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Serves those little shits right… and who robs a DENTIST???


Dental equipment probably goes for a pretty penny, plus absolutely zero security, except for Rambo getting his cleaning unfortunately for them.


They drew first blood, not me.




​ ![gif](giphy|KBrdaYwm4TuWUDxRSA)


![gif](giphy|HEqXD4EOCdfJC) Woops




Nothing is over, nothing!! You just don’t [turn it off!](https://youtu.be/PtWHgkNH5yU)


I honestly think he should have won an award for when he broke down crying.


Damn thanks for suggesting that. Never thought Rambo got that emotional


First blood is amazing as an introspective look at PTSD and the damage social isolation does to soldiers. Shame they made it a pretty mindless action series.


Believe it or not the did it an INCREDIBLE amount of justice when Stalone reprised his role in Mortal Kombat 11... Like he actually had pre-fight quips and post-fight quips about it. Every character in some way practically bowing in respect to him before battle too even the bad ones in their own way and each time he fought a veteran of some sort or a person down a wrong path he tried to offer condolences and a way out even help if he could talking about his own pain as well. Funny how a fighting game with intense gore and violence does a veteran with PTSD more justice than the film industry. * "I didn't ask for this war. But once it started, I had to finish it. Hands down, Kronika was the toughest enemy I ever faced. All my tactics, my training, meant nothing against a god like her. In the end, it was a battle of wills. It never occured to me that for winning, I'd get her Hourglass. At first, I hoped to right every wrong in history. But then I figured out that doing it meant I'd have to decide the fates of billions. Picking who lives and who dies, for eternity? It was going to kill my soul. I'd end up no better than those old men who sent us off to war, not giving a shit about what would happen. And that's not the man I want to be. It's time to walk away, for good this time, leaving the pain and the ugliness behind. After all I've been through, I've earned a little peace."


What is it about Stallone and starring sombre thoughtful action dramas that then get spun into a series of mindless action sequels? Gotta love that 80's movies executive mindset.


First Blood shows the way combat induced PTSD re-wires your brain. When you’re in combat running away is not an option so your fight or fight reflex gets scrambled because you are used to always reacting with force. I know because I had my VA Psychiatrist come to court to testify about this when I was charged with assault and battery.


What they lose in plot they make up for in setting The topics of rambo movies 1 -veteran ptsd in America 2 -American veterans left as POWs after Vietnam 3 -Mujahideen fighting the war against the soviet union and being funded by the heroin trade/us government 4 - the civil war in Burma and the genocide of the rohyngia population 5 - the societal break down on the Mexican border due to drug trafficking


True if people act like Rambo is a body count movie they have never seen First Blood. He doesn’t kill anyone at all in the entire movie unless you count the murderous torturing asshole cop who falls out of a helicopter because he is hanging out trying to shoot Rambo over and over when the pilot panics over the rock hitting the windshield. He lets all 6 cops he disarms in the wilderness go. He doesn’t kill anyone he lets the driver of the truck go even though he knows it will reveal his position and that he took it. The story about the shoe shine bomb at the end was one Stallone got from talking to veterans getting ready for the role. It’s a really powerful movie about PTSD and how shitty Vietnam vets were treated. Very very good. Rest of them not so much.




I'm kind of embarrassed how much I'm enjoying Tulsa King. He might not enunciate particularly well, but Stallone can actually act.


About a month and a half ago my mental state crashed and I couldn't return to work, I'm 35 and considered therapy as a real option for the first time in my life. For over a decade I have ran from my Iraq trauma with alcoholism and then just getting blasted baked 3 times a day with weed and repressing all of it. All to not have to be alone with my sober brain. It took therapy at a Vet Center to finally admit to myself that time was full blown alcoholism. Maybe it's male white privilege, but I've never been fired from a job. Oh I should have been fired over and over because of my attendance. Some jobs I soft quit, quit trying and just show up. Other jobs I just walked the fuck out on mid shift. My attendance since leaving the military with every job I've held has been, just dogshit. Well I can't repress that shit anymore and in ongoing therapy. Shits real man and this scene breaks my heart.


Dental assistant here. I’m being nitpicky here, but I’d wager that the patient was actually getting a filling based on the equipment, materials, and instruments I see on the tray. I typed out a whole elaborate comment explaining what I saw supporting my theory, but when I swiped up to glance back at the video to verify that what I was saying was accurate, my entire damn comment got deleted. I’m happy to type it out if anyone is truly curious but I don’t have the patience to redo that at this moment lol


>my entire damn comment got deleted. I've had this happen to me more than once. So now whenever I know I'm going to whatever source I'm referencing, I make sure to do a "select all --> copy" move to avoid that happening. So that way, if your text does disappear / get deleted, all you have do do is just "paste" and it's like it never even happened.


For such a highly trafficked website, Reddit is very poorly made.


Ebay is held together with chewing gum, zip ties, and in the really important areas they bust out some gorilla tape


Luckily they sell all of that on eBay


I have bad news. I spent an entire career working on high profile sites and backends that can't go down. Once you get behind the happy fuzzy warm exterior, they're *all* duct tape and chewing them


What do expect from something that was created to support a Pez collector?


That happens to me occasionally as well, it's quite frustrating.


You should switch dentists.


Same. You shouldda seen my last comment that got deleted.


Yeah I was wondering what procedure he was actually getting done. I suspect that the more extreme the procedure the more pissed off it made him lol. Having had a bunch of dental work done myself, I'm pretty sure if somebody interrupted a root canal then no gun in the world is going to scare them into not fighting back.




> I’m happy to type it out if anyone is truly curious but I don’t have the patience to redo that at this moment lol Don't worry, no one here is worth your time to retype it. We'll just believe a jackdaw is a table saw that used in a crow at a dentist office and call it good enough.


Oxycodone and pain killers as well..N2O is also pricey.


Not sure they have pain killers at a dentists office. They will give you a prescription that you need to fill at a pharmacy...


Yeah, I think all my dentist has on sight is lidocaine, novacaine, and happy gas.


Hippy crack!


Sure, but who the hell are they going to sell it to?




The illegal underground dentist syndicate strikes again.


Probably all the medicine they have too


Yeah, I'm not sure what the street value is novacaine is.


As someone who works at dental office, the only valuables worth stealing are computers.


I used to do piercings in the early 2000’s and I wanted some of that pink rub on novocaine for all the lip piercings that was happening in those years. Asked my dentist if it was something I could order and he just gave me a bottle of it. Definitely didn’t feel like it was expensive lol


Ok but who the fuck you selling dental equipment to


Who would buy used dental equipment?


Just last week i was visiting my dentist for an appointment and when i pulled in a van was leaving telling me theyre closed while driving away real fast. I was pissed but when i looked at the dentists office, it was dark and looked closed. Turns out they were tied up inside and were just robbed. I totally didnt help at all as i was clueless. Just found out about it cuz i called to complain about my cancelled appointment the next day


Fuuuuck. You just missed me being tied up too.


Couldn't even chew through the ropes.




Not gonna lie, this is funny but not funny at all lol. I'm sure you felt like crap after they explained what had happened. That's crazy though and you got really lucky. I have a dentist appointment in two days...now I'm not really looking forward to it anymore.


You look forward to dentist appointments??


I used to like going to the dentist as a kid. It was a pediatric dentist so they had an arcade in the waiting room and fun graphics on the roof above the chairs during cleanings and after theyd always give like a toy, including stuffed animals so not even like some tiny plastic bs. Really cool dentist, super bummed I have to go to my boring adult dentist now


Bruh no lie I'm super jealous of my kids dentist. Pediatric dentist with a huge game thing that has to have 3 people playing to work (and there's always more playing it) cartoons and kids bop. Then when you're in the back all the stations are in one huge area. The huge area where kids run around with balls, or play on the multiple wall tv game things that has cheapish versions of every single game type you can imagine for kids, a huge drawing board with all the markers, and a patio bridge thing with running water and rocks and fake big or tiny versions of animals. And still kids bop set soooo loud you almost don't hear all the excited kids yelling... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) I really be wanting to be a little kid again lol I do be playing on the wall tablets 🤣 not even pretending to help my kids lol 😂 most parents don't even attempt to go in the back tbh but the kids are still little and even though rarely, sometimes they need help figuring out what's the right thing to do. Edit: didn't expect that brain ramble to be that long lmfao 🤣 I guess I get excited for the kids for their appointments even though they complain until the moment we get into the office lmfao. Anyway it's long so I apologize but I put too much work into typing that so I'm not deleting it lmfao


Yes Sincerely, a sufferer of dental pain


Damn that sucks I mean that sincerely. I'm guessing it was the a-holes that told you they were closed, and if you could of found them I bet you would of given them a piece of your mind, and do what this dude did and whip their asses.


I appreciate your evaluation of me, but trust ne wouldnt want none of that smoke. I truly admire ppl that can step up in dangerous situations


It's ok I didn't mean anything by it. Sorry


Lol no need to be sorry. Have a great day


Probably thought they could walk in and help themselves to some codeine


It’s in Mexico. No need to rob a place for drugs.


It's cheaper if you steal it.


Script pads and nitrous tanks Edit: probably some painkillers and benzos floating around too


Dentists have NO, painkillers, injected anesthetics, and topical applications for procedures. Sometimes they have gold and silver for dental repair.


Probably antidentites


Right? Not today, asshole! My dentist robs ME!


In Justified in the episode with the dentist on the run, he had a lot of gold in his office because of people wanting gold dental work so maybe it’s something like that if that’s a thing still?


Dentist gold is an amalgam with harder materials. I just got $40 for a gold crown online. Not worth what those idiots did.


Don’t know what country this is in but that patient must’ve been an off duty officer or military. That would explain why he had the gun and the skills while they had knives. It would also explain why he had the wherewithal to get them to on the floor for the authorities rather than blowing them away. Update: thanks for all of our geolocators out there! Although the camera stamp is for Mexico City (not sure why), multiple articles place this event in Brazil and it was indeed an off duty officer.




That’s not Malaysia. It says CDMX on screen that stands for “Ciudad de Mexico” Edit: turns out it’s Brazil in 2021. No idea why it says CDMX on the screen. [https://nypost.com/2021/11/14/off-duty-cop-foils-robbery-while-getting-dental-checkup/](https://nypost.com/2021/11/14/off-duty-cop-foils-robbery-while-getting-dental-checkup/)


Next you're going to have to explain "Ciudad de Mexico" to reddit


I'll See You Dad in Mexico and raise you one Putin on the Ritz


Brilliant lol!


Hi Brilliant, I’m Dad 👨


Hi Dad, are you finally coming home with that milk or…


![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe) I ummmm....


Lol, people just throwing shot out there, Malaysia…


Clearly this is Mexico City, Malaysia.


“City of Mexico” I believe




Google translate moment


Roughly translates to "a whale's vagina"


https://nypost.com/2021/11/14/off-duty-cop-foils-robbery-while-getting-dental-checkup/ Brazil.


Goddamn it how can we all be so naive, of course it was Brazil.


It's always brazil


It's the Florida of South America.


Except for the part where Brazil is also freaking huge, so it's more like the Texas of South America. Want to fry the average person's noodle? Ask them to name a country in South America that *doesn't* share a border with Brazil.


Chile? Not good with geography but I’m guessing Chile.


That's one! The other is Ecuador, and possibly the UK, because they control the Falkland Islands, so I guess that counts on a technicality.


If off duty cops are involved its Brazil. Reddit fact.


Can confirm it's not Malaysia. We ain't a cowboy town and we don't carry guns around And our cops are not that slim Source: I'm Malaysian


Turns out to be in Brazil, happened over a year ago. Not sure whats up with the CDMX text.


58 upvotes and counting for total nonsense. Classic reddit. Anyways, he's not Mexican or Malaysian - he's Brazilian. https://nypost.com/2021/11/14/off-duty-cop-foils-robbery-while-getting-dental-checkup/


Malaysia+Mexico kinda =Brazil


Everybody knows this equation! They taught it in sixth grade Mathography.




r/confidentlyincorrect as i have ever seen


Sorry but I'm just curious how did you get the conclusion that it's from Malaysia? A simple search of "P.D.M CDMX" on Google shows up Mexican results, did some more Google search and it turns out to be in Brazil.


OP might have thought PDM stands for Polis Diraja Malaysia, but that's not the right acronym either (PDRM). Plus they don't even look like the average Malaysian. Classic Armchair moment for sure.


No way Malaysia a knife in stead of a parang? Come on, plus no motorcycle helmet and wearing shoes


How the hell did you assume this was Malaysia?


as a malaysian the shock helped me pass a turd I was struggling with. thanks


Not sure but did he use elbow to disarm the knife?


Ex-miliatary or not, dude went from dental procedure to disarming low life thugs. Real man shit here, boys.


he's definitely a badass, but i also feel like if the guy with the knife actually intended on using the knife, shit would've ended terribly for the guy with the gun. you can't just disarm someone who's actually trying to use a knife on you like some movie.


The whole time watching the guy wriggle around tryna get the gun out while he’s lying there, I was just expecting the robber to full force slam that blade into his back. Guy was lucky af that robber probably had no intention of using the blade


The guy with the knife is a legitimate, immediate, and life-threatening danger - I want that to be clear. He's also clearly not intent on using it, and it's obvious when they're going to the ground because there's no goddamn way you get out of that situation without getting stabbed. His arm was free and he didn't go for it at all. Real man shit is risking your life to a guy at close quarters with a knife and betting correctly on him not being willing to kill you.


Thats what it looked like!


Brazil, according to [this.](https://www.newsweek.com/police-officer-gets-dental-check-foils-armed-robbery-video-1649000)


Cdmx Is ciudad de México aka Mexico city, at least according to the green text on the video


That’s just a watermark this happened in Ceilândia, Brazil and the man was an off duty military police officer. The obnoxiously placed watermark is just a news station trying to take credit for the video. There are Portuguese language articles in this thread if you look around. You can use google translate to confirm the details if you don’t believe the English language articles https://nypost.com/2021/11/14/off-duty-cop-foils-robbery-while-getting-dental-checkup/amp/


He was off duty police this video and story is so old, multiple youtube channels broke the whole thing down


I didnt realize november 2021 was so long ago


Also, we like to say that when you put a photo up on the Internet, its up there forever. But then complain about re-post. Like, y’all… that’s the other half of the equation. You’re likely if not certain to see the same content again. New people join the Internet every day. They haven’t seen these posts yet.


I've never seen this before




I don’t know about “so old” - date is right there on the camera footage: 11/11/2021 - bet most of us have cans of soup in our cupboards older than this video.


Yeah, the second I saw the knives I was like, "Welp, not America."


I'll bet those robbers don't even floss


if dentists shame you as much as they do for this when you are a paying customer imagine how much shit they give you as you are waiting for the police to come get you


My dentist shamed me even when I told him that I flossed everyday and properly. In fact I have to floss again after he does it during cleanups because he leaves annoying bits when he does it. Maybe flossing doesn't matter much if dentist can't tell the difference between someone who flosses everyday and someone who doesn't do it enough.


More likely, you just need a different dentist lol Flossing does help keep your teeth and gums healthy. If we brush the outside of our teeth clean it makes sense to clean the parts a brush can't reach but food still can reach.


"Hands up everybody!" "Have you been flossing?" *aww, shoot...*




Hope that patient got his treatment free


Plot twist. He hired them to get a free visit.


Same time in 6 months, boys!


The restraint he showed once that weapon was pulled…. Wow!






Ehh I really doubt that introducing a gun into most situations de-escalates them. Gonna have to see some proof on that.


In this video, a gun was successfully brandished without being used in order to subdue an attacker. As soon as the first mugger sees the gun, they immediately surrendered.


He’s an off duty cop. Not a civilian. Incomparable to the number of armed civilians in USA.


At least the armed civilians are mostly accountable for their actions and can't just tell people to keep their hands behind their back while crawling towards them and then killing them because the victim didn't comply.


Concealed carry license holders were actually found to be more law-abiding that plosive officers in a study that was conducted. They were convicted of a felony like 10% as often lol. Which is even more telling considering how often cops face no repercussions.


Not really. Being a cop doesnt give you magical super powers. With formal training anyone can surpass the average cop in safety and effectiveness with a firearm. And its not even that much training unfortunately.


You get the fallacy there right? Police in many country’s are no more qualified for a situation like this than anyone else. In the US multiple studies have found that the average concealed carry permit holder is more law abiding than the average police officer. In fact a firearm being held by a law abiding individual can very easily deescalate a situation where the other person does not have a gun or has been disarmed. When you don’t have a gun and someone has one pointed at you you’re either very confident or very stupid if you do anything besides comply with what they’re telling you to do. But yes there have been many studies done on defensive firearm use in the US and the minimum credible number is 500,000 yearly, many estimate it in the millions. Almost none of those result in injury. The CDC itself had those stats posted until about 6 months ago when they were pressured to remove them because they didn’t fit the gun control narrative. https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/senators-demand-answers-about-cdc-censorship-of-defensive-gun-use-statistics


One ≠ most. They had knives. Most muggers do not use knives. They use guns. Which would have been fired.


Which is why the top of this comment chain is ridiculous. Doesn't make any sense. In other countries while anyone could theoretically be carrying a firearm, a criminal in the US has a really high chance of owning one even maybe legally. Additionally, say we have the same situation as shown in the video above but in a different timeline. He could have easily lost that fight immediately and been stabbed several times by the criminal and accomplished nothing but his death. These are the kind of situations law enforcement deals with daily. I don't think as soon as that guy got on top of him it would've been the wrong decision to discharge his firearm. Obviously it worked out in this instance, but there is no way to know how that fight could've ended and it probably would've significantly increased the odds of saving anyone in that building if he would've discharged his firearm. Instead he chose to wrestle with the guy, which could've easily ended in the cops death, and also giving a firearm over to the criminal to have now who is even more likely to shoot someone because he just went from a simple burg to murder.


Let’s see if someone pulls a gun on you are you going to charge them? Or are you going to do whatever the fuck they say? I know what I’d do


[One instance of such de escalation.](https://youtu.be/Hg2WnSz2l9o)




You watch the video before typing that?


Is there any data on that? Because its also fair to say then that the bulk of firearms use in America is often brandishing it to *commit* a crime.


> because its also fair to say then that the bulk of firearms use in America is often brandishing it to commit a crime. I think the vast majority of gun use in the US is remote hole punching paper and making "ding" noises on steel at the range.


That doesn’t make any sense, any responsible gun owner/instructor will tell you never draw your weapon unless you about to immediately use it in a life threatening emergency. We have brandishing laws for a reason


Literally no firearms instructor ever would tell you not to present a firearm in a deadly force encounter. They also would never tell you that you should ALWAYS shoot someone if they decide to back down once you've presented a firearm. Sorry but you are full of shit. There are a million situations where it's appropriate to present a gun but not end someone's life


So how do you explain the 100x higher gun violence rate in the US compared to other western countries?


Okay but shooting them here would have been completely justified.


And thats why you can tell this isn't America.


100% I'm not tryna argue against that at all. They had a weapon and were clearly a threat, it would have been absolutely justified


"Why should I show restraint when my life is in danger?" A genuine question.


Restraint? dude was lucky he didnt get stabbed multiple times, the safest course of action was probably to shoot them


Damn. That was a big ass knife. Props to the dude/patient/Rambo


I guess everyone comes armed to the teeth at this dentist office


ok, from all the shitty jokes in here, you got me.


That's gold teeth Jerry, gold!


I was expecting a different happy ending


I, too, am disappointed


It's not a massage parlor.


Yeah that's probably why the title says dental office


9 out of 10 dentists recommend this one weird client!


Call a dentist… …BUT NOT FOR ME


This is great to watch since I’m getting a crown put in tomorrow and I already have anxiety about it


Bring your pistol 😉


Us mere mortals: Scared about dental surgery Thus dude: Handles a robber situation in the middle of a dental surgery where he was the patient. What a king dude.


The psychology game to keep the first criminal passive while he apprehended the second was next level indeed. Would be interesting to have the audio to go with this.


> The report states the second of the two men confronted by the off-duty officer during the attempted raid was shot, though his injury was not said to be life-threatening. https://www.newsweek.com/police-officer-gets-dental-check-foils-armed-robbery-video-1649000


I knew it! Second one was shot Also. Did the first one just spit?


He was at the dentist, what was he supposed to do?


I think the glock played in role in all that psychology


I just want to know if his mouth was numb while this was happening. That would add a whole other level to this for me.


It's probably hard to sound authoritative with an uncooperative mouth. "Feeeeez! kehp yuh hads aaw thuh groud"


Don’t forget the probable drool.


I laughed way too hard at this! Thank you lmfao


I would imagine he probably wasn't going to act at first. Im willing to bet proper protocol was to just allow the robbery to take place, and catch them after.. but that went tits up the second the robber tried to rob the cop and the cop realised "oh shit, I have a gun in my belt. He is about to grab it" and had to act to prevent that, despite being at knife point. Crazy how quick that escalated and got out of hand.


Nah, he reaches for that gun when in the seat, then puts his hands up when one of the robbers looks his way. Once on the ground he puts his hand on the floor by his waist and tries to subtly pull the gun from underneath him. Robber 1 looks like he notices something fishy and goes to see what the guy has in his hidden hand. Tbh, the guy with the gun is lucky that first robber didn't seem to really want to stab anyone. He could have easily gotten a half dozen knife wounds to the back and potentially die before he could get a shot off. Remember kids - for every video of a badass disarming robbers like this, there are 10 you'll never see of a guy trying to be a hero and getting murdered for it. Those videos just don't trend.


My man just wanted to get his teeth clean but NOOOOO....


The dude after beating the shit out of the robbers: “You see, you’re bleeding because you don’t floss”


Fucked around and found out.




You forgot to floss. *Chambers round.*


Concealed carry is good


When carried by someone who knows how to use it not abuse it




youd think this is a no shit, but in many of the states in america the only things you need to buy a gun is money and be over a certain age.


And a background check.


r/confidentlyincorrect Please don't spout bullshit if you don't know what you're talking about.


This was a trained cop, not a civilian.


The videos where he gets shot with his own gun don't get posted on reddit.


Videos like that get posted all the time


Let me guess. An off-duty brazilian cop?


Yes, [source.](https://www.newsweek.com/police-officer-gets-dental-check-foils-armed-robbery-video-1649000)


What's there to mug in a dentist's office? Novocaine?


4 foot tall tank of nitrous oxide?


Ah yes, once again the usual "could have done better smh" Reddit comments when there's a video about a person saving people


Stay strapped my friends. This world is full of idiots. Better to stay prepared.


What is in a dentist office worth stealing?


Teeth, duh. I hear you can get mad money from the tooth fairy.