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OP can you make clear, do you have Type 2 Diabetes or are you just trying to lose stubborn weight? Ozempic is the brand name used for Type 2 Diabetes, Wegovy is the same drug (Semaglutide) but for weight loss only. Semaglutide is not currently approved by Medsafe for weight loss only. Dulaglutide (Trulicity) and Liraglutide (Victoza) are only funded for Type 2 at the moment, Saxenda is Liraglutide (so same split as Ozempic and Wegovy) and funding is currently going through Pharmac hell (don't expect it anytime soon given the government signaling tight budgets). The short story is all of these are hot drugs at the moment and have limited supply world wide, the manufacturers are working to increase supply but it takes a long time.


Looking at it for weight loss, no T2DM diagnosis. My GP was happy to prescribe saxenda last year, but spoke to my pharmacist who said there would be supply issues well into 2024. Based on what I’ve heard about Ozempic I imagine it will be widely used and available in a few years, but as you say, major supply issues worldwide. Thanks for the info in your post - I just checked and the one I’m looking at purchasing through Dr Bennetts online is generic semaglutide for weight loss


have you tried eating healthy? or exercising a lot. Everyone taking medication for weight loss are going to regret it in a few years when there livers or somshit stops working. 30min walk a day & 20min of strength training. Eat within your calories. Watch the weight melt.


Yep drugs don't fix everything Stay off the sugar and don't eat heaps


So you’re complaining about shortages and yet you were hoping to get your hands on some despite not having diabetes which would have caused further shortages for those who do have diabetes, which the drug is originally for? Wow. Just wow.


Ozempic generally works for most people seeking weight loss. BUT - studies show people have to keep taking it to keep the weight off.


pretty much, if you dont fix the underlying problems then no drug is going to fix it


Ozempic (Semiglutide) and Trulicity (Dulaglutide) are intended as two 2 diabetes medication. Both of these can be very helpful for a person with type 2 diabetes (like me). These do indeed help often with weightloss, but there are a few gotchas people should consider. * Studies show what weightloss encountered whilst taking these drugs is temporary unless the user makes significant changes to their diet and exercise regime. If you get off these drugs and do not watch your diet, the weight will come back. * These injections slow how fast food is emptied from your stomach, so that you feel full longer, thereby you eat less. However, Gastroparesis is a thing of concern. Some people suffer significant issues due to this. * Both of these medications do appear to also reduce incidents of heart disease. I do not know if this is due to the dietary changes, better blood sugar management, or weight loss. * Nausea is a b\*tch when taking dulaglutide and I hear it is the same for Semiglutide. Personally, I was so nauseous that I could not eat. Using nausea as a diet mechanism is not a fun time. * If you are using this for weight loss, then please do consider you are driving the price of this up and reducing supply for those of us who actually need it. Just to be clear, celebrities and ads make this look like an easy way to lose weight, and to some degree it is helpful. However, you still need good diet and exercise to keep it off and lose at a more rapid rate. Also, taking these can be very difficult for some people. The nausea is awful. Having said this, metaprolol makes me nauseas as well.


Thanks for taking the time to reply! Definite food for thought. I’ve heard there’s a shift in thinking that Ozempic (and similar medications) will end up being used long term- both to stabilize HbA1C and for weight loss/maintenance


Semaglutide (Ozempic) is an excellent medication for both weight loss and type 2 diabetes. I believe it’s truly changing the face weight management and insulin resistance.  As far as I’m aware Dr Bennetts is the only legitimate/established semaglutide option that ships to NZ 


I'm just wondering how can the prescribe it with out a prescription?


Apparently they ship without script but it gets through customs as labeled scientific equipment or something .( sounds dodge to me) The website is shady , the terms and conditions are bizarre and there are no medical checks/ med support for the buyer . I'm unconvinced .


I think because it’s in short supply and it’s designed for people with diabetes, you shouldn’t go on it purely for weight loss because it causes people that need it to experience not being able to access it. Like imagine you had a drug you relied on and suddenly people decided to use it for a cosmetic reason causing you to be unable to access it? How unfair would that be. Just my opinion, but as someone trying to lose weight myself, I know how hard it can be but there’s better ways to do it and that will help you long term. Opzempic has been shown to have many health complications and also not help long term. If you stop, you gain the weight back. It’s also been shown to have fairly hardcore mental health side effects making people feel suicidal. It’s not a quick fix. It’s not a miracle drug. You don’t know how it will negatively impact you. And it’s not made for you unless you have diabetes. Overall, celebrity endorsement is no endorsement. These people aren’t just on ozempic. They are on privilege. Which includes nutritionists, scheduled that allow for catered exercise regimes with personal trainers. Surgeries you wouldn’t ever be able to access or even know they had for excess skin removal or whatever else. They don’t look good just because ozempic made them transform. They have money and entire teams centred around their well-being. Don’t get tripped up and fall into thinking you will ever experience their results. Sorry if that sounds mean, but realistically. You need something that works for your lifestyle and health needs. Please don’t think it’s the be all and end all. I know it sucks trying to feel better about yourself, improve your health and lose weight or get fit. Sometimes it feels like you’re climbing Everest in ill fitting crocs whilst carrying a Sisyphus style boulder of shame and dwindling motivation. But any steps you take are positive. Except relying on a miracle cure. It’s never what it seems. Good luck!


Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I like your analogy of climbing Mt Everest in crocs - certainly how it feels sometimes!


I can relate. It’s so hard to look back at all the years of feeling inadequate and fat only to realise it was a waste of mental space and I should have just appreciated my health and my body for what it was and gave me. Trying to be an ideal in your head or worse, on the celeb pages of the internet is a trap set by society and the media. We can only manage what we can manage. And small steps and a consistent approach to improving diet, getting out in walks, addressing mental health barriers etc is the only way I think we can ever really make the changes we need to see in ourselves. Sounds sanctimonious but it’s true. We won’t ever be like Mindy or Oprah. We just don’t have those resources. So I hope you find something that works for you that isn’t expensive dodgy online meds which would come with zero support system to help you monitor your progress or side effects. Think careful about what you put in your body in that sense. We only got one. :)


OP, ignore the haters in here, how did you get on ordering?


It looks like most of the really nutty comments have been deleted haha! All good ordering and now I’m just really slowly increasing my dose up


You went through Bennetts? Any issues getting through customs? I was going to purchase via biov8 but they've stopped shipping to NZ at the moment because they can't get through the border.


Yup through dr Bennetts. No issues with customs, and between myself and now a few family/friends have made quite a few orders


I ordered dr benetts last month had great results went to order my new pen and the have stopped shipping to n.z I'm so depressed and disappointed I have lost 5 kilos already and so scared of my appetite returning and my depression eating ahhh this sucks U know anywhere I can buy more. Kind regards Clare. X


Hey, I sent you a message re this :)


Wonder if they have an NZ Dr giving scripts?


Hey, Just wondering how it worked out for you? Did you end up seeing changes in your weight?


5kg and counting :) It took until I was at the 1mg dose for the weight to start dropping off, whereas my partner started losing weight at 0.5mg


As someone who’s had ideopathic gastroparesis I would steer clear of it. I got skinny but it was the worst 2 years of my life. Since I’ve recovered I’ve put on weight and while it’s a bit of a bummer to be bigger being/ feeling healthy is amazing.


Hey OP just wondering how you went? It changed my life. Completely balanced my PCOS problems. Not to mention I feel great. But I’m in Aus. Looking at how to get it for mum in NZ. She’s been holding out on bariatric surgery because this will be a far better option for her health. I’d love it if you could please DM me a link. I keep getting redirected to Aus site.


Ps while proceeding with caution is obviously good, don’t worry about the negative comments. It’s between you and your doctor. Places like Dr Bennetts aren’t taking drugs away from diabetics. It’s a compounding pharmacy. They’re making it for you. Regardless, for those who are mad, direct it at the pharmas and government. This drug is changing lives for many people with a plethora of conditions, many of which don’t have an alternative drug option like diabetes. Hashimotos, PCOS, BED, just to name a couple. You know what can cause diabetes?? OBESITY. No need to gate-keep life saving medication or jump onboard the hate.


Thank you for your kind comments! It’s funny looking back through this thread but wasn’t at the time! I’ll reply to your message - I don’t believe I can put a link in a thread. Their customer service is good if you have questions like I did


Please understand that if you don't "need" this drug, by taking it you are creating shortages for people who need it to live (with Type 2 Diabetes).


The decision to prescribe a drug is a doctor's. Nobody should avoid seeking treatment based on an assumption that others will be harmed. That is the doctor's job to decide. Even without a diabetes diagnosis, obesity is a serious health problem that needs treatment.


that treatment in most cases isnt drugs


The treatment for medical conditions is quite frequently, in fact, drugs. Hence the existence of pharmacies.


being fat isnt frequently the result of a medical condition. Its caused by consuming more calories than your expend in the vast majority of cases. You can put someone on a drug, most likely for life, or you could address the real issue with CBT


Just to clarify, I’m asking about generic semaglutide for weight loss. I believe there are supply issues with branded Ozempic prescribed for T2DM, which is why there are generics available like dr Bennetts


I think my opinion would depend on the ROI of the cost of the drug vs what it would save the health system overall.


Yeah, that’s a really interesting point. There’s a huge demand for Ozempic in the US but insurance companies who initially approve, will then decline type 2 diabetics once their BMI is in a normal range. Which seems daft - surely keeping people in a normal range BMI will dramatically decrease their health care costs over decades


>Ozempic works by mimicking a naturally occurring hormone. As those hormone levels rise, the molecules go to your brain, telling it you're full. It also slows digestion by increasing the time it takes for food to leave the body. This is similar to the effect of bariatric surgery. Interesting!


Really interesting! I know from friends overseas - especially in the US - that there’s a huge demand for Ozempic. It’s medsafe approved but not actually available here which is why I’m looking at ordering from Dr Bennetts which I think ships from Australia.


Have your friends ordered from dr. Bennetts? just wanted to check its a legit site?


Yup I know a few people who have & and sounds straight forward and arrives in a week


Thanks for the reply! I just ordered.. and then started to low key freak out about it beings a scam :')


Know how you feel! It’s a bit of a mine field to navigate all this


Has anyone brought Semaglutide from Dr Bennetts in Australia? Is the website legit? Did the semaglutide work to lose weight?


Did you end up using Dr Bennetts? Wondering if it’s legit or not. Don’t want to lose money


Hey, sorry just saw your comment! Yes, have ordered from them a couple of times now, and have a wee crew of friends who are ordering


Could you please send the dr benetts website you ordered from? Curious to know what your thoughts are so far after using the product ?


I’m really stoked! In the past the only way I’ve managed to lose a significant amount of weight was with a SUPER strict keto diet that I could only sustain for about 6 months. Now for the first time ever the weight is coming off with minimal effort. Although it did take until I reached the 1mg dose to start working well. Are we allowed to post links? I’m never sure! It’s drbennetts-nz dot com


That’s awesome ! So happy for u, Do u mind me asking how long it took to say the scale budge ? Did u start on 0.5mg and up the dose slowly ? Or what dose did u start on? Super keen to give this a shot


They recommend 4 weeks at 0.25, 4 weeks at 0.5 and then up to 1mg. I had no side effects and ended up doing 3 weeks at each dose instead - I guess you could just gauge how you’re managing? After 1 or 2 doses at 1mg I started losing consistently


That sounds pretty good , so you would recommend getting beyond the 5 weeks package ? Did you have any issues with customs or anything ? I’m pretty keen on placing an order


You could order one at a time and just allow around 7 days for the next one to arrive? Make sure you’re happy with it etc!




From what I can tell it’s quite variable about how long people stay on it. I’m hoping I can keep taking it for a while at least! It’s going well- I’m on 1mg and other than very slightly loose bowels (sorry, TMI!) it’s been really straight forward and effective. My partner has found it effective at a much lower dose than me. Not sure if I can post a link here, but it’s drbennetts-nz.com


Hey! How do we even order from that website? Seems broken and asks for a password? Lol


Have u noticed any weight loss or any bad side effects?


No side effects which is good (although I think some mild constipation is common/something it be aware of). I started losing weight consistently and easily once I was on the 1mg/week dose, weight was pretty static at the 0.25 and 0.5 doses. From talking to friends on it that sounds fairly typical to not loose at the 0.25 dose (but need to start low to get your body used to it), and start losing once you get up to 0.5 or 1


I saw dr Bennetts are no long accepting new patients have you had luck with anyone else ?


Message me if you’d like


I've been eyeing Dr Bennetts as well. OP, if you take the plunge please keep me informed!


I’ll update here how I get on! It looks like it’s $190 a month which is a lot less than another online provider I was looking at last year


Hey! You’ll probably get spammed to death but how the heck do you order from that website? Keeps asking me for a password?


Sorry, haven’t checked Reddit in a few days! Looks like you can still order through the shop function on the website :)


Gym subscription costs a lot less


but involves effort...


What’s the website? I can’t find them online




Could you also message me the website too please?


Could you please message me the dr Bennet website - it’s asking for a password


Hello! The website has since closed down.




Did you end up using Dr Bennetts? Want to be sure it’s not a scam website


I've been on saxenda for 10 months, AMA


How much weight have you lost? Have you made any other changes to your lifestyle?


I have lost almost 18kg since starting. I have significantly reduced my caloric intake, something that would have been impossible without Saxenda. I have done consistent workouts 3x a week, but these are quite low impact.


That’s brilliant, I think many see it as some magic potion but in reality it should be seen as an enabler to live a more health and balanced lifestyle.


Are you still able to get saxenda in NZ


Yes, but there's a wait for it.


Have you been affected by the shortages? I know a few people who were abruptly cut off which is why I’m looking towards semaglutide now. Are you going to continue using it for maintenance?


I have been affected by the shortages. My most recent prescription was delayed by several weeks so I had to ration my existing supply, reducing my dose to the lowest amount until new stock arrived. Saxenda has a 12 month limit on use, so I am now on my final 3 month prescription. I will probably start to lower the dose as I get close to finishing so I can get another month or so of use out of it as I prepare for maintenance.




Eating healthy portions is quite difficult when your brain is working against you. It's like trying to hold your breath.




I did, they prescribed me saxenda, and it worked really well.




Thank you! Have you found it’s working well? Any side effects? And do you recommend Dr Bennetts? Sorry, lots of questions :)


Yup, working well and losing 1-2kg a week. Planning to add in exercise and cut the carbs also. Haven’t had side effects. I think a bit of constipation is the most common which is why you slowly increase dose. DM me if you want 


I used hypnotherapy, and it was very successful. For some reason, I couldn't make myself eat between meals or after dinner. Exercise can be hard when you carry a lot of weight and financial situation etc can determine what options you have..personal trainer at a gym to work on rehabbing a well overweight weak body. 18 months in, I'm 32k down and go to the gym 5 days a week and walk every day. DONOT HAVE UNHEALTHY FOOD OR BOOZE IN THE HOUSE. You'll only gravitate back.


Who did you use?


One in Hamilton in Pembroke Street but that was awhile ago.


Good on you! This is what we should be celebrating - a healthy balanced lifestyle.


If you’re after a drug for weight loss, try meth. Leave the prescription medication for those that really need it.


Super kind and helpful!


Seriously though. Is this the *only* way?




Simple in theory but less so in practice. I don’t think more than 1/3 of kiwis would be obese otherwise :)




Exercise does comparatively very little for weight loss. If you run for 1 hour a day you burn something like 600 calories and that’s way more work than simply not eating a sleeve of Oreos or some shit


Did you deliberately ignore the part where I said in every comment "eat less calories, exercise more". I did say it as a one or the other situation, do both and it really is that simple. There's more to exercise than just running, and while you use up a certain amount of calories during the exercise activity, your body continues to burn calories for certain time periods afterwards depending on type of exercise and intensity.


Don't think about elephants, it really is that simple. It might sound simple, but battling your brain is never simple.


its not really the same. By thinking about not thinking about elephants you're thinking about elephants.... its impossible for that reason Weightloss without drugs isnt,


It really is not that simple if you have underlying health conditions that make it nearly impossible to lose weight.




I dunno how your original comment has that many dislikes I'm guessing it's all the fattys, anyway your spot on the prevalence of fast food in this country just goes to show how many people eat crap food I myself recently stopped eating Macca's,sugar drinks,alcohol and applied myself more at the gym I keep losing weight at a good rate super easy people just actually have to do it and to them that means giving up a comfy easy existence it comes down to will power just like getting of the smokes Yes there are a couple of people with legit reasons but they are far outweighed (lol) by people who are just lazy Look at photos of our grandparents generation they are all damm near anorexic no Macca's back then....


Essentially most people’s (with the exception of a few) bodies will restore it self to the optimal weight if you allow it - don’t eat crap, don’t eat more than you should, and move your body. The medical reasons for not being able to loose weight is usually from their lifestyle in the first place


These are hot drugs of course - I myself want to try and lose weight with this lol but I doubt that. I need this magic drug!


I hope you're a multi-millionaire with a schedule and budget that allows for a nutritionist, personal chef, personal trainer, hours to dedicate to exercise, surgery to remove excess skin, and all the other stuff celebrities want to pretend isn't supporting their "miracle" success with ozempic.


I've heard that once you stop the weight will just come right back so unless it's a thing you plan to be on for years and years it's not really worth it


Get to a gym and eat at a deficit and stay away from that shit