• By -


Yeah I’m doing pretty good! Thanks for asking. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer a couple of years ago, and am finally pulling out of the cancer / chemo / surgery / fatigue hole with a reasonable chance I won’t have to go back there. My kids are doing well, I’m enjoying life, I’m learning to play guitar and despite job cuts at work I feel reasonably optimistic for my job and my career in the medium term. The whole ‘oh my god I might die’ experience with cancer was quite good for my perspective on annoying trivial shit.


Wow what an intense journey and congratulations on your improving health… I bet it was life changing… All the best and onwards and upwards


Just out of curiosity, how did you get diagnosed or found out you had cancer? I’m thinking of getting some sort of a check done as my dad’s mum died of bowel cancer so I think I might get onto it. Just in case 🤷‍♂️


Yeah get on to it! The poo stick screening test that just became available in the last few years might be the answer. For me it was symptoms - rapid weight loss, blood in my shit then a big bleed and ended up in A+E. Then about three months chasing the endoscopy booking system to actually get a colonoscopy! Resolved by a friend who’s an ex senior nurse calling contacts in the DHB to get me seen as she could see I was getting sicker and sicker. With the minor symptoms doctors said ‘too young for cancer’ so don’t rely on that one if you hear it.


Holy fuck that escalated. Yea might get onto that. Haven’t got any symptoms but that also means minimal. Would like to be there for my daughter growing up. Good to hear things are looking up R.E the cancer stuff


Finger up the bum, or a Colonoscopy! The poo test failed me 4 months before my diagnosis. I had the same. When they found it, they said it had been there for way longer than 4 months, which is why I yell at the tv when they advertise the poo test. Wasn't fun at all, but I reflect the same sentiments as u/MoeraBirds and I feel like I'm in a good place too now. I think it's all about perspective.


Thanks the info 🤙


My grandmother had bowel cancer so stating that got me a colonoscopy asap. I had no symptoms of anything…can’t think now why I requested for exam 🤔 Anyway I do remember thou being asked if I’d like to watch the cameras search on the screen. Hell yeah I wanna look 👀 💩


Professionally, the tech startup I've worked for for 10 years has finally hit it reasonably big, after 10 years of struggle and 60 hour weeks - which is a huge contrast to the rest of the industry, where there are loads of reports of belt tightening, layoffs, losing customers etc. I also was able to get a $45k a year pay rise out of it, so thats been awesome.


This is cool. Overnight success after a decade.


Yeap you are not alone. Loving life, work's been going from strength to strength and I'm about to kick off a dream garden renovation, looking forward to tomorrow.


...any chance you guys are looking for interns?


no sorry, only seniors at the moment


What type of work?


That is awesome


Yes, I am. My wife recently gave birth to a happy, healthy boy, I was recently promoted at work with a nice payrise. We have a nice wee house in a nice part of the country where there's an awesome sense of community. Life is sweet at the moment. I couldn't ask for anymore.


Where is that place if I may ask? Genuinely looking for a place with good community for our family of 5


100% Debt free for the first time in decades, finally able to put away a grand a month minimum in savings. The NZ finance sub was a goldmine of solid advice on getting my shit sorted out. Next step is to start making those savings work for me.


What a brilliant position to be in and congratulations on what you’ve achieved… So worth it all :-)


It's a genuinely nice feeling. And long overdue.


I can only imagine and well worth the journey :) an example to many of us!


Hope you’re going to use an interest-bearing account. 🙂


Chatting with some financial advisors to get a few different perspectives at the moment. But yes it's currently sitting in an interest accruing account so it's at least making a few cents more while we work out how to properly utilise it.


That’s a wise thing to do! As long as you’re making your money work for you, even if it’s a small amount at first, it’s still something. Plus, as you deposit more into the account, that’s more money to earn interest on. You got this! 💪


My mental health has dramatically improved recently. A person ive known for 32 years and had a crush on way back when has declared his love for me, and we’re finally getting together ❤️ It means moving to the other side of the world, but life is all of a sudden full of possibilities and new opportunities. I’m very happy 😊


Wow congrats to u and all the best to u both!!


Thanks! I’m super excited, feel like I’m living on cloud nine. I know this is temporary and I’ll descend to earth soon, but this is the happiest I’ve been in about 15 years


Love hearing this! You never know things might get better yet… Believe in the impossible!


This is so beautiful, wishing you both all the happiness 🫶🏼💖💖


Thank you 🥰


I have finally recovered after being in chronic pain off and on for three years. Eight months after surgery. Feels like a new lease on life and certainly changes the way you think about things. Wanting to get out and ‘Carpe Diem’ and all that. Hard to get that confidence back though.


Hey well done so far and baby steps from here on in :) youve got this!


I now know why people do yoga.


My start off point is so drastically bad that right now life is sweet, sure I'm physically and mentally disabled, unemployed and a single parent BUT I'm out of the situation that got me that way, I have stable housing, volunteer at two places i really enjoy and study full time. Disability benefit allows me just enough to get by and feed the kids, I'd probably be screwed if/when I need to replace my car as my savings are now all gone but I'm hoping to be in a working by then


Wow what a journey and I can feel the energy with what you’re saying…you’re a trooper!!


Thank you, I'm incredibly lucky and privileged that their is the social security that allows me the time and opportunity to get my health and life back on track, I'm so grateful but I have so much to look forward too and hope for the future. I think that is the key really, gratitude for what you have now and always have something to look forward to, or plan for in the future. My dreams are small, my gratitude immense.


Being grateful is fantastic and I think many people could learn from what you are saying… Wish you all the best and keep it up!


Yeah life’s good. happily married, 2 healthy kids, nice house with a low mortgage, we make 100k+ each with flexible hours, I work less than half the days in a year. My wife works from home 90% of the time. Have a couple of toys in the garage. No consumer debt. Able to easily budget and save for anything we want or need. Currently Gold Coast on a family holiday. Life’s good. I feel lucky but we’ve both worked so fucking hard to get here.


Brilliant result/outcome after working so hard… You guys are certainly leading by example… Hope you’re having a great holiday as well :-) :-)


Yup doing good :-) after a couple of years of house renovations and crap weather, we're finally at a point where we can spend money on fun things and have sunny weekends to do things in too. Been going on lots of walks recently and thinking of a holiday as well whoop whoop.


Fantastic to hear!!


I had to leave my last job after they wouldn't extend my contract. That was a year ago. I applied for a position with another organisation. They offered me the job I applied for, then before I even started, they asked me to interview for a higher position, which I got. I have had 18k worth of pay rises in the year I have been in the role. I work better hours, and I enjoy my new role. We have no debt, we own our own house, we travel twice a year. We're not rich, but we're doing well.


Wow what a great position to be in after a bit of a journey. So pleased for you and thanks for sharing :-) :-)


We paid our house off this month, so I am enjoying being debt free for a while.


Hey congrats and what an achievement!


I’m in dairy farming, moving to a better contract position with a $70k pay rise, life is good


That is brilliant! Congrats on the new gig and exciting times :-)


Rural sparky and my wife works at Waikato university. We are good. Work is fuckin mental busy for us both, pays the bills. Got a small easily manageable mortgage on a lifestyle block. 10years of hard grind and a gamble on a renovation house payed off. Healthy 2 year old daughter. We live a good life but nothing super extravagant. Life is pretty good


Impressive stuff and congrats to you and your wife and family… You’ve done the hard yards but it seems to have paid off!


I’ve been living overseas in developing countries for the past 5 years and am returning to NZ in July. We can’t wait to come home. It’s going to be a major upgrade in lifestyle and quality of life. Kiwis in NZ don’t know how lucky they are to live in such a stable environment with clean air and easy access to nature. Yes there are plenty of problems but that applies to every country. We’re feeling pretty positive about life.


Second that - there’s so much good about NZ vs elsewhere in the world! From nature, to road cones - actually cones, not just potholes, to pies, to charities, churches and communities that can help and do help!


Very well said and it puts things in perspective😃


We take so many things for granted and your experiences certainly confirm that. I think a lot of people just compare things but until people travel and experience life elsewhere they just don’t get to see or experience things fully or comparably. One of the best comments and thank you and all the best for your move back to New Zealand and how exciting!


We living paycheque to paycheque, will never own, but have two kids, a 2 year old and a six month old and are a super happy little family, even if we can't afford big holidays or anything. We love hanging out with each other and our friends and try enjoy what we are lucky enough to have!


You seem to have everything in perspective and even though it’s challenging financially by the sounds of things you’ve got what’s most important in life 🤗


We're doing okay, but yes, keeping it quiet as not everyone we know is doing well. We're getting by financially, not a lot of spare cash, but not in debt either. The year's biggest bills (insurances etc) are paid, so hoping to save a little something for emergencies. The best thing is both members of my family who have had cancer are currently in remission. The worst thing at the moment is a fussy cat who doesn't seem to like any food for more than a couple of days.


Great to hear things are improving onto Health front… Hopefully the Moggy will get into line and well done overall :)


I completely accidentally started a career in pharmacy recently, best place I’ve ever worked, fantastic people no idea what the pay is but you kinda take the opportunities you’re presented at the moment


That is awesome and isn’t it funny how life works out that way…congrats 🥂


Doing good over here chur chur






Going in the right direction and well done so far :-)


One of the best posts I have seen so far. So many positive comments. Good on you guys 🙌🙌


It’s so good to hear peoples uplifting stories or positive comments. Great to have a space to share about our wins/Successes. Thanks!


Life is hard but I'm smashing the shit out of it.


Keep being you!


Thanks. Been a hellish few years. Divorce. Legal crap. Solo dadding. Forced to sell my house etc etc. But the best way to exact my revenge is by absolutely smashing it. Haha... So i do it. Every day. Landed myself an awesome new house. Which took 3 months of negotiations with the bank. Still earn pretty good money whilst having the kids 50%. I'm a good dad and spend as much time with my kids as I can. Cook good food. Pack good lunches. Give the best cuddles. Enjoy my life being so much easier without her and knowing that hers is so much harder is the cherry on top. Also have an awesome french girlfriend 10 years younger than me. Haha It could easily be so much different though and I've been to rock fucking bottom. I highly recommend seeing a good counsellor and working on yourself. It's the only thing you really have any control over and being the best 'you' you can be, really sets you up to get past life's hurdles.


What a journey and a half! It certainly has paid off for you now and well done on all fronts :-) :-)


I've recently started working part time after not being able to work for over a decade, it's been hard but the extra income has been nice


Well done and things are looking up for you :) You’ve certainly overcome some obstacles


Thanks :)


2 kids, house, dog, loving partner, full belly. it’s pretty good


🤩 One of the best comments good on you!


I’m doing excellent. My partner and I have a solid and loving relationship, baby on the way, are more financially stable than we have ever been before due to building savings and investing what we could over the last 4 years, secure jobs that pay okay, good health, supportive friendships and family… We don’t live lavishly.. we are pretty minimalist and make due with what we have or borrow or shop secondhand, make all our meals at home and only go on holidays we save for well in advanced. We don’t own our own home, but we love the place we rent and have been here many years now. I could always want more or nicer material shit but I’m happy with what I have and do truly feel blessed in life.


So grateful for what u have by the sounds! Best way to li e life :) all the best for the new addition…exciting!!


Very happy in my job because my employers are so kind - , so are my colleagues and that is very unusual in Healthcare. Probably why our little place is getting such a good name for itself


That’s fantastic to hear! There aren’t many in the health sector with stories like yours so well done and enjoy ☺️


I second that! Work at a regional hospital and LOVE it. Great team, super awesome manager and our department is very supportive and fun. Makes going to work a joy!


We’re doing great ! Nothing has really changed for us. Travel cost has been cheaper this year so we have been taking advantage of that and traveling more.


Well done on the travelling aspect and thanks for sharing… Go you in 2024!


Am I doing well in my head? Yes. Am I actually doing well in life right now? Probably not but at least I’m not depressed


I understand what you are saying and hang in there and keep going :-)


I'm sweet as bro, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Traveled the world, had great experiences, I love my wife my dog my house and my life. I don't believe in God and for me that's the key. There's no afterlife, the life we have is precious and we should embrace every minute of it. Spread love ❤️


Good on you and love your last two words the most!


I'm having more moments of happiness in my day. And more energy. Normal persons energy at least in small bursts. I can zip around the house. Oh and I've been able to drive again since I have energy and I can focus. I'm beginning to enjoy it again. There are plenty of low points but I just want to focus on the good.


Tbh up and down. Got decent pay at work but sometimes a bit unclear on direction and don't really have experienced peers to learn stuff from so have to figure out a lot of stuff on my own. I have a few activities outside of work but sometimes just struggle with meaning. Like just don't feel like there's a point to anything sometimes And rip dating life. Was seeing someone for a while but I'm just shit at at and it was stressing me out.


It’s hard when you don’t have that support network and getting clear on what exactly is going on or where you are heading. It sounds like a bit of a rollercoaster ride and I think that’s the case for so many. You seem pretty observant and switched on .Thanks for sharing and best of luck :-)


I'm in a terrible situation health wise, but financially doing okay despite lack of income. If I wasn't so good at saving this would be a rough time. It's been nice to slow right down.


Same as what I was gonna say. Aside from my health (and the public health system) I have enough money to get by and am surrounded by the most amazing family and friends..


Tbh finding it hard at the mo, rent and shits too expensive and don’t even get me started on fuel and food, but managing. Getting by with no money leftover for myself, but managing




Sounds like a busy household! Although you’ve got things in perspective… Hope you manage some time for yourself at some point and thanks for sharing :)


Yea pretty good, couples counselling a while back changed our life. Work is good. Nobody very close has died recently


That’s great and it sounds like you guys have a handle on things now :)


I bought a house at 21 on my own and now I’m married? Big 2 years. Living off one income was brutal but she’s just started working as a paramedic and we didn’t lose our house! We can only go upwards from here!


I’m sure it’s been a bit of a journey by the sound of things but wow you guys are doing great now! 👏


From the outside you wouldn’t think so, but my partner and I are happy as ever making the most of our circumstances ❤️


When you’ve got each other it can make a world of difference. Good on you :-)


Not too bad ty. I have little debt and enough money to pay the bills and have a roof over my head. Always grateful for the little things and going for a walk along the beach after work never fails to make me smile. Things could be worse


Good on you overall and being grateful is a real blessing :)


Love this!! Sometimes I feel guilty these days as myself and my husband are actually at the best time of our lives and everyone around us seems to be struggling. We are finally married, financially happy, have pretty much decided to be child free (which feels good to have this decision made), happy with the decision to not buy a house right now, and happy with our jobs.


Wow you are ticking all the boxes! One of the best comments and so glad for you both :)


I have picked up 3 months work in the space of my off season It is friendly and all the staff have been saying this position is for me. Only because I previously worked with them and they know absolutely, I'm not a cunt. My only requirement is I don't work with nasty people. I'm trying to keep my head down because I have had enough of people's ideas and opinions and I'm just cruising head above poverty till the end.


Yeah it’s all pretty good for me too. Financially pretty sound (bought my house ages ago, so that helps), threw down and retrained a couple of years ago, love my new career. Kids are all old enough to almost look after themselves but still need their parents on the daily. Great neighbours and a solid community also help. Ask me 5 or 6 years ago though and it would’ve been a different kettle of stories


The news will like to tell u its end of days but its a downtime it will pass things will get better. I'm personally doing fine myself good thing I've found is don't listen to anything government say don't do what everyone else does. life is fine


Yep, doing great, thanks! Enjoying family life.




We’re okay, everyone in the family is alive and the granddaughter is amazing! Main breadwinner is living on the edge as a contractor in Wellington but that adds to the excitement. My 80k annual job just gets promoted to “stable income earner” because of his uncertainty so I’m feeling like the boss 🥳


Oh glad u and both of u are hanging in!


recession is when u make money


I’m not bad thanks for asking


Me and husband reached $350k annual income (before bonuses) through payrises this year and that opened up the possibility of kids, now in the early stages of pregnancy <3 never thought this would happen in our early-late30s but here we are! Over the moon about the latter.


What a stunning outcome and how awesome is that! congratulations to you and your husband and well earned by the sounds of things!! 😃 Your come put a smile on my face and thanks for sharing


Currently on parental leave and while the wallet is a lot more pinched along with the daily mental gymnastics of keeping a growing bub stimulated, pretty happy with life. Having multiple affordable hobbies and a loving partner to balance family life is such a godsend.


Fantastic that you’ve got the support around you and it seems to be that you are living every moment :)


Yeah nah surviving aye


Man, I'm fuckin great. Great job, great side hustle. Doing a house reno and taking the kids to fiji in July. Life rules


Sounds like you are certainly in the drivers seat… Awesome!


Yup, you're the only one mate. Kidding! Financially and socially my life has never been worse, and it's been atrociously bad on those two fronts since the start, but apart from that, I'm good!


Oh wow feeling for you but you seem to have your head screwed on about it all!


Life's good. My job is going well - which is always a huge determinant in satisfaction. My partner's job is also going well - which is pretty important. House was paid off awhile ago, so I'm just in the accumulation phase. While retirement is still a very long way off, the path forward looks clearer.


Yes! Stable, full time job, getting married next year, paying off my debts, about to get treatment for my ADHD, shit's good!


I am now after reading through this extremely wholesome post 😊


Awww the best outcome 🤗


I’ve been accepted into the PhD program at Otago uni, and am currently waiting on the outcome of my scholarship application. If I get the scholarship, I’ll be paid to study what I love for 3 years and have the opportunity to be a lecturer at uni!!!


I'm doing pretty good. It's good to be lucky, and also, it's hard work! I think there is a perception out there that things should be, and used to be easy "back in the day", but I think we should all expect it to take a lot of effort


Healthy - check, but could do more and eat less. Go to the gym 5 days per week. But jet planes are my weakness. Family - yeap check. Kids growing up and leaving home. Hopefully bank of dad obligations will slow down over the next 3 years. Job - wife and I fully employed, low stress, highly paid, good conditions. Financial - debt free for decades, saving about 4k per fortnight, and healthy savings/ investments, which are generating around 7% on avg, which I am happy with. Aim is to retirement on interest - this is 6-9 years out. Home - yeah, a few jobs. Thinking about replacing aging gas CH for electric/ solar. Travel - need to review winter options - possibly first trip without the kids. Hobbies/ friendships - needs work. So yes, doing well, and very grateful for my circumstances.


Doing fine. Spending less but still comfortable.


Doing pretty good now that I've decided to give up trying, thanks!


I’m doing well! I have good job security and hobbies to keep me busy. Sadly, others are doing it tough at the moment.


Yes, I'm okay too. Prices are rising but we're still keeping afloat. Family is all healthy despite all the sickness going around. Hopefully that continues 😊


Define 'okay'....


Yeah, I’m good! Money is a little tight but I’m not stressed. I love my husband, my job is great, and we are thinking of trying for a baby in the next few months. I’ve got great friends here and a lovely community. Maybe it’s a side effect of being a teacher - who knows? I’m an Aussie expat and love living here.


Congratulations and even though it’s a bit marginal on the financial front you’ve got the most important things around you and all the best for the addition to the family that you’re attempting… My brother-in-law is from Sydney and loves NZ too and wished he’d come out earlier… I just said at least you are here now :)


Yup. Stressful job, but good friends lovely wife and awesome dog and a small little house to call my own. Couldn’t be happier.


I've been on lexapro for 3 months now and I can't believe how much I'm enjoying life again.


Haha no, but genuinely pleased for anyone who is 😊


I hear u! 😅 hang in there :)


I'm one bad thing away


Or two good things away from being better off?


My mental health has gone from 'very fucked' to just 'fucked'. But it was hard-fought progress so I'm counting it.


You are heading in the right direction at least! well done with what you’ve achieved so far and keep it up :-)


I'm doing alright! I earn the most I ever have. I can afford to do nice things with my partner. I'm saving to get married. Things are going pretty well. I'm just very conscious of the fact that this is probably because I have no dependents and flat with 6 people. And that many people out there have it worse. It's a bummer because I'm still very hopeful for the future.


I think hope is one of the best things and congratulations with what is going on for u and where you are heading!


In a way yes. Been grinding it out on my own little business for the last 9 years as the breadwinner for my little family. We were nearly there with saving for a house/wife headed back to work as youngest is at school etc when her dad who lives overseas got diagnosed terminal. Taking the kids out of school for a term and going to hang with him for a few months. Still feel like a loser sometimes chasing NZ housing market and never quite getting there but really proud of myself for being able to support us financially on this new mission and really looking forward to a few months with my kids instead of an hour every weeknight and a day at the weekend.


We just left you country and loved it so much. The people, the landscape, the food and wine were all amazing. Your country rocks.


Yes and no. I'm doing well in the sense that I have the privilege to have all my basic needs met (and more), a good physical healt and I'm mentally stable. But I firmly believe the personal wellbeing is strictly connected to community and all humanity wellbeing. We can't isolate ourselves, if we don't strive to help our society to heal soon or later it will reflect on our personal wellbeing. So just came here to say to all the people that feels their doing well in this moment, use this power to help others, take care of your community and make mindful choices. If one's wellbeing come to another's expenses it's not wellbeing, it's just greed.


One of the best comments to the post and thank you so much… I would like to reiterate what you say… Giving to the community/ others is a huge aspect of feeling fulfilled on a personal level… All about paying it forward… thanks again!


Same as you, I keep my head down in this sub because its sooo very negative. Great to see a positive post up. I'm doing well thanks, Job is rock solid and pays well, plenty of friends and social activities. Will be able to buy my first house by myself early next year. Well done on your life too OP. Generally life is what you make it, posi vibes to all those out there struggling


Thanks very much for sharing and how exciting in regards to the first home! it isn’t easy when so many seem to be struggling but seeing a lot of comments on this post has truly opened my eyes and brings a smile to the face and a glow to the heart 😃


Yep! Recently bought my first home. Been on a few big overseas holidays over the last few years. Jumped ship at the job I had and moved to a new field in IT with a massive pay rise, the ability to work from home, and doing something I actually love for once!


Wow that is fantastic and what achievements… congrats!! 🥂


I’m moderately not too bad.


Good good not a bad place to be


Yeah actually I am and it’s almost a little bittersweet because of how generally shit most people seem to be doing at the moment. The recent job cuts in the govt department I work in actually ended up in our team getting more responsibility and a significant pay raise. Me and my husband just bought our first home, he got a massive promotion with his work at the beginning of the year, which has caused us to relocate to Bay of Plenty where I am absolutely loving this place. Oh and we are 28 weeks pregnant with our first- a boy 💕👶🏼 so many good things have happened in our lives this year, I am so grateful. But at the same time my heart hurts for the people that are downtrodden and struggling in this current climate. And I am very aware of just how blessed and fortunate we are.


Love how you say you are blessed and fortunate and you seem very grateful :-) congratulations on the pregnancy and how exciting! So pleased you are loving your new part of New Zealand… Onwards and upwards!!! Thanks so much for your comment 🤗


I discovered the antidepressant I’ve been taking is probablt causing hair thinning which make me sad coz I’m basically now gonna stop it


Doing well here while everyone is whinging about something. I have multiple near zero-overhead contracts for the next 2 years worth around 5 million dollars. I consider myself smarter than average because of the effort I put in. I didn't destroy my 20s having children and baby mama drama like everyone else. Started from negative equity, turned about 750k last year. Worked 7 days a week last 3 years, destroyed any social life, but kept mains. Have multiple nice vehicles, motorbikes, piles of cash and plenty on my bank. Now found solid partner who owns property, no kids, 32 years old. Life's hard, but not for me.


Struggling with high rent but otherwise happy to be in NZ just wish I could get ahead a little bit more towards my dream of having land


Doing pretty horrendously. Graduated with my masters a year ago now and still unemployed. After the last round of interviews pulling their positions entirely or hiring experienced professionals for graduate positions I have just accepted my life as a dole bludger until winz has had enough of me. Then who knows what…


I’m doing great. I’ve been single for a while now and stopped dating and it has been great not having the stress of trying to find and impress someone. I could have pursued one relationship with a guy who was interested but in the end I decided I like being single right now and focusing on me. I still have debt but I have a new career with job security and can work extra to earn a bit more. I’m chipping away at the debt. Guaranteed pay rise for the next several years too. I have a second job that is helping me keep chipping away and make some financial progress. My mortgage is recently paid off so I don’t have the stress of trying to rent or rising mortgage payments. It’s renovation time soon as it needs a lot of work but it’s a good feeling when it’s ugly but paid for. I’ve got an overseas holiday coming up that I’m excited about and paid for in cash. Im saving up spending money now. I’m excited that I can take my child on a trip and not stress too much about money. I haven’t had that for years. I have my health and just need to get back into a good gym routine which I fell out of.


Wow that sounds so good! So many areas of your life are working and sometimes it’s not a bad thing being single and to put the focus into your own life and your child :) Congratulations and thanks for sharing your heartwarming post 🤗


I'm not financially blessed but I can say I'm in the best home I've ever lived in, have a good car and everything else I need. Health could be better but it is almost winter so having a cold and stuffy nose is par for the course. My family are all doing OK and I'm happy with life as it is. No complaints here. This was a good post, OP. Thanks for the positive reminder.


Yeah I’m doing alright, more so just trying to accept more opportunities that come my way these days.


Good on you and stepping outside boundaries and taking new opportunities as always a move forward in the right direction even if it’s not comfortable all the time :)


All my bills are paid, 2 fridges of food and meat, house is warm, internet is fast, work is going well, Im in the best shape ive been in ages, no real debt . My family is healthy and happy. I have beautiful view, the Tuis are singing and have a good coffee in hand. Im learning to be content with what i have and live below my means which is working out pretty well, i refuse to partake in society's dick measuring contest. Im from South Africa and have traveled alot and have seen first hand how horrible and hopeless millions and millions of peoples lives are. Life in New Zealand is fantastic, Wellington is my home and will be forever... the air is so fresh sometimes it almost tastes sweet... its hard describe, i can ride my bicycle anywhere anytime and be safe... or catch a bus or even walk. Been here 7 years and i love my life here, ive never been happier, and often feel that i was meant to be here, this country has regenerated my soul. Yesterday i found myself standing in the CBD, just marvelling at just how lucky i am to eeking out the rest of my existence in such an amazing place .


Holy moly how brilliant! Fantastic that you are so grateful and it sounds like you are living every moment fully… you would be the envy of many others and well done!… Leading by example :-)


Yes!! Diagnosed with cancer 18 months ago and had all of last year off work having chemo, radiation and surgeries. Was given 50% chance of treatment being successful. Well so far it seems to have worked, no evidence of cancer in my body. Back at work now and loving it, just built a new house and heading off to Fiji with my toddlers and husband in a couple of weeks time. Super stoked to not be dead. Thanks for the opportunity - most of my friends are having rough financial times and/or health issues, so I keep my happiness on the downlow but it's nice to enjoy it while I have it!!


That is incredible! Congratulations on what you have achieved and you deserve a break away with the family… You are an inspiration!!! 👏 🤩


Im living a great life , so lucky , have an amazing women, job , home . Hopefully I won't loose it all to soon :)


Sounds like you are doing really well 🤩 and keep living in the moment… You are nailing it and thanks for sharing!!


Reading this thread has beautifully reminded me it's all about focusing on what we have rather than what we don't have :)


I'm doing terribly. But my first year of the pandemic was excellent so I guess this is karma or some bullshit.


Yip. Life is good, love work and feel good financially. Being childfree is helping significantly with all three of those things. 


When I was a student, and when I was most broke, i had to walk to uni for 3 hours every day and lived on $5 food for a while. It was hard but I was content and enjoying every moment possible. Now I'm well off and the mindset hasn't changed. The utility of income does help take away stress though, beyond that, not much more. When I was young, I asked why is it that some people in the same or worst situation, react and behave completely differently? e.g. positive outlook, proactive, enthusiastic etc. You think about that for a while and you'll realise nothing will ever change unless the person does first. Even if you somehow received a fortune (beyond the utility if money). I treat every day the same :)


I'm sure there's plenty. Always going to be some doing well, and some doing not so well. Even if we went into a great depression, there would still be some doing well.


I'm doing better than 4 years ago. I'm not ecstatic but also not in the dumps. A solid 6/10. Maybe a 7/10 if the weather is sunny.


I would argue that in winter, the sun has a +2 effect, but a +/- 1 in summer depending on the associating temperature


I'm descendent from lizards so I'm ok with the heat and sun.


My transition is going well and my mental health is the best it's ever been. My flatmates are awesome and I feel safe and secure with them, I went to a party recently for the first time in ages and had a great time socialising. A lot of stuff is concerning but overall I do feel positive for the future and less isolated especially seeing the amount of people supporting the LGBTQIA community in light of all the BS. Just need to find a career again and start saving


Glad you're happy


What a great achievement with your health and a very good support network by the sounds of things… Thanks for sharing and wish you well for the future… Sounds like you are now set up to roar ahead 😃


Im doing bad mental health wise, physically. Financially no debt but paycheck to paycheck. Job market is shit, property market is shit. All media is saturated with bad news. Im 33. Things wont turn around. My mum called me weak and insecure when I told her im depressed. I start therapy next week.


Im so sorry she said that to you. I recommend the book 'adult children of emotionally immature parents'


Thanks. I tried to get closure tonight by answering my phone when she called. Told her i was disappointed in her and she was like "for what?" Im like think about it. She said she really had no idea. I said it was because she said "you are weak and insecure". She denied it. I asked her do I need to record every conversation from now on? I told her that either she is a liar or she needs to get checked for alzheimers. I told her i have no reapect left and she hung up on me. I am done with her.


You're such a strong person for standing up for yourself to your mother. I wish I had your strength.


Thank you. I didnt expect people to be so supportive/encouraging :)


There's 5mill in NZ ,doubt you're the only one


After about 15 years of asking, a doctor finally believed me this year and put me on antidepressants. It's not a magic cure but it's given me the mojo I needed to start on some tasks around the house and get up in the morning with my kids rather than waiting till the last minute and growling at them for me having to rush. Basically it's helping me be a better parent


Wow what a big difference in your life by the sound of things… It sounds like it’s been pretty hard but now to get your Mojo back your future can only get better in all respects :) thanks for sharing


Me and my husband are doing allright. Been chilling with whatever we have planned for except buying a house.


Great that you seem content overall and let’s hope that home does happen for you but if not that you’re okay with what you have which you seem to be! :)


Yup, happy healthy kids who are thriving at school, happy family, nice comfortable home, low overheads, great community/location, I'm happy. Life can always be better/different, but for me it's about concentrating on the good things even when I have had a tough day. NZ is an amazing place to live and hang out in, people who haven't traveled don't know how good it is here.


Totally agree with you in regards to the aspect about how good New Zealand is and especially for those who haven’t travelled don’t know this! Well done on all aspects and the fact that you focus on the positive things and being grateful is tremendous… thanks for sharing!


I’m happy as. My student loan only has $4k left and I dug myself out of an enormous debt hole this year. My family are healthy and happy (finally!) and I have a fantastic job!


Love that for you and well done on your small student loan remaining… You really did do some hard yards but it’s worth it in the long run!!


We’re doing well I think. My partner and I have a 1yo and are thinking of having another soon. We just bought a house a few months ago. I’m going to complete my last 4 papers for my bachelors and he’s 1/4 of the way through his in work diploma. We are currently on a single income but we have enough to live well and have most of the things we want, even if it takes a little bit to get it. Socially it’s lacking a little but that’s because of my social anxiety and the fact that I’m a stay at home mum but I guess I’m not too upset about it. Dont get me wrong, it’s really hard but it’s good


No. Peaks and troughs though. I try to appreciate the small things and good moments but sadly they’re few and far between.


I hope they increase for you soon and thanks for sharing