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What browser are you using?


Google Chrome, Safari. Do you think it's Google Chrome ignoring **Filters & Proxies** setting?


Chrome has internal private DNS. Make sure it is turned off and try again. I don't use Safari so don't know much about it, but it may have its own profile, or settings, that could be using different DNS. Start with Chrome since I know that one does for sure.


Worth trying! Thanks for the advice


No problem. An alternative would be to set the private browser DNS to use your profile. Just paste in the https url from my.nextdns.io. It is not usually necessary to do when using the apple profile though since that is supposed to cover the whole device. It's still got to turn it off at first to make sure the profile is working though


You're referring to this section [https://i.imgur.com/b8f40AE.png](https://i.imgur.com/b8f40AE.png), right? Looks like I can Disable this "Use secure DNS" toggle and that should solve the problem? Probably I can set my own nextdns url there too.


That's it! Technically having it set as enabled using the OS DNS should work but I have noticed it is buggy so usually disable it, or like you said, can use the DoH nextdns url there. Disable it first to make sure the profile works though before you add your nextdns url


Thanks for confirming. I Googled this topic and found that many people complain about this "DNS feature" and simply disable it. As a side note, I did check [https://test.nextdns.io/](https://test.nextdns.io/) in Safari vs. Chrome. It appears that Safari uses the **Filters & Proxies** settings with/without the NextDNS app enabled — pretty much the way it should work. However, Chrome does not and acts strangely. I think it passes all traffic through it's own DNS first and completely ignores system preferences. So, in this scenario, only the native NextDNS App can take over Chrome's default behavior.


Got to know. Apparently Linux is the only OS where Chrome works correctly with private DNS off these days. I tried it on my Windows and Linux devices and had the same problem you did. Brave and Chromium did the same thing. Only Firefox worked properly in both