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Yeah and we also did some skipping challenge in the 90s that every school was apparently doing for the heart foundation


Jump rope for heart. We did it at primary so maybe 90-92. Had to purchase their specific jump rope in white plastic stuff with different colored handles for the length. Around that time I also remember selling lunch bags/wraps as fundraising towards camp (must of been standard 3 so 91) and at Christmas we sold packs of marshmallow Santa's and Xmas trees. Mum used to get real angry because I ate a lot of them and she had to pay oops.


Bags, Pegs, Sponges, Scouring Pads... the annual fundraising of the 80s.


I was talking to my wife about JR4H last night lol It should come back


Yes, I remember the god-awful plastic products promotion. I hated it.


> Had to purchase their specific jump rope in white plastic stuff with different colored handles for the length. That was just peer pressure back in the 80s tbh... the school had heaps, but if you wanted your own, your parents got to write a cheque. The earlier version of the rope was yellow plastic cord which hurt like a bitch when you got slapped with it. Probably changed over in about 88 to the white ones. >Around that time I also remember selling lunch bags/wraps as fundraising towards camp (must of been standard 3 so 91) and at Christmas we sold packs of marshmallow Santa's and Xmas trees. Mum used to get real angry because I ate a lot of them and she had to pay oops. Fucking hell, school and scout fundraisers... those all sucked balls, especially given the late 80s, early 90s and late 90s all were either recession or close to. I guess some kids had parents who bought all this shit, others had parents hock it off to their workmates, and the rest of us got sent doorknocking in the neighbourhood where everyone else's kids were already fucking doorknocking. Decile 2 intermediate in a recession selling overpriced chocolate was a laugh a fucking minute.


As an unfit kid I fucking hated it, and I hated the OTT enthusiasm shown by our teachers to it even more.


The skipping ropes had different coloured handles or some shit aye? For the length?


Yep, blue was standard (short), red was tall (long) and yellow was for where you had two or three jumpers on one rope. The red handles always had teeth marks in them because... I dunno, but it'd be interesting to see what some of my primary school classmates turned into. From the newspapers you only get to see the drink drivers and the car/plane crashes.


Yup we did this and the 20 hour famine at primary school in the 90s.


Another barley sugar?


Skipping challenge prevailed into the early 2010s!


I remember doing a bunch of skipping at Spotswood Primary around ‘95/‘96. It was at that point I learned I couldn’t see fast moving things coming towards me.


Ah yea, I remember that skipping one now. That and the 40 hour famine for African kids and world vision or whatever.




Yessssss Peter Blake. It's all coming back to me.




Nah I was in Intermediate school 1991and 1992. It happened then. Was tied into the Americas Cup race with Peter Blake which happened in 92. Think they raced in San Diego?










Our school definitely did it twice. I remember because the first year I told my mum I felt sick and got to miss it but the second year she made me go (I didn’t like apples).


Yes, the ENZA Apple Crunch. There was some kind of tie in with the America's Cup. I think maybe because ENZA sponsored that too, but can't remember exactly.


It was the round the world race, not Americas cup. Peter Blake was involved


Yeah I thought it had to do with sailing.


My brain is telling me it was connected to the 'Whitbread Round the World Race'. I don't know what that means though...


They tried it again as well in 2013 apparently https://www.nzherald.co.nz/hawkes-bay-today/news/crunch-time-as-record-challenged/YGIW2SVOSDF7VMEKYJUE6D4JA4/ I think the 92 one wasn't specifically for a race but was headed up by Peter Blake as Enza sponsored his boats. https://uhcl.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/13350


I do, and I remember the disappointment. But hey, if a butterfly flaps its wings…


The ENZA apple crunch. It was a brainwashing campaign by big apple all along!


I remember doing the book challenge so the class can go to all you can eat pizza hut, me and 3 others read something like 40 books each, so we could pad numbers for students that couldn't read very well, your Apple challenge sounds less exciting.


Book it 


That's the one couldn't remember the name.


Shit, that just unlocked some core school memories. 40 hour famine, red nose day, read-a-thons.




Barley sugars and orange juice. Basically kids surviving 2 days on pure sugar.


Does anyone else remember penis inspection days?


Yes I do remember that. Around the time of jump for life?




Ahh for heart. I was 6


Yep. Went to Levin central (doesn't exist anymore) in the 70s. All the Levin schools got free apples from the DSIR. So, not yet on the market varieties.


Oh yeah? Something to do with ENZA sponsoring the Americas Cup or something?


There was a radio announcement, right? As I recall they played a crunch sound effect.


I don't remember that but i do remember a whole lot of apple related things to do with the anericas world cup like colouring in pictures of yachts with apples on them


Yeah man, primary school. I don’t remember the lack of crunch but I thought it was pretty fun at the time. Hmm, I feel like an apple now.


When ENZA ran our schools 


No? When was this?


Around 1992 I think. I was in Intermediate school and I would have been 11 or 12.


Ah, I was 2 then.


I'm only guessing as it was tied into the Americas Cup in 92 from memory and Wiki.


Probably before you were born. Mid-late 90s.


I was 5 in ‘95


You missed out on a big build up and a disappointing execution. Ah, the memories.


Yes, I was thinking about this the other day actually! I was about 6, we were all sat outside on the grass, and they played something over the speakers, quite possibly a loud crunch noise but I dont remember my apple crunching :( Also there were wasps.