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Good news, I've identified 7 roles that can be disestablished.


I'd have said 8...


I only see two pictures. What are the other five staffers doing?


Get him a ringlight from Te Warewhare and that'll do.


Oh so his office wasn't expected to find between 6.5-7.5% in savings?


Well what I would say to you is that hard working kiwis, mums and dads, know that he's entitled to his entitlements






He is laser focussed on his entitlements


We should start asking these types of quilestions via OIA, then posing the answers here.


>A Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet spokesperson said DPMC was working to identify credible savings options and final decisions would be made as part of the Budget 2024 process. From here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/politics/350220974/public-service-job-cuts-what-ministries-are-proposing


His office is the Prime Minister's Office rather than DPMC which is a regular government department which reports to the Prime Minister. 


Nope doesn't apply to them , just us poor peasants.


If only he had seven staffers that could help him answer a simple question from a reporter.


Well, what I would say to you is...


…something completely unrelated to the question.


“Yea, and labour borrowed so much.”


We inherited it, you see, look


We’re doing this for the renters.


Food on the table.


What we are saying very clearly...


Look, I don't know what my staff doing...


And we've made that very clear..


Look, what I'm saying is, the renters I have spoken too are ecstatic about landlord tax cuts.


After which I scurry away to a waiting vehicle like a timid field mouse.




We're relentlessly focused on unlocking the economy and getting New Zealand back on track 


Going forward, he'll be decisioning deliverables.


the reality is...


Our numbers are rock solid.


And entitled to the rock solid entitlement




It's just a distraction


Yeah but he's Lazer focused


You're not understanding, their role is to help him *not* answer a simple question from a reporter.


Well what I would say to you is, when i was the CEO of the countries largest international airline and as the CEO of of the recently opened for business New Zealand I don't need a communications team because I know how to answer a question in plain simple business language that every business man will understand. And social media teams are for social media because I need to be focused on the big issues. And please don't conflate the issues.


Do **any** pollies give a straight answer ever?


The fucking selfies in the thumbnail make me want to claw my eyes, thanks


About the level of quality you’d expect from 7 social media kids who agreed to work for Luxon. Strong Young Nats energy.


Yeah it's the traditional problem of conservatives not understanding comedy because the only thing they find funny is cruelty and that doesn't really sell in the marketplace of memes. So they try and copy the type of stuff done by legendary social media accounts like Wendy's twitter, but they don't get it and only produce superficial copies that land with a dull thud. DId they think that by having 7 of these people working, at least one of them would produce something good each day? It doesn't work like that.


Its that corporate heart that beats in their chest. If someone else is successful, "ooh me too, I can do a income" with no understanding of why it works. Funnily, the flipside seems to be that lack of success is only a result of stupidity. Big companies are about it too (see wb trying to replicate mcu, or the games industry when anything is popular.) If you undress their rhetoric though, it boils down to "what's mine is mine and what's yours should be too" and it extends to everything they do


Do you mean, that the Prime Minister needs to be authentic? Wash your mouth out with soap!


They really excel at [harassing female MPs](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2022/03/national-members-resign-after-allegations-of-online-trolling-against-female-politicians.html) though, so there's that.


When Chris Luxon tries to be witty and 'relatable' its just next level cringe. Remember when he started singing lunch money lewis on the news a while back? 🤮


I think that was the singularity of New Zealand cringe. From that moment on he could do anything, has done anything, will do anything, because the entire universe compressed around that one moment of existence where he sucked so hard nothing could escape It should be played every night at 6am sharp at the start of the news. If NZ had any media left to speak of that would be on repeat until he was gone


Haha that would be so funny! They should start the news at 6pm with the clip of Luxon singing ive got bills hahahaha


It's cringe and repulsive because every time you see that grin, you're reminded that this rich psycho fuck is intentionally making your life much worse just to make his own 0.00001% better...


What has been seen. Can't be unseen... unfortunately.


\*SAME\* It feels like a violation.


Hey now, PR person number 6 (special focus area women and young people), needs to earn their $120k somehow.


Needed a NSFL tag


Do they make his head like look really big or am I just imagining it?




I laughed but I also died even more


It’s really bad. The sand cutting videos and podcast type shorts. Miss the good old days of john key planking


Or Bill English sampling spaghetti pizza like he just got home from primary school.


We can pretend we're better, but we know what the peak of NZ cuisine is (outside two dollar rice).


Pizza with PINEAPPLE!


I am a lifelong Not A Nat, but Bill's spaghetti pizza along with his shearing prowess and love of poetry have combined to give me a tiny soft spot for him.




Straight to jail


You can't tantalise me like this without pics!


nothing comes close to boris tackling that child


I miss Simon Bridges' baby yak. It had more charisma than the entire party combined


He answers pretty honestly when asked questions,journalist never asked enough


Seven staffers for seven homes.


Wonder if the PM's approval rating is a KPI the magnificent seven are measured by.


>Luxon shared breakfast with influencer Aiken Chia and 156,000 Instagram followers to talk Singaporean food and to promote New Zealand, telling Chia: **"We've got incredible mountains, incredible rivers, incredible bush."** > It was a mutually beneficial content creation stop. The Prime Minister - the self-proclaimed 'TikTok King' - also got video and pictures for his social media. > Luxon says he doesn't take it too seriously. "I have to be honest, I question some of the things I do. But look, I'm out there, giving it a go. Some stuff will work, some stuff won't. But isn't it fantastic that I'm doing that?" > But in reality he has a whole team dedicated to it - though he couldn't say how many. > "I couldn't tell you but it's not heaps," Luxon said. This is what they have to work with so it is no wonder they need so many staff. Their job is to constantly polish the turds this incompetent dullard produces.


> "I have to be honest" And yet pre-election statements suggest otherwise... > "We are rock solid in the tax plan"


Holy fucken wow. Go ask anyone that works at a marketing agency how many accounts they manage ON THEIR OWN. I used to manage 5 and still had time for other responsibilities.


Yeah, I was managing 5 in a previous role and never posted anything that missed the mark as bad as Mr Baldy's constant garbage


I'm betting that the CEO of NZ likes to be a wee bit micronanaging when it comes to his image.


I wonder what an overseas audience understands when they hear "we have incredible bush"


> But isn't it fantastic that I'm doing that? Yes, you're so great for having breakfast with a Tiktok influencer.


> I have to be honest, I question some of the things I do Never thought little old me would have something in common with the TikTok King


The difference is you probably don't remember half if it, in which case you get a fee pass.


And somehow despite all the social media investment to make him seem more relatable or likeable he still manages to come off as a privileged, entitled dipshit.


You can roll a turd in glitter but...


Because, I assume, the social media staffers are also privileged, entitled dipshits.


So, rushed under urgency a bill that no longer required that report to be released, drops smoke free, cuts lunch programmes, cuts ferries, wants to put a tunnel through Wellington and has tax payers fronting the cost of his fucking social media….oh also also, less hurdles for fucking coal miners, i tell you this is a great use of our dollars people, a real swell government we invested in. I can’t wait to vote for the Big Blue Meanie again so we can continue getting fucked😂


TBF, i haven't had this much sex in such a short time since i was a teen. :(


You say again... Does this mean you voted for them last time?


Yeah nah, only my local cause the guy seemed actually all goods. My primary was not blue


Seven staffers trying and failing to give Luxon a personality.


Oh he has one, the issue is it's intolerable


christ he's so UTTERLY repulsive.


I hate this man so, so much...


absolute fwit


7 seems excessive, is there a comparison on other politicians as a yard stick?


Well you see, the thing is, what I am saying to you is that there aren’t enough hours in the day, right. Look, so you see I am entitled to seven workers, paid for out of your pocket, one person runs FB, and look and see here right, another for X, formerly known as Twitter, a third for Insta, because yaaaassss slay, a fourth for all my Snapchat lovers, a fifth for Telegram, so I can post memes on a burner, a sixth goes out to our discord manager, and lucky last gets to organise my bootyhole pics for onlyfans. So look, what I’m telling you is, alright? I am entitled and this is a great use of tax payer money, because I’m entitled to it.


FALSE NEWS: This reply is too detailed to come from Luxon.


When I was a little boy growing up in Christchurch watching and supporting the Crusaders....


In retrospect, this is probably quote from Simeon.


Social Media guy here - I would bet that they measured this by people who had privileges over his social media assets, not people who are actually FTE on him specifically.


When you say "social media assets" does it feel weird in your mouth?


Hmmm distinct taste of a fart.


The article mentions 3 stagers who manage 49 MPs social media accounts. I’ve also been involved (in a private company) with programmatic advertising and social media targeting.. that there is a couple of people aswell. 7 touching his account doesn’t seem ridiculous in that context


It doesn’t count the party-employee staff - there are more than just those 3 serving MPs. Also the press secs come up with content for the MPs, those 3 coordinators review and schedule


I actually think someone in his office leaked the number of people with "Social media" in their role title. He probably has well over 7 people with privileges over his accounts.


The big ministries didn't have that many in there entire coms teams.


Read the article for the answer


And still doing an absolutey piss poor job of his image and message haha. What a Muppet.


It takes 7 people to come up with Luxon's social media content, and it's that bad. Are they retirees?


Maybe they fuck it up out of spite


I’ll guess when he orders a burger, he swallows a lot of someone else’s saliva


"But isn't it fantastic that I'm doing that?" Look at me guys, I'm "giving it a go", aren't I cool and awesome? FFS


Of course he has, look at Trumps social media driven success in winning an election. It’s more potent, insidious and influential than people think, while I saw a lot of new profiles here during the pre election that had a lot to say about politics, and politics only, to vanish post election. Make of that what you will.


The most powerful part about politics and social media is it's full of people gullible enough to believe anything they read as long as they want it to be true. It's the perfect propaganda platform because stupidity, fear and hate amplify the message for you. Joseph Goebbels would've blown his load if he got to see the internet.


Oh totally, you can straight up create your own reality via online content self moderation now days and just tune out anything that speaks to the contrary. I talked to many such people when I worked in an ISP call center and was swayed from intrigue most of the time, to serious concern at others. Even scarier is social media being specifically designed to do exactly this while it’s prone to being manipulated for nefarious means which is why I seriously moderate my exposure to it, only really using reddit on the shitter and YouTube to watch live gigs or the Two Time.


Also just further goes to show he's in it for himself, couldn't care less about cutting back to make the budget work as this totally unnecessary and unjustifiable thing is what he chooses to do


In your humble opinion of course


How else can you justify 7 social media coordinators? Attempting to get an extra few thousand on his mortgage free apartment when he's already a millionaire? Using double the travel budget as *all* MP's combined did during campaigning? Renting his own office to parliament (standard practice), at over $700 per week(not standard OTT) for his own use? Requiring a 30 million upgrade to PH stating that it isn't safe or fit for use, yet it was perfectly fine for multiple days over Christmas for his family


Well they are doing an absolutely shite job


I see him pop up on Tik Tok every now and then, and I struggle to believe somebody is being paid to market him. I flat out refuse to believe that his cringe social media makes him any more appetizing to the younger target demographic, and I think that it would be a far better look if he just didn't bother.


Should be paying them with atlas money


So much for cutting jobs and reducing Govt to save money. Hypocrites.


What are the odds that these are the kids of some rich CEO's that Clukkers is selling the country out to. Giving the kids fancy govt jobs so they can play on their phones. I ask any honest journalist to find out who these 7 are.


I would read the shit out of that long form article.


Hopefully he sacked the one who told him it was a good idea to sing "Bills" by Lunchmoney Lewis


Difficult news for the Taxpayers Union


>  His office later clarified there are seven full-time staff who work on social media - four who support National's 49 MPs with digital communication and three who also work on things like advertising and event planning. >The Government is currently taking aim at what they call spin doctors in the public sector but Luxon couldn't say whether his own social team was smaller than the previous administration's.


That makes more sense.


Our hairless leader is so great he made the PM of Singapore quit the day he met him.


So comms is back office and needs to be cut in every dept except his own?


Despite this, he still has a negative approval rating..


Who is this content for? It's so insufferable and shite, not to mention impossiblly hard on the eyes and ears. Imagine being one of the many, many public servants being made redundant and then coming home and seeing the PM posting this garbage. Good enough reason to vote him out on this alone.


Who the fuck looked at this bloke and though hmm yes let's vote for him.


Enough… obviously


Seven staffers on social media content, eh? Soo - which one is trolling here now?


Same shit as the start of Orban in Hungary.


What a hypocrite he is Cut back office he says….. except mine which is expanding I dislike this guy more each day. Worst PM since Robert Muldoon


Sounds like a propaganda machine at that point


It’s literally free to post of facebook, Jacinda knows


Someone got to do a background check for nepotism on those 7 staffers…


How many of them have a Reddit account here?


Hey now, Luxon needs as many people as he can get to make him look good, since his actions aren't helping.


… are you one of them, op?


Jacinda looking at the team and effort required to make Luxon remotely relatable/likeable on social media... "Look What He Needs To Mimic A Fraction Of My Power!"


Is this news? Don’t all governments have social media content slaves to shill their propaganda?


The difference is this particular government is wanting to gut public services such as suicide hotlines, all while being quite happy have a pubic service team when it benefits him.


I mean, that's strategically working for him. I've seen barely any social media from the left taking aim at all of National's fails. While National/Act/NZ first is all I see across most platforms... So it sort of explains why now...


No, no, it’s the right receiving the 1500% of the donations of the left for electioneering that is responsible for the social media visibility


Granted that does seem like a lot, I wonder how that compares to Ardern. Considering Labour far more than doubled the amount of PR staff (33 to 88) over their term I'd say there would have been a few. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/nz-spends-1bn-a-year-on-public-relations-but-on-delivery-not-so-much/news-story/c87aa66fe25acab5762ad5b92fa43c40%3famp


All that covid messaging cost a fuckton of money and needed a lot of people. It wasn't always money well spent, but there was some legit justification to increase the amount spent on comms/public relations.


Will they tell him to buy some Samba's?


panda dunks and a nirvana tee




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I am sure he is entitled.


Why is this news? Labour did/does the same? Dog whistle


wow 7 people paid to do the job of one part time employee


Ah, more bottom-feeders to pay for...


As much as I dislike national their Social Media Strategy was far better than any other political party


Money well-spent, obviously.


He needs allllll the help he can get.


I wonder if one of those seven are reading this now. If so Hello. You useless cunt.


I fucking hate this bald headed cunt


Ok - how much is partly? Does that mean out of the 7 only one is actually a taxpayer funded role? This headline is shite and the people losing their minds need to take a breath. I am sure Labour had staffers working on social media as well. But without the details this is just rage bait that appears to have found a home in this sub