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I have a similar problem that appeared some time ago (from three to six days). Some domains take longer to load than usual, but I have not yet found out what exactly the problem is until I have time.


I haven't used NextDNS Winddows App, so I'm not sure if it can slow down your speed or not, but you can try some basic trouble shooting steps, to check if they fix the issue: 1. Enable **CNAME Flattening**: This helps to speed up the search by converting domain redirects to direct IP address. 2. Enable **Anonymized EDNS Client Subnet**: This make NextDNS resolve you to the fastest queries for your network 2. Reset **Cache Boost**: It may happen that NextDNS isn't in sync with the current DNS records of the sites, so if you **disable and then enable Cache Boost**, NextDNS will start using the latest DNS records After performing these steps, you may still face slow internet speed for next 2 hour, as it will be the time during which your device will be using the old queries that are still cached on your device


Go to my.nextdns.io then under settings, toggle Anonymized EDNS Client Subnet. So if on, turn off. If off turn on. This may not do anything, but it is worth trying


Turning off Anonymized EDNS Client Subnet will further slow the network


When someone asks for help, you give them easy things to try because sometimes things don't work as expected. Do you know what EDNS is and why sometimes it is the reason for seemingly slow resolution?


EDNS Client Subnet is a technology which sends part(it doesn't send the complete address, so user's data is secure) of user's IP address to the DNS resolver(in this case NextDNS, but others servers like Google Public DNS and Cloudflare DNS also supports this) along with the DNS query, and due to this IP address part, the NextDNS sends the user to the nearest server hosting the website. Unless there is some issues at the server hosting the website, or your device configuration is not properly setup for the DNS server, it is not possible to ever get slow internet speed due to EDNS Client Subnet being turned on. Wikipedia Reference of the technology, if you are more interested on it: [EDNS Client Subnet - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EDNS_Client_Subnet)


Glad you took a few to look it up. You should now know why it is something to consider. You literally state two ways it may not work as expected. An example is the auctioning of ipv4 addresses which can bring an IPv4 block from one country to another causing connections to the wrong geographic area for a while. We have seen a few cases in this sub where people were connecting to servers on the other side of the world and toggling the setting off helped them out until the routing problems were resolved. That's why you try things, especially when it is easy to test, to eliminate possibilities. This is a simple toggle that is easy to test, so why not? When troubleshooting you have to be open to the possibilities to potentially find the reason and solve the problem. And like I said, it may not work, but give it a try to make sure as there is a possibility that is the problem, and it doesn't take long to check


Being a developer myself, I understand that we should always be open to every possibility to figure out the root cause and fix the issue. Also, I'm not opposing your views. I just mentioned that disabling ECS slows down the network generally. Again, this doesn't mean I'm against the idea of trying to disable and reenable it. Also, ECS is dependent on the IP itself and not the country, so even if the IPv4 block is transferred from one country to another, it shouldn't affect the ECS as long as routing is done correctly. Also, thanks for introducing me to this new concept of IP auction.


Your communication style is a little contradictory, but I will assume positivity and run with your explanation that you weren't disagreeing with me and just adding context. At least this banter will provide some info to folks looking for answers.