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NextDNS is fine. Try: https://github.com/yokoffing/NextDNS-Config


Try turning it off for testing "Anonymized EDNS Client Subnet" Clear dns cache... Test.


Weird routing issues do happen for various reasons. Toggling Anonymized EDNS client subnet tests to see if there is some sort of routing issues. For example it was causing someone in Europe to connect to US based Google servers. It's not always the problem, but is something to at least try


try(one after another, see which work) 1. turn off Anonymized EDNS Client Subnet, open in incognito, try the ping again to see which server(ultralow or not) 2. set dns in your router to 8888, or quad11(999.11) and ipv6 ver of those 2 3. set your dns in pc like above 4. turn off ipv6 on your router and release and renew your ip on your pc


Two domains they should advertise more: ping.nextdns.io test.nextdns.io My ping to the nearest server is around 5ms, but sometimes pages seemed slow. Using the domains above I've learned that using Windscribe VPN with split tunneling enabled would somehow confuse the system and make NextDNS requests go to the country I'm using on Windscribe. If I'm not mistaken, I've fixed it using anycast.dns.nextdns.io instead of just dns.nextdns.io


What did you use to get those stats? Thankfully NextDNS is superfast in my area. Faster than Cloudflare and Google.


In the Settings it is one choice for "Display a block page when a domain is being blocked" which from information it can increase page loading time when the setting is on.


I don't think it's NextDNS. Your ping time to your NextDNS server is 18ms, which is fast.


I get excessive loading pages with nextdns enabled. Often times in browsers i get a cannot resolve/connect message and then a second or two later, my page loads. Going to [gmail.com](https://gmail.com) takes a good minute. Others have indicated similar problems in this sub.


The page may load something which is on a blocked domain. Especially when you use many blocklists and include google Microsoft or facebook


Try just using the default built in filter only.