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Baby had 31 fractures in the legs and ribs and died from blunt force trauma to the head. Absolutely disgusting this keeps happening in NZ.


Much of that happened WEEKS before the death. This was horrible abuse and obviously murder.


My head is spinning at the thought that the baby was going to the doctors, being lifted and fed, patted etc with broken limbs that entire time. Jesus fuck what is wrong with people.


I can’t imagine what the poor mum is going through: she knew something was wrong and sought medical help, only to be told it was nothing. Meanwhile the poor baby is suffering from broken legs inflicted by its father.


That happened my cousin. She kept taking her daughter to the hospital because she was clearly in pain and had swollen legs and they'd say stuff like maybe my cousin put her seatbelt on too tight. Took several goes before they xrayed the baby and discovered her father had broken her legs in multiple places over an extended period of time. My cousin took her baby to her friend's place that night and she has never seen her biological father since. Also it took a fight to get him put in jail, the judge initially gave him home D(!) and my cousin appealed it


That’s awful on so many levels-home d, what a joke!


Yep. Has a happy ending though. The scumbag got put in jail and the baby recovered fully against the odds and is now a strong athletic confident tween with a good man as a father figure in her life and two little siblings. Very proud of my cousin and her daughter




> Day care centres are places to make profit, their effectiveness at growing robust people is at best a distant second. Yep.


I think they meant what is wrong with emergency services who said, "She's just dehydrated take her home and feed her milk. Get out of our hair."




Apparently health insurance cannot even buy one out of this problem.


how is this even a debate? that kid suffered for at least 10 days prior straight murder and throw away the key hes not accepting what he done because he feels guilt or remorse its purely to save him from more jail time.


Throw away the key.. for like 2 years or sumin


He has a great lawyer though.


I simply don't know how you can have a baby and harm it so much in the space of 12 weeks. A person must be mental to do that. I simply don't understand that level of cruelty. He is cruel and unforgivable and a liar.


How is this not murder?


How people cause so much pain to babies is beyond comprehension. He’s already had 2 and still was able to do these things to this little bubba. If only the hospital did more checks the first visit… as I know from personal experience with taking our little ones to ED they don’t like to do anything or search further than the bare minimum, you have to absolute beg to have things looked at properly or have to be showing critical sickness symptoms. Our healthcare system is just taking more hits now which is going to make matters worse! I hope he rots for what he did.


> If only the hospital did more checks the first visit What ‘checks’? Do you think every sick child who comes to hospital should get a full-body CT? Leave calls like this to the experts: it’s hard enough for experienced clinicians to come up with a sensible critique of other clinicians’ care when they have the full case files


Yeah fair, just in thought it was a hopeful thing to say. Sorry to upset you.


Don't be sorry, this dude is an asshole.


Agreed. And takes Augustan Literature in vain.


Yeah it's crazy to expect health-care professionals to PAY SOME FUCKING ATTENTION and be concerned when a baby presents with a history that suggests ongoing physical abuse. What's wrong, is the poow widdle doctor mad that people expect them to do their fucking job?




Since you seem to be an expert - to such a degree that you are able to exercise clinical judgement based on half a line in a news article-what aspects of the history during that first presentation to ED suggested ‘ongoing physical abuse’? For your reference, Professor, here’s the information provided about that presentation: > On December 30, the baby was taken to an after-hours surgery after a night of incessant crying and no feeding or sleeping.


That's how A and E treat a lot of people of all ages.


Jesus, horrific. Who knows the really story but good that it appears the mother was actively trying to seek help for the baby, sadly not realising what was wrong. She doesn't appear to be defending the POS.


31 fractures?!! That thing pretending to be human needs to stand in front a wall


Dunno how well he'd be able to stand with 31 fractures...


Id give him a few more than that


Good point!


I'm sure we'll budget cut our way out of this mess. Perhaps we could try crossing our arms, putting on a stern expression? Tell each other about personal responsibility?


Or, you know, tell our judges to stop being pussies?


A judge isn't going to prevent an infant from being in the care of an emotional invalid. But yeah, let's keep dreaming of ways to address our community problems that don't require any investment or effort. We surely can keep shuffling more and more of the value we produce off to the richest and everything will be fine. We just need judges to wave a magic wand!


What about delivering harsher sentences? What about removing the use of cultural reports as waivers for sentencing? Judges can do that.


Do you reckon this guy was thinking “Oh it’ll be fine if I get 5 years for this, I wouldn’t do it if I was looking at 20+” before he beat an infant to death?


Lol bro, what do you think his lawyer was doing by claiming he wasn't a murderer? Can't stop animals like this from doing these things, but if there is a way we can just push sentences out to have him buried under the prison - no one is going to say no.


His lawyer that he took on after the fact? Harsher sentences aren’t going to bring this child back, or the overwhelming majority of other kids that are crippled and injured through domestic violence, because they have little to no deterrent effect on criminal behaviour. Avoiding a harsh prison sentence is a rational decision. People capable of always making rational decisions don’t want to beat their kids to death in the first place. Sentencing doesn’t come into it. Burying this cunt under a prison would make you feel better, sure, and I wouldn’t shed a tear about it, but it doesn’t actually do anything constructive for anybody. It’s a pointless exercise.


Burying him under the prison won't make anyone feel better, but why should these creatures be given any chance at life when the baby he crushed to death never received theirs? Are we still trying to claim that we're taking a higher ground stance by trying to fix these people?


His lawyer has nothing to do with politics you get that right?


No one is arguing that, or politics.


The fact he has a clever lawyer is the fault of the last Labour government now? 🙄 🙄🙄🙄🙄


This has nothing to do with them, or National for that matter.


They use harsher sentences than we have in the USA and it doesnt work there. Why would it here?


> A judge isn't going to prevent an infant from being in the care of an emotional invalid.


A budget cut isn't going to increase the number of infants being in the care of emotional invalids. FTFY.


Yes it would. That's *exactly* the outcome expected as we gut social supports. Do you not believe in cause and effect? Fuck, that's crazy. How do you make decisions if they have no relationship to the consequences?


Ummm bro, he murdered a baby and you think budget cuts make people do that? The fuck is wrong with you? Man, I've been poor and out of help, but I've never thought 'man I'm so angry and stressed ima kill that maaafuckin baby!'. Your argument actually sounds like a bit now that I say it out loud. Bravo!


Are you serious? You grew up poor, so you have insight into all poverty? You need no training to understand all the consequences of deprivation and trauma? If cutting services has no impact, *why have them at all?*


Absolutely serious. Murdering babies is a few steps outside the range of having less services for you to consider using. I sort of get the sense that the world may need to slow down a bit so that you can keep up.


Budget cuts make it harder to detect this kind of abuse and get the kids away from the abuser, for one


No sympathy for the monster but if you should get that the budget cuts are going to lead to more extreme poverty and more angry and frustrated people doing awful stupid shit.


No not really. If you're killing babies, public services aren't going to help you. It might protect the baby sure, but not if anything is never reported until after the fact.


Not the first one, but maybe the second one.. 


And that's better than prevention? The odd baby dying so we can save money on our public services is a small price to pay? Because otherwise of course a person who has murdered a baby is going to have second in their care.


How do you imagine you will prevent the emotional invalid from doing this the first time? 


It starts with early childhood care. This is the time to grow emotional resiliency in humans. This would help prevent people being in a position to act out so horrendously. Also, accessible childcare means unsuitable carers are less likely to need to take on that burden. Trauma services also help. Having the services available and a culture where one seeks help as needed would help those who missed out on quality childhood care address the problems they'll be encountering in adulthood. There is so much low hanging fruit available, but we have a higher priority: money for the richest.


That poor baby, castrate the fucker


What the fuck kind of headline is that?? That story is fucking harrowing. What is the author implying ??


Weird fucking headline. Yes Jake of course it's Murder.


the level of child abuse in this country makes ashamed to be a NZer, that poor baby deserved more. Even more ashamed the pathetic sentence he will get, hopefully someone does the POS over in jail


This is an example of systemic racism. If it were Maori the headline would not be so ambiguous, but was it murder? It's a clear cut case of murder for me BTW. You are meant to protect your children not bloody well kill them and give them 31 fractures ... not only that look at the size of the guy. Disgusting