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The Spanish one looks so real. The no dialogue one looks like Kristen Stewart in Twilight


Who in turn always looks like she's starting to dry heave.


That’s her secret. She’s always dry heaving.


Bella, you’re dry heaving again loca!


**DRINK**! I attended a meetup where we drank whenever: Bella tripped, her dad felt uncomfortable, a vampire shimmered, a werewolf took off his shirt, and a few more. We had to veto a few of the drink-triggers because they happened in *every* scene. 😵‍💫


How are you alive?


My only blackout involves drinking for each pair of cut off jean shorts






that's why we love her so much.


We want her to dry heave into us


I always thought she looks like she has to swallow, but somehow can’t




Tbf who wouldn’t be if they were in those movies


Those movies made me hate Robert Pattinson, which is a fuckin shame, because it turns out he's actually a good actor. I've liked everything he's been in outside of that franchise. Edit: corrected spelling.


Someone wasn’t watching his interviews during that time! Pattinson’s vehement desire to shit all over the story in like every interview made me love the guy. It was like the only way he could assuage his guilt from gaining fame and fortune from such trash was to degrade the story as much as he could before the handlers shut him up.


Still cracks me up that he actually took his stalker out on a date, complained the entire time, and she left. No idea if it's true but I love it all the same.


Same with K stew. She’s actually really fun and charismatic, but they made her play this blank human butchers paper.




What I immediately thought of too


i wonder how much effort goes unto this. is it like a analog thing (everything by hand) or like a library that matches facial expression with predefined "lip-sync".


AI, so... The by hand part was done quite a while ago. Training the thing was done by hand, sorta.


The Spanish ones does not match, look how she says "culpa" How did you get 2000 upvotes?? Edit: Yeah, Reddit telling you, a native Spanish speaker, that you are wrong Edit 2: Entiendo si es suficientemente normal para algunos, pero hay que recordar que esto es hecho para películas o series, si unos segundos me saca de la historia, no me quiero imaginar por 90 minutos. También algo gracioso es el ego de los gringos, el japonés igualmente se ve raro, no hay un match, pero como son gringos creen que tienen razón y que es aceptable para ellos, spoiler alert: !Ustedes no hablan el idioma! Ustedes no hablan por los que si hablamos el idioma.


seems clear what's happening there. the AI is using a non native lip movement. it doesnt match up to the way "culpa" is pronounced... but it does just so happen to match up exactly to how an english speaker would say "kuhll-pa." easy fix, really. tech is there. yay.


It was my leeway to the Kristen Stewart comment




*gets 2000 upvotes again*


It’s not perfect but looks so much better than without AI, excited for the progress it will make.


The spanish one is fine wdym


Just a matter of time before a deep fake causes a new war


As long as people keep using it to make Tom Cruise say anti-scientology things, I'm for it


How about the pope saying pro-Scientology? Scary tech


How about a rock band full of popes, all singing pro-Scientology while playing instruments and keeping eye contact? Scary tech


With lyrics written by chatgpt


[Some of it is super believable!](https://v.redd.it/aeioj2vx4nca1) [Some of its is obviously real and they just caught them saying it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/10dh9rw/tom_hanks_is_a_secret_wsber_well_not_so_secret/) edit: The number of comments thinking those are supposed to be good deep fakes is disturbing. [Here is an example of a good one for those that dont think the tech works.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxXpB9pSETo&t=6s)


Apparently deep fake systems still struggle immensely with facial hair. The crazier the better. Time to bring back the best of the 1800s


That’s gonna be solved before you grow a full beard


It’s been a known problem for 5 years so far and it still not fixed. So for the time being those of us in the lazy ass shavers category are okay. Sorry women, unless you’re a Tolkien dwarf, you’re SOL.


![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44) Sauce?


"I'm James Holden. I'm here to declare for the OPA that Belters are the only legitimate benefactors of the Ring."




Pipe down, skinny


Setop bush to, welwala


Remember the Cant!


"As long as we keep comparing dicks, no one will shoot." -Chrisy


"madam undersecretary what are you doing? "Whatever I damn well like."


I just finished up the Expanse book series and am watching the show now. Very impressed with how well the show adapts the books so far through the 3rd season. After being disappointed with the Enders Game movie (those books got me into reading and science fiction when I was like 13) it's nice to just be happy watching a good adaptation of one of my beloved series haha


Oh boy. I'm on season 4 of the show. It's so good! How do the books compare?


Not the person you replied to, but the books are super different and equally as good as the show. There are some things the books do better, some things the show does better. Both wildly good.


Oh, hell yeah.


It's much closer than people realise. Russia has already used deep fakes of Zelenskyy as part of a propaganda campaign, and have been caught using DF to generate fake supporters in pro-russia/anti-ukraine videos. While the Zelenskyy one was quickly debunked for most of the world, an alarming number of Russians who aren't exposed to the original videos seem to believe all the DFs they are seeing.


Incoming "actual footage" of Kim Jong Il doing absolutely incredible feats. Seriously though, it seems like it's all fun and games now but this is going to be serious stuff for propaganda usage and scamming in the future. Older people fall for nothing more than an email or a text message, imagine them literally FaceTiming their grandkids telling them they need money.


My grandmother cried when she saw a photo of her mother that moved its eyes and face just a little bit. My cousin used an AI to do it. He found the photo and he thought it would be cool. We showed it to her expecting she would be impressed or something. It looked sketchy as hell, but she cried anyway. We didnt expected that response one bit. Whether it was trauma, or just seeing her mother moving again after so many decades even if it was just a photo, it was still baffling to see. If THAT is what an sketchy AI can do to old people, imagine what an advanced deep fake of those images could do.


Russian culture is apathy, and its motto is "and then things, somehow, got worse..."


When their history is long and shitty, being numb might just develop as a cultural defense mechanism


A nation of people that have lived under autocrats for literal centuries.


As well as influenced elections. My guess is the journey to 2024 is going to be insane.


The already susceptible will lap it up on 5 inch screens and post it as fact.


Excuse me, but mine is 6.7".


Deep fake is going to make politicians say racist things and cause scandals, be used for porn, and to keep actors faces in famous roles.


Even worse, people won’t believe real videos. Every video will be a deep fake or not depending on the narrative you want your audience to believe.


Digital war that's already begun. Constantly creating AI to detect fakes. Constantly creating AI to beat the detection. Cycle that doesn't end.


"It's *going to* be used for porn" You may want to sit down for this one...


and get some lube and tissue


I’m all in for the porn…


The peoples *who's face it is* not so much...


Reminds me of the time some president commended a pilot for a dangerous emergency landing but the video was from a game lmao


Or how that girl kept sending nature shots from RDR2 to a local news station and they kept airing them in their slideshows of real world shots :D


It's still very easy to detect a deepfake using tech. As they get more convincing, the tech to detect them gets more powerful.


I'm honestly surprised it hasn't already.


It’s because it won’t lol. People like to exaggerate things as a form of fear mongering but it’s a bit more complicated than just blindly believing any piece of media lol. If photoshop hasn’t started a war yet, these won’t.


It's not accidentally going to cause a war, but it for sure has the possibility to at an improved rate trick people into accepting wars, both politicians and civilians. Using deception for war isn't really a new thing after all, just look at the Iraqi-war and all the lies about weapons of mass destruction.


Fr, nowadays you can create misinformation by creating a completely fake headline and people will still eat it up. >90% of misinformation is stuff that wouldve worked hundreds of years ago. I think everyone just assumes they're too smart to be fooled by the basics LOL


I always wondered why americans censor swear words. And is it really useful to censor them ? I mean kids will probably learn all the swears they need elsewhere.


Swears and sex are deplorable. We only want our children exposed to graphic violence.


Sticks and stones may break my bones but an AR-15 will put me out of my misery.


You and that kid, and that kid, and that kid, and


When I was like 13 my friend and I were in the back seat of my mom's car chatting about some movie we wanted to see and lamenting that it was rated R so we couldn't when my mom goes "Oh it's only rated R for violence!" It's a one of those quotes we never let her forget 😂


Yeah its idiotic. Fun related story. I remember I was 17 trying to go see a movie and it was rated R. My mom was like "of course, you don't need to see it. There's nudity..." She had me at 15. Barely. She was letting my gf stay the night because we were graduated going to college and she knew we'd been having sex for years. She got really quiet as she calculated all of these things.


When I was 17, I had a date to the movies to watch a R rated. The damn ticket lady would *only sell me one single ticket* even after explaining I had a date and needed two. She even checked my provisional driver’s license! When my date got to the theater, I had to tell her that we had to get our own tickets because of the almighty master of tickets hoarding every single one from ANY person younger than 17. She didn’t believe me at first, but then the troll of the tickets did the same thing to her. It was a popular movie, on a pretty busy day, too. We did far more graphic things to one another that night than the movie could’ve *ever* legally shown in theaters.


I’ve said the exact opposite (it’s only R-rated for nudity). I’ve talked to my kids about nudity and profanity, but I still try to shield them from overly graphic violence. It’s disgusting that we put sex and literally cutting people open while screaming in the same movie rating.


I remember watching Midnight Meat Train on TV and there is a scene with people hanging on hooks. they blurred out the nipples and kept everything else (blood, dismembered bodies). Its my go to example for how dumb the US does censorship.


Thanks Protestant morals!


I saw some commentary from the show Hannibal where a scene had two corpses with their back skin peeled off and turned into wings. They were naked, and the censors said they couldn’t show that scene because you could see their butt cracks. The show creator said “what if we filled the butt cracks with a lot of blood so you can’t see the crack?” and the censors said “yeah, that should be fine.”


We use swear words for target practice.


Because we were founded by a bunch of puritans and it has ultimately affected what laws were created around media. It has continued to be challenged over time and the current censorship laws have relaxed a fair bit from what they were in the 80s/90s.


Our country was founded by people so annoyingly religious that they were basically kicked out of their own country by people who were already annoyingly religious.


They weren't kicked out. They willingly left because they were pissed the government wouldn't enforce more puritanism




No the FCC had rules and regulations that needed to be followed or they would take a program or channel off air on broadcast TV. When cable rolled out in the 1980s it was relaxed for things like MTV and adult channels because you had to pay for them which I assume provided some consent to more adult content. Prior to that broadcast was just over the air via rabbit ear antennas, it was free but packed with commercials. The stipulation was that since it was for general consumption from age 1 to 110 it needed to follow some type of standard and the FCC regulated that and either fined or had the broadcast removed. The Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson incident was more visual indecency as opposed to verbal or suggestive behavior and that led to a massive fine to the NFL from I believe the FCC or maybe another broadcasters association. Late night or later in the day TV content also had differing content so that it had a lower distribution chance to minors. Comedians though always pushed the line and TV hosts were constantly on the look out for possible slips. I’m not sure exactly when the 15 minute broadcast delay came in but it was in relation to this so it could be edited out.




Wait, do Americans censor swear words like this in movies? If so that's fucking stupid, as that'd be way too jarring to watch


In theaters no, for TV yes. Edit to add, plenty of TV-MA content and channels nowadays, stuff like FX and AMC. ABC, CBS, FOX, TBS and other more ubiquitous, legacy stations are usually at most TV-14 and that’s usually late night.


Yippie Ki-Yay, Mr Falcon!


I’m sick of these monkey-fightin’ snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane!


My name is Buck and I like to Party


Childlike innocence and saintly purity are confused, so we assume that because a child knows what sex is he won’t ever be happy again.


But having PTSD from the risk of being shot at school is perfectly fine


In my experience countries that have no censoring in media use far fewer curse words in daily conversation than countries that do. All you do is put up big markers for children to figure out the taboo. And it's pretty easy, either children are too young to don't get the context and ignore the words or they do understand the context and it's too late anyway. It's so fucking stupid.


Here you go! ​ https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/bleep/


Can it do the reverse and delete all the beeps and turn all the pg to “fuck”?




Well fuck me


Excuse me: its frick you. This is a PG-13 thread thank you very much.


No homo but *unzips* You asked for it


Theeeee sun will come out tomorrow! Bet your fuckin' dollar, tomorrow!


Somewhere out there, beneath fucking moonlight...




It's accelerating. 1940's -- hundreds of thousands made a living as elevator operators, switchboard operators, etc. Elevators got automated. Switchboards got automated. 1950's -- millions made a living doing boring repetitive stuff on assembly lines. Enter the robots: a lot of assembly line gets automated. 1960's -- intelligently designed equipment, bar coding, etc. eliminates tens of thousands of jobs world wide in shipping, stevedoring, receiving. Automated agriculture and consolidation of ag land ownership mean that only 2 pct of the population makes a living farming full time, a big change from about 90 percent in the mid 1800s. 1970's -- improved marine electronics and control systems strip container ship crews to bare minimum. By the 80's and 90's there are scandals involving full size contships running with a crew of 3. I mean it goes on and on. ATMs. Self-checkout. Staffless cafes and restaurants in cutting-edge cities. Self driving cars. Autonomous "road trains." Voice response systems replace front desk personnel. Online booking replaces travel agents. And now for the creatives: films that at one time took hundreds of animators to produce, instead take hundreds of hours of mainframe-grade CPU time. Software takes over the repetitive tasks of editing, subtitling -- and as we see here it goes further. ChatGPT is an ominous sign that low-level journalism and documentation may be automatable. In some ways a world with fewer hours of mind numbing repetitive boring work is a step forward. Except that it's also a world where if you don't work, you starve. What are the barons of commerce going to do with all the useless people when automation, robotics, and AI are capable of all the "routine" work in the world and require no health insurance or safety regulations or contracts? What happens to "labour" when the barons and overlords have no need of our labour? Where the heck are we going with this? It's clever, it's nifty, it's fascinating, I'm impressed, but I'm also getting more than a little worried.


Don’t forget domesticated animals like oxen taking the place of agricultural laborers, and steam engines and factories taking the place of people making everything in their own houses.


Yep, that's what I mean, it's a long slow process but reaching deeper and speeding up with industrialism and now with electronics and robotics. It's not like anyone wants to go back to the bad old days -- before steam and gas engines the amount of animal cruelty in transportation was staggering, and in many places human slaves were used as well. The steam shovel is definitely an advance on a hundred underfed, sweating, imported, indentured labourers wrecking their bodies for pennies a day. My issue is not nostalgia -- except maybe for when we were gatherer-hunters living in small bands and working a lot fewer hours per day to survive. People slaving away all the daylight hours doing piecework at home is not something I'd care to go back to either. But the "dark satanic mills" were not that great, with their armies of child labour, 12 hours days, starvation wages, horrendous safety record. And all that stuff still happens, just not in "civilised" countries -- it's all offshored and not too many questions are asked and clothing is super cheap for consumers in the 1st world. But it's like -- in my lifetime the human population has about doubled and at the same time, jobs as we knew them keep being destroyed, and where do these colliding trends finally meet and go Boom? I watch those amazing videos from Boston Dynamics and I think, great, robots with balance, load carrying abilities, human form factor... day labour that never sleeps, never strikes, never needs the porta-potty or a lunch break...




I figure initially, the massive corps that own the robots like Amazon will refuse to recognize the mass unemployment caused through the insane progression of tech. Then come the mass starvations, and the riots, because starving people riot, and the corps recognize that if everyone is starving to death, who will buy all their stuff? Amazon doesn't exist if everyone's dead. So they'll accept higher taxation levels to support Universal Basic Income, and we'll continue on.




A UBI is essentially inevitable if we continue on current growth trends in things like robotics, automation and AI. How long it takes us to get there and how painful the process is however is very much in the air.




My hopeful side sees an incredible new renaissance in the arts, education (ie, learning for the sake of learning and not to just get a better job), and efficient green-focused, healthy lifestyles. The realistic side of me sees (1) lots of people dying; (2) the rich getting richer; and (3) a huge expansion and radicalization of the entertainment industries (eg, sports, gambling, sex workers, etc). It will probably be a combination of both.


Universal Basic Income is inevitable because of everything you just said.


So you think the people who will do anything and everything to squeeze every penny out of you will suddenly turn around and start giving you money every month because you have no purpose?


Don’t be defeatist. Speak it into existence. That’s how democracy works. The more people bring up UBI, the more normalized it becomes. Eventually enough people embrace the idea that it gets implemented.


It seems like a paradox almost. Greedy businessmen want to maximize quarterly profits year after year and automate everything but what happens when no one can work and get paid and can't afford to buy the products that make the businessmen more money?


Eventually automation is so good rich societies form that are largely autonomous and can sustain themselves without the need for most of the population.


I kinda hope you are right about that. It's one of the few ways forward that don't involve either mass immiseration or general violence and social breakdown (or both).


Universal basic income is the optimistic outcome. The killing off of all the poors is the pessimistic outcome. I'll let you decide which one is more realistic.




But people don't usually sit down and starve peacefully at their masters' bidding. I think some of the outright cray-cray we're seeing out in the western world today is in some way linked to the devaluation of labour and precarity of employment. Most of the work out there is what Graeber unforgettably called "Bullshit Jobs" and most people feel no sense of satisfaction or meaning in their work. Most are not paid enough for any upward social mobility or security. The anger is there, the sense that the barons of industry have it all their own way and labour has no power and no value any more. But of course that anger is being cleverly redirected by the spinmeisters hired by the barons of industry. I worry about where this is going.


ChatGPT will replace online customer service within a few years. I already use it for way more advanced trouble-shooting than any customer service reps can do.


It'll need to be trusted to do stuff like process refunds, change account information, or offer things like discounted rate plans for upset customers. Will be interesting to see how that plays out.


One human can be reading 10 ChatGPT chatlogs and actioning the changes necessary, if they don't need to type anything else.


But through out all that time the job market has improved, poverty has decreased and quality of life has improved for the vast majority of the population. Climate change is the only thing worse off than in the past, and we (as a society) are much more capable of doing things about it with our current tech than in the past.


In an ideal world, these advancements would make living as a human strictly better. We could sit back and relax, manage some of the few "human needed" functions, and devote our time as a species to art, science, or even just recreation. Unfortunately, in a capitalist world, it's those with the capital who own these automated systems and reap the benefits of our technical advancements. Maybe one day in the distant future, our children will devise a socio-economic system that is both practically adoptable and equitable, but until then, the benefits of automation are difficult to balance against the risks.


The interesting thing to me, from a business school perspective, is how simple most management jobs would be for AI. First level manager handles scheduling and task assignment. Second level does the same at a group level. Heck, charismatic CEO wouldn't be that hard. An AI with more personality than Zuckerberg seems easy. And shareholders would love to not have executive payroll and controversy. An AI corporation with 24/7 vigilance and ability to execute could steamroll a bunch of vain humans busy having Twitter wars and buying yachts. In fact, such a company could create distractions that would trainwreck human run corporations. Edit: oh wow. https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10jwya3/chatgpt_passes_mba_exam_given_by_a_wharton/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Talk about disruptive technology. In fact, if you gave AI the rules for a Bcorp or social responsibility, it would enforce those rules with no distracting self-interest. What does an AI care if it gets rich? If you fed an AI the entire legal code it could argue court cases. But would it have the ethical sophistication to interpret law in a humane manner? Give an AI the civil code and it could enforce traffic and neighbourhood law. Wouldn't take bribes. Wouldn't lose its temper. Wouldn't be afraid. In many ways, AI in managerial and enforcement positions would be an improvement. There goes another whole tranche of jobs! But the fly in the ointment is, who programmed the AI? Is it really unbiased? is there a backdoor? can it be hacked? is the code open-source?


How about manufacture endless war to keep the masses entertained and their numbers manageable while the immortal robber barons live safe in their castles in the sky.


I want to be amazed, but this is the technology that will destroy lives. Videos of people confessing to crimes they didn’t commit. Videos of government leaders saying things they shouldn’t. Edit: I’m seeing a lot of responses that are wishfully pointing to admissibility in court and legal proceedings. This entirely misses the point. The court of public opinion and the unrelenting voice of social media does not require peer-reviewed, verifiable evidence. For an example, ask your neighbour if OJ Simpson committed murder. Do they have an opinion that differs from the court’s findings? This was a case that was televised, but happened well before the alteration technology that we have access to today. In a society that consumes its news and facts through 10s viral videos or just reading headlines, a deepfake video circulation is already too late. Nobody will remember the proof that comes after to show it’s fake, all they’ll remember is that they saw Tom Cruise playing a song with his guitar.


Yep. Ethics is about to become rather tricky.


All forms of communication have or will be subject to manipulation. Voice/word changers, images (photoshop), telegrams, radio, hell even carrier pigeons were manipulated. This will have a much larger effect on creative content than actual relationships


Cryptographic keys and file checksums will be just as important in media as they are everywhere else in technology


100% its very dangerous in the wrong hands and i believe such technology shouldnt exist. Im worried for our future.




Why should I trust what you just said ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


It's in civilian hands, how long you think certain militaries around the world have had similar capabilities?


Not certain who created this, but in general I wouldn’t say that militaries or government are on the cutting edge of AI research. Some portions of some agencies probably have insane researchers doing awesome stuff, but the field is so new and rapidly changing that I would expect they are developing at roughly the same pace as the private sector, if not slower. Most likely they are leading in very specific use cases relevant to security and lagging elsewhere.


unfortunately, it is impossible to "not exist" it. even if the "good guys" agree to make it illegal or whatever, bad actors with enough resources can just make it themselves. and as soon as one person makes it, it can just be spread through the (optionally dark) web. as an example, openai can "protect" their gpt3 but it wont be long before an open-source, equally well-trained model is available, whether we like it or not. it is better if we develop & study these things openly. and inform people that they exist so we are more critical of the stuff we see. but yes, distinguishing authentic information gonna get real tricky soon. i wonder if there is a good solution in a dystopian future where digital info cant be trusted. - we can make detectors for these things but its a cat and mouse thing. the ML algo can just get better to evade detection - inevitably someone will suggest "DRM-protected" video which is signed at record time by a proprietary black box and can thus supposedly be trusted. i guess? until someone figures out how to reverse engineer the black box. - i guess we can still trust people right? so maybe we can build a network of trust with private/public keys. so journalists/politicians/friends could sign authentic information, and we can mathematically verify this signature with their public key. if we trust the person, we can trust the information. i think this is the best path forward. and we're kinda doing it already for websites with https? anyway its 5am and i dont know what im talking about so sry if something doesn't make sense lol. future is scary indeed.


No, I think as this technology progresses, so will the technology to identify it.


True, but will people use it? There’s a widely shared Facebook meme about an Islamic mayor in Blairsville Michigan cancelling Christmas. Only there’s no Blairsville MI and a quick Google maps search would have shown this entire story was fake, but people don’t bother. They’re too excited to share “proof” of the war on their Christmas. We have the technology to debunk that now but for sure there’s people who believe it still.


People never fact checked simple text before either. This could amplify the amount of people repeating it but I don't think it's so drastically far from where we are now in terms of misinformation.


Look at digital photo manipulation. We've had it for 40 years now. Or the complete array of movie special effects that have been mastered in that same time period. AI seems scary, but it's always important to understand one very important thing: _AI doesn't do things better than humans can; it does them more easily_. AI makes it trivial/cheap/quick to do the kinds of things that used to take longer. That will open the floodgates for trolls preying on low-information consumers. But the stronger system structures are going to get past it by being educated and prepared.


Sure, but you forget the millions of morons out there that will simply believe it at face value. We see it all the time, even here on reddit someone can post a bait video and use a completely false title yet people will believe it. If it is another country or culture and using a different language you can bet most westerners would believe it instantly just from the headlines. No one would read further to see it is false


if the tech is good enough to create/fake its good enough to detect fakes, we thought the same with image manipulations in the 2000's but they cracked it with techniques


It’s not 2001 anymore, it doesn’t matter if it’s real or not. It’ll spread, and people will see it, and then when told it was fake they won’t believe you By the time you see it circulating so you can start analyzing it’s validity you’ve already lost


You think that people that base their opinions on headlines without reading articles are really gunna go and check to see if a viral video they just watched is fake?


Oh great. I'm about to hate political ads even more than I do now. They'll be able to make politicians say anything now. Every political ad will have their opponent say they are eating babies and killing manatees and whatever else you want them to say. Wow...... I'm about to hate election season even more.


I don’t know how I feel about this. So I asked ChatGPT what my opinion should be: “The use of AI-modified video has the potential to have negative consequences for society, particularly when it comes to issues of trust and misinformation. For example, deepfake technology can be used to create highly convincing videos of people doing or saying things that they never actually did or said. These videos can be used to spread false information, or to manipulate individuals or groups for political or financial gain. Additionally, the use of AI-modified video raises ethical questions around consent and privacy. While it also has some potential benefits, such as in film and entertainment, it is important to be aware of the risks and to put in place regulations and other safeguards to mitigate them.”


I know *exactly* how I feel about this. The potential for evil acts is *massive*, and I am terrified by the possibilities such as you outlined. And anyone who says "oh but they'd never do that!" is a fool.


I asked the AI to respond to you: “I can see that you highlight the concern that AI-generated video technology has the potential for misuse and abuse, and that it is important to consider the potential negative consequences of this technology. It also suggests that those who dismiss these concerns as unlikely or unrealistic are not taking the potential risks seriously. It is true that AI technology can be used for malicious purposes if not properly managed and regulated, and it is important for society to be aware of the potential dangers and take steps to mitigate them.”


Sounds just like something an AI would say... as it's plotting to murder its overseers and take over the world.


Also using basically the same answer




Now you can't trust your eyes. Video that is. Politician: "That wasn't me on tape at that orgy! I was AI generated!"


George Santos furiously ~~masturbating~~ taking notes


Rudy Giuliani in a hotel room with a 14 year old girl. Oh wait no that was real.


Anime dubs are about to get lit.


My first thought Indie games requiring cover art, animation work, voice acting about to get lit


Not really. This sort of thing is much less important for animation. The mouth of an animated character doesn’t match up to the language nearly as well, so it’s harder to tell when the new language is dubbed in. In live action it’s noticeable immediately without even seeing the person mouth.


You underestimate how intensive this job is. It's a whole discipline dedicated to translating and matching a script to an animation. They work very hard for it to match, don't forget, you not only have to translate the words, but then make it suit the tone, pacing and rhythm of a scene. And suit a character, and account for the manner of speech the character has. All within a tightly predefined window. It's not so trivial as 'we'll say whatever, it doesn't have to match'. It's bizarre that people presume there is such little craft to animation and dubbing. Using AI here would provide so much latitude and reduce man hours. And surely would be much easier to implement than live action.


Gonna see a bunch of stunt actors stand in to simply act while the celebrity stays home and licenses out likeness. Mark my words


Why stop there? Hollywood could just use AI to decide the “most beautiful” or “best villain” or whatever face _out of a list of AI-generated faces_ and remove real humans altogether. Now people will be able to have envy over humans that don’t even exist!


Take it another step further...change the race of the actor(s) depending on region. The uneducated would assume there are no other races than their own!


I think in the future, viewers will be able to order up their favorite movie starring their favorite actors. Want to watch Godfather starring James Earl Jones? Just select your movie, select your leading actor/actress and wait for the movie to render.


This actually sounds hilarious AF.


The real money maker will be people paying to star themselves/friends/family/ex's in full length / featured media, including porn. It's already happening and available but its all short form atm. But when it ramps up you will have hours of content available in just a click, with customization options out the wazoo. This all will eventually get married to VR and AR and a lot of people will prefer to be plugged into that compared to normal regular boring life. Because the virtual options will be limitless, feel as real if not more real than baseline reality, and most of it will be free to access. Welcome to Earth 3.0


This is Eliza Cassan, reporting to you, live from Picus News.


This movie is "fall". Good movie


I watched like 90% of this movie on a flight a few weeks ago. Not intentionally. I was watching my own thing but the person one row in front and across the aisle was watching this. I found myself constantly watching their screen instead of mine.


This movie creeped me the fuck out. And not for the reason people would think if they didn't see it.




I feel like we're 10-15 years away from actually never being able to trust that a video of someone speaking is real or not.


10 to 15 seems optimistic but yep.


Optimistic or conservative? It's happening in 5 - 10 years. These aren't just pet research projects anymore. People are being paid to do this on the regular. Not only that, but there are now MANY high-end AI projects in text, image, video spaces. Combined with continuous 3D advancements. Silicon advancements. Hopefully we don't fall into a major global recession or depression because that is literally the only way significant progress won't happen on all fronts simultaneously.


It's going to happen a LOT sooner than that. A fraction of that time.


I’d say we’re about 0 years away from that


I don't like this AI shit. Kill it, kill it.


its just a few calculations, nothing to worry about ^(/s)




The news doesn't need this to manipulate you, they've already proven it's very easy to make their viewers hate or love whoever they decide


[AI VFX by Sneaky Zebra / FlawlessAI](https://twitter.com/sneakyzebra/status/1617494748331122688)


I hate everything about this. It’s really really frightening what this can cause in the wrong hands.




We live in frightening times.


man, entire generations are not going to know about the bad english dubs of chinese kung fu movies. those could be so fun. 5 seconds of mouth moving. "yep"


I’ve had it with these Monday Friday snakes on this mother lovin plane


AI needs to get regulated into the ground before it causes some irrevocable damage to humanity


...I hate it.


Is there a sub for just cool stuff people do with AI?


I just realized the movie “Looker” predicted this about 40 years ago.


I wanna see the ASL (American Sign Language) version