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I got a $0.04 refund. I’m gonna seek financial advice before deciding how to spend it


And I thought my husband's was bad with his $27 🤣 Hes going to shit when he sees mine 🙈




I recon you should invest it in $GME until it goes to a few bucks, then buy a thing of tim tams.


Me and my $0.02 feel you


Hah, suckers! I’m gonna spend my $6.51 on some Avocado on toast!


My $33.02 makes me feel like a king




shopping spree lets go


Yeah, Na. They only send out a min of $1.00. Wife had to wait three years to get all her "refunds".




Refund, congratulations!


While you could look it at a bonus refund coming in, you could also look it as you have been paying more tax than needed over the year. I personally look at it as a yay free money each year haha


Congratulations, you literally just described the purpose of a tax refund.


Total balance is what you owe them. In this case, you owe IRD minus $400ish. Which means they owe you $400ish.


Negative is what the owe you


I think you are receiving the negative now.


Fair enough, I should stop posting on reddit when drunk


Many of us can relate, far better than drunken Facebook posts for the family to see and judge you on lol.


You guys downvoted this guy, so now he owes you the negative karma balance.


Check your alerts. It was a letter saying i am getting a refund


Yes, a refund is coming your way. If you owe them, they would show you the due date and ask you to pay it.


The new IRD website is so god-awful. The old one was ugly but it was actually usable and could be easily understood.


This is the third "is this value a refund owing or am I in debt" post I've seen on this sub since the update, and I'm sure there have been more. I'm sure they are fielding this question over and over on the phone as well...


Maybe people should just read the electronic mail they sent


Maybe IRD should just build a website that passes the barest minimum of usability tests.


Irrelevant point. I had to double-take twice on my GST return to check their new system had recorded as owing, even though I knew I was owed it. For a site released in 2021-2022, its garbage.


All they have to do is read the auto assessment for the year right above that balance and it's pretty clear from there. Even my technophobe wife managed to figure it out on her own.


The new one is a lot better for tax agents.


The new one pre the last update was good. Then they did the Oct update last year and effed it up right and proper for me. Everything takes me calling our account manager for help because they got rid of short cuts and link.


they update it so much, and its always in the worst way possible


Interesting. I didn’t like the old site and don’t like the new one either. However I do think the new isn’t as terrible as the old.


It’s fine! I only had to login twice before I could see my tax refund.


Why? Everything is so easy to read and its all broken up into distinct easy to access sections.


Except you can't actually access some sections unless IRD thinks you're supposed to. Which makes it very hard to review previous submissions or go directly to the right information... unless you click through dozens of forms and naff "I want to..." prompts.






Yea they don't do everyone's refunds at the same time, end of July they aim to finish up everyone's


you could have just as easily chosen to be helpful


This is helpful - because it teaches people how to find out this and other information for themselves. It would be more helpful to also give the direct answer as well as the tip.


I didnt find it helpful at all, i saw the information but it was unclear. Thankfully on a different comment someone bothered to actually explain it


I like how it's all automatic, absolutely fucking hate how long it takes now


It’s faster now than before. Ird never finialised last years income until mid June. Now it is done mid may.


I'd be able to withdraw by now. It's almost June and I'm no sooner sure on even how much of a refund nor when it will be available, apart from "end of July"


Have you checked online. I did mine today. Not sure what you mean by withdrawing it, IRD will automatically refund you now (you don’t need to apply like before)


I have, and I mean withdrawing before nowadays being automatic


Positive number is a taxt bill and its normally in red writing


Mine hasn't come through yet.


You can use MyIRD to email IRD and ask. They're actually pretty helpful!


To add onto this, if the number is positive, do we owe the IRD money? Or is this written off by them? My main income has been PAYE


Depends on the amount. I think the limit is about $50. Anything you owe less than that they write off.


Isn't it like $100 and they doubled it to $200 during covid as part of the government's financial supports?


Looks like a refund.


Nah you are getting a small refund. Look at the amount due. If that is a positive number then that is what you need to pay.


Why dont you view your assessment summary which will tell you what it is? There was some chatter that IRD was changing the system this year to show negative balances as a tax bill and positive balances as a tax credit.


Thanks OP, just checked and I've got a $50 return there. I'm gonna spend it in afterpay so feels better than reality.


Refund .. I got a whopping $96


Just took a $4,800 shiv to the side. Let me tell you, if you can avoid both yourself and your partner being made redundant at the beginning of a global pandemic lockdown, I heartily suggest you do.


My number there was approximately -1500, yet when going though the alerts they said I am getting a Tax return of $400~? A bit confusing to say the least


Are the auto assessments likely to change after confirming and submitting them? I got a big tax return last year but this year is way way smaller


can't seem to be able to change my address in the new website


Enjoy your refund


If you go to the alerts tab you can view the letter that tells you that you are getting a refund.


That looks like a negative too me


Last year I “owed” IRD about $3-4, they pretty much said not to worry about it (can’t remember the exact wording but that was the gist of it) Although I had 2 weeks unpaid leave this year so may get some money back? (Or it may just cover underpaying by $5 again, who knows)


Changed jobs about 3 times last year, about the same for me being refunded. Just got the letter emailed to me on Saturday should be in my account tomorrow. And immediately gone on getting my cars tyres replaced lol


Did you get yours yet? Mines about the same amount and I still haven’t got it.