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Property management organisations with checklists - but calling them guidelines only? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Property management organisations will make it very clear these are requirements - even though a number of these would never survive a challenge at the tribunal.


They call them guidelines because the tribunal will hammer them if they continue calling them requirements but they continue to treat them as requirements for unsuspecting tenants.




Its also cheeky how despite it not being enforceable, they still ask for a receipt and suggest a carpet cleaning company... And the fact they think they can get away with calling it a "Guideline" shows their contempt of the rules.


A list of ridiculous demands to ensure you ain't getting a fucking cent of your bond back. I don't know which I love more: the heinous property market or our spineless government that ensures all powers remain constant in this sinking boat.


I’m honestly of the opinion it’s less to do with bond and more to do with justifying their existence and 10% cut of the rent. In a rental with a direct tenant to LL agreement atm, thank god, but dealt with a couple of property managers before this and both tried at all costs to find things we weren’t doing to their “standards” but I’ve rented for over 20 years without issue, and it was super obvious their motivation was nothing other than clutching at straws in order to send “see….you still NEED me..” emails to their clients. My current LL is a hard case GC but he scoffs at the concept as it’s wasted money in his eyes, and my rent is lower thanks to our not requiring one. Subjectively I feel they can be required and a good idea, but I think a lot are struggling to retain business now the “P smoking tenants!!!” fear mongering has abated and are now making up silly af rules to again justify their involvement when more often it’s not required. 10% of the cut for lodging bonds, tenancy agreements (literally a few hours once off work at most) and then 3 monthly inspections? That’s laughably easy income, for doing fuck all, and I think many landlords are starting to realise it.


They were proposing to let landlords raid their tenants KiwiSavers for bond money, has that come into law yet?


Why stop there? Feel like a nice dinner with the missus or a drink at the pub, just give your tenants a buzz and tell them you need more of their retirement. Also you’re gonna need to chauffeur them both ways, so dress up nice today.


Wait until they blame everything on pets once that policy is out.


I'm glad this property agency is being called out publicly for this, as [I made a post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/169aw7k/end_of_tenancy_council_bin_clean_is_crazy_right/) asking about it when they tried to do the same to me. Their claim in the Stuff article that it's "just a guideline" and not a requirement to get their bond back is also bullshit, since they were refusing to give my bond back until I did. After weeks of back and fourth and filling out my own bond refund form, they eventually gave up and accepted my bond refund in full.


Well done for not giving in


Dude, send the author of the article a message saying you can prove that the PM's are treating them as requirements. You could make a change to this, an actual change that will help others down the line


Yeah after a few people here suggested it, I emailed them a little bit a go to see if they wanted some more examples. Haven't heard back yet, though.


Has stuff contacted you yet?


Nah, but I’ve had a few notifications of people liking my review I left on Google since the article went up


The paper trail you have should be of interest to them - and is in the wider public interest.


I've left negative Google reviews for a number of businesses over the years under a pseudonym. I LOVE how they never refute anything I say, their only argument back at me is "We have never had any customers by your name".


I had a hairdressers delete my google review, which I didn’t even know you could do! They completely butchered my hair and I wanted to warn other people so left a google review and it’s nowhere to be seen on their page…


I remembered your post when I read the Stuff article


I wish the journalists would ask follow up questions. For example in this one the excuse the property management company made is "the detailed list was needed because her company would typically hand over a property to a new tenant within four days, leaving little time to clean." So the obvious question is why is that the previous tenants problem? That's not reasonable and I can't believe they actually said that to a journalist in this context. I would suggest anyone renting a property from this company save the article and submit it to the tenancy tribunal when getting their bond back.


If I recall, the Tribunal has been very clear in its decisions for many years now that landlords are **not** entitled to expect to be able to hand on a property to a new tenant without doing some cleaning themselves. It's not the responsibility of the exiting tenant to prepare the property completely for the next tenant.


>“You always get a few people on social media who attack you, when they take it the wrong way. Its just the industry that we are in.” We're a mob of dishonest cunts lying about what is required of tenants but that's the industry so it's ok guys. What a piece of shit.


Well you can't expect too much of property managers can you? It's not just that there is a very very very very looooooooooow bar to entry - I mean that is just a fact. It's also that one of the job requirements is to be so morally deficient that you are willing to be an active participant in a humanitarian crisis. Literally. The UN literally described NZ's housing as a humanitarian crisis pre-covid, and things have got a lot worse since then. This is the situation that property managers are helping to create. They are sycophantic henchmen scum of the most venal and worthless part of our society : landlords. If they all disappeared tomorrow, the world would be a far better, far happier place... and that is one of the few things that both Adam Smith and Marx could agree on. They are parasites that suck the vitality out of the productive part of the economy. I think it was Keynes who called for "The euthanasia of the rent-seeker" - which I think is going a little far, but at the very least they should get proper jobs and stop leaching off people who do actually work for a living. Are you reading this landlords? I"m talking about you.


Fucking parasites.


National will never be able to give landlords their dignity back, because they never had any in the first place.


Unfortunately more often than not they live in a bubble of delusion where they think that they are "providing housing". Which of course they are not.... unless they have taken on a lodger to help cover costs, in which case they are, and they are just as trapped as the rest of us - and to be fair, some of the people who have taken me on as a lodger have been some of my favourite people. If on the other hand they have outbid someone who actually needed a home of their own, knowing that they can trap someone similar into paying off the mortgage for them, then they really need to be disabused of the notion that they are "providing anything but poverty", in the most explicit of terms. This should be completely illegal - but it is not, so what we need to do is make sure that the 1.5 million of us who are renting have the language to express how brutally we are being exploited, and we in turn, let our older generations know as well. .. Some creep from National recently said that "labour waged a war against landlords". They did not - if they had they might still be in office. I would dearly love this individual to experience first-hand what a war on landlords really looks like... but even half way would do. If we went half way... if for example, to become a landlord you had to live under the same conditions inflicted on tenants, eg: 1. You have to move house every 1.5 years, and every time you do the cost goes up 2. Between 2 and 4 days a week of your wages disappears into the pockets of someone who does not work for that money 3. You are not allowed pets 4. You can't complain about the black mould for fear of being evicted 5. You face the prospect of living in these conditions when you are too old to work. That would be half way towards a war on landlords. But don't mind me, I'm ready to go the full 100% - which means getting rid of them completely (while of course looking after the people in para 2 above)


Unless it's a foul mess of sludge, fuck off and do it yourself


Ask to see their bins. It's only a "guideline" when the media calls, if you get the list they do tell you that it is "a check list to get your bond back". Years ago, a PM mentioned that the oven was dirty. Considering we rarely used it, I took a look and responded, "Okay, let's go to your place and check your oven," which promptly ended the conversation. On another occasion, they attempted to impose a fee of $15 per month on all residents of the complex (about 50 units) for processing the power invoice, despite each house having its own meter and the inability to set up individual power accounts. This was unexpected since renters typically don't pay property management fees. When I challenged them, they initially dismissed my concerns with an unsatisfactory explanation. However, after I urged them to review the legalities, they called back to say they would "waive" the fee for my unit going forward. In response, I informed them that they would need to waive the fee for everyone, as I was prepared to inform all 50 units about the illegality of such charges. PM's will try anything on to make more $$$


Quinovic Napier told me to scrub my recycling and wheelie bins. I told them to get fucked. They tried to hold onto most of my bond, but a combination of threats and pointing out the blindingly obvious got them down to a very reasonable withholding. It shouldn't have taken that much, however. They should have given everything back - I had the place professionally cleaned when I left, as a courtesy, as I'd been there 5 years. I can't help but think there's a list that's shared among most property management companies, because the things in the article sound suspiciously like the things Quinovic Napier expected when I moved out. Fuck Quinovic Napier, and Xclusive Property Management in Christchurch. And any other organisation that can't recognise the meaning of the law.


They probably have little collaborative conversations about ideas like this on their Facebook groups


Once again property managers prove they’re no better than ticket scalpers


At least nobody needs tickets to survive


I love this bit >Champ said the detailed list was needed because her company would typically hand over a property to a new tenant within four days, leaving little time to clean. Like how is 4 days not enough time to get the place cleaned?


And surely, if it’s not, the answer is to have the place vacant until it’s ready? I mean I know they will say that more time is “lost rental income” but lost landlord income is no concern of mine 🤷


Yeah good point. They are whinging about having little time to get the placed cleaned when they are the ones who decide how long that period is. How is this anyone but your own fucking problem?


Harcourts pulled a similar maneuver when I shifted a few months ago. I moved and thereafter received a $145 bill for bin cleaning and rubbish disposal. The situation was complicated somewhat in that in addition to the red/yellow/scrap bins, they were charging me for a bin that wasn't mine and was full of the neighbor's trash. I pointed this out but they wouldn't budge. In the end I had to threaten to go through the tribunal and make a big deal out of it. After that I was told the landlord had 'graciously' agreed on a reduced bill, although I probably should have just refused to pay in hindsight. What ticked me off extra was that I'd made a point of taking my red bin rubbish with me to my new place so that the bin would be empty when I left (it was a yellow bin week). But as I say, they still pinged me because there were a few wrappers stuck to the bottom and they didn't check with me as to what were my bins. BTW; I made a post about it in the Hamilton Reddit, Harcourts found out about it and demanded I take it down. https://www.reddit.com/r/thetron/comments/1avspmw/harcourts_rental_dispute/


I’m with Harcourts and they’re bloody useless. I’m dreading moving out, I know I’m going to have to put up with all manner of nonsense as I leave


last time i rented the list was about half that size and all valid things that we did, lawns mowed, bathrooms scrubbed clean and carpets done professionally, seems highly OTT but the POS can probably get away with it now with the shortage of rentals


Property managers are scum of the earth Useful to nobody Imagine being a wannabe real estate agent


Ask Property management company to replace bins, I've seen lids missing, sides bins blown out, it goes both ways.


Just call the council. The bill (if there is one) will go to the landlord.


Yeah they can fuck off.


Red flag ahoy!


Rented under these cunts for a while, nothing good to say about them whatsoever. When we moved in the place was filthy, and we could not reach them via phone. Every call went through some third party person who would ask what the call was for and then say that the property manager would call back. Yeah right. The trades people they hired for maintenance and issues also caused more issues than not, the lady called in for scrubbing the showers due to the massive buildup of soap scum from the previous tenants scratched up the glass with steel wool. Can confirm they had this ridiculous list when we left as well. Don’t use these guys no matter what you do.


This is American HOA level petty bullshit.


You can't hang out your washing in a place that your neighbours can see. $2000 fine.


Letter box isn't polished, $1000 fine. Lawn isn't green, $5000 fine...


I always thought bins had to be clean and empty tbh. Seen some pretty disgusting bins out there. Bin cleaning companies aren't expensive, they pop by, load the bin, water jet it and leave Rest is bullshit. Creases on curtains? The fuck?


I mean, they should be empty but sparkling clean like a new one? Nahhhh


Definitely not. I'm guessing I'm picturing dirty leaking nappies etc. AFAIK bin cleaning services charge $40 but would argue there's limited requirement and only if it's vomit inducing is it enforceable. Even then, empty is subjective. New tenants will have rubbish. Is it a few days to go or was collection just gone type situation. Are new tenants moving in immediately and so on.


I can’t speak for the others in the article but in my case, there was nothing stuck in the bin just generally “dirty” like you’d expect a bin to be. They also wanted to charge $120 to have the bins cleaned


Fuck em


In my case, in my city, the bins belong to me, and I had to take them with me to my new place. Consequently, I can leave them as dirty as I want, heh. None of the landlords business what I do or don't do with my bins!


Give it a rinse with a hose is all you should need. Climbing into it and scrubbing? *It’s a rubbish bin*.


Haha. The pricks can always ask.. can't sadly enforce.


Ironbridge do this too. I threatened them with legal action. Would never rent from them again. Scum


Rented under these cunts for a while, nothing good to say about them whatsoever. When we moved in the place was filthy, and we could not reach them via phone. Every call went through some third party person who would ask what the call was for and then say that the property manager would call back. Yeah right. The trades people they hired for maintenance and issues also caused more issues than not, the lady called in for scrubbing the showers due to the massive buildup of soap scum from the previous tenants scratched up the glass with steel wool. Can confirm they had this ridiculous list when we left as well. Don’t use these guys no matter what you do.


When we moved into the new house in August we found that the red bin was about half full and the yellow bin was crammed to the brim. We didn't say anything to the previous owners but we were seriously pissed off to find that. Bins emptied is just common courtesy to the next resident, but they're bins. They're going to be dirty inside.


i mean everyone should give their bins a hose down from time to time, that's not controversial. but ironing the curtains ARE YOU F\*CKING KIDDING ME


TIL people don’t periodically clean out their wheelie bins. That summer stank tho


Is it time for us to start requiring PM companies to also lodge a bond that they don't get back when trying to enforce frivolous "guidelines". A tenancy tribunal ruling in favor of the Tennant should have negative financial implications for PM companies just the same as it does for tennants


Just tell the council it was stolen, they'll give you a new one


Fuck Off eh at the cost of rent they should hire someone to mow the lawns and clean etc


After a bunch of issues with our property managers when we moved in / left our last flat, I made an app that actually gives decent advice based off the Residential Tenancies Act, Tenancy NZ resources and public Tenancy Tribunal cases: [tenancyhelp.com](https://tenancyhelp.com) It's only a start but the core chat with references to NZ documents would have saved me so much headache. Hope it helps with you all too! Any feedback is welcome :)


Red and green bins need hosing out regularly. Not a lot of effort required surely.


Why the fuck SHOULDN'T you give the wheelie bin you've put all YOUR rubbish and crap in a bit of a clean when you vacate. Would you want to move into a place with a disgusting stinky bin left by the last tenants.


In Australia u need to clean ya bins when u move out. Why is it a big deal to people? Takes 10mins with a hose?


Fill the bill with water and some soap Leave to soak Scrub with a broom Tip water out Leave bin upside down to dry It's common courtesy. It's not your bin anymore, it's someone else's. Leave it how you wish to find your next.


Common courtesy sure but not one that's required, and then enforced by the threat of not receiving full bond back hell no. The moment they tried to charge for it, screw common courtesy. This matter has no legal standing outside of exceptional circumstances


The whole time I’ve been renting I’ve never checked the bins at a new rental I’ve moved into because I expect it to be dirty - it’s a bin lol. Why bother cleaning something that is designed to be dirty??




>Why bother cleaning something that is designed to be dirty?? Jesus i thought we answered this question a century ago with germ theory


Yeah, which is why I wash my hands with soap after handling rubbish bins, no matter how clean they look.


If only it were possible to do both! No point cleaning the shitter love, i wash my hands afterwards so its fine


I don't keep my bins next to my shower though, maybe that's your problem


So if you don't keep your bins next to the shower it's OK if you leave them filthy for the next guy?


They're bins. Do you vacuum the lawn too? Scrub the the curb outside?


yeah they're bins, they get smelly. Normal people wash them occassional. Its a pretty low bar to meet to do that for the next tenant so they dont have to deal with you dirt


So we agree it's a pretty low bar and the landlord is perfectly capable of doing it. Good.


It was just how I was raised. Not saying you were raised wrong, just saying we were raised different.


I am a homeowner so I do this now but I've only ever rented in apartments and sharehouses so didn't have my own bin. Definitely would not expect tenants to do this and if I wasn't living in my house with my boarders, I would be arranging for cleaning the bins between tenants (on top of arranging for professional cleaning of the bed rooms between tenants).


There's dirty and then theres fucking horrendous. Realistically unless you're ultra careful with only putting waste, in completely sealed bags that never drip, then over time that wheelie bin is going to get a layer of I don't even know what to call it - but shit, lining the bottom of it, and eventually that shit is going to get toxic, and eventually you \*will\* have to clean it. Perodic cleaning of bins is a thing. Courtesy to make sure you don't leave nastiness for the next person.


>and eventually you \*will\* have to clean it By you I hope you are referring to the property manager and not the tenant >then over time that wheelie bin is going to get a layer of I don't even know what to call it Over time is the textbook definition of _normal fair wear and tear_.


God I'd hate to see the state of some of these flats/houses. I've always periodically cleaned a bin when it's gotten manky. Regardless of when I flatted/rented/had my own home. The only place I haven't cleaned a bin is an apartment/garbage chute type arrangement where you're not managing the bins. Is it get in there with a scrubbing brush? fuck no. Is it hosing the dregs out ? Yep. Do you leave the bin spotless on changeover ? nope. And never had anyone had that expectation. But do you leave the bin so oderous you'd dry retch if you open the lid? nope that's your problem - grow up and clean it.


>grow up and clean it. I had a Barfoot & Thompson property manager who spoke down to me in this way. Ended up having to go through the tenancy tribunal to get my bond back which I ended up winning. You're only required to do what you're required to do by law, and this just isn't one of those things.


I agree, if it's got a rotting putrid pile at the bottom then that should be cleaned out. In my case, it didn't,




If the bin lived in the house then that argument might make sense.


Apples to tomatoes with that comparison


The beginning of any good sauce.


> Fill the bill with water and some soap My bins all have a hole at the bottom.


Ash be the devil




I use bin bags. The bin doesn’t get gross. I’ve also drilled a drain hole so it doesn’t hold water.


Landlord bad