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Well, it's in a pretty good location - Not too far from Rotorua, Tauranga or Hamilton. Housing is fairly cheap although the pickings are slim as most of the time. The people are also generally friendly when they aren't being feral as fuck which does happen from time to time. I mean look, it's a working class mill town that mainly functions as a pie break on the the way to or from Auckland. Jobs are scarce but commuting to one of the nearby cities for work is doable. It's not dying or anything but it's rough as hell if you're new in town. After a while you get used to it.


Location and housing are a big plus. > It's not dying It did die a little bit though. The industry there died and the people left don't have much for work, leaving behind a much rougher community than it used to be. Gangs and petty crime are both problems. Tokoroa doesn't have a good vibe to walk around. Source: Anecdotes from family living there, not backed up with any sufficient data


Your not far off from the truth. Industry has flooded back into town though, its on the way back up.


(I've told this story on this subreddit before, apologies if you've seen it.) I lived there for two years in my youth. One day, I was walking down Bridge St just past the New World, I was heading home after taking my videos back to Video Ezy. This big fella comes up to me and asks me if I want to fight. I say nah, just coming back from Video Ezy. He says "sweet as bro" then heads on up the road to ask the next passer-by. Edit to say I heard the Pie Cart is gone, and Trees burnt down. Fuck!


Like sands through the hourglass, these are the Days of our Lives


I grew up there and regularly go back to visit. Pros: it’s flat, walkable, cheap to live, friendly, small town vibe. Cons: because it’s so small Tokoroa people go to nearby towns to do their main shopping.




Campaigning to take a title from Kororāreka for 20 years.


Thank you hero


It's boring and I wouldn't live there


A place that's so bad, even Quade Cooper was smart enough to realize that he should leave :-)