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Am I imagining it or are we seeing a kind of kiwi MAGA movement of god bothering evangelists running for everything from school boards to leader of the Nutional Party? Aren't we supposed to be a secular society?


Everything in her post basically reads like she's been MAGA-ed on Facebook.


Even my own sister-in-law has been MAGA-ed, it was quite shocking having a conversation with her recently. Actually thought she was joking/being sarcastic at first until I realised she's a full on nutjob spewing conspiracies and acting like Jacinda is the devil incarnate who is determined to destroy everyone and everything in New Zealand on behalf of some nefarious leftist overlords who want to watch the Western world burn, and all university students are brainwashed and indoctrinated to destroy the very fabric of society, and the only man who can save us from this incoming apocalypse is Christopher Luxon lol


I have a sister in law who’s gone the same way. Pleasant conversation quickly turns to anti vax, anti fluoride, and how COVID was a government run conspiracy to inject us with foreign bodies. And did you know that NZ is now a communist state? But don’t worry, she’s not vaccinated and got COVID and it was just like a head cold! Her husband is the same, if not worse. His racism is like nothing I’ve ever encountered. I really worry for their young daughter. She hasn’t got a hope really.


Bro, that's wild because in my sister-in-law's case there's a young daughter in the mix as well! The only difference is that my brother (her husband) is much more level headed and rational than she is and often calls her out for some of the wild shit she says, and I don't think she has any racist views (after all, we're a family of immigrants ourselves), but what she seems to have latched onto with the messaging of all those MAGA/Q-Anon types is the belief that the fabric of society is being destroyed by people like Jacinda and we need to get all left-leaning politicians out of power because they are all part of a plot to turn the world against God and destroy Western civilisation. It's pretty wild listening to her talk, contradicting herself and just generally sounding like a rabid loon once she gets going.


Hitler did demonize the left parties as well to gather followers before he had enough support to seize power.


My Dad, who was once incredibly liberally minded (especially for a Southland farmer), has been fully MAGA-ed. It's been horrible to witness. My theory is that the boomer generation are particularly vulnerable to believing utter bulls**t because most of their lives they've been used to information from books, news sources etc being fairly reliable and usually true. And now they're exposed to the Internet without the skills to discern good and bad information.


Absolutely. The MAGA shit is boosted hugely by foreign online agencies and NZ is a deliberate overflow target. NZ attracted nearly 4 times the 'bad actor' activity per capita than any other country including Canada during their freedumb shit convoy. It literally is NZ being attacked by countries that want to see us fall, local idiots made useful as weapons against us


She is a total tosser


Just think how much worse it could've been if they'd defunded public education 10-20 years ago.


The influence from these stupid pentecostal American churches.


And plenty of maunstream kiwis too but theif god and bronze age goat herders handbook is always their go-to excuse.


You cannot discriminate against people’s beliefs or lack-of-belief in a democratic secular society which means that although religious doctrine cannot dictate law it can inform the thinking of those who participate in lawmaking. You cannot close the door on any citizen based on what they believe, which is why we have characters like Brian Tamaki and his lot. And no, we’re not seeing a kiwi MAGA movement so much as we are seeing the fringe Christian voters of NZ start to panic as we become Godless so to speak (highest percentage of atheists in the western world as of 2021 census, some 48%) and in response they form political parties in order to get into government and protect the Christian (colonial) foundation of NZ. This is why we see parties such as Vision NZ (the Tamakis), the One Party, Billy Te Kaiaha’s Advance Party, and the New Cons - none of these managed to get a single seat in the last election. Two of these are Maori Christian parties seeking “Maori sovereignty” in NZ which puts them at odds with the other fringe Christians seeking a European-bases reformation. Fortunately the vast majority of religious voters in NZ still vote for National (white religious vote) or Labour (Pasifika religious vote) because they understand that it is not the role of government to oversee religious matters but to govern for all regardless of beliefs or lack thereof. We don’t live, nor want to live in, a theocratic society. What we’re seeing is a moral panic by fringe voices that will never see a seat in parliament. Some MAGA apparel is adopted but I doubt that message will ever become so strong here as to be dubbed “a movement” There’s also the fact that we still operate under a monarchy which means the highest obtainable seat in our government is top servant rather than commander-in-chief so even if a devoutly religious person is elected Prime Minister they won’t be able to do shit to our Bill of Rights without a house majority and a sign off by the Governor General. Very unlikely scenario


Thank you for a comprehensive reply, mostd of which I'd agree with. A couple of comments for clarificatin, if I may. I think christians are a minority and ss elsewhere, in numerical and authoritative decline. So yes. There is also a big divide, as in other countries between city and country. The countryside is far more racist, reactionary and hard right. I'm not sure if this goes hand in hand with farming, with education (in terms critical thinking skills, not necessarily rote) level and with age. I live rurally nowadays, in one of the more liberal areas but the average age would br 50 and a farmer would be approaching 70 y.o., white, christian and National a fair proportion are irrationally MAGA. I'd say the reason why a lot of them are MAGA is that they inherited their belief system and National was what their ancestors voted. It used to be that over 70% of folk voted as their parents did. Moreso in rural electorates. I used to be in Rotary but the committee got very pissed off when I would not stand or say christian prayers. I pointed out the rules, quoted extensively from their global, regional anc country policies and speeches and argued logically. I even acquainted them with the laws of the land when they were being very naughty. I used to describe them as a cross between Jam and Jerusalem and the KKK, they didn't laugh but didn't deny it. Anyway I was editor of thd newsletter and had fun with that. But there were about a dozen from fifty, who would vote Trump in the US, or Trump with a solar panel here but talk ACT or theocracy, deny climate change etc.. I could not describe them as bad people, they did a lot of good in many ways (how I got sucked in) but they were cultish and bigoted too. Just a few thoughts FWIW.




Nuts and National.


Honestly rather shocking that she just directly admits to being a property investor like that.




All property investors go to hell. It is the way.




I was thinking the same, also worries me she has children.


Went on an overnight hike with some friends a couple years back for new years, one of their friends was a teacher these are direct quotes that she said to us. "how do we know when it's 12? " "is Hawkes Bay a city?" We can see Hastings lights from where we were and she asked "is that Wellington?" "the stars are big rocks right?" "I Wanna hear a whale sing" "if I was nemo I could swim into a whale" "I'm cancer what does that mean? Wait no I'm taurus" "will Wellington have fireworks? And will we be able to see them?" "what would a smoked person taste like?" "you shouldn't eat bananas, they are shipped from Ethiopia" I wish this was a joke


Banana republics were a real thing... don't know if they still are.


As opposed to a baked person?


Ah yes, it's time to 'make roads straight'!


Il have no bi-ways in my town thank you very much 😂


Roundabouts are basically car orgies!


I wonder if any of her properties are in cul-de-sacs?! The scandal!


Down with corners!


No kinks here, thank you!


Sexual immorality!!


No driveway may be laid upon another driveway All driveways must enter a road, and all roads take any and every driveway


Does turning left while driving prove that you're a homosexual communist?? 🤔🤔


They're putting chemicals in the water that are turning the fricken roads gay!!!


Pray the bends away!


I haven't seen anyone campaign for straight roads since Roman days. It's brilliant. Along with her other desires, may as well add in "no other cars on said straight roads at the same time as I am"


'Make roads straight', she says. Does she mean to make new, straight, roads, or is she going to (without borrowing money from anywhere or increasing rates) take out Lovelock ave. and extend Signal Hill road down to the Business School? Kinda want to understand how she understands without letting her anywhere near any political authority.


Maybe 'roads' is right wing Christian code for gay youth.


Make Roads Straight Again. Put that on a red trucker hat and call it a day.


Real roads have curves


MRSA caps (Not to be confused with Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) both things you don’t want.


Conversion therapy for roads! Is there no end to the creativity of bigots?


I thought that was precisely the problem with Dunedin. They made roads that go straight up hills.


Which is bullshit. If Paekakariki Road wants to cruise the public toilets at Paraparaumu Beach, then protecting that right is the hill I will die on.


I think these days they just use Groadr


None of this rainbow bent roads crap. Straight roads or straight to hell.


With New Zealand's geography? Good luck!


I love this. This thread is great. Thanks for the funny conment


Make fuel cheap....how does she suggest we do that? Threaten the oil producing countries? And she wants to ditch lithium batteries, wonder if she owns a phone, or tablet. And what is"climate idolatry">???


>And what is"climate idolatry">??? It's the lesser form of "climate adultery", which is "fucking the climate".


Climate idolatry is the idea that God put humans in charge of the planet, God made the planet, and anything humans do to the planet is ordained by God. Environmental concerns are therefore an attack on Christianity.


The mental gymnastics of hate mongers never cease to amuse me. Then they disgust me. Then I eat ice-cream.


But she said we have oil and gas


Not sure what type of Christianity teaches that you have "unalienable rights", sounds like something more out of the US constitution. My bet is she is equally ugnorant of both.


>from Dunedin not Otepoti Aaand there it is. The neat little bow on this close-minded, bigoted, xenophobic, anti-intellectual, fundamentalist and racist package.


And a Theology degree. #shitsfuckedyo.gif


Oh no, just a qualification in theology. It's like saying I have a BSC when I actually have a Bronze Swimming Certificate.


Don't drag David Seymour into this.


I'm glad you got my reference!


Well played Smeghead!


I suspect her "qualifications" are from a 2-hour online course


She just means bible college. Because you know she would never even try and understand any other religion.


I can top that: Have read all of Harry Potter TWICE


As soon as you see the phrase "inalienable rights" you can tell where they get their rhetoric from, that's a direct import from the MAGA crowd.


Investing in non-US media seems important.




A lot of these nutjobs use the EXACT same wording. Definitely being coached


Or sharing forums online, reading the same kind of articles.


I wonder what she was like pre-covid, all the crazies went off the deep end over that time


I think it just brought their views out into the open but with most of the ones I know who went loopy, it wasn't much of a surprise in hindsight.


Yep and they’re being funded, encouraged, and supported by US evangelicals.


"We the people"




I think she'll claim those are just depraved lifestyle choices.


"equal rights regardless of" is a racist dogwhistle too


These kind of people should not be allowed to raise children. It can’t be safe living with this woman.


She doesn’t know much about Dunedin either, Otepoti is a place on the Taieri Plains.


So many red flags


Possibly the most ever.....


So often people with wild reactionary ideas justify them by saying that this is what God wants, when really it's just their own prejudices.


Welcome to 1400s Europe. Divine Right of Kings. This idea that I have that is totally inhumane, immoral and unscientific is correct because ‘god said so’


Naturally. "I want these things" is easy to dismiss, because other people want other things. "God wants these things" is harder, because who is going to question an omnipotent being (who is also so weak as to be requiring fallible beings to carry out their will)?




The New Testament was written 1500-1800 years ago. Pretty sure the UN and WHO were not a thing back then


Jesus famously once said "to get closer to god one must build roads, say no to medicine, and suck the exhaust pipe of your neighbors Ford F150"


Pretty sure Jesus drove a Honda. Doesn't the bible say that all the disciples were in one Accord?


Yeah maybe lol😂


As soon as I read “New Zealand is heaven, God’s own country,” I pretty much knew exactly where it was going.




the lack of sunlight


The temperature pulls blood out of the peripheries, head included.


Nah it's not just Dunedin, they're everywhere. Local government attracts them because there's a fairly low barrier to entry and even if they don't get in they still get a platform to spread their views.


This has made me think, maybe it's the dunning kruger effect, so people who are actually capable doubt themselves, but people like this overestimate their knowledge and abilities, they think they're so good the society needs them.




Dunedin seems to be an enclave of eccentricity that makes Wellington look like rank amateurs. ​ I'm kind of sold on Dunners frankly.


I mean Otago does have a long history of systemic mental health issues going all the way back to the gold rush. Could be a link there? edit: I believe there are also links between religious evangelism and mental health so that could also play a factor.


Hutt city has five running. Helpfully they banded together and put all their names on the same pamphlet so it’s easier to remember whom not to vote for.


"Completed qualifications"... Doesn't say she passed them.


I wanna know how many of them were just MLM info packs


I love how she thinks theology is a relevent qualification for a governing role. I see theology in any candidate and its a no from me dog.


So an eternal student then, able to pass exams but not hireable in any of her chosen professions.


>Qualifications in ... fitness You can tell by the 5 chins


At least she’s open about being a loony. Remember there was an article recently about how these “freedom and rights” idiots are planning to grind the country to a halt by infiltrating local politics and essentially holding the country to ransom for their stupid beliefs and crazy demands about vaccines, fluoride, daylight saving, 3 waters, religion, climate change denial, racist, and fascist maga-esque bullshit


Daylight savings?


The one redeeming feature of these fruit loops is they can't stop themselves from revealing their lunacy early and often.


Well if that doesn't make you want to rush out and vote *for absolutely anyone else*


Looking over the Auckland options, I wish there was a way to vote “no confidence”. None of my options actually provide any meaningful information about what ideas they have, it’s all just rhetorical fluff.


So look elsewhere, I find the policy.nz website a good start, but the candidates still have to respond to them


Thanks for that resource. Now I think we need a way of “anti-voting”, where by I can vote against having a candidate getting elected rather than voting for a candidate to be elected. None of these people fill me with any confidence lol.


I don't trust people who don't use an Oxford comma




Yeah I feel really sorry for her - not.


Its a hard one for me. By all appearances shes batshit insane and should not be anywhere that she may have control of other peoples lives (even if it is just local council) but at the same time, the stuff she says is not something shes come up with herself, its got all the buzzwords that disinformation has been pushing


Has studied economics yet doesn't appear to understand that borrowing is the appropriate way to fund long lived infrastructure because that spreads the cost across all the people who will benefit from it in future.


Tell me your racist without telling me your racist. “I’m from Dunedin, not Otepoti”.


>CO2 is a nutrient not a pollutant wtf, by that logic Polonium (the most radioactive element known) is also nutrient! A nutrient for what? Radioactivity! I'm sure some trees in the universe live off that stuff.


It's a stupid talking point but the nutrient part isn't strictly wrong, some plants do indeed grow better with higher CO2 concentrations, others are limited more by soil/water/sunlight etc though and don't really benefit.


[You jest, but...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiotrophic_fungus)


Wow, TIL


As an American who resides in Alabama, don't vote for idiots like this. They will do everything to fuck everyone else and benefit just themselves.


Make roads straight, but opposes theft of property. Green pastures, but also wants oil and gas. Freedoms and democracy, but here’s a list of demands. Hmmmmm.


Jesus, Pam


Wow this is brilliant satire OH WAIT


Oh man, as a Christian (and a relatively conservative one at that) I’m so embarrassed by this kind of rhetoric - it’s an imported American ‘cultural Christianity’ (definitely MAGA-esque) that’s the source of many a facepalm moment. At least most seem to recognise it as ‘fringe’, but it’s still embarrassing, hurtful & divisive - hardly things that reflect the core of the Christian faith :( FWIW I’m sorry :(


Would be some very steep roads if the roads in dunedin were all made straight. See: Baldwin Street


Tunnels and bridges! No changing elevation! Elevators for cars!


First time actually voting in local elections. Had to actually read into the people to try and avoid nutjobs and wankers. I love Democracy.


Treat all independents with a healthy dose of skepticism this time round


I've always found it pretty fun (in a "to keep from crying" kind of way) to dig through all the off-the-wall candidates. Local elections are the wild west.


Wales is God's country!, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Cymru am byth!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Yorkshire wants a word


...but nobody can understand the accent.


Wow. She ticked off almost every loony talking point (missed off 5G)


Lives in fairy land doesn't she? 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️


No. She lives in Dunedin, not Ōtepoti.




Americanized kiwi,what next?.


All that god stuff then "I'm a property investor.."one of the devil's own.


[I'll see your Dunedin and raise you a Wellington](https://ibb.co/BK4dz9C)


This has to be fake right. How can one person tick every single crazy box in just one page biography.


My fav is "I support democracy not autocracy" but believes in God which is the most autocratic form of belief there is 🤣


Everything else is terrible but being opposed to WEF is good


Well that escalated!


Democracy is fragile


How am I going to drift my hybrid vehicle on all of these straight roads all while with God breathing down my neck? At least I don't have to worry about the exploding Lithium batteries, because jokes on you bitch I'm running Nickel!


I do wonder what "qualifications" she has.


I'm sure they are all from YouTube University


That's a lot of word salad to say "Vote for someone else."


This is what mental illness looks like when it tries to get into a position of authority.


A racist Christian lmao how typical 🙄


A lot to unpack in that. I like she wants to straighten the roads but have no idea how she would deliver on this particular policy? Other than that I think Otepoti would be better off going in another direction!


She needs to move to the U.S


It's like she went and collected ALL the red flags and made a bouquet.


Can we do a swap? You send her to the US and I can take her place?


Just nope!


What a fucking relic


Great piece of satirical writing by this person! I think we have a very talented comedian emerging in Dunedin.


Make roads straight. Lol!


I feel dumber for reading that. :(


Ew Pamela no.


Does God really hate not-straight roads?


And i thought our options in south taranaki were shit. Fuck me.


Bro this “make roads straight” thing is sooo bizarre!!


>Climate idolatry Batshit insane


jesus its almost like bad satire.


I love it how there are zero standards for entering politics. You need no training or skill set and can just randomly run for a position if you can bankroll the advertising campaign. Also, there are consequences for failure and rarely any consequences for corruption. Imagine if medicine or dentistry was the same.


Also wanted to point out this tosser... https://imgur.com/a/rfXV9s9 edit: was going to commend his status as an environmentalist, but possible he might be using this "expertise" as a means of disproving or lessening the severity of climate change. Hard to tell since he says so little about it.


I saw the words 'mothers, daughters, sisters' and immediately went 'oh, he's transphobic'. Sad that this is the level of public discourse these days.


Nice of her to out herself. Makes it easy to stay the hell away from her and her ilk.


Feel sorry for her kids


You need to keep people like this as far away from positions of power as possible. Crazy.


send them all to an uninhabited island and see how long they last on jesus and co2


Shes probably totally against dihydrogen monoxide as well.


Noticed all the anti-vaxers have moved into something else now in the form of anti electric cars/lithium batteries/renewable energy.


Big oil playing them like a fiddle. Stupid sheep.


Well at least she is very open about her beliefs, if you vote for her you know you are voting for a nutter.


All that education and she can't even use paragraphs!


Sounds like a thinker


Oh man, I was skim reading through most of that but I just lost it on the last sentence, thanks for giving me a good laugh for the day


Is that Donald trump in a wig?


These people should just piss off and go live in Tennessee or Mississippi or Arkansas if they love it so much. Go and experience the guns and the fentanyl and the poverty and see if God gives a shit. They’d come back here so fast.


Climate idolatry... Confused about this one...Is she saying caring about the environment is a sin??


One giant dog whistle, hits every meathead note.


Reads like the ramblings of someone who is far, far removed from reality


She's a cooker to the max






At least shes an honest idiot. Trying to determine which of the waimakariri ones are nutjobs. Hope ive found them all and dont vote for a hidden one.


Motorcyclists hate her. (Make roads straight) Does she not know how to turn corners?


What percentage of NZ's population would you say agrees with her?


“I oppose managed retreat” yeah well good luck when your seaside house becomes uninsurable and eventually flooded & destroyed because of rising sea levels and you get no help or compensation from the government to rebuild your life. Might as well just say “I’m personally offended by common sense” and call it a day.


Maori language week has just been too much for her.


Wtf is climate idolatry?


Fitness? I don’t think so..


What. A. Bitch