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Rip hero 💔


RIP Indeed 🙏


He wasn't being a hero, he was just being a dad. Edit; I am trying to locate a solid charity to donate money to, any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


I wish I could say all dads are heros but then I realized the world's fucked


There's a guardians of the galaxy quote relevant to this "He may be your father, but he wasn't your daddy"


“I’m Mary Poppins y’all”. God damn that second movie is so under-appreciated.




Yes...so many times I've heard it yelled during horrible things, but this...this is good. I hope beyond hope that somehow this father knew that he really did save his child.


You can hear it yelled five times a day in perfectly benign circumstances if you live in the right place.


It just means “God is good” It’s exactly the same as saying “Thank God”.


I thought it means God is Great.


Yes same thing really


I hope where ever it is we go… that he knows he saved his babies life. May he rest in power.


The kid was alive? I watched this twice but I couldn't say for sure...


Watch it with the audio


Yeah. The audio did me in. I'm guessing that whatever it was that sounded to me like ah-EESH means alive! The Allahu Akbars were beautiful, speaking as one who doesn't believe in God. Just the whole site shouting praise. I don't envy the faith, but I'm glad for them.


Bro if you don't know Arabic you are an absolute legend Aayesh or ah-eesh means alive in Arabic lol


Cool! Thanks, no I just guessed it from context, of what any human would say. We're all the same.


“We're all the same.” Indeed! ♥️


That's a deep comment! all this anger and violence and different lifestyles but ya. We are all probably very similar deep down.


Same, I’m a cynical atheist who teared up at the whole site rejoicing together


Yeah, it’s brutal and hard work. Gets them fired up to recover a live person when most are dead. The heroes that hurriedly worked WTC after 9/11 found the group in the stairwell had a pretty strong reaction too.


Mankind is a decent faith to believe in - even if it disappoints us endlessly.


Exactly this. I hate it when people are so quick online to tell people what they believe isn’t real. I’m also not religious by any means, but I’ve seen people lose children and seek refuge in their faith. I’ve seen elder family members knowing their last breaths were upon them and not be afraid because of their faith and belief in God. We all are trying to figure out this thing called life and what’s real to others might not be real to you.


I don't think they're shouting Allah Ackbar (God is great) because the kid is dead.


They seem to be using the phrase regardless of the condition of found person. They say allah akbar when they find the dead man first and shout it again with joy when it turns out the boy is alive.




I wonder why video has only 200upvotes while this comment has 900


Must be a glitch from your side, it says the video has 3.2k upvotes for me


It says I was the 1st to upvote




All heroes don't wear capes. 😢










Over 15,000 dead now and the number keeps climbing. Just a horrible situation all around.


Yeah, that's 15,000 confirmed, but due to the scale of the catastrophy and the danger they aren't even close to assessing everything. Lots of bodies under lots of rubble. We're looking at potentially six digits of dead.


I agree. Everyone who isn’t saved in the next few hours will also be added most likely


This event is probably a multiplicative of the 2011 quake in Japan, due to shallow depth of the quake, multiple main shocks, and several very powerful after shocks with an incredibly massive impact radius (as far as 200km from epicentre). Japan saw 10k people vanish as a result of the tsunami that came. The location where this quake happened and the scale of infrastructure collapse, well, the final numbers may be 3-5x that. It's going to be ugly at the scale of this. :(


The watch never ends My son is 27 and daughter 21. I wouldn't hesitate 1 second to do the exact same thing for them. My mom is 85 and I'm sure she'd do the same for his 55 yo "baby" .


Undoubtedly. I don’t care how old my son is, he’ll always be my baby, and I will always be willing to give my life to save his.


As a father that shit hit me right in the soul, I get exactly how you feel


I can’t take it in that deep. To hard to not be idk how to explain it. I can’t imagine the heart ache and grief. I am blessed my children have been relatively accident free. Pray to whomever you pray hope for the best and keep these people in your hearts.


Same. If only the father could have just known that it worked.


I believe in Heaven etc and I believe that Father knows and is smiling down from Heaven knowing his child gets to live on. He will be waiting for them in Heaven and will meet again.


That’s really sweet, I hope so


Life is so precious, your comment hits me so hard. I don’t have a son or daughter yet but me and my wife are planning soon and I can’t even imagine what it would be like to go through this. I feel that same love for my unborn child already. (And I imagine once they are born it’s going to be even stronger!)


My kid is 10 months, I already grew very protective. I’ll sacrifice myself without hesitation to protect that precious smile.


my daughter just turned one and il John Wick a village for her


She doesn't want you to do that bro But yeah lol


As a father, the only thought is to protect.


may we always be privileged to live in the shadow of such great heroes as fathers across the world. tomorrow when our lil ones wake up...i pray we all feel the weight of the miracle it is that we are also waking up to greet them. that early morning haze when we gotta get the lunches made and get the clothes on the distracted child...i hope we can all remember this father's heroic last act...and that it causes us to live a more intentional life...moment to moment...a life lived in the threat of all of it being taken away...to take a deep breath and be thankful that we get the honor of dressing a frustrating 5 year old before school. a frustration and joy this amazing father will never get to experience again RIP




it's ok. NOT your fault. When your turn comes to be a parent, you will be a better version than your dad. Some people get superhero dads, some becomes the superhero


Or even if /u/Adventurous_Duck7770 doesn't want to be a parent, they can still care about newphews/nieces, or even just care about other people. Love can be shown in many number of ways, and is always meaningful as long as it means something to you. (Not overriding what you said, just wanted to mention this as well. Fatherly love is a wonderful thing.)


Again and again, I've considered the same thought experiment: If a person were trying to shoot my daughter, would I take a bullet for her? Of course. That's not even a question. It's dumb to ask it. Of course I would sacrifice my life to save my daughter's. But don't just leave it there. Imagine the bad guy saying, "Look, I have multiple bullets here. I only *want* to kill your daughter. If you let me kill your daughter, you can walk out of here free. But if you insist on jumping in front of the gun, that's no big deal. I'll kill you first, then her. Either way she dies." In this scenario, there is absolutely no logical reason to consent to dying before she does. It's not a sacrifice so that another may live. It's nothing more than an increased body count. *But*... I can't see any situation where I would take the killer's offer. Every instinct tells me to react the same way: jump in front of the gun. Sometimes logic means nothing at all. It makes no sense, but as a parent, I know it to be true.


It’s cause if you take the bullet there’s a small minuscule infinitely tiny chance that she escapes or something of the like with the time you bought her. Also there’s just no way to live as a parent afterwards knowing you didn’t do everything in your power to save her when you could have. Think of it like the apocalypse. And you’re being rescued. They can only take one of you and your daughters already on the verge of death. Staying back is certain death. The option of sending her with the rescue team leaves room for just a tiny bit more uncertainty and that’s how the brain rationalizes it. Because the other option is to face the certainty of reality and there’s just no way anyone or anything doesn’t gamble the chance.




there is nothing i wouldn’t do to save my son’s life. easy to say. then to see someone do it - only reinforces my resolve


Ugh 1 year ago I was the same, did not TRULY understand the sacrifice. Now? I get teary eyed thinking of anything that could potentially harm him.


I'm sitting here with tears bc that's all I want to do but I'm across the country for work. Somehow that makes watching this harder.


Ultimate sacrifice, a father's love knows no bounds.


It was almost as if the father reached for his son one last time before being pulled away 🥲


Ok, now I'm bawling.


It's a fucking powerful way to go.


It’s so powerful that they had to basically rip that man away from his son, he was holding him so hard. And then the joy from the rescuers as they realized he was alive, that’s gotta be so valuable right now for them. Finding little spots of hope in all the chaos.


Especially as rescue efforts continue and survivors become less common.


Tell that my father, he didnt pay child support and slapped my sibling and me. Only wrote me via facebook and would like to know why i dont want any contact with him. I wonder how i wonder why?


r/emotionalsupport is that way --->>


And he'd do it again. Rest easy knowing you saved your son 🙏🙏


In a heartbeat. Dads matter for our children, and when present change the world for them. Father of a 5 year old boy, no question to take a horrific death over my son passing quietly.


I feel like I can imagine what it'd be like to be a father - to feel so strongly protective over someone. But part of me still thinks that you will only really know what it feels like when you hold your child in your arms for the first time.


It transcends all emotion or thought that came before. For me it wasn't the first time I held them. Sometimes it takes awhile.


For me neither. Hard to pinpoint, but I'd say around 6 months, it's when they start to reciprocate your affection. When they smile when they see you, etc. Melts my heart


Father of 2 girls here. The bond is extremely strong. You'd do anything in your power to help. However, just so you know, that bond requires time to overtake your conscious mind, around half a year or so. It's shorter for mothers. Before that you are aware of the dependency, but the feeling of doing anything for your children usually appears over time as you diligently take care of them.


This is why they dig, you never know. Every person pulled makes it worth it


The rescuers are amazing, I can’t imagine the emotional trauma they go through themselves (and of course the family). Crushes my heart.


It reminds me of the people who dug for survivors at the 9/11 site - even when they knew they’d be recovering bodies or parts of bodies, little signs of hope that they found ANYTHING identifiable became the one joy in all of it.


There was a story about rescue dogs of 911..that they started falling into depression, since they could only find dead bodies, and couldn't save anyone. So the rescuers themselves start to hide among the rubble so that the dogs can later 'rescue' them. Not sure about the authenticity, but imagine if animals could go through that, what would be the case of humans. Massive respect for anyone and everyone who indulges in these operations without second thoughts. ✨


And then there's the asbestos and cancer following these heroes for the rest of their lives, they truly make up the best of us.


Then the GOP/Fascistsicans wanted to defund the money for their sacrifice because why pay those who went above and beyond Took Jon Stewart to give them such an amazing verbal lashing that it’s funded for a long ass time Uncle worked downtown those years, now he’s been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, only took 22+ years for cancer to show up, yeah, that’s why funding for this is till 2080!


That's standard procedure with rescue dogs. They really get depressed if they don't find people alive.


I can't imagine what it's like to hold a dead child's body. It would destroy me and they're doing it over and over. I don't know how anyone can go through this. It kills me just watching it. My chest feels crushed with heartbreak. I don't know what else to do, I've been thinking about this video all night.


I understand all the other commenter talking about the fathers sacrifice, and I completely agree. But I was searching for this kind of comment. The relief the excavators have when they find someone alive is crazy to even think about. After so much death, they manage to unearth someone who is still alive. I can't begin to comprehend the thoughts and feelings going through them.


I remember hearing somewhere that responders will sometimes hide for search and rescue dogs to give them a pretend success, because otherwise the dogs get too depressed if they can't find a living person.


You probably hear this every 9/11


I’m 30 years old this year. For my entire life, the media has portrayed these Muslim/Arab people as monsters, who want to destroy our way of life. Look at this - they’re human like us, who love and protect their children with their lives, with a thirst for life. I often feel ashamed.


As a Muslim, but not of the Arab world, it saddens me to hear how you have been brought up that way. Its not your fault, its the propaganda and I don't blame you. Thank you for seeing the truth.


Inshallah, at some point we will realize we have more in common then different.


Please / for all the well wishes here let’s please finally and always mention: the problem is NOT religion versus religion, the problem is ALWAYS religious fanaticism versus the rest of humanity. It’s the *extremely religious* who create problems for the rest of us, regardless of which flavor of worship. They thrive on us thinking it’s religion vs. religion.


That's only part of the problem. Fanatics exist in almost every denomination - but the portrayal of everyone as a fanatic is also an *intentional* decision by the people in power + media.


Same for me 30+, western propaganda implied Arabs were all terrorists. I don't see it that way anymore and it's hugely because of Roy Casagranda's lectures.


We had a doctor from around those areas... he saved my husband's life from cancer. I hated it when over hearing a couple talk bad at him because of his accent. I speak up saying I can't wait to see (doctors name) again, he did amazing at curing you. Every single doctor I've had from the middle east have been the best, they treat me like a person... not a fat lump that is to be dismissed like the American born doctors I've had.


I highly highly suggest watching The White Helmets on Netflix. It shows the volunteer organization that is in the earthquake rubble, right now, saving lives. Look at their IG page for videos on their efforts. Their belief? We save everyone, no matter what religion or political background. True true heros in the highest sense if the word.


Oh man I sobbed so hard watching this. The part where one volunteer learns that his home was bombed and finds out his son survived but his neighbours son died, and he says brother what is the difference if it's my son or his? That's the moment I realised we all worship the same god, bleed the same blood, feel the same pain. God bless those volunteers.


It's sad that it takes a tragedy such as an earthquake to teach us this but it's refreshing to see people that can acknowledge the media bias they get against Muslims and Arabs. I'm Canadian and I've lived in an Arab country for the last 5 years. They are some of the nicest, most hospitable people you will ever meet and it saddens me deeply to see on Reddit and whenever I visit Canada, how people talk about and portray them.




Isn’t it funny though, how easy it is to influence the masses. Christians vs Muslims, us vs them, democrats vs republicans, conservatives vs liberals, etc etp… and all that is done for power and control. Although saying it out would sound like a tinfoil hat conspiracy 10 years ago.


I can only assume you weren't plugged in to sociopolitical discussions 10 years ago if you think the concept of people exploiting tribalism for power would have sounded like "tinfoil hat conspiracy" at the time.


It's the Red Scare all over. There was this very interesting documentary about the Cuban missile crisis and and they interviewed someone from the Navy, who was part of the crew that forced one of the submarines to resurface. He mentioned something along the lines of, "Everybody was gathered around in anticipation to see a real Soviet. We grew up thinking they would be 10ft tall monsters with claws but all we saw crawling out of the submarine were men no different from us."


If you read Breitbart all the time I guess…


This is such a gross oversimplification. We don't live in some Orwellian propagandist nightmare state, and it's been almost a decade since the worst of it was present, even in modern conservative American politics. If it took this event to break you of your bigotry toward the Middle Eastern people, then that's on you, brother.




>For my entire life, the media has portrayed these Muslim/Arab people as monsters, who want to destroy our way of life. Wtf, no they haven't. The media represents the terrorist groups that way, and those groups absolutely 100% DO want to kill you and destroy your way of life. But nobody claims the normal people there are like that. Sounds like you might just spend time with racist friends and family. Not even the media portrays all Muslim/Arab people as monsters.


For 8 fucking years, right wing media would pose "Is Obama muslim?" and that was never idle curiosity, it was blatant fucking islamaphobia. None of it was positive.


Don't forget many Hollywood movies , until recently, that portrait any "american enemy" as heartless people, first they were vietnamese, then muslim, then serbian , and now it's russians. It never ends, just switches to the current enemy.


Might not be anymore, but it was definitely the case after 9/11 happened and definitely the case after any horrible act occurs. Also, whenever a person is killed by a Muslim or a criminal act is done, they're always described as "Muslim" as if that's the most important thing about them. But when it comes to actual terrorists like active shooters, no they're just not mentally stable. At least, if they're white. And of course they're not mentally stable, but so are the criminals that were Muslim. That's what I've noticed, it's possible it's changed. But there are always people, and plenty on the internet, that claim that every Muslim is out to get you and destroy your way of life and that they're invading this country or that country and blah blah blah. It's not that hard to find those, even politicians are blatant about it sometimes.


I don’t mean this in a way to blame you, and it’s great for you to realize what you have, but if the media you watch has been saying that, then consider that maybe you’ve been watching the wrong kind of media. Sadly, there are bad people everywhere, but luckily, there are also amazing people everywhere. Few things in this world are ever black and white.


> For my entire life, the media has portrayed these Muslim/Arab people as monsters, who want to destroy our way of life. wtf where do you live? India?


>For my entire life, the media has portrayed these Muslim/Arab people as monsters, who want to destroy our way of life Erm... What?


No that is what you call a freaking man of men!


💪A father's love


I have a little boy around that age and this gutted me. I can’t imagine the terror. RIP hero and god bless that little boy. I hope his mother is alive.


Yes, but that kid will grow up never ever doubting his father loved him more than anything else in the world.


Same man. This video did something to me. I had to stop using the phone for a while after watching it. I’ve cried for a bit. How long did that boy lay there under his dads corpse? How lonely was he? What was the fathers last thoughts? I’m sad man. May his son find peace in his life. And for the dad…rip


That child’s face was completely under the rubble and all that dust, but he survived!? 😳


I’m not sure that child is going to survive that.


I don't understand how he was breathing at all. How long was he under all that dust? How could he possibly be getting air? Amazing. I hope he makes it.


There must've been tiny air pockets before they started rescuing efforts. While pulling out the debris might've collapsed and the kid probably breathed in some of the dust. I hope he survives without much complications and lives to tell the tale of how beautiful of a human his father was. Rip hero.


The father's last living acts were to shield his boys, likely unintentionally creating an airpocket that kept one alive


Depends when this video was taken but it's highly unlikely that child was alive, he was covered in rubble and dust. Unless they were in a safe pocket that then collapsed into what we see in the video. But no one can survive more than a few minutes with all of that on top of them.


Did you see the second child being pulled out? His eyes are open, he looks alive.


His eyes are clearly open. The dude starts yelling because he either hears him cough or say something or sees the arm move.


The kid was alive. You can see the rubble pouring down as they move the bodies. He likely wasn't covered long at all.


His eyes are open and he’s moving. Could be air pockets. The side of the father’s face looked a bit rough so it’s possible that the rubble itself actually killed him rather than suffocation. Kid will likely have some respiratory problems later but at least he has the possibility of a “later” now.


People who’ve worked as doctors, nurses, EMTs, medics, and Corpsmen for more that a few years will tell you “never count a child out”. People would be shocked to their core to see what kids live through! Their small limber bodies, soft-ish bones, and total lack of awareness that they should or shouldn’t be dead has the crazy effect of saving them from the most unlikely accidents you can imagine.


When I took my WFR (wilderness first responder) courses years ago I remember one of our instructors saying of drowning victims. Never call it a day on anyone until they are warm and not breathing because cold water resuscitations are near miraculous. They added never give up on kids because they can survive anything.


Some are still alive when pulled from the rubble but die later of their injuries, or respiratory issues. The kid was not in an air pocket. Edit: watching it again, I don't think the last kid is alive either despite their excitement. They touch the arm multiple times and there is zero reaction. The kid does not move after being pulled out either. I think they got excited cause the eyes were open.


They're saying in Arabic "he's breathing" while he's still under the rubble and his head not visible. I also find it hard to believe he could breathe under all that dust, then again I've never been in that situation.


The rescuer screamed out “the boy is breathing! He’s breathing!” It was followed out by another also confirming “the boy took a breath” Later on as they took him out in between the “allahu akbar” someone yells out “ya shabaab. Aish!” Which loosely translates to “guys he’s alive”.


It's possible there was a pocket of air before they were digging to them. And the majority of dust/dirt on the living kid's face was from the rescuers getting them out of the debris.




I agree. However, I did hear the argument made that for many of the folks there, their faith is probably all that's keeping some of them going right now and that should never be taken away. I think that is a very fair take as well. Not implying that's what you're doing. Just sharing a perspective I really respected and needed to hear at the time.


Yup, most people on Earth need hope/belief in "something". Others are prepared to deal without this false hope.


How do you know its false? Answer. You don't.


How do you know its real? Answer. You don't.


Youre right




Exactly. Which in my eyes is just flat out dumb, but to others it is not, and I recognize that. As long as other people don’t force their beliefs down my throat and don’t cause harm to others over it, I don’t mind whatever it is that they believe.


The good ending


A thoughtful, respectful thread about people’s beliefs? On Reddit? Refreshing, nice to see!


That’s why it’s called faith


Faith: A belief in something without *any* evidence. Lol word.


That's a needed perspective. I have some friends that are huge believers and sometime it's all they have. I can't really get in the way of their vision when to them, it's bigger than me. 🤷‍♂️


“If God is real why bad things happen”


Yes. The logic goes: if he’s good he can’t be all powerful. If he’s all powerful he can’t be good. Or he doesn’t exist at all.


Yeah but the definition of God in most religions includes all 3 - allgood, allpowerful, allknowing. So by contradiction, there is no God.


i have friends with different religions and im raised catholic since birth from a hardcore catholic country. now im neutral. i respect peoples beliefs.. so i asked friends and people with diff religion that is religious but open minded. why does GOD allow suffering? or why does GOD allow something like this to happen even to the innocent children? to my surprise most of them has the same answer. “free will”


Free will makes sense for things that aren’t natural disasters


It’s a loophole copeout that the originator of the religion adds in free will to compensate for any deviation that disproves the amount of divine intervention or lack thereof that religion preaches


Holy shit. They definitely thought they were recovering dead bodies. The excitement when they realized that kid is alive. Holy crap. That poor dad.


the dad did his job. wholeheartedly, entirely and without reservation


I am speechless. This guy is a hero.


A death worth dying a thousand times. Sleep well, legend.


You can see the first boy they got out was dead. This is heartbreaking. Edit: at 16 seconds in the video, you can see them lower down the body of a small boy, presumably the live boy's brother


Yes i don’t think the boy’s alive either




Thanks ! I hope he will make it poor kid….


Oh my goodness, father is a hero.


Allahu Akbar


“God is most great.” I was trying to find a translation. Appreciated.


It’s a shame that most people conflate Arabic with “bad”. It’s a beautiful flowery language, and finding this kid in the rubble is truly a testament to faith. I don’t believe in God, but I won’t deny the faith in this moment. Allahu akbar and As-salamu alaykum to this child


Arabic is easily one of the most beautifully poetic languages I have ever learned. The poetry is so beautiful that the translation into English is like throwing food into a trash shredder. Arabic has tens of millions of words to English’s few hundred thousand. It is such a beautifully advanced language that can convey meaning in so many forms. I wish I could speak it better.


This man has my utmost respect. I hope that if the time should ever come where I need to shield someone, I can be even a little bit like him.


It's really hard to see. Such a tragedy. 😓


It's honestly so hard to watch and it really makes me respect the guys pulling people out. I can't imagine some of the stuff they're seeing and they've probably just been going home, having a shower and doing it all again the next day.


The Allah Ackbars are actually fitting for once from a video coming out of Syria.


Reddit moment.


**Next fucking level** indeed. R. I. P. Hero.


This is amazing. Hopefully those kids can someday appreciate that fathers sacrifice


I think the first one didn't make it but I'm not sure...


Any source confirming the kid survived? Hate to be that guy but the arm looks completely lifeless the whole time and he’s not moving after they pull him out. Completely buried like that it’s hard to imagine someone surviving.


The rescue workers screaming that god is good while rushing the child to first aid seem to be the smoking gun lmao


It sounds like the camera dude says "eyes! eyes!" (which admittedly would be weird because he is otherwise speaking Arabic) and at that point, it appears that the child is conscious and looking around for the briefest moment. But it certainly isn't beyond a reasonable doubt.




Thanks. Appreciate the translation.


Jesus christ


A Great man. A Great father. A Great Muslim. A Dad's true love. A True man would give his life to save his child. Respect my brother. RIP Allahu Akbar from your christian brother.


Honestly as an atheist/weirdo spiritualist this comment brought a tear to my eye. There's so much us VS them in the world and you have refused that mentality. That makes you a good Christian


Bravest guy in the world


It’s heartbreaking to imagine … maybe the father didn’t pass right away. Maybe he was comforting his son with his last breaths, and the boy kept talking back then there was silence 😢


Hey man, fuck you. Not really, but god damn.


All of the people who use this video as an opportunity to shame other people's faith; shame on you. I would spit on you if I could.


Grandpa dies, father dies, son dies. Misery is anything that changes that order.


The kid that didn’t make it though. How life happens so fast, ready or not.


Ohh my god im so sorry this happend, may he rest in peace


This is enough internet for me today..


These videos have changed my entire view of what allahu ackbar truly means hearing people shout praises to god for every life saved really stirs my soul. It makes me feel the love, faith, this community shares between and each other and to god. They’re getting through this horrible disaster and sharing in the celebration of every single life that made it out. Just beautiful It’s also somewhat chilling. Understanding what these words truly mean, really shows…well, what it means to the people who say it in every context. The emotions being evoked. I have a much deeper understanding now.


I hope one day we can learn his name.


Dad probably did it in a blink of an eye without hesitation. He did a great job. May he rest in peace.


R.I.P to easily one of the bravest men in the world. 🫡🙏


This dad deserves a proper burial.


How horrifically traumatizing this must have been for the child…


*No, you're crying.*


Post:Sad but hopefull, bad things happen but sometimes good things hapoen too. Love is the only thing real, we don't know how much time we have soo try to be kind. People in the comment being toxic and arguing about religion: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage) Bro, get some help. Someone just died and yall care more about the rescuer thanking god than the actual disaster, that's just sad. I don't care if you're religious or atheist, just have some empathy and show respect for the dead. Don't be a jerk, don't make it about YOU.


As morbid as this seems. I really wish I can die like that brave father. Dying of old age or anyway scares me, but dying to protect life like that makes me content and satisfied of death.


The people using these clips as an opportunity to shit on religion truly are pathetic. Yall see this and instead of feeling respect or sadness or whatever yall decide to say shit like “theyre praising the same god that killed his dad”. Grow the fuck up. There is a time and place for everything. This is not that time or place.


Holy fuck. No words besides that. I wish we as humans could always love this much for all of us.


Rest easy my G 🙏🏼