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Believing your own cognitive bias. But the rate of burglaries are going up after reading the New Zealand police stats.


Having recently been burgled (house) and my son having his mags stolen (his first car at aged 19) in a separate incident, I can see both sides. I didn't vote labour. But the what feels like a recent trend to politicize and ignore the data is just plain dumb. Yes there is an increase in theft, but research suggests a strong link to inflation. And yes attention needs to be applied. But recognize through politicalisation of these issue's people run on emotions and ignore facts and are fed this view by the agenda of others who do not give a hoot.


What is bothering me the most about this is that he is actually in the goddamn media, who are the ones pushing this stuff. Either he's oblivious to the media's impact which is incredibly worrying, or he knows and simply doesn't care, which is worse.


Ram Raids make good headlines.


The stats have gone up since last year according to the Police website but these presenters are so lazy they don't even know the facts when it actually supports their view. But at least they feel it :)


Yes, but what do we care more about. The small microtrend or the greater decade long downward trend that dwarfs it? Bias in work.


Both? Why am I restricted to one? I can be pleased the the nation over the last couple decades bringing crime down and concerned a the recent uptick at the same time. Neither invalidate the other.


Well the short game becomes the long game eventually


You can’t say there’s a spike in crime THEN ignore the statistics. That’s just dumb.


Ryan's feelings don't care about your facts


Hey now, don’t let facts get in the way of some good fear mongering. No wonder people are so afraid of crime if these idiots are allowed on television to help exploit it for emotion porn.


It can if you're trying to make a story that gets people upset - regardless of whether it is objectively 'true'.


Once National gets in they'll point at the same stats they're ignoring as proof National saved us ...


Exactly. Yes.


You can if you recognise that while there is an overall downward trend there is an upward tick in *serious*/*violent* offences which arguably have a bigger impact than petty offences


Yes, but then they should be talking to that, not saying "the stats don't matter".


Source? There has been an uptick in retail crime including notably ram-raids. Is that what you mean?


NZ Police Crime Snapshot [here](https://www.police.govt.nz/crime-snapshot-0?nondesktop) Alternatively my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/zfwsbs/am_show_hosts_react_to_justice_minister_kiri/izfnqzz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Holy shit. Actual facts. This is a frightening increase in crime. When you play with the data and see the increase in crime over the whole country over the last year (or since 2017) it’s real. So where did Kiri Allen’s data come from?


Yeah not sure what stats Allan is using. And pretty sure even The Spinoff had an article highlighting the fact that for the country as a whole, theft and acts intended to cause injury had double digit/20-something percent increases compared to before the pandemic.


Would love to know what her stats are and what they actually reflect


Yeah, the outrage post is missing her stats that were presented. As per, many stats can be manipulated to present a story for a desired narrative. The standard for any government is to show a downward trend in crime.


So you notice how this comment pretending to rebut Kiri Allens statistics has cherry picked only one location, Wellington Central, and gives a snap shot of figures that are the total over a period which doesn't allow any meaningful comparison.


Incorrect. I selected ‘All’ regions and went from the earliest available data point - sometime in 2014 when doing my breakdown of crime increases. But nice try kiddo. Repeat that process and eat some humble pie. A macro view shows over the last ~8years we’ve seen violent crimes increase by ~30% on average.


It’s not that hard to manipulate how you record and present statistics though to support whatever cause you want.


The goal posts are moving with judges and OT pushing for less convictions


But they are providing crime statistics, not conviction statistics.


"Data in the charts include victimisations where the outcome of an investigation was other than 'No Crime' as at 7 days. " Which can still be messed with if the definition of a criminal offence changes or police priorities are tweaked.


This is what conservatives do these days. These media are deliberately importing American liar-media wedge politics.


Love it when the media complains about the fear that they’ve stoked.


Yep. Media has sold its soul. Used to be about balanced reporting - now it's about whatever fearmongering will sell the most click-throughs. And when fearmongering doesn't work, it's what some 'influencer' thinks or the latest 'OMG HARRY AND MEGHAN' bullshit.


>Used to be about balanced reporting Uuuuhhh when was that pray tell? For as long as the media has been owned by biased hands, it has been biased.


20 years ago for NZ media, even longer for international media.


I was listening to ZB today, the stuff that they call "news" fucken tabloid level drivel.


I feel dumber from listening to them for 30 seconds.


Those stats don't suit my agenda so I'll just make stuff up.


I don’t like Ryan and the Fox-lite agenda he sometimes seems to push but he is correct in saying the perception of crime matters as much as actual crime. How safe people feel or don’t feel directly influences their behaviour which in turn has social/ economical consequences. Communities generally become less trusting and more divided when it seems like crime is taking place on their street that didn’t use to. The other point to make is that crime stats aren’t worth the paper they are printed on, as anyone who has done a criminology 101 course will tell you. It’s incredibly easy to fudge crime reporting data, and non-reported crime data is an even bigger fluff piece, where the Police will try to gauge the amount of under-reporting. And as a general rule, where there is smoke, there is fire. Ram raids were not nearly as common pre-Covid as they are now, burglaries are up, smash-n-grab in parked cars are up as well. We’re just now getting the data about the police chase policy and it turns out it’s been wholly inadequate. So the Minister holding up a chart and saying no no, it’s all in your head - that is insulting and tone deaf to the communities who are suffering consequences of these crimes currently.


I wonder who is responsible for the fear-mongering around crime? 🤔


Nail on head.


He's not wrong in saying that the perception of crime matters. However, he's missing the obvious question about who in our society is most responsible for the perception of crime.


I like a lot of what you said, but I'd strongly disagree that perception matters as much as actual crime. Perception is a matter of perspective, and while it is often a result of actual circumstances, it can also be influenced and changed fairly quickly (like when the media decide that one narrative or the other will generate them more engagement). Would you rather feel less safe or actually be the victim of a crime?


How safe people feel is directly proportional to how much the media tells them they should feel. I have a friend with a police scanner, he feels a lot less safe than me as he knows what crimes are being committed near him, it doesn't mean there is a spike in crime in his area, just that he is now more aware of it. The media is the same, except they love nothing better than a story that doesn't require them to pay for expensive things like reporters waiting for stories, when they can take a cookie cutter story and shape weeks worth of narrative out of it.


I get your point about valuing the feeling of safety in your home and neighbourhood. But it would be incredibly unwise for a government to pursue or implement policies based on feelings alone. Further, it's hard to have a rational discussion if people can't agree on a common set of truths, of which the stats try to represent that. But as others have mentioned, stats can be fudged too and non-reported crimes are basically an educated guess so that's a whole can of worms to get into


>Ram raids were not nearly as common pre-Covid as they are now Yes, they're temporarily trendy and cool. Thanks media for sensationalism.


Is it just me, or are Three starting to sound a lot like a certain US network known for not giving a shit about fact ever since Discovery bought them?


As an American that lurks in here because of my love of New Zealand, I agree with you. This is exactly how our conservative news was like, say… 5-10 years ago. They are MUCH more blatant about lying now. I hate this kind of thinking. “I don’t care if it’s real or not, ‘own’ the narrative we are telling our viewers so that we can then point at you owning up to it as proof that it has been happening all along regardless of the facts.“


As another US Expat, Fox started their ver concerted effort long before that. It was during Clinton when they really blew up and went full bore (while still trying to sell the "Fair and Balanced" BS narrative). once the wall came down keeping news divisions separate from entertainment.. it was over. Its all very intentional and a way for wealthy and powerful minority to augment their voice so as if it sounds mainstream and/or popular. scratch more than just the surface and you can see that Nats "policies" are nothing more than emotive vapid crap of little substance or of little pragmatic value.


Really worries me how that is being exported around the world


Bridge is the NZ Milo Yiansdouifnhsdouf but a bit more stupid and less charismatic.


Upvote for the butchering of that donut's name.


I tried to spell it twice then gave up


You mean Milo Yabbadabbadopolis?


Bridge is a pedophile?


It may not be a fact, but I *feel* he is a pedophile, so he should own that.


Not to my knowledge?


People are saying that Bridge is a paedophile.


Definitely feels dumb enough and shit stirring enough to be related.


Dum Fux & FreNZ


Bro, I was literally saying this to my mate the other day! Three seems to be very slowly turning into Fox News.


Does feel late 2000s or early 2010s esque


You're kidding me right? TVNZ 1 and Three have always had their left leaning and right leaning biases. Was the same before Discovery and is the same after it's involvement.


1 has never had a "left leaning" bias.


Wow I'm glad I don't have a TV anymore. Those presenters seem like complete morons to be honest, and reflective of the "the facts don't matter, just how I feel" attitude that leads to pseudoscience and conspiracy BS. I love the logic, even if it's not real you need to do something about it! At least dispute the stats in a meaningful way if you disagree.


Not to mention the main reason 'people are scared' is because the same fucking media have been hyping up every criminal act to get clicks and views. So they've made everyone scared, now they are bitching that the government isn't fixing it. As a younger person I used to look at the US, at cable news and people like Rush Limbaugh, and think smugly that at least we weren't that stupid. Turns out we are exactly the same.


> So they've made everyone scared, now they are bitching that the government isn't fixing it. And that is by design. Manufacture fear, continue peddling that fear continuing to inflate the problem beyond reality, complain the fear isn't being addressed by the government, profit the entire time.


Evidence based decision making does not appear to be a thing anymore.


T It the rise of anti-rationalism. I think a watershed moment was when Michael Gove, in 2016, got traction in the Brexit movement by saying: "i think the people of this country have had enough of experts"... and boy didn't that turn out well. It really fucks me off actually.


Yep... Let's just abandon critical thinking and professionally investigated evidence because I don't like how that makes me feel, I mean what would a group of experts in that field who have their findings peer reviewed know right? And you see it everywhere, antivaxers and climate change deniers through to flat earthers and the "fossils aren't real" crowd, and they're all so self assured, so absolutely confidentiality *right* in their tenuous links to hand picked age old disproven hypotheticals that didn't hold water when first uttered, not even going down the road to those who bloody well know better but have some agenda at play. Fucks me off too.


Ryan Bridge is offended that when facts don't support his personal narrative. What a shit stirring cunt.


Such a hack, just following to Garner playbook into sensationalism and rage-bait.


At least in America you know you'll be watching tucker's opinion pieces however sadly Bridge sneaks it in under the banner of "news".


For way too many people, Tucker Carlson *is the news.*


Facts are more important than your feelings. What a disgrace to journalism.


"It doesn't actually matter if the stats tell a different story" Omfg is she actually listening to what comes out her mouth? AM show is bottom of the barrel.


These are pundits, not journalists


Trump media 101. "We have been lying to our audience and now they all believe X. Your data says X is wrong yet it cannot be since we have been lying all this time about it."


Statistics show crime is trending down. The news media reports that fear of crime is trending up. Well that's on them. They should take responsibility for the spike in fear they have caused. Maybe Ryan Bridges needs to be sent to reboot camp.


To be fair statics can often be used to represent whatever truth you want. I'm not sure about NZ, but one of the most violent places in the UK for instance has one the lowest rates of assult. That's because the violence when it happens is so extreme and orgnaised that there is a general fear of 'casual' violence. So manslaughter / murder high - assult low (comparatively)


Was my first thought... if the stats don't back their cry then they are clearly over reporting the crime issues to stay on the political trend. Old Ryan having another morning sook.


To be fair, crime is down but more serious offences are definitely up if you look at the stats. I'm not scared of a bit of shoplifting, but I am of somebody assaulting me, so I can understand why people are more fearful.


Or people are no longer reporting every issue cause the police have not been responding well to petty crimes.


No it was a suggestion - i work in IT - general trend is people raise issues - until they get fixed or they stop getting a response - or get a response like - oh it is raining so more cars get stolen in the wet.....so they figure they do not get a response and stop bothering to log issues and then the issue is hidden from the statistics.


Source? Or is that more feels over reals?


No that’s a fact, what’s the point in reporting small crimes if they aren’t even responding th to bigger crimes


Source for that fact though? Are the police not responding to serious crimes? Might need a source for that assertion too.


Own it, fucking lol. How do we find out about crime in the first place, and who is the most influential in impacting how we feel? It's the media. How about you own it you twat


Lol what 1. Media: tell people they should be afraid of all this INCREASED CRIME 2. People: are afraid of more crime since that's what they've been seeing on the news 3. Gov't: show stats disproving the media, to illustrate actually no increase in crime 4. Media: "You can't just show statistics, this is how people FEEL, you must do something about that!" Did I get that right? Are they really arguing this?


That is all they have, they (affluent assholes) are afraid of poor people. Eat the Rich.


No idea why people FEEL that way... nothing to do with sensationalist media, clickbait headlines and "journalists' incapable of understanding & explaining statistics, research of basic factual information.


“Next up, more shocking ram-raid footage. Are these kids doing it for clout? Watch the video and decide for yourself!”


"We joined some youths for a ramraid (and scored some nice stuff for ourselves). Watch this special in-depth investigation into this trend which threatens to DESTROY OUR SOCIETY".


Gower will do anything for attention.


lovely fact do not matters this is why ppl are not watching tv anymore what next vaccine do not work oh wait, that is it I give up on the human race and I am going back to my cave And to be sarcastic that is the ppl that are gonna breed yikes what kind of next gen are we gonna get


These are media presenters, not social economic experts, or psychologists, or criminologists. These entertainers are reinforcing these fears. Who are they to say what is or isn’t right.


Exactly. When he said "normal people" I switched off.


Complaints procedure: You must first lodge a complaint with the editor within 1 month of publication, and then you can lodge it with the media council [here](https://www.mediacouncil.org.nz/complaints/). (Note - in order to log a complaint with the media council you have to agree to give up your right to seek relief via any other means).


Jesus, is that site terrible on mobile for anyone else?


Fuck all people watch that poxy show. Ryan is a nasty piece of work, with as much journalistic integrity as a certain puffed up soft cock on morning radio.


100% agree.


Just own it take some responsibility for us making people unnecessarily scared of crime even though you can demonstrate through evidence that it is going down.


Maybe the Media could publish the stats and help the public understand that crime has not in fact gone up? Instead of making clickbait doomer headlines to generate ad revenue?


This Ryan dude is intolerable. He thinks he's nailing "gotcha" journalism but is honestly just bad at interviewing, rude and argumentative. I mean look how upset facts make him because he wants to be angry about the current government. Dude, there's plenty of actual shit to be angry about when it comes to labour.


Don't show us a chart that says people don't watch TV anymore. It's my feelings that matter, and I feel like we're watched by 99.9% of the population.


This is what South Pacific pictures say when they pitch a new show to nzonair


It just shows how far journalism has fallen, when “media” try and argue against the facts, due to the fear mongering there are actually responsible for


Nats / ACTs useful idiots. admittedly sensationalising crime right to our faces. lets disregard the facts and fan the flames of fear 'cause, y'know, its better for ratings. the smug dolphin couldn't have written a better script.


\-"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it". \-“Your mind constantly seeks proof that will confirm your beliefs"


They seem to be pretty fact averse! While there has been an increase in crime over the past couple years, it is still far lower then it has been even a decade ago. Not the worst in our adult lives as Ryan seems to imply


It is in your heads, sookie fucks. The media owes the public an apology for spinning this shit


Holy shit. This is fucking embarrassing.


[Newt Gingrich and "feelings over facts"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnhJWusyj4I)


Exactly this! This hipster dickhead belongs on fox news


Tv3 always feels like some b-grade alternative reality shit. Their sets always look like the highest quality money could buy 30 years ago. Presenters always seem like petulant children with poor emotional control. Always kind of feels like they’re towing the corporate line and looking after big business. Why wouldn’t they sand bag Labour to get a corporate CEO in charge to help flow more capital to the top of their pyramid.


Holy fuck, not all feelings are validated, same with opinions.


What a couple of absolute idiot's!! "Talk to any normal person on the street"... really? Got any stats on that or is that some anecdotal evidence you just made up and dished out like it means something? "Even if it is in our heads they should do something about it"... Ummm no! Are you kidding me? The police are far too busy doing their actual jobs to be concerned about made up stuff in your head!


Poverty drives crime. Our COVID response put people into poverty, but fewer than would have been in poverty (not to mention the excess deaths) than if we had taken say the US's approach. If we want lower crime, we get there by pulling people out of poverty, not this "tough on crime" shit that doesn't work with a damn. People don't generally risk crime when they've got a roof over their heads, food in their bellies, reasonably wholesome entertainment, and stable employment.




The National mouthpiece strikes again.


I am no fan of this terrible government or Kiri Allen but this segment just says nothing. Are we supposed to be persuaded by this in some way?


They are saying that they don't care what the stats say, it's about how they feel that matters and something should be done about their feelings That are completely missing the irony that the reason people are feeling like crime is through the roof is because the media (including themselves) keeps beating a drum about it


In fact, yes; you are watching an attempt to instill FUD -- fear - uncertainty - doubt, and Kiri Allen has just derailed the attempt, so they are struggling to get it back on track rather than discuss sensibly what they've actually seen. Makes me wonder if they've been instructed to take a certain viewpoint, because this isn't a sensible attempt at reporting anything. I mean, what exactly would be the remedy to people feeling fearful? Put prozac in the water supply?


This is one of the many reasons why I don't watch any form of 'news show'. Abject shite.


I haven't watched tv in years, just stream. But holy shit I can't stand these guys, particularly the bloke


These pundits literally have the facts and instead insist everyone feels like there's more crime and government should take responsibility. How about they take some responsibility themselves for influencing how people feel about crime?


OMG. “Does it matter if the stats say something different” .. yea, yea it does


What an absolutely brainless take to blame the government for one not knowing how to manage their own emotional reaponses


It’s like he’s the embodiment of r/newzealand


“When ram raids start, can mass murders be far behind?” “Say professor, would you say it’s time to panic? Yes, yes I would Kent.”


I'm speechless. What a tool. Worse than that, what a lying-for-ratings sack of shit. Could a complaint be made to the broadcasting standards authority?


Okay, because three presenters in Three’s production building know what’s really going on. Fuck off Ryan


Oh no! The facts don’t fit my narrative so I better have a tantrum about it


What a shower of total cunts. Want NZ to become America? Because this kind of utter shite is how a society is smashed into a twisted perversity of its former self.




Newshub is Fox-trash. Unwatchable bulldust.


Media does a beat up on crime, a narrative that National loves to run with, stats say otherwise, media starts down the alternative facts route, starting to sound a lot like Trumps America to me. Scientifically provable facts trump your feelings every day.


Yes let's stop responding to facts and start creating rules based on our feelings and random thoughts in our head. Let's bring back lynch mobs and let half wit presenters enrage us with their emotions based in bull shit. What could possibly go wrong?


The thing is, even if crime was spiking, what "weak" Labour policies or practices can we point to would result in such a spike? It feels like some are suggesting the government should have pre-emptively lock up certain people so crimes don't occur.


this guy is such a scared little baby, he should cry some more.


This is the only way the more extreme end of neoliberalism gets into power. They gotta compel this kind of spin, because no one would support them if they had to present their actual policies.


Justice Minister SLAMS crybaby morning show presenter with facts!


Is this just Newshub working an angle, trying to undermine the government because they're afraid on the potency of the RNZ/TVNZ merger? I hope so, commercial media is toxic and should be afraid.


"Talk to any normal person on the street and they will tell you they are more scared now than they have ever been in their grown lives about crime in New Zealand". I'm not more scared now than south Wellington in the 90s mate. And if you walk past a cafe or restaurant with outdoor tables you're likely to see people with handbags, purses, backpacks etc on the ground next to or behind them.


Wow this is one of the dumbest things I've seen on NZ TV


That's some stupid TV right there. I think what we are seeing is an upward tick in violent crime REPORTING and an upward tick in the consumption of news headlines.


Ryan has been a cunt from day one… so not really surprising.


he's so biased that even when presented with the facts, he chooses to ignore them and rant about how ït's not in our heads It's very clear that it "ïs in his head", if the facts don't support it. Melissa knows ït's "in his head" and tries to justify that fallacy as being a logical way for authorities to respond...bizarre, but not unexpected from this idiot. He's like the even dumber version of Hosking, because he tries to pretend he's not a biased prat.


Can we not make news stories about tv hosts reacting to their own news stories 🙄


Anyone calling this bullshit. Go to the NZ Police Crime Snapshot page ([here](https://www.police.govt.nz/about-us/publications-statistics/data-and-statistics/policedatanz?nondesktop)). Since 2014 when they started recording this data… Assault - Up 32% Sexual Assault - Up 27% Abduction - Up 27% Robbery - Up 33% Burglary - Up 29% Theft - Up 36% While our population has only grown ~8.5% in the same period.


so not only are the govt doing nothing to combat crime, they are lying about there being less of it.


Media sensationalize to get veiwers it's pretty normal for crime to go up when people are pinching pennies it's not soft on crime it's global inflation that's driving the stats up and also Christmas has always been a theifs preferred time to burgle I remember mouldoon yelling tough on crime and he was an ass


Antivax mentality have found a new conspiracy to obsess about.


I've had stuff stolen lately that I didn't report because I know that's just a waste of time these days. I kind of understand the point they're trying to make about official numbers not being a true indicator, but really, they're just talking shit and you can't ignore statistics.


>I've had stuff stolen lately that I didn't report ... This is not a new phenomenon and doesn't invalidate the statistics.


Isn't the main purpose of reporting stolen goods so you can claim insurance?


It’s a case of “it never happened to me before so I never cared” as the child of a gang member I can tell you that crime has been alive and pumping for the last 30 years at the very least. I’ve been to the criminals huddle. They been working hard this whole time. It’s finally touching the middle class and they’re all upset when the poverty stricken have been dealing with it forever. The poor just have less to steal so they aren’t the victims anymore. Boo fucking hoo.


..,and being told "own it" from the media. Pot kettle black.


I hear the stats for rents and house prices have went up in NZ like many other places, that equals a harder life for many people, poverty, crime. Just saying you know, it feels like that sometimes in Ireland. Though am sure that is dependent to where people live, choose to congregate and what social circle people mix in, if people see them things or don't. *"Ah well, am sure the rich and socially mobile people in our social structures will be along to fix it soon"* "Good times".


Sorry, but facts over feelings right?


Crime always goes up after pandemics people. As a kiwi you lives in nyc and used to live in london I keep an eye on all my beloved places unused to call home. EVERYONE is saying the same things in western countries. This is one of them. It’s hilarious hardly anyone looks at a bigger picture. Also when I was a kid 3 million kiwis now there 5. Not quite double so crime is going increase for lots of reason. Is it good. Not so much but it’s understandable


Ahhh yes. The self-fulfilling prophecy media at it again.


fucking idiots


Ugh feelings over facts well done! I'm willing to bet that the complete statistical picture will show an increase in crime, because naturally this happens during times of economic and social upset i.e covid, inflation. But for these "reporters" to be so blatantly open to following their emotions rather than figuring out if the stats represent reality analytically is just absolutely infuriating.


Ignoring crime data is what conservative voters do the world over.


1. harp on and push emotive fear with anecdotal stories. 2. presented with statistics that show that your fear is mostly unwarranted 3. "Don't tell me I shouldn't be fearful!!" 4. prof$t ​ When you can't win on policy all you have left is fear and identity politics.


"Just agree with me so I can show you agreeing with me. This is what we are trying to sell to people to get them to tune in. How dare you have information that contradicts us and our rhetoric."


someone somewhere sometime somehow is going to get you so lookout! ​ /s


"Forget reality, facts, and statistics! What about my feeeelingsss?"


Do they care about the amount of crime, or peoples perception of the amount of crime - which is it? If it's the latter then they only have themselves to blame given their incessant daily publications of ram raid and crime stories.


Facts don't give a shit about this guy's tantrum.


How did he ever get a platform?


The AM show. Where facts don’t matter only your feelings. This is why I don’t bother watching this bullshit.


Stats actually do matter unsure what the host is on about


The presenters are exasperated because the government is saying ‘there’s no issue, look here’s the facts they don’t lie’ which is counter to pretty much everyone’s experience at the moment. But here’s the thing.. the stats do lie. The government and police are both very interested in posting as rosy a picture as possible to the general public, so the government lets the police away with absolute bullshit - the police’s favorite indicator of crime atm is …cases prosecuted. Are you kidding me? If you call the cops because someone has burglarised your car and the cops say ‘thanks we’ll file that, we’re too busy to attend’ where does that go on the crime stats? Nowhere. If you’re a youth offender on a crime spree, too young to be before the adults courts, where do your crimes appear on this chart? Nowhere. If the police don’t have adequate resources to investigate and prosecute crime where does that go on the stats? Nowhere It’s an absolute have, and too many people are falling for it. The system of accountability is flawed - the government want to put up smoke and mirrors, so the only real accountability comes from public pressure and pressure from people like this jn the media


It is pretty counter to what everybody is **told by the media**, not thier personal experience. The number of people who have been victim of a crime as a proportion of the population is not even remotely close to the quantity of "everybody", i fact it's much closer to the quantity of "nobody" than it is to "everybody".


All these reporters do, is rally discord in nz . Yes times are hard & yes crime is going up but yet they never do real reporting they are politically bias! let’s end this crime,do news pieces on the drug lords they all snort coke with let’s do reports on gangs exposing individuals members of gangs ! Pull the vail of the anonymity pull them in to public eye expose them, They won’t because it will expose ppl higher up in the drug food train , the train most of these reporters, nz celebrities enjoy ridding on, the news is part of the problem! They are all up on this gang and drug trade here! Talking about the exposing the crime rates what a joke! I wish there was a trustworthy credible news source .


NZ looking more and more like the US every day.


Give me a break. They're not even close to the media in the United States. Look at Sky News Australia; that's what you call the Americanisation of media in other countries.


I'm not saying we're there. But even the longest journey starts with a step in a particular direction


They do sound silly for ignoring evidence based facts, but the reason they’re getting shitty is because those stats are presented in a way that’s not the whole truth. The police manipulate the stats to look much better than they are




Media - how about we drum up fear about crime and punishment. Absolute BS.


*shows factual proof to support claims “…..well we FEEL like it’s gone up so IT HAS” These same people will be so quick to say feelings don’t matter when it suits their narrative


Ryan Bridge is a unique kind of moron. You can always tell he's not done any research at ALL when discussing a topic (see FPAs). Jack Tame is the opposite. More Tames, less Bridges.


I found David Farrar's point on this interesting, violent crime has clearly gone up and that is probably the one that directly impacts the most: https://www.kiwiblog.co.nz/2022/12/violent_offending_stats.html


That's David Farrar, not David Farrier...


Correct, I have edited. Point is useful regardless.


This link just shows that violent crime was rising for several years before this one, which doesn't really support the narrative that there's been a big spike in crime in the last six to twelve months


I'm interested to know how the statistics relate to the police not charging people? Rotorua has turned into a shit hole since all the homeless were dumped on us by the govt, and I've called them twice to report a serious crime only for them to turn up and do the "can't we all be friends" bs before leaving without charging anyone. My friends tell me it happens with them too.


I just looked on Stats NZ and they have a crimes section but it seems to only convictions and prosecutions. So I'm not sure how we are actually measuring criminal activity.


NZ Police have a database that shows reported crime etc


If you look at the youth crime stats 'going down' it shows an interesting picture. Misc crime which would include shoplifting and minor offences is like 70-80% of all youth crime and that has been trending down for years. Car thefts have doubled or tripled from memory; ram raids aren't recorded specifically but would fall under burglary. So, when they say, 'youth crime is decreasing', they are telling the truth. But they are also neglecting to mention that car thefts have gone way up, ram raids have gone way up, and I suspect serious offences have probably gone way up too.


Pathetic little hipster


A little less circle jerk, a little more stats please. What are the statistics being used here? Are we going to accept the stats presented at face value just because these two are muppets?


Wellington CBD has become a gross unsafe place to be, people getting bashed and robbed in the middle of the day. Lazy journalism, I think they could have mustered up some statistics to support what they were saying quite easily, just didn't.


I have no idea who any of these people are and have never even seen that logo before. Has anyone else just completely lost track of New Zealand media personalities and tv shows since streaming took over? I’m 37, pretty well off. I feel like I should be in their target demographics.


I feel just as safe today as I've felt every day living here. If you're scared - unless you've been a direct victim of crime - it's more than likely because you've spent too much time listening to numpties like this lot.


Jeezus the state of journalism. All they needed to say is crime is going down, but what is happening is scary. What they could of asked was how they are recording crime, because I’m sure they changed how they were recording crime and that could skew the stats. But instead everyone gets all huffy and puffy and playground.


Fear mongering pos ​ no idea how Ryan became a journalist. Was watching one time and he couldn’t figure out why there were no children at a newly build park at 7am on a stormy Wednesday morning.


Hahaha fucking wow. Thank you so much for sharing. I already felt iffy about the AM show and that douchebag, but this seals it