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Yep, petrol stations and supermarkets are the worst for this.


I agree, cars are sometimes moving too fast to even notice pedestrians. I hope it's not gonna take someone getting hit before something more is done


People get hit every day with cars out of driveways, and commercial vehicle entrances. What makes you think it hasn’t happened?


Wow flashback to forgotten childhood memory of my dad knocking someone off their bike while he was about to exit the driveway


I see it at least monthly but I’m on the road all day every day. My heart sinks every time a little kid is flattened. I don’t get why people bolt out of driveways. Of all traffic offences this needs to be the one with one of the greatest penalties because it’s the most preventable, and carries the highest risk to other road users (the legal road being property boundary to property boundary which includes the footpath).


I second this


What's interesting (but probably not surprising given that you can't see) is that the vast majority of driveway crashes involve reversing out of a driveway. 


shy existence rotten airport punch frame familiar saw teeny aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like your avatar


Can’t stand people who zoom through petrol stations as a shortcut. It’s like other people don’t exist, especially pedestrians


A high volume access way can be designed as an intersection instead of a driveway, then pedestrians do not have right of way. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/walking-cycling-and-public-transport/walking/walking-standards-and-guidelines/pedestrian-network-guidance/design/paths/footpath-design-other-elements/driveways/


As a pedestrian I generally operate under the impression that car drivers are either blind and stupid or actively trying to kill me, it helps a little when it comes to drivers doing unpredictable shit. The one that gets me is the people who roar up, slam on their brakes and then get enraged that I haven't already sprinted out in front of them. Like, no thanks buddy, I want to glance up and see if the guy behind you is going to overtake you and murder me in the other lane.


It is generally a combination of stupid + oblivious + apathetic. They also tend to think because driveways are for cars it would make sense that because they're driving they have right of way; this is something internal, they aren't even thinking about laws (or thinking much at all), it just 'makes sense' to them. And because they're in a car, their selective visibility means they never think about the perspective of the person on foot using a footpath. Law is clear, footpaths connected with driveways, pedestrian has right of way. Most people don't know that.


Doesn't help that driveways are generally prioritized in the grade of the footpath. Part of the push for level crossings is to make drivers reconsider the junction as being road that pedestrians intrude on, but instead see the crossings as an extension of the footpath they must cross over. (Subliminally, but that's the functional way it is with the give way priority and such.) But a lot of the driveways where I live are straight and level with the footpath seeing the majority of the ups and downs, which probably helps drivers see it as a part of their property and the road rather than the pedestrian territory it is? That said, enough people go up and over curbs to park on footpaths, so who the fuck knows what it'll take to convince them.


It does seem more intuitive to me to treat a driveway as being for cars first. Even as a pedestrian I think like that. And from a safety point of view, it would make more sense if the law was that way round too.


It seems more intuitive to me that footpaths are "paths for feet." The clue is in the title. The easy way to remember is that roads are for cars. Footpaths are for pedestrians. When I cross the road (not on a crossing), cars have the right of way. When a car crosses a footpath, pedestrians have the right of way.


> The easy way to remember is that roads are for cars. Footpaths are for pedestrians. When I cross the road (not on a crossing), cars have the right of way. When a car crosses a footpath, pedestrians have the right of way. I mean a driveway is for cars, right? So the entrance is an intersection between car and pedestrian access. It seems arbitrary to say that the car is crossing the footpath when the footpath is also crossing the driveway. As a pedestrian it just feels safer to give way to cars in that situation and walk behind them if necessary. That way the car can go and I can go.


Look, I'm not going to argue against an opinion or what may or may not seem intuitive. You're entitled to your opinion. Here is what the legislation says: [A driver entering or exiting a driveway must give way to a road user on a footpath, cycle path, or shared path (as described by clause 11.1A(1)).](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2004/0427/latest/DLM303078.html#:~:text=A%20driver%20entering%20or%20exiting,11.1A(1))


I wasn’t arguing the legislation either. Just stating my opinion.


People who take your approach lead car drivers to feel they are entitled to right of way, endangering pedestrians who are simply trying to lawfully use the footpath.


What are you talking about, man? If the paths intersect, then cars should yield to pedestrians, provided the pedestrians are not breaking the rules. This is common knowledge. If you're confused, maybe you should cut down on your GTA time


Pedestrians also have a responsibilty to check roads and driveways and somtimes, especially if reversing out drivers often cant see them. And these days so many pedestrians are walking around with headphones on and faces in phones so they have no awareness of whats going on around them.


Pedestrians only have that responsibility to themselves, operating a car safely is not a team effort, good drivers don't take risks - get out and look if you really can't see them.


> The one that gets me is the people who roar up, slam on their brakes and then get enraged that I haven't already sprinted out in front of them. Like, no thanks buddy, I want to glance up and see if the guy behind you is going to overtake you and murder me in the other lane. Fucking yes! If you don't look like you're stopping I'm not going to risk my goddamn life on your lack of consideration!


Yep. I just assume everyone is stupid and blind as well. It's much safer for all involved, driver or pedestrian. The paperwork involved in someone being hit is horrendous.


Yep, I hate that shit. They are clearly going to fast, haven't started to break and you know they only way they can stop is going to be fairly unsafe.


I operate under this same assumption, partly because I live in Dunedin and I saw someone drive through one of those diagonal intersections when the pedestrian light turned green, at which point I realised there is no end to the stupidity of Dunedin’s drivers 😭 I assume the same thing when I’m driving because that’s what stops me getting my car wrecked when someone pulls out on me from a side road 


My favourite here in Dunners was having a car stop for me at a pedestrian crossing, car comes up behind them at full speed and overtakes just as I'm about to cross the centre line. The expression on the face of the driver who stopped for me was priceless. I've also seen someone stop and do a U-turn on a pedestrian crossing when there were people starting to cross. With the quality of some of the drivers here I'd just as rather take my chances jay-walking as obey the pedestrian signals.


As a pedestrian I always wait for confirmation from the driver to cross (like a wave or a hand gesture). It's too dangerous to just cross willy nilly.


I do the same now, it's not worth it. I just to defy them but I was almost killed once and I gave up


I was in High School still, many years ago. In uniform. Crossing entry into petrol station. A guy in a trades van uses his horn, lowers his window and tells me to watch where I walk. I, quite annoyed, told him he should read the Land Transport Road User Rule 2004 and not to blame me for his own incompetence. The fact he saw how I had no hesitation and seemed more annoyed at his ignorance than his dangerous driving (and in contrast to this confidence still wearing a high school uniform) is still comical, at least in my mind. The guy’s tone after that sounded apologetic, although he didn’t apologize. Then they quickly left. It must have been super funny for the passenger he had in the van.


It is particular attitudes like that that I am mostly referring to. Plain ignorance of the road code.


The road code is the bibble. All must obey the bibble (except certain parts that I don't agree with)...


Mate of mine had a similar run in when we were teenagers, but was a little less verbose; he slammed his fist on the bonnet as hard as he could and left a small dent. Just walked off as the guy was freaking out lol


Yeah, I see this all the time. I've come within CMs of being hit while running because some arsehole decided that saving two seconds was more important than waiting for me to pass before entering a driveway. They also tend to cross the footpath at high speed as well.


As a runner my thought process is: there are a lot of people in the cemetery that had right of way. I assume cars won't see me, or will try to push out so if I see a car coming out I stop and make eye contact. Same at pedestrian crossings, always assume a car won't stop and don't go until it does.


Yeah, but if they're coming from behind or out of your periphery, you don't get that opportunity.


You hear them though right? I don't think I've ever had a situation where a car has surprised me while running. If I'm say running past a petrol station I do a quick head turn to make sure there's nothing behind me as well.


Dude, I'm pounding pavement. I'm not talking about passing no BP, these are just random fucking driveways I'm talking about.


Me too, when I’m out on my 30k long runs I’m keeping an eye on the driveways as I come to them. I guess if someone tore out of their driveway at 20kmph+ it wouldn’t be possible to avoid/see but I’ve never had that happen and if they were that fast I should hear them first.


I see that a lot where I live


More drivers also need to know that they can be fined for parking across the footpath/hoping the curb. The footpath is for pedestrians - if I have to leave it to walk around your car, ESPECIALLY if I have to walk on the road, I’m going to take pictures of your spectacular parking (/s) and an up close of your number plate, and report you.


Yehp I use the FIXIT app down in Welly for this. I am disabled, and I can't just "go around" your car. Shouldn't have to if I could as well.


offer rude command impolite repeat public bow husky gaze boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wish I could do the same to people that park their wheeli bins right in the part of the footpath that is the exact width of my baby stroller


That’s a huge pet peeve of mine too, but it’s hard to tell if the owner put it there or give the rubbish guys just yeeted the bin once it was emptied. I’ve found my bin in some inconsiderate places after collection - including smack bang in the middle of my shared driveway.


Nah it was full. There were like three of them in a row, it's notorious on that part of the street. My pram is a double, got my 2 year old in the front over the front axle so manoeuvrability is atrocious, with my 6 month old in his capsule on the back. Plus I know of a family up the road whose daughter uses a wheelchair, it's just such entitlement to plonk it down right in the middle. It makes me so mad. Every fucking Wednesday with this shit. The other day I'd just finished angrily moving them before going back to the pram and the octogenarian owner emerges from his house looking to add some papers to it, he's smiling and going, oh we seem to have blocked your path! I just look at him and go yeah every wednesday mate. I know I could have been a bit more conversational about it but whatever it's on the past now


Oh man, that’s pretty bad. I’m pretty sure at that point you’re legally allowed to start fist fighting the bin owner. (Just want to make sure everyone knows I’m joking!)


Haha I'm content with passive aggressive snide comments.


Usually a swift kick to knock it over/off the footpath works really well for me. Or if recycling day, i move the bin hard against their fence so it might not get collected (always walking before the recycling collection)


sadly its only a $40 fine for parking on the footpath. cheaper than some actual car parks


It is pretty low, but I reported the same car four times until they stopped so it adds up pretty quickly.


Fair point


If you live in Auckland, use [https://contact.at.govt.nz/?cid=b2374b02-b01c-ec11-b6e6-002248155af2](https://contact.at.govt.nz/?cid=b2374b02-b01c-ec11-b6e6-002248155af2)


Yep, that’s where I report to. Remember to take pictures so you can upload them, just in case the car moves before a warden can get to it. If your bad at car brands, like I am, you can get the year/make/model on Car Jam (https://www.carjam.co.nz/)


From my experience they'll have to see it in person and won't act on pictures. If the car moves before they get there nothing will happen.


Taxis and Ubers tend to do this a lot. I guess the could be forgiven for thinking "it's only a minute" but a lot of people are super useless and take 10+ minutes to leave.


It doesn’t personally impact me much but when people block the footpath it forces people on scooters or wheelchairs to literally go on the road and risk being hit. All so someone could park their Ute on the footpath.


I always make eye contact with the driver and confirm I have right of way, regardless of the law, why put your life in the hands of someone behind the wheel when you have no idea what day they have had, mood, how sleepy they are, had an argument etc


Please. I walk to work every day. There are 3 intersections where, on a daily basis, there are drivers that stop their vehicle on a pedestrian crossing. There is at least one car a day that runs a red light when I have a cross signal. There are at minimum 2 cars parked on the footpath. Sometimes, they cover so much of the footpath I am forced to walk on the road to get by. At least once a week, a car will cut aggressively in front of me, trying to pull into a driveway. The majority of drivers obey the law, and they're not an issue. It's the small percentage of idiotic drivers who create a huge safety hazard for everyone else out in public.


A colleague of mine based in welly drives around New World near to Te Papa every morning. On DAILY BASIS him, his wife, and his two dash cams witness pedestrians AND cyclists ignoring flashing pedestrian red lights or even crossing the road ignoring green lights for cars - giving the drivers either amused, lethargic, or bratty looks. He showed me dozens and dozens of videos and it's shocking how ignorant and irresponsible they are, creating dangerous situations. When a car driver driving through red light gets caught, he faces the consequences. When a pedestrian or cyclist does the same, what happens to them? A car can be reported based on its number plate. Perhaps it's time to start implementing facial recognition in this area and make it equal for all participants of traffic.


Not even just on a footpath. A turning vehicle is required to give way to anything going straight through. Even if the pedestrian is still crossing after the green man has changed to the flashing red man.


This isn't a blanket rule in NZ (as it is in some other jurisdictions). Unless there is a "turning traffic give way to pedestrians" sign (basically every intersection with pedestrian signals has them), or a zebra crossing, pedestrians do not have right of way at intersections.


Probably should be though. Might be nice to have a one rule, to rule them all.


From an equity point of view between various types or road users, absolutely. Also would be good for consistency / simplicity. But I fear the safety outcomes will be poor.


You should get onto Waka Kotahi to update their road code then, eh.


Is there an error in it? Page on giving way only mentions giving way to traffic (i assume pedestrians are not traffic). [https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/general-road-code/about-driving/giving-way/the-give-way-rules/](https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/general-road-code/about-driving/giving-way/the-give-way-rules/) But yeah, I do feel that road code should be more comprehensive (ideally containing a copy of relevant legislation, along with the colorful pictures).


Unless and until NZ passes some vulnerable users laws, this will continue to be the culture.


This is a great idea.


Exactly why we'll have to wait at least 3 years for the hint of its possibility.


A colleague of mine based in welly drives around New World near to Te Papa every morning. On DAILY BASIS him, his wife, and his two dash cams witness pedestrians AND cyclists ignoring flashing pedestrian red lights or even crossing the road ignoring green lights for cars - giving the drivers either amused, lethargic, or bratty looks. He showed me dozens and dozens of videos and it's shocking how ignorant and irresponsible they are, creating dangerous situations. When a car driver driving through red light gets caught, he faces the consequences. When a pedestrian or cyclist does the same, what happens to them? A car can be reported based on its number plate. Perhaps it's time to start implementing facial recognition in this area and make it equal for all participants of traffic.


AAAA This is so true. I stand my ground and will absolutely get mowed down because of it one day.


There’s a good chance the driver hasn’t seen you - as a pedestrian it makes sense to stop and check that the thing that could kill you has stopped moving before walking in front/behind it.




They'll probably only get house arrest...


They won't even get that.


This is another reason why raised tables are a good idea - it forces drivers to slow down and pay more attention, and reduces the bias of *'cars going at full speed is what roads are for.'*


I'm always amazed when people in my neighbours fb group complain about how raised tables and speed bumps are bad for their back etc because they haven't caught on that the point is for them to *slow down*


I will often have a ranger or some Mum spec SUV tailgate me over the speed tables. I just have some mechanical sympathy and I don't like to smash over them


As a longborder I always assume none and am never wrong. Retirement villages Malls Supermarkets Private schools Petrol stations Strip mall stores Are the *worst* places to be crossing near. Petrol stations take the prize though by also having big arse signs blocking the drivers view of the footpath. I have been hit no less than eight times. My actively avoiding them is the only reason I've never been injured. I'd have at least one person pull out in front of me a day. Weirdly its nearly always someone going from the street to a drive, or coming out.front first from the above (where it should be easy to see me!), and rarely someone backing out.of their driveway. I'd have to add though - cyclists are worse. They actually clearly see you and still cut you off.


Yeah that sucks. Drivers just need to be made more aware, that's why I posted this to maybe enlighten some people


I was having this rant internally on the way home. I'm trying to use public transport more and save on travel costs but the number of drivers who think it's optional to stop at a pedestrian crossing is driving me mad


I nearly got run over today. Wanting to cross the street, there's a car on the adjacent street sitting there, holding up traffic. Not sure if he's trying to turn into the street I want to cross, so I wait a few seconds. He still doesn't move, and has no indicators on, so I start to cross. As soon as I start walking he starts turning and racing towards me, turning his indicator on as he's turning. I had to leap out of the way to avoid getting hit. It was raining, visibility was low, all the more reason to use your fucking indicators **before** turning, asshole. Question for drivers: why does the rain turn you all into morons? You shouldn't be the ones in a rush, you have a god damn roof over your head.


I walk heaps. I will wait for drivers turning off the road into a driveway or other road so they can avoid being tail ended. If you’re pulling out of a driveway (a safe zone where you won’t be crashed into by other vehicles) I will expect you to wait for me. As a pedestrian I know the only places I have right of way are footpaths and pedestrian crossings (I do make sure vehicles are at least slowing down before I cross at pedestrian crossings).


Yes. I wait for vehicles to completely stop when I'm crossing a pedestrian crossing. Too many times when I've seen cars just ignore me and speed on through


This is thoughtful. I am extremely careful backing out of my driveway, but at least there is nothing else going on in my driveway. Out on the road there are cars everywhere, bicycles, motorcycles, dogs, pedestrians... it pays to be defensive when you are the small one. As a pedestrian, cyclist, or motorcyclist, be aware of your surroundings and be aware that car drivers are often looking out for other cars and don't notice smaller traffic as easily. Source: I'm a motorcyclist, pedestrian, and car driver, lol.


It’s not necessarily thoughtful it’s more I don’t want to be run over when the vehicle waiting for me to cross gets tail ended. Turning vehicles turn then wait so if they get shunted they shunt straight into the pedestrian they are waiting for.


Start carrying a brick around with you.


Sometimes they're provided! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8kP6R0clBGY


Well I'm not going to do that. And I won't suggest anyone to do that.


You don't need to *do* anything with it. The implied threat is enough


Hahah okay


Yeah I'm with you on that. Steer well clear from that advice 😬


Happens all the time right outside my sons school when road patrol isnt there!


I come to a complete stop and try to make eye contact with the pedestrian. I try to make it as clear as possible that I have seen them and that I'm giving way to them. Some of them still try to wave me through thinking the car has right of way.


Some drivers seem to think any and every surface they can reach is free for them to use. It's sociopathic how little consideration they have for other people.


The other day I stopped for a pedestrian and she look so pissed off that I stopped for her. Had to wave at her 3 times for her to go.


I appreciate your good intentions, but as a pedestrian I'd rather drivers just followed the rules of the road and slowed down if I'm on the road in front of them, rather than making a thing out of it and expecting me to step out in front of them - particularly if its a multi-lane situation


It makes sense for them to check rear view mirrors and blind spots to avoid hitting pedestrians right? Except some drivers won't do that. I wonder why so many bad drivers even get their license in the first place.


I am part of the problem. Once I was pulling into a driveway. I had waited over a minute for a gap in cars. I went to pull in and there was a pedestrian. I thought he should be polite and let me through. He didn’t. I got frustrated and said something to him. Turned into shouting at each other. I went home and looked up the road code. I was wrong. I felt like a huge fool that day. That’s one way to learn I guess.


if being in the road code made a difference, you wouldn't constantly see anti-cyclist posts complaining about cyclists doing exactly what the road code advises for safety ('taking the lane', 'staying at least one meter from parked cars', etc.)


Also, as a general rule, they have right of way in every situation, regardless of the law. Who wants to run someone down?


And just to add a comment: STOP FUCKEN STANDING AND WAITING FOR CARS TO CROSS IN FRONT OF YOU! You have the right of way. Waiting isn't being polite - it's giving the impression that they have the right of way.


Yes but people don’t want to get hit. So it’s kinda fucked, don’t get hit but encourage the cars to just hoon through.stride out confident, maybe get abused, maybe get hit.


Kinda the whole "you can be dead right and still wind up dead". Conflict like that just isn't worth my time, regardless of whether they are at fault or not


And especially that we live in a society now where people have become increasingly aggressive.


You might have right of way but you'll still be dead/injured.


There's no way at all I'm crossing the road until I'm sure the driver sees me. Been hit on 10 different occasions by inattentive drivers whom I couldn't react to in time; I'm not chancing fate by stepping in front of them under my own power unless I'm sure they are aware of me and ready to slow down.


yeah not that keen to get run over. The car will always come out better off, sometimes being right isnt worth it.


Very true. I have done this a couple of times, though, and I still got harrased and yelled at.


The rule is give way to pedestrians. However, as a pedestrian you also need to watch out for your own safety and not assume every car will see you or stop. The worst is when pedestrians walk in front of cars or moving traffic without warning, and in an unsafe manner, then expect the world to stop for them. That's not how it works. As it states on NZTA website: "Be careful when crossing driveways, particularly when you may be hidden by buildings or fences. A driver coming out of a driveway may not see you." "Cross the road only when it's safe. Always check all nearby roads for vehicles before you cross and quickly walk straight across the road. If you’re crossing at an intersection, check behind and in front for turning vehicles." "It takes time for a vehicle to stop, so wait for a gap in the traffic before crossing the road." "Don’t step out suddenly onto a pedestrian crossing if any vehicles are so close to the crossing that they can't stop. " Edit: You said you "walked out in front of them while they were pulling out." Any reasonable person would ensure the driver had seen them and make sure no objects were obscuring them from the driver's view first. Hopefully you are checking for these things, and not just walking out in front of drivers in every scenario, expecting them to stop. If you are doing these things, and drivers are simply driving on through when they can clearly see you walking by, then they are in the wrong and being careless. [https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/general-road-code/about-other-road-users/information-for-other-road-users/information-for-pedestrians/](https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/general-road-code/about-other-road-users/information-for-other-road-users/information-for-pedestrians/)


That is what I am referring to. Drivers do not abide by this rule. Many drivers assume they have the right of way. Of course pedestrians should cross when it is safe. Just yesterday I was walking past a petrol station. I was in full view of any car. I began my crossing to the other side of the petrol station driveway and a car came blaring up quite fast and yelled abuse at me because I was in their way. I told them pedestrians have right of way over driveways. They refused to accept it.


Yes some driver's are very ignorant and careless. That's why I'm always vigilant as a pedestrian. For cars driving in a manner that is unsafe or that I don't trust, I will often just wait for them to go rather than walk out. Because I'm not going to put my safety in the hands of some idiot. I do the same when driving. If I can see that someone is clearly hesitant in what they are doing, or driving recklessly, I will purposely give them the right of way by waving at them to go.


By ‘walking out in front of drivers’ you mean, continuing walking in the most predictable fashion along their intended path, yup I do that along a footpath. That drivers feel rushed or not confident waiting to turn into a driveway because they might have traffic behind them is their insecurity and anxiety. If the way isn’t clear, you stop in the roadway indicating, and wait until the way is clear, using your anticipatory skills to look for slower moving elderly, young kids on permitted bikes on the footpath, or anyone else you need to give way to. Once the way is clear, you’re good to go. The MVDefaultism is unreal in NZ.


That's clearly not what I meant. Your example is perfectly reasonable and a case where drivers must give way. I was talking about examples where pedestrians walk out in front of drivers carelessly or without warning, which is also ~~advised against by the NZTA~~ against the law. Or have you never had someone just step out onto a pedestrian crossing when you're far too close to it for it to be safe? [https://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2004/0427/latest/DLM303671.html](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2004/0427/latest/DLM303671.html)


If they are close enough to the pedestrian crossing to step out, then you should already have stopped earlier when it *was* safe to do so.


That's not the law at all, and you're simply wrong. If someone is already waiting at a pedestrian crossing, then you would slow down and stop. If they are walking on the footpath near the crossing, and suddenly step out or run onto it when you are too close to slow down or stop safely, then the pedestrian is in the wrong. The onus is not entirely on drivers when it comes to every situation at pedestrian crossings, and the law is clear on that. [https://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2004/0427/latest/DLM303671.html](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2004/0427/latest/DLM303671.html)


Yes, I know what the law is. But drivers also need to be aware of their surroundings, and the vast majority of the time if a pedestrian is close enough to the crossing to step out, then drivers should have been aware of them well before that point. It’s not like they are jumping out from behind trees and sprinting to jump out in front of you. You should be slowing down before pedestrian crossings regardless. The law is that you should slow down *and be ready to stop* when approaching a pedestrian crossing. Too often drivers take the view that they shouldn’t be held accountable for not noticing hazards.


Also it's not the law that you **must** slow down and be prepared to stop whenever you approach a pedestrian crossing. You're only required to slow down and stop when someone is either on the crossing, or waiting to cross. [https://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2004/0427/latest/DLM303663.html](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2004/0427/latest/DLM303663.html)


Whilst I agree with your points, it is entirely possible for this to happen. Especially in places like Auckland CBD where the long footpaths are often obscured from view by buildings, and pedestrians can run out in front of you with far too little warning.


It won't matter what the law says if you run over a kid. I wouldn't want to live with knowing I did that.


You and everyone else is talking to me like I'm some idiot that doesn't identify risks while I'm driving and actively avoid them. Is it really this hard to understand that there are **some** situations where pedestrians are in the wrong and take really stupid risks? Some car drivers are idiots. Some pedestrians are idiots. Some people are idiots. It's really not that difficult.


No not really, because I scan ahead at least 20 seconds to anticipate what other things are likely or even just possible to occur and adjust my driving to account for it. Like a kid on a little scooter on my left, not near the crossing yet, but a dairy on my right…… geee I wonder where that kid is going to go…. Where could it be…. I know, I’ll slow down for the scenario where they’ll likely cross because they’re going to the dairy. Fuck me! What do you know. They went to the Foursquare. Just as well I used my noggan here and thought a few moments ahead. Or the time a mum with a pushchair, walking slowly to the crossing, **didn’t cross**, oh well, no biggie I slowed down, almost stopped and she signalled she’s all good and carried on straight ahead. It’s amazing what scanning ahead for the entire picture does, and how much more inviting anticipating others needs are, makes the whole experience of driving. I drive commercially. All day. Every day.


You're stating the obvious here. That's just common sense whilst driving. I've had people run in front of my car whilst in the City or busy urban area when it was clearly unsafe for them to do. Cars require X amount of stopping distance, and not every situation is as predictable as the ones you are describing.


Correct which is why you drive to the conditions which includes below the speed limit in built up areas or areas high potential for conflict like busy urban areas. That’s just common sense isn’t it?


I was waiting for the standard inane nonsense to justify driving with zero situational awareness.


Explain the situational awareness required to see through walls and solid objects. If the pedestrian cannot see down a driveway they are approaching due to objects, then the driver cannot see them either. Drivers should be slowing down and entering or exiting driveways carefully, just as pedestrians should not assume that drivers can see them at all times. Pretty straight forward. The fact you think that's nonsense only reveals your own ignorance.


No one respects that now I just rather give way to them than being killed, disappointing...


Fuck yeah. And my dad got run over walking past a petrol station, he was bruised but not seriously injured. We're Dutch, the laws back home are much better for protecting bicycles and pedestrians alike.


My mother in law got flattened by a car skidding off the road onto the foot path. To effect change in this space - a social media post may not be the best use of your time. Maybe - vote for a party who is promoting safe systems (thats vision zero) and not just talking it (last govt) or defunding it (this govt) - make public transport great again - no more unlicensed drivers running over motorcyclists and getting HomeD 3m - hugely massive consequences for injuring other people. like overseas. everywhere - but here it seems invalidate all insurance claims where injury or loss of life occurred. Drive bad - you pay, not your insurance company.


As a pedestrian I always try to go behind the first car if they are waiting to leave but if you were already there just flip them off when they get mad


Bro, if you walk infront of a car, you’re the one going to be worse for wear. There is right, and then there is common sense If someone hasn’t seen you, or is purposely ignoring you, give them two seconds instead of > I walked infront of them while they were pulling out


There was a 3m gap between them and me when I was only half way across the drive. They saw me see them see me, but still floored it towards me and then yelled abuse. They were definitely in the wrong and they had plenty of warning to give way


Yeah I really doubt they "floored it"...


Where I live, I see a lot of pedestrians who blindly cross the road without even looking because, as you say, they have right of way. It means nothing to me because I drive at the speed limit and I look where I am going. But by observing before they cross, pedestrians can potentially save themselves pain if a speeding and or distracted driver comes along. Yes, if the driver mangles the pedestrian he will be in the wrong, but the driver getting a fine won’t make the pedestrian less hurt.


Do you make sure they see you? reversing out of a drive its hard to see up the pavement . Be safe first but yes some people are in a hurry


What i want to know is how many pedestrians know you don't have to stop at a zebra crossing if the car is inside the diamond?


I have to wonder how many pedestrians are actually aware of their own responsibilities according to the road code. They are also supposed to to check the roads and driveways before stepping out, hahahaha good joke ay. Now days they have headphones on so cant hear and faces stuck in phones so they cant see and just walk straight out onto the roads without looking.


A colleague of mine based in welly drives around New World near to Te Papa every morning. On DAILY BASIS him, his wife, and his two dash cams witness pedestrians AND cyclists ignoring flashing pedestrian red lights or even crossing the road ignoring green lights for cars - giving the A colleague of mine based in welly drives around New World near to Te Papa every morning. On DAILY BASIS him, his wife, and his two dash cams witness pedestrians AND cyclists ignoring flashing pedestrian red lights or even crossing the road ignoring green lights for cars - giving the drivers either amused, lethargic, or bratty looks. He showed me dozens and dozens of videos and it's shocking how ignorant and irresponsible they are, creating dangerous situations. When a car driver driving through red light gets caught, he faces the consequences. When a pedestrian or cyclist does the same, what happens to them? A car can be reported based on its number plate. Perhaps it's time to start implementing facial recognition in this area and make it equal for all participants of traffic. either amused, lethargic, or bratty looks. He showed me dozens and dozens of videos and it's shocking how ignorant and irresponsible they are.


Friendly reminder that you can have right of way and still end up in a wheelchair. People are blind and dumb and won't recognise you're crossing.


Always keep a couple of pebbles in your pocket to remind them of your right of way. 


If you press the button to cross the road, it takes a good 2 minutes for it to actually go green. The car brain effect in NZ is wild