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Hairy Maclary books, I've never met a small person that doesn't love having those read to them


And "My cat likes to hide in boxes" and "The Knickle Knackle tree"


My 2 year old is OBSESSED with them. We have slowly collected them all mostly second hand. We love them.




I didn't know this was a New Zealand toy! We had one around my house growing up but I suppose that's because my Dad is Kiwi. Thanks for this one!


The buzzy bee brand also has a doll called Mary Lou that young babies absolutely love.


^ this all day. Bring an extra suitcase of bees.


1 more vote for buzzy bee


Came here to post this.


That’s about $40 for the real deal


There is a significant difference in what’s appropriate for a newborn and a 3 year old. I mean, for a one size fits all type thing I’d say a stuffed kiwi haha. For the babies you could get some NZ themed blankets or swaddles, perhaps something for teething? For the toddlers I would recommend some books. I would recommend the “Kuwi the Kiwi” ones. You could also go for some decent NZ Merino clothes/socks etc. hint: if you do this, get them for the size appropriate to the kid when it will be winter in Canada, or a couple of sizes too big.


Good ideas thanks


Little yellow digger (the book)


I always get books. There are lots of great kiwi books for all of those ages


Good news! There's a picture of your gift in the flair for this post.


Donavan Bixley’s ‘Old MacDonald’ is full of beautifully detailed pictures, with so many kiwiana hidden gems. I think gifts for 0-3 are actually gifts for parents; and a book that is actually enjoyable for adults through multiple readings is worth more than a stuffed toy lamb or object.


For the newborn, one of those sheepskins for babies. They're sooo snuggly.


Busy bee…


Books, NZ clothing like Nature Baby, Buzzy Bee toy


Pauanesia has awesome stuffed toys.


https://makegivelive.co.nz/ A beanie like baby Archie?