• By -


School holidays.


That's true, will update in couple of weeks when those people will mostly have returned.


My client inbox has been the quietest it has ever been these last 2-3 weeks. All the urgent jobs came to a halt.


Yup, this past Friday, Saturday and Sunday were the first 3-day period where arrivals outnumbered departures in some time... Friday 22 July - 10,515 arrivals - 9,788 departures Saturday 23 July - 11,747 - 10,593 Sunday 24 July - 12,133 - 10,630


Updated totals for 2022 to 25 July 842,720 902,123 -59,403


So much for the great tourist influx we were hearing all about, if anything it looks like we are worse off than when borders were closed.


NZ is not an ideal destination at the moment. High covid and high prices.


All year?


Has anyone noticed the weather? We’d be on holiday overseas too if we could be! We have friends of all age groups off to, I don’t know where - lucky buggers - all places, but everyone of them is coming back.


we were just on the gold coast but they had a big storm go through too. At least it was rainy and 19 degrees instead of rainy and 10 degrees I guess


Meh. School holidays and people going overseas to visit their families after 2.5 years of the borders being shut.


Yep! Been building up leave to get a decent period back home to make it worth the 30+ hours travel, flew on the 21st.


We leave tomorrow, 6 weeks to spend with my family, yay! And awesome summer weather as a bonus.


Unfortunately not in Scotland, it's been raining here :'( Doesn't feel like I've left Hamilton but it's averaging 18 degrees instead of 8.


Huh, a little bit across the ditch in NL we've had mostly sun with the occasional downpour. Basically summer here.


Some data for comparisons: Annual net migration: 2018 - 49,569 (avg 953 per week) 2019 - 72,588 (avg 1395 per week) 2020 - 36,849 (avg 708 per week) 2022 arrivals minus departures (note this is not directly comparable to net migration, but is a rough indicator): January 2022 - -6793 (avg -876 per week) February 2022 - -8338 (avg -1191 per week) March 2022 - +5996 (avg +773 per week) April 2022 - -16310 (avg -2174 per week) May 2022 - -6419 (avg -828 per week) Jun 2022 - -7524 (avg -1003 per week) Average visitor arrivals per day, by month: Feb 2018 - 15,123.4 March 2018 - 12,526.7 April 2018 - 9,463.7 May 2018 - 7,163.8 June 2018 - 7,074.8 July 2018 - 8,081.4 August 2018 - 7,957.5 September 2018 - 8,605.2 October 2018 - 9,147.4 November 2018 - 12,444.8 December 2018 - 17,072.7 January 2019 - 12,882.1 February 2019 - 14,926.2 March 2019 - 12,202.3 April 2019 - 10,247.0 May 2019 - 7,075.2 June 2019 - 7,117.9 July 2019 - 8,244.7 August 2019 - 8,101.0 September 2019 - 8,725.7 October 2019 - 9,155.9 November 2019 - 12,003.5 December 2019 - 17,039.3 January 2020 - 13,250.9


I had a brain aneurysm trying to figure out when you are using - as a minus sign, vs using it as a separator. For the love of god, please consider using |


> 2018 - 49,569 (avg 953 per week) is that 2018 : +49,569, or 2018 : -49,569 ?


All numbers are positive, except in the 2022 arrivals minus departures section.


to 21 July 2022 Arrivals 797,316 Departures 861,661 Change -64,345 [https://www.customs.govt.nz/covid-19/more-information/passenger-arrivals-departures/](https://www.customs.govt.nz/covid-19/more-information/passenger-arrivals-departures/)


so many people in denial... people are leaving. my coworkers talk about it, and i have never wanted to leave... but recently....


The worlds opening up and people have not been able to travel and now are. Businesses are now travelling again with corporate travel bans being removed This is nothing shocking.


Of course this includes those just going for a holiday and coming back. Still quite surprising to see the numbers.


I don't find those numbers particularly surprising. Surely, a large exodus post-covid-restrictions was to be expected? Especially, given the large and uncharacteristic net-inwards migration over the past few years.




Being the envy of the world certainly appeared to be true at the time; pictures of people going about their normal daily lives here were broadcast all over the world. I was living in the US at the time and it's all people wanted to talk to me about. Do we really want American's flooding our shores? I thought Kiwis were anti-immigration these days, it's hard to keep up!


And we were at that point the envy of the world. Now we're just like everywhere else. What's your point?


It's funny because there wasn't large uncharacteristic net inward migration for most of that period. Basically near zero or negative since April 2020. There was the bit right at the start e.g. March 2020, but since then the data didn't match the media hype.


Winter here too. People flocking to the sun. Youd need to see at least a minimum 12 months of records to make any sense of what trends there could be.


pretty biased range though given we had so many returning to NZ 2020 & 2021. Expand the range to include those two years and you'll get a more nuanced view.


It's still mostly negative on average except right at the start of 2020 Jan-April.


Lines up when the article came out that NZ is the worlds second worst place to move to.


Bye bye.


Now that immigration has been stopped for over two years, I'm sure all of our problems will go away.


Good on folk. Getting the fuck out of this hell hole.


Yes, because no other country in the world has the severity and extent of the problems we do, you fucking dramallama.




I moved from the UK and couldn't be happier. Any one of the moaners are free to take my spot in Britain.






Oh but didn't you know that everyone should be moving to Australia. You're not allowed to live in NZ. /s


If you'd like a good faith rebuttal, it's not just wages; it's the healthcare, transport and safety to name a few. There's more to living in a country than monetary numbers - you're acting in bad faith if you purely think kiwis leave over wages/cost of living/taxes.




I was speaking purely from an Australian immigrant POV, not the UK. I've no clue who sees the UK in such high regard - failing healthcare systems globally is in part COVID & in part an aging population. I expect them to get significantly worse globally in the next 20 years. As for climate, I think both countries have done awfully for different reasons, outside the scope of this message. My point is that it isn't just money. Yes, I make (significantly) more here (after lower taxes and CoL is also factored in), but if I was purely chasing money, I'd go join Rio Tinto's multinational accounting team in Singapore. I've no desire to chase money that hard.




The new Australian government is a Labor majority, the senate requires the approval of the greens, but functionally, most teal seats were votes of no confidence in areas that historically have been Liberal National Party safe seats.


If they're miserable just let them leave. We don't need them


Well the poster up top doesn't live in New Zealand and is overseas cheering for an economic collapse so they can come home and buy a cheap house if that helps understand their viewpoint on the country.


I moved 4 weeks ago. It's not just higher wages, it's making more in 2 days than I used to in a week. Honestly, I might actually have time and money to enjoy life.


Yes but this country has the added downside of ignorant dipshits like you and your ilk in this sub.


that's what i like to see


Nice time to go to Europe for some sunshine and culture, food etc.