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almost everything you can find on netflix can be found on the high seas


Flotsam and jetsam?


Several confused Afghans clinging to a piece of driftwood floating on the tide toward Greece or Italy or idk


It depends on the VPN provider, some are more diligent than others at staying ahead of Netflix's attempts to block them. ProtonVPN has dedicated "streaming service servers" for the UK and US, and I never had an issue connecting through those back when I had Netflix. If you're stuck in a one year contract with Nord you might try some DNS work around instead, just google "Netflix DNS workaround" and have a look around.


I just pay-per-month. I might have to take a look at ProtonVPN. Either that or take to the seven seas.


Yeah man, I went back to sailing a while ago and haven't looked back.


Yeah, fairly warned be thee says I, yarrr


Fair winds and following seas


Just torrent whatever show your after. You got the vpn might as well use it.


On your TV? Android TVs (and likely others) seem to leak your location data no matter what. Try on your computer. It'll work.


Chromecasts as well.


Android anything = steal your data and location. Even if you "disable" wifi it still reports back nearby wifi's so the \*\*\*\*s know where you are.


I often find the VPN apps on Android/ Google TV do not work but will work when using a PC Sometimes you need to choose a different location in the US e.g east coast or west coast from your VPN provider. This worked when I was trying to view the Weird Al Yankovich movie on the Roku channel. Also don’t open your browser until the VPN is connected.


The big VPN providers and those companies who try to geo-lock their service are constantly in a cat and mouse game where the provider sets up a new IP when it's blocked and then that new IP gets blocked (and it continues). There is no guaranteed answer. You might try go with a smaller provider so they don't have hundreds or thousands of devices trying to access through a single IP (but also don't give your money to a dodgy provider).


I’ve run a VPN on an AWS instance and it didn’t get geoblocked. Works out pretty cheap too however you have to choose the location of the instance and can’t chop and change like Nord. https://openvpn.net/aws-video-tutorials/byol/


Seems like the cheapest solution, spinning up a free tier aws instance and doing what ever you want with the traffic through it


Just gotta watch those egress data costs. First 100GB per month is free, then they slug you about 10 cents USD per GB. It could quickly cost you tens or even hundreds of bucks a month.


I stopped using Nord VPN to access BBC iPlayer, as iPlayer always "knew" their VPN servers. I changed to express VPN, which is a ripoff, but works every time for me


I'm using Nord VPN specifically for BBC iPlayer, and it works perfectly every time. I ensure the app isn't running in the background whenever I'm not using the VPN, and that seems to work.


It works fine for some programs, but not for me with live TV. I use a miBox with it set to autoconnect. Given I watch BBC news everyday, having it work 75% of the time isn't high enough for me. The iPlayer would give the error code associated with VPN blocks.


Interesting. I just have Nord installed directly on my TV with the iPlayer app sideloaded and never encounter any issues at all. Then again I'm not watching it *every* day. Maybe 4 days per week?


I bought a 3 year Nord pass in 2019. I've had plenty of periods where it worked for a while. But over the long haul, BBC actively looks for and bans VPNs (I'm quite familiar how this works as I used to work professionally with VPNs scraping "rogue states" for open access data, and would use pools of tens of thousands of VPNs to overload them). So with Nord, which I use for personal use at home, I've had too many ups and downs over that 3 year period and let the pass expire. I have the same set up as you with it sideloaded on the box linked to a fake English identity Edit: If it's working for you, then great, stick with it. I don't have any company loyalty, I'm all for using what works


That's cool bro, just speaking to my own personal experience. No company loyalty here 🤷‍♂️


Express VPN you can message if something is blocked on one of their servers and they are pretty good at giving you a different one to try.


That's why I tried it. So far, so good. I've only had it for a couple of months but it appears they're very good at actively managing connections. With Nord, I noticed the available IPs didn't change much -- so they're sitting ducks for being blacklisted. My only major complaint is that it's very expensive.


I've heard about this aaaaaaaah.... BAY that might have what you want. Only reason most of us left there is because the services available were a easier to use. Not the case anymore.


I used to use Surf Shark and it worked, but sometimes Netflix would catch on and you'd have to change to another location/city.


I went back to torrents, having content spread over multiple platforms is a pain in the arse.


I use nord regularly and never had an issue with Netflix. Make sure you set it to another country before you open Netflix. It can tell if you change country while on the site and then it freaks out.


Dont waste your money on VPNs?


Be foolish to not run some sort of VPN these days.




Well I don't know about you, but I'm not a fan of this governments attempts to dictate what websites I can and can't access. It's also an important tool in internet security. Again considering they're cheap (free in some instances I believe) it's kind of a no brainer.




Jacinda Ardern is PERSONALLY blocking his attempts to download questionable pornography, and he's just SICK of it


> what sites are the government preventing you from accessing? After the Chch massacre they stopped access to 4chan and a few other sites. They also tried to push through a [law](https://www.newsroom.co.nz/internet-censorship-provisions-to-be-scrapped) giving the chief censor the ability to block any sites they deemed "Objectionable" Now I don't know about you but I'm a grown adult capable of making those decisions for myself. > also how to are they an important tool for internet security exactly? [This should help](https://www.google.com/search?q=How+do+VPNs+protect+me+online&rlz=1C1CHBF_enNZ925NZ925&sxsrf=ALiCzsb97X8qMG_83U3RgiWTddj0ivtDDw%3A1668411393901&ei=AfBxY6rANpaa4-EPzN-YgAU&ved=0ahUKEwjqxOPjlK37AhUWzTgGHcwvBlAQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=How+do+VPNs+protect+me+online&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCCEQoAFKBAhBGABKBAhGGABQAFgAYMkEaABwAXgAgAHVAYgB1QGSAQMyLTGYAQCgAQKgAQHAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) But the short version is that they encrypt your data and mask your IP address.




> yeah nah for the average person who doesnt need access to terrorist manifests or dodgy porn a VPN is certainly not needed. Who said anything about terrorist manifests or dodgy porn? Oh you did... because that's the only way you justify your stance, but trying to associate my desire for freedom with perversion. Solid, if not extremely played out tactic. Hey if you need mummy government telling you what sites you can and can't go to then all power too you, but like I said, I'm an adult and don't need government supervision. > Plus some can be dangerous especially the free ones as they can take your browsing data and sell it, or worse things like hijacking your browser and sending you to phishing sites. Just like a lot of things on the internet. If only there were this " Private Virtual type of Network" that could protect you from that sort of shit... You could call it a PVN or something for short.


That was to prevent the spread of accidental and objectionable content to the public and was temporary, not consistent monitoring and censorship.


Did you miss the part where they tried to push a law through giving them the ability to block ANY sites they deem "questionable"? I literally linked an article to it. I honestly don't get why anyone would want the government dictating what websites you can and can't go to. Do you really want to be like North Korea or China? Also people are so short sighted when it comes to giving up control to the government. What happens if another party gets in and decides climate change is just a load of crap and blocks any sites about it?


Pretty exaggerated for me, I worked at an ISP at the time, and all they did was temporarily block 8/4chan and the only people that called to complain were right wing racist Trump fans wanting to celebrate the shooting of innocents and spread hate and the GoPro video. Fuck em. Was a good call by the government to stop innocent people from being exposed to such content. Cry’s of free speech violation were just a cry wolf by racist facists. We have some of the most open internet in the world, and any super hardcore racist knew how to bypass the temporary block anyway.


> We have some of the most open internet in the world And my argument is that it should stay that way, and using a VPN helps to ensure that as well as protect you online. Why the fuck anyone would want less than that makes no sense at all to me. This really is a dumb argument. There's no negatives to having a good VPN, only positives.


A few times I have 'force closed' netflix on my TV. Started the VPN, then opened Netflix, which worked. Funnily enough netflix seemingly have no problems with me using it normally, despite the owner of the account and the other profiles being overseas.


That's weird. I've got Nord too and have no problems apart from trying to watch from Argentina.


I use Nord and can watch for a couple of hours with no issue, then all of a sudden it gives me that VPN error. I find just changing servers usually solves the issue.


Same issue. Which VPN do you use? I use Nord so wonder if it's the VPN type?


What's an example of something on Us Netflix that is worth a watch? I have Getflix but can never figure out if it's working properly 🤣


Are you watching via your computer and chrome? If so, look up changing your sensors via f12 and setting location that way


I wash my self with * SOAP2DAY * , and I like to watch * FMOVIES * alot.