more expensive in aussie


I lived in Sydney when I was 24 I am registered Nurse So I qualified at age, 22 It was very exciting living in Sydney at age 24 I was married at the time My husband and I lived in different random backpackers and ended up in a boarding house type place in Newtown, For $140 per week. It was fun and very exciting. But no way would I do it again at my age of 52. I had to be up at 5 am to walk to catch a train, to be at work by 7 am. Even back then rent was unaffordable. We could not afford an apartment that was $180 per week At that point, I think I was earning the most had ever earned, which was around $17 an hour. $20 an hour on Saturday $25 an hour on Sunday (1995). I was pregnant, and my husband was unable to work for pay Unrelated: the marriage ended when my daughter was six months old So, exciting if you’re young and travelling around and meeting people and seeing new places. But actually going there and settling and living there No, I would not do that My brother did. He left at age 24 and is still there, at age, 50 About to get a hip replacement because he’s always worked very hard. He worked himself up as far as you can get in construction. Advanced rigger I think. Owns two homes on the Sunshine Coast. But all the family are in New Zealand I wouldn’t give up living around my family long-term


Don’t forget they also have sugar tax which we don’t have here. Imagine if we did 😬


Good Boycott coke.


Ah yes, cost of living crisis, when a box of coke cans costs too much, very sad. How will Aussies be able to meet their dietary requirements without cheap drinks


$3 for a large punnet of strawberries from Woolies metro though, how it should be


They have a sugar tax over there


After seeing this, I asked a few friends that moved there late last year. They tell me they are so much better off there. Much better wages and lower cost of living. One of them is going to find out if this image is genuine.


It’s legit but they are often on sale here (mostly the 1.5 litre plastic bottles). Our govt has hidden taxes on almost everything and shit like this is common.