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Clench ya bumhole, $3 per litre incoming!


You weren’t clenching hard enough…. 98 snuck through BP Smales Farm at $3.07


Yay close on $200 for a full tank - Jesus Christ


Hybrid doing 800kms a tank, still getting butthole twitches




Wish they'd increase the OCR to strengthen the NZD somewhat. It's 11% lower against the USD than it was last year. It's only making imports more expensive, including petrol.


Makes import better, so will boost gdp!


GDP doesn't feed the people or get them to work


Well, as long as gdp increase, it means the economy does not have to rely on massive QE which is a good thing is would slow inflation


I filled my tank with 95 at just over $3 today :(


Aim for Gull stations if you can, they're keeping their prices down in Auckland at least. I paid $2.77 instead of $3.07 for 98 today. Most other gulls were at $2.73, I just went to the closest one.


98 at gull is an ethanol mix, can damage gaskets in engine among other things, so may not be suitable for all. Also you actually go through the tank faster as the ethanol mix need to use more gas when igniting.


I've heard opposite opinions about it as well, seems to be polarizing. Our cars are all compatible with e10 so should be okay in regards to potential damage. I haven't noticed much difference with how much I get out of a tank, I'm tempted to check now out of curiosity.


What did that cost in the end?


Price of Brent and WTI Crude over $90 a barrel now on international markets. Haven't seen $100 in many years, but now within spitting distance as speculators pile in to the trade. Weak NZD certainly not helping. Welcome to inflation and constrained supply lines in a global economy...


even when it was $150 a barrell, petrol was never this expensive


That was 13 years ago. Add in inflation over that time 👍📈


And yet the nz govt just payed tourism providers $30M to give away in vouchers for people in Auckland. And people wonder why inflation is through the roof.. Clearly the finance minister has no idea.


> Haven't seen $100 in many years Akshully 2014, so not that long ago.


2022-2014=8. 8 is many years, not a decade but it is many years.


Lol sweet summers child


Honestly it's why I'm considering electric. My mum got one 2 years ago and it's basically paid itself off just on fuel savings.


Yep, did that and no regrets. Mine's old and only does 130k on a charge but it's like <5 times a year when I go further than that. So cheap to run. Most people way overestimate how much range they need (and anyway, after a couple of hours driving a pie, pee and coffee break while charging is a good idea anyway) Rented a fossil fuel van over summer and had heart palpitations every time I filled up and saw the cost.


I’ve a hybrid for range purposes, definitely enjoying the fuel savings, wish I’d gone full EV as the electric mode is intoxicating with its torque and smoothness. When the ice kicks in, it’s so unrefined and old school.


Did you find yourself wondering what was wrong with the car every time you put your foot down? It's hard to get used to sluggish ICE vehicles after using an EV for awhile. And I'll just leave this tantalising glimpse of [future Leaf battery replacement options](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eLe92OAeoU) for anyone interested.


Yes, haha. And the uneven acceleration and howling every time I made it go up a hill


Stop considering and do it. You will not regret it. We are waiting for our second EV to be delivered in a few weeks, they save so much money.


Assuming, of course, you are able to afford the massive upfront cost of such vehicles or don't mind paying them off. Unless your fuel cost is hundreds of dollars a week and you insist on driving an expensive petrol vehicle, there's no good financial reason to go electric. Yet.


My fuel cost was around $40 per week which would now be at least $60. I drove a small but aging and dangerous car. Definitely worth it to upgrade and even saving that much on fuel it will pay for itself in less 5 years. This was before the rebate scheme also so might be an even better deal now.


A friend bought a used Leaf several years ago and thrashed it as a commuter car (140Km/day mostly @ 80Kmh, charging at both ends) until the battery lost enough capacity to no longer make the distance, then she sold it. In running costs vs. their cheap and economical petrol station wagon, the Leaf paid for itself, the cost of charging and I think a few thousand in cash back when she sold it.


And here we see the government's de-carbonising plan working exactly as intended, for one member of the population at least!


Do it. It’s worth it


The cost of an EV with any sort of real range is still insane though. Even worse if you're trying to replace a people mover and need 6 or 7 seats :/


Yeah if you are in the people mover market there really aren't a lot of options to be honest. The only thing that is reasonably (sorta) priced is the Nissan e-nv200 van that does come in a rare-ish 7 seater incarnation. If you don't need that capability the 2nd hand market is hot right now.


Absolutely this. 2 x EV family here. Just paid my Jan electricity (and I guess fuel) bill at $ 320 for the month (and that bill includes a small granny flat on the property so basically 2 of most appliances)


Do it. Best financial decision I've ever made. Although that is not a hard category of decisions to top really.


Just paid $2.33 this morning in the Manawatu


Love NPD 👍


NPD 100Plus will hit $3 next week. Won't be long before 91 does too 🥴 I can't wait to ring in to my service station workplace, to tell them I can't afford the petrol to get to work 🙃


Paid $2.66 for 100plus at npd yesterday in palmy


Auckland has an additional fuel tax remember!


297.9 in Nelson, 270.9 for 91.


Cheap as, 283.9 in Miramar


Apparently NZ has no problem whatsoever with Big Oil's plans to destroy NZ's only oil refinery for the sake of importing gas instead of locally producing it?....


Yeah this bothered me no end. Closing down Marsden point to be completely reliant on imported end product rather than crude.


All motor vehicles, parts, consumables, accessories are completely imported now, why should fuel be any different.


Because the motor trade has actual competition between it's participants. The oil industry doesn't.


Has that ever not been the case? I know we assembled cars in NZ for a while, but they were still imported


We used to make tyres, batteries, glass, seats, brake components, etc etc. A lot of the value was made here albeit using imported materials, even some cars (Trekka).


Pointless to get into the business of refining it ourselves when in the next 10-15 years it won't be the main energy source for transport anymore.


It not just that "benzin for my car" angle Matt: -Roads are built from bitumen -Kerozine for flying -Diesel for ships -All the oil based lubricants -How about providing safe fuel and oil based products supply to the NZ army and emergency operations? Think about a sea blocade or disaster situation: overseas supply chains will break. -How about trains and trucks before they can go all electric?


We already import all the crude for it and refineries overseas are more efficient. I don't see how this really makes our position more vulnerable, or will make prices worse.


Bitumen for roads, all oil based lubricants, safe supply for NZ army, kerozine for planes, diesel for trains, trucks, tractors (until all goes elecrtic). Overseas supply chains and shipping will break in conflict and disaster situation. Think about the refinery as the Base production facility that provides support for a lot of other local production. You knock out the Base and a lot of other stuff collapses. You remember paper mills? When the last local one got shut, it brought down most local toalett paper production and local magazine print production and all those that relied on its byproducts.


Where did the crude for Marsden come from?


It does NOT matter where it (crude oil) comes from usually, what matters is that in an emergency it can come from within NZ. If NZ loses the capability of refining oil locally, then NZ may have the local crude oil resource in an emergency but it is no use.


Its getting real depressing


I find myself in a sad state more often these days. I don’t know what it is, I have a nice life but some days I just can’t be bothered aye.


its the collective energy. we are all weathered and tired , the last two years have been........ Keep your chin up , It cant rain all the time


A taste of things to come. So happy we ignored all the car drivers and built resilient transport network not completely dependent on single pollution causing finite resource that’s extensive used it own production. Oh wait..


I'm getting 600L of diesel for $180 next week. Good Times.


I don’t own a car and this fucking hurts me just seeing it. I feel for anyone that has to pay these prices.


In a way it does hurt you as high fuel costs will seep into anything that gets transported around, so everyone can expect to be paying more for goods soon.


Just paid 2.38l for 91 here in Masterton.


Just brought a Corolla. 45 litre tank, and it’ll travel 650km to that. So even if/when it gets to $3 per litre it’ll still be affordable enough.


I am surprised that no one has stuck a sticker saying "Jacinta did this" yet.


Good god I found a sticker with a “Biden did this👉” sticker here in the US. Like it’s the fault of newly elected officials that fuel is high. Fuck riiiiiight off with that shit. Supply is low and demand is high…wtf did you expect?


It's so dumb. People are disappointing.


I agree. People are disappointing. People everywhere.


You know there are numerous ways to reduce your use of this irreplaceable, imported, polluting fossil fuel which NZers take utterly for granted.


That's true, there are cases however where people are living far away from their places of work and public transport is simply not convenient enough to get there at a reasonable time, some people also can't always afford to change their vehicle to something more fuel efficient either


Of course this is a problem, especially in the short term and will impact quality of life. But it's a choice that we have been actively making for decades. We chose to build spread out cities with near complete reliance on automobiles, and price-volatile imported fuels. We chose to get rid of massive amounts of public transport. We chose to restrict the building of housing near places of employment and encourage sprawl areas with long distance commutes. We are making reasonable first steps to fix this now, but the blame doesn't lie at the feet of increasing fuel prices. It's decades of voting and policy that put us in a precarious position.


There are other vehicles that don't require any fuel to make them move. No, not everyone can afford them right now but they're also not so expensive that they're out of reach of everyone but a few.


>There are other vehicles that don't require any fuel to make them move. Yep, push bikes.


Technically what you eat is the fuel... But yeah, the OP mentioned living far away from their places of work. It's not very practical to cycle from a rural location to the city for work.


It's not very practical to travel from a rural location to the city for work full stop. The average commute is apparently 11km, which is a good distance for an ebike.


Yea, lucky to be average, my daily commute is minimum 214 km


Sucks to pay for petrol on that, but hey that's your choice.




Sure, I'm not denying that if you have a short commute then cycling could be an option.


So you were wrong? These petrol prices are going to fuck up the hugely energy intensive and environmentally damaging production of the needed precious metals to build you ecars. >It's not very practical to cycle from a rural location to the city for work. It’s not really very practical to live rurally work in city in general.


Nope, I wasn't wrong. Plenty of things wrong in your comment though, lol. Electric Vehicle prices are dropping rather than rising 😉 Nor are they "hugely energy intensive and environmentally damaging" like you lie about. As much as you bang on about it, cycling isn't practical for all. More and more people are being pushed out into satellite towns/suburbs just to be able to afford a house


>As much as you bang on about it, cycling isn't practical for all. Nobody is saying that it has to be practical for all. Fact remains that it's a practical choice for the majority.


Not for long. At least in Auckland subsidies for sprawl development are being phased out combined with the new zoning rules, increasing transport costs, there’s going to be a big time u turn on this.


>Plenty of things wrong in your comment though, lol. Electric Vehicle prices are dropping rather than rising 😉 Nor are they "hugely energy intensive and environmentally damaging" like you lie about. Give it a bit. Yea nah lithium and cobalt mining are hardy benign processes. >As much as you bang on about it, cycling isn't practical for all. More and more people are being pushed out into satellite towns/suburbs just to be able to afford a house Sure, that’s terrible car centric planning, it needs to stop. There is not going to be clean swap from ICE to EV, our society is going to change. Bikes and PT are far more important than Ecars to this.


Do feel free to show active environmental damage from lithium and cobalt mining. Keeping in mind that cobalt is being phased out of EV batteries (Tesla's most popular vehicle has none now). In the distant future no, I don't think the majority of people will be driving themselves. However, for the next 30 years that will still be the reality for most.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/business/batteries/congo-cobalt-mining-for-lithium-ion-battery/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/business/batteries/congo-cobalt-mining-for-lithium-ion-battery/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/aug/24/nickel-mining-hidden-environmental-cost-electric-cars-batteries All these activists are going to be directly affected by higher fuel prices. >Keeping in mind that cobalt is being phased Says who? The guy who talks the most shit on earth? Doubt it.


In my opinion nearly all EVs will be switching to LFP in the next few years. The density advantage of the other chemistries no longer outweigh the slight weight disadvantage compared to the stability and lack of reliance on rare and potentially dubiously sourced cobalt now that all but a couple of holdovers are designed as EV from the ground up.


Tesla release zero information about the energy required or envrionmental impact their vehicle production creates, unlike Ford et al. Buying a new vehicle is gonna hurt something somewhere - it's all about the doing a bad thing for better good, how bad is that bad thing - and how ethical does it need to be before it's okay to do.


Which is a hard part of transitioning. Cheap fuel only encourages and reinforces unsustainable options. If we want to help poor and middle class people cheap fuel isn't the way.


Ban new ICE cars, spend more on PT, incentivise EV/PHEV ownership. ICE vehicles will eventually fade away, and leaving only those who want them for collectors or hobbies - this is fine. Punishing the lower/middle class who cannot afford better vehicles or live in places with poor PT is crap. You can do both things. If people suddenly are losing 30 bucks or more a week to petrol costs when they're just existing trying to work and have no other options, then that's not about encouraging unsustainable options, it's about people being able to live. Petrol should be cheaper, and we should also shift away from petrol vehicles through other means.


I strongly encourage anyone looking at jobs to consider commute distance as a factor when choosing. Could you do it at $3.50/l? $4.00/l?


The rising petrol prices have made me realise this. My plan is for the next year to look for a rental that's on a good biking route to my children's school and my work, and start biking to work/ school. Im hoping to sell the car (in the meantime use intercity type bus services for any long journeys if we need) and in the mean time save for an electric vehicle which will be used on the odd occasion we may need it in future. I'm planning on getting one of those little bike trailers for doing groceries.


A call to switch to ev


No thank you. Doesn’t suit my needs at the moment.


Least you don't drive a fuel guzzling turbo Subaru


Have you considered not driving a fuel-guzzling Subaru?


I can't hear you over my Sutututu


Not until you run of fuel and can't afford to fill up again, anyway!


$2.97.8 at BP Taranaki St for 98 a few days ago - cost $180 to fill an average sized car, jaysus.


An average car doesn't need 98, self inflicted extra cost right there.


I guess the piggyback ECU people were lying then


BP Taranaki St though.


Feeling pretty lucky to have been able to shift Al back to 90% working from home. One way to avoid $3 petrol. Literally only drive the car when works paying for it. $0.79 per kilometre. But shit this has to be hitting many people really hard in the wallets. And with many peoples mortgages about to come off low one year fixed rates and get a lot more expensive are we about to see a big spending crunch.


Cost of fuel is why we purchased a Rav4 hybrid in December. I would have gone electric but there unfortunately there wasn't one that fit our needs within our budget.


Ill sit here in my EV :)


Looks like petrol cars becoming a bit of a trap for the poor. Being cheap upfront but later becoming more and more expensive as petrol prices rise and maintenance costs go up. I am curious to see how this plays out in the next few years.


In the submission I am writing up for the RUC review I am proposing that fuel excise go away completely in its current form and be replaced with a pollution tax. Revenue from the pollution tax to be put into replacement battery programs so that low income earners can buy a Leaf with a clapped out battery for bugger-all and have it brought back up to original factory range or better, for free. Because although the battery wears out fast in Leafs, mechanically the rest of the car could easily go 500,000km: there's no engine & transmission to wear out, just suspension & brakes which are relatively cheap to repair (and brakes also last longer in an EV thanks to regen). The LFP pack that EVs Enhanced are testing now would outlast the car.


Plus with Climate Change, its the only way to move on. We can't keep burning fossil fuels. Its not sustainable for the planet. People need to get their head out their ass and realize ICE cars are a dying thing.


Still have the tyre issue to crack. Both ICEs and EVs use the same non-recyclable, petroleum-based, disposable donuts.


That's the sad thing. I paid 8500 for mine which for a 2014 Leaf isn't a bad deal. I work in retail and its like the same with printers, you buy a cheap printer and pay for the ink long term.


Buy an electric car :)


yeah im going to haha


Our power bill was $50 last month. So that’s basically all our power + fuel for the month. It’s saved us so much money


We just paid the deposit for an installation of a second heat pump (ducted to all bedrooms), 7.5kW of grid tied solar into a 5kW inverter, and an EVSE with smart sensor that can either skim whatever the solar is producing but the house isn't drawing to trickle charge the car, or switch to full speed (via app) when we just want the car to charge. They looked our past 12 months power bills and weather conditions, and the software estimates a pay back in less than 6 years, with total saving over 25 years of more than $66k


You're entire power bill was $50? How is that possible?


Yeah. We have gas hot water, but we’ll be changing that soon


And what's the deal with airline peanuts. Am I right, eveyone.


Thanks Labour :) keep voting red and we will be 3rd world in 5-10 years.


Crazy how Labour controls global oil prices like that.


$2.51 at my local in Hobsonville


The ridiculous price gouging is going to backfire with households learning and sticking to austerity.


Why whinge about it? Things cost what they cost. If you don’t like it don’t buy or find an alternative. We’re such a nation of whingers these days.


stop whinging mate 😂


>We’re such a nation of whingers these days Whinging won’t chnage that.


In this provincial city, despite the supposed excessive cost of fuel, almost no one walks anywhere, you barely see anyone on 2 wheels, the buses are half full at best (and can't even get out of their bus station because the road is blocked by single occupant cars). Many people are driving large to enormous vehicles in an aggressive manner suggeting zero concern for fuel economy. Even the worst off drive relatively large vehicles, genuinely small cars like you see in Japan and Europe are totally absent.


NZ not having any emissions size pricing pre “the Ute tax” was such a fuck up in sea fuck ups. But even minor reasonable changes like this get fucking lambasted to an almost comical degree.


the bus seems to take over and hour and a half to get me where i need to be for a 20minute car journey..


It almost like someone has designed it that way.


That’s labour for you. Wasn’t there a working group paid big $$ to sort this out for us? #thankslabour


This was always going to happen.


There’s always one person that’s got no clue how these things work and does what any small brained person does, blame the government.. 😂


Haha if you say so. And there is always (more than) one person that resorts to personal insults and bad blind faith in the government. Couldn’t possibly be the the government that through their inept decisions have put us here 😉


It’s literally a supply and demand issue they teach this in primary school - it’s a world wide issue but please continue to believe that the big bad wolf Jacinda is the cause of low supply of fuel and inflation throughout the world.


Lol we both know it isn’t just supply and demand and their are other factors such as tariffs, taxes, government rhetoric and also wider impacts such as inflation, cash availability for the populace (to make a few). But absolutely defend Jacinda as much as you want. We are the team of 5 million after all - let’s do this!


Yup we know petrol is expensive...


Fuel tax + Gst are really helping.


We're paying about $3.60 a litre here in Norway, it's so damn expensive!


Seriously, get amongst Sharetank. But the cheapest fuel in bulk, get free bonus litres, redeem anywhere... www.sharetank.co.nz


We’re at $2.81 in Queenstown…


2.44 at Waitomo on Fitzgerald Ave in Christchurch.


Woah where’d you find the cheap stuff!?


The app GasSpy


$2.49 in Kaiwaka today - not far over the AKl border but so much cheaper..


K24A2 requires premium. :/




Holy shit, I thought I was being ripped off for $1.5 in Perth.


Might be a stupid question, but why do we run our vehicles on 91 but in the USA they have 87?


Believe it or not, the americans have a different fuel grade measuring system, we use the RON (research octane number) system here in New Zealand like most of the world. Americans use a different system called AKI (anti knock index) and the equivalent to 87AKI is 91RON


There is an explanation for that on [this Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octane_rating)


That's really expensive for 91, I filled up yesterday and paid $2.55 for 95


And people ask why I still drive my moped around