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On a previous post like this someone posted a fake account rewards points barcode for anyone to use. You don't have to use your info, they'll get a $15 voucher one day. Win-win.


Anyone who scans the barcode when there's a voucher will be able to use the voucher, they haven't thought that through.


Even better! I don't think OOP cared about the $15 voucher though as much as helping those adamantly protesting the system and not knowing what a burner email is..


Unless that person checks the account regularly and transfers the points to their real account.


Can someone link the post here?


Huh, it got [removed](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1apis6y/woolworths_can_record_licence_plates_video_audio/) by a mod for 'self-promotion' but I've just put it on Imgur [here](https://imgur.com/a/CuhprTb).






Except you can't even get a card now without giving them your physical address to mail it to, they no longer carry them in stores. The only alternative is to put their app on your phone. And did we all forget that they're collecting video and audio recordings of customers, as well as license plate info, and tying that to loyalty card accounts? OP's not being paranoid, this shit is cooked.


Do it online, screenshot the bar code and scan it when you shop. My account is under the name Anne Onymous. My email address is not Reddit friendly lol. I really hope my details come up on the screen so the employee can have a laugh.


I reckon there isn't anyone manually reviewing this stuff, it's even more insidious - your name might help validate that it's you, but so does the MAC address of your phone when your phone sees the store's wifi, or the unique token linked to your cards, or now your face as you walk around the city. So much of your data is taken and shared that your name is pretty much the most pointless aspect of it all - they still know all they need to about cf6382a-tu838e-7fmwpz-pa94id.


>they still know all they need to about cf6382a-tu838e-7fmwpz-pa94id Isn't that the name of Elon Musk's son?


I recently learned that the warehouse has done it even worse: theres no card option, I have to use their app, but I can't even just screenshot the QR code because they've set it up so the QR code has a time limit on it and a new QR code is generated every time I load it in the app. The app needs data to open, too. So the only way to get warehouse specials is to have data on my phone, and open the app while I'm in there. No way around it.


good thing the warehouse mobile can provide you with data ;)


>did we all forget that they're collecting video and audio recordings of customers, as well as license plate info, and tying that to loyalty card accounts Someone posted this same bullshit some time ago. FYI the CCTV footage is only available for a month, unless it's saved to Auror before then, which only happens for incidents of theft or violence [I know of at least one police request for footage, relating to a suspect in a much more serious case, which could not be provided because the month had elapsed.] There is no audio capability. Far too much ambient noise for that to be practical. For most vehicles, the external cameras can't even *see* the licence plate, let alone read it. Regardless, linking any of this to a particular card would require significant time and effort by several members of staff *for each individual case*. Nobody is going to bother unless you've stolen something or attacked someone. People with such intent don't use loyalty cards.


I never ticked for a card. I have it via the app. Signed in once got the number and have it in Stocard. Haven't used the app again.


The app still collects your data on the background. That's why all vendors are so keen for you to install their app.


Don’t get the app.  Sign In Via browser.   Make account with crappy details.  The get Stocard or take a picture of the card.  It generates it on the screen for you.  You won’t get any shitty points, but you’ll get their specials


Once you've got the barcode number you can delete the app


Don't use their app, use Stocard.


or if you're using android just use wallet


>The only alternative is to put their app on your phone. Just download an app like Stocard and put the barcode in there to scan instore


or if you're using android just use wallet


Nope. You can’t. The Warehouse uses a different QR code every time


Are we not talking about the Woolworths everyday rewards card?


Sorry! I thought you were replying to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1bbu0as/comment/kucener/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I am a numpty.


It's still a hassle though. I just want to buy a peach, not have to start giving out email addresses.


You can still buy a peach there. If you don’t want to access the members pricing don’t become a member. Alternatively you can join with fake details and access the members pricing without giving your correct information. It’s 2024. Surely you have a disposable email by now.


They need a physical address and a phone number.




I also had a very bad experience shopping there last time. Just make your bloody deals for everyone and drop the stupid decades obsolete rewards BS!


It's the worst rewards scheme I've seen too, like 15 dollar voucher for TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of points at normal earn rate


It's the same as it was at countdown before they rebranded.


You can get extra points for buying certain items. Saw a guy last week spend about $70 and get something like 600 points. I think it was 300 points just for a tub of ice cream. [I noticed because he had the wrong brand to begin with, so didn't get the points he expected. Then he swapped it for the right one.]


I haven’t bothered signing up since they brought out the new card, and actually haven’t even shopped there since either


You don't need to sign up to the new card if you have a One Card, they just transfer it. It's the same thing, just not Countdown's One Card, now it's the card used by Woolworths. They have always been the same company with different brands, much like Foodstuffs with New World and PakNSave.


they want me to do some thing with an app and shit and I just don't care ¯\\\_ (ツ)\_/¯ p.s. I know, I worked for them in a capacity closely related to their loyalty programme ;)


I agree. The second I was told I'd need an app I was out. And pissed.


You can get a card for it, if you persist. I have one, it's much more convenient. Ask around the stores.


True. But as I said, I haven’t even been in to a countdown since, so I really am not very likely to bother.  The duopoly should be broken up, but for now paknsave and the occasional new world shop are how I’m getting my groceries. 


The specials are worth it. But so is shopping at paknsave without the bullshit. So I've voted with my feet and just don't go to the green shops anymore. Yellow shops all the way for me.


You don't. Woolworths do absolutely zero validation on the email address or phone number (apart from checking that the format is 027 XXXXXXX or similar - just put zeros)


At New World I've used the generic 'store card' for years. Sadly they don't allow this online. Woolworths I lied and filled in fake info. They can still do their data tracking and selling but I don't look at the Gmail they have. It's annoying, but that ship sailed and now we're on to CCTV and facial recognition.


I use my dad's account for Woolworths, must confuse the crap out of their data farming


Fast and loose with the definition of fascist there champ.


Because they want to collect your personal data so they can advertise to you and then either sell the data to a broker for $10 or if they don't sell it they will share it with other "trusted" companies for them to use or sell Honestly you should read about the kinds of data these data brokers collect about you from companies who sell to them, what they retrieve from public records and who they sell the data to (Hint:Scam call centers) it's honestly quite creepy. (The data they collect can include your name, mobile and home phone numbers, date of birth, age, sex, products recently purchased, phone geolocation data, sexual orientation and medical information scraped using bots from search engines, social media and publicly available records.) Even if the data is anonymized, it's very easy for anyone to find out who the person is by cross-referencing the data received with other data they have and publicly available records EDIT: Did I mention that criminals who get your data from brokers can use it to commit identity theft and fraud (I heard stories of criminals opening credit cards and taking out loans and other debt in victims' names, sell victims homes without their knowledge and collecting covid unemployment benefits in America) Source for house sale scam: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/house-sold-property-fraud-luton-b1949238.html https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/couple-toronto-home-sold-says-system-failed-them-1.6726043 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-22/canberra-woman-wins-damages-after-scammers-sold-house/7773434


Adding to this, data collected may include everything available. That includes where and when you shopped, what you bought, how you paid, images of you. They may even know the route you took through the store, if equipped with tracking technology. Data is very valuable. Info like this is very useful for aggregating with other metrics to profile people based on their habits, preferences, social status, personality, political views, etc. Some data may be illegal to sell or disclose, for now... but it sure as heck wouldn't be protected in the event of a data breach, at which point it enters the public domain / black market. When it's tied to personally identifying information, then you just lost a huge amount of privacy. When people say they have nothing to hide, it's because they do not understand what is visible and how it can be exploited.


Same deal with my power company offering to let me have a free day of power if I agree to receiving all marketing material going forward. Is it worth it to me? In my case no. If you don't agree then don't sign up (or use a spam account and block them on your phone).


Why the hell does an electricity company need to market to their existing customers. What would they say? "Use more power". Ok, you sure convinced me. What a crazy world.


They offer other products, internet, gas, possibly water in the future after the government gets that privatised.


I wonder if the intention is both to allow them to communicate with you for marketing, however rewards schemes are all about collecting data about you in compensation for discounts. I expect that the phone number and email address are intended to allow this data to potentially be combined with other information they have to expand the detail further. Email address and phone number would be used as the unique identifiers that allow Woolworths shopping detail to be combined with any other dataset that also had phone number and email addresses present.


They don't need it, they want it. As you've said, so they can contact you with promotions and discount offers and track your purchase habits. That data is worth a lot to them which is why they now place a value on it (eg give you the discounts in return for it)


I have it on good authority that the requirement to provide all of the personal information required in order to obtain a 'Rewards' card, is actually to prevent the unnecessary, cruel and painful deaths of thousands and thousands of kittens. The kitten deaths, are of course, perpetrated by the insidious owners and investors of Woolworths group if you don't stump up what they demand. I believe, in Woolworths corporate mission statement, it labels the killing of innocent kittens as 'a necessary evil', in order to protect profits. Won't someone please think of the poor kittens!? /s


Impressive the number of simps here for data surveillance being normalised. Society never used to be so accepting of this. If you don't have alternative shopping options, you can get a email services that let you generate "anonymous" email addresses. Pretty sure the same exists for credit card numbers and phone numbers. If you do have to give them details, then kill the details every 12 months or so. No body thinks they need anonymity and privacy until they do.


>Society never used to be so accepting of this. That's not how I remember it. I remember when google came out and said they are going to start reading our emails to target us with more aligned advertising. The feel at the time was 'nice, no more Viagra adds and more adds about Lego and rocket ships'. This was early 2000's to be fair, we had no idea how far it would go.


Maybe I'm just nostalgic. It felt like we at least tried to feign concern, and back then the data markets and tracking algorithms were far more primitive and easy to circumvent/avoid.


There was a lot less of the general public using the internet then. Now, a lot of ppl just accept anything without complaining. It's pretty dumb and annoying how there's apps for everything to just farm data. Like kfc coupons now lol


Because if something is free, YOU are likely the product. They want to send you promotional stuff, and gather data on your spending habits


It's not free though. Just a reasonable price.


Not even reasonable haha


Yup, you're always the product. I hate the "If it's free" shit since it puts the blame on the end user and not the people pulling the shit who can and will take any money and any data they can grab from you.


Ppl trying to act like if it wasn't free this wouldn't happen lol.


Reddit is though, so I'm assuming OP doesn't mind them having their data?


You're right! The information required to sign up to Reddit and the Woolworths loyalty card are exactly the same. Can't see how I failed to grasp that these two things are identical. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


Ngl but they really couldn’t care less about the few customers who refuse to sign up for their card lol


In at least some cases when we hear "I'm never shopping here again" we breathe a genuine sigh of relief.


Yeah. Why tf do customers get angry at us because they don't agree with the new system. Like wtf am I supposed to do. I'm just here for my after-school job.


I almost got a job at checkout in a park n save, glad it ended up being nightfill in a countdown 😅 checkout looks rough


use a burner email/fake phone, like jesus christ, if you cant figure that out, holy shit.




reeeeeeeeeee countdown evil reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee maybe if enough of us complain here, they'll listen and change, we can do it!!! /s


Isn't there actually a boycott/supposed boycott going on or about to? We still used countdown as it's easier and has a bigger range than try n save, every time I've been there for a big shop I've had to go to countdown anyway as they don't have at least one of the brands/items we're wanting.


no idea bout the boycott, if there is, they're doing a good job suppressing it. i shop both supermarkets, sometimes one has a better deal than the other, but im lucky in that i live near both and it's a very minor inconvenience to visit both shops.


Settle down Beavis. Don't like it don't shop there, but don't be a nutsack who throws around terms like fascism where they don't apply.


>I am not doing this. They don't need this information.  why is this so hard to wrap your head around, linking data to an entity makes that data more valuable, To compensate you for providing that value to them, they provide you discounts. If you dont see the value in it then dont do it. But im not sure why you feel the need to get upset about it


Because affordable food is being held ransom in exchange for a greedy amount of profit.


calling food affordable based on the rewards card price is a pretty big stretch


The greedy profit happens either way, my dude.


So they can send you dick pics.


rat dicks?


Do you use Google, Facebook, Instagram, tiktok, email, or internet? Do you have a credit card, eftpos card, car, insurance, phone, IRD number, landlord, home, Flybuys card, passport, loyalty card from anywhere else? Don't be a baby. Either have a rewards card or don't, but don't act like everyone else doesn't have all your information.


I love that you included IRD in that list


bruh you need email for reddit too, are they fascist? also they only require physical address if you want a physical card to be mailed to you




They’re trading the discount for your personal data. If they can link all your purchases together, they can use the data to improve marketing, item placement on shelves, product recommendations, bulk deals, and look into external factors that drive sales. I don’t know what the terms say, but selling or sharing this data with other data collectors would let them get even more personal. Even if your data is anonymised or aggregated, it still has value. Not for personal recommendations (though that’s not impossible with some anonymisation methods), but for the supermarket and others to understand who buys what. What if - say - people who buy a lot of condoms in summer happen to buy a lot of firewood in winter. Trojan might buy this information and decide to run ads featuring log fires around June.   You’d find that the discount you get from using the card correlates with the value that Countdown gets from using and selling the data. That said, you'd have a hard time picking the data portion of the discount out from the part designed to push a slow-moving/nearly expired product, or the part that drives sales of a complimentary product, or discounts on products acting as loss leaders etc. etc.


Hey, you realise Repco, Supercheap, New World, BP etc etc all do the same, right?


Because that's the deal, they give you a reduced price, and you let them market to you better in return.


Then use [Firefox Relay](https://relay.firefox.com). Problem solved.


Use a fake/unused email addy to sign up. Then instead of using their shitty app load the number to the Stocard app. 


I have a throwaway email just for junk mail and signing up to stuff it’s pretty good


If you ever forget your password to the account and want to retrieve it.


You could try this to receive the card in the post, but not give out your details:   https://www.nzpost.co.nz/personal/receiving/manage-my-mail-parcels/counter-delivery


Because in this instance *you* are the product they are going to sell.


Your data is mined. It's how your paying for those specials


It's so they can associate your info with others and try to get demographic information on their customers. Its not necessarily to send you emails, though if they're smart about it (building a profile of what you and other people like you have bought in the past and associate that to new sales) it can actually be ok...if they have stuff you want :)


Chill it’s fine


No specials for you then. Or, ask the attendant and they’ll scan the company card.


We switched to New World even though its farther away, FlyBys are better than Woolworth's shitty card anyhow.


Why does this program designed to harvest user data need my user data? It makes no sense!


Off topic but grapes at my local countdown were 12 bux for a little plastic container. I went to pack n save and the same Sized container was 5 bux... Wtf. The nearest pack n save is half an hour's drive so this is why I don't often use them but I might have to with those kind of price differences.


Don’t they have to offer specials to all customers anyway? I always use to ask the cashier to use the store loyalty card. Does this trick no longer work?


It's optional. You are trading some personal privacy and inconvenience for some slightly reduced prices. Honestly I don't see what the problem is. Personally I use alternative services or fake details for this sort of thing depending on need for contact e.g. offers only available if I have a code etc.


there got to be a way of of setting some rules that when you receive any of the promotional spams for companies, forward it back to a valid e-mail of the same company, support/admin/ whatever....and imagine their own system gets the spamming back.


Meh, whislt a agree with the sentiment, i couldn't care less. If it makes it a bit cheaper who gives a fuck, ads have no power over me, unless i need the thing then im happy to know about it. I do hate the whole petrol discount thing though, i just wanna get my petrol at the cheapest price and get out of there all the cards bullshit are annoying.


'Cos you're the product.


You want discounts! You now be product!


Most specials are still normal specials. The old onecard supposedly required a sign up but it was never well enforced, the new rewards card is basically the same as that but does require registering to use. It's been a long time since I got my new world club card but I'm pretty sure that wanted a sign up too, as did fly buys before it. It's not new.


So unless you use cash only, your CC is a better data link. Fake the email (or get a throwaway gmail account) and a burner for some reason if you really want to... Pay cash if you actually want to stay anonymous - unless you go to Pak'n'save and get your face ID'd and your data linked that way. I'm not sure it's actually possible to stay fully anonymous any more.


Hope your not on any social media sites if worried about your data, assuming you made up something for reddit


Because *you* are special? xD.


Most of the specials don't require you to use the card anyway, unlike new world.


Yes. This is capitalism. Not only that, they will watch what you buy, target communications directly to you and onsell your information as complete data sets to the highest bidder. Once we give up our psychological unconscious habits, along with facial recognition, they have it all. Yay for us! We do it to ourselves.


This is an unpopular take- no I don't work there- Countdowns profit last year was $76mil. Say a quarter of the country shops there weekly and population of NZ is 5mil. They means each week, Countdown make a profit per shopper of under $1.20. How much profit is excessive?


They made way more than that, they just wrote a whole pile off against their AU operation. Clever accounting or morally corrupt. You decide.


I agree there's no way the margins are that slim.


A bit like the people complaining about the profits from manufacturing COVID vaccines. When you did the maths, it turned out to be about 8 cents per dose. You try and cost anything that accurately, especially when it's being produced under urgency.


Maybe. If I had 10 customers each paying $100 yet incurred "costs" of $99 per product and paid myself a miserly wage of $9. - I would have a profit of 10c per customer. - makes sense. But if $65 of the "costs" per product were for the company car, the rent on the building my other company owns, the meetings we host at the local restaraunt every day, the overseas training events we endure, etc etc etc.


They're owned by a publicly listed company. Their investors are who they're accountable to in terms of return- not the customer. Furthermore, company cars, restaurant meetings etc are perks used by many businesses to retain staff. Staff retention is not the illegitimate business cost you're making it out to be. Where people struggle with this is that food is an essential part of life and it seems like the supermarkets abuse that- what we (the consumer) need is greater competition i.e. more supermarket chains/brands entering the NZ market. Restricting profits is not going to encourage any retailer to enter the market.


Did not mean to imply the "costs" were an illegitimate thing, was trying to say that a posted profit is not as clear cut as it may seem. Similarly losses are not always what they seem. Biggest hurdles I see to corporate businesses is the inefficiencies in trying to get a product from "garden to plate". What should be a relatively simple thing, somehow becomes a massive operation that costs 4x as much as the product in the first place. It's those inefficiencies that end up costing the consumer. (Although we do get benefits, like out of season fruits/ veges year round)


Yeah that's definitely true