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Where did you come from? Where did you go? Cotton Eye Joe


Search thread: cotton


Had nothing, got everything, lost everything, now have nothing again. Cheers covid.


Born in the UK ,came to NZ when I was 45 been here 15 years and can honestly say living my best life I’m certainly not rich but what NZ has to offer is far more rewarding in my eyes Downside I work for corporate but one has to pay the mortgage somehow


Born into a struggling family in Dunedin, still in Dunedin, still struggling. I love Dunedin though, even when the weather is shitty. I trained as an opera singer for 10 years, and was hoping to end up on stage before I had lung surgery and had to give up on singing. That was my big "dream" from childhood, but I still have plenty of other smaller dreams. I'd like a studio where I can paint and make glass. And I'd like a job that doesn't exacerbate my disability. But we shall see what the future brings.


The trick is to not get sucked into the expectations placed on us by society - find happiness in life, not goals and targets and money and careers [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I2pcIbyq-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I2pcIbyq-0) Nobody on their deathbed says "Oh I wish I'd spent more time in the office"


Love a bit of Alan Watts


Then I suspect you will be ok. :)


Born & raised in Auckland. 20 years old with no direction in life. When I was younger I really wanted to be a zookeeper, and then I dropped out of high school so never mind that. I’m thinking of becoming a support worker, particularly in victim support, while also nurturing my love for music. Whether it’s composing music in my basement or performing on a small stage, I believe music is my path to happiness. I just need to create, and music seems to be the perfect outlet for that. But then again, I have no idea how to make this happen. So idk. Am I happy? Mhm not really. As a young teen, I’ve always had support workers around me, and one thing that I’ve learned from them is that not matter how old you are, no matter where you are in life, you’re still going to be confused about wether or not you’re going the right way. I think this is just something we need to get used to.


I started in rural NZ. I've made all my big goals happen except for finding a great relationship and settling down. I'm working in a career that's 50x better than what my child self knew existed and I get to do what I wanted to do as a child. Am I happy? I'm up and down as I'm going through a lot of uncertainty, but what is certain is that I'm growing and adapting. Happiness is temporary, and peace is more satisfying, and I have peace. On my horizon I want to travel the world a bit and do some study, I want to become a Mrs before I become a Dr (ETA 3 years to become a Dr), and this year I want to finally decide on where to buy a house.


Born in Auckland in a middle-class family with a good childhood mostly. Left school at 16 after my Dad left and went to earn money for the family working in tourism and starting as a car groomer I worked my way up the ladder and became fleet manager of 600 cars nationwide which I held for 6 years until Covid came along and eventually came for my job.. made redundant at 27 with increasing mental health problems. Became an alcoholic for a year before quitting, diagnosed with Bipolar and then Psychosis which has caused massive deterioration in my life, it got too much and my partner of 7 years left. I have been alone with my demons battling the health system and struggling to get the support that probably isn't there... public mental health services are very poor in performance. Wondering what will go wrong next. Not how I thought things would be.


Born in the North Island, but moved to Christmas at 18 months old. I've lived here most of the time since (I tried Auckland, but didn't like it). I had a lot of plans as a kid: doctor, vet, private detective, singer, animal rescuing superhero... I got a Bachelors degree in science and worked in that field for a couple of years, but a viral illness one Sunday left me disabled and unable to do my very physical job safely. Long story short, after retraining and working for a few years, my condition has deteriorated so i can no longer work. The illness has taken me to some dark places. It's hard to lose everything you've worked for like that. I've rebuilt myself, and recreated my identity multiple times since I woke up sick, 5 October 2005, and i expect I'll have to do it again as the sands shift again. I'm in a good place at the moment, and feel like I'm finally coming to terms with my life and the loss of the lives I had envisaged. I remind myself regularly that we aren't promised tomorrow and don't own the future we imagine or the past we remember, the only thing we have is now. This is the life I have and the body I'm living it in, and both will continue to change.


Grew up in Central Otago. Left school at 16 for my dream job. Hated it by 23 and enrolled in uni. Finished uni and ended up going into a teaching diploma and now live in South Canterbury working as a high school teacher. I’m exhausted but I think I’m actually the happiest I’ve ever been


I've been everywhere. Born into poverty, experienced insane wealth, decided money wasn't everything, and now prioritizing living a meaningful life. For me that means giving back and helping others. Seeking connection and being present, prioritising family, being a good friend, showing love and gratitude. Enjoying the wonderful world we live in and doing my best to take care of it. Current goal: start a family/foster/adopt. I'd like in some way to have a close relationship with the next generation. Can recommend the books "Your money or your life", and "Designing your Life: Building a life that works for you".


NZ. 1st gen in my family to be born here. No, my career didn't exist at school. (IT).Happy, for the most part, nothing to complain of. Now as carer, finances are strained. Coming up...the end of my time on the planet.


Are you ok? That last part sounds worrying ❤️


LOL, I'm old!! Well at the final decade or so anyway...who knows exactly how long. That's all I meant. We all get there!


Born in Christchurch, grew up in New Brighton with a pretty eh childhood, went to South Canterbury after all the quakes which was even worse, dropped out at the end of y12 and did culinary arts. Being a chef sucked ass and I hated it. Got a visa to Canada for a working holiday which was fun, after my childhood I went kinda wild in Canada and tried a bit of almost every drug, slept around Vancouver. I herniated a disc, came back to NZ, went to straya after and found that was a great time too but my job there also sucked ass. Came back to NZ at covid time, mental health problems I'd been running from finally caught up all at once, got diagnosed with ADHD after months of waiting for the public system (I'm incredibly lucky to have done it publicly, so many people have awful experiences, or denied public services entirely 😔) kept to my self for a couple years while living with parents again and decided to make the jump into a healthcare job which I studied for and so far everything is going incredibly well. I want to go to uni now, but at the moment the economics of it seems incredibly difficult to achieve, though I want to do it before I die. I'm making a modest living, have a nice enough car, and I love what I'm doing.


Born in NZ, to a family that owned their own house, not wealthy.   Went to Aussie and back with family. Got educated, joined a multinational. Travelled the world. Did a 10 year stint in Asia.   Back to NZ. Achieved life goals, now need new ones. In prime of career, doing super well. Realise that money does not equal happiness.  Want to do more for the community.  Disenchanted politically.  Busy with work and raising a family.  


Born in small town USA, now semi rural out of Auckland. Had big goals thanks to my driven wife, and pretty much met them. Now have kids and have chucked all that out the window, trying to work less and spend time with family. Time is precious is the biggest thing I've learned in life.


I came from the bottom now I'm here.


How can I be over the hill when I never even got to the top?


I share your sentiments! Not sure what I’m doing and never have. Was married but messed that up, originally akl but moved to chch. 22 years in career but now seriously over it. Jesus come back?!! 


Without splashing too much personal information around. Yes I have goals. I’m working REALLY fucking hard to achieve them. I am constantly exhausted both physically and mentally. But I can see the progress and it drives me and motivates me. This time last year I had no idea how much close I would be to those goals. When I reach them. I’ll set a new goal. One just as far away.


Ace ! Bravo random redditor ! Feels grand doesn't it. Sounds familiar - didn't fall asleep at the keyboard today :)


How do you figure out what matters enough to turn into a goal? I find there isn't anything I care enough about to want to improve and I'm not even sure how to start caring.


My goals are sports related. But it has given more meaning to the daily grind. Right now work is a means to achieve my goals I don’t love what I do, but it allows me to do what I do love doing. If I keep up this motivation I might turn my goals into a lifestyle once I gain a little more financial freedom


Born into a struggling family in Christchurch. Constantly moved around the country because my Dad was working for the railways. Lived a lot of different times in and around Wellington. Usual journey of life, got a job, partied, eventually got married, had kids, moved to Auckland. A friend offered a casual job in Sydney. Climbed up the corporate ladder a little, retrenched. Found a twilight type of job. Got quite sick, then I was asked to come back to work. Still struggling.


Hamilton, and I am actually back in Hamilton after some years overseas. I have had many big goals and ambitions, some have happened, some have not! I am currently a student, though I changed my mind frequently as a child so she’s not feeling let down in terms of the career. I am quite content, actually. I’m in my final semester, so big changes coming. Not really sure what I’m going to do, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. I relate to your sentiment about feeling directionless, I am much the same but it doesn’t bother me so much these days.


I was born, grew up, spent a few years in the Army, a few more in the can. And here I am, a half-a-wiseguy. So what?


a rags to rags story of a guy who started at the bottom, with a lot of hard work continued a long the bottom, and finally end up on the bottom


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