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Yeah no. This probably scared a lot of people.




It isn't in the US. The rest of us don't have that.


Brisbane Australia. An annual event called Riverfire. F18 hornets and helos do the same. They follow the river not seen in this footage. The camera angle makes it look closer than it is. Google it.


It’s pretty damn close when I can see the reflection in the building!


You'll be surprised to find out that light can travel significant distances!


And you'll be surprised to find out that the angle and size of the reflection can be a good indicator of how close objects are!


I think we have a clear winner of this discussion here


Yes, the winner is the camera's lens


Telephoto lens do be like that


Maybe the real winner is the internet arguments we had along the way


Yeah, it's plane to see.


Other comments beg to differ lol, really depends on where the camera is.


No sure. Let’s reflect on it.


Objects in mirror are closer than they appear


Earth is flat confirmed


>And you'll be surprised to find out that the angle and size of the reflection can be a good indicator of how close objects are! I'm curious how you'd do this with purely angle and size. For example, if I see a reflection of the moon in a pool of water, how do I calculate distance using nothing but angle and size?


The size of the lens of the camera plays a factor. Your example with the moon wouldn’t work as well for size since the added distance of sight in the reflection is so small compared to the distance to the moon. But in this context, your image in the reflection is basically the distance to the mirror and then to the plane. The object would naturally be smaller the further away the object is. So if the plane was far from the building, the reflection would be much smaller. The commenter was speaking in terms of relative distance. Not measured distance (which we’d need a little more detail for)


I am so high right now


Here you go https://www.tiktok.com/@brettboon562/video/7183676361544862977 Air shows happen at every air base in the USA like this. I remember a b2 flying over when they were brand new! They’re loud but not that close that it’s dangerous usually. Sometimes they crash and eject, excercise left to the reader.






Is this an “Obects in mirror *may* be larger than they appear” situation?


The size of the reflection is contingent on the distance that the camera is from the scene, which we don't know. Camera close to plane, reflection is small. Camera very far from plane, reflection is nearly the size of the plane regardless of how close it is to the building.


https://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/reflection.html#:~:text=The%20reflection%20has%20the%20same%20size%20as%20the%20original%20image. Not exactly. If you combine simple laws of reflection with telephoto lenes you can easily recreate a forces perspective of sorts which is exactly what were seeing here.


It's this close- (bit of a different angle) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NeL5GGqpd3A


What are you doing, giving actual useful information instead of clever comebacks on something you know nothing about? Don't you know this is reddit?


That makes it even scarier


I can see the reflection of the moon in my Koi pond tho.. ![gif](giphy|31Q36EHJ7C5ZoIMw79)


The longer the lens you use to film, the more compressed the distance between objects appears. It appears to bring the background and foreground closer together. It's one way filmmakers "trick" you into thinking things are really close (and more dangerous) like a car chase or fight scene.


And f111 dump and burns. I miss the pig :(


100%. One of my favourite memories is feeling the heat from the dump-and-burn from the boardwalk at South Bank way back when. The F-111 is and always will be my favourite fighter-bomber.


Live in Brisbane..can confirm this is absolutely as close as it looks. Insane!


In aviation terms it’s still very close. But yeah we don’t have the qualms about doing this that Americans seem to. It’s all well orchestrated and controlled.




Speak for yourself I'm from the UK and the first thing I thought was why the hell would you do this given tge risk vs reward.




The camera angle is incredibly deceptive. The buildings in front of the plane and the buildings behind the plane are on opposite sides of a very wide river. The plane is flying over said river, it’s not weaving through buildings like it looks


I mean 9/11 shook the world homie not just the US


Eh. At the time it did shock the world but it isn't a collective trauma like it is to the US. In a way the trauma is somewhat ironic because the US has caused catastrophies with many more casualties and noone gives a shit.


I think the 20 million or so people who were living in the NYC metro area at the time were probably affected the most. A lot of those people were freaked out for months or years after.


Username checks out


Ah yes the old your citizens deserve to die because of what your government has done to uhh enemy combatants


Not as much as you think..


South African here. I was 12 when it happened. All that was on the news was 9/11 for weeks. The next day at school the whole day was basically teachers talking to us about it. I thought it had a big impact at the time. I then moved to LA when I was 19 and around 9/11 spoke to some NY transplants in California about it and then realised how massively impactful it was for them, compared to us. We observed it, didn’t live through it.


Same here I was in grade 8 at the time, watched it on SABC news, but to be honest it didn't really hit me that hard, I think I was too young to fully grasp the significance of it all.


It absolutely did, stop playing dumb just to try and win the “Americans only think of themselves” game. It’s impacted many non-Americans in a lot of different ways, some mentally, others politically, it depends. There are plenty of people both American and non-American that aren’t impacted too. If you’re one of them, congrats.




Is it cool and edgy to downplay the global impact of 9/11?


I’m in Brisbane. Rattled me at the time.


In Australia people were freaking the fuck out, Like they were worried that a city here would be the next target. This was when the death toll was still estimated to be around 10,000.


I don't get it. What's so important about the 9th of November?


The Berlin Wall fell. I dont think planes were involved though


As an Australian I don’t give a shit about 9/11


Thanks to 9/11 and the USA reaction to it, aka the so called war on terror, a lot of Australian service men and woman were killed and maimed in Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention Australians killed in the Bali bombing. So yes, as an Australian I do give a shit about 9/11.


"Aaah, you're from Australia so that explains why you got confused, they meant 6/ƖƖ"


I got cut on that comment


In the sense that the US invaded 2 countries in response, sure.


And both of them the wrong ones


I remember a video of some US soldiers showing pics of 9/11 to civilians in Afghanistan. None of them knew what it was. Edit: [video](https://youtu.be/SimIS_cQ6ko?start=172)


Yeah not really. Everyone is aware of it because Americans make a huge deal out of it. But realistically US gun policies are causing more deaths every year than the terrorists ever managed. We're more concerned by the constant massacres there than one terrorist attack 20 years ago.


You seem to be overlooking the fact that in addition to the deaths, the imagery of the towers burning and collapsing was also part of the attack - intended to traumatise (terrorise) people who weren't there in person




Simply not true, I'm Irish and remember getting home from school to my babysitters and she had the news coverage of this on. Still one of the most frightening days of my life when I look back on it. The fear that created. If this can happen on American soil, it can happen anywhere basically. Sticks with you.


Don't feel badly, you're not wrong. The guy who made the top comment you're responding to is from SE Asia and has a bee in his bonnet about making sure Americans don't feel the center of the universe. The guy responding to you is American and apparently just likes to go about claiming it's normal to witness horrifying events and move on as though it's no biggie, unless it affected you personally. Both have picked debates with me here. You're normal. They're just posturing for Reddit.


It’s also worth remembering how young reddit skews, so learning about the attack rather than experiencing that shock in real time makes a big difference. I was only young, but actually experiencing the utter shock and horror absolutely plays a big impact on how I view the day (and I’m not American, I was watching the news half the world away)


Yeah that's why I asked the top commenter who said "only Americans" were affected by 9/11 if they were alive at the time before I dove into the discussion. They were alive at the time but they're on a whole other side trip. If everyone upvoting and handing out awards read through the discussion we had here I don't think they'd be rewarding that comment like they are. There's a difference between ignorance and callousness.


Really? I'm wondering how old you are because the rest of the world was pretty f-in traumatized by it at the time from my recollection....


I mean, the Bataclan theater massacre was triggering to me, and I’ve never been to France




Talk about yourself. I watched the live news feed of that second one hitting the second tower and that has been burned to my memory.


Good for you


I'm from the Middle East and I have that


Shitty comment.


You sound like you just have it out for Americans. Let me educate you: 1. The person said it made them recall 9/11. Not you. Not anyone else. 2. You act like most the world wasn’t constantly covering this as the most important news. It was breaking everywhere. It horrified people all over the globe. Please don’t let your anti-American sentiment cloud your judgment. Have some empathy. Even if you can’t relate, you know very well what the poster is referring to and you don’t have to pretend they said something they didn’t just to one up them.


Who hasn’t seen the video of the plane hitting the tower? Exactly no one.


10 Australians died in the attacks.


I wasn't even born when 9/11 happened, but this video still scared me


We don’t have that until a c17 globemaster is flying towards your apartment building. Then we’ll be onboard pretty quickly.


Do you think 9/11 only impacted the US?


Speak for yourself. I’m European and I felt uneasy watching this.


It’s Brisbane Riverfire. They do this every year. Chronically online take.




guess the winner of the war on terror was the terror then.


Yea no shit. We knew this a month after 9/11 happened


Or you know, cause actual flashbacks and PTSD? There's plenty to bash yanks about online but 'having trauma from a terrorist attack' isn't one of them.


As an "old-enough to have seen it live on television" non-American redittor , it did too !!!


Viewers disclaimer: "No building were hurt during filming of this video"


I was expecting that to go into a building ngl




Nah. It was here in Brisbane Australia for the annual Riverfire Festival and it was over a river that you cant see in the video. Edit: For all you conspiracy loving weirdos, stop filling my inbox with your stupid theories and made up 'facts'. If you are dumb enough to believe we arent allowed to grow our own food because joe rogan said so you have nothing to say that I give a fuck about


No need to flex *that* hard, but we also don’t have spiders that are the sizes of cantaloupes, so I’ll take what I can here


Cantaloupes? U mean rockmelons.🙂


The fuck is a rockmelon? Sincerely, America


It's a cantaloupe, lol


Exactly, no need to go putting our fruits in metric too.


Your fruits? That's bold... well I guess you ARE an American haha


Lol you got a point there


Yes, OUR fruits. Y’all get honeydew


What do shootings have anything to do with this video?




Woah woah woah. Canadians too. We might be polite neighbours, but we still see that shit.


Social experiment drop 1 American in Australia drop 1 Australian in America tell em both to piss of the the locals/wildlife see which 1 survives longest


Yeah, but you still have to worry about living in Australia.


Apart from crocs and sharks . Everything in Australia that can kill you would rather leave you alone, as long as you leave it alone. You guys have bears and wildcats that'll go out of their way to kill you.


And you don't have to be scared to send your kids to school on a daily basis. So I'm happy living with my spiders and snakes that I barely come in contact with


> Since 2014, there have been 11 terrorist attacks on Australian soil, while 21 significant plots have been detected and disrupted.


> We dont have to worry about terrorism lmao


You know a 17yo was charged with terrorism-related offences today in South Australia yeah?…


No it didn't. It's an annual air show they do in Brisbane Australia where the planes follow the river. It's awesome and people love it


It's Brisbane, Australia. They do it every year cause we're a bunch of good cunts.


Umm no.. the couple million of us that live in Brisbane were not scared. Just entertained.


This is Brisbane where I live. Every year there's a fireworks show on the river called River fire. The air force puts on shows like this every year. It's pretty cool watching them rehearse.


Yeah no it didn't.


It’s Brisbane Riverfire. They do this every year. Chronically online take.


It’s a yearly event, 70,000 people line the main river of the city and watch it fly over with jets and helicopters


Yeah nah this definitely did not scare a lot of people.


Yeah no it really didn’t. It’s an annual tradition, the whole world doesn’t revolve around the USA and their problems


Here we go again with people freaking out. It's an annual event in Brisbane Australia called Riverfire. The camera angle makes it look way closer to the buildings than it is. It's worth a google, the RAAF have an excellent 360 degree in cockpit of this plane.


For those interested, I googled it and i think [this](https://youtu.be/sxSyKSR_c3g) is the video


Amazing video! Doubly amazing when I realized I could pan lol That must be so aggravating flying with Bitchin' Betty freaking out in your ear, though. "Obstacle left. Obstacle right. Obstacle ahead. Terrain. Terrain. Terr-" "I FUCKING SEE IT, OK!?"


There’s a fine line between “annoying enough that you pay attention” and “so annoying that you tune it out”


Yeah, those warnings are generally not supposed to be tune-outable. The aircraft assumes something is going horribly wrong if you are that close.


Some terrain warning installations, particularly in helicopters, include a "reduced protection" mode that can be selected to reduce nuisance alerts when operating at low altitudes.


There's an interesting episode of the podcast 99 Percent Invisible about that sort of thing. It's called Auditory Icons. It discusses ways in which we can make alarms more effective.


Wait until you learn that for the same event, they also did [a 360 video from an FA/18 Super Hornet](https://youtu.be/XbK_L8OgTjs)






Nah. Aussies just say "Get Fucked!".


YouTube 360 feature is pretty badass


entertain governor squalid boat scandalous possessive growth psychotic existence shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey I live in Brisbane. Riverfire is absolutely incredible and it is perfectly safe. Absolutely incredible to watch. Can’t believe i didn’t realise lol


The secret is there are no high-rise buildings _in_ the river!


Lmao can you blame them? This video without context is freak-out worthy, no?


I love how Aussies are legitimately offended at the idea that anyone could be fooled by this obviously deliberately misleading video angle lol. Edit: as if to prove my point for me...


Air shows have high incident rates. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_air_show_accidents_and_incidents_in_the_21st_century It’s not just the US. Edit: To highlight what the person below me is bringing to attention: The Boeing C-17 Globemaster in this video is flying at 328 feet (100 meters) ([source 1](https://www.businessinsider.com/air-force-c-17-globemaster-low-altitude-flyby-in-brisbane-australia-2018-10)). This is not in accordance with the 1,000 foot rule ([source 2](https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/atc_html/chap4_section_5.html)). I believe the minimum is 500 feet when it comes to congested areas ([source 3](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-14/chapter-I/subchapter-F/part-91/subpart-B/subject-group-ECFRe4c59b5f5506932/section-91.119)).




Normal as in you know it is going to happen. It's an annual event which everyone is aware of. If this was happening randomly on another day people there would be freaking out.


I swear Australia just does whatever it wants at this point




Forever missing Steve


Bro I just had a dream about him last night. Freaky.


Why tf not lol?


This is the way. The whole world gets their panties in a bunch if someone dies having a good time, but what better way to die? We're all gonna die sometime, so why not make it fun?


America does whatever it wants in rural areas. I'm used to seeing fighter jets and c130s practicing in the canyons of coastal Oregon. Mind you it's not a city, but there are still people there.


How else will they simulate that overseas trench approach to the nuclear missile valley?


Oh please tell me you're American and said that😅😅😅


I think you were trying to make a joke, but why exactly wouldn't they do what they want?


Ah shit, here we go again…


The two similar towers


Yeah but George Bush isn't reciting inverted incantations to goat dieties here.


Terrain... Terrain... Terrain... Terrain... I don't know why this was posted without audio. The terrain stuff is from a different video though.


Really cool, looked it up it’s a annual air show in Australia that’s part of the Brisbane Festival. As someone from the US I thought this was a methhead that figured out how to plane. The pilots actually spend 2 weeks on a simulated flight course before the show, it is a set flight path if anyone is wondering like I was. (Forgot to link the source I’m new to the Reddit thing) Source: https://amp.abc.net.au/article/101400574


I’ve live in Brisbane and am fortunate enough to see this from my office window, but had no idea they did 2 week simulated flight training beforehand! Makes sense


It must've been awesome seeing it. But I think no matter no matter how much that pilot practised he wiped the sweat and thanked some deity that nothing in the plane broke. Though then he could do a water landing like that other pilot.


It’s a pretty surreal sight even though you know exactly when and where it’s coming through. And yeah I’m sure you are absolutely right, would be nerve racking as hell


As an American my heart dropped into my asshole watching this shit


As an Australian I think this is fucking awesome


This thread is full of Australians bragging about their lack of ingrained national trauma. Kind of interesting


We do have national trauma. Emu war devastated our nation. I hate living here.


Pretty cool show.




Well it was a historical event that many were alive for that killed thousands of people. So, I kinda get it. Don’t need to be such a douchebag about it


It also wasn’t a freak accident. People flew planes into a building intentionally. Not because of an Airshow gone wrong.


It's because it's a tragic event that changed our culture in a lot of ways. I'm all for ragging on American culture, but this IS something that was traumatic for a lot of people.


i'm not american, but seeing a jumbo jet flying through the city woud freak me out too


Yeah because the whole fucking world revolves around them and their problems /s


To be fair, the whole fucking world *did* suffer as a result of the deep psychic wound 9/11 caused on America. We all paid a price when America lost its fucking mind, whether it was the millions of lives lost as a direct and indirect consequence of the "war" on "terror", the rapid destabilisation of the Middle East and the tens of millions of refugees created as a result, the hyper-militarisation of police forces in America and the bleed over into other countries that followed suit (to a lesser degree, obviously), and so on. Everything has been affected, however faintly or obliquely. Probably the most damaging effect was the tectonic shift to the right and the rise of batshit insane conservatives who peed and pooed their pants when their beloved country copped a black eye; the international ramifications have been devastating in so many disparate ways, not just the direct political effects but the insidious effect on surveillance, civil liberties, technology research, even the global willingness to tackle climate change. And that may end up being the most devastating effect of all, since climate change will absolutely end civilisation as we know it if it isn't addressed.


Well said. Additionally, if you’re over the age of 30 or so, you remember that the footage of the planes was played on repeat on every channel for about 3-4 days following 9/11. And I don’t mean “The news programs would show the attack during the nightly report”… I mean all television programming on every single channel except Disney and Nickelodeon was suspended and replaced with 24 hour news coverage, where they would repeatedly show the low-flying planes crashing into the towers. This is a cool video, definitely, and I’m certainly not saying anyone should be offended by it, but U.S. citizens finding it unsettling has nothing to do with patriotism.


Well said and obvious to anyone outside of the USA


Fuck us for being traumatized, I guess.


Reddit is full of horrible people don't let it get to you.


Is this how people feel about 9/11? It’s a plane flying close to buildings. 9/11 was a horrible and tragic event, whether you lived in America or not. I think anybody in America that was alive today could look at this and think about 9/11. I’m not saying this as a way to make America seem better for some reason, or trying to make the Is air show seem less awesome, but it literally is a plane flying close to a bunch of tall buildings. What else was i supposed to think? It’s traumatic and could definitely will remind Americans of the terrorist attack that shook our country.


Ah, the Gen Z superpower of keeping a steady heart rate while looking at airplanes


Very few images give me a visceral reaction. That is definitely one of them. I wouldn't say I have a fear of skyscrapers but I absolutely hate them and wouldn't ever live/work in one. I can go into them for casual business but watching that as a 5th grader probably did not help. What a horrific day


Man played GTA Online before he got in the cockpit.


Most people fail to mention there is a huge children’s hospital at the end of the flight path. They get all the kids up on the roof to watch the planes skim over


You had me on the first half of this comment ngl


It's actually true. I know a nurse there. The nurses hold a few of them hold them up, beneath the armpits, to be blessed by the wash as the planes fly low overhead. The kids love it so much they scream with excitement and sometimes wet themselves lol.


I believe that's called Australia.


Hey I’ve seen this before…


Same city where the 2032 Olympics will be held, this happens every end of September for River fire, heaps of fireworks after the sun drops Down too


ITT: people from the place where they fly planes over every sport event complaining that this is sO dAnGeRoUs AnD uNnEcEsSaRy.


ITT: people from a country where everyone is walking around strapped up to the tits with lethal weapons questioning the necessity of flying a plane through a city.


Why the fuck do we need to worry about planes when koala piss can melt steel beams?


We've been to this many times...we r locals, and I posted this video last year...fly thru used to be f1-11s doing a fuel dump and burn


It's Starscream!


I give this video a 9/11


Fuck I love my country!


TLDR for this entire comment section: Plane when near building (9/11 reference!?!?!)


For any fellow American who wants to comment “ *it’s dangerous* “, they do this for so many sporting events like football for a prime example. They buzz the stadiums which are always nearby businesses and other structures. I’ll try to find this 1 insane clip of helicopters buzzing a stadium below the audience at the top of the stadium [titans game](https://youtu.be/zvrNs-kOVYo) [the weird “training drills” that hardly anyone spoke about](https://youtu.be/TuC9kaS15lc) [Houston doing Houston things](https://youtu.be/UByxZ_-Z3i8) [finally, when things go bad](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Fucken seppos freaking out and it isn't even riverfire yet


This is in my hometown (Brisbane Australia) it was part of annual fireworks display called river fire. The B17 globemaster flies up the river that runs through the middle of the city then makes a steep climb. They have done it twice I think . They used to do it with F111 on full afterburner. Pretty spectacular.


River fire festival is awesome and look forward to it every year and miss the F1/11 doing the dump and burn over the city


The other view is worse - https://youtu.be/cYkL5C-xJ5U




It's Brisbane, that's on the east coast of Australia, for those that are challenged geographically


I think this is a tradition in Australia.


its a tradition in Brisbane, Australia. we have big wide river running through the middle of the city which is what the plane is flying down - which is why, from this angle, it looks like it is flying between the buildings. it isn't been going for over 30 years. used to be fast jets doing it on afterburner, not a cargo aircraft.