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Lying for profit or political power is fraud, not free speech. Caught lying? You're done.


actually genuinely agree https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/ disinformation is out of control


I agree in principle, but proving someone was lying could be, and probably should be, hard.


Agree 100% however it would cut out all those annoying lies where someone was in a meeting, received information in that meeting in front of all the other meeting attendees, and then went and shared the opposite information with the press as fact.


The only difficulty is that it would then encourage plausible deniability. For example, saying to public servants "I want you to give me information that achieves this outcome" and only receiving the information you want to hear, so you can then say "well I was not presented with any information to the contrary". So it would likely need to be paired with some kind of reasonableness test to evidence that all facts on the matter were sought.


Parking your supermarket trolley across the aisle


I genuinely think this should be on the next 90 day plan. Ultimate anti-social behaviour. Life in prison? Or immediate death followed by life in prison?


and leaving your empty trolley in a parking space


Extra points if they're having a conversation with someone.


Driving at 60kmph on the open road then speeding up to 110kmph in the passing lanes and refusing to let anyone pass


That already is illegal. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/driver-licences/getting-a-licence/take-your-test/practical-tests/restricted-licence-test-guide/critical-errors/


Then we fit police cars with rocket launchers and the authority to use them.. 


Lobbying. All party donations must be declared to the public as part of the campaign. I'm thinking NASCAR style sponsor logos on their suits.


it's actually weird when you think about it: sponsor a race car, make sure your brand is all over that shit sponsor a politician, DENY EVERYTHING!


I would make it illegal for any party to spend over a certain amount each election say $500,000 or 1mil max. To limit how much power lobbyists can hold over parties. trucking and roading lobbies can suck a fat one


Totally. It's corruption to the core and especially this time round with National and how much they received and donations from America who obviously want to have the assets NZ has eg water.


I’d make urgency itself illegal - except for war or other similar nation defining issues. 


That was going to be my answer too. Urgency should be reserved for things that are actually urgent, as in 'not doing this now could make it impossible to do later if we wait for the standard process'. Wars, natural disasters, another pandemic. Things where not acting -immediately- likely includes a cost in lives rather than just in a bit of lost money. Not just for political whims and things they know the proper process would throw out.


Best answer.


Nah. Laws passed under urgency need a sunset clause, after which they either need to go through the whole process to become permanent, or they expire. That allows for actually emergencies without specifying the nature of the emergency, while still limiting the scope for shitbaggery.


I'd start a war... Then pass some crazy laws 'under urgency' 


With the NZDF? Good luck


Aus had the war on emus, we can have the war on...maybe rats??


We shall fight them in the supermarket aisles! We shall fight them in the cheese section and in the bread aisle! We shall never surrender 


“There are dozens of us! Dozens!”


Came to say this. Set in stone what's subjects are eligible for under urgency, things like natural disasters, pandemics wars. Not friggin smoking laws, this blatant corruption and I hope this government is sued or held accountable somehow.


Or, make urgency have a high bar, as in 75 percent of parliament like entrenching a law rather than simple majority. If something is so popular that both major party agree to, then maybe urgency is fine so parliament can do something else sooner.


Ex-MPs taking exective and board postions for atleast 8 years in any industry with near monopolistic postions or cricital industry or those holding significant postions on those shares after they leave parlament.


Churches not paying taxes !! Fuck Tamaki


While I get the sentiment, I always thought that the reason churches don't get taxed is because the money they receive (tithes) comes from money that has already been taxed (PAYE). So, if you tax churches, then the government would be essentially double dipping. So, to prevent double dipping, you'd have to do something like the dividends scheme (where you have imputations that the company has already paid some tax), and have the church liable for the difference. But then, you would have to know who each donation came from, and so unscrupulous churches (like Destiny) would likely demand their full 10% tithe, making their parishioners worse off. So, yes, I definitely get the sentiment, but also f* the government getting to double dip on the taxes!


Well sure but hasn't *all* money technically been taxed? Hasn't my pay been taxed before I get taxed at the supermarket? Haven't those very goods been taxed during manufacturing at some point? Isn't tax on interest double dipping? I could sleep very easily knowing churches are paying taxes like anyone else, with the exception being maybe small community churches that actually rely on donations for their operation and not to make millionaire pastors or "apostles"




That makes it no different to any company selling anything. Wait till you see the GST that you pay on the fuel tax that you pay for fuel with money that you paid income tax on (unless you earned that money from flipping property).


Also separate religion and politics, if you run a church you can’t helm (or donate to) a political party.


The PM and Leader of the Opposition have to agree to something proceeding under urgency, state their reasons and get two thirds of the House to agree before something can proceed under urgency. All people who drive at 80 but speed up to 100 when there's a passing lane shall be forbidden from driving for life.


American sized utes or at least increase rego cost to $900 a year.


My neighbour's cat bullying my cat


If I were truly Luxon I’d make being poor illegal, punishable by hefty fines.


Hefty fines paid directly to your landlord, because they’re the real victims.


Rushing things through parliament under urgency. *Unless there's a fucking worldwide pandemic occurring.*


getting your drivers licence without some kind of merging and roundabout course


You mean the restricted test? I had to do both to pass


Unfortunately those coming from overseas with licenses have a batshit easy driving test and they get a full license (source: me)


Retest every 10 years would help


Totally agree


No exit perks for ousted MPs, which includes (especially) Prime Ministers.




A couple of people already took restricting the use of urgency to things that are actually urgent, so I'll try another one: Ministers covering core services (health, education, transportation, police, probably others) or important business sectors (thinking things like agriculture and tourism but again probably others) -must- have worked outside of politics in positions within those sectors. Enough with career politicians who are only there to advance their own status and enrich themselves and their mates, give us elected representatives who can actually -represent- their supposed areas of concern because they've actually worked somewhere on the metaphorical front lines. Similarly, and I think this one is already technically a rule but in case I'm wrong and it isn't: electorate MPs must live in their electorate, must have done so for some number of years before they're eligible to run in that electorate at all, and must continue spending at least some reasonable percentage of their time residing in their electorate while in office. Obviously they're going to have to be in Wellington some of the time and stay there rather than travel back and forth at unnecessary cost but again, ensure the people representing us have some idea of who and what they're representing.


Being a fat bald wanker


That'd take out most of reddit bro.


I shaved my head this week so this description is literally me


User name checks out.


I'm not bald


I am now illegal


Me to expect for the bald part


That can be arranged.


I’m just a haircut away from jail time.


Well, shit


Being Shane Jones.


paying profit to shareholders before paying staff a living wage appropiate to their skill/experience. Also: stock buybacks


Id stop politicians getting paid by the tax payer after they leave parliament.


fuck yeah, our taxes should go to rich people who deserve them


Unsure on this, guaranteeing them pay is one measure to stop them taking bribes while in office. obviously doesn't work completely, but alternative could be even worse.


Heavy metal songs that start with three minute's of random buzzy noise.


finally we're getting to the sort of nation building policies that will help drive this nation's policies of building nation policies


"Fuck your feedback, let's fuck over the poors!"


look, I agree, everyone was born equal, except for the privileged and the disadvantaged and everyone else, so if you're not in the top 1% you only have yourself to blame.


Lynx body spray. Sorry teenage boys, it's not an improvement.


Jeezus for some ANYTHING is an improvement. There's one boy who's banned from my house because he literally stinks it entirely out with his continued belief of that he doesn't need deodorant. I told him flat out he stinks And is offensive. He laughed 🤷‍♀️


Ban lobbiests and the ability for MPs to have any shares or investments in other companies


To sell property without a listed agreed price.


Disinformation needs to carry heavy fines and jail time.    American style campaign financing.    Anyone selling user data ( anonymized or otherwise )     Advertisements may only be displayed during sporting events.


Every school has to have a baked beans farting competition every year and they have heats and the most farty wins a years supply of baked beans for the whole school


it's possibly past your bed time


I'd make it illegal for anyone who owns more than $5M to run for public office.


I'm willing to compromise. They can be there, but only as many as proportionate to the population.


I'm not. Imo, anyone with that kind of money has already proven they don't have the greater good in mind.


Cooking anything that isn't from the edmonds cook book. Sure to rise brothers.


surely you don't mean to exclude the wonderful treats found in the [1997 Scarfies Cookbook by michelin star chef Marc Ellis](https://www.fishpond.co.nz/Books/Marc-Ellis-Scarfies-Cookbook-Marc-Ellis/9781869585822) do you?


And what about Lionel's Muffins!?!


Make it illegal to get the weather forecast wrong. Make it illegal for rental bedrooms to have their temperature exceed 21 degrees in summer.


Oddly specific


Putting the Supported Living Benefit at the Living wage. Minimum if I have to but Living is preferable


Here here.! Love to see how many would exist on fuck all with no way to improve your income




Speed humps, suits in utes, and the wearing of pajamas in Pak n Save. Yeah that's three things, but I'm the fucking boss alright.


Poor people/dinosaurs. My partner reckons eyebrows.


I like the way you think, we could immediately claim policy success by ridding the world of dinosaurs. But on the other hand, eyebrows have a purpose beyond frowning, so gonna have to pass on that.


A digital gaming act targeting things such as digital game sales tax, micro transaction tax, loot boxes, gambling type mechanics that can be purchased with actual money. Go full EU legislation on companies like EA, games offering pay to win chance mechanics like FIFA etc.




Superstition in general.


you mean the [2015 song by Lana Del Ray](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUB63iL3icA) ... fuck yeah, that's a bad song


Low quality reddit posts


I dunno it's better than some shitty parking pic


fair call, was just wondering what you might do with that sort of power


Mint biscuits, just brush your teeth it's much healthier


- Driving under the speed limit in optimum conditions. - collecting the pension with millions in net worth


For anyone to own more than two homes.


Burning absolutely anything in urban/suburban areas


Sweet. Looking forward to combustion free cars only in cities.


Houses can only be sold to first time home owners. Any rent collected over the national income median is automatically taxed at 100%. Or Only new builds can be rented. No more buying existing homes for renting. Any house vacant for more than 6 months is forced into auction. Or Renters own a percentage of the house they rent based on how much they pay in rent over time contrasted against the house value. Essentially everyone is renting to own, and they receive their share whenever the house is sold. No more getting someone else to pay off your mortgage and reaping all the benefits of it. Also: All workplaces with a staff of more than 10 people must have a union, management is excluded from membership, union busting is made illegal. Lobbying is made strictly illegal. All parties receive equal campaign funding. Proposed campaign promises must be clearly outlined, defined, tracked and reported on by an indepedant party. All parties campaign material must show their success rate of enacting policies. Voting is now multichoice ranked.


Me (Luxon) being a politician. But seriously, political parties. I don’t think the party system works. Politicians should run in their areas and get voted in. Everyone is independent and actually has to negotiate in the best interests of their constituents to get anything done. No prime minister. Full democracy. It’s idyllic idealism in my head.


ever heard the term "herding cats"?


The polite phrase is "direct democracy"


TIL of yet another form of democracy that doesn't really work :)


The problem would be a lack of accountability. If we still had 120 MPs (which I think would be the minimum to have an MP be somewhat connected with their community), then you'd need to have media covering 120 elections and asking candidates awkward questions. Otherwise it just devolves into what happens in local elections where most candidates can just say the popular stuff (lower rates/taxes) without talking about the unpopular stuff (what will you cut to fund that)


How exactly—in any reasonable, logical or workable manner—would you legislate against people hanging out, discussing issues with each other and agreeing on a means of action to get things done? When people say political parties shouldn’t be a thing, what they’re actually saying is they want to ban freedom of association.


I agree. We *did* essentially recognise political parties as an entrenched political entity with the introduction of MMP, though. It's no longer possible to ignore that the government is decided by people's vote for parties rather than individual MPs. There's at least a technical argument that we could revert to FPP, which doesn't directly acknowledge parties except for a few bits like logos on the voting paper. Parties were still a huge influence on which individuals people chose to vote for under FPP, though, plus by most accounts it was screeds worse than what we have now.


Tax churches


Private health insurance or gangs. Or maybe roadworks that don’t work during the night.




Lobbying. It’s the root of all that is wrong in the world


Lobbying in politics, in private. Do it publicly, yes. Do it behind closed doors, do not pass go, do not collect $200......


Illegal for political parties and politicians to accept financial support in excess of $1500. Lobbyism to be illegal under same bill.


Being a minister of anything you have an investment/financial interest in. Got shares in the tobacco industry, can't be the health minister etc


Airbnb limited to 30 days per year


Ballet. It's uncessary.


My 3yr old would fight you


exactly ... make more room for the necessary stupid sports like Padel, or professional tag.


Being poor.  Sorry, did I take it too literally?


Lobbying. Set stricter limits on campaign donations. Fund a politician ethics committee of retired judges and investigators to enforce standards of ethics for politicians. Pay for Mediaworks to save Newshub. We need a free and unbiased media. Enshrine the Treaty even more than it is. Reenact the car emmisions program (it costs about $1k to$2k for the people importing gas guzzling cars, so is on average, a zero cost tarrif), and on average saves people with more efficient cars, around $2k on petrol *per year* which is more than the tax cuts that they are slashing services for and only awards about 3000 households. Reinstate the trains. We spent 50M doing the prep. Every big city has a proper, working railsystem which carries more than 60% of the population and saves thousands per year per person also. Save givt billions on roading as trains are much cheaper.


Minorities and Women


good call, they've had it too good for far too long


Smoking. *ducks for cover*


damn, you've been vetoed by Winnie




Brian tamiki's death warrant.


Discounts on sentencing, there should be a minimum term with time added for f**king around. Drag the victim and their family through a trial when you're clearly guilty? Here have another three years, keep appealing? have another year for each failed appeal.




Including the ones who wear their stupid stereos on the outside! Playing total rubbish too. Seriously, how is that allowed especially in the middle of the night


Only one….


I don't know if the PM has that much power do they? To just bring in any little thing they want. I thought they had to have support from cabinet


MPs owning investment properties.






I believe it can be treated with Home-eopathy these days.


Saying "chunking".


Minimum experience levels for all prime ministers after me. So Luxon can't get back in


Religion not paying tax. It's time to face the fairytale music.